IN lately Electronic education is very popular among people who want to continue their education. Interesting and useful experience can be found on the website food Tatar ru, how to get the so-called electronic education.

This website contains absolutely all educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan: from preschool education to professional institutions. They all have a clear structure by region. The website food Tatar ru electronic education provides such complete information that anyone can choose the necessary educational institution for themselves or their children. The site provides an opportunity to get acquainted with teachers and teachers, with the program of study of interest in a particular educational institution, as well as submit an application for admission to the chosen institution.

The food Tatar ru website, dedicated to e-education, contains the most complete information about ongoing events and various competitions that take place in the field of education in the Republic of Tatarstan and are aimed at increasing the level of knowledge and expanding the educational horizons of students in the region.

Edu is essentially an electronic diary of digital education. Any educational institution The Republic of Tatarstan can take part in this useful project. You just need to fill out the e-education card for Tatar Ru food with the necessary content. Every school in the Republic of Tatarstan has Tatars for food. electronic diary There is a specially designated place for creating your own Internet page with a management system.

The administrator’s work is significantly simplified with the help of an Internet resource where the electronic diary of the educational institution is filled out. To fill out a page for food Tatar ru electronic diary, you do not need to buy or pay for a website. The administration system is very simple and allows anyone to easily cope with the proposed capabilities of the site builder.

To avoid any problems with uninterrupted work with the Tatar ru portal, an electronic diary to be filled out must be created in the Internet Explorer browser. Other browsers, such as Safari or Opera, sometimes do not work very correctly with edu and filling out an electronic diary. Sometimes problems arise, such as the inability to save results, inaccessibility of control buttons, and others.

First you need to log in to Tatar ru, indicating your username and password. An electronic diary for the administrator will open when he, in turn, goes to from his page.

Eating Tatar ru electronic educational diary offers a walkthrough distance course training in a variety of disciplines. Not only residents of the Republic of Tatarstan, but also other visitors to the website can take part in such distance education. A necessary requirement for food Tatar ru electronic diary is mandatory registration, which allows you to log into your personal account and from there manage your learning process.

The site will be very useful not only for students, but also for teachers, since it contains all the necessary guidelines for working with children and for correctly presenting new material in any discipline. To do this, you also need to go through the usual registration procedure.


Secondary schools no longer need to think about how to create their own website, they do not need to create the source code for their website project, pay a lot of money for posting information, and then for maintaining the school website.

Now that's it secondary schools The Republics of Tatarstan can post all their data absolutely free of charge on the website edu tatar ru, where all detailed information entered into an electronic diary. The administration system on the website is very simple. It is accessible to any teacher who can easily handle the placement of the necessary information.

Currently, access to the Tatar ru portal, where all electronic diaries are located, is limited.

In order to enter the edu tatar ru portal with electronic education as a guest and view the information on your Internet page, you first need to type the address and enter the login “tatedu” and password “tat09” there.

But if you want to log into the edu tatar ru system, which deals with electronic education, as the administrator of your page or the page of an educational institution, then you need to type the address In this case, you can find out the password and login by calling the following phone number - 246 26 07.

To start working in the edu tatar ru system, in which you can fill out the electronic diary of your educational institution, you must become familiar with detailed instructions on using the system. Otherwise, various errors may occur, leading to duplication of work.

In the address bar, enter the address An authorization form will immediately appear in front of you. When filling out an electronic diary, a user of the Tatar ru system first enters a personal login and password. After entering them, you must click on “Login”. If you performed the actions correctly, the user must get to the “Personal Account” page. If your login and password are entered incorrectly, you will be immediately notified of an error.

Problems of working on the website edu tatar ru, dedicated to electronic education, and simple ways their solutions:

To connect a mail agent on your computer via a proxy server, you must specify the proxy server in the settings, as well as the login and password issued to the user in the EovRT system;

problem that has arisen: after authorization has been carried out, desktop computers (which are connected via wires to local network via twisted pairs) sometimes freeze and the entry “authorization in mail” pops up. You can solve this problem as follows: type the address, press ENTER (without \logon). After these manipulations, the questionnaire will immediately open;

Sometimes parents are faced with the problem of transferring their children from one class to another in the middle of the school year. In this case, click the “MOVE” button in editing the student’s profile;

If you use a laptop, the connection may often be interrupted and a window with the entry “NO ACCESS” will appear. A break may occur when a new laptop is connected to the system. It has already been noted that after about 50 seconds a reconnection occurs, so it is better to wait a minute after the connection is lost. Reconnection in Windows occurs automatically. However, if this does not happen, then the following actions must be taken:
1) update search WI-FI networks,
2) first turn it off, and then immediately turn it on laptop WI-FI(on a ray computer, press the key combination FN + F7 - highlighted); 3) as a last resort, restart the computer, as a result of which the connection may be restored again;

Since there is no ready-made curriculum stencil on the site, you can completely make your own from scratch. To do this, you need to log in as the “My School” administrator user. Then, going to the “Curriculum Plans” section, find “Individual Plan” and enter all subjects by grade (SETTINGS appear as soon as the checkbox is checked and the current positions are saved). The next step is to go to the CLASSES section. Select the created Individual Plan for the class. Then you need to click on “save” and go to “SCHEDULE”. Subjects for teachers are assigned in the “Employees” section;

The sequence of “DIVISION INTO GROUPS” will be as follows. First you need to come from the “School Principal”. “My School” will appear, select “Classes”, then “Pg”. After this, we add “Class Subgroups” for all subjects. We save everything. Then select “List of classes”, “Teacher” and calmly begin to distribute students into groups. We save all the information again. Since teachers are assigned corresponding lessons (“Staff”), the schedule will indicate groups. Now distribute the teachers into groups.

2) it is better to install - a static proxy, and not http:\\proxy.sch (possibly;

3) the magazine will appear if you log in as a school director and approve everything. It is necessary to add all the teachers and students, distribute subjects among teachers, enter the class schedule and approve everything. Only after this a journal will appear, and students will have a diary;

4) on desktop computers it is better to create profiles as for students, and install them there in the same way as on laptops, while saving them. Later, don't forget to disable saving passwords in your browser. It is necessary to delete the previous settings from govtatar, this can be done through the “Control Panel - Accounts”;

5) do WI-FI connection automatic;

6) in order to open the Internet on laptops via WI-FI, you need to go to first without a proxy, but using your password and login. Click on the button

IN at the moment The education system is at the stage of progressive development. In many educational institutions The Republic of Tatarstan is already conducting detailed reporting in electronic format. This ensures close interaction between all participants in the educational process and significantly increases its overall effectiveness. The modern electronic diary of the Republic of Tatarstan Edu tatar ru is the key to interaction.

Nowadays there is no longer a problem in familiarizing students’ parents with all the details of the educational process, current events, and level of academic performance. Absolutely everything can be tracked in real time on the appropriate portal. It is known that, unfortunately, mothers and fathers do not always have the opportunity to regularly visit school in person and communicate with teachers: there is no time, schedules do not coincide, and they also need to devote time to raising children at home.

But now you can interact with teachers remotely and monitor the full picture of your children’s learning. It is enough to log into your personal account of the electronic diary of the Republic of Tatarstan to immediately find out everything necessary information.

What exactly does a student’s diary provide, what are the advantages of electronic education, full reporting in virtual access? Let's look at the important points.

First of all, the very fact of accessibility and openness of information is of great importance. Parents and people responsible for raising a child (for example, guardians) get access to a personal account on the site. And from the electronic diary they can get all the information about educational process, the child’s achievements, planned events.

  • Data on the final performance of students and the results of their certification must be reflected. The service will help you find out your grades for the year, as well as all quarters. Unfortunately, parents are not always able to get acquainted with all the scores in time. That is why such information is not deleted, but continues to be stored until the child completes his studies.
  • For all independent, tests Not only grades are given, but also teachers’ comments on them. This is very important for further development, stimulation and training of students. It is useful to read the comments to the students themselves, as well as to their fathers and mothers, who help prepare for lessons. Sometimes such comments help make sure that it is time for the child to hire a tutor for intensive preparation.
  • Also, the electronic diary must contain information about the student’s attendance at classes and events at school. If there are gaps, they will certainly be displayed with specific dates and number of classes. Thus, if a child suddenly misses a lesson, parents will be immediately informed about it.
  • Behavior is also considered separately. On the portal you can find out how well your child behaves, whether he is attentive in class, whether he shows diligence, hard work and curiosity in class. Teachers now strive to carefully monitor not only the process of education and learning itself, but also the psychological and emotional state of children. This is also extremely important and affects training and its effectiveness.
  • Useful information - current school schedules. Parents will definitely find this information, gleaned from the electronic diary of a Tatarstan schoolchild, useful. This plays a special role when mothers and fathers directly control the process of preparing for lessons. You can study with your child additionally in specific subjects, choosing the most suitable days, and check the progress of homework on time.
  • There is information about all past and upcoming events. They can be educational or creative. The events are school-wide and class-wide in nature. It is also useful for parents to learn about them in advance in order to be fully prepared for the event and to prepare their children. Nowadays, mothers increasingly devote a lot of attention to raising their children, so for them great value has such comprehensive awareness of all school affairs, creative and sports, and social events.

The electronic diary also provides detailed information about homework. It is very convenient to view such information in real time, and then check directly at home, on your own, how well your child has prepared for the upcoming lessons. Information is especially needed by mothers who are used to preparing homework with their children, as well as giving them tests.

Login to your personal account “Edu tatar ru”

Log in to your personal account electronic journal Edu tatar ru will not be difficult. To do this, you need to go to the official website of the e-education portal, where all reports are stored. An individual password and login must be used. They are received from their class teacher.

In some schools, gymnasiums electronic reporting is handled by a special employee. It provides all parents with the necessary data for subsequent access to students’ electronic diaries.

View ratings

It is very convenient to view grades in the electronic diary of Tatarstan. To do this, just log into the portal with your password and login, using almost any means of communication, a stable Internet connection. A smartphone or personal computer will do.

If you can’t access the Internet from your device, this won’t be a problem either. Everything is provided. Parents can come to their own educational institution, where their child is studying, and right there view all the information in the student’s electronic diary. For this purpose, appropriate rooms with access to an electronic portal are specially equipped.

Electronic education

Now e-education is available to everyone. The most important thing is to regularly log into Edu tatar ru, an electronic diary. All information is available. It will depend only on the parents themselves whether they will take advantage of such a wonderful opportunity: constantly monitor the educational process of their children, help them, and fully support their education.

Full version

IN full version Portal you can see a lot of interesting information important for education and development. Portfolios, tabs for various competitions and communities, and extracurricular activities (sports, educational, creative) are posted here.

It is very important that a version of the site is also presented for people with disabilities - for the visually impaired. If you have any difficulties in working with the system, or if you have problems logging into the site, you can always contact the service technical support. The class teacher can also provide appropriate assistance and give all the necessary explanations.


Another useful one additional service for parents – information via SMS messages. Thanks to such messages, parents can always find out everything important information about the child's learning process. Subscription to the newsletter can be easily completed in your personal account.

Development innovative technologies makes our life more comfortable and convenient. Technology has not spared the education system either. If you are a resident of the Republic of Tatarstan and are related to educational process, then you will definitely be interested in electronic education of the Republic of Tatarstan (food Tatars). Uses this platform huge amount people, including teachers, students and their parents. Electronic education in the Republic of Tatarstan allows teachers to gain access to advanced technologies for automating the educational process, parents to control the educational process via the Internet, and students receive everything they need for school and extracurricular activities.

Electronic education in the Republic of Tatarstan makes the educational process in the Republic of Tatarstan high-quality and accessible. If you are interested in using this digital educational platform, then this review will be useful for you. We will tell you how to register on the Internet resource and gain access to electronic education of the Republic of Tatarstan. This guide will be relevant regardless of whether you are a teacher, a student or a parent who wants to monitor the life and progress of their children at school via a computer or phone.

  • Important
  • To manage the educational process on the website you need to obtain a login and password to enter the system from the class teacher.

Possibilities of electronic education in the Republic of Tatarstan

Before registering on the website, you should figure out exactly how e-education in the Republic of Tatarstan will be useful for you. Many believe that is only useful for parents who want to access an electronic diary and thereby become closer to the educational process. Indeed, the RT electronic diary is very convenient and is actively used by many parents, but the website has many other opportunities that will be useful not only for parents, but also for teachers and students.

The following features are available on the “Electronic Education of the Republic of Tatarstan” portal:

  • Viewing electronic magazines and diaries of your children;
  • Submitting an application for admission of a child to school, kindergarten or other educational institution;
  • View educational programs, curricula and class schedules;
  • View scheduled school events;
  • Payment for services of additional education institutions;
  • View information about enrollment in an educational institution, results of entrance exams;
  • Access to didactic materials;
  • Advanced technologies for automating the educational process for teachers.

Of course, this is not all the capabilities of the “Electronic Education of the Republic of Tatarstan” portal. In fact, this resource has enormous functionality. It is best if you familiarize yourself with the portal's capabilities. It is safe to say that if you are in one way or another related to the educational process, then electronic education in the Republic of Tatarstan will become an indispensable assistant for you. To gain access to the portal's capabilities, you must register on the website Don't worry, this process won't take much time.

Registration on the electronic education portal of the Republic of Tatarstan

Most services available on the website are provided only to registered users. If you have not logged into the system, then only information about organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan, presented on the resource in the public domain, will be available to you. Login to electronic education in the Republic of Tatarstan is made using a login and password, which must first be obtained from the school administration or from the class teacher. If you already have the data necessary for authorization at your disposal, then half the job is done. Why half? To use the “Electronic Education of the Republic of Tatarstan” portal, you must log in to the system through the ESIA.

If you still don't have account in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (identification and authentication system), then it needs to be created. Initially, the system was created to provide the ability for citizens to register on the State Services portal. Now the ESIA allows you to log in to various platforms, including the “Electronic Education of the Republic of Tajikistan” portal. The procedure for creating an account in the identification and authentication system does not involve any difficulties. As you already understand, to create an unified identification and authentication system you need. The corresponding instructions are given below.

To register with the ESIA, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the link to enter the official website of the State Services;
  2. Find the “Register” button on the page and click on it;
  3. Please indicate your last name, first name, mobile phone, email and click on the “Register” button;
  4. Confirm your phone number by entering the code received via SMS in the appropriate field and click “Continue”;
  5. Create a password that will be used to enter your personal State Services account and click “Done.”
  6. Congratulations, you have created an ESIA State Services account. Now you need to confirm your identity. We talked about it in a separate article, so we won’t dwell on this issue now. There are several ways to confirm your account, and everyone can choose the best option for themselves. Perhaps it will be most convenient. After creating an ESIA account and confirming your identity, you can log in to e-education of the Republic of Tatarstan. The corresponding instructions are given below.

    Authorizations on the website

    When you have at your disposal the login and password received from the class teacher or the administration of the educational institution, as well as an account in the ESIA, you can log in to the e-education of the Republic of Tatarstan and gain access to all the capabilities of the resource. Initially, you need to log in to the system using the login and password that you received at school, and only after that you are linked to your account in the Unified Identification and Logistics System.

    To enter e-education RT, follow these steps:

    1. Follow the link;
    2. In the authorization form, click on the link “Log in via ESIA”;
    3. Enter your account details in the Unified Identification and Logistics System;
    4. Enter the username and password you received at school;
    5. Confirm your connection to the ESIA.

    After the first login to the electronic education of the Republic of Tatarstan, you will be asked to fill out a number of data in your personal account. Most of your information will already be filled in, since you provided personal information when registering with unified system identification and authentication (USIA).

    Electronic diary of RT

    Do you want to view grades from your child's electronic diary? Enter your login and password to access e-education in your personal account on the portal and you will receive full control over the educational process. You can also view the electronic diary of the Republic of Tatarstan on the website or in a special application. To enter your personal account of the electronic journal, you need to obtain a login and password from the school administration or from the class teacher. After authorization, to view the electronic diary of the Republic of Tatarstan, you need to go to the “My Diary” section in your personal account. After this, you will be able to study the electronic RT diary belonging to your child.

Parents of children studying in educational institutions of Tatarstan have the opportunity to participate in the best possible way in the educational process of the school. Tatar food ru electronic diary was created especially for this purpose, thanks to which new opportunities appeared not only for parents, but also for teaching staff, and students. This online diary immediately appealed to parents who do not have the opportunity to attend school often enough to monitor the progress of schoolchildren.

In addition, Tatar food ru electronic diary allows you to establish a productive dialogue with class teacher. This communication, undoubtedly, will only lead to positive results in raising a child, because, as you know, it is easier to prevent a situation than to correct it later. And a modern child can have quite a few of these, starting from academic performance and ending with relationships with peers.

Advantages of an electronic diary

On the Tatar food ru website, an electronic diary offers parents to keep abreast of their child’s daily progress. Grades for subjects are given promptly; here you can also get information about the average score in the subject, which is a good incentive for the child to improve their knowledge.

Tatar food ru electronic diary - Advantages

This service of the portal Tatar food ru electronic diary allows you to get the following advantages when accessing the portal:

  • prompt receipt of information about the child’s progress;
  • relevance of information about behavior;
  • saving parents time on going to school.

To gain access to the electronic diary, you must register. To do this, parents will need a special code, which can be obtained from the educational institution. After this, your personal data will appear in special columns. Be sure to check their correct spelling.

Next, to register for Tatar food ru in the electronic diary, you should write down your email, it must be valid. This is where the link will come, following which you will find yourself again on the electronic diary page, but as a registered user. Now you have access to all types of services offered by the portal. If you have changed your email address, be sure to notify us about this, because it is required, including when you forget the login and password required to enter the Tatar food ru electronic diary website.



Over the past 10 years, there has been a fundamental change in the role and place personal computers in the life of society. From a subject of professional activity of a fairly narrow circle of specialists in the field of exact sciences, they have turned into a tool used in all industries modern production, in everyday life and social life. It is obvious that in the next decade the role of personal computers will increase, and in accordance with this, the requirements for computer literacy of a specialist will increase. The development of modern technologies depends, first of all, on the intellectual potential of society and, consequently, on the level of development of education. A person who skillfully and effectively masters technology and information has a different, new style of thinking and has a fundamentally different approach to assessing the problem that has arisen and to organizing his activities. As practice shows, it is no longer possible to imagine a modern school without new information technologies. Thus, the main component of building a global information environment is the information environment of education.

Year of the teacher according to the project “Electronic education in the Republic of Tatarstan”, teachers of schools, gymnasiums, etc. received personal laptops.

C August 2010 the site started working , which is dedicated to education, but not in the usual form, but with the most modern an e-education website in Tatarstan. As part of the project, each educational institution in the region in the Republic must fill out the portal with the necessary data.

Every school on has been allocated for a full-fledged web page with a convenient management system. School administrators don't have to worry about whether or not they have a website or how to create one.

To fill web pages with information on school does not need to have the source code of the project, place it manually on a web hosting service, or pay for hosting and maintaining the site. The administration system for your new website is simple, so anyone can handle it.

Distance education is increasingly becoming part of everyone’s daily life and website - this is complete confirmation.

By visiting this site you can learn about all the educational institutions of the republic, structured by region, from preschool education to vocational institutions. This site allows you not only to get acquainted with the list of educational institutions, but also to choose the one you want for yourself or your child, based on the completeness of the information provided on the site . Here you can get acquainted with teachers and professors, study the curriculum and apply for admission to your desired educational institution. In addition, the site provides complete information about competitions and events taking place in the republic in the field of education, which are aimed at broadening the horizons and increasing the cognitive ability of children.

Speaking about modern education, it is important to mention that the site offers the opportunity to take distance education courses in various disciplines, so both residents of the republic and other visitors to the site can take part in them. An important requirement on the site is registration, which will allow users to log into their personal account and independently manage their learning process.

In addition to students, the site may also be useful as a teacher. This is due to the fact that the site contains guidelines for working with children, as well as for correctly conveying information when submitting new material in the discipline. In order to view the data, you must go through a simple registration procedure.

Thus the site – very useful and important in that the creators have cleverly grasped modern trends and are making it accessible to obtain knowledge in all corners of the earth, thanks to the expanding influence of the Internet, and then distance education.

On current moment distance development, as well as an increase professional qualifications- This is one of the most common teaching methods. In the Republic of Tatarstan, the web service Food Tatar dot ru is very popular among schoolchildren, teachers and lecturers.

Directions of distance learning and development

Currently, Food Tatar dotka ru is divided into four main directions:

  1. Electronic education for elementary, middle and high school students;
  2. Improving teaching skills for teachers and lecturers using Internet technologies;
  3. Improving education for organizations;
  4. Remote e-learning people with low vision.

Materials and information

On the site, based on the direction, it is located large number various educational materials, for example:

  1. Virtual electives;
  2. Links to web resources and portals with up-to-date information;
  3. Information and contacts of additional educational institutions, as well as institutions specializing in preschool development.

To receive a complete list of information and access to the material, you must register and log into your personal account.