If you are under thirty and over 14 years old, specialists from the capital’s Youth Employment Center will tell you what to do to get your dream position.

How to write a great resume, where to look for a summer job, and what professions are most in demand now? With these and hundreds of other questions, Muscovites come to the specialists of the capital’s Youth Employment Center (YEC), and each of them receives an answer. They conduct vocational testing here and help those who are looking for a job right after school or university.

Passport and desire

In 2016, an employment center opened in Moscow, working exclusively with young people. Its specialists help you get a job, decide on a profession and learn about the labor market. In 2017, 35,585 people contacted the center, of which over 11 thousand were for the purpose of employment. The majority - 65 percent - are young people from 18 to 29 years old, the rest are minors. Almost half (almost 5.5 thousand) of those who came looking for work got it. In total, since its opening, the employment center has employed 8,778 people.

In order to get an appointment at the Moscow Center for Health Care, you must meet three conditions: wait until you turn 14 (and don’t miss the moment when you turn 30), take your passport with you, and definitely decide that it’s time to look for a job.

Further - easier. You can contact the center’s specialists, even if the question “What do I want to become when I grow up?” no answer. To decide on a profession (or at least get recommendations), the center conducts special tests. The next stage is working with a psychologist who will help you understand the test results, tell you which area is best to start searching in, and pass it on to the next specialist. He will select vacancies from an impressive list of more than 10 thousand positions.

Each applicant has his own supervisor; he is personally interested in ensuring that the dream job is found. The curator calls his ward back after the interview and finds out how everything went. If the applicant is rejected, he is invited back to the center and new options are selected. If the job goes well, the supervisor will still continue to keep in touch with the person for three months, monitor his progress and help him cope with difficult situations.

Quests, fairs and business school

The capital's health center is open on weekdays from 09:00 to 20:00, the institution's website is always available. Here you can independently search for vacancies (they are provided by almost 500 verified companies) or employees, and also find out about what else the center does.

CMZ conducts quests, job fairs, master classes, business games, advice on interviewing and resume writing. There is a special mobile team for applicants with disabilities. It also organizes vocational testing and job fairs outside the center: in schools, libraries and city parks.

Last year, the center launched three projects: “Media School”, “Youth Business Club” and free courses English language. And in the summer of 2018, a business school will open here. Her listeners will learn how to start their own business in the media sphere, information technology, consulting and service industries.

Summer job

More than 30 percent of those who applied to the State Public Health Institution of the Central Health Care Center are teenagers from 14 to 18 years old. During the school year, most of them ask for help with career guidance, and in the summer they look for temporary work. Teenagers can easily count on the position of clerk, secretary, or call center operator. There are also job vacancies on the list: landscaper, grounds cleaner, dishwasher.

In 2017, in order to increase the number of available jobs, the center entered into a number of agreements with housing and communal services organizations in Moscow, within the framework of which more than 230 vacancies were created for minors. However, schoolchildren are not limited in their choice. And for example, if a teenager is seriously interested in programming, then he may be invited to IT company. Talented guys are sometimes hired as marketers, designers, and copywriters. In addition, minors are sometimes brought in during the holidays of key employees.

Currently, the seasonal vacancy bank has offers from 296 companies. This is mainly work in the hotel and restaurant sectors, medicine, and trade. On the eve of the World Cup, many vacancies have appeared for stewards who will be responsible for order before, during and after matches, and for cloakroom attendants. Last year, CZM helped 2,449 job seekers find temporary work.

Hello, we are looking for work

Temporary employment is generally quite popular among young Muscovites, and we’re not just talking about schoolchildren. Students and university graduates without the necessary work experience also often look for such options. The former most often choose vacancies with a flexible schedule in order to combine work with study, the latter - office work with good social package and the opportunity for professional or career growth.

Plus, participants in temporary employment programs implemented by the center receive an additional payment from the city budget in addition to the salary under the contract. As of last year, about 100 companies participated in the temporary employment program, and the list is constantly growing. The vacancies are varied, ranging from general workers, couriers, waiters to legal assistants, economists and other qualified employees. This allows students, in addition to additional income, get and much needed in modern conditions experience.

Meanwhile, the job market is changing quite quickly. Most recently, there was a demand for economists and lawyers, but now they are fading into the background. Capital enterprises need workers. There is a big one for IT specialists, big data professionals, marketers, and logisticians.

During their studies, it is important for students to gain not only professional skills, but also work experience, for example, through an internship or participating in temporary and volunteer projects. In order not to get confused among the many offers, it is worth attending open interviews and job fairs held by the center. Here they will teach you techniques for negotiating with employers and self-presentation skills, tell you how to make your own website and record a video resume. They will help you not to miss an interesting offer social media center where information about new vacancies appears.

Summer job for a 14 year old. How to find a summer job for a teenager? Work for teenagers from 16 years old. Job search for schoolchildren, official Advantages of part-time work for teenagers in the summer: they begin to respect their parents’ work, become more...

The issue of employing teenagers in the summer was recently raised. And so I had an idea: what if my daughter, who is finishing 9th grade, tries. Just need to take the city level, decide on the options of previous years. Summer jobs for teenagers and more.

Section: Vacations, leisure (Employment of teenagers, work during the holidays). Work for a teenager after school and in the summer. Where can a 15-year-old teenager (almost 16) work in Moscow in the summer (during holidays)? Last year I worked in a car repair shop during the summer.

How to find a summer job for a teenager? Work from 14 and 16 years old. As usual, inspired by below (whose children are 16-17). How do they find it if relatives and friends do not have a job for a teenager. I'm looking for a job for a teenager. Tell me please. My 14 year old son wants to work in the summer.

The company JSC "Olympus" offers work to girls and young people aged 14, 15, 16 years. Unlike numerous job offers for teenagers that can be found on the Internet, in our Call Center: 1. Minor employees work officially...

Work for teenagers from 16 years old. Job search for schoolchildren, official employment. A main indicator independence for teenagers is an opportunity to get a job and earn their first money.

Section: Job search (16 years old need a job). Maybe someone will be interested in a 16-year-old boy, a student of the 11th grade (he has classes from 16-30 three times a week), who knows his way around Moscow well... How to find a summer job for a teenager? Work from 14 and 16 years old.

Summer job for a 14 year old. He has a pleasant appearance and looks about 17-18 years old. It seems that young people are eager to go to work during their holidays for meager money. I would advise guiding your child towards work. How to find a summer job for a teenager?

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Youth employment

Unemployed citizens aged 18 to 20 from among graduates of primary and secondary institutions vocational education Those looking for work for the first time and registered in the prescribed manner with the employment service are given the opportunity to take part in temporary employment events at enterprises (organizations) of the city that have created additional temporary jobs for the purpose of their material support on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991. No. 1032-1 “On employment in Russian Federation».

Participants of the work

Unemployed citizens aged 18 to 20 from among graduates of primary and secondary vocational education institutions can take part in temporary employment events, job seekers for the first time.

Main types of work

Temporary jobs for unemployed citizens aged 18 to 20 from among graduates of primary and secondary vocational education institutions looking for work for the first time include jobs provided in accordance with the profession or specialty received.

Work organization procedure

The Employment Center, Youth Employment Center and employing organizations participate in the organization and conduct of temporary work by concluding relevant agreements. The employer determines the types, volumes and timing of work, provides the appropriate jobs and enters into agreements with employees sent by the Center to participate in temporary jobs, fixed-term employment contracts in accordance with the requirements of labor and social insurance legislation.
A fixed-term employment contract between a citizen and an employer defines the rights and obligations of the parties, types and volumes of work, working conditions, working hours, days off, wages and additional benefits, provision necessary equipment, conditions for imposing a fine for failure to fulfill labor obligations and termination of the contract.
Urgent employment contract a citizen’s participation in temporary work may be terminated early when he finds a permanent or temporary job.

Financing and remuneration

When participating in events, unemployed citizens aged 18 to 20 from among graduates of primary and secondary vocational education institutions who are looking for work for the first time receive:
  • wages established and paid by the employer for the time actually worked (work performed) in accordance with Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which, taking into account the amount of material support, must not be lower than the minimum wage in the city of Moscow established by the Agreement on the Minimum wages in the city of Moscow between the Moscow Government, Moscow trade union associations and Moscow employers' associations for the next year*;
  • material support*;
* at the expense of funds provided in the form of subventions from federal budget to the budget of the city of Moscow for the implementation of the delegated powers of the Russian Federation in the field of employment promotion, including the costs of exercising these powers. In an amount not lower than the minimum amount of unemployment benefits and not higher than one and a half times the minimum amount of unemployment benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, for the actual number of days of participation in these activities, including periods of temporary disability;
* at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow in an amount not exceeding 80% of the value living wage for the working population of the city of Moscow (at the time of conclusion of the contract) for the actual number of days of participation in the specified events, including periods of temporary disability.

Consultation about the services of the Youth Employment Center

For your convenience, we will provide a consultation about the services of the Youth Employment Center online, by phone or in our office completely free of charge.
Our employees include only highly qualified specialists with practical experience work, which allows them to find an answer to almost any question related to the activities of the Center for Transport and Moldings.
Thanks to the opportunity free consultation And in various ways Receiving it (online, by phone or in our office), you will significantly save time searching for the information you need about the activities of the TsZMol.
All our specialists understand the “subtleties and nuances”, which allows us to provide only high-quality services.

About participation in job fairs and training jobs

GKU TsZM of the city of Moscow "Youth Employment Center of the City of Moscow" is pleased to offer you the opportunity to take part in job fairs and training jobs.
A unique platform for employers and educational organizations, where you can present yourself to the widest possible audience, employ suitable candidates online, and also receive contacts of potential partners that are useful for you and your professional activities.
Career and training fairs are completely different from traditional job fairs.
We present a unique site in the city center, which provides sufficient traffic for the target audience.
Our events are actively covered by the media, and press and post releases are posted on Internet portals, with an audience of over 1 million people.
Preparing for the fair will be as comfortable as possible for you, since at every stage you will be accompanied by a personal manager of the center.
The result that you will get by working with us is increasing the recognition of your organization, a solution personnel issue, increasing loyalty from your internal and external customers.

Permanent job

Every person finds himself in a job search situation throughout his life. Finding a job has its own difficulties and peculiarities. The specialists of the Youth Employment Center will help you overcome difficulties, offer open vacancies, help you quickly navigate the labor market and correctly assess your strengths and capabilities.
The Youth Employment Center is implementing new approaches to the issue of employment:

  • individual approach and personal supervision by a Center specialist throughout the entire period of receiving services. You will be prepared for a meeting with an employer, will be helped to create a resume that most fully reflects your professional merits and achievements, and you will know how to successfully pass an interview;
  • accompaniment at the workplace for three months after employment (during probationary period). We help you adapt to a new workplace during the entire probationary period and provide feedback on the candidates we employ.

Your resume will remain in our database, and if an interesting vacancy appears, we will be able to consider you as a potential candidate. We will help make the job search process clearer, simpler, and faster. With us you will find the job of your dreams.

Building a professional career

Planning your future achievements is an important skill that you need to develop in yourself to build a professional career. Career (from Italian сarriera - life path, field, running) is the result of a person’s conscious behavior in labor activity related to official or professional growth. Main goal career planning - to find such an application for your abilities that will lead to tangible success and the implementation of your plans. People who are conscious of their professional path, get more pleasure from life and work. They are the ones who have the best chance of finding a job with the conditions they want, and it is these employees who become the most valuable and effective.
The start of professional activity largely depends on plans for the future. It is important to be able to set goals, develop action plans and implement them.
The Youth Employment Center conducts special classes and trainings aimed at helping young people build a professional career, choosing the most promising direction professional development, increasing satisfaction from professional activities. To determine the most suitable areas of professional career development for you, you can undergo in-depth psychodiagnostic testing on hardware and software systems and talk with a psychologist-vocational consultant.

Professional self-determination

A significant place in the life of every person is occupied by his professional activity. The concept of "profession" comes from the Latin professio, which means "public speaking." In the times of Ancient Rome, this was the name for the occupation to which a person devoted himself and about which he publicly declared.
IN modern society A profession, as a rule, is understood as a human activity that requires special training, is practiced by a person regularly and serves as a source of income. This is what distinguishes a profession from a hobby. If a hobby is an activity that a person does for his own pleasure, then a profession helps him earn a living. According to the famous entrepreneur Henry Ford, “the most good job“It’s a highly paid hobby.” Is it possible to find such a job, and how not to make a mistake when choosing a profession?
First of all, when choosing a field of activity, you need to ask yourself a few important questions. What do I want to achieve in life, and what am I really interested in? What kind of character do I have, and what is truly important to me? What can I do well and what can I do not so well?
Help in professional self-determination may be required not only by students and graduates of general education educational institutions, but also to fully established specialists who want to master new look activities. Specialists of the Youth Employment Center provide vocational guidance services to all categories of youth. Anyone can get individual consultation a psychologist-vocational consultant or attend trainings and seminars on choosing a profession. In the process of counseling, special tests and hardware and software psychodiagnostic systems are used, with the help of which it is possible to identify not only professional inclinations, but also to determine the degree of readiness to organize entrepreneurial activity.

Psychodiagnostic testing

At the Youth Employment Center you can get advice on all issues related to choosing a field of activity and professional self-realization. Our psychologists will offer you to undergo in-depth computer testing in a specially equipped room using modern hardware and software psychodiagnostic systems
A psychodiagnostic complex is indispensable if it is necessary to identify professional preferences person, psychological barriers barriers to employment or career development. Often a person who works in the wrong place shifts responsibility for the lack of success in professional field to the team or management. Psychologists of the Department of Career Guidance and psychological support will help a person get an idea of ​​his natural inclinations and character traits, determine the level of formation of professionally significant qualities that influence successful professional implementation in a particular field of activity.

Writing a resume

Resume is one of the most effective tools job search. The main purpose of a resume is to attract the attention of employers, create a favorable impression of yourself and receive an invitation to a personal meeting.
Basic rules for writing a resume: brevity, accuracy, truthfulness and literacy. The effectiveness of a resume can be assessed by the number of responses received from employers. At the Youth Employment Center you can get help in writing a resume and posting it on the Youth Employment Center website.
In addition to consultations on writing a regular resume, group classes are held during which you will learn how to create a business card website and prepare to record your own video resume. Classes are held in a modern computer room. After attending the class, you will be able to record and post a video summary on our website.

Job Search Strategy

Finding a job is not an easy job, for which you must be prepared. There is no need to delay searching for it. Remember that time is against the applicant, and you have to fight to get a good vacant position. It is necessary, first of all, to navigate the labor market, put specific goal, outline an action plan to achieve it and take active steps to obtain the desired vacancy. As a rule, the wider the search range, the higher the likelihood of success.
The Youth Employment Center conducts special classes aimed at teaching methods of independently searching for a job, time management techniques, ways to effectively spend one’s own resources, and setting life priorities and values. Participants in the classes have the opportunity to develop skills in self-presentation and conducting successful negotiations with an employer, discuss with a specialist issues related to preparing for entering the workforce. new job, adaptation to a team, securing a new job and career planning.
Our specialists will help you identify the reasons that hinder the construction of effective communications and provide the necessary consulting support at all stages of job search and employment.

Legal advice on organizing your own business

Do you have a dream of opening your own business? Whatever one may say, even the most successful and promising idea cannot turn into a successful business if you are not successful. However, do not forget that if you decide to start your own business from scratch, then you should have a large stock of knowledge, including in the field of jurisprudence.
What form of business organization is best to choose? This is one of the important issues that needs to be thought through before deciding to create a company. It all starts with registering a citizen as individual entrepreneur(IP) or registration of a legal entity.
For small business with a minimum employees many prefer to exercise entrepreneurial activity by registering as an individual entrepreneur. Key issues include registration with the tax authorities and the choice of taxation system, the procedure for submitting reporting documentation, and others. It is also important to decide on the need to use cash register and opening a current account.
The simplest and most common legal form legal entities- limited liability company (LLC). Procedure for opening an LLC - important information for those who plan to develop their business. Before creating an LLC, you should responsibly and competently evaluate necessary costs and your capabilities, choose the right taxation system.
A newcomer who wants to do business by contacting the Youth Employment Center will receive answers to his questions as part of a free individual legal consultation. ­

Legal advice on labor and employment issues

Youth work is often beneficial commercial structures, who are thus able to avoid additional tax-related expenses with social insurance employee, as well as manipulate wages. The young specialist, being a “temporary” worker, does not pay due attention to this side of the matter.
This is just one of the situations that can be a source of discrimination against young people in the labor market. This situation will continue until the young worker is armed with knowledge of legal norms in the field labor legislation and employment legislation.
Timely contact with a lawyer labor law will help avoid serious consequences in case of disagreements between employees and employers. That is why our Center provides the opportunity to receive qualified advice on the application of labor legislation.
The Youth Employment Center provides legal support on issues of employment, permits labor disputes, provides consultations to parents if their minor child wants to work.

Few people have heard of the Moscow Youth Employment Center yet - it opened quite recently, and is just launching many programs. Nevertheless, an average of 150 people visit it per day and often find not only work, but also a profession, interests and new friends. A RG correspondent saw how it all works.

The money is here

To get work, you need to go to Shchepkina Street, 38, building 1 - two steps away from the Prospekt Mira metro station and the Olimpiysky sports complex. The new center is located in a building that previously housed a school and college, so visitors inside are greeted by long corridors with rows of doors. However, the center looks the least like a government institution in the usual sense - it looks more like a modern office center. On the walls here and there you can see motivating slogans in the style of “Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, be afraid to sleep through your youth!” The colors of the walls are white everywhere, and the inscriptions are in bright, flashy colors. The creative picture is complemented by the names of the offices and the positions of the employees. On the 3rd floor there is a department for catching business sharks and training rooms “Earth”, “Water” and “Fire”, and on the first floor there is the Success Square and the Territory of Taste. The bosses, as expected, sit upstairs - on the 4th floor there are offices of the “Chief”, “Just Deputy” and others. There is also a room on which hangs a sign that says “Money is here.”

As the center explains, when creating it, they tried to get away from templates and bureaucracy in order to look attractive in the eyes of teenagers and young people. “If you don’t interest the kids in something close in spirit and don’t create a comfortable, interesting environment for them, then they won’t stay here and won’t recommend them to friends. And this is necessary, because we see our tasks as much broader, as simply helping in employment, we can already take various tests and trainings that will help identify inclinations and suitable areas of employment,” says Irina Kotova, deputy director of the center. She is the same “Just Deputy” from the 4th floor.

Understand who you are

The center staff are really ready to offer a lot of tests for young people. An RG correspondent, for example, looked at a kind of traffic light for 5 minutes and pressed the keys corresponding to one color or another - this is one of the tests of the Multipsychometer system. The experiment showed that it is better for me to drive with caution - the reaction is not always fast and accurate enough. Meanwhile, our photographer was tested for an aptitude for a particular craft - the computer eventually correctly determined that he had well-developed artistic skills.

In addition to tests, the center is ready to offer various trainings to teenagers and young people - now there are usually 4 of them a week, but soon there will be 2 a day. Trainers who have previously worked with businessmen and top managers will talk about how to behave in a team, what it is professional ethics, what skills a manager should have and what questions to expect at an interview. Trainings are also conducted by famous people who have achieved success in their fields - from Olympic champions to businessmen.

There are even coworking spaces in the center - equipped offices where you can come with a computer and work. In essence, young people are offered a free office for the first time, where they can start their own business. So far this service is not particularly in demand, because they come mostly schoolchildren. But soon both university graduates and older people who would be interested in permanent work are expected here.

I would go to couriers

The most common vacancies for teenagers are advertising agents, children's camp counselors, ticket cashiers, support workers, couriers, waiters and other professions that do not require special training. Well-known chains of restaurants and shops have already expressed their desire to cooperate with the center. household appliances, clothes, etc. Some want to open schools right at the center, where potential employees will be able to undergo internships and go to work, already having a clear understanding of new field activities. The first such school recently completed its work - it was organized by a large real estate agency.

As for the salary, for temporarily employed people it is at least 17 thousand rubles per month. Employers pay a minimum wage of 7.5 thousand rubles and the city pays an additional 10 thousand. For a schoolboy, the money is quite decent. In addition, they will pay their teenagers from 14 to 16 years old for a maximum of 5 working hours a day, and from 16 to 18 years old - for a maximum of 7 hours. Such restrictions are imposed by law, and it is precisely because of this that many vacancies for young people mention hourly pay. The Employment Center guarantees the observance of all rights of young workers and payment of their earnings in full.

Look suitable vacancies You can do it without coming to the employment center, but simply by looking at its website - czmol.ru. Now there are 5 thousand different offers and 1.5 thousand resumes from applicants posted there. You can also ask questions in the center’s social media groups. It is also convenient to keep track of news - messages about new internship programs, dates for job fairs and other events.

By the way

The plans for the new employment center are to release by the end of the year mobile application, which will help young people find work. There you can keep track of vacancies, internships and other offers.