Merchandiser and his responsibilities

Merchandiser is a relatively new concept in the Russian language, which literally means a person working with goods.Every year this position becomes more and more relevant. After all, the modern economy of any company is based on sales and ways to increase them. Therefore, a specific employee is needed, functional responsibilities which will be closely related to the products.

Main responsibilities of a merchandiser

To understand what it is all about merchandiser does, consider the situation in self-service stores. In small retail outlets with a single seller, there is no need for a product employee. But in supermarkets and hypermarkets, a person is needed who will constantly monitor specific display cases and counters where the products entrusted to him are located.

Basic merchandiser functions:

    design and clear organization of display cases and counters;

    replenishment of missing goods;

    accounting for balances and ordering products for the future;

    execution competitive analysis identical categories of goods;

    location of products in free access to consumers;

    compiling purchase statistics and progress reports;

    control indicated prices;

    interaction with sellers and supervisor.

Does not require special education, while giving good opportunity for development in the field of trade. This increases the demand among applicants for filling this vacancy, albeit for temporary employment. However, minimum skills are required. A potential product handler must have a good knowledge of the range of products, his rights and responsibilities in the territory trading floor.

Not so long ago, the concepts of “mobile” and “stationary” merchandiser appeared. In the first case, the employee serves several retail outlets. At the same time, he cyclically visits all the stores where his goods are located. Such an employee must be very active, often using personal transport, to ensure timely service. A stationary merchandiser is tied to a specific point, usually a large shopping center.

Requirements for applicants for the position of merchandiser

To merchandiser performed his duties efficientlyjob responsibilities , he must have certain skills and professional traits. First of all, the ability to self-organize is required. Since these employees work alone, there is no direct control over them. Therefore, for effective work merchandisers must be responsible for fulfilling their functions.

Main requirements for these employees:

    basic knowledge of the product range;

    neat appearance;

    communication skills and stress resistance;

    analytical thinking;

    activity and readiness to work with a flexible schedule;

    endurance for standing work;

    PC knowledge at user level for reporting.

Strict adherence to yourjob responsibilities will allow the merchandiser quickly and efficiently perform work and regularly increase the level of sales of accountable categories of goods, promote them on consumer market.

How to become a merchandiser

Having figured it out, what does a merchandiser do, you can decide for yourself whether you are suitable for this position. There are options temporary work for this vacancy. In this case, the employer, if necessary, hires a person at a time or at certain intervals. To obtain part-time employment, you should post your resume on a specialized temporary employment search site and submit responses to vacancies of interest!

General provisions

1.1. Merchandiser belongs to the category.

1.2. A person with (fill in) education, additional professional training in the field of merchandising, work experience of at least [value] years, and a category “B” driver’s license is appointed to the position of merchandiser.

1.3. Appointment to and dismissal from the position of merchandiser is made by order of the manager upon presentation (fill in).

1.4. The merchandiser must know:

1.4.1. orders, instructions, instructions, instructions and other regulatory documents regulating the work of the merchandiser;

1.4.2. basics of civil legislation, legislation on consumer protection, advertising;

1.4.3. basics trade marketing and management;

1.4.4. characteristics and principles of using merchandising tools;

1.4.6. basics of organizing work to create demand and stimulate sales of goods;

1.4.7. principles of organizing retail space and efficient use of retail space;

1.4.8. principles of sales organization;

1.4.9. methods for assessing the effectiveness of display of goods on the sales floor;

1.4.10. range of products offered, their main quality and consumer characteristics;

1.4.11. current prices for goods;

1.4.12. fundamentals of psychology and sociology;

1.4.13. models of customer behavior on the sales floor;

1.4.14. psychological types of consumers;

1.4.15. factors influencing predicted and unplanned purchases;

1.4.16. ethics of business communication;

1.4.17. basic principles of work planning;

1.4.18. fundamentals of a market economy;

1.4.19. requirements for the preparation and execution of documentation (accounting, reporting, etc.);

1.4.20. basics of organization of production, labor and management;

1.4.21. basics of labor legislation Russian Federation;

1.4.22. internal rules labor regulations;

1.4.23. rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

1.5. The merchandiser reports directly to the administrator trading network(to the supervisor).

Job responsibilities

The merchandiser bears the following:

2.1. Contributes in every possible way to maintaining a positive image of the manufacturer or wholesaler of goods, ensures favorable conditions to promote goods to the consumer market and high sales volumes at retail locations.

2.2. Studies a certain territory (district) in which it is planned to organize sales of goods in order to determine places for sale of goods ( retail enterprises) and developing business networking schemes.

2.3. Carries out regular visits to those assigned to him shopping facilities(points of sale).

2.4. Negotiates with the administration of the point of sale about carrying out merchandising activities (represents the product and related services, convinces of the necessity and effectiveness of merchandising, concluding supply agreements, purchase and sale, commission).

2.5. Provides education and training to service personnel of a trading enterprise in the following areas: basic consumer characteristics of goods; principles of maintaining the concept of displaying goods; basic motivation for selling goods to consumers.

2.6. Merchandiser provides:

2.6.1. favorable conditions for promoting goods to the consumer market.

2.6.2. inventory at points of sale at the required level;

2.6.3. high volumes of product sales at retail locations;

2.6.4. Carrying out activities to present goods at points of sale using the following merchandising tools:

A) Space-management - display (placement, positioning) of goods in ways that encourage impulsive purchases of goods;

B) POS designing - placement of advertising elements in the space of sales points - posters, booklets, product models (hanging, standing, etc.), garlands, flags, advertising commercial equipment(racks, shelving, lamps);

C) Stock-control - calculation of the necessary and sufficient quantity (balance) of goods at points of sale, ensuring their availability;

2.6.5. competent and effective positioning of all goods sold by the enterprise retail;

2.6.6. motivating the administration of sales points to conclude supply, purchase and sale, commission agreements (providing small quantities of goods on commission);

2.6.7. taking measures to maintain long-term relationships with the administration trading enterprises.

2.6.8. taking measures to reconstruct, repair, replace faulty or unusable advertising elements.

2.7. Merchandiser controls:

2.7.1. order execution status;

2.7.2. compliance with the concept of display of goods;

2.8. The merchandiser coordinates:

2.8.1. work with retail trade enterprises;

2.8.2. activities for the promotion and sale of goods, which include market research activities and effective advertising.

2.9. The merchandiser monitors:

2.9.1. displaying the fullest range of products in accordance with merchandising standards, placing and updating advertising materials and equipment;

2.9.2. the state of order fulfillment, provision of inventory at points of sale at the required level;

2.9.3. sending the order to the retail outlet within the established time frame, according to the volume of product sales, nomenclature, completeness and quality;

2.9.4. the state of accounts receivable for its clients and timely notification to management about possible payment delays, as well as other factors affecting the client’s solvency;

2.9.5. sales dynamics at controlled facilities; prepares reports (weekly, monthly, by product; informs his immediate supervisor about the need for new receipts of goods;

2.9.6. changes in market conditions identified in the process of work and collection marketing information if necessary.

2.10. Makes adjustments retail prices for goods, consultations with the personnel of a trading enterprise on the establishment of trade markups (optimal sizes).

2.12. Analyzes the principles of work at points of sale of merchandisers of other enterprises; monitoring their work.

2.13. Forms a data bank about points of sale (organizational and legal forms, addresses, details, telephone numbers, names and leaders, financial condition, purchase volumes, etc.).

2.14. Develops merchandising programs (choosing methods for selling goods, developing techniques for displaying goods in various types trading enterprises, selection and budgeting of advertising elements, etc.); organizes the work of a team of merchandisers (training, setting tasks and distributing tasks, monitoring the execution of tasks, etc.).

2.15. Works with retail clients established plan works visits key, network and problem clients.

2.16. Transfers applications to agents (if desired) point of sale), informs the supervisor and the person in charge sales representative about the lack of sufficient quantities of products and applications.

2.17. Creates duplicate sales points, monitors the correct placement of existing ones, improves product placement in relation to competitors' products.

2.18. Informs the supervisor and sales representatives about the client's claims regarding the quantity and quality of the goods supplied in accordance with the supply agreement.

2.19. Collects marketing information on behalf of the company.

2.20. Conducts a constant search for new clients and enters into supply agreements with them.

2.21. The merchandiser is obliged:

2.21.1. respond to requests from other employees in a timely manner professional activity, provide the required information in full;

2.21.2. continuously improve your professional level;

2.21.3. honestly and conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to him;

2.21.4. keep trade secrets;

2.21.5. comply with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.


The merchandiser has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management relating to its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for by this document for consideration by management.

3.3. Interact with employees of all structural divisions.

3.4. Request and receive from departments and other specialists information and documents necessary to perform their duties.

3.5. Involve specialists from all (separate) structural units in solving the tasks assigned to it (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the company).

3.6. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

3.7. Represent the interests of the organization in third party organizations on issues related to production activities companies.


4.1. The merchandiser is responsible for:

4.1.1. for improper performance or failure to fulfill their official duties provided for by this document, within the limits specified labor legislation Russian Federation.

4.1.2. for offenses committed in the course of carrying out its activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.1.3. for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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Merchandiser- sounds very mysterious and unusual to the Russian ear, and some are completely put off by such an incomprehensible name. In fact, the position of a merchandiser is the position of a company representative who is involved in promoting the company’s products and maintaining a positive name for the promoted brand.

A student or a newcomer without work experience can become a merchandiser, and within a year or two will receive the necessary skills for successful promotion career ladder. This creative work, which allows you to realize your abilities and gain new opportunities for professional growth.

The specialty of a merchandiser is in demand in any company that deals with wholesale or retail sales- be it clothing, power tools or food.

History of the profession

Planning and promotion of product sales, that is, the direct functions of a merchandiser, became a separate position only about 20 years ago. Back then, companies tried to come up with new moves in order to survive and gain a foothold in the market, stimulate buyers and not get lost among competitors. This is how the position of merchandiser appeared, who makes the product more noticeable and attractive to the buyer.

Responsibilities of a Merchandiser

What does a merchandiser do? His main responsibilities:

  • monitor the display of goods in stores and supermarkets;
  • for arranging display cases and additional equipment;
  • control of the availability of the entire range of company products in the store.

In addition, the merchandiser’s job responsibilities may include placement of POS materials (price tags, wobblers, posters, etc.) that help attract attention to products, arrangement of goods in accordance with the company’s corporate policy, and increasing the share of shelf space for goods. In addition to what is directly the responsibility of the merchandiser, he can also perform such additional features, How:

  • placing orders;
  • regulation of retail prices;
  • maintaining packaging in salable condition;
  • replenishment inventory in the store.

Requirements for a merchandiser

Requirements are formed depending on the field of activity.

Usually, there are no special requirements for the candidate, since it is assumed that the newcomer will learn while working in the company. The basic requirements for a merchandiser are:

  • Age from 18 years.
  • PC knowledge at user level.
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation (sometimes employers allow citizenship of Belarus).
  • Registration of a health certificate if you have to work with food products.
  • Preparedness for physical exertion if you have to work with large and heavy goods.

If you plan to visit several retail outlets, companies require the merchandiser to be able to drive a car and look for candidates with personal transport, since it is simply unrealistic to visit 6-8 stores a day and do the necessary work there on public transport. In addition, the merchandiser often delivers goods to retail outlets in his car.

Merchandiser resume sample

Sample resume

How to become a merchandiser

A student or a person without special education can get a job as a merchandiser, although sometimes employers invite only graduates of economic universities. However, most companies prefer to recruit newcomers and impart skills to them on their own, teaching them “to suit themselves,” since the list of what a merchandiser should know is different for each company, depending on the specifics of the product.

Merchandiser salary

Salary depends on region, employment (full or part-time) and company. Average salary is approximately 30,000 rubles, but it happens that wages merchandiser is 8,000-15,000 rubles for part-time employment. As a rule, such an employee works in 2-3 companies. Also, what salary a merchandiser has will depend on the availability of a car, education and additional skills - in this case it can be 35,000-70,000 rubles.

Merchandiser – who is he and what does he do?

How often have you wondered who this merchandiser is and what he does? In fact, not everything is as complicated as it might seem.

A merchandiser is a company representative who specializes in product promotion and maintains a positive reputation of the promoted brand. This - creative profession, which allows you to realize your potential and gain new opportunities for career development.

Even a person without experience can become a merchandiser, and within a couple of years they will acquire the necessary skills to further master the profession.

Often employers prefer to hire people who have received an economic education. But there are also those who specifically recruit students and newcomers, who are easier to inoculate, necessary for successful work companies, skills.

Almost every company specializing in wholesale and retail trade has such a position. Any product needs to be promoted, and this is exactly what the job of a merchandiser is.

What are the responsibilities of a merchandiser?

The work of a merchandiser is quite specific, and his job responsibilities directly depend on the specifics of the enterprise and the products sold. Thus, a supermarket merchandiser does not just put goods on shelves, but also improves sales and increases sales volumes. In general, the job responsibilities of a merchandiser include a whole range of activities. This:

  1. Studying the demand for a product, determining target audience, analysis of seasonality indicators and other factors.
  2. Formation and maintenance of the assortment of the outlet assigned to the merchandiser, management of inventory and remaining goods.
  3. Organizing the design of a retail outlet (sound, lighting, placement of goods, etc.).
  4. Ensuring unlimited movement of customers around the hall, ensuring the ability to select the required product without the help of a seller.
  5. Analysis of the competitiveness of a product, improvement of its promotion.
  6. Drawing up reports on sales results, making proposals to increase sales.

What are the functions of a merchandiser?

The functions of a merchandiser include:

  • working with consumers and customers to achieve optimal sales volumes and solve problems related to product quality;
  • organizational events aimed at promoting goods, such as product presentations, tastings, promotions;
  • maintaining relationships with existing and potential clients, tracking their orders;
  • search for new clientele.

What should a merchandiser know?

The merchandiser must know:

In addition to the required knowledge, the merchandiser must have skills such as diligence, observation, creative thinking, communication skills, persuasiveness, and self-confidence. In many cases, these character traits can outweigh work experience and become decisive for an employer.

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What does a merchandiser do?

The main goal of the merchandiser is to increase sales of goods from retail outlets in the assigned territory without the help of a store salesperson. He must know methods of promoting product sales. Therefore, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., you need to visit your stores according to a weekly plan, display goods in each store (to improve the situation in terms of representation), place several advertising materials in each outlet in the right place, sometimes draw up reports for each outlet (what has been done for a given visit) and learn new techniques for increasing sales with your manager. Believe me, to master all the successful techniques in merchandising, an ordinary employee often needs from one to one and a half years.

What companies hire merchandisers?

First of all, manufacturers whose products are presented in chain stores. Imagine a factory for the production of sausages, frankfurters, and delicacies. Usually, one chain store offers at least 50 items that you need to correctly place yourself or teach a full-time seller to do this. I know many people who independently found the phone numbers of such companies, called the personnel department and came for an interview. Today these are in-demand employees serving one or more hypermarkets (for example, Metro, Magnit).

Secondly, distributors, because

they are exclusive representatives in the city and region. They typically sell products from 20 or more manufacturers. For those of you who want to find their contact information, you can get it here, or from a sales representative at any retail store. Store managers are willing to help with this.

Thirdly, large chain stores. They are ready to take older people. How to get a job? Go to the manager of any store and ask for the address and phone number of the HR department employees. Call, come for an interview, get a job.

How is a merchandiser paid?

There is always a salary and a variable part for completing the company's tasks. For example, a merchandiser working for a manufacturer has a salary of 15,000 rubles, which he will always receive, and a 5,000 ruble bonus if he achieves his goals (usually 2-3 tasks).

What should a merchandiser know and be able to do?

Let us remember the reason for the appearance of such specialists. 20 years ago, most companies were wondering what to do to survive in an increasingly competitive environment, especially noticeable in huge stores where competitors' products are located in one place. During this time, it has accumulated large number successful methods of displaying products in small, medium, large and hyperstores so that the product is more noticeable and attractive to the buyer. These are the techniques you need to know and be able to implement. In one phrase - in-store merchandising.

What do they ask at an interview, what should you prepare for?

During your first interview with an HR manager, many questions arise. What did you do in your previous jobs? Tell us what actions you will perform at each point of sale? How trainable are you? What are your salary wishes? What are your career aspirations? If the answers to most of If the HR manager likes your questions, he will introduce you to your future manager. And with him you will conduct a second interview, the results of which will determine whether you will be hired or not. Know that when you answer questions, you are being assessed on the following characteristics: responsibility, dedication, learning ability, communication skills.

Who trains novice merchandisers?

Most often, novice merchandisers are trained by a manager. Yet every employer expects you to demonstrate self-learning skills.

For those who want to increase their chances of finding employment as a merchandiser, We invite you to independently study the theory of “Effective merchandising”. For those of you for whom it is important to be successful from the first days at a new place of work, we suggest taking an adaptation course according to the plan presented below. The certificate issued at the end of the training demonstrates to the future employer the seriousness of your intentions.

With respect to you,

business coach Alexander Bochkarev

Training program.

Part 1 of training for Merchandisers.

No. Topics in - 20 Duration 4 hours Cost 1500 - pay

Responsibilities of the merchandiser (provide the necessary stock, correct location, best design).

Product sales channels. Study purchasing behavior. We set SMART goals. We draw up a schedule for visiting retail outlets and prepare for the working day. Role-playing game. Handing out homework.


Part 2 of the training for Merchandisers.

No. Topics in - 21 Duration 5 hours Cost 1900 - pay

We influence the creation of an effective assortment. We ensure the required level of stock (we develop an application sheet for each TT). We determine priority places in the sales area and at the point of sale. Increasing shelf space. We agree on additional places sales Role-playing game. Handing out homework.

Fill out an application for corporate participation or declare yourself when paying.

Part 3 of the training for Merchandisers.

No. Topics in - 23 Duration 4 hours Cost 1500 - pay

We create the best product design. We offer a list of addresses of retail outlets that fall under the possibility of branding. We place POS materials (price tags, posters, leaflets, etc.). Valuable knowledge from the science of merchandising. Role-playing game. Ceremonial presentation of the certificate.

Fill out an application for corporate participation or declare yourself when paying.

Today, the merchandiser profession is very common in all regions of our country. This is due to the increase in the number of large hypermarkets and supermarkets. Product suppliers in order to increase sales profits turn to the services of such specialists. What are their responsibilities and how is their work organized?

What is the job

The work activity of a merchandiser consists not only of displaying supermarket goods, but also of promoting product sales and increasing turnover.

Company employees in this position do not pack goods according to their own views. They should arrange the products in accordance with the ready-made plan, empty shelves of expired goods, monitor expiration dates, putting products with later dates forward.

Along with the display, the merchandiser checks the presentation, undamaged packaging, and monitors the order on the shelves. He can only control the placement of products if in retail outlets the working staff is engaged in their own display.

General provisions and functions

Merchandisers by their category are specialists. Persons with education, additional vocational training in merchandising, with relevant work experience, driver's license with category B.

Merchandisers are appointed and removed from this position according to by order of the general director.

They are required knowledge:

  • instructions, orders, instructions, orders, normative and administrative documents regulating their activities;
  • the fundamentals of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the law protecting consumer rights, as well as concerning advertising;
  • marketing regulations and management principles;
  • characteristics and methods of using merchandising tools;
  • advertising images and methods of creating advertising work;
  • the procedure for creating demand and increasing the incentive to sell products;
  • principles of design and productive use of the trading platform;
  • how to organize the trading process;
  • ways to review the effective placement of products in retail premises;
  • the proposed assortment group, along with the main qualitative and consumer characteristics;
  • current prices for products;
  • psychological and sociological principles;
  • behavioral model of consumers at the point of sale;
  • buyer personality types;
  • factors affecting the purchase of products;
  • etiquette in business communication;
  • main planning methods labor activity;
  • principles of the economic system;
  • rules for the formation of accounting, reporting and other documents;
  • the fundamentals of creating a production, labor and management process;
  • provisions specified in Russian labor legislation;
  • requirements for internal work procedures;
  • regulatory documents on safe activities, labor protection, as well as sanitary and fire protection equipment.

The head of the merchandiser is the administrator of the retail space, that is supervisor.

Main functions given official are:

  • correction of the old cost of products according to new changes;
  • monitoring of the competing party;
  • the procedure for conducting conversations with sellers;
  • determining the value of the trade margin.

The merchandiser fulfills his own duties through periodic visits to retail outlets, where he needs to provide products from a specific organization. In one day, he sometimes has to fill the shelves with goods for which he is responsible for four or five stores.

He must also check the display at each location at least once a week. Upon completion of the audit of all stores, the merchandiser is required to provide a detailed report indicating:

  • the name of the product that is most in demand among consumers;
  • what is the demand for the products of competing companies;
  • price indicators of goods from other organizations.

Supervisor tasks

The supervisor must:

  • optimize the activities of the staff;
  • demand maximum fulfillment responsibilities from all subordinate employees;
  • eliminate losses caused by insufficient activity of managers of a trading company.

The difference between mobile and landline

In accordance with the methods of performing work functions, the instructions contained in the job description, where the merchandiser works, he can be mobile and stationary. The first category of these employees is not assigned to one store. They must consistently come to different retail outlets of the same chain and perform their main tasks.

The second type of merchandiser, on the contrary, is required to carry out permanent work in only one store. At the same time, he can move from one shopping facility in another, but only on a regular basis.

Menchandisers can be universal, that is, combine the functions of the mobile and stationary categories. They work flexible hours, performing tasks related to two types of merchandising.

Features of the activity

Merchandiser working directly in one commercial premises, is obliged:

  1. Arrange the goods attached to it on store shelves . Of course, employees of a retail facility themselves are required to fill the shelves with products, but merchandisers ensure that the goods for which they are responsible have the most advantageous location on the shelves. To do this, they negotiate with the employees of the outlet and lay out the products themselves.
  2. Maintaining impeccable order, which is very difficult, because consumers, when making purchases, often confuse the places of different products. The merchandiser needs to check that the packages maintain an attractive image and their integrity.
  3. The most labor-intensive activity consists of analyzing demand, price indicators, shares of competing companies and monitoring the remaining products in warehouses, placement advertising texts, pictures, along with samples and leaflets.
  4. Generate unscheduled and current reporting. The first option requires an assessment of a specific store, a report, relative to competing companies and a lot of other information for marketers. Ongoing reports should be generated every day, week or month.

What's he doing in the supermarket?

Hypermarkets and supermarkets are very popular and promising retail facilities. In such self-service trading platforms it is very common there are vacancies for merchandisers.

This is not surprising, because only in the above trading service, with the help of the activities of merchandisers, if it is carried out efficiently, an important key guarantee is created in increasing trade volumes and increasing sales of certain products.

In the smallest retail areas where self-service is not provided, for example, in kiosks, small shops, pavilions, squares, compared to large areas, a system for the location of goods doesn't play a big role. This is due to psychological impact on consumers, consisting of performing appropriate technology for product placement.

Suppliers usually try to arrange more expensive goods so that the buyer can immediately see them, in addition, they try to create the appearance of the presence of an assortment group. For this purpose, companies distributing products hire merchandisers, regardless of the costs for their services, explaining this as a profitable investment.

Working in an online store

Currently this vacancy is for online stores quite in demand, such advertisements occur very often. But employers in this case, when searching for merchandisers, mean that they require marketers.

Both of these specialties have common features related to strategic interests. Marketers analyze consumer demand, behavioral models of buyers, and methods of advertising.

When searching for merchandisers and considering certain options, applicants need, first of all, to become familiar with the employer’s methods of selling goods.

The rules for displaying goods at retail outlets and supermarkets are presented in the video.

How to write a resume

To be hired for the position of merchandiser, you must form resume. The very first section will consist of personal data, along with contact information; without this information, any resume will not make sense. Specialties such as merchandise manager or sales manager are ideal for this position. Relevant previous work experience as a salesperson, sales floor consultant, and sales representative.

But often applicants who do not have work experience and experience. Such applicants should note in their resume that they are ready to learn, strive for development in trade sphere and acquiring new skills.

Professional and personal qualities

Professional skills that are also important when finding employment as a merchandiser include: next:

  • work with personal computer, as well as cash registers;
  • product promotion;
  • design and distribution of advertising media;
  • tracking product balances in warehouses and timely deliveries;
  • control over sales volumes, quick changes in the procedure when consumer demand decreases or increases;
  • knowledge of foreign languages.

All of the above skills should be noted when writing your resume.

Personal qualities for this profession are: stress resistance And communication skills. These character traits are the most important, so anyone who wants to get a job as a merchandiser should definitely mention them in their resume.

The rights of a merchandiser include:

  • independent choice of methods and forms of activity with managers and workers of trade organizations;
  • signing the relevant documents for which he is responsible;
  • studying documentation on his rights and responsibilities, according to his profession, as well as how job responsibilities are assessed;
  • personal request for necessary papers or at the request of management) related to solving work problems;
  • demand that it be provided with organizational and technical specifications and draw up documents according to which he performs official duties.

Each merchandiser must be responsible for:

  • inappropriate fulfillment or failure to fulfill one’s own labor obligations, which are provided for by the job description, in accordance with Russian legislation;
  • offenses committed while performing work tasks;
  • caused material damage to the company.

What you should pay attention to when applying for a job

When choosing an employer, an applicant for the position of merchandiser should focus on larger organizations. That's where you can get a job work book and undergo qualified training.

Already popular and advertised products are ideal for this work. In order to facilitate work activities, you should choose products that are lighter in weight so as not to lift heavy boxes, as well as long periods storage or without them at all.

Pros and cons of work

The positive aspects of working as a merchandiser are:

  • an attractive career ladder;
  • possible increase in communication skills, emancipation and self-confidence;
  • free movement around the city, thereby having the opportunity to carry out personal matters;
  • motivation to receive large percentages from product sales.

The negative aspects of the profession in question include:

  • disrespectful public opinion;
  • possible pain in the lumbar region and upper limbs associated with regular movement of goods;
  • various human factors.

Thus, working as a merchandiser is not exactly an easy job. However, the presence of a flexible schedule allows an employee to combine work and study. In addition, you do not need to constantly ask management to resolve personal issues.

From this video you can learn how to become a merchandiser.

Merchandiser is one of the most common specialties, which is great for people focused on career growth. It is worth noting that experienced specialists are in great demand. This is due to the constant development of this profession.

To ensure a clear understanding of responsibilities, companies develop job descriptions.

About the document

Essence and purpose

The concept of merchandiser includes several concepts at once - knowledge of the product, its attributes and merchandising. Modern activities such a specialist implies all of the above concepts. So the main task of a specialist is to stimulate sales. In other words, he takes measures to increase sales at a specific outlet.

Contrary to popular belief, the specialty of a merchandiser does not only involve displaying goods on store shelves. The process of promoting trade and taking action to increase sales is always the result of integrated approaches.

Target job description is to correctly reflect the job responsibilities and rights of a specialist. This will allow him to perform his duties efficiently and resolve possible disputes with his superiors.

The provisions of the job description are regulated Labor Code Russian Federation.


In the supermarket

A hypermarket is one of the most popular and promising places to work in this field. This is due to what exists great demand in stores for this specialty, this fact can be confirmed by any job search site.

This is all quite logical, since it is in these conditions that the specialty of a merchandiser (with high-quality performance of job duties) ensures an increase in sales and additional promotion certain products on the market.

In the online store

With development trading platforms On the Internet, advertisements for hiring a merchandiser for an online store began to appear more and more often. Here the question may quite logically arise: what are its functions?

In this case, the employer is most likely looking for. It is worth noting that these professions are quite similar in terms of strategic interests.

Merchandiser supervisor

Some supervisors are also responsible for developing a planogram (a card containing a product layout). Such a function, as a rule, is not typical for this specialty, but can still be included in the duties of the employer if desired.

Who compiles it and where it is used

The job description is developed, as a rule, under the guidance of. At the same time, during its writing, the specifics of the work are taken into account.

It is used when accepting an applicant for a position. He must familiarize himself with its provisions in writing. This is necessary primarily so that a person receives a clear understanding of his responsibilities and rights.

In addition, a clear statement in the job description provides the employer with the opportunity to more closely monitor specialists. Indeed, in case of failure to fulfill official duties, disciplinary action can be taken.

Also, a specialist can apply the provisions in the instructions to protect against the arbitrariness of management (for example, if management sets tasks that are not part of his duties).

Provisions of the merchandiser's job description

General provisions

  • The merchandiser is classified as a specialist;
  • A person with secondary, incomplete higher or higher education may be appointed to this position;
  • Experience working in direct sales departments is desirable;
  • A merchandiser is appointed and dismissed;
  • This specialist must have the following knowledge:
    • Be familiar with administrative documents, orders and other regulations that regulate its activities;
    • Know civil legislation and consumer protection;
    • Theories of marketing and management;
    • Types of advertising (basics of advertising campaigns);
    • Know how to organize sales;
    • Study the range of products, especially paying attention to their consumer characteristics;
    • Know current prices for goods;
    • Have knowledge of psychology;
    • Study the pattern of customer behavior on the sales floor;
    • Basic operating principles;
    • Labor regulations;
    • Occupational safety and health regulations.
  • The merchandiser will report to the administrator (supervisor).

Job responsibilities

This specialist has the following responsibilities:

  • Use your knowledge to maintain a positive reputation as a manufacturer or wholesale distributor of products. It must provide favorable conditions for promoting the product in the consumer market, as well as for sales growth;
  • Conduct an analysis of the territory where it is planned to sell products in order to determine effective places of sale and subsequently develop plans for cooperation;
  • Regularly visit retail outlets assigned to the specialist;
  • Negotiate with the management of the retail outlet about carrying out merchandising events;
  • Provide training to retail outlet personnel in the following areas: consumer characteristics of products, the basics of the concept of displaying goods, methods of motivating the sale of products to customers;
  • Monitor the display of the product range in accordance with merchandising rules;
  • Inform the supervisor if insufficient quantities of products are detected;
  • Improves the placement of goods in relation to products displayed by competitors;
  • Inform supervisors about received complaints regarding the quality or quantity of products;
  • Prepare and transmit information about changes in the market identified by a specialist in the territory entrusted to him;
  • Analyze marketing information as directed by management;
  • Conduct promotions;
  • Constantly update the database (addresses and telephone numbers of store administrations, etc.).


  • A specialist can familiarize himself with all decisions of his management if they relate to his activities;
  • Propose to company management measures to improve the quality of work or optimize sales;
  • Interact with specialists from all structural divisions;
  • Request from management and other departments information that is necessary to perform job duties;
  • Involve employees of other departments to perform their duties, if this is provided for in the job description;
  • Request assistance from superiors to perform duties;
  • Represent the company's interests in other organizations.

The video below will tell you who a merchandiser is:


Liability may arise in the event of:

  • In case of improper performance or neglect of one’s job duties, which are reflected in the job description, - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • For offenses that were committed during work activity - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • For intentional or accidental causing of material damage - within the limits determined by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The profession of a merchandiser requires the applicant to have knowledge in psychology, sociology, market laws and product sales. It's pretty interesting work, helping you start successful career growth.

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