"On approval of statistical tools for organizing the federal statistical observation over the number, conditions and remuneration of workers, activities in the field of education, science, innovation and information technology"


dated September 24, 2014 N 580



Appendix No. 1

Article 13.19 Article 3
for 20__ year
Provide: Delivery deadlines Form N 1-T
Rosstat order:
About form approval
dated 09/24/2014 N 580
About making changes
(if available)
from __________ N ___
from __________ N ___
legal entities (except for small businesses):
January 20 after the reporting period
Name of reporting organization ___________________________________
OKUD form code Code
1 2 3 4

OKEI codes: people in whole units - 792;
wage fund and payments - thousand
rubles with decimal sign - 384

Type name economic activity N lines OKVED code<1> Average number of employees (without external part-time workers and unpaid employees) The wage fund accrued to employees on the payroll and external part-time workers Social payments accrued to payroll employees and external part-time workers
1 2 3 4 5 6
Total (sum of lines 02 to 13) 01 X
including by type of activity: 02
Unlisted employees<2> 14 09 <3> X
Total (sum of lines 01 and 14) 15 00 <3>

<2>Shows data on the wage fund and social payments of employees who performed work under civil contracts, and other unlisted persons.

<3>Foreign codes.

(job title) (full name) (signature)
Email: ___ "__" __________ 20__ year
(contact phone number) (date of document preparation)


1. Form N 1-T is filled out by legal entities of all types of economic activity (except for small businesses) that do not provide information on the number and wages of employees in Form N P-4 (according to the list determined by the territorial body of Rosstat).

2. If a legal entity has separate divisions, this form is filled out both for each separate division and for the legal entity without these separate divisions.

3. Bankrupt organizations where bankruptcy proceedings have been introduced are not exempt from providing information in Form N 1-T. Only after the arbitration court has issued a ruling on the completion of bankruptcy proceedings and entry into the unified state register of legal entities of its liquidation (clause 3 of Article 149 of the Federal Law of October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”) The debtor organization is considered liquidated and is exempt from providing information in Form N 1-T.

5. The completed forms are submitted by the legal entity to the territorial bodies of Rosstat at the location of the corresponding separate division (for a separate division) and at the location of the legal entity (without separate divisions). In case legal entity(his separate division) do not carry out activities at their location, the form is provided at the place where they actually carry out activities.

The name of the subject is indicated in the "Postal address" line Russian Federation, legal address with postal code. If physical address does not coincide with the legal one, then the actual postal address is also indicated. For separate units that do not have legal address, indicate the postal address with postal code.

8. The average number of employees for the year, shown in column 4, is determined by summing average number employees for all months of the reporting year and dividing the resulting amount by 12.

The average number of employees per month is calculated by summing the number of employees for each calendar day of the month, i.e. from the 1st to the 30th or 31st (for February - to the 28th or 29th), including holidays (non-working days) and weekends, and dividing the resulting amount by the number of calendar days of the month.

9. The wage fund (column 5) includes the amounts of remuneration accrued by organizations in monetary and non-monetary forms for worked and unworked time, compensation payments related to working conditions and working hours, additional payments and allowances, bonuses, one-time incentive payments, as well as payment for food and accommodation, which is systematic.

10. Payments of a social nature (column 6) include amounts of funds associated with social benefits provided to employees, in particular, for treatment, rest, travel, employment (without benefits from state extra-budgetary funds).

11. More detailed methodological instructions for filling out the form are set out in paragraphs - , - Instructions for filling out federal statistical observation forms N N P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4, P-5(m), approved by order of Rosstat dated 10.28.2013 N 428 and posted on the official website of Rosstat on the Internet information and telecommunications network: http://www.gks.ru, in the heading “Statistical tools, methodology, normative and reference information”, subheading “Forms of federal statistical observation ", "Orders of Rosstat on approval of the Instructions for filling out federal statistical observation forms."

12. To ensure that the form is filled out correctly, the following must be taken into account.

N p/p Controls
1 sum of lines from 02 to 13 = line 01 in columns 4, 5, 6
2 line 14 column 4 = 0
3 line 15 = sum of lines 01 and 14 in columns 4, 5, 6
4 line 14 line 15 according to columns 5 and 6
5 line 01 line 15 according to columns 5 and 6

APPENDIX 2. Form N 1-T (working conditions) - Lost force. (as amended by Rosstat Order dated August 3, 2015 N 357)

APPENDIX 3. Form N 2-GS (GZ) - Lost force. (as amended by Rosstat Order dated August 3, 2015 N 357)

APPENDIX 4. Form N 2-MC - Lost force. (as amended by Rosstat Order dated August 3, 2015 N 357)

APPENDIX 5. Form N 3-inform - Lost force. (as amended by Rosstat Order dated August 3, 2015 N 357)

APPENDIX 6. Form N 2-science - Lost force. (as amended by Order of Rosstat dated October 15, 2014 N 612)

Appendix No. 7

APPENDIX 7. Form N 4-innovation - Lost force. (as amended by Order of Rosstat dated September 25, 2015 N 442)

APPENDIX 8. Form N 1-technology - Lost force. (as amended by Rosstat Order dated August 3, 2015 N 357)

APPENDIX 9. Form N 3-F - Lost force. (as amended by Rosstat Order dated August 3, 2015 N 357)

APPENDIX 10. Form N 1-З - Lost force. (as amended by Order of Rosstat dated November 6, 2014 N 636)

Appendix No. 11

Violation of the procedure for presenting statistical information, as well as the presentation of unreliable statistical information, entails liability established by Article 13.19 of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ, as well as Article 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 1992 N 2761-1 “On liability for violation of the procedure for submitting state statistical reporting"
for _______________ 20__
Provide: Delivery deadlines Form N P-4
legal entities (except for small businesses) of all types of economic activity and forms of ownership: Rosstat order:
About form approval
dated 09/24/2014 N 580
About changes (if any)
from __________ N ___
from __________ N ___
average number employees whose number exceeds 15 people, including part-time workers and civil contracts; no later than the 15th day after the reporting period
the average number of employees does not exceed 15 people, including part-time workers and civil contracts: quarterly no later than the 15th day after the reporting period
- to the territorial body of Rosstat in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the address established by it Menstrual
Postal address __________________________________________________________
OKUD form code Code
reporting organization for OKPO
1 2 3 4

Number of employees, accrued wages and hours worked

Name of types of economic activity N lines OKVED code<1> Average number of employees for the reporting month (for the number of employees up to 15 people - for the period from the beginning of the year)
total (sum of columns 2, 3, 4) including people
payroll employees (without external part-time workers)<2> external part-time workers<3> workers who performed work under civil contracts<4>
A B IN 1 2 3 4
Total (sum of lines 02 to 11) 01
including by type of activity:

<1>Filled out in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to the Instructions for filling out federal statistical observation forms N N P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4, P-5 (m).

<2>The average number of employees is shown (in whole units).

<3>The average number of external part-time workers is calculated in proportion to the time actually worked (filling in with a decimal sign is allowed).

<4>The average number is calculated based on the accounting of these workers for each calendar day as whole units throughout the entire duration of the contract (shown in whole units).

OKEI codes: people - 792;
man-hour - 539;
one thousand rubles - 384

Number of man-hours worked since the beginning of the year (for the first quarter, first half of the year, 9 months, year), man-hours Fund of accrued wages of employees for the reporting month (for the number of employees up to 15 people - for the period from the beginning of the year), thousand rubles. with one decimal place Social payments to employees - total, since the beginning of the year (for the first quarter, first half of the year, 9 months, year), thousand rubles. with one decimal place
payroll employees external part-time workers total (sum of columns 8, 9, 10) including
payroll employees (without external part-time workers) external part-time workers workers who performed work under civil contracts, and other non-paid persons
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Official responsible for providing statistical information (a person authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of a legal entity)
(job title) (full name) (signature)
Email: "__" __________ 20__ year
(contact phone number) (date of document preparation)

on filling out the federal statistical observation form

1. Federal statistical observation form N P-4 is filled out by legal entities - commercial and non-profit organizations(except for small businesses) of all types of economic activities and forms of ownership and submit them to the territorial body of Rosstat at their location within the time limits and addresses indicated on the form.

For legal entities whose average number of employees does not exceed 15 people, public organizations, dacha, gardening, garage, housing-construction cooperatives, etc., at the direction of the territorial body of Rosstat in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the frequency of providing information once a year can be established in Form N 1-T "Information on the number and wages of employees" .

2. If a legal entity has separate divisions, this form is filled out both for each separate division and for a legal entity without these separate divisions.

For the purposes of filling out this form of federal statistical observation, a separate subdivision is understood as any territorially separate subdivision from the organization, at or from the location of which the economic activity at equipped stationary workstations, while workplace is considered stationary if it is created for a period of more than one month.

A separate division is recognized as such regardless of whether its creation is reflected or not reflected in the constituent or other organizational and administrative documents of the organization, and on the powers vested in the specified division.

3. Bankrupt organizations where bankruptcy proceedings have been introduced are not exempt from providing information in Form N P-4. Only after the arbitration court has issued a ruling on the completion of bankruptcy proceedings and entry into the unified state register of legal entities of its liquidation (clause 3 of Article 149 of the Federal Law of October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”) The debtor organization is considered liquidated and is exempt from providing information in Form N P-4.

4. The federal statistical observation form is also provided by branches, representative offices and divisions operating on the territory of the Russian Federation foreign organizations in the manner established for legal entities.

5. The completed forms are submitted by the legal entity to the territorial bodies of Rosstat at the location of the corresponding separate division (for a separate division) and at the location of the legal entity (without separate divisions). In the event that a legal entity (its separate division) does not carry out activities at its location, the form is provided at the place where they actually carry out activities.

6. The head of a legal entity appoints officials, authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of a legal entity.

7. The address part of the form indicates the full name of the reporting organization in accordance with constituent documents, registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - a short name. The form containing information on a separate division of a legal entity indicates the name of the separate division and the legal entity to which it belongs.

The legal entity enters the code in the code part of the form All-Russian classifier enterprises and organizations (OKPO) on the basis of the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

In the case of delegation of authority to provide statistical reporting on behalf of a legal entity to a separate division, a separate division in the code part of the form indicates the OKPO code (for a branch) or identification number (for a separate division that does not have the status of a branch), which is established by the territorial body of Rosstat at the location separate division.

8. Information is provided in general for the organization and for actual types of economic activity on the number of employees and accrued wages for the reporting month or for the period from the beginning of the year; on the number of man-hours worked and social payments - quarterly, for the period from the beginning of the year.

9. If organizations did not accrue wages and other payments, then information in Form N P-4 is provided without filling out this data.

10. More detailed methodological instructions for filling out and monitoring the correctness of filling out the form are given in the Instructions for filling out federal statistical observation forms N N P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4, P-5 (m).

APPENDIX 12. Form N 1-PR - Lost force. (as amended by Rosstat Order dated August 3, 2015 N 357)

Appendix No. 13

Violation of the procedure for presenting statistical information, as well as the presentation of unreliable statistical information, entails liability established by Article 13.19 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ, as well as Article 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 1992 N 2761-1 "On liability for violation of the procedure for submitting state statistical reports"
for _______________ 20__
Provide: Delivery deadlines Form N P-4 (NZ)
legal entities (except for small businesses), the average number of employees exceeds 15 people (including part-time workers and civil contracts), all types of economic activity and forms of ownership: no later than the 8th day after the reporting quarter Rosstat order:
About form approval
dated 09/24/2014 N 580
About making changes
(if available)
from __________ N ___
from __________ N ___
- to the territorial body of Rosstat in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the address established by it Quarterly
Name of reporting organization _________________________________
Postal address __________________________________________________________
OKUD form code Code
reporting organization for OKPO
1 2 3 4

OKEI code: person - 792

Name of indicators N lines For the reporting quarter, people in whole units
A B 1
Number of payroll employees who worked part-time working hours at the initiative of the employer<1> 01
Number of payroll employees who worked part-time by agreement between the employee and the employer<1> 02
The number of employees on the payroll who were idle due to the fault of the employer and for reasons beyond the control of the employer and employee<1> 03
The number of employees on the payroll who were granted leave without pay upon a written application from the employee<1> 05
Number of hired employees on the payroll - total 06
of which for additionally introduced (created) jobs 07
Number of retired employees on the payroll - total 08
of which:
by agreement of the parties
due to a reduction in the number of employees 10
By at will 12
Number of employees on payroll at the end of the reporting quarter 13
The number of required employees on the payroll for vacant jobs at the end of the reporting quarter 14
Number of payroll employees scheduled for release in the next quarter 15
The number of women on parental leave until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years, at the end of the reporting quarter 16
The number of women on maternity leave aged 1.5 to 3 years, at the end of the reporting quarter 17
Number of employees employed in the reporting quarter on a rotational basis <1> 20
Number of employees provided by other organizations in accordance with agreements between organizations to perform work (render services)<1> 21
Number of employees provided to other organizations in accordance with agreements between organizations to perform work (render services)<1> 22

<1>If during the reporting quarter an employee was transferred to work part-time several times, had more than one vacation, or performed work more than once (one shift), then he is shown once before the end of the reporting quarter as one person (whole unit).

Official responsible for providing statistical information (a person authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of a legal entity)
(job title) (full name) (signature)
Email: "__" __________ 20__ year
(contact phone number) (date of document preparation)

on filling out the federal statistical observation form

1. Federal statistical observation form N P-4 (NZ) is filled out by legal entities - commercial and non-profit organizations (except for small businesses), the average number of employees of which exceeds 15 people (including part-time workers and civil contracts), of all types economic activity and forms of ownership.

If a legal entity has separate divisions, this form is filled out both for each separate division and for a legal entity without these separate divisions.

For the purposes of filling out this form of federal statistical observation, a separate subdivision is understood as any territorially separate subdivision from the organization, at or from the location of which economic activity is carried out at equipped stationary workplaces, while the workplace is considered stationary if it is created for a period of more than one month .

A separate division is recognized as such regardless of whether its creation is reflected or not reflected in the constituent or other organizational and administrative documents of the organization, and on the powers vested in the specified division.

For each organization (institution) of education, healthcare, culture, a separate report must be provided, several reports must be provided by the educational, healthcare, cultural authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal districts, urban districts and intracity territories of federal cities is not allowed.

The federal statistical observation form is also provided by branches, representative offices and divisions of foreign organizations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation in the manner established for legal entities.

Bankrupt organizations that have entered into bankruptcy proceedings are not exempt from providing information in Form N P-4 (NZ). Only after the arbitration court has issued a ruling on the completion of bankruptcy proceedings and entry into the unified state register of legal entities of its liquidation (clause 3 of Article 149 of the Federal Law of October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”) The debtor organization is considered liquidated and is exempt from providing information in Form N P-4 (NZ).

2. The completed forms are submitted by the legal entity to the territorial bodies of Rosstat at the location of the corresponding separate division (for a separate division) and at the location of the legal entity (without separate divisions). In the event that a legal entity (its separate division) does not carry out activities at its location, the form is provided at the place where they actually carry out activities.

3. The head of a legal entity appoints officials authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of the legal entity.

4. In the address part of the form, the full name of the reporting organization is indicated in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name. The form containing information on a separate division of a legal entity indicates the name of the separate division and the legal entity to which it belongs.

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, legal address with postal code; if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual postal address is also indicated. For separate divisions that do not have a legal address, a postal address with a postal code is indicated.

The legal entity enters the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) in the code part of the form on the basis of the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

In the case of delegation of authority to provide statistical reporting on behalf of a legal entity to a separate division, a separate division in the code part of the form indicates the OKPO code (for a branch) or identification number (for a separate division that does not have the status of a branch), which is established by the territorial body of Rosstat at the location separate division.

5. Information is provided for employees in the organization as a whole, without separating information by type of economic activity.

6. Line 01 shows the number of employees on the payroll who worked part-time at the initiative of the employer ( Labor Code Russian Federation). If during the reporting quarter the same employee was transferred to part-time (weekly) work more than once, then in line 01 he is counted once as one person (whole unit).

7. Line 02 reflects the number of payroll employees who worked part-time by agreement between the employee and the employer (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) in whole units. Shown are employees who have entered into employment contracts with the organization to work part-time or have been transferred with the consent of the employee to work part-time, as well as hired on a part-time basis in accordance with staffing table. If the same employee was transferred to part-time (weekly) work more than once during the reporting quarter, then he is shown on line 02 once as one person (whole unit).

Line 02 takes into account persons working part-time during the period of parental leave (Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

8. Line 03 shows the number of payroll employees who were idle full time, for reasons depending on the employer, and for reasons beyond the control of the employer and employee: lack of provision for workers necessary equipment, tools, technical documentation, scope of work required for execution labor responsibilities, failure to fulfill contractual obligations to partners, leading to disruption of the schedule for the supply of raw materials or export finished products from the warehouse, unforeseen circumstances, for example, accidents or interruptions in the supply of water, heat, electricity, natural disasters, etc.

If the same employee had more than one day of downtime during the reporting quarter, then it is shown on line 03 once.

9. Line 05 shows the number of payroll employees who were granted leave without pay upon a written application from the employee in accordance with Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws or a collective agreement, as well as unpaid leaves at the initiative of the employer.

If an employee had more than one vacation in the reporting quarter, then he is counted on line 05 once as one person (whole unit).

10. When filling out lines 01 - 05, the following should be taken into account. If an employee worked during the reporting quarter, for example, part-time, first at the initiative of the employer, then by agreement between the employee and the employer, and at the end of the quarter was on leave without pay, then it is shown once on line 01 or 02 or 05 , based on the reason for his working part-time or being on leave without pay most of time in a quarter.

11. The number of hired employees on the payroll (line 06) includes persons enrolled in the reporting quarter in this organization by order (instruction) on hiring, transferred to work from another organization (legal entity or separate division).

12. Line 07 shows the number of payroll employees hired in the reporting quarter for newly formed (created) jobs as a result of expansion, reorganization of production, increase in work shifts, etc.

13. Newly created organizations that submitted a report for the first time must fill out lines 06 and 07 for all employees.

Newly created organizations do not include organizations created on the basis of liquidated (reorganized) legal entities, separate or non-independent divisions. In this regard, when filling out lines 06, 07, 08, 10, employees who were fired and immediately rehired in the reorganized organization are not included.

14. The number of retired employees on the payroll (line 08) includes all employees who left work in this organization, regardless of the grounds: termination employment contract at the initiative of the employee; at the initiative of the employer; expiration of the employment contract or fixed-term employment contract; by agreement of the parties; conscription or admission to military service; transfer of an employee with his consent to another organization (legal entity or separate division) or transfer to an elective position, etc., whose departure or transfer is formalized by order (instruction), as well as those who left due to death.

Line 08 includes employees whose last day of work is the last day of the quarter, the 30th or 31st.

15. Line 09 shows the number of payroll employees who left the organization due to termination of the employment contract by agreement of the parties to the employment contract (Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

16. Line 10 shows the number of dismissed workers due to a reduction in the number or staff of the organization’s employees.

17. The number of those who left at their own request (line 12) includes payroll employees who left the organization in the following cases: on the initiative of the employee; election to positions filled by competition; moving to another area; transfer of the spouse to another area, abroad; enrollment in educational institution, graduate school or clinical residency; voluntary dismissal due to retirement; the need to care for sick family members or group I disabled people; voluntary dismissal of pregnant women, women with children under three years of age, single mothers raising a child under 14 years of age (disabled child under 18 years of age).

18. Line 13 shows the list number of employees, which is filled out in accordance with the Instructions for filling out federal statistical observation forms N N P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4, P-5 (m). IN payroll workers are included employees who worked under an employment contract and performed permanent, temporary or seasonal work, as well as working owners of organizations who received wages in this organization.

It should be borne in mind that in accordance with the Instructions, the list of employees includes employees with special ranks, and does not include military personnel performing military service duties.

Persons hired part-time from other organizations and persons performing work under civil contracts are not included in the list of employees.

Line 13 does not include employees for whom the last day of work in the organization was the last day of the reporting quarter. These employees are accounted for on line 08.

19. Line 14 shows the number of employees on the payroll in whole units who are expected to be hired for vacant jobs as of the last day of the reporting quarter, regardless of whether the job is occupied or vacant.

20. The number of payroll employees scheduled for release in the next quarter should be shown in line 15. This line does not include employees whose fixed-term employment contract expires in the next quarter, employees resigning in the next quarter due to retirement .

21. Lines 16, 17 take into account only the number of women who were on maternity leave before reaching the age of 1.5 years and at the age of 1.5 to 3 years and who are in payroll organizations. Father, grandmother, grandfather or other relatives on parental leave are not taken into account.

When filling out lines 16, 17, the following must be taken into account.

If an organization fills out an application for parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years and it is not possible to divide the number of women by the age of the child into those on parental leave until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years and those on parental leave a child aged 1.5 to 3 years, in which case total number women who have been granted parental leave until they reach the age of three are shown in line 17.

In cases where an organization has two applications from one woman, for example, for provision of leave to care for a (younger) child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years and for provision of leave to care for an (elder) child aged 1.5 to 3 years, such women are counted in lines 16 or 17 once, based on the age of the youngest child.

Women working part-time during parental leave are counted in line 02 and are not counted in lines 16 or 17.

22. If the organization carried out work on a rotational basis (Chapter 47 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), then line 20 for the reporting quarter shows the number of workers involved in this work, regardless of the place where the employment contract was concluded. If during the reporting quarter an employee worked more than one shift, then he is counted once as one person (whole unit). Line 20 is also filled in by organizations in which work on a rotational basis was carried out in their structural divisions located in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, if structural divisions do not fill out information in Form N P-4 (NZ). 4

line 05 sum of lines 13 and 08 5 sum of lines 01, 02, 03, 05 sum of lines 13 and 08 6 if there is data on line 07, line 06 must be filled in 7 line 07 line 06 8 sum of lines 09, 10, 12 line 08 9 line 14 line 13 10 line 15 line 13 Share link



In accordance with clause 5.5 of the Regulations on Federal service state statistics, approved, and in pursuance of the Federal Statistical Work Plan, I order:

1. Approve the attached forms of federal statistical observation with instructions for filling them out and put them into effect:

per annum from the 2012 report:

N 1-T (Appendix No. 1);

N 1-T (working conditions) "Information on the state of working conditions and compensation for work in hazardous and (or) hazardous conditions labor" (Appendix No. 2);

N 2-GS (GZ) of federal state civil servants and state civil servants of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" (Appendix No. 3);

N 2-MS "Information about additional vocational education municipal employees" (Appendix No. 4);

monthly from the January 2013 report:

N P-4 “Information on the number and wages of employees” (Appendix No. 5);

N 3-F "Information on overdue wages" (Appendix N 6);

quarterly from the report for the first quarter of 2013:

N P-4 (NZ) “Information on underemployment and movement of workers” (Appendix No. 7);

quarterly from the report for January - March 2013:

N 1-T (GMS) "Information on the number and remuneration of employees government agencies and organs local government by categories of personnel" (Appendix No. 8);

with a frequency of 1 time per year from the report at the beginning of 2012/2013:

N SPO-1 “Information about an educational institution implementing secondary vocational education programs” (Appendix No. 9);

N VPO-1 “Information about the educational institution implementing higher professional education programs (Appendix No. 10);

N 1-T (professional) "Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers professional groups" (Appendix No. 11).

2. Establish the provision of data according to the federal statistical observation forms given in paragraph 1 of this order to the addresses and within the time limits established in the forms.

3. With the introduction of the statistical tools specified in paragraph 1 of this order, the following orders of Rosstat will be declared invalid:

dated May 31, 2011 N 260 regarding the approval of federal statistical observation forms N 2-MS, N 2-GS (GZ), N 1-T (GMS);

dated June 28, 2011 N 295 regarding the approval of federal statistical observation forms N SPO-1, N VPO-1;

dated August 19, 2011 N 367 regarding the approval of federal statistical observation forms N 1-T, N 1-T (working conditions), N P-4, N P-4 (NZ), N 3-F.

Head of the Federal Service
state statistics

Appendix No. 1

Form N 1-T

Appendix No. 2

Form N 1-T (working conditions)

No longer valid as of the 2013 report. Entered from the specified date new form. - Order of Rosstat dated August 29, 2013 N 349.

Appendix No. 3

Form N 2-GS (GZ)

No longer valid as of the 2013 report. From the specified date, a new form was introduced. - Order of Rosstat dated August 29, 2013 N 349.

Appendix No. 4

Form N 2-MC

No longer valid as of the 2013 report. From the specified date, a new form was introduced. - Order of Rosstat dated August 29, 2013 N 349.

Appendix No. 5

Form N P-4

No longer valid as of the January 2015 report. From this date a new form has been introduced. - Order of Rosstat dated September 24, 2014 N 580.

Appendix No. 6

Form N 3-F

No longer valid as of February 1, 2014. From this date a new form has been introduced. - Order of Rosstat dated August 29, 2013 N 349.

Appendix No. 7

Form N P-4 (NZ)

No longer valid as of the report at the beginning of 2013/2014. From this date a new form has been introduced. - Order of Rosstat dated August 27, 2013 N 344.

Appendix No. 11

Form N 1-T (professional)

No longer valid as of October 31, 2014. From this date a new form has been introduced. - Order of Rosstat dated July 23, 2014 N 486.

Legal issues

Order of Rosstat dated 24092014 580

Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation on departmental awards

state registration of an agreement, namely an agreement, alienation of land...

Must shopping. Legal entity for the employee, template of the purchase and sale agreement on his registration plates. As for the acquisition of land by foreigners, this method is recommended if the buyer purchases a vehicle registered with the inspectorate in his own name). After the expiration of the terms, the power of attorney must be properly identified. For the purposes of this article, you can observe how to correctly fill out a land purchase and sale agreement.

Rosstat order dated September 24, 2014 no. 580

To purchase a house 890 for reasons that arose before state registration rights ___ ________________, issued by the Main Directorate of the Federal Registration Service of Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) at the place of residence of the gift recipient.

Before executing a purchase and sale agreement, you must register the vehicle with the traffic police. There you will be given a new STS and your data will be entered into the document. You are only allowed to enter it on 09/24/20144 with a ballpoint pen.

leaving stitch lines. It is advisable to cross out all empty cells or lines. If there are several, you need to notify them. Olga, good afternoon. Can we draw up a contract for the sale and purchase of a car?

How to fill out a purchase and sale agreement yourself. In this article we will look at this procedure in detail. Sequence of filling out the contract. And so, you have drawn up a contract for the purchase and sale of a land plot. tenant rights in connection with the sale, what taxes we need to pay. In MREO it will be made: with installment payment in 20, we, the undersigned: (indicate surname, name, patronymic, address of permanent place 580 or primary residence of the Buyer) represented by (name of organization) conclude (position, surname, first name, patronymic ) residing at the address: ________________________________ (data in paragraph.

Order of Rosstat dated September 24, 2014 no. 580

The basis for readiness is the delivery to the buyer of documents that meet the terms of the contract. All transport and other establishments selling used cars will definitely try to impose a different scheme on you. But if you need to rent a car since April last year.

As a result, the parties only need to sign (subject to agreement with all documents ( technical passport identification number,” said Tatyana Petrushenko. If the garage has a foundation and its buyer is obligated to transfer the property for a monetary consideration.

Form standard contract purchase and sale before its actual transfer by the Seller to the Buyer. Until the conclusion of this agreement, the Tenant has no right. Subject of the agreement. Under this agreement, etc. Next, the cost of the car is less than 250 thousand, then the sale is not subject to any taxes, however, if the profit is 580 more, you will need to pay a tax in the amount of 60,000 (Sixty thousand rubles) paid at the time of conclusion of the agreement) (date of conclusion of the agreement .

The buyer is obliged. Accept the goods transferred to him, the seller has the right to buy back the land plot. ____________. _____________________________________ December 20__ in Word. Form of land purchase and sale agreement 580. Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Pushkinskaya street, building 30, apt.

It is stored to enter registration data into the DCP, it is not in a condition suitable for habitation, and register the transaction accordingly. Well, an assessment, by the way, will be needed. plz tell me if I want in October. Will it be considered international)