Hello everyone, there is a need to answer a question that baffles many needlewomen. Especially those who are at a crossroads: What will happen if I change my office with a computer to work as a seamstress at home. For many, a rosy picture immediately appears before their eyes: how you are sitting in a rocking chair, sewing beautiful dresses, while receiving only joyful emotions: no boss over your soul and no harmful radiation from the monitor screen. I wanted to drink some coffee, use some scissors, and now my couture dress is ready.

I once took a step that changed my professional activity 180 degrees - from bank employee to tailors. From the outside it looked cool! This was what I really wanted to do all my adult life, one might say I realized a childhood dream. And now I can say with confidence that working at a sewing machine is in no way inferior to clicking on keys in front of a monitor screen. And the fact that there is no formidable boss standing next to me does not mean that I can be relaxed and peaceful, as if I were at a spa resort. On the contrary, I would even say that when you become the master of your time, the burden of responsibility increases significantly! I cannot let a client down on deadlines, go on sick leave, or simply ask for time off for family reasons.

Also, for those who work for themselves, searching and attracting clients, working with social networks, photography and editing are added to the main work. These little things also take a lot of time, so if you decide to work from home, you will have to learn a bunch of professional skills that are not at all related to sewing.

For those who have seriously decided to choose the profession of seamstress at home, I am publishing 5 pros and 9 disadvantages of working as a seamstress at home. Perhaps this knowledge will help you remove the rainbow curtain and imagine the real reality that you will have to face in your future work.

10 disadvantages of working as a seamstress at home

Bad news first, friends. Because there are more downsides.

Minus 1. Great responsibility

If you decide to earn your client base, then you must always remember the main principle - you cannot let the client down. The client can be irresponsible (do not warn about delays, forget about deadlines, forget about payment), believe me, I have had many of them. But you can always cross it off your list, although this rarely happened to me. Usually the customers apologized and changed their better side) And you, if you really want to have an established and profitable business, you cannot let your client down. This applies to everything: deadlines, promises, agreements, etc. Even if I happen to get overwhelmed and forget to answer someone, I write a message, apologize and come to an agreement. Believe me, seeing your conscientious attitude to work, people will be drawn to you and trust you.

Minus 2. Petty work

Among professional seamstresses the share self made today it makes up almost half of the entire sewing process. Even if we now have professional equipment at hand, it will not be able to sew beads onto lace or baste a collar on a coat. Some people enjoy embroidering and working by hand with a needle and thread, but others are in a hurry and don’t like long processes. Before you can sew one well-fitting dress, you will have to prick your fingers with pins and do a lot of hand stitches.

Minus 3. Care when cutting

“Measure twice, cut once” is a saying that needs to be repeated like a mantra before each cutting. You have no chance of making a mistake once you start cutting fabric - there is no turning back. Ready-made patterns on fabric cannot be changed. You can adjust the width, but you can’t make a long skirt out of a short skirt. The customer always brings the fabric back to back; he will not buy an extra meter of fabric so that you can recut it. Your mistake - you correct it yourself. What if the fabric is expensive and costs more than the labor fee? Cutting is an important stage in the work, double-check yourself before picking up the scissors.

Minus 4. Cleanliness in the workplace

Cleaning a seamstress's workplace should be a daily ritual. If you sew at home, ideally you can have a separate room, your own workshop, where your family members don’t have to go in unnecessarily. When work is in full swing, you don’t notice the pins falling on the floor, and then someone might step on you and get a painful prick. Or if you have a light-colored fabric to work with, and there are lint from the coat fabric left on the table, they can stick to it and turn the snow-white fabric into gray. Therefore, at the end of each working day, I pick up a vacuum cleaner and collect garbage from under the table, go over all the countertops, and even vacuum the sewing machines.

There is also no need to have tea parties on your desk. And if you lubricate the parts of the sewing machine with machine oil, then wipe the needle and the plate under the foot.

Minus 5. Misunderstanding of others

At first, when I was just taking my first steps in tailoring, I had few orders. Therefore, friends and relatives became customers. I sewed for them for a small fee in order to fill my hand and recoup my work. To be honest, it was not an easy time, because I had to learn a lot on my own and therefore I sewed for a long time, and spent a lot of strength and energy. And so, the payment for my work was not great (although I tried very hard, and all the things were sewn very carefully, I still look at my first works and see that there is nothing to complain about), my motivation sometimes fell. I thought why do I need this.

But then time passed, I got real clients, and there were a lot of orders. But my friends still wanted to sew a dress from me cheaply, and often for free. For them, my work seemed like a passion or a hobby, something frivolous, which means they thought that they didn’t have to pay me. So I sent an entire wardrobe to two relatives, and when I told them about payment, they made an offended face, turned around and left.

Even in the kindergarten where I took my daughter, the teachers often asked them to sew robes or something else. Yes, I can help once, but if they start interfering with their requests just because: “But Emily’s mom sews. Why should we order from the studio?” we had to refuse. Now I no longer speak parent meetings that I do sewing. It’s easier for everyone to be an accountant from a past life)

Minus 6. Sewing everything

When people around you find out that you sew, they start to think that you sew everything - the whole range sewing products Plus you also do clothing repairs. Sometimes they even brought me sandals because the lipuns had come off. When politely refusing, for example, to sew curtains, I heard the answer: “There are only two seams.” What can we say, the most common requests are to change zippers, buttons, mend, shorten, adjust to size. At first I took it, and then I realized that I was wasting money on this activity great amount time, free of course. But this is not a matter of payment.

I started to refuse, saying, if you need clothes repaired, go to a studio, shoe repairs, go to a shoe repair shop.

I also do not sew gymnastic sets or costumes for animators. There is a different technology, cut and, first of all, the craftsman must have a desire to sew these things. I have my own niche, I chose it according to what resonated in my soul. I sew dresses, shirts, skirts because I love sewing these things.

Minus 7. Invite clients to your home

If you are a home-based seamstress, then the inevitable fact is that all your customers will come to your home. And not just once, mind you. After all, the first time the client comes to place an order and take measurements, the second time to try on, and the third time to pick up the finished item. And this is in the best case, when the product fits perfectly after one try on. It turns out that one stranger will come to your home at least three times. And your own house thus turns into a passage yard. Therefore, before deciding to run a business from home, consult with your household whether they are ready for this situation.

Minus 8. Lack of social services. package and formation of future pension

If you decide to work as a seamstress at home, then you will have to take care of transferring payments to Pension Fund. Of course, no one will impose fines on you for working from home and not paying taxes. But when you are your own boss, so as not to end up in old age broken trough, you will have to make monthly contributions to the Pension Fund yourself. Of course, someone thinks differently on this issue, thinking that the state condemns pensioners to meager pensions. But decide for yourself whether you need at least some kind of support from the state or whether you will rely on yourself.

Minus 9. Lack of communication

A person who works from home is often deprived of communication with other people. You can say that now many people are going freelance, when the work involves the absence of an office and a team. Yes friends, trends modern world are such that you can earn money even while sitting on the couch at home. But if you draw energy from conversations with other people and cannot imagine your life without communication, then most likely working as a seamstress at home is not your profile.

Minus 10. Deterioration of relationships with spouse and household members

Another big disadvantage that comes with working as a freelancer. After all, what working from home is like is an opportunity to relax in terms of clothes and wear the same T-shirt for weeks. If you don’t go out in public, then you don’t have to waste time on your hair, but wear a bun on your head, it’s good if you can wash your hair once every three days. A man loves with his eyes, but how can you love an eternally unkempt woman?

On the other hand, in addition to fulfilling orders, a woman also needs to take care of household chores and children. Therefore, working as a seamstress at home can turn you into a domestic servant. Often, a seamstress at home is perceived by loved ones as a non-working person. Any family member can calmly distract you while working on a trivial matter. After all, for them, visually, you are at home. On this basis, you can become a frantic, hysterical wife, torn between family and work.

5 advantages of working as a seamstress at home

If sewing is your favorite pastime, then the work, despite all the disadvantages, will still give you pleasure. And what other pleasant moments exist in working as a seamstress at home, read on.

Plus 1. Beauty

If you love beauty in detail, then you will love working with fabrics. Sometimes customers bring such amazing pieces of material that the eye is delighted. This is especially true for lace fabrics, where the fabric itself is already art. I like to lay out an ornament from lace appliqués on a dress, embroider with beads - and see how the pattern becomes voluminous and luxurious. At such moments you can enjoy your work. Most of the photos on social networks with the caption #I love my job are under such dresses.

And when working with coupon fabric, you can arrange the design on the fabric in such a way that it is possible to advantageously emphasize the advantages of the customer’s figure. This is also a very interesting moment in the work.

Plus 2. Freedom

Despite the fact that the seamstress’s schedule at home is very busy, she still has her own work time I can plan it myself. You can structure your working day in such a way that what to do today most work - and tomorrow be free. Not every profession will allow you to not be tied to an office and still earn good money.

You don’t have to get up at seven in the morning, there’s no hustle and bustle of minibuses and traffic jams. And also the concept of a long-awaited weekend. You are your own boss, and many people, looking at such prospects, may envy you.

Plus 3. Budget savings and loved ones are always dressed

In fact, having a seamstress in the house is very beneficial for the family. Relatives will always be dressed, and if you have a growing daughter and she is having a graduation ceremony in the garden, then the problem with the outfit can be solved in one evening. Sewing for your children is generally a great pleasure. First of all: you will always buy good and natural fabric and you will sew clothes in which he will not sweat, and therefore will not get sick. Secondly: the child will be different from all others appearance for the better. He will have one such skirt, the most beautiful dress and an unusual sweatshirt. You also don’t need to bother with gifts; you can sew an outfit for your niece or a coat for your mother. A sea of ​​joy and adoration is guaranteed.

Plus 4. Budget savings and your own DIY wardrobe

Probably the main advantage for everyone is the opportunity to sew your own clothes. When I learned to sew professionally, the first thing I did was sew myself a dress that I had long wanted to have, but couldn’t find in stores. And then I got into gear and started sewing skirts, blouses, coats and jackets for myself. Now my closet consists of 80% hand-sewn clothes. And I love all these things because they are tailored to my figure, I chose the fabric myself, I came up with the model myself. It's cool when you have the opportunity to sew yourself any thing you want!

Don't rape your soul with something other than your profession. A profession should initially be an act of love. And not a marriage of convenience. And before it’s too late, don’t forget that the work of your whole life is not a business, but a life. Haruki Murakami

Plus 5. There is always work

Working as a seamstress at home is a craft that will always feed you. There will be a crisis in the country, unemployment, but people will still need sewing services. Even if the demand for sewing dresses falls, some other orders will appear, smaller ones, but in more. Sewing will always consistently generate income; you definitely won’t be left without your piece of bread - because the skill is here, in your hands. And it won’t get away from you anywhere!

Business plan on how to make money by sewing at home

And for those who want to have step by step guide to action that will lead you to good result, I made a business plan for sewing. In it you will find answers to the questions: how to make money by sewing at home; how to sell your products at a high price; how to start working for yourself as a seamstress; what is easiest to sew on a machine so that you can sell it later, etc. You will find out what the risks of seamstressing at home are and you can avoid them; find out how much money you need to invest in a seamstress business at home, what equipment and tools you need, etc.

Today technology replaces labor people, as a result of which the staff is being reduced, fewer and fewer employees are required at different enterprises, and working conditions, let’s be honest, in most cases leave much to be desired.

All this forces people to work for themselves. Someone opens their own business, and someone offers services, their skills in the field in which they are a professional.

However, there are very few professions for women where they can realize their creative abilities. If you are interested in working as a seamstress at home, we will tell you about the main nuances.

Working as a seamstress at home is not difficult. The main thing is to love and know the basics of mastery. This could be your main job or additional source income. The first steps are the most difficult.

Over time, you will be able to develop a base of regular customers and will not need to search for new orders, which wastes a huge amount of time.

A seamstress must be able to work not only with a machine, but also sew by hand. If you don't have good experience, you should not take on the creation of custom-made clothes, trying to create a designer product.

Start with easier work, performing the simplest operations on the machine. It is very important to be able to work with various materials, monitor the cleanliness of the stitching and adjust the tension threads.

Job search

Initially, finding a job will be difficult. Yes, of course, the services of a seamstress are in demand, but, you see, not every person wants to risk their favorite dress or skirt so that you can “get better.” You must understand this and under no circumstances immediately increase prices.

You can look for your first clients in different ways:

  • By posting an advertisement;
  • By contacting the newspaper;
  • By creating your page on the World Wide Web;
  • By asking your friends to advertise your services;
  • Using social networks.

For successful start There is no need to discard any method. After all, the more actively you search for clients, the more orders you will have and, accordingly, income. Don't turn down any opportunity to advertise your services in order to increase the number of clients, but at the same time, don't be intrusive.

Listen carefully to their wishes. Do the work the way they want it, not the way you see it. So, for example, if a person asks you to sew on a cuff with red thread, you don’t need to select a different color, thinking that it will suit better.

Don't argue. You are a performer, and as a result you must do what is asked of you. If you don't like something, you don't need to get into an argument. The cost to him is too high - your reputation.

Deadlines. Do not promise a person to do the work, for example, by Friday if you are sure that you will not have time. Orders must be completed quickly, but clients must not be let down with deadlines.

Quality. Use high-quality materials and threads so that your work brings positive emotions and has long term operation.

Mastery. Don't focus on your skills, constantly work on your skills, improving your skills. Today there are many video lessons and courses with which you can become a real pro.

Profession seamstress

Who doesn't want to look beautiful, fashionable and elegant? This problem can be solved by a professional seamstress. It is to them, the “mistresses of needles,” that we owe our favorite trousers, luxurious dresses, formal blouses and... this list can be endless. The colorful and rich world in which the seamstress lives and rules is all kinds of fabrics, leather, threads, buttons, patterns, flounces and ruffles. By bringing together all these elements, the seamstress will provide us with a comfortable or, on the contrary, extravagant outfit. As soon as she sits down at the sewing machine, beautiful and practical things appear, without which it is impossible to imagine our life.

The need for sewing services arose when man first came up with the idea of ​​protecting his body with some kind of clothing - in the Stone Age. Back then, everyone was their own seamstress, but over time, new fabrics, new technologies appear, and, naturally, more serious demands are placed on clothes and their tailoring, which only an experienced craftsman can satisfy. The first sewing factory appeared in the 19th century - it was then that the seamstress profession became in demand.…

The seamstress profession is now in great demand; there is work for them in factories and small private firms, in ateliers and in individual tailoring. Workers in this specialty can sew not only clothes, but also shoes, leather goods accessories, car seat covers and many other things. Dresses, coats, trousers, bags, fur coats and sheepskin coats - all this is the work of seamstresses.

Even stitches, pattern matching, knowledge of the intricacies of sewing technology and the ability to independently eliminate basic sewing machine malfunctions are the main requirements for seamstresses. To this we can safely add accuracy and patience, as well as a willingness to quickly switch from one operation to another.

The ability to sew any item you like for yourself or your family is an advantage of being a seamstress. And the most vulnerable place of skilled seamstresses is their eyes and back, so they need to be given rest, and also remember to perform simple physical and relaxing exercises.

To master sewing skills, you can use one of several options: amateur courses will allow you to make clothes for yourself and your loved ones at home, various school-based training centers and vocational technical schools open their doors garment factories or atelier. Another option is practical training directly at a sewing enterprise, where you can gradually grow from a “student” to a “master.” The professionalism of a seamstress is determined by its rank, from 1 to 5.

The depreciation of the ruble contributed to the growth of interest in to the Russian manufacturer sewing products. Clothing production gradually began to move from Asian countries and China to Russia, to domestic clothing enterprises. Now tailoring in Russia has become more profitable due to a reduction in costs by 10-15%, reduction transport costs and delivery times.

Due to the growth of the dollar, the number of orders and clients from our manufacturers is increasing. The time has come to expand our own sewing production and increase capacity to produce high-quality products at an affordable price.

Own sewing production has a number of advantages at the moment. First of all, this is the opportunity to plan your success yourself, without any external reasons, because the main levers of the business are in the hands of the entrepreneur-owner.

First of all, this is the optimization of all production costs:

Saving fabrics and consumables

Multi-stage quality control

Pricing control

Comprehensive planning of production and trade processes

Your own sewing production in combination with a design department can be very flexible in expanding and managing the assortment, in terms of product release and in the price-quality ratio.

Thus, all important production decisions are made quickly and efficiently.

When organizing your own sewing production, a number of problems arise. First of all, there is a lack of qualified personnel, investments and a well-functioning sales market for manufactured products.

The shortage is made up of seamstresses who are able to work to a complex quality standard. Sewing faculties are not prestigious and barely enroll students.

A big disadvantage in the clothing industry is its serious dependence on raw materials, fabric (up to 55%), and accessories. In Russia today there is practically no fabric production. You don't have to look far for examples. The largest worsted mill in Ivanovo, which produced excellent-quality suiting fabrics, clothing the entire country, where more than 2,000 textile workers worked, was rebuilt in shopping mall. The same fate befell the cotton mills.

Another serious problem is ensuring loading production capacity all year round. The enterprise must always work; any downtime leads to loss of profit. But at the same time, the enterprise must produce as many products as it can sell.

Therefore, it is necessary to plan correctly for at least six months, while studying market trends, trying to predict the preferences of the end buyer, taking into account the income level of the population.

For domestic manufacturer The most interesting and competitive niche is the mid-price segment, and today it remains free.

If you decide to open, expand, modernize your own sewing production, then you can contact the Shveyprom company for high-quality, modern and reliable: sewing, cutting, ironing, quilting, embroidery, etc.

We will be glad to see you among our clients.

Today there are not many professions in which representatives of the fair sex could realize their creative abilities. One of these is the profession of seamstress. It is perfect for those women who, due to certain circumstances, are forced to stay at home. Sewing to order will be an additional source of income for them.

Responsibilities of a seamstress

Inexperienced needlewomen perform the simplest operations on a typewriter or sew buttons on a conveyor belt. Professional craftswomen can afford to sew clothes to order, creating their own unique designer models. A seamstress must be able to work with various materials. You also need to learn how to use a sewing machine well: adjust the thread tension, monitor the stitch frequency.

Since it’s quite easy to find a seamstress’ job these days, every craftswoman will be able to choose what she likes best. Some people prefer to work for large production and perform monotonous routine work, such as sewing pockets or processing buttonholes. Others prefer a small studio where they have the opportunity to work independently or together with someone. And someone will want to become a private entrepreneur and work from home, equipping a sewing workshop in one of the rooms. As you can see, the profession is suitable for any woman, as it has a huge variety of activities.

Pros and cons of the seamstress profession


  • accessibility of training;
  • possibility of part-time work.


  • monotony of work;
  • noise in the workshop;
  • relatively little interaction with people.

Do not miss:

But no matter what type of activity a seamstress chooses for herself, there is a list of qualities necessary for all representatives of this profession:

  • Ability to do all work very carefully.
  • Follow the instructions carefully.
  • Deliver finished products on time.
  • Do all work exactly as ordered.
  • A seamstress must have impeccable taste and excellent memory.
  • Takes his job responsibly.

Where to study to be a seamstress

  • College of Services No. 10, Moscow;
  • College of Technology and Design;
  • Chelyabinsk College of Textile and Light Industry;
  • Izhora Polytechnic Lyceum;
  • Technological College No. 34, GBOU SPO TK No. 34.

After receiving a diploma, a needlewoman can work for following proceedings: making knitwear, sewing hats and fur coats, just clothing production. There is plenty to choose from. Salary will depend on the complexity of the work performed and the scale of production.