Over 15 years of experience as an IT manager, including 10 years as an IT director, has experience in managing automation projects (ERP, WMS, etc.), including industrial enterprises, companies with a multi-branch structure, organizational experience retail chains, call centers, experience in launching and maintaining online stores. Project Manager at the Razdolye Exhibition Center.

Course program

1. Theory: modern methods production management.
2. Production management without planning.
3. Construction of a production schedule.
4. MES tools

Course volume: 70 pages and more than 5 hours of video.

Who the course materials are aimed at:

1. For managers and specialists of production and economic planning departments.
2. For managers and specialists of IT departments who are faced with the task of choosing a system complex automation enterprises.
3. For directors and owners of enterprises who are interested in new management tools.
4. For everyone who is interested in methods of managing production enterprises.

What problems can an enterprise solve with the help of 1C:ERP using the course materials?

1. Familiarize yourself with different options for organizing planning and accounting in production.
2. Select a suitable production management methodology.
3. Define next steps to improve enterprise management tools.

How to control the work of an enterprise “from start to finish”? We offer you a line of authorized 1C courses on working with the 1C system: ERP Management enterprise 2". With the help of this modern ERP system you will be able to plan finances, work with purchases, control the warehouse, as well as staff salaries.

"1C:ERP" is an innovative solution that is indispensable for multidisciplinary enterprises. Software developed on the new version 8.3 of the 1C:Enterprise platform. The development is based on the best global and domestic practices in automation of large and medium-sized businesses. The system has already proven its reliability and relevance. Products of the line are used on most large enterprises Russia, CIS and other countries. If you want to keep up with the times and apply advanced technologies to develop your business, you cannot do without 1C:ERP!

Authorized courses on working with the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.4 system are intended for project managers for accounting automation, IT directors, 1C programmers, sales/purchasing department employees, financiers, employees of economic planning services, accountants and everyone involved in automation and accounting at the enterprise. Courses are taught according to unified methodology, approved by 1C. The program is focused on applying the acquired knowledge in real practice. Based on the “end-to-end example”, situations from professional activity Russian and international companies.

Having completed the program “Concept of the application solution “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2”, Edition 2.4”, You will get a holistic understanding of how to most effectively use 1C:ERP in your company. You will learn what problems the system solves and how it can improve business performance. The course will provide comprehensive knowledge about mechanisms, architecture, purposes and capabilities application solution 1C: ERP.

On course “Management of production and repairs in the application solution “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2”, Edition 2.4” You will learn how to manage production, plan maintenance activities and perform basic accounting of operating indicators. In addition, you will learn to take into account the cost of manufactured products and “work on mistakes.”

The course “Management accounting of costs, financial results in the application solution “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2”, Edition 2.4” will tell you how to plan financial results. You will study all the functionality of the 1C:ERP 2.4 program and its subsystems in terms of the assets and liabilities of the enterprise. You will learn how to account for costs, distribute and reflect them. Learn to calculate costs, work with liabilities and income.

On course "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2. Budgeting, Edition 2.4" You will learn how to budget in 1C:ERP 2.4 and develop practical skills in working in the program. During the course, a cross-cutting problem is solved - drawing up a company budget.

And for those who need to maintain IFRS accounting, there is a course Accounting and reporting according to IFRS in 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2, Edition 2.4 .

Do you want to improve the efficiency of your enterprise? Take courses on business management using 1C:ERP. Enterprise Management 2"!

The production management subsystem is one of the most popular in terms of current plans for enterprise automation using 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2. Her practical application on industrial enterprises provides a range of opportunities to improve the efficiency of production management processes:

  • Allows you to minimize the dependence of planning quality on the accuracy of regulatory data;
  • Division of responsibility, two levels of production management: the level of the enterprise logistics manager and the local (shop) management level;
  • Accuracy in accounting: clarification of the operational composition of work and consumption of materials for each launch batch;
  • Allows you to minimize the need for redevelopment;
  • To control the progress of the production process by stages (inter-shop stages), a dispatch mechanism was implemented, and a “semaphore system” of notification was developed;
  • The production manager can predict in advance the negative development of the situation during the production process relative to the planned deadlines.

It is important to note that the production functionality of "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" is being developed, incl. within the framework of close interaction between developers and users of the solution, taking into account the wishes that are accumulated from a number of automation projects. The next result of the work done was the release new edition 2.2.

In order to increase the flexibility of the production management process, an alternative implementation option for the production subsystem has been added, called "Production Management. Version 2.2". It is based on a new internal storage architecture while maintaining the overall automation concept production activities. Continuity is ensured during the transition from the current version of "Production Management. Version 2.1" to the use of new mechanisms.

To quickly develop new capabilities of the 1C:ERP production subsystem In version 2.2, a video course has been prepared, which will cover:

  • The information obtained as part of the video course can be useful to a wide range of users of the "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" solution, specialists in the implementation of the production subsystem, as well as representatives of enterprises who are just considering purchasing "1C:ERP" as part of the tasks of automation and improvement efficiency of production process management. a new, customizable implementation option for the production subsystem: "Production Management. Version 2.2";
  • a new production management technique “Without drawing up a production schedule”, which significantly simplifies the start of working with the system by minimizing requirements for initial data and shortening the chain mandatory documents;
  • new "Production Order" documents, which allow for more flexible setting of production tasks for production and performance of work;
  • production progress management, which is based on the execution of stages production processes, issued separate documents"Production stage";
  • managing the queue of production orders, forming production stages, creating a production schedule, which are carried out within the framework of a new convenient workplace for a planner;
  • new algorithms for transferring materials to production and ensuring product release, which can significantly reduce document flow for product circulation.

A holistic view of the capabilities of the production management subsystem 2.2 will allow you to minimize the required resources for its practical commissioning and reduce labor costs at the stage of modeling and preparation of initial data.

List of topics studied:

  • settings of the "Production" subsystem
  • production management techniques
  • new production order
  • RM "Order Queue Management"
  • formation of production stages;
  • formation of a production schedule;
  • RM "Dispatching production stages"
  • execution of production stages;
  • transfer of materials to production, consumption of materials
  • release of products, transfer of products to the warehouse;
  • employee development
  • production without orders;
  • other changes in production version 2.2;
  • formation of the cost of product release (based on direct costs);
  • planned changes in version 2.2.2.

The course includes:

  • Presentations;
  • video recording of online lectures 1C: Training Center No. 1

Attached teacher/consultant - answers questions during training and for another 3 months after its completion.
(Questions should be sent to [email protected])

Upon completion of training you will be sent a certificate of advanced training. We work officially: how structural unit central office company "1C" (1C: Training Center No. 1) and educational organization. We have a valid educational license since 2004.

Attention! Now the course is also held in the evening from 18:30 to 21:30 in an immersion format.

Purpose of the course: Give students a holistic understanding of the purpose and capabilities of the application solution. The course covers:

  • Reasons and goals for developing a new application solution:
    • Problems and tasks that 1C:ERP solves. Decision mechanisms.
    • Statistics and examples economic effect when implementing 1C ERP systems.
  • Application solution architecture:
    • Composition of subsystems, interaction of subsystems.
    • Methodological foundations embedded in the subsystems.
    • Technological features of the implementation of subsystem functionality.

The course is intended: for project managers from companies involved in implementation, and from Customers, IT directors, sales department employees, and multivendor employees.

The course is calculated: for students who are familiar with enterprise automation technologies and have basic computer skills.

Training can be completed in a distance format (WEB-learning).

(login: _GuestKursa1C_ERP_Concept, without password)

The WEB course is distinguished by more detailed and meaningful materials, in contrast to a similar face-to-face course.

As part of the WEB course end-to-end implementation practical example : from entering regulatory and reference information (directories: “Organizations”, “Enterprise structure”, “Partners”, “Counterparties”, “Nomenclature”, etc.) through the subsystems “Sales”, “Purchases”, “Warehouse”, “Production”, hiring, accrual wages employees production division, before receiving financial result(with the closing of the month according to accounting and tax accounting). The IFRS subsystem is considered only conceptually.

The cost of a full-time day course includes:

  • 3 days from 10:00 to 17:00
  • teaching materials
  • lunches, coffee breaks
  • certificate of the company "1C"

The price of the WEB course includes:

  • 4 weeks of course (video materials more than 14 hours), 4 webinars with a teacher
  • 1 year access to video materials and webinar recordings after completing the course

Included in price full-time immersion course included:

  • 5 days from 10:00 to 17:00 or 9 evenings from 18:30 to 21:30
  • notes, headphones
  • lunches, coffee breaks
  • 1 year access to updated video materials after completing the course
  • certificate of 1C-Training center No. 3
  • one free attempt to test "1C: Professional" using the program "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2"

The price of the online broadcast includes:

  • online broadcast of the full-time course in webinar mode, 3 days from 10:00 to 17:00 Moscow time
  • methodological manual in printed form (sent in advance by Russian Post)
  • certificate of the company "1C"

Training formats

Full-time daytime

Who is this format for:For those who can undergo training while away from work and prefer classic full-time training.

Duration:24 academic hours

Online broadcast

What is this format:Online broadcasting is training in the form of an online webinar, which is rapidly gaining popularity in our country. Instead of special video tutorials, you get a “live” lecture broadcast via the Internet. This ensures maximum naturalness in the presentation of the material, similar to conventional face-to-face training - but the problem of the need for personal presence in the classroom disappears. training center. The only difference from face-to-face training is the absence of direct interaction with the audience and the teacher.

Who is this format for:For those who find the broadcast of a traditional lecture easier and more convenient than video tutorials. For people who want to get the feeling of being personally present in a training center from anywhere in the world.

Duration:24 academic hours

WEB training

What is this format:The proposed format combines many advantages distance learning with a face-to-face component represented by video materials and online consultations.
WEB course consists of videos, practical problems and webinars with teachers. All course materials are available 24/7 via the Internet so you can study at a time that suits you. The course is divided into classes. During the lesson, materials on the current topic are studied, workshops are performed, and questions are asked to the teacher. At the end of each lesson, a webinar is held, during which the teacher examines all the questions received, common errors, and explains the right decision. Recordings of webinars are available in the portal. In this way, several classes are held one after another. At the end there is a final independent work and final webinar.

Duration: 4 weeks

What is this format:A full-time immersion course is a format that combines all the advantages of full-time training, distance learning and individual training. Classes are held in an equipped classroom, you independently study the course materials (step-by-step videos) and perform workshops. At the same time, there is a teacher in the audience who is ready at any time to answer questions and help with solving practical problems, as well as check the correctness of their implementation.
Advantages - individual consultations teacher on your questions, the pace of passing the material that is suitable for you personally.
All this provides a more in-depth study of the course material.
This course can be taken from your workplace with the full effect of the presence of the teacher where the student is! If this opportunity interests you, give us a call!