Since the beginning of 2018, the largest publishing house in Russia, Komsomolskaya Pravda, has been publishing the children's educational magazine "Fixiki". Previously, a licensing agreement for the publication was concluded with the AST publishing group.

The new publisher increased the previous circulation from 10 to 30 thousand copies, qualitatively improved the distribution system, and halved the cost of the magazine for the end consumer. Now the magazine costs only 118 rubles. The Fixies magazine has become available at all press outlets in Russia. It can also be purchased online at at a discounted price of 99 rubles or subscribed through Russian Post (index 31082).

The publishing house "Komsomolskaya Pravda" supports each issue of the magazine with advertising in the newspaper of the same name, on the website, in the magazine "Teleprogram" and Radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda", as well as on social networks.

The change of publisher occurred after the release in 2017 by the Komsomolskaya Pravda publishing house of a series of licensed books based on the feature film “The Fixies. Big Secret", the total circulation of which was 260 thousand copies. The books were a great success among fans of the children's brand.

“We always knew that Russian children are delighted with fixies. And after the books were published, we became even more convinced of this. Now we see that the publishing potential of the brand is enormous. In addition to books based on the cartoon and a monthly magazine, very soon we will delight fixie fans with several more exciting projects. But this is still a big secret,” Natalya Kamenskikh, product director of the Komsomolskaya Pravda Publishing House, shares her plans.

After the change of publisher, the volume of the magazine “Fixies”, its educational character and vector for older preschoolers and junior schoolchildren were preserved, but the design and content of the issues were significantly updated. Now each issue is written on behalf of its own “editor-in-chief,” who is chosen from among the fixed characters and whose column opens each issue. In addition, new permanent sections appeared in the magazine: “DimDimych’s Album”, “Tic Tac Toe”, “Fixie Test” and others.


One day DimDimich decided to invite his friends to visit. He discussed everything with his mother in advance and made a to-do list. Before they arrived, we had to clean the room, make tea and heat up the pizza in the microwave. It seems like nothing complicated, but DimDimych, as you know, could not do without adventures and troubles even in the simplest situation. How a boy, through negligence, almost burned down the house, and what came of it, will be told in a fairy tale about fixies - faithful helpers in any trouble.

A fairy tale about fixies: how Simka and Nolik saved the house from a fire

DimDimych was looking forward to the day when his friends would come to him. He loved to receive guests: play different games, show off his collection of cars and tell interesting stories. Although on other days he didn’t have to be bored either, because there were fixies nearby. Yes, yes, you didn’t think so, this is not a fiction or a fairy tale at all, fixies actually exist. They troubleshoot technical devices and help DimDimich out of unpleasant situations. But still, the boy liked to spend time more with the guys from his school.
When the long-awaited day arrived, DimDimych, instead of starting in the morning to prepare for the arrival of guests, decided to play a little on the computer. The game turned out to be so exciting that the boy completely lost his mind about other things. He was brought back to reality by a call from his mother, who decided to make sure that everything was okay with her son.
- Yes, mom, I’ve already prepared and done everything! – DimDimych lied. He didn't have time to think that it was wrong to deceive his mother. Friends were supposed to arrive any minute, but nothing was ready yet.
The boy, without turning off the computer, began to vacuum the room, but at that moment he decided that he needed to heat up the pizza. Turning on the microwave, he continued to clean up the mess, but remembered the tea. Before plugging in the electric kettle, DimDimych thought that Simka had once told him something about the simultaneous operation of several appliances. But the boy did not have time to remember in more detail. After that, DimDimych heard a suspicious crackling sound from the socket, but did not pay attention: he was in too much of a hurry to get ready for the arrival of his friends.

- Oh yes, iron the new shirt! – he burst out, turning on the iron. At that moment, sparks rained down from the socket, terribly frightening the boy.
- We're burning! Save! Simka, Nolik, help! – he guessed to call.
The Fixies didn't have to wait long. Hearing the cry of their frightened friend, Simka and Nolik quickly ran and immediately understood what was happening.
“But I already told you that turning on several devices is dangerous,” Simka began to lecture. Confused, DimDimych lowered his eyes guiltily. He was so waiting for his friends that he completely forgot to take care of safety.

“It’s still good that nothing bad happened.” If we weren't there, we would have had to call the fire brigade and put out the fire. It wasn't long before that. – Nolik continued. - Don't ever do that again. You cannot connect several powerful devices to one outlet; it is better to do everything one by one.
- I understand everything. I won't repeat my mistakes again. – answered DimDimych. - Thank you for coming to the rescue, as always.
- We are friends! – Simka and Nolik exclaimed in one voice. They were happy to help the boy and teach him the correct behavior with household appliances.
At that moment there was a knock on the door, DimDimych rushed to meet his friends, and on the floor instead of fixings there was a screw and a bolt: Simka and Nolik managed to turn into inconspicuous parts for encryption. Now they were sure that the boy had mastered the lesson.
You can watch “The Fixies” here:

We have created more than 300 cat-free casseroles on the Dobranich website. Pragnemo perevoriti zvichaine vladannya spati u native ritual, spovveneni turboti ta tepla.Would you like to support our project? We will continue to write for you with renewed vigor!

When we went to visit the fixies, we could not even imagine that such a warm and friendly welcome awaited us. Oksana Gukasyan - executive producer of the series "Fixies" and Daria Morgunova - co-author of the script concept for the series "Fixies" and director of public relations, not only showed "Mamsila" the holy of holies of their favorite children's series, but also answered our questions in detail.

Who came up with the series "Fixies" and how are they connected with "Guarantee Men" by Eduard Uspensky?


“At first, our producer Georgy Vasiliev had the idea of ​​​​creating a large Russian animation project with an eye on both Russian and international audiences.

Vasiliev, now the creative producer of the “Fixies” project, has always been his locomotive. He began to look for allies in the animation world and met. This happened in 2005, but the cooperation, very joyful, active and fruitful, unfortunately, was short-lived, because in 2007 Alexander Tatarsky died suddenly.

We remember Alexander Mikhailovich as an inexhaustible source of creative ideas and paradoxical jokes. This man-magnet rallied around himself a lot of young animation forces at the Pilot studio.

By the way, cooperation with “Pilot” was one of the reasons why our company is called “Airplane”.

Back in 2005, traditional original animation existed, one might say, in a nature reserve. The animators gathered once a year at the Suzdal festival, where everyone communicated with each other, but their films did not receive access to Russian television screens.

Television at that time preferred to buy foreign animated series: it was cheaper and made it possible to plan the broadcast schedule according to a single standard. Nobody was interested in Russian original animation, because it produced one-off films that were inconvenient for modern TV channel programming.

And so for a big project, Vasiliev and Tatarsky began to look for a theme, a plot idea. It was Alexander Mikhailovich who advised us to pay attention to the story “Guarantee Men” by Eduard Uspensky.

For Alexander Mikhailovich, although in reality he was over fifty, he was always characterized by the special look of a child. This is a rare and very valuable quality for an artist!

Tatarsky said: “When I was a five-year-old boy, I was very interested in who lives inside technology. I remember that as a child I thought about this all the time...”

Tatarsky and Uspensky had known each other for a long time: for example, the famous “Plasticine Crow” was created by Tatarsky based on poems by Uspensky. Our team contacted Eduard Nikolaevich and acquired the rights to film the story. But it immediately became clear that, despite the brilliant creative idea at the core, transferring it to the screen literally now no longer makes sense. Many of the realities in it are outdated.

In the mid-seventies, when the story was written, there were large radios and huge televisions, so the warranty men who lived in this technology were the size of a mouse. And in 2005, the time of small mobile phones had already arrived, and it became clear that technology was rapidly developing and becoming more and more compact.

Of course, the characters in the story simply would not fit into such a technique, and it was necessary to find some new image for them. And for the international market, the phrase “warranty men” looked long and difficult to translate.

We began to come up with English-language neologisms. We were helped by a bilingual girl, a philologist, who suggested several options for names. Then we gathered focus groups in St. Petersburg. These were English-speaking people from different countries, different ages and professions: diplomats, scientists, journalists, nannies, trade representatives, sailors... They all sat at an oval table, and different options for names were discussed with them.

They reacted sharply negatively to some, but the word “The Fixies” evoked positive emotions, they immediately said: “Yes, yes, yes! We understand this, this is great! Here you can immediately feel the combination of words - a small magical creature - and to fix - to fix." That is, they immediately heard that these were little people who were repairing something. And since there was such an unambiguous positive reaction, we settled on this name. Fortunately, such a trademark was still free for registration in almost all product categories, which we took advantage of.

And “Fixies” is the Russian version of the English neologism “The Fixies”.

Do cartoon characters have real prototypes?


"It is difficult to name specific real prototypes. Our characters are, rather, collective images. We can say that fixists are humanoid creatures. This means that their prototypes are people. With different characters, actions and relationships. The community of fixists is very similar to human society .

The main fixie characters are children, because they evoke maximum emotions in our target audience. It is important for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren to follow the example of movie characters, and they are looking for those who would be like them.

We deliberately made sure that there were no negative heroes in our world. To develop a plot, you don't necessarily need a pathological villain who destroys everything in his path. Problems arise in everyone's life when they need to prove themselves in some unconventional way. This is what becomes the basis of conflict for our stories.

In each episode, we discover some facet of our characters’ character and try to look at them from different angles.

But we have a few characters that we have a more ironic attitude towards. For example, this is Professor Chudakov’s assistant, Lizonka. She is not a negative hero, she just constantly struggles with something strange and incomprehensible to her. After all, she doesn’t know about the existence of fixies. And this constantly creates a comic effect.

Or the dog Kusachka, who lives in DimDimych’s apartment. She hunts little people with glowing heads. True, in one of them we tried to talk about her true intentions, and it turned out that inside she is a noble character with a great desire to help, it’s just that no one understands her dog language.”

How do teachers and psychologists evaluate the series?


“In each episode, we try to convey some important idea, a moral: for example, “being greedy is bad,” “think before you act,” or “remember the feelings of others.” We always talk through all these pedagogical points.

When we read reviews and articles about our cartoons not only from parents, but also from psychologists, we understand that we are moving in the right direction. Our cartoon is traditionally considered useful content for children."


“At the same time, in creativity we rely more on our own instincts and intuition than on the work and consultations of psychologists. Unfortunately, we are faced with the fact that psychologists make very straightforward, unambiguous demands regarding artistic creativity.

For example, several years ago, at the level of a regulatory act, it was proposed to introduce a rule that in a children's cartoon there should be no more than three colors on the screen. How to implement this? Artistic creativity is more complex. We try to adopt the positive experience of children's literary and film classics rather than follow the rules that are formulated by psychologists today."


“Sometimes in the series we tell quite complex things from a technical point of view and we get feedback even from adults: “We didn’t know before that it works like that!” Or: “Oh, thank you very much for telling me how to remove stickers from items!"

We believe that our series is useful for children to watch with their parents."

Why does it take so long for series to be created?


“When the script for the series has already been written, and it goes into the hands of the director, the stage of creating the picture itself lasts 3.5-4 months. But the initial stage - coming up with a story, writing a script - is unpredictable. It can take from 1.5-2 weeks to 6-9 months Until we are sure that our story is interesting and cool, we do not launch the series into production.

We take this very seriously. Therefore, among the large number of authors with whom we are always ready to cooperate, not all reach the final stage of the finished script. However, we have a strict production schedule, and the episodes, like it or not, must be released in a clear sequence.

Writing a script for The Fixies is very difficult.

It is necessary to take into account a huge number of nuances. The scriptwriter must remember that fixies are very small, and he needs to learn to look at the world through their eyes, to feel himself on a different scale. Remember that the action of our series is limited to only two settings - DimDimych’s apartment and Chudakov’s laboratory.

Building new sets is very expensive and unprofitable for the series, so we can’t go outside, drive a car or take a bus around the city, or go into the forest. We have to constantly look for different moves, options for playing out the plot.

For example, in the series, in order not to come up with some big location, we built a box with a basketball hoop in it, and it looks quite realistic. All these microlocations can be created using simple objects: a pen, an eraser, an eraser, a button.

In the series, the drum set for Nolik consists of paper clips, some tubes - in a word, from scrap materials."

But the most difficult thing is to build dramaturgy, to tell the story from the beginning through the conflict and climax to the denouement."

From the editor:

The backstage of a children's series is a huge world where talented and hardworking people work: director, screenwriters, animators, actors, producers and many others. Details about how stories are born and come to life can be found in the videos.

The interview was recorded by Vilena Kotova.

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Dear parents and our regular readers! I would like to draw your attention to the fact that since the second half of 2013, the reading room of the children's department has been replenished with new magazines for children and teenagers.

“Irina Lykova’s Maker” 0+
Becoming a designer, inventor, craftsman and good wizard is not at all difficult. “Irina Lykova’s Maker” will come to the aid of children, their parents, grandparents and teachers. Each issue of this magazine is a master class for joint artistic creativity.
Children and adults will easily master various artistic techniques, which are given in step-by-step pictures and photographs. Modeling, collage, applique, design, testoplasty, weaving, origami, kirigami, quilling, decoupage, carving, cooking, much more...
Everything you have at hand and feet will be useful for work. Plasticine and salt dough, colored paper and cardboard, scraps of fabric and thread, autumn leaves and flower petals, vegetables and fruits, pebbles and shells, as well as empty packaging, wire, foil, paper napkins, old gloves, laces, clothespins, paper clips...
And the result will definitely please you! Handmade toys, gifts, souvenirs, postcards, theatrical and patchwork dolls, cartoons, bookmarks, books, elegant items for interior decoration and even culinary masterpieces.

“Backpack” 0+
The educational magazine "Backpack" for children 4-7 years old is published monthly on 24 pages. The magazine contains many colorful illustrations, poems, fairy tales, tasks for training numeracy skills, reading, logic, and vocabulary development.

"Fixies" 0+
Publishing group "AST" and LLC "Premiere Market" present a new children's magazine "Fixies". The magazine is dedicated to the heroes of the children's animated series of the same name.
Fixies are little people who live inside equipment and fix its breakdowns. Children liked this modern fairy tale: they believe in the existence of fixies, want to be friends with them and are eager to find their own fixie nearby. Now a new magazine will help them with this.

“Filly Horses” 0+
The monthly magazine about the adventures of horses, Filly, is now published in Russian!
In each issue of the magazine:
. Comic
. Original coloring
. Games and tasks
. Fascinating story
. Colorful poster
. Delicious recipes and much more

"Island" 6+
Children's magazine. In it you will find: stories about animals, puzzles, origami. You will be able to find differences, complete the drawing, cut and glue, play, and participate in competitions

"Pin code" 6+
A new popular science magazine for children with their favorite characters - Smeshariki! Fun, but with a serious basis.
The main goal of the magazine is to return children's interest in science and invention, to ensure that the child wants to become part of this fast-paced and interesting world.
Each new issue is dedicated to a specific topic. For example, electricity, space, creating computer games, etc.
Magazine headings:
. science and technology news,
. report on the topic of the issue,
. artistic and scientific story,
. experiment,
. poster,
. as well as riddles, tasks and much more!

"Cognition" 6+
The children's magazine "Poznayka" is a very popular and well-known periodical among children and their parents. This magazine for children includes interesting and exciting activities, games, charades, puzzles, logic problems and exercises, which are developed by leading teachers, psychologists and methodologists.
"Poznayka" is the best media for children of preschool and primary school age. This children's magazine is recommended for reading by the Ministry of Education and leading teachers - after all, all issues of this popular periodical are developed on the basis of educational programs of secondary schools. So now parents don’t have to worry about their baby not learning important information. Learning while playing is so easy with the Poznayka magazine!

“Backpack. FUNNY ZOO" 6+
Educational magazine about animals “Backpack. FUNNY ZOO" is filled with amazing facts, interesting stories, poems and tales about animals. Created for children 7-12 years old, the magazine attracts with bright illustrations, many educational tasks, quizzes and competitions that help remember new information about the animal world.

“Universe, space, time” 12+
An international popular science magazine on astronomy and cosmonautics, designed for the general reader, including schoolchildren, students, school teachers and everyone interested in this topic.
Published with the support of the International Eurasian Astronomical Society.

“My friend cat” 12+
“My Friend the Dog” 12+

The magazines “My Friend the Cat” and “My Friend the Dog” are leading mass specialized periodicals about cats and dogs.
The uniqueness of the publications lies in the fact that they are of interest to both specialists and amateurs, both experienced and beginners. Tips on care, feeding and treatment, competent education - you can find all this on the pages of “My Friend”.

"ProVeло" 12+
A cycling magazine for all cycling enthusiasts, both professional and amateur. News from around the world, tips on the care and maintenance of personal bicycles, from children's to professional mountain bikes, a calendar of cycling competitions, weekend tips for the whole family, cycling history.