Today it is difficult to imagine a country house or private housing without an autonomous and independent water supply. To provide water, residential buildings use pumping stations that supply water from a well to the house's pipeline system and maintain pressure.

For long-term use and performance of the equipment, it is necessary to use a filter for pumping station. A filter is installed in front of the pumping station on the suction device. The filter serves as protection against silt, sand, etc. contained in the water.

1 Why do you need a filter?

In a country or private house, the source of water is a well or borehole. Water from such sources will necessarily contain various mechanical impurities, which include particles of clay, sand or chalk. Such impurities negatively affect the pumping station after some time of use. Over time, mechanical particles clog and destroy the hydraulic accumulator, after which the pumping station will become unusable. A water pre-filter for a pumping station is the best efficient option for water purification, safety and equipment durability.

1.1 Types of filters

Based on the degree of water purification, two main types of filters can be distinguished:

  1. Fine cleaning. Particles retained by such filters can be less than 1 micron in size. Heavy metals can also be retained. The fine filter looks like a flask containing a replaceable cartridge. This cartridge is made of polyethylene threads or fibers that are wound around a plastic core. Typically, such filtration elements are installed after rough water filtration. Additionally, membrane-type filters can be used, after which the water will be suitable for drinking.
  2. Rough cleaning. Filter elements of this type are capable of preventing particles up to 1 mm in size from passing through. Such particles are in the form of sand, silt, pebbles, scale, etc. may be contained in the supplied water. which passes filtered water further into the pump, and particles larger than the mesh size remain. Such a mesh is installed at the end of the suction pipe, or a flask is installed on the water supply line.

If the filter is clogged, it will work with low performance. It is necessary to inspect and clean it regularly.

Based on their purpose, filters can be divided into the following categories:

  • household, simple complexity;
  • medium cleaning;
  • having the highest degree of water purification.

According to the method of water purification, filters are divided into the following categories:

  1. Ion exchange. Such filter elements are used when it is necessary to soften water and remove manganese and iron.
  2. Biological. Purification here occurs with the help of microorganisms. They actively influence metabolic processes.
  3. Mechanical. These filters are designed to protect household appliances, such as washing machines, and plumbing fixtures from contamination.
  4. Reverse osmosis. Today, such cleaning is considered the most environmentally friendly and effective. With its help, you can completely get rid of any harmful substances in the liquid.
  5. Electrical. This water purification is carried out using ozone and during purification, manganese, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, iron, heavy metals, and petroleum products are released. During such operations, complete disinfection occurs.
  6. Physico-chemical. This technology has found its application against soluble impurities using sorption and has become widely used due to its high efficiency.

2 Types of filters

  1. Inlet filter installed on submersible pumps. This filter element is installed on the suction parts, directly on the pump. Water is purified from large mechanical particles and impurities thanks to a special protective mesh.
  2. Coarse pre-filter. This element must be installed in front of the pump in the water supply circuit and removes large mechanical impurities in the water. This element looks like a flask containing a cartridge made of plastic. To make it easy to monitor contamination, the flask is made of transparent material. Once clogged, you can quickly and easily remove the flask and rinse the flask.
  3. Inlet filter with a check valve for the pumping station. This element is mounted at the end of the liquid intake pipe at the pumping station or self-priming pump. In this case, two functions are performed: and the outflow of water from the pumping system is prevented by a check valve. This element helps to properly start the self-priming pump. Typically, the check valve has a G1 threaded connection, with which you can connect the suction hose for the pumping station. The hose for the pumping station must withstand the pressure in the water supply system.
  4. Central filter. Used for cleaning in underground or above-ground irrigation systems. A system with a filter of this design allows the equipment to last a long time. Thanks to the installation (into the pipeline rupture) and the removable design, it does not require much effort to clean it.
  5. Suction mesh. It is a filtration mesh mounted in a special housing. It has found its application when using tankers, hand pumps and motor pumps.

The choice of filter that will be suitable for its intended purpose depends on the performance of the installed pumping station, the load of this station and the weight of solid particles. In order to protect yourself and your household appliances, it is better to use two types of filter element at once. At the inlet you need to install a coarse water filter that will filter out solids and impurities. After this, it will have a beneficial effect on the operation of pumping stations and other equipment.

To properly assemble a plumbing system, you need to follow the following sequence:

  • filter for rough water purification;
  • pumping station;
  • filter for fine water purification;
  • tap (mixer) for water supply.

Hoses lowered into a well or borehole are not equipped with anything.

2.1 What kind of filter should be installed for a well with dirty water? (video)

2.2 Pre-filter

It is generally accepted that the coarse filter is the first line of defense. It is also called a mechanical filter. Such an element is usually installed in front of the station and screens out solid particles and impurities in the water, which has a positive effect on the pumping station and other equipment.

The purpose of filters can be varied and this is due to the materials from which they are made and the degree of purification. Coarse filters can be made of various sizes and are mainly made of metal mesh. They do not cope with such work very well, but such a mesh is capable of catching small particles up to 0.3 mm. Thanks to this feature and low cost, they received great popularity water supply systems.

To control the pressure generated in the system, there is a more technologically advanced filter, which has a drain valve and a pressure gauge installed. To wash the filter element, you do not need to disassemble the filter itself for this operation. But in terms of price, it will be an order of magnitude higher than a simple mesh filter.

2.3 Filters equipped with a fiber filtration element

For even finer filtration among coarse filters, filters with a replaceable element are used, which are made from a variety of fibrous materials. With screening rates that are record high for coarse cleaning (up to 100 microns), these filters do not create significant resistance to the resulting water flow. Many owners of pumping stations, in order to save money, install such a filter in front of the station so as not to perform subsequent filtration.

Despite their advantages, such filters suffer from their own disadvantages. They cannot be compared with mesh filters due to their high cost, large dimensions and the need to replace the filter element. Such filter elements, no matter what, are preferable to mesh ones, since they are more reliable in protecting pumping equipment. Coarse cleaning without fine cleaning should be used in cases where you don’t mind your home equipment, faucets, pumps, water heaters, since rough cleaning is not able to completely purify the water for you.

2.4 Final filter

This purification refers to the second stage of water preparation. At this stage of purification, small particles are removed from the water that were not collected during rough cleaning. Fine cleaning elements are installed directly after the filter intended for coarse cleaning. Such filters are capable of purifying all the water supplied to the house. Household filters are not able to do this, since they are designed for a specific water intake position. Fine cleaning elements must have a large throughput and installed immediately after the pumping station.

The main element of such a filter is a fine-grained membrane that is capable of passing only water molecules. Once filtration begins, the water will be divided into two streams. One stream will contain pure filtered water, and the other will contain a concentrate consisting of salt solutions and mechanical particles. As a result, the first flow goes into the tap to the consumer, and the second flows down the drain into the sewer.

2.5 Wire filters intended for fine cleaning

This is one of the latest inventions, the body of which contains a wound thin wire covered with a glass shell. When the suction pump operates, water molecules pass through this filter, and all dirty particles remain in a special flask.

2.6 Protection of pumping stations and filter

Pumping stations often fail when operating without water. To eliminate this problem, some submersible pumps have been equipped with built-in protection against motor overheating and dry running, which blocks it. The most common option is to install a dry running relay. The mains voltage is connected to the dry-running protection relay. The outgoing wires from the dry-running relay do not go to the pressure switch. If there is water in the pipeline at the required pressure, the pumping station will operate. If the water disappears, the dry running relay will shut down the station.

When assembling a pipeline network for your home, do not forget about water filters. High-quality filtered water will be useful not only for the consumer, but also for pumping equipment.

The uninterrupted supply of water to private houses and cottages depends not only on the location of a well or well near the site, but also on special equipment that can supply the required pressure to the required level, as well as filter and fill the system. A home pumping station can handle this issue.

Pumping stations

Distinctive Features

Many consumers who want to provide their homes with water are interested in many questions. For example, what are differences between the pumping station from a regular pump? What is the operating principle of pumping equipment, what does it consist of? How convenient is the station?

Experts give the following explanations: a pumping station is a device that is designed to create and maintain constant pressure in the water supply system. Such a system is fully automated and does not require human presence or participation.

The main component of the equipment is the pump itself, but additional devices are required to ensure its operation. Water pressure sensors monitor its level in the pipeline. Hydraulic accumulators control the entire system automatically, regulating the water supply over a wide range of pressure levels. The design of the pump is not particularly important.

How to make the right choice?

The main reason for purchasing pumping equipment for a house or cottage is the lack of centralized water supply. Naturally, purchasing a suitable pumping station is a very responsible task. And experts, in turn, draw the consumer’s attention to technical specifications and certain parameters of such devices.

The main factor determining the choice of design is is performance. Since a certain amount of water should be raised to the required level, providing all household members. Also not least important are the properties of water: wells have characteristics of depth, water level conditions, pipe sizes and type of filtration system. Basically, pumping equipment is designed for a nine-meter water supply depth.

Pumping stations are conventionally divided into the following types of devices:

  • Self-priming.
  • Centrifugal.
  • Vortex self-priming.

Equipment by type of design can be monoblock or console. The first type involves the location of hydraulics on the same shaft where the electric motor is located.

There is also a division of devices by type of lifting:

  1. In the first option, water is supplied from a source.
  2. The second type of lift involves creating water pressure above the level earth's surface, that is, approximately on the 2-3 floor.
  3. This is followed by a rise that fills the water supply system above the 3rd floor. This process is carried out by several pumps connected in a chain.

In this case, the source of water can be not only a well or a well, it can also be used for such needs main water supply or reservoir. The most popular type that has earned the attention of users is the self-priming pump.

To know the capabilities of the equipment, you need to understand its characteristics and parameters. A station with average power, having a hydraulic accumulator volume of 20 liters, is suitable for a home where a family of 3 or 4 people lives. The unit of pump performance is cubic meters.

Performance indicator is 2-4 cubic meters. m. have pumping stations used for domestic needs, while the water pressure parameters become from 40 to 55 m.

To extend the life of the pumping station, the build quality and materials used for the production of device parts, as well as auxiliary devices, are taken into account. It happens that manufacturers use plastic, but you need to take into account that it is short-lived. Metal elements made of cast iron and steel significantly extend the operating life of the pumping station; they also smooth out noise during operation.

Pumping equipment with automatic control is usually produced on the basis of self-priming centrifugal systems. Built-in ejectors allow the device to supply water with a pressure of 40 m, even at a depth of 9 meters. It should be noted that the equipment is not affected by the air in the pipeline.

In order for the pumping station to operate smoothly over a long period of time, auxiliary devices should be used to protect it. Such a device can be a filter; it is the simplest and effective way solving the problem. It is installed on the suction structure of the unit.

Mechanical filter

Most houses and cottages today pump water from their wells and wells, and the liquid consists of many chemical impurities that have a detrimental effect on the device. For example, water may contain clay and sand, which clog the accumulator and can render the pump unusable. In this case, installing a mechanical filter in front of the pumping station as a preliminary barrier to substances that destroy the apparatus will help prevent the problem. This will help prevent the problem in the future.

Developers are introducing special filters that work with submersible pumps; they are installed directly on the equipment. However, this approach also has its disadvantages. The pre-filter operates in such a way that its operation creates interference pressure and pressure, both for the pumping station and for the water flow. Moreover, the filter is connected to a pressure switch, which means that when it becomes clogged, a situation is created that stops the water supply, since it stops passing water through it. At this time, the pump will work, since it will not receive a shutdown signal, which is transmitted by the relay, so it is possible that everything will end in damage to the pump.

To prevent such shortcomings in the operation of the filter, it is necessary to install it next to the pumping station. This will make it possible to clean the filter as needed, however, it is not the pump that will be protected from the harmful effects of impurity particles, but only the battery, so it is still not immune from breakdowns. To protect the pump, a dry running relay is required.

Filter: degree of water purification

Rough cleaning

A coarse water filter is also used to operate the pumping station. Thanks to its action, water is purified from the following insoluble particles:

  • Sand,
  • rust,
  • Clays.

It also copes with other similar particles that pollute water. This filter has many variations of execution, but they all work on the same principle: coarse elements remain in the filter, but the water passes to the pipeline already purified. When a coarse water filter operates, particles with a diameter of up to 1 mm are retained in it. As the filter gets dirty and particles accumulate, it can be removed for cleaning and then installed back.

The filter element is a fine-mesh mesh or flask with a cartridge made of non-woven polypropylene or polyester. If the impurity particles are larger than the filter cell size, they are retained, and purified water enters the pump.

The design of the coarse filter can be in the form of a mesh that is installed at the end of the suction pipe, or it can be a flask in the water supply line.

Fine cleaning.

These filters create a barrier to microparticles with a diameter of less than 1 micron. This group also includes particles heavy metals. These cleaning devices resemble a flask in design. Filter cartridges made of polyethylene fibers or polypropylene threads are inserted into it. They are wound on a plastic core. Fine filters are usually installed after devices with coarse water purification. In addition, you can use membrane filters that purify the water in a chain until it is suitable for drinking.

Filter classification

Filters are divided into the following types:

To choose the appropriate type of filter, you should proceed from the weight of solid particles, as well as the performance of the pumping station and its load.

Today, efficient water supply to a home or cottage can be carry out in economical mode. After all, modern automatic pumping stations can respond to the opening of mixers when a signal is received. The tap is opened - the equipment begins to supply water, closed - the system turns off. The filter allows the pumping station to operate at full power, providing protection from various impurities that disrupt its operation.

Filters of the ASF, ASD series manufactured by ALCO-CONTROLS (USA) and the SF, C-T-HH, C-TT-HH series manufactured by SPORLAN (USA) are designed for installation on suction pipelines to trap small particles, adsorb moisture and acid (depending on model). In addition to this series C-T-HH, C-TT-HH contains activated carbon, which allows you to remove paraffin and other oil decomposition products. Most SF series filter models have a vapor bypass function, i.e., when a certain pressure drop across the filter is exceeded, the internal bypass valve opens and vapor passes through the filter, bypassing the filter insert. This allows, in the event of a clogged filter, to ensure the passage of a significant amount of vapor for normal cooling of the built-in electric motor of the hermetic compressor.

The filters are equipped with one or two Schrader valves, which makes it easy to measure the pressure drop across the filter

Filter driers A.S.F. A.S.D. SF SF without bypass valve C-TT-HH C-TT-HH compact
Refrigerant and oil compatibility HFC, HCFC, CFC and related mineral and synthetic oils HFC, HCFC, CFC (including R-410A) and related mineral and synthetic oils
Performance* 8.4-87.5 kW 8.1-60.8 kW 8.4-419 kW 8.4-419 kW 7.4-26.4 kW 7.4-24.6 kW
Filtration degree 40 microns 40 microns 20 microns 20 microns 20 microns 20 microns
Poppy. Working pressure 27.5 bar 27.5 bar 27.5 bar SF-11- 27.3 bar
SF-64- 34.5 bar
44.8 bar 31 bar
Temperature range −40...+65°С −40...+65°С up to −40 up to −40
Pipes copper (for soldering), 3/8" - 15/8″ copper (for soldering), steel (for nut), 3/8" - 15/8″ copper (for soldering), steel (for nut), 3/8" - 25/8″ copper (for soldering), 1/2" - 11/8″
Frame steel coated with corrosion-resistant epoxy paint
two Schrader valves two Schrader valves one Schrader valve for SF-64 one Schrader valve one Schrader valve two Schrader valves
Adsorption small mechanical particles water, acid small mechanical particles small mechanical particles water, acid, oil decomposition products
Filter block felt filter-dirt filter, filter screen felt filter-dirt filter, filter screen, base - bulk adsorbent (molecular sieves and activated aluminum) felt filter-dirt double-sided metal braid, filter screen, pressure spring, bypass valve felt filter-dirt double-sided metal braid, filter screen, pressure spring at the inlet and outlet - a felt filter-dirt filter, a filter screen, a pressure spring, a base - a compressed adsorbent (a mixture of molecular sieves, activated aluminum and activated carbon)
at the inlet and outlet - a felt filter-dirt filter, a filter screen, a pressure spring, a base - a compressed adsorbent (a mixture of molecular sieves, activated aluminum and activated carbon)

*Nominal capacity for R-22 at a pressure drop across the filter corresponding to a saturation pressure drop of 1 K.

It is recommended to select a filter for the suction line based on the minimum possible pressure difference between its inlet and outlet. The maximum recommended calculated pressure drop value is taken to be a pressure drop equivalent to a drop in saturation temperature of 1 K.

After repair work, after depressurization of the system or after combustion of the built-in electric motor of the compressor, it is mandatory to install filters C-T(T)-HH or ASD, which will not allow a large number moisture, acid and combustion products of the electric motor windings enter the suction and into the compressor crankcase. When repairing and replacing compressors in monoblocks, split systems and other compact refrigeration units, C-TT-HH filters are very convenient to use, the shape of the housing allows them to be installed in a minimum space.

As with liquid filters, ALCO CONTROLS suction filters are most effective against moisture, while Sporlan filters are most effective against acid.

For selection tables, correction factors and other information, as well as the cost of filters, see section 11.6 “Filters (Alco, Sporlan, ITE)

A filter drier is usually installed in the front of the fluid line to protect it from water and dirt. The velocity of the refrigerant in the liquid line is low, and therefore the contact between the refrigerant and the solid core of the filter drier is quite good. At the same time, the hydraulic resistance of the filter is insignificant.

A filter drier can also be installed in the suction line, where its task is to protect the compressor from dirt and moisture present in the refrigerant.

Filters installed in the suction, so-called “anti-acid” filters, are used to remove acids from the system after the compressor motor fails as a result of burnout. To keep the pressure drop across the filter low, the suction line filter must be larger than the liquid line filter.

The suction line filter must be replaced with a new one when the pressure drop across the filter exceeds the following values:

  • In air conditioning systems (A/C): 0.50 bar
  • In refrigeration systems: 0.25 bar
  • In freezers: 0.15 bar.

Sight glasses with a humidity indicator are usually installed after the filter drier. You can determine the presence of moisture in the refrigerant by the color of the indicator:

  • Green: The moisture content of the refrigerant does not exceed a dangerous concentration.
  • Yellow: The moisture content of the refrigerant entering the expansion valve is too high.

By the presence of bubbles in the sight glass you can determine:

  1. The pressure drop across the filter drier is very high
  2. No refrigerant subcooling
  3. Insufficient amount of refrigerant in the system.
If a sight glass is installed in front of the filter drier, the following can be determined by the color of its humidity indicator:
  • Green: Moisture content does not exceed dangerous concentrations.
  • Yellow: The moisture content of the refrigerant charged into the system is too high.
  • The transition point from green to yellow in the humidity indicator depends on the solubility of water in the refrigerant.
Note: Transition points in Danfoss sight glasses are temporary. This means that the transition from yellow to green occurs when the refrigerant is dry.