Experience is at the heart of every decision. Key tools in the work: expert experience; knowledge management; usage software own development to solve marketing problems. Our methods are expert knowledge, proven by practice.

Training while working on the project. We are sure that you know everything you need about your product and business for success and results. But often, this knowledge is implicit and unconscious. We offer a working methodology that involves you in solving a problem, when the search for a solution and learning occur simultaneously. Working with Brandmachina experts, your knowledge about the product will be transformed into an explicit and conscious form, stored in a document.

Flexible assortment matrix. We use a modular approach, applying it to the formation of our products: from free consultations and seminars to turnkey projects. You get a unique solution built on the basis of: knowledge about your markets, products, resources; marketing research; competencies of agency experts and its partners; a set of proven marketing tools.

Brand development technology. Adepts of neuromarketing, hardware research, in-depth interviews and project management. We use classic and proprietary marketing techniques. We study trends and consumer demand. We are developing technologies to compete with federal players. We work for the future - we form an image of the future for customers, develop strategies. Brand design is carried out in our cloud service (Brand Processor). The multidimensional model is stored as a database, which helps prevent inconsistencies in the description of brand characteristics. Marketing techniques are implemented in the form of separate modules of the cloud service (Brandprocessor core). The more complex the case, the more cores we connect to solve it. We use artificial intelligence to analyze in-depth interviews and video analytics

Brand strategy development technology: A team with an effective distribution of roles is working to develop a brand development strategy. We use proven data collection technologies: in-depth interviews and hardware research. To form hypotheses we use methods of conceptual analysis. We test all hypotheses using quantitative research, using the Brandprocessor cloud environment to process project data.

Third Party Strategic Marketing Experts – more possibilities for development: A marketer on staff solves only part of the problems. To look at the brand from the outside and look into the future, it is worth turning to third-party experts. To maintain professionalism, an expert strategist must constantly practice, but there is a contradiction - within the same company there is no need to adjust the strategy every day.

The essence of brand management. The advantages of developing branding technologies are proven by the practice of the world's leading companies and lead to increased competitiveness, increased profitability of operations and shareholder value of the company, expansion of the scope of activity, and development of new industries. The above is only part of the benefits that brands provide to their owners. In the modern economy, where any, even the most insignificant, advantage becomes the basis of a company’s competitiveness, branding becomes the responsibility of professionals.

The main management functions implemented by companies in the course of operational and economic activities and ensuring the effectiveness of management are: planning, organization, control, leadership, motivation and a number of others - were identified at the beginning of the 20th century. However, these functions, and, accordingly, the methods and means of their implementation are not immutable. As economic conditions change, they are constantly modified and deepened, which makes the content of the work performed by managers more complicated.

Marketing development occurred against the backdrop of saturation commodity markets. The separation of the marketing function from the general management system was dictated by the need to collect and analyze data in the sphere of circulation of goods in order to adapt production to new market requirements caused by the increasing demassification of consumer demand.

The subsequent development of market relations, increased competition and the complexity of sales contributed to the introduction of new management approaches, functions and strategies. The need for competent, scientifically based management of brand assets contributed to the formation of brand management as an independent area of ​​management activity.

The brand management institute began to be created in the 30s of the 20th century. In a corporation Procter&Gamble A marketing division was organized on the principle of separate management of each brand. For the first time in the history of management, the position of a brand manager appeared, who was supposed to coordinate all intra-company operations related to the development, production and sale of the brand under his control.

Having emerged as a branch of the sales management system, brand management gradually acquired greater strategic importance: firms began to develop marketing strategies for individual brands and develop new markets. With the development of the general culture of the organization and the accelerated penetration of modern electronic technologies In intra-company management systems, brand management has transformed into an independent function that integrates different areas of intra-corporate relations. In modern conditions, branding is becoming a strategic process implemented within the framework of separate direction in the management of the company and coordinated by an individual specialist.

Brand management represents managerial function, aimed at maximizing brand assets by integrating means and methods of intra-company mechanisms based on a balanced investment approach to branding and the implementation of associated communications both within the company and outside it.

Managerial essence brand management functions reflects the objective conditions for the development of competition in the global market and is focused on creating effective structures for brand management. These structures provide strategic cooperation with partners and interaction with consumers. IN modern companies structures developing brand management, integrating marketing, production, innovative activity and sales, optimize intra-company management in accordance with market demands. This integration of functions allows the product to be adapted to consumer expectations even at the concept development stage.

New tasks entailed changes in the system of corporate relationships both vertically - between management levels, and horizontally - between divisions of the scientific, production and sales chain. As a result, flexible structures for end-to-end brand management have emerged, using horizontal connections between marketing, R&D, production, and sales departments. Accordingly, it was necessary to strengthen the coordination of activities between all divisions at all levels of intra-company management. Thus, the development and introduction of new brands to the market was transformed from a marketing function into a general corporate function.

Separated from the general system of intra-company management as a result of the increasing importance of brand assets in the activities of companies, brand management acquired its own mechanism - management models and methods, special principles for organizing the management process, as well as the organizational structure of brand management.

How management function brand management has a set of tools and methods implemented within the framework of strategic, operational and administrative-organizational management, and is based on certain principles. Each of the designated areas is focused on solving specific problems in common system branding at the corporate level.

Methods of administrative and organizational management of brands imply definition organizational forms brand management, including the distribution of functions and the establishment of relationships between various services, departments and divisions of the company involved in the brand management process.

Within the framework of administrative and organizational management, the functions of decision-making regarding brands are distributed among management employees and they are vested with the corresponding powers:

Establishment of formal relationships between services, departments and divisions;

Distribution of responsibility between managers at different levels of management;

Development of specific schemes and procedures for decision-making, including the organization of information flows and technical support.

Modern organizational structures for brand management are highly complex and are determined by:

The production profile of the company (specialization in the production of one type of product or a wide range of products from different industries),

The nature of the products produced,

The company's scope of activity (local, national or international markets),

The scale and forms of foreign activities (manufacturing, trading, franchising and other operations),

Features marketing strategies, (working with consumer segments, positioning features, etc.).

Methods of strategic brand management used to optimize the structure of the corporate brand portfolio as a result of strategic brand extensions. Brand strategies are developed at the corporate level and adapted to the characteristics of national and local markets. The main marketing tools of branding are segmentation, identifying the preferences of target segments and developing the identity of each of the brands in the corporate portfolio.

Methods of operational brand management have been used in brand development for life cycle and building loyalty to them. Operational management of corporate portfolio brands is carried out in accordance with developed brand plans.

Principles of brand management. The principles of brand management mean general norms, rules and patterns, and within the framework of which the connections between various elements of the intra-company system involved in brand management are realized. The number and ratio of such norms depend on the company’s field of activity, the specifics of intra-company relations, as well as the market strategies used.

General principles brand management, characteristic of most companies, regardless of their industry, scope of activity and individual characteristics, are the following.

1. The value of intangible assets . Brands are a company's most valuable assets. They provide additional profit, financial investment and consumer loyalty.

2. The importance of brand management. Awareness of the value of branded assets in the total capitalization of the company transforms branding into a corporate-wide strategic direction. IN lately the solution of many issues related to the development of brands becomes the responsibility of senior management departments of companies. In the most promising companies, brand managers occupy key positions in the senior management.

3. Everyone's participation . Effective branding is achieved through the joint efforts of functional and production units companies, customers and partners, including distributors, advertising and other organizations involved in creating brand loyalty. Each participant in the system must be aware of their importance in the development of brands and be the bearer of common corporate values.

4. Cross-functional approach to branding is determined by the integrated nature of the relationships between production, marketing, sales, planning and other areas in economic and commercial activities companies. The introduction of an end-to-end brand management system contributes to the reorganization of the structure within corporate management in favor of integrating all its elements into a single branding process.

5. Operational communications . Effective brand management directly depends on efficiency internal communications ensuring the participation of all employees and coordination of their actions in a single management process. The internal communications system includes means, methods and forms of intracorporate communication. The traditional use of written official communication and the organization of corporate meetings is being replaced by modern forms of communication based on the development of internal electronic networks transmission of information - Intranet and Extranet.

i For example, Ford's internal information network covers more than 120 thousand workstations in offices and enterprises around the world. With their help, information coming from production departments, design and engineering services, research laboratories, dealer organizations and other divisions of the company is updated hourly. Significant acceleration of the process of exchange and processing of information allows not only to significantly reduce the period of introduction of new cars into serial production, but also take into account the preferences of target consumers at the stage of forming the product concept.

6. Impeccable product quality. The high quality of the product, which forms the basis of the brand, determines the functional satisfaction of consumers with the purchase and ensures their loyal attitude to the brand.

7. Permanent job with consumers. Constant monitoring of consumer activity allows us to identify needs, requirements, expectations and preferences and incorporate them into the product concept. For many companies, the principle of customer focus becomes the corporate mission: “Consumers are at the center of everything we do” - corporate philosophy Ford Motor Company.

8. Customer commitment is the basis of the company's long-term development. This brand management principle is based on the value of a company's brand assets. Consequently, the formation and strengthening of customer commitment forms the basis for the long-term development of the company itself.

9. The strategies of all the company's brands are coordinated within a given portfolio, forming synergy( option reactions to the combined effect of two or more factors, characterized by the fact that this effect exceeds the effect exerted by each factor separately) . All brands of the corporate portfolio are managed in accordance with developed strategies, mutually reinforcing each other, which are agreed upon at the company level. Such clear brand differentiation allows you to create unique offer for different consumer segments and at the same time avoid unwanted internal competition.

10. Transformation of corporate culture . The introduction of brand management principles into the internal company management system radically changes the corporate philosophy of the company. The market sales strategy - “selling what is produced” - is being replaced modern concept- “to produce something for which sales are ensured in advance.” This approach encourages the active participation of all divisions and partners of the company in the overall capitalization of assets.

The practice of the world's leading companies testifies to the great importance of brand management principles in the development of brand equity. Running a firm in accordance with these principles reinforces the company's corporate mission and values, reinforces the overall rules and regulations of internal management, and lays the foundation for effective production planning, increases sales and maximizes profits.

At the same time, it should be noted that modern brand management is always fraught with risk. Firms that strictly follow all the rules and principles of branding are always subject to the influence of the market environment and are not immune from failures and the danger of competitors taking over their position. Thus, the Volvo brand, which firmly occupied the niche of a safe car, is today only one of the five safest, giving way to new brands - leaders in safety - Renault Laguna and others.

Company Nike very quickly and easily occupied the professional sports niche that traditionally belonged to Reebok, having bought an advertising contract from Michael Jordan, who for many years was the face of the company Reeboke as a result, a stable associative image was formed.

■ theory and practice of brand management;

■ corporate brand management (portfolio management);

■ brand management process, branding.

Under theory and practice of brand management is understood as a system of scientific knowledge, including a theoretical basis and systematic practice of the world's leading companies in the field of brand management and branding.

Corporate brand management reflects the corporate vision of the company's mission, its culture and management style. He implements the overall brand portfolio management strategy. An important area of ​​corporate brand management is the development of corporate identification programs, which achieve company recognition in the market, ensure a high level of consumer awareness of brands and consumer loyalty. Currently, corporate brand management is a priority direction in the development of companies.

Brand management as a brand management process represented by corporate and product branding and aimed at developing an appropriate identity. Branding is implemented in several basic directions, the degree of detail of which is determined by the goals set. As a rule, these include the organizational component (formation working group, teams, divisions or assigning functions to an individual manager), market research, developing a brand concept, planning marketing programs for brand development, including organizing and monitoring events.

Having studied the material in the chapter, the student must:


  • principles of building a brand-oriented company;
  • main branded objects, types (types) of brands;
  • brand identifier systems;
  • principles and five components of successful brand positioning;
  • features of managing international and Russian brands;
  • principles and technologies of brand formation in various markets;
  • modern trends in branding development;
  • benefits of brand licensing;

be able to

  • apply in practice the acquired knowledge on developing branding strategy and tactics;
  • justify the main types of franchising;
  • carry out rebranding;
  • use brand management technologies;
  • reveal the main stages of brand building;
  • effectively link the brand management process with the company’s strategy and business system;


  • consistency of planning the company's brand strategy;
  • planning a brand promotion strategy;
  • the art of construction strong brand;
  • construction skills and professional management brands in a modern competitive environment at all levels of business management;
  • skills in identifying individual brand copying options;
  • features of developing names for new companies and brands - naming.

Concept of brand management system

A brand management system is a branding process.

Branding is a creativity based not only on deep knowledge of the market, but also on knowledge of basic legal and socio-cultural issues. As markets become saturated, it becomes more and more expensive and difficult to launch new brands, so you need to learn how to manage existing ones. And the first thing to keep in mind is the connection between the brand management process and the company’s strategy and business system.

There is a direct connection between the brand management process and the company's strategy and business system. If positioning and brand management are not linked to the company's strategy and business system, then the chances of success are not great. In Fig. Figure 3.1 shows the connection between the brand management process and the company’s strategy and business system.

Experts are confident that a brand can be effectively managed if you use a method based on an analysis of the market and brand potential, as well as knowledge of the main criteria of consumer loyalty. Marketing experts from the consulting company "McKinsey&Company" talk about this.

According to McKinsey & Company, every year it becomes more and more difficult for consumers to navigate the avalanche of goods, and this is not surprising considering the speed at which new brands appear on the market - in just ten years, the number of brands represented in US grocery stores has grown from 15 up to 45 thousand. But the problem is aggravated by the fact that today it is no less difficult to differentiate products based on objective characteristics. Let's take cars for example. In the 1960s people could choose between “fast” and “slow” cars (some accelerated to 100 km/h in 10 seconds, others in 27 seconds). Now this gap has been reduced to about 5 seconds and the acceleration factor has already lost its former significance for most buyers.

Rice. 3.1.Connection of the brand management process with the company’s strategy and business system

In this situation, companies increasingly view brands as an opportunity to attract the attention of consumers and highlight their products against the general background. But this is not an easy task, because the rapid increase in the number of brands is accompanied by an unprecedented flow of advertising. For example, in the United States there are an average of 5,000 advertising messages per person per day - it is natural that people develop immunity to common advertising techniques. New research suggests that while advertising has increased by 10% recently, its effectiveness has fallen by 18%.

McKinsey & Company research shows that a successful brand strategy includes at least four important element, which are related both to traditional issues of company strategy, and to the business system and key levers of brand management.

First element– relevant and extraordinary brand positioning for target audience– is associated with the usual formulations of the company’s strategy: “where to compete” and “how to compete.”

Second element– a clearly defined path to building relevant and extraordinary positioning means that it is necessary to think through and record in plans how to most effectively achieve the intended positioning goal. The implementation of these plans is brand management itself.

Third element– availability of operating rooms and organizational conditions for successful entry into the market. For example, the lack of goods in stores may be due to poorly organized distribution, delays in certification and other reasons. This element of brand strategy is related to the effectiveness of the company's business system.

Finally, fourth element – the concept of a long-term brand vision is associated with another formulation of the company’s strategy: “When to compete.” It is necessary to plan how the brand will develop at various stages of the product life cycle, how it will respond to changes in the competitive situation in the market and to shifts in customer preferences.

Brand strategy– this is a set of tangible and intangible characteristics of a product (technology) or services that form the consciousness of the consumer and the motivation of his behavior when choosing a product.

Planning a company's brand strategy can occur in the following sequence.

First stage. 1. Identification of the brand strategy object (company, commercial products, service, technology) and its legal protection.

  • 2. Choosing what's attractive brand name goods (services).
  • 3. Planning advertising campaign and positioning (the place of the product in the consumer’s mind) of the product on the market.

Second stage. 1. Organization of development of corporate identity and design.

  • 2. Ensuring legal protection (trademark), suppression of unfair competition.
  • 3. Analysis of customer reaction.

Third stage. Economic analysis and measurement of the result for the purposes of accounting for own assets, as well as for transfer through a licensing agreement or franchising organization.

A brand strategy allows you to specify a product at the level of a model, its modification, based on a number of essential features inherent to the product (technical and aesthetic perfection, packaging design, merchandising, provision of services).

Let's list main stages of brand building.

  • 1. Brand positioning (brand positioning).
  • 2. Creating a brand idea (brand ideation creative).
  • 3. Planning a brand promotion strategy (brand strategy).

At the first stage of brand building (brand positioning) determine psychological properties and preferences; form the brand’s position in relation to competitors and determine the brand’s target audience.

According to the famous American marketer, founder of positioning theory Jack Trout, whose first book “Positioning: The Battle for Recognition” has been reprinted many times since 1981, the secret to the success of any company lies in correct positioning. Together with Al Rice, he developed positioning theory. The article that ushered in the "positioning era" was published on May 1, 1972 in advertising magazine"Advertising age" and was called "Positioning makes a way through the chaos of the market." In this article, the authors said that traditional approaches to advertising are hopelessly outdated and, by considering a number of examples, proposed a new effective approach, which they called “positioning.”

In addition, J. Trout and E. Rice introduced into marketing usage such concepts as “super-simple consciousness”, “tyranny of choice”, “over-communicative society”, “information chaos”. Positioning is intended to become a tool of conquest consumer choice and building the foundations of long-term consumer loyalty in a dynamic market with a high level of competition. In their book “Marketing Wars,” the authors examine a number of competitive strategies and recommend, while observing the basic tenets of their strategic covenant, turning to the history of wars and battles.

In general, J. Trout considers the main components of proper positioning and business management to be:

  • strategy, the choice of which dictates everything else and predetermines success. Strategy is what makes a business unique, a simple, focused value proposition;
  • focusing– concentration on a specific type of activity or product. It is necessary to decide in advance which attribute should be associated with the enterprise in the minds of the consumer. For example, the Volvo brand is safe, FedEx is urgent.

Marketing positioning strategy in turn, should be based on six “pillars”:

  • perception (perception);
  • differentiation (differentiation);
  • competition (competition);
  • specialization (specialization);
  • simplicity (simplicity);
  • effectiveness (reality).

Fundamental is perception - a subjective way of capturing stimuli to which each person is open. It is an action or process of understanding the world in which a person exists. Perception is individual, determined by both genetic factors and human socialization, selective, measurable on the scale of society.

Positioning strategy, according to J. Trout, comes to the fore as competition grows. You can differentiate yourself by declaring the following:

  • about your leadership (having previously won it);
  • its championship (ahead of competitors);
  • following a certain tradition;
  • modernity.

According to J. Trout, in order to remove a leader from occupied space, you need to find a gap in his brand or play on the opposite property of your product. The essence of a successful startup strategy, according to Trout, is the search for uniqueness. But in the search for differences, we must not forget about common sense.

IN modern society the role of concentration of information flows and communications is increasing and the influence of quality characteristics goods. In 1992, a methodological approach appeared, called integrated marketing communications by Dan Schultz and Stanley Tonnenbaum.

Positioning determines the market segment, price niche and target audience. Positioning is intended to become a tool for winning consumer choice and building the foundations of long-term consumer loyalty in a dynamic market with a high level of competition.

The following can be distinguished basic principles of brand positioning.

  • 1. Brand positions should be updated every 3-5 years or more often if a change in the enterprise development strategy requires it.
  • 2. Positions should define all brand asset management strategies, revenue and profit streams.
  • 3. In implementing brand positioning, the leadership role should be played by the top management of the enterprise.
  • 4. Brand positions are created by the employees of the enterprise, and not by advertising agencies.
  • 5. Strong positions are always customer-oriented and consistent with their perception of the brand.

A universal scheme that reflects the principle of developing the positioning of any brand, any market, includes the following components.

  • 1. Price (brand price positioning)– brand compliance with one of the price categories. From the consumer's point of view, brand price categories are:
    • almost for nothing (free love);
    • very cheap (cheap heaps);
    • no frills ( by frills chic);
    • mass exclusive, premium (massclusivity);
    • luxury (uher premium).

Price positioning must be adequate. Determining a specific price is a rather complicated issue. The consumer often does not operate with numbers - this is not typical human psyche. In the human mind there are only relative categories - inaccessible, expensive, accessible, cheap, unworthy of me.

Pricing policy and price positioning should be based on an understanding of the audience, their income, their affiliation social group, personal value of the brand vector and other data.

  • 2. Benefits (rational brand benefits) follow from the chosen brand idea - needs, needs combined with value, or a complete set of components of brand ideas.
  • 3. Differentiation (brand identification features) due to the fact that the brand must stand out (be different) from competitors. At this stage, it is necessary to identify the key points of difference between the brand and its competitors and form the basis of the corporate style. With any contact with brand attributes, even if it is a combination of colors, the consumer must recognize the brand and understand that this is exactly the right trademark. To do this, you should break down the attributes of market players into their component parts (colors, font, etc.) and determine what colors and other parameters a brand can have to make it stand out among all others. Based on this information, you can derive key identification elements on the basis of which you will create corporate identity and other identification elements. Brand awareness can have a significant impact on the level of perceived quality and sales.

Positioning is usually done in three stages.

  • 1. Conduct detailed market research to determine which attributes are important for a given market segment and prioritize those attributes.
  • 2. A list of competing products that have the identified attributes is compiled.
  • 3. The ideal level of attribute values ​​for a specific market segment is established. A comparative assessment of the attributes of the positioned brand of the product is carried out in comparison with the ideal level and with competitors’ products.

Positioning involves conducting in-depth marketing research aimed at understanding how consumers perceive the product and what parameters, in their opinion, are the most important. Based on the results of such studies, perception maps are constructed, which depict the products under study using the parameters that are most significant in the eyes of consumers.

Analysis of potential sources of providing great value to consumers can be carried out using the so-called value chain proposed by E. P. Golubkov in the article “Segmentation and Positioning”. The value chain includes all types of activities of the enterprise (chain links) aimed at creating value for the consumer. In the classic enterprise model, these activities include developing, manufacturing, and marketing its products. These activities are grouped into five core and four supporting activities. In a more detailed model, each type of activity in turn can be specified. For example, marketing - according to its individual functions (conducting marketing research, product promotion, developing a new product, etc.). The enterprise's task is to check the costs and output parameters of each of the nine activities and find ways to improve them. Comparing this data with competitors' data reveals ways to gain competitive advantages.

When determining the position of a product on the market, the method of constructing a positioning map in the form of a two-dimensional “price-quality” matrix, in which the products of competing companies are presented, is often used. As parameters when constructing positioning maps, you can select various pairs of characteristics that describe the products under study. Often such parameters are selected based on the results of a consumer survey. For example, for washing machines – “washing mode – washing temperature control”, “requirement for detergent – ​​load volume”.

In turn, the famous Belgian scientist J.-J. To assess the position of a brand in the market, Lambin uses a decomposition model, with the help of which the share of a brand in the market is divided into several components (3.1).

The proposed approach becomes clear if we introduce the following notation:

  • NX– number of buyers purchasing X;
  • NC– the number of buyers purchasing C;
  • QXX– number of brand products X, purchased by brand customers X;
  • QCX WITH, purchased by customers of brand X;
  • QCC– number of products in the category WITH, purchased by customers WITH.

The market share for each brand can be calculated using formula (3.2).


To determine indicators NX,NC,QXX, QCX, QCC Marketers need to conduct constant marketing research into consumer preferences and measure the number of purchases of various brands.

This calculation method allows us to identify the reasons for changes in the brand’s position in the market. The brand's share may decline due to the fact that it is losing

consumers (reduces the level of penetration), buyers allocate a smaller share to the brand in question in total purchases of a given product category (the level of exclusivity decreases), buyers of a given brand purchase it in smaller quantities compared to the average number of purchases of goods in this category (the level of intensity decreases). By tracking these market indicators over time, you can evaluate the positions of competing products and develop the right decision when positioning your own brand. When implementing this procedure, marketers must remember that the brand must be different from its competitors and, to some extent, superior to it.

To gain a strong position in the competition, based on the results of the positioning of its products, the enterprise identifies the characteristics of the goods and marketing activities, which can favorably distinguish its products from competitors, i.e. differentiates its products. The following types of differentiation are distinguished: product, service, personnel and image. Depending on the characteristics of specific products and capabilities, an enterprise can simultaneously implement from one to several areas of differentiation.

Positioning results may show that the company has problems in its market activities. Firstly, the segment that was considered as the target market has ceased to be attractive due to its small size, decreasing demand, high level of competition, and low profits. Secondly, the quality and characteristics of the product were not in demand in the target segment. Thirdly, due to the excessively high price, the product turned out to be uncompetitive.

In this case they talk about repositioning strategies (re-positioning). To the number material repositioning strategies refers to the release of a new or change existing brand. In addition, they highlight psychological repositioning strategies. These include changing consumer opinions about the enterprise brand, changing consumer opinions about competitors' brands, changing the rating of individual attributes, introducing new or eliminating previously existing attributes, and finding new market segments.

The brand must be ready for mergers and partnerships. Integrated branding – an important development strategy for the future.

  • 1. Value. Focusing on perceived benefits that are valuable to customers. The benefits are defined in the buyer's model.
  • 2. Uniqueness. It is necessary to do something that competitors do not have.
  • 3. Credibility, trust. Achieve compliance between expectations (buyer model) and the actual state of affairs.
  • 4. Sustainability. Maximizing the time for which a position can be maintained.
  • 5. Suitability. Trying to use strengths existing brand portrait.

Managing a brand means finding the most cost-effective way to achieve the intended positioning of the brand in the minds of the buyer. It can be said that the most skillful brand management is meaningless if the positioning is unsuccessful. Proper positioning requires understanding both competitive differences and competitive overlaps. A company that recognizes and creates points of convergence can neutralize the existing advantages of competing brands. At the same time, using differences, an enterprise makes its brand unique, memorable, and special.

Accurate positioning can establish more high price on their goods, and this is the added value, born from the personal associations of the consumer, which the brand “assigns”. In the eyes of a loyal customer who is satisfied with a product from their favorite brand, it is worth the money. In this case, this is the mental dimension of the four-dimensional model of the brand thought field, presented by Thomas Gad.

Thomas Gad, the author of the 40-branding theory, talks about four dimensions in his book, i.e. four components consumer perception of the brand – functional, social, mental and spiritual (see paragraph 1.4). Today, when branding is fundamentally changing under the influence of the Internet, the 4 D measurement methodology is very relevant. Traditional branding or, as T. Gad calls it, “transactional branding” is focusing solely on functional dimension(idea about features, price, design - all possible benefits product or service). But there is more social dimension, which is critical, by definition, to what T. Gad calls the “new era of brand relationships,” where a brand can create a community for its fans. It is also important mental dimension, which helps to understand how the brand helps the individual. For modern brand relationships, a person (individual) is much more important than it was before, when everyone was talking about target groups, communities of buyers and users. Today it is necessary to respect each individual person, since on the Internet everyone can communicate directly with the audience. Last, but no less important, is the spiritual, which addresses the lofty purpose of the brand in the broadest sense. In brand relationships, a sense of importance is created that the brand is no longer just a product or service - it is a belief, an idea and a calling. The spiritual dimension was what set Apple apart from other products and made the brand successful in combination with its superior functional, social and mental dimensions. Thus, the main idea of ​​Thomas Gad is multifunctional branding, laid out in four dimensions, occupies more space in people's minds and lives. This outstanding marketer and economist is the author of one of the most famous slogans in the history of advertising: "Nokia. Connecting people."

The second stage of brand building is creating a brand idea. Having identified the target audience and identified competitors, they begin to create a brand idea. The brand idea should be simple, easily formulated in one sentence and unique. At the same time, it can be functionally or qualitatively innovative. The idea of ​​a brand can change as its attributes develop and its positioning is adjusted, which directly affects the nature of communications (rational and emotional).

The third stage of brand building is planning a brand promotion strategy. When planning, they rely on the “4P” rule of the marketing mix ( P product, P rice, P lace and P romotion), within which the brand portfolio is managed.

Long term effective management portfolio of brands requires more careful selection of investments. It also requires brand managers to more accurately model the impact of intra-portfolio fluctuations on key economic indicators individual brands, including market share, price premium, scale of production and other financial variables.

Brand managers seeking to achieve long-term growth in the profitability of their brand portfolios should take the following steps:

  • bring the brand portfolio into full compliance with business structure;
  • consider the possibility of building a brand pyramid;
  • concentrate your efforts on a group of strong brands.

Firstly, Branding decisions need to be embedded in every aspect of an enterprise's business structure, from end-customer choice to internal organizational structure. Brands should be used to create a unique structure for the entire business of an enterprise and protect it.

Secondly, The brand pyramid requires the construction of a protective barrier. The best response to attacks is an effective defense strategy. In practice, this means that the base of the pyramid should be managed according to the principle of low-cost business design, which usually translates into outsourcing production to third countries.

Thirdly, The size of a company's brand portfolio and its composition is an extremely important issue. Adding a brand to a portfolio can play an important role when delving into existing regional markets or expansion into new product categories. But with weak economic development businesses are faced with the need to concentrate their investments on a small group of strong brands, i.e. on brands that have price premiums, strong distribution, global scale and other key advantages, and therefore a good opportunity for future revenue growth.

Intuition, based on facts and combined with an understanding of the importance of the impact of brand equity and its economics on the profitability of the enterprise as a whole, creates a solid foundation for a successful future portfolio of brands. The main thing is that this intuition is applied not to individual individual brands, but to the entire portfolio of the enterprise.

The secret to building a strong brand is choosing the right marketing communications at the right time to overcome specific barriers in the purchasing decision process. Companies with strong marketing Constantly experimenting with new communication tools and collecting data on how effective these tools are for certain categories of brands. For example, in Russia in recent years such forms of marketing communications as direct mail, promotions And creation of innovative Internet sites. These means of contact with the buyer can be a targeted weapon to overcome barriers in the purchasing decision process.

Brands of the future must focus their efforts on stimulating consumer creativity, keeping them entertained while at the same time ensuring consistent reliability and quality. These efforts are the main carriers of connections and values. By clearly defining the brands of the future, branding will be more effective method finding the target audience than traditional consumer segmentation.

Modeling a strong brand of the future assumes that it is not the brand that will seek out its audience, but that it will find the brand. A brand that independently segments its market, according to Thomas Gad, who compared a brand to a theater, will not need either geographic or demographic information, or knowledge of consumer behavior stereotypes. The brand's customers will become its friendly advocates and ambassadors. They will determine its strength - both in terms of marketing and in monetary terms.

A brand must devote all of itself and all the power of its imagination to creating its future. It will place greater demands on brands, driven by concepts such as increased market transparency and more informed, skeptical and critical consumers, who will be harder to win over.

In the West, brand building is usually carried out by specialized agencies, since mistakes when building a brand on your own can be very large. A new brand is usually created from many alternative projects.

  • Brand management. McKinsey&Company recommendations // Center for Humanitarian Technologies. Humanitarian technologies and human development. Expert analytical portal. URL: gtmarket.ru/laboratory/expertize/2006/729.
  • R&D – research and development. Cm.: Lambin J.-J. Strategic Marketing. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1996.
  • Cm.: Kotler F. Marketing management. Analysis, planning, implementation, control. St. Petersburg: Peter, 1999. P. 72.
  • Cm.: Gad T. 4D branding. St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Stockholm School of Economics in St. Petersburg, 2003.
  • Thomas Gad is a Swedish economist and marketer, one of the leading marketing theorists, the founder of the theory of four-dimensional branding. Since the early 1980s. and currently works at advertising business- first as a text writer, then as a creative director, marketing consultant and director of strategic development brands. Among his clients are "Nokia", "Virgin", "SAS", "Proeter&Gamble", "Compaq", "Microsoft", "Telia", "SEB", "BMS Software", "BMW", "Datatec Logical", " Vattenfall-SwedPower", "Metsa-Serla" and others well-known companies.
  • Cm.: Sabetsky K. N. Effective management of the company's brand portfolio // Financial business. 2004. November – December. P. 64.

7.1. Development and implementation of brand management in an organization

Currently, many heads of domestic organizations, as well as heads of Western companies, have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to create and promote a brand on the market, which contributes to the stable development of organizations in a competitive environment. That is, the time comes when the need to concentrate efforts not on promoting a product or service as such, but on developing and promoting your brand as a whole, becomes obvious.

A brand, in essence, is not an idea of ​​a product, but an idea of ​​the value of this product. The main parameters by which a brand can be characterized are indicators of the consumer’s attitude towards it, for example, value, sustainability, loyalty, image perception. Therefore, when developing a brand, its creators must take into account not only the conscious reaction of potential consumers, but also the emotional connotation of this reaction.

However, the brand itself cannot act as a guarantor of the organization’s competitiveness.

In order for a brand to work effectively for an organization, you need to be able to manage it. By properly managing your brand, you can achieve a lot, for example:

1) stabilize the sales volume in the market in question and create a stable image of the product or service in the eyes of consumers;

2) increase profits by expanding the range of goods and creating a common image for a group of goods or services;

4) take into account three important aspects when developing advertising: history, today’s realities, and forecasts for the future. However, effective brand management is quite complex and depends on professional knowledge, ability to work with various types intellectual property, trademarks, design, texts.

Some organizations independently resolve all issues related to the creation and promotion of a brand. In such cases, branding is sometimes handled by marketing department specialists. But more often, to achieve greater efficiency, branding management is entrusted to a third party professional organization, specializing in this, for example an advertising agency.

In general, branding is a joint creative activity of an advertising agency and a manufacturing organization, based on the results of marketing research, aimed at developing and large-scale implementation of a brand image in the minds of the consumer - a characteristic image of a product or group of products.

To improve the efficiency of brand management, manufacturing organizations independently engaged in brand management must choose one of two development paths: creating a department that performs the functions of an advertising agency full cycle services, or a marketing and consulting company, the so-called brand incubator.

The brand management department, organized like a full-service advertising agency, recruits people who have knowledge of creative professions(artists, designers), and people specializing in the preparation and development of advertising campaigns and other marketing communications. Due to daily work with a wide range of marketing situations and problems, department employees acquire the competence and qualifications that allow them to ensure a high pace and level of brand development. In addition to creative people, the department should also include businessmen who deal with the application of creative potential to purely practical needs.

As a rule, these are analysts on market issues and funds mass media. They must be aware of all new advertising technologies and navigate prices and current production problems.

In general, the brand management department is assigned the following functions:

These functions determine its structure. Thus, it is advisable to divide it into subdepartments according to the functions performed. As a rule, the following divisions are distinguished:

1) division of creative development and production of advertising products;

2) division of media content planning (advertising media, acquisition of advertising space in the media);

3) marketing research department.

Let's take a closer look at these divisions.

The main function of the creative division of the brand management department is to develop ideas for advertising content, which forms the basis of advertising campaigns.

In people's minds, the words “creative” and “organized” are often considered opposite in meaning and even mutually exclusive. However, both of these components of advertising content development must be present simultaneously. To do this, the project coordinator must be flexible in terms of organizing creativity, as well as strict and strict in controlling the quality and timing of production.

Typically, this unit includes the following employees:

1) creative director;

2) manager of the creative works department;

3) artistic director;

5) producer;

6) designers;

7) artists;

8) specialists in preparing media products for broadcast.

The work of this unit can be divided into four characteristic stages:

2) agreement on the general direction of the creative concept;

3) approval of the concept with the creative team and the person responsible for the brand;

4) after approval, the artistic director and copywriters work with employees directly involved in the production of printed materials and preparing them for broadcast.

To manufacture products, an organization can turn to third-party specialists from advertising agencies on a contract basis.

The media content planning division is engaged in planning and placing advertising content at the best time and in the “right” media, in order to reach the target audience as effectively and accurately as possible, while keeping costs to a minimum. In order for an advertising module to work effectively, you need to correctly distribute the media channels through which it will be distributed. Thus, the main task of this division is to place advertising so that it has an impact on the maximum number of potential consumers, who are the target audience, while minimum costs for advertising.

The structure of this subdepartment is as follows:

1) media director (manager);

2) media planners (engaged in media planning);

3) media buyers (engaged in the acquisition of advertising space);

4) media researchers (engaged in media analysis);

5) traffic managers (monitoring advertising output).

The main task of the marketing research unit is to analyze the desires, needs, motives and ideas of a potential consumer. To do this, it is necessary to solve problems such as:

1) analysis of secondary information collected by other research and monitoring companies;

2) conducting own research (both qualitative and quantitative);

3) monitoring the dynamics of sales volume and other information.

Typically, each employee in this department deals with a specific product and plays the role of advisor to other employees.

In addition to the above studies, the division also monitors similar work by external contractors. Employees are also involved in developing questionnaires, conducting surveys and analyzing their results, although conducting surveys can be entrusted to a third-party company.

Based on the research results, the necessary adjustments are made in the creative concept.

Basically, the analysis can be divided into two parts: consumer preference analysis and media preference analysis.

It is advisable to conduct research before the development of advertising for precise positioning to the target audience. Preliminary research and testing are also carried out to assess the possible reaction of the target audience to the developed advertising and post-research to assess the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

Market analysis is one of the most important parts of all media planning decisions. The main thing is to identify the target audience. Based on this, the strategy of media plans and advertising campaigns is selected. Competent media planning is very important for increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise.

Essentially, media planning is the process of finding the most effective way conveying information about the brand in question to potential consumers. The main task media planning is the formation of a good advertising campaign plan, according to which an advertising message aimed at a specific target audience will be transmitted to it at the right time, in the right place and in the right volume, without affecting other consumer segments. Thus, it is clear that media planning is the main stage of an advertising campaign.

The importance of the media content planning unit is increasing even more, as a result of the currently rapidly developing advertising market, since in this situation it is very important to create a competent media plan. In this sense cash should be invested not only in the purchase of direct advertising space for brand promotion, but also in the formation of an optimal advertising budget. It is also important to take into account that in order to develop an effective media plan and create a suitable budget, it is imperative to use special programs and media or marketing research databases. The lack of such information and experience in media planning among most organizations has made it very difficult to develop effective advertising campaigns in the past. Therefore, to create and promote the brand image of any company, it is necessary to have media content planning specialists in the brand management department.

So, in the development of an advertising campaign, media planning plays a major role, which involves managing the advertising budget allocated for the purchase of advertising time and space. However, it is also important for brand management professionals to evaluate the role of the media plan in the overall marketing communications plan. After all, on different levels development and different stages of the brand life cycle, media advertising plays a greater or lesser role. The work of specialists from the media content planning department is important here; they must work out the media plan as an element that beneficially complements the overall communication of the marketing plan and increases its effectiveness. In this case, a competent media plan must correspond to the main territorial and socio-demographic characteristics of the target segment, the characteristics of the available media and the market, in order to avoid unnecessary expenses of the advertising budget and a decrease in the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. This kind of media planning for brand promotion should be provided by mediametric specialists in the brand management department. The functions performed by this department can be called strategic planning of marketing and marketing communications.

Moreover, the brand management department is responsible not only for strategic planning promotion, but also for planning the remaining elements of the marketing mix - distribution channels, prices, products, etc.

The department performs the functions of organizing distribution networks.

In addition, sometimes it is justified to create a new unit within the department in question - a strategic planning unit. This division assumes the functions of communication consulting on all aspects of the organization's marketing activities.

When a department believes that the information provided to it is not sufficient to develop a strategy, specialists formulate the basic questions that need to be answered to successfully develop a marketing mix research program.

After agreement with the project coordinator, specialists from the strategic planning unit transfer the research program for implementation.

After processing the research program, department specialists develop recommendations on product, assortment, price, sales policy brand. These recommendations, in fact, constitute the brand strategy.

All employees involved in the project direct their activities towards the implementation of the developed strategy.

Thus, the main thing is formed - long-term preference for the product.

The work of the department can be schematically represented as follows.

Stage 1 – receiving general assignments from the project coordinator, which include goals and objectives in the field of production, long-term development, planned profit. These goals must be realistic and achievable.

Stage 2 – setting the task for the strategic planning unit based on the assignment of the project coordinator.

Stage 3 – setting the task for the research unit. At this stage, an analysis of the project coordinator’s information, goals and objectives, and a list of unclear issues occurs.

Stage 4 – preparation of research proposals, which include research methodology, cost, timing.

Stage 5 – approval of research proposals within the department. Upon completion of the research, their results are brought to the attention of the director of the strategic planning unit for internal approval of the document.

Stage 6 – agreement of the proposal with the project coordinator, who approves the program, including its main components - assigned tasks, questionnaires, research algorithms, time, location, cost of the research program.

Stage 7 – an “implementation task” is formed, which is transferred to the head of the research unit, after which the implementation of the program begins.

Stage 8 – coordination of research results within the brand management department. Occurs after collecting and processing statistical data. A preliminary report on the study is being prepared. Appropriate corrections and additions are made to the report.

Stage 9 – approval of the research report by the project coordinator. After discussing the results with him, final corrections and additions are made. The report is approved in writing by the project coordinator.

Stage 10 – development of a brand strategy by the strategic planning department. At the same time, target groups, brand positioning, recommendations for developing the name, packaging, advertising modules of the brand, brand promotion strategy in the market, pricing and assortment policy are analyzed and determined.

Stage 11 – coordination of the developed strategy with the project coordinator and its approval.

Stage 12 – setting the task for the creative department. Requirements for logo, packaging, advertising concept of the brand.

Stage 14 - upon completion of the development of the logo, name, packaging, advertising modules and media strategy, all these elements of brand management are agreed upon with the project coordinator and the strategic planning department. Written approval by the project coordinator is required.

This structuring makes it possible to significantly simplify control over the implementation of the project. In addition, time standards for completing all stages must be established. This allows you to minimize the deviation from set by management deadlines.

Many Russian companies already understand the need for changes in marketing communications and their importance for increasing the level of competitiveness of the organization. The leading role in this is played by planning brand promotion in the media, so-called media planning.

By definition, media planning is the process of making interrelated decisions that determine how to optimally convey brand information to potential buyers. The main goal is to develop an advertising campaign plan in which the advertising module will be delivered to the target audience at the optimal time, volume and place, excluding unnecessary impact on other people.

The main thing is to understand not only the need to purchase advertising space, but also the need optimal choice advertising channels.

A set of media planning activities is the most important stage, since it is this process that regulates the main advertising costs.

Assessing the role of the media plan is an integral part of planning the organization’s advertising activities. When the need for integrated communication arises, a marketing communication plan is developed.

An analysis of the concept of media planning in Western countries and in Russia shows that in Russia media planning is based on Western experience, and often it completely repeats Western methods.

The main difference between brand management departments based on the brand incubator model is that this type of department does not develop a creative strategy for advertising campaigns, produce advertising materials, or place them in the media. The brand incubator is exclusively engaged in creating a brand and providing consulting services related to its development. Due to the narrow specialization, a department based on the structure of a brand incubator can significantly reduce the cost of maintaining a team of specialists who are not directly involved in the consulting process, and, accordingly, reduce the overall cost of the project. The main functions of a brand incubator can be divided into the following groups.

1. Brand development, which focuses on matching the brand to the expectations of potential consumers. It is important to note that building a brand concept based on the fact that new brand should have significant differences from existing brands, it would be economically wrong.

2. Performing an audit of the existing brand and developing recommendations for changing the brand positioning and adapting its communication elements.

3. Defining the boundaries of the brand's existence in such a way that minimal effort is required for future adjustments.

4. Ensure a unified marketing message.

5. Ensuring a unified representation of the brand in time and space, without taking into account the geographical area of ​​its distribution.

In Russia, small and medium-sized organizations operating in local markets, retail trade organizations and other companies that are not interested in conducting large-scale advertising campaigns, but need specialists in the field of brand management, are usually interested in creating this kind of departments.

Thus, organizations for which conducting large-scale advertising campaigns is impossible due to budget limitations or is impractical due to the peculiarities of the marketing activities of such companies are not interested in maintaining brand management departments in their structure, based on cooperation with advertising agencies full cycle of services. At the same time, competent implementation of the principles of the communication concept of marketing may be not only necessary, but also sufficient for an organization operating within a small region, retail outlet or even a small network. Despite the fact that the quantitative scales are incomparable, the qualitative scales are comparable and practically coincide.

It is easy to see that in a specific local market small organization, which produces products under a competitive brand, is able to get the desired profit that it needs for development, despite the presence of larger, but at the same time less effective in terms of branding, companies on the market. The bulk of buyers of most service points are located close to the point, and communication with them is limited and territorial. Such companies are not interested in conducting an advertising campaign in which most They don't need an audience.

The main task for such companies is to develop a highly effective brand and competently manage it throughout all cycles of its life.

Fulfillment of these tasks leads to the stable development of the brand and, as a consequence, to the development of the organization that produces it.

Competent brand management involves not only constant marketing research, but also knowledge and experience in the field of marketing and marketing communications. The more this knowledge is, the more accurate and simpler the analysis of marketing research results is, the better the business decisions made.

Thus, even without incurring significant costs for large-scale advertising campaigns, you can make the organization rapidly developing and allow it to become one of the largest players in the market or simply get the desired profit.

So, the creation of a brand management department, working on the principles of a full-service advertising agency or brand incubator, makes it possible to conduct effective branding, which is the main success factor entrepreneurial activity any company. However, obtaining the effects from the implementation of this program is directly related to the costs of creating the department, maintaining its functionality and implementing the plans it develops. It is also important to remember that the choice of one of the described organizational forms of the department must correspond to the goals and objectives of the company. Thus, it is not enough just to see the success of a brand created and promoted using the branding system organized in the company; it is also necessary to understand how effective the created brand management department is in itself.

In order to evaluate the effect of the work of this department, it is possible to consider and evaluate factor by factor all the components of the effect that are provided by the research conducted by the department, developed plans and recommendations.

The effects that a company can get from implementing brand management are as follows:

1) increase in sales volume;

2) optimization of pricing and assortment policies;

3) increasing profits from the brand;

5) expansion of the client base;

6) reducing time resources spent on brand management;

7) expansion of the target segment and increase in the number of potential consumers;

8) increasing competitiveness.

In addition, as noted earlier, when assessing the effect an organization receives from implementing brand management, great value have costs. It is important to take into account here that very high costs usually appear when attracted third party organizations to perform communications and consulting services or strategic planning, namely when working with independent full-service advertising agencies or brand incubators. Such organizations often value their services based on general market principles for payment for consulting services; moreover, the most qualified specialists value their work very dearly. Therefore, a brand manufacturer company, when working with branding partners, always runs the risk of overpaying, while the introduction of brand management in an organization allows you to avoid this risk and makes it possible to control the costs of brand management.

Typically, the following types of costs for brand management are distinguished:

1) costs of consulting activities;

2) costs associated with the development and implementation of a strategic brand management plan;

3) costs of research;

5) costs of creative development;

6) costs of developing information support;

7) costs of acquiring the necessary marketing information;

8) costs of expanding the staff and, as a result, increasing the fund wages(with the emergence of the brand management department);

9) periodic expenses for advanced training of employees (branding specialists).

So, a viable and effective brand is the result of targeted professional actions to manage consumer perceptions about it. In essence, brand management is based on conducting research on consumer desires, the work of competitors, the main trends of the target market segment and implies responding to all changes that occur. Such brand management must be ongoing and professional in order to ensure the brand's competitiveness and increase its value to consumers. Therefore, it is very important to introduce a special brand management department in the brand producing organization.

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Brand management is the process of creating own brand, i.e. trademark. Moreover, this only includes the initial stage of creating everything necessary for the future brand (name, logo, packaging design, etc.), as for brand promotion, marketing and competition, this has nothing to do with brand management. However, you should not think that brand management is not such an important component of success. Quite the contrary, because it depends on what you initially put into trademark How you build a plan, how successful the symbolism will be, etc. depends on whether you can become a leading manufacturer, or whether you will remain among small “consumer goods” and unsuccessful marketers.

Brand management is just the beginning!

Any entrepreneur must understand that having implemented effective brand management, he will have to promote it. No matter how brilliant your ideas are, people will not buy your product if you do not advertise it, do not compete, etc. Thus, creating a trademark is only half the battle; subsequently you will have to work with it for a long time, investing money and personal time in it.

It is worth noting that almost anyone can conduct brand management. But another question: what kind of brand management? Many entrepreneurs do it through one place, hence the high percentage of unsuccessful entrepreneurs promoting their brand.

The name is everything!

Do you think the brand name has no special significance? No, it is perhaps of the greatest importance in the process of creating a brand. The more attractive the name is, the easier it is to remember and pass on to friends and acquaintances, the greater your chances of becoming a top brand. And if your name is impossible to pronounce, it has nothing to do with the purpose of the product, then great success you won't achieve it. The most important components of a brand name are brevity, attractiveness, uniqueness, creativity and disclosure of the content of your products. In principle, some brands promote themselves only on the name. If you don’t believe me, then here’s an example from life:

Appeared in my city new network supermarkets with the original name “Tam-Tam”. At first everyone laughed at this name, but today these stores are quite popular, and this is provided that the owners of Tam-Tam did not conduct any mass advertising campaign. They came out solely by word of mouth, when people passed on information about the unusual supermarket among friends and acquaintances. Funny, creative and, most importantly, profitable.

Stages of brand management!

Selection of industry.

From the very beginning, a person should think not about a trademark, but about the field of business in which he wants to work. Here you need to sit down and think whether you will be able to realize yourself in this area, whether you have enough skills and abilities. Also estimate, at least approximately, how much profit you intend to receive, what the cost will be and, most importantly, why your goods or services will be in demand among people. You may even have to conduct opinion polls, but it’s better to spend an extra couple of weeks than to regret a wrong choice for the rest of your life.

We carry out benchmarking - analysis of competitors!

When you have decided on the industry, it is time to do a little benchmarking, i.e. analyze how your competitors operate. You should pay attention only to the most successful ones, because if you want to create a brand, then you strive for leadership. It’s not even worth looking at small brands, just to learn from their mistakes.

Think about why one brand is superior to another, what makes it competitive advantages, how marketers work when advertising it, etc. Having made a competent analysis, you can make your own changes, additions, and then proceed directly to building your brand, taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages of competitors.

Some businessmen, in order to learn the secrets of their competitors, get a job with them or introduce their own person there. As a rule, analysis from the inside brings much more results, but it can also take more than a year.

We come up with a name and logo.

The name was described above, now let's talk about the logo. Essentially, your logo is the face of the company, and the more colorful, vibrant and attractive it is, the more successful your brand is. It is not necessary for the logo to have much meaning, because people, for the most part, do not look at packaging in search of hidden philosophical implications. However, the logo should not be completely left-wing either. Its main characteristics: brightness, memorability, attractiveness, uniqueness.

It is worth noting that some businessmen try to make their logo similar to an already promoted brand. Of course, this can bring results, but there are two disadvantages. Firstly, you may fall under copyright laws and be liable for plagiarism (even partial) in the form of a fine. Secondly, if you want to take a leading position in your country or the world, then your emblem must be unique. It is quite possible that you will go much further than the brand you want to counterfeit.

Production and sales planning.

This is a very long and important stage, which includes absolutely all actions related to the creation own business. I will not dwell on it, because this is material for a separate article.

Planning an advertising campaign.

But it’s worth saying a few words about marketing planning. When your brand is fully created and registered in accordance with the law, you will begin promoting it. So, the advertising plan should be prepared in advance, because you won’t have time to draw it up later. You must calculate how much your advertising will cost, what types you will use, who the marketing will be aimed at, etc. The more detailed your plan is, the better.

Registration of company and brand.

The last stage is the registration of the brand and business. At the same time, you fill out all the documents, register with the tax office, receive a license, permit, patent and many other documents. I will not dwell on this point either.

Marketing is an integral part of a successful brand!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: without marketing it’s impossible to create a good and popular brand, or rather, it’s possible to create it, but it’s not possible to promote it. Advertising can be different, from traditional to the most unusual options (as in the case of “Tam-Tam”), but it must be present without fail.

3 rules for a successful brand!

  1. You should not spare money, either on advertising or on other ways to promote your brand. If you save on absolutely everything, then you will not be the owner of a large and popular brand. A lot of money should be allocated for promotion; it is also advisable to order a logo and packaging design from professionals, and not do it “in a hurry” on your computer in Paint.

Bribes are also acceptable, but I didn’t tell you that...


Remember one thing: you won't be able to create a popular brand if you set yourself mundane goals. Suppose you are now just a graduate of an economics university with a small initial capital, even though you are still far from the most prestigious brands, but this is only for now... Set a goal for yourself: to become the best, and go towards it, no matter what. Conduct brand management, promote your trademark and climb to the “financial Olympus”! Only such an attitude can bring effective results.