Life in a small apartment on the outskirts of the city, exhausting work and modest holidays at domestic resorts - not every girl is happy with this prospect. But not everyone will be able to live in abundance, devoting all their time to career growth, completely forgetting about worldly goods and entertainment. Most of the fair sex dreams of beautiful life and golden mountains without special effort. Holidays at the best resorts, travel around the world, a comfortable life without thoughts of making money - how to make these dreams come true? It’s very simple – meeting male sponsors. But where can you find a wealthy partner who will generously thank his companion for communication, because such men do not lie around on the street? Specialized dating sites with rich daddies will help with this.

Which dating site to choose?

Searching for a rich man on the Internet is one of the most common ways to achieve your goal. And this is not surprising! After all, most successful men simply do not have enough time to find a companion in real life, and everyone wants to have a submissive beauty at their side who is not ashamed to show to friends and partners. That is why the number of dating sites for successful men and their keepers is growing rapidly. But which ones are the best and how to avoid being scammed? Our rating of popular services will help you understand these issues, where girls can easily find a male sponsor in Moscow and far beyond its borders.

Above we have presented you with a list of the most popular sites with successful men. All of them are carefully tested by us and meet all reliability requirements:

  • Confidentiality of personal data - all information involved during registration, including your mobile phone or email, will only be available to site administrators.
  • You do not have to indicate your first and last name in your profile, limiting yourself to an invented nickname.
  • Your profile will not be available to unregistered users.
  • You can search for a sponsor using private advertisements for services.
  • All correspondence with other users remains strictly confidential.

RatingDatings presents only high-quality dating sites with daddies, after reading the reviews of which you can choose the most suitable option for yourself according to your requirements and wishes. But to make your search as productive as possible, you should take into account a few of our tips.

1). Sports sponsorship levels

The literal definition of a donor is a person or organization that provides funds for a project or activity carried out by another person or organization.

Here are the four most common levels of sponsorship.

Level 1. Gift/Donation – An individual or organization provides funds for a specific purpose. In essence, this does not impose any obligation on the athlete, other than natural gratitude, expressed in the form of a letter or public recognition. Don't forget to thank everyone who helped you!

Level 2. Trade Sponsorship – A local store or company provides the athlete with gear/equipment, free or at a discount.

Level 3. Amateur Sponsorship – Free or discounted gear/equipment plus some reimbursement for travel and competition expenses.

Level 4. Professional Sponsorship – Equipment, expenses plus additional fees.

It is clear that most of us would like to immediately receive sponsorship at the professional level. However, you should be mentally prepared to go all this way, from Level 1 to Level 4. As you rise from level to level, you earn trust, experience and necessary knowledge about how to negotiate with your future sponsors.

Also remember that not all sponsors are created equal. The levels above are just for reference. Every company, corporation, organization has its own own rules sponsorship. For example, a sponsorship from Nike will be very different from a sponsorship from a local sporting goods store - even though they are technically the same Level 2.

Before we answer the question of what it means to be sponsored, we first need to understand why companies become sponsors. Here are some reasons why companies sponsor athletes.

2). What does it mean to be sponsored by a company?

  1. The image of these athletes is associated with representatives target audience companies.
  2. These athletes can attract and generate positive reactions from different demographic groups.
  3. These athletes can positively influence the image of the company and its products.

In a nutshell, companies look to get an ROI - return on investment - for their sponsorship. In the case of a contribution, the act of helping and supporting another person brings joy to the contributor. But for Tier 2-4 companies look to gain back what they have invested in sponsorships.

In short, companies hope to recoup their investment in sponsorships. In the case of Level 1 - Gift/Donation - the sponsor simply receives pleasure from his act of support. But at Level 2 and above, the company expects to benefit from its investment in sports sponsorship.
When a company sponsors an athlete, they are looking for someone whose image and qualities will complement the company's image. This means that if an athlete is hardworking and dedicated to the sport, he can get the support of a company that wants to demonstrate that he has the same qualities (hard work and dedication). Consumers choose products recommended by a particular athlete because of that athlete's reputation in the eyes of the consumer. If a consumer has come to trust, respect, and admire that athlete, they may feel the same way about the sponsoring company the athlete represents.
What does this mean for the athlete himself? He must understand that being sponsored means:

  1. Please speak well (and hopefully sincerely) about the company and its products.
  2. Mention your collaboration when communicating with the press.
  3. Train hard and increase your sporting achievements.
  4. Participate in company promotions online and offline.
  5. Advertise the company by placing its logo on your equipment, page on social networks, etc.
  6. Attend events organized by the company.
  7. Publish exciting sports news and statuses on social networks, adding the sponsor’s logo and a link to the sponsor’s website.

3) How to find a sports sponsor

You can look for a sponsor in a variety of ways, and very often the sponsor is found where you least expected it. Here are some possible approaches.

  1. Get recommendations - search for a sponsor through family and friends
  2. Conduct an active search – Call, send emails, make inquiries to various companies.
  3. Attract - make sponsors pay attention to you.

Of course, we would all like the last option to work, and for companies to come to us with proposals. But, as with Sponsorship Levels, you need to start by looking for recommendations and work your way to the top.

Among your relatives and friends there may be someone associated with a company that supports athletes. To obtain sponsorship this way, you need to do two things:

  1. Tell everyone that you are looking for a sponsor.
  2. Ask for this information to be shared.

Very often people forget about these two simple steps. Most athletes take it for granted that their inner circle is aware of their affairs. However, make sure your friends and family know you are looking for sponsorship. Running a campaign will help unite friends and family around your goals. They will be able to support your campaign by spreading the word and making donations.

2. Conduct an active search

Applying to a company where you don't know anyone can seem scary, although there is nothing to be afraid of. We offer the following methods to help attract the company's attention:

  1. "Machine gun" method: You create a standard email, in which you talk about yourself and the purpose of your appeal. Using this template, you send an email to all possible companies.
  2. "Sniper" method: You contact every company in individually. This method can be more effective because in the letter you can state the reasons why this particular company should be your sponsor. (Hint: These should be reasons that are good for the company, not you. “I don’t have money to go to the competition” is not a valid reason. “The spectators of these competitions represent the company’s target audience. Your sports history and achievements are consistent with the company’s values (you will have to look at their website, advertising and find these values)” - a good reason) .

Important people in the company:

  1. Marketing Director. The head of marketing almost always manages the budget for marketing activities, which include sponsorships.
  2. Director for Government Relations local authorities . This is especially true for companies operating in the local market and interested in establishing connections with the local community.
  3. Head of sponsorship programs. This position can be in a large company; in smaller ones, all sponsorship activities are supervised by the heads of the marketing department.
  4. Brand manager. There are such specialists in large companies operating in the consumer market.
  5. General manager.If you know that the head of the company is passionate about sports, or, more importantly, your sport, then it makes sense to try to contact him personally. But in such cases, it is best to get a recommendation from a third party..

How to contact the company?

  1. Email/postal letter explaining the reason you are contacting, plus short story about your sports career.
  2. Follow-up call to the company to ensure that the letter was received. When you call, try to arrange a personal meeting to discuss your proposal in more detail.
  3. Organize a meeting to present to the potential sponsor all the benefits of working with you.

3. Attract

One way to get the attention of potential sponsors is to create a community of supporters and subscribers in social networks. To build a community, you need to post interesting and engaging information related to your sport or another area of ​​your ongoing interest. Use MAKEACHAMP, Facebook, Twitter and post there regularly to build a group of supporters. In the future, you can profitably use this community to attract sponsors.

4) Sponsorship opportunities

1. Corporate sponsorship programs.

Many companies have already developed sponsorship programs, with questionnaires and requirements. You can find them with a simple search in Yandex and Google. Also, the next time you go to a sporting competition, pay attention to the banners and logos in the hall, in printed programs, on the competition website, and on the equipment of other athletes.
Traditionally, athletes are supported by companies that produce and sell products for sports and a healthy lifestyle. Also pay attention to food and mass market manufacturers. Car dealers. Companies in the oil and gas sector.
We advise you to conduct serious research on the Internet, find a description of existing sponsorship programs and send applications to participate in them. Also remember, if once your candidacy went unnoticed, nothing prevents you from applying again and again when you better know the company’s requirements and make the necessary changes to your profile.

2. Agencies providing services in the field of sports marketing.

Whether you have sponsors or are just starting to look for them, working with a specialized agency or agent will be beneficial. They will help you design your sports image and take on negotiations with sponsors. Search the Internet for relevant agencies and propose your candidacy to them.

3. Crowdfunding campaign on MAKEACHAMP

Running a crowdfunding campaign on MAKEACHAMP is a great way to not only get the funding you need, but also attract the attention of potential backers. Throughout the campaign, you'll have to be super active on social media and grow your support group. How more people learn about your campaign, the greater the chance that your future sports sponsor will be among these people.

The reasons are different for everyone. Some people don't see their lives at this stage in marriage and raising children. Others need the financial support of a wealthy man, and, realizing that in return they can offer their company, beauty and pleasant communication, they go in search of a sponsor. A student is looking for a sponsor in order to dress beautifully, pay for housing and studies, and a working girl is looking for a sponsor to improve her standard of living and get away from routine.

Why does a man agree to sponsor a girl?

Some wealthy men simply lack female communication and attention. But they do not need any relationship, except for rare meetings. They have the opportunity to help financially, and they are looking for girls who are willing to exchange this help for their communication and campaign. The student is looking for support, and the man is looking for communication. Other wealthy men have already started a family or a girlfriend and do not want to lose them. But for variety, they prefer to communicate with several girls. In this case, the most convenient option for them is to find a lover with content or a girl for rare meetings.

Where sponsors are found, how to hook your interlocutor from the first word and present your project so that an investor wants to invest in it immediately, an economist and business owner told the site portal Denis Kharlamov.

- Where are the sponsors?

Anyone can find a philanthropist or sponsor, as they are also called in business, financial guardian angels, regardless of their occupation. An athlete, an artist, a lawyer or an entrepreneur - financial patronage today is available to anyone, the main thing here is to interest the sponsor. One of the common ways is to seek help from organizations that search for investors for small and medium-sized businesses in professional level. These are investment funds, technology parks or business incubators.

To carry out successful interactions with an investor, first of all, it is necessary to obtain information about him. Experienced businessmen believe: if you know where to apply for financial support, then 50% of business success is already guaranteed. It is better to look for a sponsor directly at the point of sale own business ideas. In this case, the choice of sponsor will be entirely up to the applicant for financial support.

How to start communication? If it’s a conversation, then how to grab attention from the first word, if it’s a letter, how to attract attention from the first line?

At first glance, the process of interaction with sponsors is quite simple. To get started, make a written request and make commercial offer, capable of interest. A concise letter should reflect the main points of the business plan. It’s good if it takes up no more than one sheet of printed text.

You can’t know for sure how to “hook” a sponsor from the first word, so it’s enough to follow business ethics. Address yourself by first name and patronymic, don’t be over-familiar, don’t use informal language, emoticons, well, it’s even unnecessary to say that the letter should be written correctly. Technology has advanced so much that... most of actions can be carried out via the Internet. But it’s still better to meet a potential sponsor in person. Before the meeting, it is necessary to prepare a competent and interesting presentation. Business owners better take with them all the documents proving that this is the kind of business in which it is worth investing. The outcome of the entire process often depends on a personal meeting.

- How to convince someone to become a sponsor? What arguments work?

For the person you want to attract as a sponsor, your project is an investment, unless we are talking about patronage. Therefore, it is possible to convince him that this investment will bring profit only with the help of numbers and specific examples. It is better if you show a certain set of cases that you have successfully implemented with sponsorship money. This way you clearly demonstrate the seriousness of your intentions and prove that you already have experience working with raised capital. Of course, it all depends on the amount of funds in which you are interested. If it is small (by the standards business people) amount, then a business plan is enough, where you describe in detail what a person will spend and what he will ultimately receive.

The sponsor must see that you clearly understand what you are talking about and are determined. Make his task as easy as possible by calculating in advance possible risks and putting it down on paper. This will make you look like a professional, plus in the eyes of an investor you will look like a person who knows how to count money and respects sponsorship finances.

- How much time to give« to think about it» how to remind yourself?

It is not you who give time, but the person who takes a break to weigh and think about everything. You can start reminding yourself the next day, but obsessiveness has never benefited anyone. It would be more correct to set deadlines directly at the meeting and ask the direct question “when can I contact you?” If you manage to interest a potential sponsor, he will not ignore your calls or avoid meeting.

I am of the opinion that actions speak louder than words. If your dialogue has turned into an endless “tomorrow” or “this week” or “a little later” - leave the idea of ​​​​cooperating with this person; there is no need to waste time on empty expectations.

- And how to respond to the answer« No» ?

Don't take it to heart. Refusal can be taken with dignity and in no case should you try to persuade the sponsor to change his mind. Perhaps you made a mistake somewhere, were too persistent, or, on the contrary, were not convincing enough. Or maybe this is just not your person, and nothing would have worked out for you anyway. As they say, if one door closed somewhere, another opened somewhere. The word “no” should become an incentive for you to move on, and not a reason to give up. If you were rejected by several people one after another, then you should rethink the very idea of ​​your project; perhaps it is not relevant, not in time, and has no potential. In any case, do not despair and continue to move towards your goal.

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Find a patron or sponsor, as they are also called in business, financial guardian angels, is accessible to everyone, regardless of their occupation. An athlete, an artist, a lawyer or an entrepreneur - financial patronage today is available to anyone, the main thing here is to interest the sponsor...

At first glance, the process of interaction with sponsors is quite simple. For the equipment provided, cash For starting capital or other benefits provided by the sponsor, the user of such services gives the right to use his talents together with opportunities in a type of activity that is profitable or promising for the sponsoring company.

However, do not forget that with a lucrative contract, the user of sponsorship services also has a lot of additional obligations.

The main goal of such relationships is to obtain a stable and profitable return. In particular, while investment consumers dream of developing their own business, investors...

First of all, the main goal of sponsors who agree to finance a business idea is dividends. Moreover, they are by no means always expressed as a monetary equivalent.

In turn, almost always an entrepreneur who wants to have sponsorship should be prepared for the possible sale of his interests to another company that would be willing to finance the project.

The main condition for providing sponsorship support is the attractiveness of the project directly to the target audience, and therefore to the investor too. You can find a sponsor or a project for investment here:

Sponsor information

A sponsor is attracted by presenting a business plan or a company that requires additional investment in order to develop own project. However, this is not enough. To carry out successful interactions with an investor, first of all, it is necessary to have information about him.

Experienced businessmen believe that if you know where to turn for financial support, then 50% of business success is already guaranteed. It is better to look for a sponsor directly at the place where you are implementing your own business ideas. In this case, the choice of sponsor will be entirely up to the applicant for financial support.

Hardly third parties will be able to accept the right decision. Only the manager or founder of a business understands what exactly is required for its success. further development. Having chosen a particular company, it is worth clarifying what other sponsorship support it provides.

If the sponsor has no previous experience of interacting with similar projects, it should be assumed that this company has a complete lack of experience in this field of activity. Specialized websites are considered an excellent assistant in finding a potential sponsor for a business and collecting information about them.

Such resources not only provide offers, but also allow the sponsorship applicant to develop a personal profile in order to attract financial partners to support the business or its organizations.

Start of negotiations with the sponsor

Once a company has been selected, negotiations should begin. This should be done directly with the head of the selected sponsoring company, or with the marketing director, of course, if the enterprise structure has such a position.

A number of companies specializing in the provision of sponsorship services employ managers specifically for sponsorship support, whose task is to resolve such issues.

Stages of negotiations

Once contact is established, goals should be justified own company, demonstrate your capabilities and plans for the near future. At the end of the presentation, attention should be focused on the benefits the sponsor received as a result of supporting your project.

If after this the investor continues to be interested in cooperation with you, it is worth indicating the benefits that will be received directly by the applicant for the support provided by the sponsor - financing, equipment, technical devices, and so on.

In addition, do not forget to stipulate the special capabilities and advantages of both parties. It is important to understand that all sponsors have their own interests and goals for interacting with other companies, based on what kind of support they provide (services, finance, equipment).

Traditionally, this is manifested by the presence of joint interests with companies providing sponsorship. In addition, sponsors usually want one thing - to receive additional profit from the business idea they are investing in.

Therefore, when demonstrating a business plan in order to obtain sponsorship support, it is worth paying attention to of this project. This is the only way to talk about long-term agreements with them.


Based on the above, the conclusion suggests itself that by receiving sponsorship you automatically accept the conditions put forward by the investor. At the same time, in return for the money or other assistance given to him, you will also have to provide him with something in the future.

Perhaps they will be cash dividends, or advertising the brand of a company that acts as an investor. Only understanding this point will allow you to find a sponsor. Otherwise, most investors will simply refuse you.
You can find out where to find a sponsor by reading.