From July 1, 2018, EGAIS will accept only branded products for accounting from manufacturers and importers, i.e. products, the production or import of which was recorded by mark, or for which marks were assigned.

Products, the production or import of which were not taken into account by marking, will gradually be removed from circulation - sold and written off. In 2018-19, FSRAR plans to issue excise stamps of a new type so that branded bottles released after 07/01/2018 can even be visually distinguished from batch ones.

This documentation is of an explanatory methodological nature and, as reported on the website, will be updated in the future.


Currently, in the EGAIS system, balances are maintained in 2 registers:

Register 1 – wholesale accounting register. Products are stored in batches in the context of registration forms, RFU1 and RFU2 (certificates A and B).

Register 2 – balance register trading floor. Products are stored by alcohol name and manufacturer/importer (by alcohol code). Details of FFU1 and FFU2 are missing.

The remainder of the registers do not duplicate each other, but complement each other.


To maintain blot records, an additional section for storing products has been created (according to the bar codes on the bottle) - register 3. This section complements the existing ones and does not create an additional balance of products, i.e. contains only the brand code and link to the product batch (to unique number RFU2).

Batch products are stored in registers 1 and 2. Blotted products use only registers 1 and 3. As batch products are disposed of, register 2 will be abolished.

The mechanism for writing off unlabeled products (beer, beer drinks, cider, poire, mead) remains unchanged.

As for public catering, starting from the New Year, the document “Writ-off Act” in the Unified State Automated Information System will be supplemented with a field containing the value of the bar code of the excise stamp pasted on the bottle being written off. You can get this value only by scanning only the brand from which you are writing off the bottle. It turns out that in order to write off sold alcohol daily, all of it will need to be scanned with a barcode scanner.

How does this option differ from selling alcohol through a store cash register? Only because stores are required to scan every bottle on every receipt, and catering can do this in one document per shift.


The following schedule for the transition to blotted accounting in the Unified State Automated Information System has been preliminarily approved:

Test period (until 02/01/2018) - the system will allow you to work in a new format using register No. 3, the balances of which will be controlled only within the organization. The active phase of the test period began on December 20, 2017.

Transition period (from 02/01/2018 to 07/01/2018) - work will continue on two versions of documents, control of the presence of marks in register No. 3 will be carried out not only within the organization, but also within other organizations, i.e. Global control of duplicate excise stamps will be implemented.

Industrial operation (after 07/01/2018) - the system will accept documents regarding branded products only version 3 (if available for this type of document). The system will not allow products to be shipped with an incomplete number of brands of branded products indicated. Remaining batches of products can be shipped without indicating bar codes from the stamps. Fixing production and imports will be possible only in blot-out mode. The system will monitor the presence of stamps on the balances of register No. 3 within the entire Unified State Automated Information System.

In order to encourage wholesale companies to switch to blotted accounting, FSRAR will, during the transition period, change the minimum bar code limits for each batch, which will need to be indicated in documents. Those. A full accounting of all bar codes of stamps in a batch will not be required, but it will be necessary to enter from 5 stamps in February to 60 stamps in June for each batch in the document. This will show FSRAR which organizations are preparing for the transition and which are leaving everything to the last minute.

What are the dangers of falsifying alcohol records?

FSRAR will not require an inventory of alcohol balances by brand and entering this information into the system. The transition process will be smooth, with the natural replacement of batch residues in the system with blots, which will greatly facilitate the transition to new system.

However, the new register for storing brands and working with it will require a global update of all software, along with a working methodology taking into account alcoholic products for all levels - both for wholesale with production and import, and for retail, and for public catering.

And this will have to be done no later than 02/01/2018, or better even earlier, because requirements for working with register No. 3 are planned for both the test period and the transition period. It is not yet clear how this will be controlled by the regulator and what sanctions await those who violate them.

It is also not yet clear how long the sale of batch products delivered to stores and restaurants before 07/01/2018 will be allowed.

The need to reflect each excise stamp in the invoice will inevitably entail a serious restructuring of the process of working with strong alcohol. And first of all – for retail outlets.

With the introduction of EGAIS 3.0. you will have to rebuild the process of receiving alcohol - you will need to acquire a 2D scanner and an access point to the Unified State Automated Information System at the place where the goods are received. Upon arrival of a shipment of alcohol, immediately scan all excise stamps from each bottle brought and, if discrepancies are identified, immediately send a rejection report for the corresponding bottle.

As always, we urge you not to put off these issues “for later” and to thoughtfully approach the process of transition to scratch-based accounting in EGAIS.

In 2018 in the field retail alcoholic beverages will appear again important changes. FS Rosalkogolregulirovanie introduces a phased transition to the third version of document exchange in EGAIS or EGAIS 3.0. The main innovation is the blotted accounting of alcohol.

The methodology for registering alcohol in the Unified State Automated Information System is currently at the development stage and may be updated by FSRAR in the future. In our article we have collected the current provisions on EGAIS version 3 in accordance with the latest legislative amendments.

You will learn:

  • What is EGAIS 3.0 or blotted alcohol accounting?
  • How to work with this in retail?
  • What are the deadlines for the transition to EGAIS version 3?

What is EGAIS 3.0 or blotted alcohol accounting?

So, in 2018, all participants in the alcohol market will need to switch to the third data exchange format or EGAIS 3.0.

The third version of data exchange is the so-called “blot” accounting. Its main feature is that now a list of all excise stamps will be stored in incoming documents.

According to the new rules, retail stores must restructure their work to scan each unit of labeled alcoholic beverages at all stages of its movement: from acceptance from the supplier to sale at the checkout. To do this, it is necessary to update commodity accounting systems.

There is now talk that suppliers will put a special barcode on a box or pallet of alcohol. It will contain data on all excise stamps in the box, which will greatly simplify the work of the operator and merchandiser. This question is subject to approval by government agencies.

How to work with this in retail?

Having studied the methodology of the third format or EGAIS 3.0, it becomes clear that it is unlikely that suppliers and manufacturers will scan every bottle of alcohol upon shipment. Most likely, they will shift these problems to retail. In other words, in case of misgrading, all responsibility will lie with retail stores, not the supplier.

From this we can draw one conclusion: no matter what amendments and new barcodes are adopted, goods will still have to be scanned. Store employees will need to check the compliance of the sent tax stamps upon acceptance.

Each business owner determines for himself how he will do this. You can use a 2D barcode scanner or a data collection terminal (DCT). Let's briefly look at both options.

Using a 2D Barcode Scanner

The main advantage of this solution is cost. On average, barcode scanners can be purchased for 5,000 rubles. It is unlikely that this amount will significantly affect the company's budget. But there are the following disadvantages when using this method:

  • the ability to work with only one invoice;
  • human errors cannot be ruled out;
  • scanning must be done from the workplace of a merchandiser or operator;
  • it is impossible to check the brand for legality.

Using TSD

Let's consider the option of purchasing TSD as a profitable investment in business.

Advantages of using TSD:

  • The operator or merchandiser will be able to make acceptance at any place where the goods are located, which will save time.
  • TSD can work with documents such as: customer order, inventory of goods, movement of goods (if you have several retail outlets and warehouses). Note that modern mobile software allows you to set up work with any document from the commodity accounting system that the user needs.
  • When entering and working with alcoholic beverages using EGAIS version 3, modern mobile software allows you to immediately check the excise stamp not only for compliance with the list, but also for legality.
  • TSD allows you to eliminate errors due to the human factor. The operator or merchandiser will be able to perform all basic business processes on the TSD.
  • For work, you can use both a TSD and a smartphone if its camera can read the PDF 417 barcode.

What are the deadlines for the transition to EGAIS version 3?

FSRAR has outlined the following transition dates:

  • test period – until February 1, 2018;
  • transition period – from February 1, 2018 to July 1, 2018.

Also, all participants in the alcohol market are concerned about the question of what to do with products received before July 1, 2018. Most the right way- this is to sell off the balances that arrived before the deadline for the entry into EGAIS 3.0.

In addition, in 2018, FSRAR plans to issue new excise stamps to make it possible to distinguish products that arrived before July 1, 2018.

Let's sum it up

So, in 2018, all participants in the alcohol market will need to switch to the third data exchange format or EGAIS 3.0. The methodology for marking alcohol accounting is currently at the development stage. This is the right time to calmly prepare for changes and avoid force majeure and fines in the future. We recommend that you think in advance about how to implement work according to new state requirements with minimal effort and purchase suitable equipment in a timely manner.

If you want to always receive up-to-date data from the commodity accounting system and make life easier for your employees, it makes more sense to purchase TSD. If you have not decided which model of equipment to choose, please contact our company. Specialists will be happy to advise you on all issues of working with EGAIS 3.0, select optimal equipment taking into account business requirements, train employees, and also provide technical support in the future.

Since 2018, Rosalkogolregulirovanie has introduced mandatory piecemeal accounting of alcohol. The changes will affect only those goods that are currently subject to labeling. These innovations are being introduced supervisory authority in order to ensure control of the movement of alcohol along the entire path, from production to purchase by the end consumer.

Who will be affected by the piecemeal regime?

The introduction of the piecemeal regime from 2018 will affect:

  • importers,
  • wholesale suppliers,
  • retailers,
  • manufacturers.

Starting from March 1, 2018, all companies participating in the alcohol products market will be able to record invoices only in the new version of the format. From this date, each market participant will be able to accept documents of the new version automatically.

EGAIS 3.0 calendar for 2018

At the end of 2017, the FS RAR slightly shifted the timing of the implementation of innovations - they will come into force not from January 1, as planned, but from January 15.

In the next month and a half (01/15/18 – 03/01/18) the implementation of the preparatory stage is planned. In other words, the new acts will contain a field in which companies will need to indicate when moving individual barcodes in PDF417 format indicated on the excise stamp of each item of goods. Everything received before January 15, 2018 will be accounted for as before until it is fully implemented.

Rosalkogolregulirovanie promises to set deadlines for implementation next year. This information is not yet available. Most likely, it will appear after July 1, 2018, when the body understands the approximate volumes of residues.

After March 1, companies will be able to use a mixed accounting scheme: what is received while being accounted for by the piece must be written off the same piece, and what was received earlier without a blot account can be written off as before. But, we remind you that after March 1, 2018, it will be possible to ship and receive goods only individually at the wholesale level.

The period of mixed accounting will allow companies to gradually and painlessly switch to a new work scheme. Will last this stage until July 01, 2018.

And after July 1, all companies will be able to sell alcoholic products exclusively on a per-piece basis.

Fines. FS RAR warns

Those who do not comply with these requirements will be subject to severe penalties.

FS RAR warns that this may even mean deprivation of your alcohol license. Therefore, this issue cannot be joked about.


To limit the circulation of alcohol that was not accounted for individually, FS RAR will introduce a new brand design next year. For now we can only guess how things will change appearance this mandatory identifier for alcoholic beverages.

For each FSRAR_ID, a new register of balances must be created (Register No. 3), in which, in fact, piece accounting will be carried out.

Companies can gradually switch to a new register - Register No. 2 will be abolished only after piece accounting has been fully introduced.

From July 1, 2018, companies will be able to upload to EGAIS only those documents that indicate the full number of identifiers for each piece of goods. Batch products will not be affected by these changes.

What needs to be done now?

The Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market (FSRAR) has made changes to the document flow system - now the acceptance of alcoholic products in the Unified State Automated Information System is carried out individually. This innovation, as commented by RAP, is necessary to track the movement of each unit of labeled alcoholic beverages from the manufacturer to the end consumer.
At the same time, the changes will affect only labeled alcohol products and will not apply to the sale of ethyl alcohol, alcohol-containing products and unlabeled alcohol.

In order to ensure piece-by-piece accounting, new document formats, version 3, are being introduced and an additional piece-by-piece Register No. 3 is being created, which is maintained separately for each - FSRAR_ID.

IN personal account new participants are available on the portal electronic documents format 3.0. While their use is not mandatory, you can familiarize yourself with them and work in test mode.

Who was affected by the changes and how?

  1. Importers and producers of alcohol must keep records of each brand during production, import, and shipment of goods.
  2. Enterprises by wholesale alcohol must be taken into account for each brand when shipping goods.
  3. Alcohol retail must account for the receipt and sale of alcoholic beverages on a per-brand basis.
  4. Enterprises Catering must keep records of alcohol by mark upon receipt and sale.

Time frame for the transition to the new alcohol accounting system

  1. The transition (test) period is valid from January 1, 2018 to March 01, 2018, the EGAIS system will accept documents of both versions 2 and 3, while it is acceptable to record a report without indicating digital identifiers or indicating their incomplete quantity during production, import, shipment of alcohol.
  2. January 15, 2018 provides for the registration and write-off of alcoholic beverages marked “retail sales”.
  3. From July 1, 2018, all representatives of alcohol retail are required to switch to a new document flow. You can work with EGAIS version 3 documents through the LiteBox service.
LiteBox offers ready-made solution for enterprises working with EGAIS: cash register equipment at manufacturer prices + software for working with EGAIS and wide functionality for business automation in general. In addition, the company operates a 24-hour service technical support, helping to resolve issues that arise when working with the program.

Lightbox is one of the most functional solutions according to EGAIS in the retail market. For example, Lightbox implements features that are missing in most services:

  1. automatic write-off based on sales results (USAIS);
  2. opening containers at the checkout;
  3. formation of an alcohol declaration.
In addition, standard functions are implemented here as conveniently as possible:
  • work with EGAIS invoices;
  • ability to work with Unified State Automated Information System (registers, write-off);
  • request for unreadable PDF stamp;
  • restriction of sales by days of the week and hours;
  • maintaining a unified turnover database in the store, warehouse and online store.

What questions may arise from alcohol retail market participants in connection with the new rules?

1. How to drink alcohol in large quantities?

When accepting a batch of goods, scanning barcodes individually will take a lot of time. To solve this issue, PAP offers a new way of accounting for products - aggregation. Aggregation involves the formation of a batch of goods with the assignment of a specific bar code, which will include information about each bottle from this batch. In the future, when selling piece goods, each unit of goods will be scanned.

2. Is it necessary to use a 2D scanner in catering establishments (cafes, bars, restaurants)?

Piece-by-piece labeling of alcoholic products will also affect public catering stores selling strong alcohol, which previously did not write off alcohol when selling goods using a 2D scanner. From July 1, 2018, cafes, bars and other catering establishments are required to purchase necessary equipment for reading codes from alcohol stamps and federal special stamps.

The new document flow format 3.0 provides for the mandatory indication of data using bar codes with FSM/AM. Unlike alcohol stores, at catering establishments the alcohol sold per day can be provided in one document (write-off act) per shift.

Write-offs for the sale of beer and beer drinks, cider, mead, and poiret are advisory in nature and are made at your discretion.

3. What does catering need to connect and work in EGAIS?

    personal computer or laptop with Internet access;

    cash register equipment compatible with EGAIS;

    UTM (universal transport module) for exchanging information with EGAIS;

    a program for interaction with UTM - an accounting system where all product movements are carried out - from the acceptance of technical specifications from suppliers to the formation of balances in Unified State Automated Information System;

    JaCarta crypto key for the formation of a CEP (qualified electronic signature);

    2D barcode scanner to meet the requirements of the 3rd version of EGAIS documents.

Let's sum it up

The new format of EGAIS 3.0 documents defines mandatory piece-by-piece accounting of alcoholic products, which should take into account a complete list of specific excise stamps. In other words, EGAIS will stop operating with ranges of excise stamps and will start working with each specific stamp.

Since 2018, the rules for accounting for alcoholic beverages will also apply to catering establishments selling alcohol.

With the aim of smooth transition of all participants in the alcohol market for piece accounting, the balances of alcoholic products as of 07/01/2018, and received from other market participants without specifying new digital identifiers, can be taken into account in the system according to a previously established scheme until it is fully sold in the organization - without piece accounting. However, for such products, a deadline for their sale and withdrawal from circulation will be introduced. The period will be determined after 07/01/2018, based on the balances on the market.

Elena Fetisova - LiteBox analyst

LiteBox - trade automation company

First of all, the new version of EGAIS 3.0 monitors the legality of alcohol not only in the field of wholesale supplies, but also in retail. This is where, according to experts, there is a huge share of counterfeit products.

Previously, manufacturers and wholesale suppliers alcohol used serial accounting of excise stamps. For a batch of alcohol, excise stamps were issued equal to the number of bottles produced. Where excise taxes were tied not to the bottle, but to the released batch. It was clear that the bottle from the batch corresponded to one or another linked code from the assigned range of excise taxes, but it was not clear which one.

This order led to confusion: the same bottle at retail could be resold several times and end up on stock in several stores at once, and ultimately be recognized as counterfeit at the point where the inspection came.

To eliminate confusion in stores, the state decided to involve the retail segment in alcohol control. As part of the new EGAIS 3.0 protocol, the excise stamp will be tied not to a batch of alcohol, but to a specific bottle.

The following should be kept in accounting within the framework of EGAIS 3.0:

  • public catering
  • alcohol producers
  • importers
  • outlets
  • suppliers

Manufacturers will report to the Unified State Automated Information System on the volume of alcohol produced, with the obligatory indication of codes from the stamps. Suppliers, in turn, will indicate in the invoices a complete list of excise stamps attached to the bottles.

Retail stores and food service establishments must scan brand codes from each bottle when accepting alcohol.(for checking invoices), as well as during its implementation (for the purpose of write-off within the framework of Unified State Automated Information System 3.0). Accordingly, the barcodes of all bottles will be indicated both in the acts of registration and in the acts of write-off.

EGAIS 3.0 will prohibit placing alcohol on your balance sheet, the code of which is on balances in another organization.

When moving bottles from store to store, you will also need to keep a record of each bottle.

The new EGAIS 3.0 system applies exclusively to labeled alcohol products. It will not affect:

  • ethanol;
  • alcohol-containing products;
  • unlabeled alcoholic products (beer, low-alcohol drinks).

Time frame for transition to EGAIS 3.0

The EGAIS 3.0 system will be implemented in three stages: testing, transition period and industrial operation. Companies will be able to gradually change their operations to meet the new requirements and avoid fines for non-compliance.

Testing (until 02/01/2018)

Until February 1, EGAIS accepted documents old version 2.0 and new 3.0. Blotted products were allowed to be produced and shipped with an incomplete number of stamps indicated. EGAIS did not control the presence of stamps on the balances of other organizations.

Transition period (from 02/01/2018 to 07/01/2018)

From the first of February to the first of July, production and imports will be prohibited from being counted under the second protocol.

Manufacturers and importers will begin to keep records exclusively in scratch mode (USAIS 3.0). But at this stage, it is still allowed to ship branded products with an incomplete number of stamps indicated.

Rosakogolregulirovanie will not punish retail and public catering for errors and omissions in accounting.

Industrial operation (from 07/01/2018)

From July 1, 2018, all organizations without exception will switch to blind accounting of alcohol.

Production reports will begin to show the number of bar codes equal to the number of bottles produced.

EGAIS 3.0 will not allow shipping products indicating an incomplete number of stamps, as well as duplicating stamps. It will become impossible to put on the balance sheet products whose bar code was used to sell or otherwise write off.

What to expect from the transition to EGAIS 3.0

The main goal of EGAIS 3.0 is to strengthen control over the circulation of alcohol in order to reduce the volume of counterfeit and low-quality products.

And if you look at this goal, then the end buyer will only benefit from innovations. But businesses will still have to adapt to the new order.

In the very simple case Alcohol retailers will have to do practically nothing except update programs that work with EGAIS. Other companies, in connection with the transition to EGAIS 3.0, will have to purchase control equipment that allows them to check and record excise stamps (barcode scanner and data collection terminal).

All previously shipped remaining alcohol (before 02/01/2018), retail outlets can take into account and sell according to the old rules until full sale.

Rosalkogolregulirovanie does not yet represent the actual volumes of old batches, so the deadline for sale will be known closer to July 2018.