In life, sometimes there come such moments, days and years when the whole world seems gray and rainy, favorite things do not make you happy, and the meaning, long lost, is not searched for. This happens for various reasons: troubles, death of loved ones, broken relationships, illness, psychological disorders. You can cope if you find the strength to live and overcome depression.

Why don't you want to live?

To force yourself to live when you don’t want to, you first need to find out Why I don't want to live. The reasons may be different:

  • Family tragedy, loss close relative, friend;
  • Unsuccessful relationships, broken at the peak of emotions;
  • Physical and mental exhaustion due to work, important tasks, life circumstances;
  • Health problems;
  • Problems with finances;
  • Negative influence of social circle;
  • Prolonged clinical depression;
  • Violence of a physical, sexual, moral nature;
  • Transitional age, teenage crisis;
  • Retirement and loss of purpose in life;
  • Pressure from society for non-compliance with generally accepted standards;
  • Loneliness.

Whatever the reason, it is important to find out in order to deal with the problem. It is better to do this with the help of a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist. The reason, which lies deep, is difficult to dig out on your own.

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At the same time, it’s not worth understanding the past and dwelling on your own and other people’s mistakes every second. This makes rational sense at the stage of identifying the cause and planning work to eliminate it, but then it is better to stop delving into the past. At this time, the only way out is to accept the situation as it is.

How to find the desire to live in yourself?

If you are trying to figure out how to find the will to live, you definitely have a desire to pull yourself together and start living to the fullest. People who don’t want to live don’t think at all about changing the situation: they either sit with their hands folded because they are afraid of death, or they look for it in every possible way.

Those who are alarmed by their condition and want to get rid of it look for ways to change the situation, read psychological books, seek help from psychologists and work on themselves.

It all starts small - with the search for the desire to live. Few people think about it, but the desire to find the desire to live, despite the tautology, is the motivation to live. If it exists, it means a huge step forward has already been taken and all that remains is to help yourself with any in an accessible way of those recommended by psychologists.

Tips and ways to regain the incentive to live:

  • Get rid of bad memories by consulting a psychologist or psychotherapist. Having lost faith in people, it is difficult to learn to trust them again, but letting go of destructive thoughts is vital. After all, you cannot pour fresh and hot tea into a cup full of cooled tea - and so with the soul, while it is full of negative emotions, positive emotions will not take hold in it.
  • Try to live one day at a time. Psychologists recommend this method as one of the most effective. Don’t think about tomorrow, don’t think about the year ahead, change strategy to tactics. Rejoice in the small victories of the day and decide what you will do with the onset of a new one: walk in the park after work, take a selfie, feed the ducks in the pond, eat ice cream or go buy a new beautiful coat. This is enough to remember that life is beautiful.
  • Get a pet. A man needs a man, but a furry one or feathered friend will replace him and become a personal psychologist. Taking care of him and the pleasant sensations when a pet caresses your hand will help you forget about your problems and realize that there is someone nearby who cares about you.
  • Change your image. The advice is banal, but it works. The time has come for external changes in order to bring about internal changes. Change your haircut, hair color, men can grow or shave their beard. Change your wardrobe. It won’t get worse, but new things will bring new sensations and the people around you will notice it. This way you can perceive life in a new way and discover new facets of it.
  • Rearrange your home. Repaint the walls, add decorations and beautiful posters or paintings, throw out the old and unnecessary, start making decorations with your own hands. It is human nature to get used to his surroundings, and a place where he spends a lot of time in a dejected state will inevitably return him back to despondency. Change the environment and some of the negativity will go away with it.
  • Do something new. Change your social circle, take up sports, dancing, singing, art. Start writing a book, go to the theater, find a club that interests you. Physical and intellectual stress will fill the empty space and displace thoughts of the bad, and a circle of new acquaintances will bring new impressions.
  • If you lack positivity, bring it to others. Yes, unexpected, but it really works. Find those in need of moral, material, etc. help. Donated things, toys, and time are valued by other people, and the positivity received in gratitude will help you feel useful and needed. Doing good in order to get it back is common advice from psychologists.
  • Make a list of your wishes and start fulfilling them. Even if it seems that right now you want absolutely nothing and dream of nothing, think about what you would not give up. And figure out how to do it. This will distract you greatly.
  • Take a vacation. Go on an excursion, hike, trip, to the sea. And let the whole world wait. In just ten days you will look at him with different eyes and your problems will become easier.

In addition, there is a short list of what you should never do when you have lost the desire to live. In particular, you should absolutely not do the following:

  • Under no circumstances allow yourself to get used to alcohol. No amount of drinking will bring long-term relief, and short-term relief will lead to addiction. IN drunk negative emotions worsen, negative character traits appear and actions become unpredictable. In such a state, you can get into a lot of problems and ruin relationships with everyone who could help.
  • Don't become isolated or push away people who are trying to help, especially when your social circle is large. It seems to you that being alone with yourself will make it easier, but this is not so. When tested, it turns out that being alone has become even worse, and people who were pushed away now do not want to come back.
  • Don't focus on your experiences. You should not think for a long time about the circumstances that led to a state of despondency, especially if this does not help yourself in any way.

How to overcome depression?

One of the reasons that you don’t want to live may be depression. It is the most severe, and the mild form of the disease is extremely difficult to calculate.

Definitely, in case of depression, consultation with a specialist is necessary, possibly even drug treatment (antidepressants).

After consultation and detailed study of all aspects, the specialist will recommend:

  • Find out the cause of depression;
  • Work to get rid of the consequences;
  • Improve your quality of life;
  • Change your social circle;
  • Do psychological exercises;
  • Change your diet, include herbal antidepressants in it: cocoa, chocolate, bananas, citrus fruits, coffee;
  • Take medicinal herbal supplements based on St. John's wort, lemon balm, valerian, motherwort, and hawthorn.
  • Concentrate on your loved ones; if you have a child, surround him with care, thereby regaining the meaning of life.

When the results of two or three weeks of intensive work have not justified themselves and your health has not improved, you need to consult a doctor again. Perhaps the situation is more dangerous than it seems. However, most often the cause of depression is behavioral errors, so changing behavior should affect morale for the better.

How to help a person who does not want to live?

It’s scary to hear from someone dear to you, “I’m tired of living,” or even “I want to kill myself.” But what’s even worse is not knowing what to do about it and how to help him.

Suicides occur because people suffering from severe mental pain do not feel that they can cope with it and there is no one to help them. Psychologists say that the decision to commit suicide is the only way they see to relieve this stress.

A person is not always able to cope on his own; he may need the help of specialists, but relatives and friends can provide him with first aid, supporting him when it is most needed.

Here are some effective tips for those who want to help someone else:

  • Understand the cause and recognize the signs of suicidality. For no apparent reason, people do not decide to commit suicide, and sometimes the problem that caused such a desire can be solved by a person nearby. Understanding the cause is the first step to preventing suicide.
  • Treat this individual as a person. Don’t allow yourself and other people to be skeptical about his problem, don’t think that someone can’t do anything about themselves, on the contrary, it’s better to take it seriously. It’s better to exaggerate than to regret later because you didn’t take it seriously.
  • Surround the person with care, but don’t overdo it. A person who does not feel loved and needed by someone will not be able to cope with despair. Encouragement will help penetrate a person's soul and help him persevere. But excessive care of an almost violent nature can push him away.
  • Listen to him carefully. An individual suffering from depression needs to speak out, and since he talks about it with you, take it as a sign of the highest trust and listen to what he has to say. Try to understand the cause and ways to solve the problem. Be calm and attentive to him. You can say that you appreciate such frankness, because it requires a lot of willpower, so you will add a little faith in yourself to the person.
  • Don't rush with advice. Feelings of loneliness and alienation prevent the individual from accepting rational recommendations. Do not put pressure on a person with your opinion, especially do not judge, do not show aggression and do not try to convince them.
  • Set correct question . “I hope you're not thinking about committing suicide” doesn't work because it assumes that you're waiting for the answer you want. “No” in this case will not help solve the crisis, “Yes” - they are unlikely to tell you. It is better to ask: “Are you thinking about suicide?” This question will not cause such a thought in a person if he has not thought about it before, but it will help if the person has thought about it. In this way, he will find an understanding interlocutor nearby, who is not indifferent to his experiences and will be able to discuss a topic that others avoid.
  • Don't console in trivial ways. “Everyone lives like this”, “Everything will be fine”, “You can handle it, I believe in you” - leave it behind. After hearing a couple of banal consolations, a person will lose trust in you. Don't minimize suffering or minimize feelings. Show understanding and responsibility.
  • Be constructive. Don't say, "Think about how much it will hurt us." Suggest alternative methods solutions, ask if he sees other solutions. Find out what still has positive meaning for him and what he values, notice when his mood changes and look for alternatives to suicide.
  • Instill down-to-earth hope. Instead of an empty “Everything will be fine,” use real opportunities and convince him that the crisis is over, using any reasonable methods of overcoming it.

You can give endless advice, but people are different and what can be applied to one is absolutely not comparable to another. Everyone needs an individual approach.

  • Keep a diary. Get your negative emotions out on paper and then start remembering the good things. Describe your feelings. Decorate your notes as brightly as possible. Make various lists of things to do, movies, books, pleasant memories. This will help you understand yourself;
  • Keep a notebook with a list of achievements. On each page, write down things that you can be proud of, and at the moment when you feel bad, open and re-read to regain faith in yourself;
  • Write morning pages. This is especially true for creative people - morning pages, written in the morning with a cup of coffee almost immediately after waking up, help free the mind and tune in to the desired positive mood;
  • Photograph what makes you happy for 100 days in a row. Every day, choose a thing, event, place or person who brought you positive emotions that day. Save these photos and review them, or even better, print them and create a photo album. If you do this regularly, happiness will remain in life;
  • Set achievable goals. Break big goals into steps. Several small tasks are easier to complete than one huge one. For example, the goal “Get rid of depression” will be easier to achieve if you break it down into “Go to bed at bedtime for 5 days in a row.” good mood” or “Having the wildest weekend of my life,” etc.;
  • Develop habits. Psychologists say that it takes 27 days to develop a new habit or get rid of a bad one. During this time, the mind gets used to and merges with the new schedule. Draw a calendar and mark your desired habit on it, or use one of the many tracker apps.

However, if no advice and methods help you gain the desire to live, you need to seek help from a specialist.

Unfortunately, in the life of any person one day there may come a period when he realizes that he has completely lost interest in life. This state may be preceded by many troubles and shocks. Sometimes the reluctance to live may appear completely, at first glance, without any basis. How to overcome this apathy?

Why might you want to die?

Even if you believe that such a condition arose without any particular reason, this cannot be - there is most likely a reason, but you are trying to ignore it or simply are not aware of it. In the first case, it may be stress that you experienced some period ago: parting with a loved one, changing your occupation, illness (your own or a close relative’s), some kind of conflict.

In the second case, we can talk about illness. Visit an endocrinologist - problems with the thyroid gland can cause apathy and prolonged depression, and these troubles are often solved with a fairly simple treatment method.

If there are good reasons for this - what to do?

It is important to understand that almost any problem can be solved. Of course, there is something that cannot be solved, and, perhaps, this is only the death of a loved one. The pain of loss, unfortunately, can only be healed with time - everything else can be corrected.


If you have debts, find additional source income. You may have to change jobs or take on additional responsibilities. Also, in many cases, a consultation with a lawyer will be useful - he can advise you on how to get out of this situation. It is possible that debt restructuring will help you.


It is important to realize that millions of people learn every day that they are suffering from some kind of illness. This is not a reason to give up! Start the fight for your health, read on the Internet stories similar to yours that ended positively, and understand that in your case, with due persistence, everything will end well. Consult your doctor, and under no circumstances settle on the opinion of one specialist - listen to different doctors. Make a plan to combat the disease and strictly adhere to it. Subsequently, this story will make you more attentive to your health and better “understand” your body.

Non-reciprocal love

Almost always, people who have experienced unreciprocated love and suffer because of their unrequited feelings subsequently realize that they wasted their time devoted to suffering. If a person doesn't love you, you need to do everything possible to cut him out of your life! Moreover, your the main task now - to make sure that your life is bright and interesting without an object of sympathy. By filling your everyday life with interesting events and new positive impressions, you simply won’t leave yourself time to think about unrequited love.

Subsequently, you will certainly meet a person with whom your feelings will be mutual, even if now you don’t need anyone else. Then you will regret the time spent thinking about failed love. Believe me, one day you will understand that this development of the situation was only for the better.

I don’t want to live, or in other words, prolonged depression

What is it and how to overcome it

Long-term depression is a psychological disorder that is accompanied by certain accompanying symptoms. These include apathy, severe physical weakness, bad mood and reluctance to live. You are no longer interested in anything and you don’t want anything - it seems that nothing can have a beneficial effect on your condition. If you don’t start fighting this disease in time, you can lose several years of your life!

Treatment with medicine

It is very difficult to cope with prolonged depression on your own - especially when you don’t want to do it. This medical problem, and by visiting a psychologist, you can find out which treatment will help in your situation. The necessary psychotherapeutic help can completely lift you out of a depressive state. It is highly not recommended to buy antidepressants on your own and vary the dosage at your own discretion!


If you have no desire to go to the doctors, but you want to live a different life, then you can help yourself. However, even the fact that you are reading this article, indicates that you are ready for self-healing.

First, you need to determine what caused the depression and leave this situation in the past. You may return to thinking about her later, but now is the time to think about your psychological state.

1. The first thing you need to do is make drastic changes to your lifestyle. It may seem to you that you don’t have the strength or ability to fit something else into your daily routine, but you still need to force yourself to do it. Unfortunately, at this stage there is no other way - just force yourself.

Start with new experiences and go on a trip. If you don’t want to go anywhere now, buy a tour that you would want to go on in a time when you weren’t depressed. Introduce more activity into your lifestyle - sign up for a gym session with a trainer or go to group training. These two points will help you start moving in the right direction. It is also important not to forget to follow the correct daily routine and consume the required amount of vitamins.

2. You can find many videos on the Internet in which psychologists give free advice on how to get out of depression. Take the time to watch videos like these and glean important information from them.

3. Share your experiences with a loved one (mother, husband or friend). Even close people do not always understand that their relative or friend is depressed, attributing his behavior to a bad mood. Meet and communicate with the people you love more often.

4. Find a new hobby for yourself. If you are not interested in any activities right now, then remember what you liked before or what you planned to do. Sign up for the selected master classes, and give yourself the mindset to attend at least the first two classes - not one, but two! Most likely, a new business will captivate you and allow you to take a significant break from your condition.

How to help a person who doesn't want to live

If you asked yourself this question, then we are probably talking about a person who has something for you special meaning. Many people who have fallen into such a difficult psychological state find it very difficult to get out of it on their own.

If you notice that someone close to you is depressed, you can help:

  • People suffering from this disease most often have little communication with others. It is often during this period that they lose many friends who failed to understand that their refusal to meet is not at all an indifferent attitude towards friendship, but a difficult moral state. Having noticed such a person showing signs of depression, do not pay attention to his desire to withdraw into himself and do not take his detachment personally. Find time to regularly check in with him about his affairs, find out about his mood, tell him about yourself and encourage him. Even if others turn away from him, he will not feel the burden of loneliness, because he will know that he has someone who is always ready to listen and talk to him!
  • Offer a trip to an interesting place. You need to be sure that the route you choose will please this person. If he used to love visiting museums and exhibitions, go to a place like this. To make it simply inconvenient for him (or her) to refuse you, say that the tickets have already been purchased, and you have no one else to go with, and you don’t want any other company.
  • Let him/her know that your friendship or family ties are very important to you. Ask for advice, show interest in his (her) affairs. A depressed person often states that no one needs him - show that this is not true at all!
  • If you see that the situation is quite serious, convince the person suffering from depressive moods to visit a psychologist. Ask him to consult a specialist at least once. Tell him that millions of people turn to professionals for help every day, and this only benefits them.
  • When communicating, emphasize that you are convinced of the temporary nature of this phenomenon. From time to time, your friend may experience “enlightenment” in his state - tell him about it. Pay attention to situations that improve his mood and try to make them repeat.
  • Do not communicate with such a person as if he were sick and do not demonstrate “fake gaiety.” A depressed woman or man understands everything, but remains in apathy. Remain in your natural state, but show the person who demonstrates in every possible way that he is tired of life how important his healing is to you.

How to want to live when you want to die

If it sometimes seems to you that there is no desire left to continue living, this does not mean at all that you are seriously inclined to commit suicide. It just means that you are not living the life you would like to live. Accordingly, there is only one way out - to radically change your daily routine.

1. External changes

  • Start with changes in appearance. Since you feel an unwillingness to live, then, apparently, you are at least tired of your current image. Go to a trusted hairdresser and tell the hairdresser that you would like to change your hairstyle, but don’t know which option to choose - a specialist will probably help you with your choice based on your type of appearance. Be prepared to not have a great time on your first day the new kind, but this will only benefit you - now you can think about something else other than the unwillingness to live. Most likely, the next day you will see all the delights of the new look. If this does not happen, go to another master, continuing the experiments.
  • Also review your wardrobe. If it is not possible to use the services of a stylist, then ask a friend for advice good taste. If these options don’t suit you, then just find fashion bloggers on Instagram or in VK groups and copy the style of those you like. It is important that you do not dress this way before.

2. Set goals

Surely, in Lately there have been few changes, achievements or new experiences in your life. You have the opportunity to change this. You shouldn't make grandiose plans if you barely have enough strength to get out of bed right now, but... small steps forward are still useful. Start small - go to the park for a walk, go to the movies, etc.

3. Communication

Try to communicate with positive and kind people, from which you seem to be “charged” with positive energy. And in general, despite all your reluctance, you should regularly make efforts to maintain your social activity. Don't focus on your mood - instead, call a friend and find out how she's doing. Pay a visit to a loved one. Try to initiate contact with the people you love at least several times a week.

4. Pet

Now you are completely immersed in your current state, so you should switch from your personality to something else. Get a pet that will need your attention - a puppy or a kitten. Remember what kind of animal you dreamed of before and buy it or adopt it from a shelter now. Taking care of a new friend will distract you from your own worries. You will be able to feel needed and give yourself many joyful moments. Many depressed people find it difficult to communicate even with their family, but they note an improvement in their mood after contact with animals.

5. Movies

On the Internet you can find many sites that provide lists and descriptions of motivating films. Why don't you review at least some of them? Using someone else's story as an example, you will learn how life can change for the better.

6. Healthy lifestyle

Perhaps, in an attempt to escape from depression, you began to drink alcohol or drugs, thereby providing yourself with a new problem. Each use of alcohol or illegal drugs only makes your situation worse, and now your main task is to eliminate this aspect of their life!

7. Sports

It’s hard for many to believe, but practicing this method really improves not only physical health, but also normalizes the psychological background. Buy a gym membership for personal training with a trainer or for group fitness classes, and after a period of training, you will notice serious changes in your life.

Where to find a new incentive, a new dream, new motivation for your own life

Dreams. Learn to follow important rule– turn your dreams into goals, the fulfillment of which is given a certain period of time. Surely, as a child, you dreamed of many things, planning that you would realize all this “as soon as you grow up.” How many of these dreams have come true? It looks like you have reached a time when your life simply needs changes! Remember where you dreamed of going, what purchase you planned, and so on. Now all these are your plans for the near future. Write a wish list and start making it a reality.

Motivation. How to motivate yourself to make any changes or implement plans. Clearly imagine what your life will be like when you do what you want, but what you don’t have the strength or determination to do. Think in detail about how much you need it and what it can give you. Still can't motivate yourself? Perhaps, in fact, you no longer need what you once dreamed of and that is why your motivation is so weak? Review your list of dreams and determine what you really want from life in the future.

Leave fear behind. The fear of condemnation, pain, criticism and the like will separate us from many accomplishments and changes. Your fears are what are stopping you from living a good life. If you want to achieve truly high goals, you will have to understand that failure in this case is a natural phenomenon.

If you are afraid of something on the way to what you want, then analyze the situation well. Accept that your fears may not be unfounded, and you will indeed have to go through some unpleasant moments, but they are the ones that separate you from what you really need! And when you receive this, then all the inconvenient or difficult situations accompanying this achievement will become small and insignificant for you. Give your dream a chance to come true!

When you don’t want to live, you first need to carefully analyze the current situation. Debriefing this tragedy can be done alone, but it would be nice to do it together with a trusted friend.

In this case, you need to adhere to a simple algorithm:

  1. Discuss all aspects of this situation. It is necessary to find out what really happened. For example: “The girl I loved left me,” “the bank charged me a large amount of loan debt,” “I was left without a job.”
  2. Imagine in your own mind that the situation could be even worse. Imagine that, in addition to this case, something even more terrible could have happened: “Envious people with their slander completely killed my reputation, and now I am without a job,” “the bank requires a much larger amount of money from me,” “my loved one is no more.”
  3. We need to think about why all this happened. Perhaps you lost your job due to neglect, or your lover left because you cheated on him? Look for the very essence of the problem, so as not to step on the same rake later.
  4. It’s worth looking around you and comparing a similar situation with your tragedy., which other people got into. What is a lost job worth compared to a total loss of ability to work? Is it really so painful to part with your lover than to be with a terminally ill child? You need to understand that others may have it a hundred times worse, but they live with it and find a way out of the situation.
  5. Search positive sides . A lost job gives you a chance to find another, much better and more promising one. Ending a relationship that has no future is a very real situation.

Having made this path, putting everything in its place, you can begin to look for ways to solve this issue.

Tired of life -

Unfortunately, today many people consider depression to be a normal state, since there are an incredible number of factors that affect our mood. A person may cease to be interested in benefits, the usual way of life and activity. Often leads to functional and physical disorders. Sometimes the tendency to such a state is expressed in a personal factor, for example, in those who fall into melancholy.

This disease also affects pedantic individuals who are always striving for something ideal, but they... But what if depression leads to the fact that the white light is no longer nice? How to deal with this problem?

Why is there no desire for life? First you need to be honest with yourself, because a deep depressive state can be self-deception. Who said that death can cut off the end of all problems? A person tries to escape, because the essence is not that he does not want to live, but that he has no desire for such a life.

But there are a number of specific reasons that should not be overlooked. If a person often has thoughts that he is tired of being in this world, then he can make his own body believe it.

Therefore, a person needs to more scrupulously monitor the course of his thoughts and be surrounded by attentive people, because the thoughts that he is tired of life once again confirm his critical state.

I don't want to live, but I'm afraid to die

For a person to want to live, he must strive for some goal, small, big, not so important. If it does not exist, then all life has no meaning, and a person simply exists. But let’s not put it off for a long time, let’s start solving the issue.

No desire for life. It may be that there is no goal (it is lost or achieved, but a new one is not set), or there is not enough strength to achieve it. If there are a number of other reasons, then what their motive is, you need to determine what the root of evil is.

It's scary to die. There is a point of view that the feeling of fear of death (by any means: naturally or through, hanging, murder, illness, etc.) is a fear of the inevitable unknown. In general, those who lack faith have a fear of death. For example, a person can believe in God, in himself, or in the fact that after leaving for another world, something new awaits him, because he does not believe that it will be empty there, since absolute emptiness does not exist.

What to do? The main thing is to overcome the fear of the unknown. Become stronger. Set and pursue a goal in life without waiting for the inevitable. But, be that as it may, to decide this question, you need to have willpower, continue to enjoy life and not think about death.

What is the name of the state when you want to commit suicide?

Most often, according to close people, a person has a depressive state. They begin to search for some kind of psychological trauma arising from his life path, console and try to improve his mood. But this is most likely apathy. Deep human sadness takes a lot of energy. But those close to you seem to know better and they have their own truth, since apathy is also called apathetic depression. This is one of the types of depression, but it has its differences from classic depression. According to a person, his life is not terrible, unbearable, but it is devalued by him, it appears without meaning and content. He does the necessary work without the slightest desire, but a life that does not bring pleasure can lead to suicide attempts. It’s bad when apathy is interpreted as laziness; as a result, a person overloads himself with work and debates in society. It may end in a breakdown and bed rest.

In some cases, doctors define mournful insensitivity during a depressive state as conscious apathy, when the patient has a feeling that he is missing something, he is losing something, he does not perceive as clearly the world. He assesses his own condition as painful and cold in relationships. Pure apathy does not accept criticism, the patient is satisfied with everything, he doesn’t want anything and he likes it that way.

When you don't want anything

When you don’t want anything, the main thing at this time is that you should under no circumstances lose sight of this signal and come to your aid. There is no need to be a moralist now; the realization of any desires will be a good medicine, especially forbidden ones. If a person decides to take up the salvation of humanity, then he should not forget his own salvation.

  1. Defining your own boundaries. Even the dog has his own rug by the door. And you?
  2. It's good when a person does not forget about his debts. Just order for yourself: “From 12.00 to 15.00 I have no debts to anyone.”
  3. Walking on fresh air . Draw random passers-by, fellow travelers, etc. into the conversation.
  4. No one can know how tired a person is. You need to start doing extra work instead of the necessary work. This is the only way to get rid of the real one and the installation on it.

For a tired person, other people do not exist. He takes the wrong care of them, as a result of which there is no energy received, since no one needs this care. It is best to make a list of what your loved ones like or dislike most, so that this concern gets to the point and receives energy from it.

What to do if a teenager has no desire to live

If you pay closer attention to families in which teenagers have attempted suicide, you will notice that their prosperous life will be apparent. In this case, these families are not doing well, not materially, but psychologically. Everything depends on the family atmosphere.

What should I do if I want to die because of a guy?

Yes, he is not worth taking his life because of him. You need to completely drive these thoughts out of your head. First you need to look at yourself from the outside, are you not imposing yourself too much on him? Let him think about it, maybe you really hurt him in some way. Stay at least a little in his place, what would you do in this situation.

Or maybe you were the initiator of his behavior? That is, he himself was always the first to come to you to make peace, and by this you made it clear to him that he values ​​your relationship more than you yourself. Therefore, the first to take a step towards reconciliation should be the one who started this discord.

Suicide is not the only correct way out of this situation. Who will be worse off from this? Have you thought about the people close to you who value you so much? Or does your boyfriend's attitude matter much more?

What to do if you don’t want to be with your husband

How to approach your husband with explanations that you don’t want to live with him and bring the matter to a divorce? This situation is difficult to explain if the person himself does not have inner confidence in this. You need to give an honest assessment of the situation and try to deal with it. What made the woman decide to leave her husband? Perhaps she is offended, or there is no support, help around the house?..

Here it is important to be understanding of the fact that a woman is under pressure. You need to strain your thoughts and remember what moment in life contributed to the appearance of such sensations. Did these events happen within the family circle or outside of it? Have there been any attempts to influence this situation? You need to scroll through your thoughts about the entire time of your relationship, and what filled you during this time.

Perhaps the relationship began to deteriorate after the child was born, when the composition of the family changes. Then the spouses will have to overcome one more life stage to be prepared not only for internal, but also external changes. Therefore, in order to maintain the same feelings, there is a need for additional efforts. This situation It’s quite complicated and it’s difficult to give any advice right away. But, first of all, you need to try to look for qualities in your husband for which you respect him, and what feelings provoke aggression and destroy the family. Divorce is not a tricky matter, but one comes to this decision when there are no other ways to resolve the issue.

Prayer when you're tired of living

At any time, any person can have a thought when they don’t want to live. This may be due to ordinary problems that will disappear within a few days, or due to serious emotional experiences, such as breaking up with a loved one or losing something dear to your heart.

In this situation, it may seem that parting with life is the only option to avoid the problem, and there are no more options to stop the torment. But in reality this is not at all true!

Even if a person does not believe in the existence of God’s great gift, his plan for him, and this all may seem stupid, then maybe it would still be worth taking a step in the direction where people think about love, its meaning and the prosperity of love.

God does not require much from a person, just for a moment to forget about the thought when there is not the slightest desire to be in this world, and turn to him. There is no need to carefully select your words; the main thing is that they will be spoken from the heart and with a pure heart. With the simplest prayer you can make radical changes in your life, ask the Lord to forgive for the desire to die, since a person does not know any other way to solve the problem, let Him give His love. By visiting a local church and with the help of a simple prayer, you can forever lose the stupid thought of death.

What to do if you don’t want to live, but you have to

What does a person do if there is no desire to live, but he has to? There are several options to get out of this situation.

  1. Don't pay attention to this condition. This is your own organism and body, even if you feel bad today, then you must control the situation, get your body off the couch, cheer up, put it in the shower or, even better, in the pool, or do some physical exercise - and enjoy life again.
  2. Find the reason for the current state. Energetic people feel good. Their cheerfulness does not leave throughout the day. They rush back and forth, meet other people, and at the end of the day they don’t show any weariness. But there are also those who are not like that: at the beginning of the day they are already too lazy to enjoy life, they begin to rummage about upcoming affairs, for which the soul is not particularly inclined. Then they begin to sort them in order to postpone them to a later time, and what needs to be done right now.

Many of them are infuriated by the word “need”, but you can simply replace it with the word “want” and it will work. And if not, then do what is necessary. There is no other way. Because if you stop doing it, it means you won’t get what you want.

What to do if you don’t want to live is asked by a tired, cornered person, whom this most beautiful life and circumstances do not let out of there for a long time.Thoughts appear about the uselessness of existence, a desire to end it, so that everything ends at once.

I would like to ask such a person, do you think you are the only one in this world? Everyone who lives on earth experiences enormous daily difficulties, do you know why? Because they live!

A million times every inhabitant of the planet curses life, the fate of which is nothing more beautiful. Every day we are betrayed, humiliated, fired from work, abandoned by loved ones, we learn about our serious illnesses and illnesses.

What do millions of people do in such cases? Strong personalities fight against all deaths in spite of themselves for a place in the sun, gnawing at this very fate with their tenacity and character. And they win.

The weak are looking day and night for a reason to get out of everything easier, any failure for them is a disaster and unwillingness to live, depression. This is life, my dears, it has never been and will never be easy, calm, without problems. It doesn't happen that way.

Let's try to get out of the hole into which you have driven yourself by not wanting to live.

    1. Stop whining about how tired you are. Who are you saying this for? The world doesn’t care about your problem at all, it’s time to understand. You need to restore your depression and lost interest in life by ceasing to feel sorry for yourself. Pull yourself together. Learn to overcome life's circumstances, prove that you exist, you are an individual. Success will not keep you waiting.
    2. There is one life, no one can measure another, think about it. If you are influenced by someone else's opinion, listen more to your inner voice, act as your mind says, and not someone else's. Sometimes banal intuition, the call of the heart, helps out.
    3. Betrayal was the reason for your reluctance to live? Who betrayed: husband, girlfriend, “beloved”? We have always been betrayed and are being betrayed. Is this news to you? They will be happy because of your mood. Do the opposite, live to the fullest, look, these little people will come running back to you like flies to honey. Character is needed for such periods of life; all living people have enough of them. Let's end everything at once. Why waste time on trifles? Sounds absurd, doesn't it?
    4. Establish the reason for this attitude, perhaps the diet is to blame? Usually, after all kinds of restrictions, a lack of vitamins forms in the body, read about proper weight loss. Buy a set of nuts, easily digestible proteins, fats, there is a whole pharmacy there. A complex of vitamins and minerals will also be in place.
    5. With such blues, to shake up the body, take a contrast shower. A bad mood sets in, clothes aside, ice water, the brain will fall into place immediately.
    6. Go for a walk, walk until you are very tired, you will forget about everything, everything will hurt because you are not used to it.
    7. Call a positive person who is after your heart, whether male or female. If the interlocutor is not very busy, discuss any topic that is still interesting to you. The blues will retreat. Try to thank the person speaking to you; the kind words in return will make you think a little about the worthlessness of a bad mood and lack of desire to live.
    8. Don’t want to go to work, are there problems there? You can’t delay their decision at all, this destroys the nervous system. She came to us, they took her into circulation, at the very least, but they decided right away. The spring inside will straighten out, we live on until the next one, and so on for the rest of our lives.

    1. Sit less in front of the TV, turn everything off social media, email. Anyone will go crazy from the information coming from there.
    2. Turn on your favorite music, enjoy, remembering only the good episodes of life.
    3. Eat a chocolate bar, there is no need to punish yourself for it. We all have such periods; empty refrigerators are sometimes more harmful than chocolate.
    4. You also have a favorite activity, do it, so that you don’t even think about thoughts. Go into it completely. It helps a lot, by the way, when thinking about what to do if you don’t want to live.
    5. Sport strengthens a person’s will, body, and health. Do it at your leisure. Don’t just wave your arms, but for 2 hours, everyone will be treated to sports so that you will be happy with the place, there will definitely be no other thoughts in your head.
    6. Live for yourself, don't live for others. Let your life be yours. Love who you love, go where you want (of course you need decent establishments). You made a mistake in something, correct yourself, don’t look for someone to blame for your failures. It's okay to have failures and ups. You get tired of leaving life after such events.
    7. Try not to gossip or offend anyone, the boomerang will work less. Before you judge someone, ask yourself “am I better?”
    8. Don't be afraid of anything, don't be afraid of anyone. You are no worse, but better than others, defend your point of view intelligently. Always stand by your opinion. Throw away what is imposed.
    9. Take care of your loved ones, they are your blood. Your concern will be for the benefit of everyone.

  1. Drink less strong drinks, don't smoke. In the morning, after binge drinking, I don’t want to live, I just wish I could survive. Sleep according to your schedule. Your mood will return to normal, read an article on the topic at your leisure
  2. Smile more for no reason at all? Everyone has had funny episodes in their lives, remember.
  3. Get rid of laziness, doing nothing leads to various addictions. It’s not for nothing that they say that idleness makes people “go crazy.”
  4. Envious people should leave your society; they are not needed. Constant pick-me-ups and comments won’t add to your mood, so why do you need them?
  5. Have you learned about a serious diagnosis or body problems? There is only one way out, get treatment. There are a lot of people suffering from serious illnesses; it is unlikely that it would even occur to them to go to another world. We need to fight against bad thoughts too.
  6. Never pass by a person in need of any help. You will immediately feel needed. After all, for some reason you are needed here on earth; we will all have time to get there. Do good deeds, believe me, there are people who have it worse.
  7. If you are tired of loneliness, look for a way out, more about this in the article

Life is priceless, wasting it can be very costly, figure it out, put everything in order, everything will work out. And now I will answer your question, what to do if you don’t want to live? Live!!! It’s hard, very hard, impossible, but to live.

I want everything to work out for you, I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Good luck.

Watch the video, it will help you, I don’t want to live anymore, what to do:

Don't want to live? What's the matter - there are many ways to take your own life, all that remains is to choose the most painless and effective one, just to be sure. Anyone who really wants it does so.

In other cases, we can talk about psychological trauma, fatigue, when life loses its bright colors and seems devoid of meaning. And when a person says that he does not want to live, most often he means that he does not want to live exactly the way he lives now.

Psychologists say that out of a hundred people who are thinking about leaving for another world, only one may have very serious problems that push him to take such a step. For example, an incurable disease that he is tired of fighting.

Polish director Krzysztof Zanussi made a film in 2000 called “Life as a Deadly Sexually Transmitted Disease.” The title says it all: we are all going to die. The hero of the film, 60-year-old doctor Tomasz Berg, suddenly finds out that he is sick and his days are numbered. He is faced with a choice: physical torment or suicide? And it is at such moments that a person acutely realizes that he does not want to die. In the face of death, previous troubles and problems are seen as small and insignificant.

The heroine of the novel “Veronica Decides to Die,” who was admitted to a psychiatric hospital due to suicidal tendencies, understands that life is wonderful precisely when, according to the doctor’s forecast, she must die.

What do people who decide to voluntarily go to a place from which no one has returned have in common? According to surveys of psychologists, 90% of them have, in their opinion, insoluble problems that they do not know how to solve, cannot, or do not know how to solve. But are these problems really so serious and a good reason to die? Man is mortal, and is it really worth rushing to set off on the final journey, which sooner or later will have to be taken anyway? Maybe you should give yourself a chance and think about the problem that has made life seem meaningless?

1. Looking for the reason

People often think about death during adolescence. And some young people even decide to take such a step. We are not talking about sects like the “Blue Whale”, when “smart” adults gradually lead the child to such a decision.

Teenagers do not yet realize the value of life; it seems to them that they will die “for fun.” They were offended, humiliated, hurt, and they want to repay the offender in kind. The thought of how the offender will regret what he did, repent and suffer after their death gives them pleasure, clouding their mind and fear of non-existence.

Infantile adults, who are stuck in childhood in terms of their level of intellectual development, often think the same way. Perhaps their parents once limited their independence, and now any a difficult situation seems like a dead end to them. Why strain and look for a way out when in one fell swoop you can take your own life. At the same time, with their death they try to cause as many problems as possible for others. There are any number of cases when a woman whose husband cheated on him commits suicide in revenge, taking her children with her to the next world - let his conscience torment him for the rest of his days!

Morally mature people are looking for the reason for their joyless state and seemingly hopeless situation. Difficulties in relationships with husband or wife, children, parents, colleagues, precarious financial situation, debts, unloved work - almost every adult has to face such problems. But they drive some into depression, while others gradually clear away the rubble that has arisen in their path. Why do some people succeed and others don’t? Then what are they

2. They know how to find positive things in life.

What thoughts do many people start their morning with? With thoughts about the difficulties, troubles, and unwanted encounters awaiting you today. What thoughts end their day? Thoughts about troubles that have occurred, difficulties that have arisen, unwanted encounters. We program ourselves for it and are surprised that there is no end to it in our lives.

Or we can do it another way: we woke up and remembered what it brings us. Little joys happen to us every day, we just prefer to notice only the bad and focus on the negative. And we leave joy for big holidays.

Playing with a dog or cat, a morning walk to work, the smell of freshly brewed coffee, the first flowers - we begin to appreciate all this only when life gives us a trip and reminds us that we are not eternal.

We fall asleep with a smile: we don’t chew on grievances and troubles, but remember all the good things that happened during the day. They say: no matter how much time you have, that’s how long you’ll get it.

3. Change the situation

“You can’t see face to face. Big things are seen from a distance,” wrote Sergei Yesenin. Is our problem so big and so insoluble? If circumstances allow, it is necessary to abstract yourself from it, distract yourself, change the situation. And it is likely that soon it will seem petty and frivolous to us, or life will suddenly suggest ways to solve it.

Smart people say that there are at least three ways out of every situation. These are Domodedovo, Vnukovo and Sheremetyevo.

4. We think about what could have been worse.

You can also hear this advice: in a hopeless situation, think about those who are now even worse off than us. But, firstly, everyone’s problems seem to be of paramount importance. Secondly, it is unlikely that a normal person will be happy with the fact that someone is even worse off. And thirdly, visiting hospices and nursing homes can only worsen the mental state, strengthening the idea of ​​the meaninglessness of human existence and the desire to die easily and quickly. For example, Karl Marx’s middle daughter, 66-year-old Laura, and her 69-year-old husband, Paul Lafargue, committed suicide by taking potassium cyanide in order, as follows from their suicide letter, to avoid frail old age and not be a burden to anyone.

5. Looking for meaning in our lives

Before this, it is worth reading at least one book by Viktor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist who spent several years in a Nazi concentration camp where his entire family died. At the camp he organized a group psychological assistance prisoners, helping them cope with imprisonment and preventing suicide. Miraculously, he survived himself - hunger, cold, and illness more than once gave him the idea of ​​ending such a life. What saved him was that in hopeless moments he imagined himself standing at the pulpit in a spacious, bright and warm audience in front of interested listeners, to whom he told everything he had gone through. He could not have known then that this day would actually come.

Viktor Frankl came to the conclusion that those who have lost faith in life voluntarily die. His motto was the words of Nietzsche: “He who knows why to live will overcome almost any how.”

Subsequently, after the war, talking with patients suffering from nervous disorders to varying degrees, he asked them why they did not commit suicide. And it turned out that some were held back by their love for children, others by talent that had not yet been realized, and still others by warm memories.

6. Remember simple truths

Perhaps some of them will come in handy in moments when it is difficult to make a choice - which way to go. People who made the right choice came to these conclusions - they figured out their problems and began to move on with their lives:

  • “When one door closes in front of us, another one is sure to open. But we look with regret at the closed door for so long that we do not notice the open one.”
  • “It won’t be long before you see that everything happened for the better.”
  • “Life does not consist of problems, but of searching for options for solving them.”
  • “Often we are thrown back just so we can run up and dash forward.”
  • “If you think it’s time to change something, then you don’t think so.”
  • “Stop imagining life as black and white—like a zebra. Think about the rainbow!