An oil refinery is an industrial enterprise whose main function is the processing of oil into gasoline, aviation kerosene, fuel oil, diesel fuel, lubricating oils, lubricants, bitumen, petroleum coke, raw materials for petrochemicals. The production cycle of a refinery usually consists of the preparation of raw materials, primary distillation of oil and secondary processing of petroleum fractions: catalytic cracking, catalytic reforming, coking, visbreaking, hydrocracking, hydrotreating and mixing components of finished petroleum products. There are many oil refineries in Russia. Some refineries have been operating for quite a long time - since the war years, others were put into operation relatively recently. The youngest plant of the enterprises considered was Achinsk Refinery, it has been operating since 2002.

The site compiled a rating of refineries supplying Russian regions with petroleum products.
1. -oil refining enterprise located in the Bolsheuluisky district Krasnoyarsk Territory. The company was founded on September 5, 2002. Owned by Rosneft.
2. Komsomolsk Oil Refinery is a Russian oil refinery located in the Khabarovsk Territory in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Also owned by OJSC NK Rosneft. Built in 1942. It occupies a significant place in oil refining in the Russian Far East.
3. - Russian oil refinery in the Samara region. Part of the OJSC NK Rosneft group. Year of foundation - 1945.
4. - oil refining enterprise, located in Moscow, in the Kapotnya district. The plant was put into operation in 1938.
5. - Russian oil refinery in the Samara region. Part of the OJSC NK Rosneft group. The refinery was founded in 1951.
6. Omsk Oil Refinery is one of the largest oil refineries in Russia. Owned by Gazprom Neft. On September 5, 1955 it was put into operation.
7. - Russian oil refinery. Also known as "Cracking". Part of the TNK-BP group. Located in the city of Saratov. Founded in 1934.
8. - Russian oil refinery in the Samara region. Part of the OJSC NK Rosneft group. Operating since 1942.
9. - Russian oil refinery in Krasnodar region. The plant forms a single production complex with the marine terminal of the Rosneft oil products supply enterprise - OJSC NK Rosneft-Tuapsenefteproduct. The bulk of the products are exported. It is part of the Rosneft oil company. Founded in 1929.
10. - Russian refinery, the leading Far Eastern producer of motor and boiler fuel. Part of NK Alliance. The enterprise's capacity is 4.35 million tons of oil per year. Founded in 1935.

  1. Deepest well
    The world record for drilling the world's longest well belongs to the Russian Sakhalin-1 project. In April 2015, consortium members (Russian Rosneft, American ExxonMobil, Japanese Sodeco and Indian ONGC) drilled an inclined well 13,500 m deep along a horizontal offset 12,033 m long at the Chayvo field. The record for deep-water drilling belongs to the Indian ONGC: in January 2013, the company drilled an exploration well at a depth of 3,165 m off the east coast of India.

    The well drilled by Orlan is 2 kilometers deeper than the Mariana Trench. Photo: Rosneft

  2. The largest drilling platform
    In this nomination, the Sakhalin-1 project again becomes the record holder: in June 2014, the Berkut platform was put into operation at the Arkutun-Dagi field. The height of a 50-story building (144 m) and weighing more than 200 thousand tons, it is capable of withstanding the onslaught of 20-meter waves, earthquakes up to 9 points on the Richter scale and temperatures of up to -45 degrees Celsius with wind gusts of up to 120 km per hour. The construction of Berkut cost the consortium $12 billion.

    Berkut, the world's largest drilling platform worth $12 billion. Photo: ExxonMobil
  3. The highest drilling platform
  4. The most notable "growth" among drilling platforms is the deepwater oil field platform Petronius (operated by Chevron and Marathon Oil Corporation). Its height is 609.9 m, of which only 75 m is on the surface. Total weight structures - 43 thousand tons. The platform is operating 210 km off the coast of New Orleans at the Petronius field in the Gulf of Mexico.

    The Petronius drilling rig is almost twice as tall as the Federation tower - 609 versus 343 meters. Photo:
  5. The deepest drilling platform
    When Shell leased the Perdido block in the Gulf of Mexico, oil companies could develop fields at depths of no more than 1,000 m. Then it seemed that the development of technology had reached its limit. Today the Perdido platform stands at a depth of 2,450 m and is the deepest drilling and production platform in the world. Perdido is a true engineering marvel of its time. The fact is that at such extreme depths it is impossible to install the platform on supports. Plus, engineers had to take into account the difficult weather conditions of these latitudes: hurricanes, storms and strong currents. To solve the problem, a unique engineering solution was found: the upper structures of the platform were secured to a floating support, after which the entire structure was anchored with steel mooring cables on the ocean floor.

    Perdido, not only one of the most beautiful, but also the deepest rig. Photo: Texas Charter Fleet

  6. The largest oil tanker, and at the same time the largest sea vessel, built in the 20th century, was the Seawise Giant. The supertanker, almost 69 m wide, was 458.5 m long - 85 m more than the height of the Federation Tower, the tallest building in Europe today. Seawise Giant reached speeds of up to 13 knots (about 21 km per hour) and had a cargo capacity of almost 650,000 m3 of oil (4.1 million barrels). The super-tanker was launched in 1981 and over its almost 30-year history has changed several owners and names, and even crashed when it came under fire from the Iraqi Air Force during the First Gulf War. In 2010, the ship was forced ashore near the Indian city of Alang, where its hull was disposed of within a year. But one of the giant’s 36-ton main anchors was preserved for history: it is now on display at the Maritime Museum in Hong Kong.

  7. The longest oil pipeline in the world is “Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean” with a capacity of about 80 million tons of oil per year. Its length from Taishet to Kozmino Bay in Nakhodka Bay is 4857 km, and taking into account the branch from Skovorodino to Daqing (PRC) - another 1023 km (i.e. 5880 km in total). The project was launched at the end of 2012. Its cost was 624 billion rubles. Among gas pipelines, the record for length belongs to the Chinese West-East project. The total length of the gas pipeline is 8704 km (including one main line and 8 regional branches). The pipeline capacity is 30 billion cubic meters of gas per year, the cost of the project was about $22 billion.

    The ESPO oil pipeline extending beyond the horizon. Photo: Transneft

  8. The record holder among deep-sea pipelines is the Russian Nord Stream, running from the Russian Vyborg to the German Lubmin along the bottom of the Baltic Sea. This is both the deepest (the maximum depth of the pipe is 210 m) and the longest route (1,124 km) among all undersea pipelines in the world. Bandwidth pipeline - 55 billion cubic meters. m of gas per year (2 lines). The cost of the project, launched in 2012, amounted to 7.4 billion euros.

    Laying the offshore section of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. Photo: Gazprom
  9. The largest deposit
    “King of the Giants” is the middle name of the largest and, perhaps, most mysterious oil field in the world - Gavar, located in Saudi Arabia. Its dimensions shock even the most experienced geologists - 280 km by 30 km and elevate Gavar to the rank of the largest developed oil field in the world. The field is fully owned by the state and managed by the state-owned company Saudi Aramco. And therefore very little is known about it: the actual current production figures are not disclosed by either the company or the government. All information about Gavar is mainly historical, collected from random technical publications and rumors. For example, in April 2010, Aramco Vice President Saad al-Treiki told the Saudi media that the field’s resources are truly limitless: over 65 years of development, it has already produced more than 65 billion barrels of oil, and the company estimates the field’s residual resources at more than 100 billion barrels. According to experts from the International Energy Agency, this figure is more modest – 74 billion barrels. Among the gas giants, the title of leader belongs to the two-part North/South Pars field, located in the central part of the Persian Gulf in the territorial waters of Iran (South Pars) and Qatar (North). The total reserves of the field are estimated at 28 trillion. cube m of gas and 7 billion tons of oil.

    The largest and one of the most mysterious deposits in the world. Graphics: Geo Science World
  10. The largest refinery
    The world's largest oil refinery is located in India in the city of Jamnagar. Its capacity is almost 70 million tons per year (for comparison: the most large plant in Russia - the Kirishi Oil Refinery of Surgutneftegaz - three times less - only 22 million tons per year). The plant in Jamnagar occupies an area of ​​more than 3 thousand hectares and is surrounded by an impressive mango forest. By the way, this plantation of 100 thousand trees brings the plant additional income: About 7 thousand tons of mangoes are sold from here every year. The Jamnagar refinery is private and owned by Reliance Industries Limited, whose director and owner, Mukesh Ambani, is the richest man in India. Forbes magazine estimates his fortune at $21 billion and ranks him 39th on the list of the richest people in the world.

    The capacity of Jamangara is three times greater than that of the largest Russian oil refinery. Photo:

  11. 77 million tons per year - this is exactly how much LNG is produced at the industrial sites of Ras Laffan - a unique energy hub located in Qatar and the world's largest center for the production of liquefied natural gas. natural gas. Ras Laffan was conceived as an industrial site for processing gas from the unique Severnoye field, located 80 km from the coast of Ras Laffan. The first power facilities of the energy center were launched in 1996. Today, Ras Laffan is located on an area of ​​295 square meters. km (of which 56 sq. km is occupied by the port) and has 14 LNG production lines. Four of them (with a capacity of 7.8 million tons each) are the largest in the world. Among the “attractions” of the energy city are oil and gas processing plants, power plants (including solar), oil and gas chemistry, as well as the world’s largest plant for the production of synthetic liquid fuel– Pearl GTL (capacity 140,000 barrels per day).

    The Pearl GTL plant (pictured) is just part of the Ras Laffan energy hub. Photo: Qatargas

Basic refinery enterprises in Russia, operating today, were built in the post-war years, when the consumption of fuel of all brands by transport and industry sharply increased.

When choosing plant sites, we were guided by proximity to both production sites in order to reduce oil transportation costs, and to areas of intensive fuel consumption.

Distribution of capacities across the country

The largest oil refining capacities are concentrated in the Volga Federal District (Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg, Perm, Saratov regions, the Republics of Tatarstan, Mari El, Bashkortostan) - 122 million tons per year.

Large capacities of Russian refineries operate in Central(Ryazan, Yaroslavl and Moscow regions) and in Siberian(Omsk, Kemerovo, Irkutsk regions and Krasnoyarsk Territory) federal districts. The plants of each of these districts can process more than 40 million tons of oil per year.

Refinery Southern Federal District designed to process 28 million tons, Northwestern– 25 million tons, Far Eastern– 12 million tons, Ural- 7 million tons. The total capacity of refineries in Russia is 296 million tons of oil per year.

The largest oil refineries in Russia are the Omsk Oil Refinery (21 million tons), KirishiNOS (20 million tons, Leningrad region), RNA (19 million tons, Ryazan region), Lukoil-NORSI (17 million tons, Nizhny Novgorod Region), Volgograd Refinery(16 million tons), YaroslavNOS (15 million tons).

Almost any questions about oil refining today can be answered from the media. Any information about refineries is available on the Internet, how many processing plants there are in Russia, where gasoline and diesel fuel are produced, what else they produce, and which plants produce particularly high-quality products. It's not hard to find if you want.

Oil refining depth

An important indicator of the oil refining industry, along with the volume of output, is the depth of oil refining that refineries in Russia have reached. Today it is 74%, while in Europe this figure is 85%, and in the USA - 96%.

The refining depth is estimated as the quotient of the mass of released products minus fuel oil and gas divided by the mass of oil received for refining.

The low yield of basic petroleum products is due to the lack of high modern technologies. Some of them were laid down in the pre- and post-war years, the processing processes used on them are outdated, and permanent crises since the early 90s did not give a chance to modernize production. Today, investments are gradually increasing, new workshops and processing complexes are appearing, the quality and yield of petroleum products is increasing.

From oil it is obtained through direct processing:

More complex refining processes make it possible to obtain substances, materials and products from oil, the list of which takes many pages. The higher the degree of oil refining, the less of it is required, and the lower the cost of production.

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LUKOIL includes four refineries in Russia (in Perm, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod and Ukhta), three refineries in Europe (Italy, Romania, Bulgaria), and LUKOIL also owns a 45% stake in a refinery in the Netherlands. The total capacity of the refinery is 84.6 million tons, which practically corresponds to the Company’s oil production in 2018.

The Company's plants have modern conversion and refining facilities and produce a wide range of high-quality petroleum products. Russian factories By technological level capacity and efficiency indicators exceed the Russian average, and the Company's European plants are not inferior to competitors and are located close to key markets.

Oil refining at our own refineries in 2018


The company completed a large-scale investment cycle in 2016 with the commissioning of Russia's largest complex for advanced processing of vacuum gas oil at the Volgograd Refinery.

The implementation of the program made it possible to increase the environmental class of produced motor fuels to Euro-5, as well as to significantly increase the share of petroleum products with high added value in the produced basket.

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Petroleum feedstock refining, million tons 66,570 64,489 66,061 67,240 67,316
Output of petroleum products, million tons 64,118 60,900 62,343 63,491 63,774
Gasolines (straight-run and automotive), million tons13,940 14,645 16,494 17,372 16,783
Diesel fuel, million tons21,496 21,430 22,668 25,628 25,834
Jet fuel, million tons3,291 3,069 3,110 3,793 3,951
Fuel oil and vacuum gas oil, million tons17,540 14,651 12,511 9,098 9,399
Oils and components, million tons1,109 0,928 1,015 1,163 0,961
Others, million tons6,742 6,177 6,545 6,437 6,846
Light yield, % 59,8 62,6 66,5 71,3 70,5
Processing depth, % 80,1 81,6 85,2 86,8 88,0
Nelson index 7,6 8,2 8,8 8,8 8,8

Russian refineries

The commissioning of new processing plants in 2015–2016, optimization of the loading of secondary processes and expansion of the raw material basket made it possible to significantly improve the structure of products and reduce the share of fuel oil and vacuum gas oil in favor of increasing the share of light petroleum products.


In 2018, work continued to increase the depth of processing through the use of alternative raw materials and additional loading of secondary processes, including through deepening inter-plant integration.

Volgograd Refinery

    Located in the southern region of Russia

    Processes a mixture of light West Siberian and Lower Volga oils

    Oil is supplied to the plant via the Samara-Tikhoretsk oil pipeline

    Finished products are shipped by rail, river and by car

    The main conversion processes are coking units (2 units with a capacity of 24.0 thousand barrels per day), hydrocracking units (with a capacity of 67.0 thousand barrels per day)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Capacity*, million tons/year11,3 14,5 14,5 14,5 14,5
Nelson index6,1 5,4 6,9 6,9 6,9
Processing of raw materials, million tons11,413 12,587 12,895 14,388 14,775
Output of petroleum products, million tons10,932 12,037 12,413 13,825 14,263

* Excluding unused capacity (1.2 million tons since 2015).

    History of the plant

    The plant was put into operation in 1957 and became part of LUKOIL in 1991. In the early 2000s. a gasoline mixing station and an oil drainage rack, diesel fuel hydrotreating installations, stabilization of straight-run gasoline and gas fractionation of saturated hydrocarbon gases were put into operation.

    In 2004-2010 The first stage of a coke calcination unit and an isomerization unit were commissioned, and a catalytic reforming unit was built. The vacuum block of the AVT-6 installation was reconstructed and put into operation. The production of diesel fuel under the EKTO brand has begun.

    In 2010-2014 The diesel fuel hydrotreating unit was modernized, a hydrogen concentration unit, a delayed coking unit, a diesel fuel hydrotreating unit, and the second line of the coke calcination unit were put into operation.

    In 2015, the ELOU-AVT-1 primary oil refining unit was put into operation, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of refining and increase the oil refining capacity to 15.7 million tons/year.

    In 2016, a complex for advanced processing of vacuum gas oil was put into operation. The capacity of the largest Vacuum Gas Oil Advanced Processing Complex in Russia is 3.5 million tons/year. It was built in record time short time- for 3 years. The complex also included installations for the production of hydrogen and sulfur, and plant facilities.

    In 2017, the hydrocracking unit, built in 2016, was successfully brought into design mode. This made it possible to significantly improve the plant’s basket of petroleum products by replacing vacuum gas oil with products with high added value, primarily Euro-5 diesel fuel.

    In 2018, the Volgograd Refinery developed a technology for the production of low-sulfur dark marine fuel that meets future MARPOL requirements.

Perm Oil Refinery

  • Oil refinery plant of fuel and oil petrochemical profile

    Located 9 km from Perm

    Processes a mixture of oils from fields in the north of the Perm region and Western Siberia

    Oil is supplied to the plant via the Surgut-Polotsk and Kholmogory-Klin oil pipelines

    Finished products are shipped by rail, road and river transport, as well as via the Perm-Andreevka-Ufa oil product pipeline

    The main conversion processes are T-Star hydrocracking units (65.2 thousand barrels/day), catalytic cracking (9.3 thousand barrels/day), coking (56.0 thousand barrels/day)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Capacity, million tons/year13,1 13,1 13,1 13,1 13,1
Nelson index8,1 9,4 9,4 9,4 9,4
Processing of raw materials, million tons12,685 11,105 11,898 12,452 12,966
Output of petroleum products, million tons12,430 10,333 11,008 11,543 12,042

    History of the plant

    The plant was put into operation in 1958, and in 1991 became part of LUKOIL. In the 1990s. The plant implemented a program for the reconstruction of a coke plant, built a vacuum distillation unit for fuel oil, created oil production, and put into operation a unit for the utilization of hydrogen sulfide and the production of sulfuric acid.

    In the 2000s. a deep oil refining complex and an isomerization unit were introduced, the AVT units were reconstructed and the atmospheric unit of the AVT-4 unit was modernized. In 2008, the refinery's capacity was increased to 12.6 million tons/year.

    In 2011-2014 The capacity of the delayed coking unit was increased to 1 million tons/year, the diesel fuel hydrotreating unit was modernized, and the technical re-equipment of the vacuum unit of the AVT-4 unit was completed.

    In 2015, the Oil Residue Processing Complex was put into operation, which made it possible to switch to a fuel oil-free scheme and increase the yield of light petroleum products; the construction of a power unit with an installed capacity of 200 MW was also completed. In 2016, the reconstruction of the diesel fuel hydrodearomatization unit of the hydrocracking unit was completed.

    In 2017, a fuel oil discharge rack with a capacity of up to 1 million tons per year was put into operation. The overpass increased inter-plant integration and made it possible to provide a complex for processing oil residues and a bitumen production unit at the Perm Oil Refinery with heavy petroleum feedstock from the Nizhny Novgorod Oil Refinery.

    In 2018, the infrastructure for receiving fuel oil was put into operation at the Perm Refinery, which made it possible to increase the load on delayed coking units and increase inter-plant optimization within the Group.

Nizhny Novgorod Refinery

    Fuel and oil refinery plant

    Located in Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod region

    Processes a mixture of oils from Western Siberia and Tatarstan

    Oil is supplied to the plant via the Almetyevsk-Nizhny Novgorod and Surgut-Polotsk oil pipelines

    Finished products are shipped by rail, road and river transport, as well as by pipeline

    Main conversion processes - catalytic cracking unit (80.0 thousand barrels/day), viscosity breaking unit (42.2 thousand barrels/day)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Capacity, million tons/year17,0 17,0 17,0 17,0 17,0
Nelson index6,4 7,1 7,3 7,3 7,3
Processing of raw materials, million tons17,021 15,108 15,423 15,484 14,989
Output of petroleum products, million tons16,294 14,417 14,826 14,727 14,296

    History of the plant

    The plant was put into operation in 1958 and became part of LUKOIL in 2001.

    In the 2000s. AVT-5 and oil hydrotreating units were reconstructed. A catalytic reforming unit and a gasoline isomerization unit were put into operation, and the AVT-6 atmospheric unit was modernized. The hydrotreating unit was reconstructed, which made it possible to begin producing diesel fuel according to the Euro-5 standard. In 2008, a tar visbreaking unit with a capacity of 2.4 million tons/year was commissioned, which contributed to an increase in the output of vacuum gas oil and a decrease in the output of heating oil. In 2010, a complex for catalytic cracking of vacuum gas oil was put into operation, thanks to which the production of high-octane gasoline and diesel fuel was increased. The diesel fuel hydrotreating unit was reconstructed.

    In 2011-2014 A hydrofluoride alkylation unit was put into operation, and the reconstruction of AVT-5 was completed. In 2015, Catalytic Cracking Complex 2 and Vacuum Unit VT-2 were put into operation. In 2016, the raw material basket was expanded.

    In 2017, the production of premium gasoline EKTO 100 with improved performance properties began. A final investment decision was also made on the construction of a delayed coking complex with a capacity of 2.1 million tons per year of raw materials. The raw materials for the complex will be heavy oil refining residues, and the main types of products will be diesel fuel, straight-run gasoline and gas fractions, as well as dark petroleum products - vacuum gas oil and coke. The construction of the complex and related optimization measures will increase the yield of light petroleum products at the Nizhny Novgorod Refinery by more than 10%. Increasing recycling capacity, along with optimizing plant loading, will significantly reduce fuel oil output.

    In 2018, construction of a delayed coking complex began at the Nizhny Novgorod Refinery, EPC contracts were concluded with contractors, and preparation of the pile field and foundations of the complex’s installations began. Increasing the recycling capacity along with optimizing the plant's load will make it possible to reduce fuel oil output by 2.7 million tons per year.

Ukhta Oil Refinery

    Located in the central part of the Komi Republic

    Processes a mixture of oils from the fields of the Komi Republic

    Oil is supplied to the plant via the Usa-Ukhta oil pipeline

    Main conversion processes - visbreaking unit (14.1 thousand barrels/day)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Capacity*, million tons/year4,0 4,0 4,2 4,2 4,2
Nelson index3,8 3,8 3,7 3,7 3,7
Processing of raw materials, million tons3,993 3,386 2,853 2,311 1,899
Output of petroleum products, million tons3,835 3,221 2,693 2,182 1,799

* Excluding unused capacity (2.0 million tons).

    History of the plant

    The plant was put into operation in 1934 and became part of LUKOIL in 1999.

    In the 2000s, the AT-1 unit was reconstructed, a diesel fuel hydrodewaxing unit, and an oil unloading and loading rack for dark oil products were introduced. The first stage of reconstruction of the catalytic reforming complex was completed, which increased the capacity of the process by 35 thousand tons/year. A unit was introduced to increase the concentration of hydrogen at the hydrodewaxing unit, the second stage of the oil and petroleum products unloading and loading rack complex was built, the re-equipment of the catalytic reforming unit was completed, and a vacuum tar visbreaking unit with a capacity of 800 thousand tons/year was launched, which made it possible to increase the production of vacuum gas oil. In 2009, construction of the isomerization unit was completed.

    In 2012, the technical re-equipment of the reactor unit of the GDS-850 diesel fuel hydrotreating unit was completed. In 2013, the AVT unit was put into operation after reconstruction, and the capacity of the vacuum unit was increased to 2 million tons/year. The project for the construction of a gas condensate drainage unit has been completed. In 2014-2015 The technical re-equipment of the enterprise continued.


European refineries


​Refinery in Ploesti, Romania

    Oil refinery fuel profile

    Located in Ploesti (in the central part of Romania), 55 km from Bucharest

    Processes Urals grade oil (Russian export mixture) and oil from Romanian fields

    Oil is supplied to the plant via an oil pipeline from the port of Constanta on the Black Sea. Romanian oil also arrives by rail

    Finished products are shipped by rail and road transport

    The main conversion processes are the installation of catalytic cracking (18.9 thousand barrels per day) and coking unit (12.5 thousand barrels per day)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2048
Capacity, million tons/year2,7 2,7 2,7 2,7 2.7
Nelson index10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10.0
Processing of raw materials, million tons2,380 2,237 2,771 2,368 2,723
2,328 2,173 2,709 2,320 2,659

    History of the plant

    The plant was put into operation in 1904 and became part of LUKOIL in 1999.

    In the 2000s. production of AI-98 gasoline and low-sulfur diesel fuel has been mastered. In the early 2000s. installations for primary oil refining, hydrotreating, reforming, coking, catalytic cracking, gas fractionation and isomerization were modernized; installations for hydrotreating gasoline through catalytic cracking and hydrogen production were built. In 2004, the plant was put into operation. Later, an installation for the production of MTBE/TAME additives was commissioned, a 25 MW turbogenerator was launched, the reconstruction of diesel fuel hydrotreating, catalytic cracking, catalytic cracking gasoline hydrotreating and MTBE/TAME production units, as well as the vacuum unit of the AVT-1 installation, was completed. The construction of a hydrogen production plant was completed, which made it possible to produce Euro-5 fuels.

    In 2010-2014 2 new coke chambers of the delayed coking unit were installed, the production of propylene with a sulfur content of less than 5 ppm was organized, the reconstruction of the amine unit was completed, an improved control system was introduced at the AVT-3 unit, which allows increasing output commercial products. In 2013, projects were completed to increase the degree of recovery of C3+ from dry catalytic cracking gas and modernize treatment facilities. Conducted major renovation The enterprise switched to a fuel oil-free production scheme, the depth of refining and the yield of light petroleum products were increased.

    In 2015, a catalytic cracking flue gas purification unit was put into operation.

​Refinery in Burgas, Bulgaria

    Oil refinery plant of fuel and petrochemical profile

    Located on the Black Sea coast, 15 km from Burgas

    Processes oil of various grades (including Russian export grades), fuel oil

    Oil is supplied to the plant via a pipeline from the Rosenets oil terminal.

    Finished products are shipped by rail, sea and road transport, as well as via oil pipelines to the central regions of the country

    The main conversion processes are a catalytic cracking unit (37.1 thousand barrels/day), visbreaking unit (26.4 thousand barrels/day) and a tar hydrocracking unit (39.0 thousand barrels/day)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Capacity*, million tons/year7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0
Nelson index8,9 13,0 13,0 13,0 13,0
Processing of raw materials, million tons5,987 6,623 6,813 7,004 5,997
Output of commercial products, million tons5,635 6,210 6,402 6,527 5,663

* Excluding unused capacity (2.8 million tons).