Steps to obtain a Non-Qualified Electronic Signature (NES) *, required to work on the ETP of JSC TEK-Torg.

* Obtaining a certificate of non-qualified electronic signature (NEP) for 1 Non-Resident of the Russian Federation and a license "CryptoPro CSP" v. 4 for 1 computer.

The data specified when registering in the personal account of the CA, as well as when placing and paying for the order in Steps 1 and 2, should not differ.
Payment is made only in person by bank card the intended owner of the electronic signature (first and last name must match).

Before you start, check your computer requirements! Use Internet Explorer for all Steps!

Registration in the personal account of the Certification Center (CA CA)

Formation and payment of orders for the release of NEP.

  • Follow the link - /order/nonresident/?online=true and select “TEK-TORG” in “Products”.
  • Set the value 1 in the field opposite the price 10,500₽
  • Click “Add to cart”, then click “Proceed to checkout”.
  • Fill out the fields of the “Contact information” form with Latin characters and click “Continue”.
  • Review the information you entered and click “Get payment link to my email” when you are ready to pay.
  • You will receive an email to the specified E-mail with a payment link, which will be valid for only 20 minutes. Follow the link and pay with a personal bank card. If you did not manage to pay at the specified time, then repeat the above steps again.

Formation and payment of an order for the release of NEP

Creation of the NEP certificate.

  • Follow the link and log in
  • To create an NEP, click the “Create” button in the “Certificates” block
  • Click the "Submit" button.
  • Select a storage location for the closed part of the NEP. It can be saved to a computer, a USB flash drive, or a special cryptographic key. It is recommended to use a USB flash drive; to do this, select the desired “Disk” and click “OK”
  • The generation of NEP will begin; you need to move the mouse and press buttons on the keyboard in a random order.
  • Enter the password for NEP. Be sure to save it!

    *Attention! If you lose the password for the closed part of the NEP, it will not be possible to recover it. It will be necessary to pay for and create the NEP again. Create a copy of the private part of the key according to the Guide (Eng) in paragraph 2.1.7 after generating the private part of the NEP, especially if you saved it to your computer!

    The created NEP will be sent for confirmation to the Operator JSC TEK-Torg and will appear in the list of certificates. Confirmation of the release of the NEP will be only after TEK-Torg JSC receives the original documents described in step 4.

Creation of the NEP certificate

Dispatch necessary documentation At JSC "TEK-Torg"

  • Follow the link and log in -
  • Print out the application for release, sign and affix the seal of the organization of which the NEP recipient is a representative, before sending.
  • Prepare a notarized copy of a document officially accepted in the country of residence of the NEP recipient, as an identification document - passport, id card or other.
  • Send scanned copies of documents to email [email protected].
  • Send the original documents to JSC TEK-Torg by mail, to the address: 115191 Moscow, Gamsonovsky lane, building 5, building 2

Registration in the personal account of the Certification Center (CA CA)

Thank you very much, Mikhail, everything was done promptly and most importantly it was clear to me... Since you and I found a common language. I would like to continue to communicate with you in the future. I hope for fruitful cooperation.

Olesya Mikhailovna - general manager LLC "VKS"

On behalf of the enterprise State Unitary Enterprise "Sevastopolskoye" aviation enterprise"We express our gratitude for the professionalism and efficiency of your company! We wish your company further prosperity!

Guskova Liliya Ivanovna - manager. State Unitary Enterprise "SAP"

Thank you, Mikhail, very much for your help with the design. Very qualified employee +5!

Nadiya Shamilyevna - entrepreneur IP Anoshkina

On behalf of the AKB-Auto company and on my own behalf, I express my gratitude to you and all the employees of your company for the productive and high-quality work, sensitivity to client requirements and efficiency in the execution of ordered work.

Nasibullina Alfira - Senior Manager"AKB-Auto"

I would like to thank consultant Mikhail for his excellent work, timely and complete consultations. Very attentive to the client's problems and questions, a prompt solution would seem to me the most difficult situations. It's a pleasure to work with Mikhail!!! Now I will recommend your company to my clients and friends. And the technical support consultants are also very polite, attentive, and helped with the difficult installation of the key. Thank you!!!

Olga Sevostyanova.

Purchasing the key turned out to be very easy and even pleasant. Many thanks to manager Mikhail for his assistance. Explains complex and difficult-to-understand things succinctly, but very clearly. Besides, I called the hotline toll free line and submitted an application online, together with Mikhail. They made a key for me in 2 business days. In general, I recommend it if you are saving your time, but at the same time want to have an understanding of what you are buying and what you are paying for. Thank you.

Levitsky Alexander Konstantinovich Samara

Personal thanks to consultant Mikhail Vladimirovich for prompt consultation and work on expediting the receipt of an electronic signature certificate. During the preliminary consultation, the optimal set of individual services is selected. End result received immediately.

Stoyanova N.L. - chief accountant LLC "SITECRIM"

Thank you for your prompt work and competent assistance! I was very pleased with the consultation!

Dmitry Fomin

Expert System LLC thanks consultant Mikhail for his prompt work! We wish your company growth and prosperity!

Sukhanova M.S. - AppraiserExpert System LLC, Volgograd

Thanks to the consultant, who introduced himself as Mikhail, for his efficiency in working with clients.

Ponomarev Stepan Gennadievich

Many thanks to consultant Mikhail for his assistance in obtaining the digital signature. For prompt work and advice on issues arising during the registration process.

Leonid Nekrasov

The company, represented by consultant Mikhail, does the impossible! Acceleration of accreditation in less than 1 hour! Payment upon delivery of the service. I thought this wouldn't happen. With full responsibility, I can advise you to contact the Center for Issuing Electronic Signatures.

More and more commercial electronic platforms require participants to sign an electronic signature created in accordance with their requirements.

At the same time, the identifier included in the electronic signature certificate, which provides access to the site, is paid. The supplier must annually pay a tariff for working on the site, an electronic signature certificate and, additionally, an identifier for working on a specific site. How legal is this and can suppliers combat this practice?

An object identifier, or OID, is an optional attribute of a qualified or unqualified electronic signature certificate. It may contain information about the owner of the signature, his powers, the information system where this certificate is used, and much more.

Any information system can request an identifier in the structure of an electronic signature certificate. These can be electronic trading platforms where government and commercial companies conduct purchases, portals that accept reports, various government systems(for example, the Rosreestr portal).

The problem is that if a supplier wants to work, for example, on five ETPs with their own paid OID, the cost of a regular qualified certificate for him will be from 13,000 rubles.

According to federal law No. 63-FZ dated 04/06/2011 “On Electronic Signature”, a qualified electronic signature certificate can be used in any information system without additional agreements between users. This law only prohibits “operators information systems impose requirements on qualified certificates that limit their use in other information systems.”

Using vague wording, some commercial sites require an object identifier as part of the electronic signature certificate. It opens up access to trading on this particular platform, without restricting access to others. Therefore, OIDs are positioned as an “extension of the scope of the certificate,” but suppliers have to pay extra for this extension.

Formally, this is the price for “registration and accounting of certificates on the site”, “ensuring the functionality of certificates”, etc. For example, identifiers are needed to work on the ETP of Gazprombank, TEK-Torg (Rosneft section), B2B, uTender. ETP “Fabrikant” recently joined this list.

Do OIDs really reduce risks in ETP operation? Experts believe that they do not provide any real benefit. If a site wants to use identifiers based on the interests of its users, nothing prevents them from making them free for all users, as is implemented on some government portals.

For example, Rosreestr must provide other government agencies with information from the register of property rights free of charge. Upon receiving a request, the portal analyzes the contents of the certificate and, if the required OID is available, opens access to this information. In order for the CA to add the required identifier to the certificate, the civil servant provides documents that confirm his authority.

Therefore, in fact, paid OID sites are used to solve commercial needs.

Is it possible to influence sites?

The president already drew attention to the desire to make a problem out of such a simple thing as an electronic signature in his speech at a meeting of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives in July 2016. Is it possible to influence the situation? It all depends on the type of site.

ETP of government procurement

There are clear and understandable regulations according to which the government procurement segment operates. For five electronic trading platforms, the requirements for the structure of the certificate are strictly specified in this regulation, and not a single ETP has the right to independently change the requirements for an electronic signature.

ETP for the sale of property of bankrupt enterprises

These sites are required to be accredited by the Ministry economic development, are subject to federal law as amended. dated 07/03/2016 No. 217-FZ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” and Order No. 495 dated June 23, 2015, which contains a limited list of decisions to refuse to register a supplier on the site (section 2.5). The absence of an identifier in the “site” certificate is not included in this list.

That is, by law, the supplier can use a qualified certificate issued by any accredited certification center. But some sites are trying to limit access and make money from it. In July 2016, OIDs in qualified certificates began to require the TenderStandard ETP. One of the suppliers, whose access to the auction was restricted by the platform, filed a complaint with the FAS and won the dispute. The supervisory authority demanded that the TenderStandard regulations be brought into compliance with the requirements of the law and Order No. 495-FZ.

It must be said that the FAS willingly considers complaints from suppliers, so precedents can and should be created. According to recent amendments to No. 217-FZ, the FAS has the right to recognize the trading procedure invalid if the rights of its participants were infringed.

ETP for procurement commercial organizations and companies with state participation (trading under 223-FZ)

There are about 150 such sites. According to 223-FZ, procurement is carried out by companies with a state share of participation above 50%, their “daughters” and “granddaughters”, natural monopolies (oil and gas companies, Russian Railways, etc.) and a number of other legal entities.

These platforms determine the requirements for electronic signatures themselves. For example, at the start of work they stipulate in the regulations that the certificate must contain an identifier, determine its cost and formulate the terms of cooperation for certification centers.

Moreover, they can change these requirements at any time. Whether to notify clients about changes, or whether to maintain access with the old certificate until the end of its validity period - all this remains at the discretion of the site. That is, at one point, the head of the company may find out that his certificate is not valid, simply when trying to read a new notice on the ETP, where everything worked a week ago.

This is what happened at the end of July with the suppliers of ETP Fabrikant. The site suddenly changed the rules of the game, giving clients a few days to re-register their old certificates in the system.

There is nothing stopping any other commercial platform from doing the same. Suppliers can only receive a certificate with an OID, and certification centers can enter into an agreement with the ETP and continue issuing certificates on the terms it dictates.

According to the FAS Russia, with which certification centers agree, the problem will be solved by the creation in Russia of a uniform procedure for conducting auctions on all electronic trading platforms. In addition, it is necessary to change the wording in the law “On Electronic Signatures”, prohibiting platforms from using any additional requirements to object identifiers in electronic signature certificates.

Electronic trading platform GPB is the largest in Russia in terms of volume of purchases under 223-FZ.

More than 2,900 organizations conduct their purchases there, and 200,000 suppliers participate in tenders.

Cost of electronic signature for ETP GPB

To participate on the electronic platform of Gazprombank, you need a qualified digital signature, which contains a note about the possibility of using this certificate on the GPB ETP - OID 1.2.643.6.17.1.

EDS price for trading on the Gazprombank platform - 6000 rubles.

If you are receiving an electronic digital signature for the first time, then you will additionally need:

  • USB token on which your signature is recorded - 1200 rubles
  • license for the Crypto-Pro CSP program - 1200 rubles (for 1 year)

How to order an electronic signature for the GPB site

To order an electronic signature submit your next request:

After this, a specialist from the certification center will contact you within 15-20 minutes. He will clarify the details of the order, send the contract and invoice by email, and also specify the office closest to you for receiving the electronic signature.

After receiving payment and checking scans of your documents, the electronic signature will be ready within 1-3 hours.

The digital signature is valid for 1 year from the date of production.

Conditions for registration on the site

Registration for the ETP is free.

For participation in each corporate purchase, 6,900 rubles are blocked on your account. If you win the auction, this amount is debited from your account. If another company is declared the winner, the funds are returned.

If you plan to participate in procurement in the Gazprom Group section, then the following tariffs exist:

  • 15,000 rubles/year - participation in purchases up to 500 thousand rubles
  • 35,000 rubles/year - participation in purchases up to 10 million rubles
  • 75,000 rubles/year - participation in purchases up to 500 million rubles
  • 129,000 rubles/year - participation in any purchases without restrictions

Which companies conduct trading on the GPB ETP

Among customers electronic platform- the largest organizations in Russia in the field of construction, metallurgy, oil and gas and military-industrial sectors and many others.

The total number of customers is more than 2900. The list of the largest includes:

  • POO "Gazprom"
  • JSC Rossiya Airlines
  • JSC Concern VKO Almaz-Antey
  • LLC "Uralmash NGO Holding"
  • PJSC "Uralmashzavod"
  • JSC NPO Energomash
  • LLC "UMZ"
  • OJSC "Corporation "Kometa"
  • Gazpromipoteka Foundation

Search for purchases and tenders

The following types of auctions are held at the GPB site:

  • procurement of corporate customers
  • procurement of Gazprom Group of Companies
  • sale and rental of property

Registration of an object identifier (OID) is carried out using a qualified electronic signature key certificate issued to the employee responsible for OID registration legal entity. You can purchase an electronic signature certificate from Infotex Internet Trust or from any accredited certification center. The certificate does not require the inclusion of additional OIDs.

To obtain an object identifier, a legal entity must register in a personal account, fill out and sign an application for obtaining an OID with an electronic signature. At the same time, a separate application must be filled out to obtain an OID in each individual arc of the Russian object identifier tree. Any person in the organization can register an organization in their personal account. The application is submitted with the electronic signature of the person responsible for registering the object identifier.

To register in your personal account, you must indicate the organization’s TIN. After we receive your data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you will receive an invitation to your personal account by email. After this you can submit your application. The application is signed with a qualified electronic signature certificate. After checking your application, you will receive an electronically signed notification that an object identifier has been assigned. The OID is published in the registry.

The applicant must inform the authorized registration body about changes in the details of a legal entity through personal account.

The application review period is 7 days!