Family dinner. Cooking at home with Ferran Adria.
Hidden content.

The cost of a paper book, taking into account the New Year's discount: 2195 rub.
Pages 384

Description of book 1: And now about the book itself. She's brilliant too. Now I'll tell you why.
The main content is very detailed descriptions on how to cook 31 dinners. Each dinner consists of three courses. The basis was taken from dinners for chefs in the great molecular elBulli - which seemed to be composed by the great molecular Ferran Adria.

And this book is brilliant because it is very simple recipes, which should not scare a novice foodie, very, very briefly, but succinctly, quite important Do`s & Don`ts are spelled out. Why can this book be given to all friends who would like to understand the most basic culinary basics– but they are not ready to bother and read 800-page volumes in English for this. More details (with photos of pages)

Hidden content.

Description of book 2 (from the publisher's website):
Most likely, you are not one of the lucky ones who had the opportunity to dine at elBulli - one of the best restaurants in the world. We have to disappoint you - you no longer have a chance to get there. On July 30, 2011, elBulli, winner of 3 Michelin stars, which headed the most prestigious restaurant rating The S.Pellegrino World’s 50 Best Restaurants for five years, closed. In its place there will be a gastronomic academy and a center for signature cuisine.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: About the book - continuation

But elBulli's culinary heritage will not fade into oblivion. Ferran Adria, a brilliant chef, left us an amazing gift. A book of recipes! No, it does not contain dishes from his famous “molecular” cuisine. (Even professionals cannot repeat them.) This book contains recipes “ family dinners", which the restaurant employees ate every day!

You might think: since these masters create culinary masterpieces, then they eat, well, at least, foam from foie gras. Nothing like this. They eat the most ordinary food. This book contains their favorite recipes from Spanish, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Korean and many other cuisines. Some people, perhaps out of habit or ignorance, consider them complex. But open the book and you will see that these dishes can be prepared by anyone who at least somehow knows how to cook.

Ferran Adria reveals other secrets of the elBulli “inner kitchen” that you can use at home. With a professional's approach, he explains how to organize work in your kitchen, how to purchase and store food. He describes basic restaurant techniques and shares recipes for the basic ingredients (sauces, broths, dressings) that go into many dishes.

Feature of the book:
A lot of them.
First. Usually cookbooks give separate recipes. Here they are collected into complete, balanced menus. Each dinner includes 3 courses: appetizer or soup, main course and dessert. Agree, useful selection– you don’t have to rack your brains, thinking about “what kind of pie is best to serve after this pasta...”.

Second. The authors have developed a real system for your kitchen. They provide a list of all the products you will need. Everything that needs to be purchased or defrosted in advance is listed. Moreover, a preparation schedule has been drawn up for each dinner. It is clear that cooking three dishes at the same time (especially if you are doing it for the first time) is not an easy task. But in the book everything is calculated. You won't get confused and won't miss anything.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Feature of the book - continuation

Third. These are, of course, photographs. There are more than 1000 of them (!): every step is illustrated. So rest assured you will not go astray. By the way. These photos are very tasty...

Working on the book was not easy - I always wanted to eat!

By the way, if you are interested in learning more about elBulli, you can read Mikhail Ivanov’s blog. He was lucky enough to visit this legendary restaurant! Here are his impressions:

Hidden content.

Since 1987, he has headed the kitchen of the legendary restaurant elBulli (Spain), awarded 3 Michelin stars and for four years ranked first in the most prestigious restaurant rating The S.Pellegrino World’s 50 Best Restaurants.

Ferran Adrià is currently working on opening a gastronomic academy and a center for creative cuisine, which will appear on the site of elBulli, which closed in the summer of 2011.

Bonus from the Organizer - small books by O. Gernik
"How to cook quickly (secret methods)
"How to stop washing dishes"
"Soup in a bowl"

This is my first time organizing, and this is also my first time putting together a book.
I'm attaching a sample scan to give you an idea of ​​what's inside.
I will gratefully accept advice and comments.

I have such a low opinion of culinary literature in Russian that I generally don’t follow anything other than the release of Larousse’s new volume.

What our dear compatriots-writers are trying to write - with rare exceptions - is either simply uninteresting or very shameful. And dear compatriots-publishers, even when they want to simply translate a decent cookbook into Russian, they feel so fiercely sorry for these lousy three kopecks for expert editing that it is wiser to order this book from Amazon in English and read how everything really is there . Without leeks and vinaigrette.

Another reason why I probably won’t buy cookbooks published in Russia for a long time is the layout and production. Few people in this country are able to make up a cookbook that is different from the newspaper “Bulletin of the North-Western District”. It is also rarely possible to copy an already published book well - and this immediately raises the price of this book to the cost of Pushkin’s lifetime edition.

Moreover, thank you for sticking “Family Dinner” in my nose. Cooking at home with Ferran Adria." I knew she was out and planning to order it - in English, of course. And I was seriously amazed when I read the Russian edition. I selectively read about 30-40% of the text and have not yet found a single translation mistake. The production is very, very cool, the book is a pleasure to hold in your hands. This is what prevents you from completely switching to reading pdf files - some books are simply so well made that you want to have them in an analog version. Taking these circumstances into account, the price of 2,500 rubles may not look outrageous. (Especially if you don’t look at Amazon, of course).

And now about the book itself. She's brilliant too. Now I'll tell you why.
The main content consists of very detailed descriptions of how to prepare 31 dinners. Each dinner consists of three courses. The basis was taken from dinners for chefs in the great molecular elBulli - which seemed to have been composed by the great molecular Ferran Adria.

And the genius of this book is that before very simple recipes that should not scare a novice foodie, quite important Do`s & Don`ts are very, very briefly but succinctly spelled out. Why this book can be given to all friends who would like to understand the most basic culinary fundamentals - but are not ready to bother and read 800-page volumes in English for this.

I don’t know about you, but I have plenty of such friends. Someone always attacks me with a question about what master classes to go to (or send a friend/husband/mother/girlfriend) - so that I can immediately understand everything and start preparing simple, but elegant and harmless lunches and dinners at home. Previously, I usually dissuaded such people from master classes and sent them to Now they can also recommend “Family Dinners”. (The main thing is not to tell them who Ferran Adria is and that he prepared things like carrot air).

I will say this: this book did not expand my personal culinary horizons. I already know everything described quite well even without her. But many of the recipes are very nice - and the book itself was published so nicely that I won’t pass it on to anyone, despite the cramped shelves.

And here's what the book says: We in no way sought to invent new dishes, we wanted to offer you interesting and inexpensive recipes for every day. This book is about simple food. And many of the recipes in it seem complicated only out of habit or ignorance. To prepare these dishes you do not need any culinary education or... great experience. Each recipe is a step-by-step instruction, with all steps illustrated with photographs.

Ever wondered what celebrity chefs eat at home? This question constantly interests me. At one time I read in my memoirs that the creator of the New York restaurant Le Cirque loved to cook himself an ordinary fried egg on Sunday morning and eat it standing while it was still sizzling on the plate in the heat.

Many years later, I had the opportunity to attend a master class by one of the pillars of French molecular gastronomy. The chef of the Mandarin Oriental hotel in Paris froze meringues in liquid nitrogen and performed other scientific and culinary experiments. And then I discovered that he himself eats much simpler dishes. However, their simplicity is apparent. It is based on a very precise knowledge of the properties of products and on proven culinary techniques.

All this did not answer the question of what Ferran Adria, the man who created the world fashion for molecular cuisine and who personified it so much, eats that after the closure of his El Bulli restaurant on July 31 last year, the fashion for this cuisine itself began to fade away.

It’s hard to imagine anyone at home preparing oysters with jamon emulsion or lamb brains with sea ​​urchin and algae. I took these dishes at random from El Bulli's spring 2006 tasting menu. At that time, a menu of 30 dishes cost 175 euros, and it took many months to sign up for a restaurant to try them.

And so Adria took a break. This was bad news for those who had not given up hope of one day getting to El Bulli. But this was very good news for all those who would like to get advice from Adria on how to cook in their kitchen. Ferran Adria released the book “Family Dinner. Cooking at home with Ferran Adria." It has already become a world bestseller and has just been published in Russian by the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house in an excellent professional translation by Mikhail Ferber.

The book opens with the chapter “What is a family dinner?”, from which it follows that Adria has decided to introduce you not to his home, but to the kitchen of El Bulli. Every evening, before the restaurant opened for guests at 7 pm, all 75 people working in its kitchen, led by the chef, prepared a meal for themselves. These collective dinners in the restaurant were called “family”, and they were organized with the same scientific precision and discipline that distinguish everything that the great Catalan does. For each dish there was a routing, which made it possible to cook it exactly the same regardless of who stood at the stove.

When the restaurant closed, these “for yourself” menus were left unattended. Which is completely atypical for Adria, who in a professional kitchen uses the tomato pulp left over after squeezing the tomato juice to make sauce; does not throw out bones and cartilage from the broth, boiling them a second time in fresh water, and, of course, does not throw away a piece of stale bread, but prepares gazpacho from it.

What can you do with the menu for restaurant staff? Adria did this. Together with one of his bosses, he conducted a thorough audit of it. Colleague Adria re-prepared all the dishes, paying attention to the availability of products to the average person - be it in Melbourne or Moscow (dishes with hard-to-find products were mercilessly excluded), and compiled a new menu for family dinners. Now it was not the dissolved “family” of El Bulli workers that was meant, but an ordinary family, like yours or mine. Each recipe contains an exact calculation of the amount of food for two, for six, as well as for a holiday meal from 20 to 75 people.

Ferran Adria believes that the main value of his book is that, unlike most cookbooks, his Family Dinner does not offer recipes for individual dishes, but balanced menus. Under its white cover there are 31 menus, each with three dishes.

When I first met, Adria’s menu seemed overly simple to me, and step by step instructions overly detailed. It is good to give such a book to a young housewife, just as in Italy they have been giving the famous “Silver Spoon” for more than half a century.

Continuing to look at the book, I, however, became more and more drawn into this activity, amazed at how carefully and accurately each recipe was worked out, how each recommendation - from methods for preparing food to the technology for preparing a thickener at home - was made for the purpose, and not for the product external effect.

Adria takes the reader from simple to simple, breaking down the cooking process into stages, just as in his professional kitchen he was accustomed to breaking down each product into molecules and then reassembling these molecules in a new way. Hence the attention to the preparation of basic sauces and broths, which you will have to deal with more than once in the “Family Dinner”. In the meantime, you will learn that the ideal containers for storing broths are plastic bottles and sealed containers. This is what I've done in my kitchen for years, making more broth than I need for a particular dish and then freezing it for future use.

Family dinner. Cooking at home with Ferran Adria
I decided to review this wonderful encyclopedia of dinners for you, because today I will publish a recipe from it that may be useful to you during the holidays.
This is not something new in recent weeks. The book was published in Russian back in 2012, but it does not become less relevant because of this.

How this book was created. Once upon a time, it may or may not be wonderful for those who like to dine in a restaurant. elBulli, day Ferran Adria decided to close his brainchild and create a Culinary Academy. But it was a pity for those developments that showed themselves perfectly in the functioning of the restaurant. The restaurant had a tradition of making dinner for all employees. According to Ferran, this strengthened team spirit and, importantly, gave employees strength to do good work. So, in the book, he collected dishes not from the restaurant, but those that he fed to his employees.
This means that the recipes here are high-quality, thoughtful, simple and inexpensive. I’ll say right away that some ingredients are not typical for our countries and may seem exotic, but for Spain they are quite normal.

The book has a very systematic approach that will allow even the most beginner to organize their nutrition well. Each recipe has step-by-step photographs. Every step of the way! I even made an association with comics, because the main thing in it is not the text, but the photographs.

But there are no final breathtaking photographs in the book, so this book is still for business, and not an album with pictures J
The book describes what tools should be in every kitchen, how to purchase and store food. A set of basic sauces and broths is given.
And then 31 dinners consisting of 3 courses.
Before each dinner there is a photograph of all the ingredients that will be needed for preparation. Listed are the ingredients that need to be purchased fresh, which we keep in the pantry, which should be in the refrigerator and freezer.
In addition, an hourly timing of actions for dinner is given, what and when to start doing so that the sequence of actions is optimal.

You know, I was lucky enough to study culinary chemistry by correspondence, the course of which was organized by Ferran Adria, and listening to his lectures, even then I caught myself thinking how strong and calm a person he was. There is nothing to talk about skill and passion - this is axiom J

And after studying the book, I got the impression that cooking is a very calm, thoughtful, completely fuss-free, sacred act.
By the way, Ferran and his employees dined together at the same table every evening

And of course the recipe. Just in time for the holiday table. Everything is very simple, but tasty and beautiful.

Baked chicken with potato strips

This is a traditional Catalan dish.
One chicken is enough for 4 people. If you're cooking for two, the leftovers can be used for chicken salad the next day.
It is difficult to prepare a mixture of dried herbs in the correct proportions for 4 people. Therefore, we recommend mixing herbs for 6-8 people. Any leftovers can be stored in an airtight container.

For 4 For 6-8 For 20 For 75
Dried bay leaf - Zg South 25 g
Dried rosemary - 40 g 100 g 325 g
Dried thyme - 15 g 40 g 150 g
Black pepper - 1/2 tsp 6 g 20 g
Chicken (2 kg carcasses) 1 PC. 2 pcs. 5 pieces. 19 pcs.
Olive oil 1 tbsp. l. 2 tbsp. l. 180 ml 650 ml
Lemons 1 PC. 2 pcs. 5 pieces. 19 pcs.
Garlic 2 cloves 4 cloves 40 g 150 g
White wine 2 tbsp. l. 4 tbsp. l. 60 ml 200 ml
Water 3 tbsp. l. 6 tbsp. l. 120 ml 450 ml
Salt 5 g 10g 25 g 100 g
Potato straws 100 g 200 g 500 g 1.5 kg

Preheat oven to 220°C. Using large kitchen scissors, trim off the wing tips and tail from the chicken.
Place the chicken on a baking sheet and rub the outside and inside with salt and oil. Then sprinkle the breasts and legs with finely grated lemon zest.
Cut the lemon into pieces and place in the belly.
Puree bay leaf, rosemary, thyme and pepper in a blender or food processor.
Rub the chicken with the spice mixture and place the unpeeled garlic cloves inside.
Place the crust on a baking sheet, breast side down, and bake for 25 minutes.
Turn the carcasses over and cook for another 35 minutes until golden and cooked through.
Remove the chicken and leave in a warm place. Place the baking sheet on the stove.
Pour in the wine and water and scrape up the cooking juices with a wooden spoon. Heat until it becomes gravy.
Cut the chicken into pieces and place on a platter. Alternatively, the chicken can be served whole.
Pour the gravy over the chicken and serve with potato strips.

Most likely, you are not one of the lucky ones who had the opportunity to dine at elBulli - one of the best restaurants in the world. We have to disappoint you - you no longer have a chance to get there.

On July 30, 2011, elBulli, winner of 3 Michelin stars, which headed the most prestigious restaurant rating The S.Pellegrino World’s 50 Best Restaurants for five years, closed. In its place there will be a gastronomic academy and a center for signature cuisine.

But elBulli's culinary heritage will not fade into oblivion. Ferran Adria, a brilliant chef, left us an amazing gift. A book of recipes! No, it does not contain dishes from his famous “molecular” cuisine. (Even professionals cannot repeat them.) This book contains recipes for “family dinners” that restaurant employees ate every day!

You might think: since these masters create culinary masterpieces, then they eat, well, at least, foam from foie gras. Nothing like this. They eat the most ordinary food. This book contains their favorite recipes from Spanish, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Korean and many other cuisines. Some people, perhaps out of habit or ignorance, consider them complex. But open the book and you will see that these dishes can be prepared by anyone who at least somehow knows how to cook.

Ferran Adria reveals other secrets of the elBulli “inner kitchen” that you can use at home. With a professional's approach, he explains how to organize work in your kitchen, how to purchase and store food. He describes basic restaurant techniques and shares recipes for the basic ingredients (sauces, broths, dressings) that go into many dishes.

For everyone who loves to cook, discover new tastes, dishes and techniques. Who loves to gather with the whole family and for whom an ordinary family dinner turns into a real meal.

The book will also be useful for experienced cooks - despite the fact that all the recipes are adapted to home conditions, even professionals will find many interesting ideas that can be adopted.

This book has a lot of features.

First. Usually cookbooks give separate recipes. Here they are collected into complete, balanced menus. Each dinner includes 3 courses: appetizer or soup, main course and dessert. Agree, this is a useful selection - you don’t have to rack your brains, thinking about “what kind of pie is best to serve after this pasta...”.

Second. The authors have developed a real system for your kitchen. They provide a list of all the products you will need. Everything that needs to be purchased or defrosted in advance is listed. Moreover, a preparation schedule has been drawn up for each dinner. It is clear that cooking three dishes at the same time (especially if you are doing it for the first time) is not an easy task. But in the book everything is calculated. You won't get confused and won't miss anything.

Third. These are, of course, photographs. There are more than 1000 of them (!): every step is illustrated. So rest assured you will not go astray. By the way. These photos are very tasty...

Recipes from the book