“First of all, we note that documents have physical and technical formats. By physical format we mean the form of existence of a document in nature: paper, electronic, etc. By technical format, in the case of electronic documents, we mean the file format of an electronic document.” .

There are many different file formats. In general, they can be divided into "single-program", that is, controlled and maintained by only one software developer, and "multi-program", which is supported by several developers and can be processed by different programs.

Let's list the main formats (see table 1):

  • 1. Text formats. They are most often created using word processors. The most common text formats are: single-program formats Microsoft Word and WordPerfect.; RTF format (Rich Text Format), which is supported by various software applications and at the same time preserves the specified text formatting; PDF (Portable Document Format) format, which contains a page image that includes text and graphics. PDF files can be read using a variety of reader-only programs, but can only be created using Adobe Acrobat.
  • 2. Graphic formats. They store an image (for example, a photograph, a drawing) and are divided into two main types:
    • - vector formats that store an image as a set of geometric shapes. The most common among them are:
    • - DXF format (Drawing Interchange Format), widely used in computer design programs used by engineers, architects,
    • - EPS (Encapsulated PostScropt) format, widely used in desktop publishing systems,
    • - CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) format, widely used in many graphic editors (for example, Photoshop).
    • - raster formats that store an image as a set of dots - pixels. When changing the image scale raster graphics gets distorted. The most common raster formats are:
    • - BMP format (Bitmap) - a relatively low-quality format, most often used in word processors;
    • - TIFF format(Tagged Image File Format), widely used in many software applications;
    • - GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) format, widely used in programs intended for the Internet.
  • 3. Database formats are created using special software- database management systems (DBMS). The DBMS allows you to establish connections between elements of database information, perform various operations with database information (search, indexing, performing various mathematical operations, generating reports and references, etc.). Examples of DBMS are Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, IBM DB2, Sybase, etc.

For example, a customer database might contain fields with customer names, addresses, and purchase information. These fields can be organized into separate tables (for example, one table for all customer name fields).

Databases can be converted to text format, but the relationships between fields and tables will be lost (for example, you may end up with ten pages of names, ten pages of addresses, and a thousand pages of purchase information, i.e. disjointed information).

4. Spreadsheet formats. Spreadsheet files store numbers in cells and the relationships between these numbers.

For example, one cell might contain a formula that sums the data in two other cells. Like database files, spreadsheet files are usually in the format of the program they were created with. Some programs can import and export data from other sources, including programs designed for such data exchange (for example, DIF (Data Interchange Format) format). Spreadsheet files can be converted to text files, but the meanings and relationships between numbers will be lost.

  • 5. Video and audio formats. These formats contain moving images (eg, digital video, animation) and audio data that are most often created and viewed using software and stored in a single-program format. The most used formats are QuickTime and MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group)
  • 6. Markup languages, also called markup formats, contain built-in instructions for displaying and making understandable the contents of a file. These include:
    • · SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), which is used in many countries around the world government agencies and is an international standard;
    • · HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), which is used to display almost all information on the WorldWideWeb;
    • · XML (Extensible Markup language) is a relatively simple language based on SGML - and has gained popularity in managing and exchanging information.

Table 1. Most common file formats.

Format type

Basic formats

Example files


Text formats

Vector graphics

PDF, RTF, TXT, single-program formats (e.g. Microsoft Word, Word Perfect)

Correspondence, reports, notes, messages email, saved in text format.

Architectural plans, complex illustrations

Created or saved as text (may also contain graphics)

Store an image in the form of geometric shapes

Raster graphics


Web page graphics, simple illustrations, photographs

Store an image as a set of pixels. When changing the scale, the image is distorted

Database files

Single program formats

Created in database management systems

Spreadsheet formats

Video and audio formats

Single program formats, DIF

Financial analysis, statistical calculations

Short videos shown on the website, interview recordings

Store numerical values ​​and calculations

Markup languages

Text and graphics included on the website

“Each file format has its own advantages and disadvantages when used in documentation support management. For example, text formats (World Perfect, Microsoft Word, RTF, etc.) are convenient for conducting contextual searches of documents in a database, and graphic formats (PDF, TIFF, etc.) allow you to scan an image of a document with all its external features, keep documents in the same form as on paper, with all signatures and visas.

The MS Word format, for example, is very convenient for editing a document and group work with it, but the MS Word file stores a lot of hidden information (primarily about changes made in the file) and, therefore, is very unsafe from the point of view of leakage of proprietary information. In some cases, such as commercial offer or a draft contract, hidden information makes it possible to establish what the initial assumptions were, who influenced the text greatest influence. When preparing a document in a group, analysis of the edit makes it possible to find out not only the names of the people who made it, but also who contributed what to the final version.” .

“In Russia, federal executive authorities independently establish formats for certain types of electronic documents used when interacting with other organizations and citizens. For example, according to the requirements of the Federal Market Commission securities(now - Federal service By financial markets), files of certain types of documents must be presented in RTF format. The Ministry of Finance of Russia, in turn, established that the documents statistical reporting are presented by insurance (medical insurance) organizations as a set of text files in XML format.”

“The Moscow Government has established the basic formats of electronic documents used in electronic document management». .

An electronic copy of a paper document, intended for detailed reproduction of a graphic image, is created using raster graphic formats(BMP, JPEG, GIF or PNG) or hybrid text-raster formats (PDF, DjVu).

Electronic original, produced in a semi-automated or automated manner, involving preservation graphic design document with the ability to format text and implement graphic elements, created using PDF, DOC, RTF, HTML formats.

If, when using an electronic message, you need to search for content by keywords, That electronic copy a paper document containing information intended for text recognition and saving in a text format, created in a text markup format (PDF, DjVu, DOC, RTF, HTML) or a plain text format (TXT).

An electronic original produced in a semi-automated or automated manner, requiring automated integration of information, is created in an XML file format.

What's special about the XML format? Extensible Markup Language contains not only data, but also carries information that describes this data. It is applicable to any computer application, regardless of technical support And operating systems and allows you to transfer large amounts of information without the need for time-consuming transformation of data structures.

The predecessors of XML are the standard general markup language SGML, which was adopted by International organization on standardization as a standard back in the 1980s, and its simplified version is the hypertext markup language HTML.

The XML format has been adopted by the Internet community standards bodies represented by the World Wide Web Consortium and the UDDI.org organization. Currently, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, and a number of small firms software production companies quickly switched to using XML in their products and are practically implementing the idea of ​​​​standardizing document formats based on XML.

The PDF format, created by Adobe Systems Inc., is very popular for exchanging documents and is widely used for Internet documents because it allows you to preserve the original appearance documents and makes it difficult to make changes to the document. Adobe estimates that half a billion people have already downloaded it. free program viewing PDF files, many businesses have chosen this format as a standard for document transmission and storage, and many independent developers offer products that support PDF, some for free.

However, Adobe has no obligation to continue to provide free access to its programs in the future. Moreover, in new versions Adobe programs Often files from previous versions are not represented correctly. That's why a modified version of the PDF format called PDF-Archive (PDF-A) came into being. It is considered abroad as one of the two main formats that can be used in the future for archival storage of electronic documents. The second format is the XML discussed above.

The PDF-A format, like XML, has its advantages and disadvantages for archival storage of electronic documents. In particular, the PDF-A format is especially convenient for archival storage of electronic documents because it preserves the appearance of the original paper document. Its convenience was confirmed by the experience of court cases in the two largest bankruptcies in US history - the Enron corporation and the Global Crossing company. They created huge amount documents in PDF format, and the federal judiciary was faced with the task of ensuring the safety and archival storage of these documents. This largely served as an impetus for the development of the project international standard on archiving PDF documents.

However, the possibilities of using this format in electronic archives are limited: for example, the PDF-A format is not suitable for archival storage of audiovisual documents.

“It should be noted that none of the electronic document file formats can be considered universal for long-term archival storage, since equipment, technology and software. Today it is not easy to reproduce documents created in word processors AmiPro, Word Perfect on modern equipment". Will it be easy, for example, to use an archival document in MS Word format 97 years from now in 10-15 years?

Most likely, the variety of formats will be maintained. Therefore, archival services are developing regulatory conditions for archival storage of electronic documents of various formats, primarily the most common PDF

However, there is currently great hope in the use of XML as a standard for the exchange of electronic documents in various fields activities, especially in the field of public administration.

From all of the above, it follows that electronic documents have a variety of formats, but none of the file formats of electronic documents can be considered universal for long-term archival storage, since technology, technology and software change quite quickly. The format of the document depends on the scope of application, the scope of activity of a particular organization, on legal status document.

document management editing protection

Slide 2

Lesson topic. Electronic document and file.

Lesson objectives: to form a primary idea of ​​the types of memory, to show distinctive features different types memory; Expand initial knowledge about the creation and storage of electronic documents;

Slide 3

Lesson objectives.

Let's study what internal and external computer memory is; Let's get acquainted with the concept of file - electronic document; Let's create computer folders, electronic documents, give them names.

Slide 4

Electronic document is a set of data that is stored in computer memory.

What can be an electronic document?

Slide 5

Electronic documents

  • Slide 6

    Where are electronic documents stored?

    Electronic documents are stored in computer memory. IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER! When we create an electronic document using a computer, we must store this document in its memory.

    Slide 7

    § 23, pp. 137-138 computer memory

  • Slide 8


  • Slide 9

    Modern "disk memory"

    Computer memory is needed to store data and programs.

    Slide 10

    The difference between external memory and internal memory

    External memory is designed for long-term storage information, executing programs and data are stored in the internal memory only while the computer is running.

    Slide 11

    As soon as the computer is turned off or a program is closed, the internal memory is freed up for other programs and data. That is why electronic documents that the user creates using any programs must be saved in external memory.

    Slide 12

    How are electronic documents stored in the external memory of a computer? Page 138

    Electronic documents are stored as files. What is a file? A file is a set of data stored in the external memory of a computer and given a name.

    Slide 13

    This means that when saving an electronic document in external memory, it is necessary to give it a title (name).

    Slide 14

    Who comes up with the name for the file? P. 138

    The name of the file is invented by programmers or users. What is the difference between a user and a programmer? User uses computer programs, a programmer writes programs for a computer

    Slide 15

    Programmers (people who create programs) have come up with a file storage tool that allows you to organize electronic documents into groups. Such a tool is a computer folder, which performs the same role as a real folder for storing paper documents. If you arrange documents in different computer folders and give these folders appropriate names, then it will be easier for the user to find the desired picture or text that he created a long time ago.

    Slide 16


  • Slide 17

    Research work

    1.Right-click on the desktop to create a folder. Let’s give it a name – Mathematics. On the desktop, right-click and create a folder. Let's give it a name - Russian language 2. Open the folder named Mathematics. Let's create a WORD document. Let's give it a name - Lesson Let's open a folder with the name Russian language. Let's create WORD document. Let's give a name - Lesson Let's conclude: we created files with the same names in different folders

    An electronic document is documented information presented in electronic form, that is, in a form suitable for human perception using electronic computers, as well as for transmission over information and telecommunication networks or processing in information systems(Clause 11.1 Article 2 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On Information, information technology and on information protection").

    According to the definition presented in clause 3.1 of GOST R 7.0.8-2013. National standard Russian Federation. System of standards for information, library and publishing. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and definitions" (approved by Order of Rosstandart dated October 17, 2013 No. 1185-st), an electronic document is a document whose information is presented in electronic form.

    In this case, an electronic document is characterized by:

    • authenticity is a property of an electronic document that guarantees that the electronic document is identical to the declared one;
    • reliability - the property of an electronic document in which the content of the electronic document is a complete and accurate representation of the transactions, activities or facts being verified and can be trusted in subsequent transactions or subsequent activities;
    • integrity - the state of an electronic document in which no changes have been made since its creation;
    • suitability for use is a property of an electronic document that allows it to be localized and reproduced at any time.

    Based on this, we can conclude that an electronic document is any document that is presented in electronic form, including a scanned image of a document, a file typed in a text editor, etc.

    At the same time, electronic documents can be formalized, i.e. compiled in a form that allows their contents to be recognized using software, and unformalized (for example, a scanned copy).

    As part of the exchange of electronic documents, the parties can use both formalized and informal documents. The exception is when the law has established a mandatory format for the exchange of a specific document (for example, the format of an invoice). But if the document is not formalized, its acceptance and recognition is possible only with human participation.

    In order to exchange documents electronically without human participation in recognizing the text of these documents, it is necessary to draw up all documents in a formalized form, i.e. in a format that can be used by the software of all exchange participants.

    Technological map of the lesson: Matveeva N.V. Informatics. 2nd grade. Federal State Educational Standard.

    Lesson 24. Electronic document and file.

    Lesson objectives:

    - develop initial ideas about computer literacy;

    To develop the ability to formulate the purpose of the lesson through research activities;

    Reinforce the main concept of the lesson: “Electronic document, file”;

    Develop logical thinking;

    Instill ideas about use digital technology;

    Develop skills in managing computer objects and interactive whiteboard;

    - educate through group work.

    Lesson steps

    Lesson material

    Student activities

    UUD at the lesson stages

    Organizational moment

    The children take their seats. Check availability of accessories.

    Personal UUD:

    - formation of self-organization skills

    Formation of writing skills

    - ability to listen and highlight the main thing, remember

    Formation of the ability to formulate thoughts

    Speech development

    Formation of abilities to analyze statements.

    Cognitive UUD:

    - understanding the meaning of the terms: document

    Recording homework.

    P. 17. T. No. 2 p. 45-47 No. 2,4,8

    Working with diaries

    Checking homework

    P. 16. T. No. 2 p. 42-43 No. 3,4,5


      Is a book a document?

      A painting can be called a document

      Is the globe a document?

      Is an antique chest a document?



    Children read the assignments and correct mistakes:





    Printing press, computer, pen

    Text data, graphic data

    Repetition of material from the previous lesson.

    View the presentation. Working with an interactive whiteboard.

    Look at the documents from the museum. What information do they carry?

    Connect with an arrow according to the meaning:

    Arrange the tools in chronological order:

    Circle important property all documents:

    Children look at the pictures, answer orally, and write down the answers to No. 2 and No. 3 on the interactive board.

    About how people dressed, what they looked like, about how the battle took place in the war;

    Text is a text document, drawing is a graphic document, spinning top is not a document;

    Chisel, pen, typewriter, computer;

    Store information;

    Formulating the topic and objectives of the lesson

    Review the devices. Explain how to create documents using them?

    Name a common property for all documents:

    What can you call an electronic document in one word?

    Lesson topic:

    Take a photo, scan, film, print;

    Electronic document;


    The topic of the lesson is “Electronic document and file”, learn about the file.

    Regulatory UUD:

    Ability to set a learning task

    Personal UUD:

    Development of reading skills

    Development of attention

    Development of logical thinking

    Formation of the ability to briefly formulate thoughts

    Explanation of new material

    Tell me how to create files on a computer?

    How can you find and open a file tomorrow that you created today?

    What's unusual about the file name?

    File name: name (given by the person) and extension (given by the program)

    Remember. These icons are not suitable for file names.

    The most important thing: an electronic document is _______, saved on a ____________ computer under ________________.

    Use special programs: text editor, graphic editor, sound editor;

    2 parts separated by a dot;

    T. No. 2 p. 46 No. 6 (circle)

    File, disk, name

    Cognitive UUD:

    Formation of the main concepts of the lesson “Electronic document and file”

    Development of research skills;

    Personal UUD:

    Development of mental activity

    Forming interest in the subject through research activities

    Research activities

    Connect with arrows according to the meaning:

    File name: true, false;

    Come up with file names and circle the ones you need.

    Text file, graphic file, sound file;

    Correct: elephant jpg, incorrect: hare, ????

    Kitten, fairy tale, mother, lost and found.

    Consolidation educational material

    Independent completion of tasks workbook

    T. No. 2 p. 45-47 No. 1,3,5

    Computer workshop

    Working with ESM

    Open the "Insert Letters" file. Complete the task.

    Open the “Write the Words” file. Complete the task.

    EOR “Insert letters”, “Write words”

    Regulatory UUD:

    - development of PC skills

    Personal UUD:

    Development of written literacy;

    Communicative UUD:

    Ability to work in groups

    Lesson summary

    Working with diaries, checking independent work, grading.

    Personal UUD:

    - development of the ability to self-esteem.

    Technological map of the lesson: Matveeva N.V. Informatics. 2nd grade. Federal State Educational Standard.

    Lesson 24. Electronic document and file.

    Lesson objectives:

    - develop initial ideas about computer literacy;

    To develop the ability to formulate the purpose of a lesson through research activities;

    Reinforce the main concept of the lesson: “Electronic document, file”;

    Develop logical thinking;

    Instill ideas about the use of digital technology;

    Develop skills in managing computer objects and interactive whiteboards;

    Educate through group work.

    Rate your activity in class (active - 1 point; inactive -0 points)Did I complete the task correctly on the computer (everything correctly - 1 point, with errors - 0 points)Can I name the main differences between internal memory and external memory? (everything correct – 1 point, with errors – 0 points)Can I answer the question "What is a file?" (everything correct – 1 point, with errors – 0 points)Calculate your total pointsGive yourself a grade for the lesson4 points – score 53 points – score 4

    2 points – score – 3