Electronic document management helps entrepreneurs significantly save time, so we tell you how to obtain an electronic signature for an individual entrepreneur. Without an electronic digital signature, you will not be able to fully use online services, participate in auctions, or submit reports remotely. What is the easiest way to get an electronic signature and how much does it cost?

Obtaining an electronic digital signature for individual entrepreneurs will significantly simplify document flow and conduct business in general. This is an analogue of a personal signature that allows you to visa electronic files, undergo authorization and certify documents for state portals. For example, using an electronic digital signature, you can submit a tax return remotely through the Federal Tax Service website and significantly save time on traveling to a branch and filling out a paper form.

Convenience and time are the two most important factors that determine the practical usefulness of an electronic signature. But in order to get a digital signature key that is best suited for you, you need to understand the types of digital signatures. They differ in the degree of protection and capabilities.

Electronic signatures are divided into 3 types according to the degree of protection

Simple electronic signature

The most common type - simple - is well known not only to entrepreneurs. All citizens use it regularly. These are access codes from SMS, links in emails and even combinations of logins and passwords for authorization on sites. They exist only in virtual space, are not a separate device, and therefore do not require special registration (except for registering a login on the site).

A simple digital signature is usually created for one use. Its task is to confirm one operation. For example, a bank transfer or a purchase in an online store. It is impossible to use the PEP to confirm documents, that is, as a replacement for a regular signature.

What is it used for: confirmation of payments and banking transactions, authorization on websites to receive some government services.

Reinforced unskilled

A more complex version of the electronic signature - enhanced unqualified or NEP - has a very limited purpose. It is not as safe as qualified one. It is a USB device, in other words a flash drive. It is written on it electronic version owner's signature. The functionality allows you to check whether the document was edited after certification of the NEP. This best option, if you need to order an electronic signature for bidding.

What is it used for: for participation in tenders for state and municipal procurement, for electronic document management within the company, as well as for individuals to send tax documents.

Reinforced qualified

The most secure option, and therefore in demand by business, is enhanced qualified or CEP. Valid only if the owner has a paper confirmation certificate. Looks just like a flash drive. The software for this type of device is certified by the FSB, so you can obtain a qualified electronic signature only in accredited centers and institutions.

What is it used for: fully equivalent to a handwritten signature, required for delivery tax reporting and execution of final decisions on electronic auctions.

EDS helps entrepreneurs conduct electronic document management and submit tax returns remotely

Signature validity period

How long the device will work depends on its type. Opening hours are determined by the distribution center. The total duration of validity is contained in the electronic signature certificate, and the date of commencement of use is considered the date of issue. The most common period is 1 year.

In some cases, the institution may assign a longer period of use, but not more than 15 years.

Unified identification and authorization system

Portal " Government services» is equally useful for ordinary citizens and entrepreneurs. But using it is possible only after registration and login. Authorization can be done in two ways:

  • via login and password (by the way, this is a type of PEP);
  • using an electronic signature.

For the second option, you need to connect the device to the computer and click “Finish”. If it is working properly and registered in the proper manner, the service will recognize the user in a few seconds. Digital signatures work quickly, which is their important advantage.

How to obtain an electronic signature

The procedure for obtaining an electronic signature depends on the type of device. There is no need to issue a simple signature: if necessary, the service itself will create a code by which it will identify you. For example, an online store will send the user an SMS with a code that must be entered to make a purchase.

An individual can obtain an electronic digital signature for the tax office free of charge on the Federal Tax Service website. Such an electronic signature individual valid only in the taxpayer’s account, for example, when filing a tax return. However, ordinary citizens, not entrepreneurs, will not need this type of visa in other situations. All they need is their own signature.

The issuance of such devices is controlled by the Federal Treasury. But it is not necessary to contact the regional branch of this institution; it is more convenient to choose the nearest accredited center. Now let's look at how to issue an electronic signature. 6 simple steps:

  1. Select device type.
  2. Find an accredited certification center (a complete current list is available on the website of the Ministry of Communications in the “Important” section).
  3. Fill out the application.
  4. Pay for the service.
  5. Prepare documents.
  6. Receive and check the operation of the device.

An electronic signature will allow you to endorse files online

Documents for obtaining digital signature

Registration of an individual entrepreneur will require the preparation of an electronic digital signature small package of documents:

  • application (available at the signature issuance center);
  • certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  • extract from the register legal entities less than 6 months old;
  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • payment receipt.

The procedure for obtaining an electronic signature is quite simple, and the entire procedure takes 1 day. Some institutions even promise a signature in as little as an hour. The advantage is that you don’t need to order any special documents; the entrepreneur already has everything he needs on hand. Cost from 1500 rubles.

Receipt at the MFC

If an accredited center for issuing digital signatures is located inconveniently or is completely absent in the city, you can use MFC services"My documents." For the visit, you need to prepare a similar package of documents. MFC specialists will help you fill out the application. The duration of the service is 10 days. That is, after 10 days you need to visit the center again (usually you receive an SMS notification that the signature is ready) and pick up the certificate.

Features of digital signature registration for the State Services portal

Full access to “Government services” can be provided by digital signature. Public services, when authorized using an electronic signature, provide full access to the service. You can also order an electronic signature for this portal online, through the website of the National Certification Center.

Log into your personal account on the website nucrf.ru and fill out an application. You need to indicate for what purposes you need a signature and where it is more convenient to obtain it (you will have to select an option from the proposed list). It's not free - 950 rubles.

How to recover a lost signature

An electronic digital signature is a device virtually equivalent to a personal signature. If it falls into the wrong hands or to scammers, problems may arise. If you lose your device, you must promptly contact the same center where you received it and write an application for cancellation. At the same time, you need to reassemble the package of documents and order a new digital signature.


An electronic signature is a convenient tool for document management, equally useful for ordinary citizens and entrepreneurs. You can complete it in just an hour and 1,500 rubles, since the package of documents is very standard and the procedure is quite simple. There are several types of digital signatures; the choice is based on the planned operations.

Any citizen registered as an individual entrepreneur can conduct commercial activities on a par with legal entities. This particularly applies to the sphere of electronic interaction – information Technology provide equal opportunities for all participants. And the safety and protection of your interests is guaranteed by means of electronic digital signature.
EDS is one of the key tools of an entrepreneur, providing access to new areas of activity, saving time and making work easier. Thanks to a digital signature, the individual entrepreneur receives:

  • Access to government tenders and commercial procurement;
  • Organization of convenient and secure document flow;
  • Submission of reports to electronic form;
  • Access to government services of interest.
There are many options for using digital signatures, and with the introduction of technology, this area is constantly expanding. To reap the maximum benefits, an entrepreneur should use all available opportunities.

Digital signature for trading – participate and win

Electronic trading – one of the main earning opportunities for an individual entrepreneur. Today, optimal conditions have been created for individual entrepreneurs to develop their business, enter into new contracts, and make a profit by participating in procurement by government and commercial structures.
To access the bidding systems, an electronic digital signature of the appropriate type is required. Obtaining an electronic digital signature is the first step to winning the tender!
There are 3 main procurement systems in our country:

  • State order(public procurement carried out by state and municipal authorities at the expense of the budget);
  • Procurement of state corporations (companies with state participation);
  • Commercial tenders carried out by business entities not associated with the state.

Work in each of the presented procurement systems is possible only with an electronic digital signature. EDS is used in large quantities procedures:

  • Accreditation on the trading platform;
  • Signing applications and documents;
  • Registration of participation in tenders;
  • Submission of an application and its withdrawal;
  • Sending a request for clarification of the provisions of the documentation and bidding results;
  • Filing complaints to authorized bodies;
  • Signing the contract.

We draw your attention!
Separate digital signature sets are produced that provide access to different electronic trading systems:

To choose the right type of electronic signature, find out what trading platforms(procurement systems) Are you interested?

Digital signature for efficient document flow

Digital signature tools allow the entrepreneur to organize convenient and secure document flow in electronic form. With the help of digital signature, you can significantly facilitate the processes of exchanging documents with customers, clients and partners. At the same time, completely protect yourself from possible data losses or leaks.

Electronic document management with digital signature is:

  • Ensuring legal force equivalent to documents with a signature and seal;
  • Guarantees the authenticity of electronic documentation;
  • Security and confidentiality, absolute protection against counterfeiting;
  • Organization of simple and economical processing and storage;
  • Possibility of implementation in international systems document flow.
Thanks to an electronic signature, you can speed up and simplify the work with documents, guarantee their protection and minimize costs. These benefits are appreciated modern business. Use effective cryptography tools to speak the same language with him!

Selecting digital signature: you can order a separate electronic signature for document flow or choose a more functional kit that provides not only the signing of documents, but also access to trading. There are many more options for completing the EDS. Contact us and we will find you optimal solution for you.

Digital signature for reporting – minimum risks, maximum comfort

Submitting reports to regulatory authorities (Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund) is the responsibility of every individual entrepreneur. The law defines the conditions that must be observed when reporting to the state. One of them is compliance established deadlines to which reporting should be submitted. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in administrative penalties.

Therefore, you should take a responsible approach to the process of preparing reporting documents and their timely submission to the relevant departments. And the process can be organized as efficiently as possible using an electronic signature, which is the key to specialized electronic services.

There are 2 ways to submit reports electronically:

  1. 1. Official websites of the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund - the most accessible solution, but does not protect users from possible technical failures.
  2. 2. Software (Kontur-Extern, SBiS++, Taxcom-Sprinter and other programs) - a more convenient and safe way.

In each case, when submitting reports, you must use electronic digital signature . Moreover, for each department it is provided separate species EDS.

You should choose the appropriate electronic signature kit based on your objective needs. Having determined the circle of authorities to which you will report in the coming year, you can order the optimal set of digital signatures.

EDS for government services – even more opportunities

Government services for individual entrepreneurs are an opportunity to take advantage of the benefits provided by the state. Currently, individual entrepreneurs have access to a wide range of government services, some of which are provided free of charge. Among the most popular services: filing a tax return, as well as an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

Most services are available in electronic form– you can use them by registering on the portals gosuslugi.ru and pgu.mos.ru. When registering as an individual entrepreneur, you must use an electronic signature.

Government services that can be obtained on electronic portals:

  • Issuance of permission for the entry of freight transport within the Moscow Ring Road, Third Transport Ring, Garden Ring;
  • Obtaining a building permit;
  • Obtaining a private security company license;
  • Rent of space during the Weekend Fair;
  • Other.

Have with you:

1. Statement Word .doc (0.1mb), in .

2. Passport- the original, as well as copy a spread with a photograph and registration, certified by the seal of the organization, your signature with a transcript of the surname and the inscription “Copy is correct.”


5. - a copy certified by the seal of the individual entrepreneur, a signature with a transcript of the surname and the phrase “the copy is correct.”

The ES is received by a trusted person.

You can obtain an electronic signature certificate for an individual entrepreneur only with the IP seal.

Upon receipt you must have with you:

1. Statement for the production of an electronic signature, filled out in person and certified with the seal and signature of the individual entrepreneur. Download the application in Word .doc (0.1mb) format, in the format

2. Copy of Passport a double-page spread with a photograph and registration, certified by the seal of the individual entrepreneur, a signature with a transcript of the surname and the phrase “the copy is correct.”

3. Copy of SNILS, certified by the seal of the individual entrepreneur, a signature with a transcript of the surname and the phrase “the copy is correct.”

4. Certificate of registration with the tax authority (TIN)- a copy certified by the seal of the individual entrepreneur, a signature with a transcript of the surname and the phrase “the copy is correct.”

5. Certificate of state registration(OGRNIP)- a copy certified by the seal of the individual entrepreneur, a signature with a transcript of the surname and the phrase “the copy is correct.”

6. Passport of the authorized representative, as well as a copy of the passport (main page and registration) of the authorized representative, certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the applicant’s organization.

7. Power of attorney to receive an electronic signature in our form, certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the applicant’s organization.

8. It is necessary to provide a photo of the applicant holding the original passport with the main page open in a readable form.

IN multifunctional centers, starting from 2017, you can obtain an electronic (digital) signature key, it is easy to issue an electronic signature for an individual at the MFC, the process does not require much time and money.

Since April 6, 2011, it has been valid throughout Russia Federal law No. 63 Federal Law, regulating the creation and use of such signatures.

It replaced the no longer valid No. 1-FZ. Many people are interested in why an electronic signature is needed and what advantages it provides.

In this review, we will talk about all the legal and everyday nuances associated with obtaining, using and restoring signatures.

Free legal consultation

In the era of the development of cryptography (encryption), experts created programs whose algorithms generate multi-character complex combinations. To use the system, a bunch of two keys is used - public and private.

The first user forwards to those with whom he plans to exchange confidential data. The second one is used by the owner himself. It allows you to send certificates to other people and authenticate official papers.

Both options are software products that have an expiration date. Upon completion, replacement is required. This is similar to the validity of licenses for antivirus programs, for which the period of use must be extended. This restriction ensures the safety of users.

It is so difficult and expensive to hack and tamper with a file that in the vast majority of cases, attackers simply do not have such resources.

The main scope of application is confirmation of the authenticity of documents for various purposes filled out by individuals (private citizens) or legal entities (enterprises and organizations). We are talking about a complete analogue of a personal painting, which has the same legal force in any authorities.

Types of digital signatures and their differences

Let's move on to a more detailed consideration of the point about what types of electronic signatures there are and how they differ. The first option is a simple email. signature.

It can be used to work on government service websites or used for internal company affairs related to the signing of orders, resolutions, and correspondence.

The sole purpose is to confirm actual authorship. This option has no legal force at the state level.

A more advanced version, which has protection that guarantees authenticity and authorship, is called an unqualified electronic signature.

It can be used for internal and external (by mutual agreement) document flow. When making such software product New generation cryptographic systems are used.

The most effective and legally recognized is qualified signature, abbreviated as KEP. With its help, you can submit tax returns, work with the Pension Fund website, and participate in auctions.

The level of protection in this case is maximum, because cryptographic systems used for keys are tested by FSB experts and certified by security authorities.

Using a qualified electronic signature, you limit access to confidential documents and receive protection against theft important information, incl. industrial espionage.

List of documents for obtaining an electronic digital signature

Some users are not aware of what documents are needed to obtain an electronic signature. The point is that ordinary people, entrepreneurs and company managers will have a different list of required papers.

In the first case, it is enough to write an application, attaching a receipt and a photocopy of your passport certified by a notary. The second one is more difficult:

  • Order on the appointment of the head of the enterprise (certified copy);
  • Passport of the person submitting the application (original);
  • If a third party is submitting the application, a power of attorney in his name is required;
  • Charter of the enterprise (certified copy);
  • Statement of payment.

The registration procedure is quick. On average, production takes no more than three days from the date of application. Applications are always processed in order of priority, and this happens without any hitches.

Receipt through multifunctional centers

Often people simply do not know where the accredited service for issuing digital signatures is located, and are interested in whether it is possible to obtain an electronic signature through the MFC at their place of residence.

Experts answer that such a possibility really exists. By contacting the municipal services center, any citizen or representative of a legal entity will be able to receive the keys within ten working days from the date of submission of the application. Such services have been provided since 2017.

To register, you need to make an appointment by phone hotline 88005505030 or come to the branch to get an electronic queue coupon.

Upon arrival, you will need to write an application according to the sample that will be given to you on the spot. You also need to have your passport and... The service is free for the public.

The procedure is extremely simple. First, you register on the website of the certification center, select a registration service, prepare the above papers, pay for the service in a convenient way (bank, terminal, Visa or MasterCard).

There are several ways to obtain an electronic signature for individuals, and they differ in purpose.

How to make an electronic signature for government services

Free legal consultation

If you need to use the capabilities of the gosuslugi.ru website, work with the tax service and Rosreestr portals, you will need a qualified signature. With its help, a citizen can carry out the following operations:

  • Receive or replace a civil or TIN;
  • Request information about income, debts, fines from the tax and;
  • Receive electronically;
  • Check the account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • Register or deregister in the city, carry out similar operations with the car;
  • Apply to a university in another city;
  • Conclude contracts for remote work;
  • Participate in the electronic trading system throughout the country;
  • Register ;
  • Obtain a license, patent.

You can obtain this type of digital signature from certification centers. Cost – 950 rub. To do this you will need to perform the following set of steps:

  • Visit the official website of the NCC of the Russian Federation and go through a quick registration procedure;
  • IN personal account indicate where you live and where you want to receive an electronic signature;
  • Clarify for what purposes it is planned to be used;
  • Request an invoice and pay it in a convenient way;
  • Arrive at the pickup location at the specified time with a package of necessary documents.

So you can easily make an individual an electronic signature for government services and other tasks related to official document flow and various registrations. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this process, and it will take a little time.

Digital signature and distribution of powers

Often the signature belongs to a legal entity - more precisely, the head of a company or business owner. But at the same time, all the main “current” tasks are performed by his deputy, chief legal department or other official in the company.

In this case, a logical question arises - how to issue a power of attorney for the use of an electronic signature by another person? Is such a procedure possible in principle?

Yes, such a possibility is provided for and enshrined in law. In accordance with the Regulations on the use of digital signatures dated December 27, 2012, legal entities have the right to appoint authorized representatives, who, in turn, will use special digital signatures.

An application with a power of attorney is submitted to the certification center (you can download a sample here). After this, the representative will be issued certificates.

Loss of digital signature and procedures related to restoration

Your laptop was stolen or your hard drive was damaged and cannot be restored. What to do in this case, To How to restore an electronic signature in the prescribed manner? If the key is lost, it cannot be recovered. You will have to apply for a new one.

The essence is the same as during the initial appeal. There is also no difference in timing. You simply repeat the previously completed procedure. Warn everyone about such changes. Use backup storage options such as portable flash drives to avoid unnecessary hassle.

If necessary, you can use the help of specialists who will help you quickly and competently assemble everything necessary documents and issue or restore an electronic digital signature in the shortest possible time.

EDS is an abbreviation for electronic digital signature. This is a kind of requisite with the help of which the document is confirmed as belonging to the owner, as well as changes made to it. EDS for individual entrepreneurs, just like for all legal entities, is becoming a necessity, because electronic circulation of documents is gradually replacing paper ones. But you still need to sign them.

How can I get an electronic signature?

Before you start receiving, you need to understand the main points.

This signature has several purposes:

The order in which the signature is drawn up depends on the type. A simple signature in order to use the site’s services requires simply entering a login and password or a code received via SMS. It's also free. But if a qualified or unqualified signature is needed, then you cannot do without issuing an electronic signature certificate at a special certification center (CA).

One signature is created for a specific individual and confirms all his legal actions. Where can I get an electronic signature for an individual entrepreneur? To do this, you need to contact a certification center.

It is required to provide a set of documents according to the list:

  • passport with a copy of the first page, as well as the one where registration;
  • certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs (copy);
  • certificate that the individual entrepreneur is registered with the tax authority (copy);
  • – original or notarized copy;
  • application for production and registration;
  • statement of the individual entrepreneur’s consent to the processing of his personal data;
  • a statement that the individual entrepreneur agrees to join the CA Regulations.

When the package of papers is collected, the citizen hands it over to a specialist. There you need to come up with a password yourself (it will be impossible to replace it, so you should either remember it well or write it down).

But both the package of documents and the procedure for applying to the CA may be different. Some centers require personal presence, while others organize the entire procedure online via the Internet.

How to obtain an electronic signature key for an individual entrepreneur. An individual entrepreneur personally visits the CA and submits a set of documents. If there is a seal, then you need to take it too. If the package of documents is completely collected and the digital signature is needed urgently, then it will be ready within 1-2 days. Indefinite production may take several weeks.

When manufactured, the kit includes the key itself and a certificate for it. It confirms the ownership of the key to a certain person, can be paper or electronic.

The electronic signature key for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs comes in two types:

The certificate contains information about the owner of the digital signature, number public key. This is a kind of passport of the owner. The certificate is valid for 1 year from the date of delivery to the client. During this time, a person is authorized to sign a certain set of securities with its help. Then a new one needs to be made.

Electronic document management (EDF) is becoming part of the lives of businessmen. It saves time, but today there is no mandatory need for it.

The individual entrepreneur decides whether to use the convenience or not. Setting up EDI requires time and cash. At a minimum, you will have to install software.

What does digital signature look like and why is it better?

Depending on the features of a particular electronic document, the digital signature looks different:

  1. A certain combination of characters (numbers or letters) containing a code cipher.
  2. Invisible signature, completely confidential, guarantees complete protection.
  3. A graphic signature looks like a seal, a sticker, a signature sample, and is also visible in paper form.

Electronic signature is just coming into use individual entrepreneurs, what advantages does it have over the usual one:

  • cannot be faked or copied, it is unique;
  • saving time on visiting authorities (bank, tax office and others);
  • opportunity to submit urgent documents at the last moment;
  • obtaining statements and other documents without visiting institutions;
  • automatic access to system updates;
  • savings on the maintenance of some employees.

EDS has a price, it depends on the location of the entrepreneur, scope of application, option, etc. The average production cost is 2.5-20 thousand rubles. How much an electronic digital signature can cost in a particular case depends on the region and the prices of the CA. But the advantage of an electronic signature over a regular one is undeniable.

If suddenly the owner of the electronic signature changes some personal data (last name, etc.), the certificate is immediately replaced, because it becomes invalid.

Electronic reporting

For many years now, reports have been submitted electronically, just like paper ones. The standard procedure includes drawing up reports, printing on paper, saving data on a flash drive, certification with a seal and signatures (director, chief accountant), then submitting these forms to the required authority. If an error was made, the procedure was repeated again. Accordingly, we had to start in advance, with time to spare.

Today, reporting to the tax authorities, Pension fund and other organizations can be submitted electronically.


It is important that a reliable CA is chosen, then the method of delivering documentation to the target does not matter.

How to obtain an electronic signature for an individual entrepreneur for the tax office? An electronic digital signature made at the tax service will not be useful anywhere else.

In the user’s personal account, all required fields are filled in. In the system, you need to select a method for storing the key, and then generate a certificate. If the data is correct, the confirm button is pressed. After a short time (minute, hour) the key will be assigned.

If you store the key on a flash drive or in a laptop, then if you lose it you will have to go through the procedure again. If the key is saved on the site tax office, then you can submit reports from any computer connected to the Internet, just log into your personal account.

Digital signatures for individual entrepreneurs generated on the Federal Tax Service website are useful only for filing tax reports.

The Federal Tax Service on its website will offer to download and install the “Taxpayer” program, through which reporting will be generated.

Banking transactions via digital signature

Even if there is no need to transfer all the work of an individual entrepreneur into electronic document management, then for minimal convenience you can issue an electronic signature for banking transactions.

With its help you can:

  • look at the status of bank accounts;
  • order statements for any period;
  • send money by electronic payment order, etc.

To generate a statement or electronic payment, you also do not need to visit a bank branch, which is convenient when an action needs to be completed urgently.

How can you obtain an electronic digital signature for an individual entrepreneur as a bank client: when you apply, they themselves provide installation and maintenance services software clients, through which electronic document flow is carried out.

Government services are provided through the website of the same name by creating account, and therefore a simple electronic signature. When registering, the resource checks the citizen’s data as an individual entrepreneur and the availability of information in the register (USRIP) with the database.

It is difficult to master the convenience of the opportunities that the Internet provides, especially if the individual entrepreneur himself or his employees are aged, have little knowledge of the work of networks, and do not even perceive it as real. There is no need to switch to digital signature; all organizations work with paper media. But an electronic digital signature will become a convenience for individual entrepreneurs, a way to save time and money.