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Evolutionary doctrine Charles Darwin Biology lesson in 11th grade Teacher: Ivanova O.V.

Prerequisites for the emergence of the teachings of Charles Darwin Socio-economic Natural science Expedition material of Charles Darwin

Socio-economic prerequisites: Development of capitalism Demand of industry for raw materials and population for food Development agriculture Breeding development

Adam Smith and his theory of free competition under capitalism (the unadapted perish). Thomas Malthus and his article “On Population,” which asserts the necessity of a “struggle for existence” between rapidly multiplying people due to slow growth production of goods.

Natural science background: Comparative anatomy and morphology: a unified structural plan of vertebrates (Goethe, Bronn, Saint-Hilaire) Embryology: the law of embryonic similarity (K. Baer) Cell theory: the unity of origin of plants and animals Paleontology: foundations of geochronology, theory of catastrophes (J. Cuvier ) I. Kant laid the foundations for ideas about the possibility of evolution of cosmic bodies Geologist Charles Lyell developed the theory of the evolution of the Earth

Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) English naturalist, creator of the doctrine of evolution. Darwin studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh (1825-1827), theology at Cambridge (1827-1831), where he received a bachelor's degree. In 1831-1836. makes a trip around the world on the Beagle ship as a naturalist, from which he returns as a man of science. 1859 "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection". 1866 "Change in Domestic Animals and Cultivated Plants." 1871 "The Descent of Man and Sexual Selection"

Charles Darwin's expedition material: Paleontological finds: fossils of giant sloths and armadillos Comparison of the fauna of South and North America Analysis of island flora and fauna (Galapagos archipelago): animals came to the islands from the mainland and changed as a result of adaptation to new living conditions

The main provisions of the evolutionary teachings of Charles Darwin The diversity of animal and plant species is the result historical development organic world. The main driving forces of evolution are the struggle for existence and natural selection. The material for selection is provided by hereditary variability. The stability of the species is ensured by heredity.

The evolution of the organic world predominantly followed the path of increasing complexity in the organization of living beings. The adaptation of organisms to environmental conditions is the result of the action of natural selection. Both favorable and adverse changes. But the “owners” of the latter, as a rule, are destroyed in the struggle for existence.

The diversity of modern breeds of domestic animals and varieties of agricultural plants is the result of artificial selection. Human evolution is related to the historical development of ancient apes.

The significance of the evolutionary teachings of Charles Darwin. The patterns of transformation of one organic form into another have been revealed. The reasons for the expediency of organic forms are explained. The law of natural selection was discovered. The essence of artificial selection has been clarified. The driving forces of evolution have been identified.

Properties external environment Properties of organisms Heterogeneity Limited and uneven distribution of resources Heredity Variability Intensity of reproduction Struggle for existence Natural selection Diversity of the organic world Different directions of evolution Simultaneous existence of primitive and highly organ forms Adaptation to the environment


Chemistry and biology teacher

Lepeshenko Tatyana Ivanovna


Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov region

Objective of the lesson:

Consider Charles Darwin's theory of evolution as a holistic teaching; form an idea of ​​the main provisions of the evolutionary teachings of Charles Darwin.

Updating of reference knowledge

Why in the 19th century? it became possible

creation and justification

evolutionary doctrine?

Choose the correct answer: option 1 – Zh.B. Lamarck option 2 – C. Linnaeus

  • Created the first natural classification
  • Believed that species exist and do not change
  • Created the best artificial system
  • Reinforced the use of binary nomenclature for the species
  • Created the first evolutionary theory
  • Described more than 8,000 species
  • I posed 3 questions to science

8. He considered the cause of evolution to be the desire of organisms for improvement

9. Believed that acquired characteristics are inherited

10. Contributed great contribution in the development of science.

Compose a syncwine about C. Linnaeus,

J.B. Lamarque

Ch. Darwin

"The Origin of Species by Natural Selection" or the preservation of favored breeds in the struggle for life"

Charles Darwin

Place of birth: Shrewsbury, England

Place of death: Down, England

Scientific field: Biology, Geology, Paleontology

Place of work: Royal geographical society

Naturalist's Voyage on the Beagle 1831-1836

Captain Robert Fitz Roy

Darwin's handwritten diary

The main provisions of Darwin's evolutionary teachings.

The diversity of animal and plant species is the result of the historical development of the organic world.

The main driving forces of evolution are the struggle for existence and natural selection. The material for selection provides variability. The stability of the species is ensured by heredity.

The role of natural selection in the formation of adaptations

The evolution of the organic world predominantly followed the path of increasing complexity in the organization of living beings.

Convergent evolution: the development of soaring adaptations in vertebrates.

Basic scientific works Darwin

  • 1839 – A Naturalist's Voyage Around the World on the Beagle
  • 1842 – Zoology of travel – (participation in a multi-volume monograph)
  • 1851-54 – Barnacles
  • 1859 - Origin of species...
  • 1862 – Pollination in orchids
  • 1868 – Variability of animals and plants in the domesticated state
  • 1871 – The origin of man and sexual selection
  • 1872 – Expression of emotions in humans and animals
  • 1876 – The effect of cross-pollination and self-pollination in the plant world.

Consolidation of knowledge

The essence of Darwin's concept of evolution comes down to a number of logical, experimentally verifiable and confirmed a huge number actual provisions. Was Darwin the first and only?


In 1858, the young English scientist Alfred Wallace sent Darwin the manuscript of his article “On the Tendency of Varieties to Deviate Unlimitedly from the Original Type.” This article contained an exposition of the idea of ​​​​the origin of species through natural selection.

The meaning of evolutionary theory.

  • The patterns of transformation of one organic form into another have been revealed.
  • The reasons for the expediency of organic forms are explained.
  • The law of natural selection was discovered.
  • The essence of artificial selection is revealed.
  • The driving forces of evolution have been identified.


Today, Darwin's teachings are recognized by many scientists. Do you agree with them?

Summing up the lesson

  • What provisions of the theory of evolution make you feel unproven, disagree, or doubt?
  • How do you yourself assess the reason for your attitude towards this theory?


  • Answer to the question in the form of a message: What is the significance of Mendel's laws for understanding the mechanism of evolution?
  • Prepare a message and presentation on the topic “Darwin and the trip around the world on the Beagle.”
  • Page 153 - 159 Textbook “Biology” for NPOs and SPO V.M. Konstantinov et al. M., Academy, 2014.
  • Answer questions 1 – 7 on page 159 of the textbook.

Evolutionary doctrine

Ch. Darwin.

Evidence of evolution

Teacher Smirnova Z. M.

Creation of evolutionary theory

Doctrine created

C. Darwin and A. Wallace

1858 – On July 1, at the Meeting of the Linnean Society, the concepts of Charles Darwin and A. Wallace on the emergence of species through natural selection were presented.

1859 – first edition of the book “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection”

Charles Darwin


Alfred Wallace


Prerequisites for the emergence of the theory

C. Darwin


1. Development of capitalism (search for markets, sources of raw materials);

  • Organization of trips around the world, participation

C. Darwin

3. Practice of breeders: creation of animal breeds and plant varieties.

Scientific background:

1. Cellular structure of organisms (R. Guk, A. Levenguk);

2. Similarity of animal embryos (K. Baer);

3. Discoveries in the field of comparative anatomy of paleontology (J. Cuvier);

4. Geologist C. Lyell proved that earth's surface constantly changing under the influence of natural processes (t, wind, precipitation, etc.).


Charles Lyell (1797-1875)

Creation of evolutionary theory

The main merit of Charles Darwin is that he revealed the driving forces of evolution. He materialistically explained the emergence and relative nature of fitness through the action of only natural laws, without the intervention of supernatural forces.

Darwin's teaching fundamentally undermined the metaphysical ideas about the constancy of species and their creation by God.

The practice of agriculture served as a model for the processes occurring in nature for Darwin.

in England.

Driving forces of evolution of varieties and breeds

Variability: Artificial selection


(genotypic); Conscious Unconscious

certain - held in the person is not

(modification); according to puts before

correlative self-set goal, and

(correlative) purpose, simply eliminates

intended less valuable

the breeder of the individual and leaves

the best on the tribe

Selection made by man is called artificial.

Artificial selection – directed accumulation of traits

for the benefit of man.

The result of selection work


White cabbage

Red cabbage

Wild cabbage






Formation of new species in natural conditions

The study of artificial selection helped Charles Darwin understand the driving forces behind the formation of species in natural conditions:

All creatures have certain level individual variability;

Traits from parents are inherited by offspring;

Each type of organism is capable of unlimited (there are 3000 seeds in a poppy box, the sturgeon produces 2 million. eggs);

Lack of vital resources leads to struggle for existence;

In the struggle for existence, those who survive the most are

individuals adapted to these conditions.

Driving forces of species evolution

Natural selection –

Hereditary variability:

the main guiding factor of evolution



Struggle for existence


arises between


other species having

same needs


arises between

individuals of the same species for territory, food, female

Combating adverse environmental conditions – the strongest and most resilient individuals survive in the fight against drought, flood, and cold


Darwin's concept of natural selection

The material for evolution is uncertain variability;

Natural selection is a consequence of the struggle for existence, selective destruction of some individuals and preferential reproduction of others, most adapted to the environment of existence.

Struggle for existence

Natural selection


Fitness organisms to the environment, diversity of species

Forms of natural selection

Natural selection is the only creative factor in evolution that directs random hereditary changes towards the formation of adaptations.

Forms of natural selection



Disruptive (tearing)


Forms of natural selection - driving selection

Driving selection – acts in changing environmental conditions and contributes to a shift in the average value of a trait and the emergence of new forms.

Forms of natural selection – stabilizing selection

Stabilizing – operates under constant environmental conditions.

Selection is directed against extreme variants and favors individuals with average values ​​of the trait.

In insect-pollinated plants, the size and shape of the flower are stable. Flowers that do not correspond to the structure of pollinating insects do not form seeds, therefore, the genes that cause the deviation from the norm are eliminated from the gene pool of the population. This form selection was described by I. Schmalhausen (1946).

Forms of natural selection – disruptive (tearing) selection

Disruptive (tearing) – operates in areas with diverse living conditions. It is aimed at selecting not one trait, but several different ones, each of which favors survival. The average value of the characteristic is eliminated.





Comparison of artificial and natural selection


Artificial selection

Material for selection

Natural selection

Hereditary and non-hereditary variability


Hereditary variability



Environmental conditions

Individuals with traits valuable to humans


The fittest individuals

New varieties and breeds

New species

adaptation to environmental conditions

Adaptability of organisms

to the habitat

According to Lamarck: The driving force of evolution is the desire of organisms for perfection.

Example: giraffes, when getting food, had to constantly stretch their necks to reach the leaves of tall trees (exercise). The trait is inherited.

According to Darwin: among giraffes there were animals with necks of different lengths. Those with slightly longer necks were more successful in getting food and surviving. This trait was inherited. So, gradually, a long

giraffes neck.

Relative fitness of species

C. Darwin's position - fitness (expediency) is always relative.

Any adaptation is useful only in the conditions in which it arose; when conditions change, it ceases to be useful or even becomes harmful to the body (a hare is invisible to predators in the snow, but is clearly visible against the background of tree trunks and dark earth in a snowless winter).

Forms of devices

  • Morphological adaptations – structural changes

bodies (streamlined body shape in fish and birds).

  • Camouflage – body shape and color merge with surrounding objects (seahorse, stick insects)

Forms of devices

  • Patronizing coloring - developed in species that live openly and may be accessible to enemies (flounder, grasshopper). If the background of the environment is not constant depending on the season of the year, the animals change their color (white hare, brown hare).

Forms of devices

  • Warning coloring – bright, characteristic of poisonous and stinging forms (wasps, bumblebees, rattlesnakes).

Mimicry – similarity in color and body shape of unprotected organisms with protected ones (hoverfly).

Deadly Texas Coral Snake

Harmless Mexican Milk Snake

Evidence of evolution

  • Morphological (comparative anatomy);
  • Embryological;
  • Paleontological;
  • Biochemical;
  • Biogeographical;
  • Molecular genetic evidence

Morphological evidence

(comparative anatomy)

General plan of the structure of vertebrates

Similar and homologous organs


and atavisms

  • General plan of the structure of vertebrates:
  • bilateral body symmetry,
  • spine,
  • secondary body cavity
  • nervous,
  • circulatory, etc.;

Evidence of evolution

Comparative anatomy

  • Homologous organs similar in structure and origin, regardless of the function performed (skeleton of the forelimb of vertebrates).

Homologous organs

Man Cat Whale Flying


Evidence of evolution

Comparative anatomy

  • Similar bodies have different structures and origins, but perform the same functions (gills of fish and crayfish; wings of birds and butterflies). Similar organs are the result of convergence.

Similar bodies

mole mole cricket

butterfly wing

bird wing

Evidence of evolution

Comparative anatomy

  • Rudiments – endangered organs that, in the process of evolution, have lost their importance for the preservation of the species (the first and third fingers in the wing of birds, the second and fourth fingers of a horse, the pelvic bones of a whale);







Evidence of evolution

Comparative anatomy

  • Atavisms – the appearance of signs of ancestors in modern organisms (highly developed hair, multiple nipples in humans).

  • K. Baer (1828), comparing embryos of different classes, formulated the “law of embryonic similarity”:

In the early stages of development, the embryos of different groups of vertebrates are similar to each other.

Embryological evidence

F. Müller and E. Haeckel(1866) based on this discovery formulated the biogenetic law: ontogeny (individual development of organisms) repeats phylogeny (historical evolutionary development of the group).

A. N. Severtsev clarified that in individual

development, the development of non-adults is repeated

stages, but embryonic.

allow us to describe the events of ancient history

from fossil remains of organisms.

Paleontological evidence of evolution

Transitional forms –

organisms occupying an intermediate position between large systematic groups

Fossils – remains and traces

vital activity of organisms

Past geological eras.

Phylogenetic series - rows of successively replacing each other.


Fossils – the basis for restoring the appearance of ancient organisms. The similarity between fossils and modern organisms is proof of their relationship. The antiquity of fossil remains is determined by the age of rocks,

in which they are found.

The distribution of ancient, primitive organisms in the deepest layers of the earth's crust, and highly organized ones -

in later layers

Paleontological evidence

Fossil transitional forms

evidentiary material about the successive connections between different groups of organisms, combines the characteristics of more ancient and younger groups.

For example, the transitional form from reptiles to birds is the Jurassic protobird - Archeopteryx, the size of a pigeon, with a long tail, like a reptile, and developed teeth. His body was covered with feathers, and his forelimbs turned into wings.

Stegocephalus –

transitional form between lobe-finned fishes and amphibians

Paleontological evidence



Phylogenetic series of the horse

The evolution of horses is well documented by fossils, which show how the small, dog-sized forest animal Eohippus, with toes instead of hooves, evolved over 50 million years into large, ungulate-dwellers of open spaces.





Predecessor of the horse

Phylogenetic series:

Cetacean Human


evidence of evolution

The distribution of animals and plants across the Earth's surface reflects the process of evolution.

Wallace divided the earth's surface into 6 zoogeographic zones:

  • Holarctic zone (North America);
  • Ethiopian (Central and Southern Africa);
  • Australian (Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand);
  • Indo-Malay (India);
  • Neotropical (South and Central America).


evidence of evolution

The closer the connection of the continents, the more related species live on them; the older the isolation, the greater the differences between animals and plants. The fauna of the Australian zone is the most unique.

Molecular genetic

evidence of evolution

All living organisms consist of cells, have a universal genetic code, common mechanisms for storing, implementing and transmitting genetic information.

Human chromosome 2 is the product of the fusion of two monkey chromosomes and the cross-striations of all chromosomes in both species are very close. Such minute differences in karyotype structure usually characterize extremely closely related species.

Comparison of chromosome sets

human (left) and chimpanzee (right)

Slide 2

Charles Robert Darwin1809-1882

“The more we understand the unchanging laws of nature, the more incredible miracles become for us.”

Slide 3

Charles Darwin

The English scientist naturalist and traveler was one of the first to realize and clearly demonstrate that all types of living organisms evolve over time from common ancestors. In his theory, Darwin called natural selection and indefinite variability the main driving force of evolution. Darwin's ideas and discoveries form the foundation modern theory evolution and form the basis of biology

Slide 4

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Born on February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury Father - Robert Darwin, son of the famous poet and scientist Erasmus Darwin

Slide 6

1827 - studied theology at Cambridge University for three years. 1831 - after graduating from university, he went on a trip around the world on the Royal Navy expeditionary ship Beagle. During his journey, Darwin visited the Cape Verde Islands, the coast of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Tierra del Fuego, Tasmania and the Cocos Islands and made large number observations. The results were presented in the works Diary of Research, Zoology of the Beagle Voyage, Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs, etc.

Slide 7

Voyage on the Royal Navy expedition ship HMS Beagle

  • Slide 8

    Slide 9


    1838–1841 - was secretary of the Geological Society of London 1839 - married 1842 - the couple moved from London to Down (Kent), where they began to live permanently

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    Darwin's works

    1859 – “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection” Darwin’s main work. Showed the variability of plant and animal species, their natural origin from earlier species. He argued that development is based on natural selection: the stronger survive and those who adapt to changed living conditions. Darwin's theory also explained the spotting of the giraffe: those animals that merged with environment, the rest simply became prey to lions

    Slide 11

    The main provisions of the evolutionary teachings of Charles Darwin:

    Any species of plants and animals in nature strives to reproduce in geometric progression. In nature, there is a continuous struggle for existence. In the struggle for existence, individuals that have such a complex of characteristics and properties survive and leave offspring that allows them to most successfully compete with others Driving force species change is natural selection

    Slide 12

    Slide 13

    Darwin's works

    1868 – “Changes in domestic animals and cultivated plants” 1871 – “The origin of man and sexual selection” Put forward the hypothesis of the origin of man from an ape-like ancestor, proved the relationship of man with apes, using data from comparative anatomy, embryology, and paleontology. At the same time, Darwin rightly believed that not a single living ape can be considered a direct ancestor of humans. For the most part, Darwin's theory was understood in a simplified and distorted way, as if man were descended directly from apes

    Slide 14

    Charles Robert Darwin “The more we understand the immutable laws of nature, the more incredible miracles become to us.”

    Charles Darwin English scientist naturalist and traveler One of the first to realize and clearly demonstrate that all species of living organisms evolve over time from common ancestors. In his theory, Darwin called natural selection and uncertain variability the main driving force of evolution. Darwin's ideas and discoveries form the foundation of the modern theory of evolution and form the basis of biology

    Biography: He studied theology at Cambridge University for three years. Upon graduation, he set off on a round-the-world voyage on the Royal Navy expedition ship Beagle. During his journey, Darwin visited the Cape Verde Islands, the coast of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Tierra del Fuego, Tasmania and the Cocos Islands and made a large number of observations. The results were presented in the works Diary of Research, Zoology of the Beagle Voyage, Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs, etc.

    Biography 1838 – was secretary of the Geological Society of London; married; the couple moved from London to Down (Kent), where they began to live permanently

    Works of Darwin 1859 – “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection” Darwin’s main work. Showed the variability of plant and animal species, their natural origin from earlier species. He argued that development is based on natural selection: the stronger survive and those who adapt to changed living conditions. Darwin's theory also explained the giraffe's spotting: those animals that blended in with the environment survived and gave birth, while the rest simply became prey for lions

    The main provisions of the evolutionary teachings of Charles Darwin: Any species of plants and animals in nature strives to reproduce in geometric progression. In nature, there is a continuous struggle for existence. In the struggle for existence, individuals with such a complex of characteristics and properties that allow them to compete most successfully survive and leave offspring with others The driving force behind species change is natural selection

    Darwin's works 1868 - “Changes in domestic animals and cultivated plants” 1871 - “The origin of man and sexual selection” He put forward the hypothesis of the origin of man from an ape-like ancestor, proved the relationship of man with apes, using data from comparative anatomy, embryology, and paleontology. At the same time, Darwin rightly believed that not a single living ape can be considered a direct ancestor of humans. For the most part, Darwin's theory was understood in a simplified and distorted way, as if man were descended directly from apes

    Darwin's idea of ​​the origin of man from apes met with fierce rebuff from society. Caricatures appeared. Catholic priests even created a special academy to combat the teaching of evolution, which is called bestial philosophy.

    Sources of information: Z_ROBERT.htmlhttp:// Z_ROBERT.html ds_spl.jpg _human_ape_han ds_spl.jpg html jpg %D0%BD,_ %D0%A7%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7 B2%D0%B8 %D0%BD,_%D0%A7%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7 jpg jpg