Tenders are a popular form of selling goods and services in various sectors of the economy.

Construction, cargo transportation, agriculture, repairs, landscaping, supplies various types equipment - this is not a complete list of all areas in which tenders are organized.

Becoming a bidder, especially for beginners, is not easy. This requires a detailed study of the issue, including from a legislative point of view, as well as the accumulation of relevant experience. It is known that ¼ of all tenders placed are intended for small and medium-sized businesses.

Conducting tenders is a worldwide practice; there are clear, approved and time-tested rules and tender procedures. In Russia, independent auctions began to be held in the 90s of the twentieth century after the establishment of market relations in the country. Since then, tenders in domestic economic conditions have gained high popularity, and many business representatives are trying to take part in them and win.

The concept and legislative basis of this issue

The meaning of the tender is that the customer, during the bidding process on a competitive basis, selects one of the proposals for the purchase of goods or services under certain conditions and within a specified time frame. Essentially, the tender is reverse auction when there is one buyer of a product, service or work and several sellers.

The conduct of tenders, as well as the mandatory actions of their participants, are regulated Federal Law No. 44-FZ"ABOUT contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.” Information about ongoing purchases is posted on the Internet.

According to legal regulations, the customer announces corresponding competition, compares the proposals received and then selects the most suitable one, concluding an agreement with the winning participant, etc. The customer is the state, which purchases products for enterprises of different forms of ownership. The winner of the auction is the company that offers the most favorable conditions for the customer.

Types of tenders

Depending from the composition of participants , distinguish state/municipal and commercial tenders.

State auctions regulated by regulations Federal Law 94-FZ “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state or municipal needs.”

It is well known that the state is a participant in market relations, since in order to perform management functions it needs goods, works and services. The participant who offers the necessary goods, works or services on the most acceptable terms can win the auction. However, the main feature of government procurement is its implementation with the help of budget funds, which requires special, increased control.

Conducting tenders allows interaction between suppliers and officials responsible for budget funds, as transparent as possible. Based on the results of such tenders, a report is made to the state on the selection of a particular supplier of goods or services. The tender system ideally provides a favorable competitive environment, excluding collusion between the customer and supplier.

In the case of commercial tenders customers themselves determine the regulations and conditions for their implementation, and hold tenders for their own or borrowed funds. They can publish an official notice of the tender along with its terms in the media, or distribute information about the open tender among suppliers directly.

Based on from the features of the trades, they may be open or closed.

Information about open tenders is freely published on the Internet and in the media, applications for participation in them can be submitted by anyone (individuals and legal entities). This type of bidding is popular in the field of government procurement, while ordinary companies rarely use it. This is a fairly effective method, since it creates a competitive environment; participants can freely familiarize themselves with the terms of the auction.

In the case of sealed auction, announcements about them are not publicly posted, and invitations are sent only to predetermined companies that, for example, are related to state secrets. The range of performers for a closed tender is always limited, and most often these are more expensive tenders than open tenders. The list of participants in the closed auction is not disclosed.

Depending from typology , tenders can be held in the form of auctions and competitions.

Feature competition is the selection of the winner who offered the best conditions based on a set of criteria (price, quality of goods or services, consumer properties, qualification of the participant, deadlines, guarantee).

Auction, conducted via the Internet, is the main way of distributing government orders today. To determine the winner here the only criterion is the price. The winner is the one who offers the lowest order price based on the base price set by the customer.

Procedure for consideration of applications determines according to tenders one-stage or two-stage their types.

If we are talking about one-stage tenders, the customer clearly states their conditions in advance, then reviews the received applications and identifies the winner. Basically, this type of tender is held for low-cost purchases in small volumes.

When conducting two-stage or multi-stage tender requirements are stated by the customer only in general terms (for example, without specifying the price). After submitting specific projects, the customer’s wishes are adjusted, set in final form, and an auction is announced. Thus, from the projects that passed the first stage, the winner is selected at the second stage. As a rule, this applies to specific goods and services, for example, in the research field.

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Participants and their powers

Tenders have two participating parties: the customer and the contractor.

Performers There is always more order, which provides the customer with wide freedom of choice. A bidding participant is understood as a link in the procurement process represented by a legal entity or individual (including an individual entrepreneur).

Customer can carry out the entire bidding procedure himself, or entrust these powers to his official representative. According to Article 5 of the Third Law on the Contract System, one of the executive authorities or a government agency acting on behalf of Russian Federation.

General rules

Article 8 of Federal Law 94-FZ determines that a participant in placing an order can be any legal or natural person, Russian or foreign, registered in the manner prescribed by law. Participation in the auction is carried out for free.

The announcement of the competition is posted in various sources: on the official websites of companies and institutions, in newsletters, in the media. The documents contain information about the upcoming event, its conditions and rules for participation in the auction.

All tender documentation can be divided into technical and commercial. The customer must establish clear technical requirements to the supplier. According to the law, the customer can also demand from the supplier a guarantee of its economic solvency (financial support for the contract, advance payment and phased acceptance). The supplier usually provides a cash deposit, guarantee or . In case of failure to fulfill the terms of the contract, the supplier’s company may be included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers, and will also be obliged to compensate the customer for damages.

Step-by-step description of the procedure

Collection of necessary documents

Initial stage Participation in bidding is the competent execution of documents and their collection. Scroll necessary documentation approved by the customer. Documents are provided in person or by mail to the address specified in the procurement notice, as well as by email(if the customer allows this possibility).

The concept of electronic trading, its types and advantages

Electronic competitions, which are held through platforms on the Internet, are becoming increasingly popular nowadays. They are the ones that best satisfy the basic principles of independent trading: openness and competitiveness.

Main advantage electronic trading is that the entire participation process takes place on an electronic trading platform and does not depend on the customer, which eliminates the possibility of collusion, bribery and other various frauds. This circumstance contributes to the creation of a healthy competitive environment. Also an absolute advantage is the opportunity for suppliers from remote regions of the country to participate in such events.

The most popular form of conducting them is auctions, which are currently held on five electronic platforms proposed by the Russian government. The winner of the auction is the participant who offers the minimum price for his services.

Procedure for conducting electronic tenders

Initially, a collection is carried out necessary documents for participation in tenders in the form of a standard package of application, constituent, permitting, accounting and tax documentation.

Next, the participant should receive a unique digital signature, which allows the document to be assigned legal force. To obtain it you need a passport and a certificate from the Pension Fund. It is issued to one of the company’s employees, who will be a representative person at the auction. The signature (along with the certificate) is provided within 5 working days at one of the nearest certification centers of the selected electronic platform, and has legal force for 1 year.

To participate in the tender, you must select the appropriate platform on the Internet. Currently officially approved five electronic platforms for organizing and conducting government auctions:

  1. Roseltorg – roseltorg.ru;
  2. RTS tender;
  3. Sberbank-AST;
  4. OSET.

At these sites, you need to go through a simple registration procedure and prepare the appropriate software to participate in the electronic tender.

Then the required step is participant accreditation electronic trading on a specific electronic platform(ETP). Documents required for this procedure: extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, constituent documents, confirming the authority of the manager, company details, as well as the decision to approve a major transaction. The procedure is carried out at a certification center within 5 days, accreditation is valid for 3 years, after which it can be obtained again.

The applicant must also be open to ensuring the financial component of participation in the competition. At the time of trading account is blocked.

After meeting all the necessary requirements, you can submit an application to participate in electronic trading. After reviewing all applications, the client is admitted to the official bidding procedure and begins to submit price offers. The auction step does not exceed 5% of the original price of the lot, and the time frame for submitting an offer is 10 minutes. The duration of electronic trading itself, as a rule, ranges from several minutes to 48 hours.

After the auction is completed, the winner is determined, which is noted in the final protocol of the event. The customer and the selected supplier of goods or services sign the contact, but before this the contractor must provide bank guarantees in the amount of 30% of the cost of the lot with confirmation by an electronic signature.

Nuances of trading on the RTS

It was created in the 90s of the 20th century and during its existence has earned the trust of millions of traders. The main subject of trading here are securities of about 500 of the largest companies in Russia. The RTS Index is one of the most important indicators of market conditions securities, it is used to calculate the share price of many Russian companies.

You can participate in trading on the RTS as legal entity(with a license) or a private person, but in the second case the representation of a broker will be required. The main task of a beginner on this exchange is to develop a successful strategy for obtaining stable profits.

Futures are the most flexible financial instrument for a trader. The main factors that must be taken into account when trading on the RTS are: the reliability of the broker, interest in certain types of assets, the volume and liquidity of futures, as well as the ability to diversify risks.

Features of tenders in various industries

Some of the most popular sectors of the economy for holding tenders in Russia are construction and cargo transportation.

Construction is a dynamically developing industry in our country, so the number of trades in this area currently reaches 25%. Accordingly, the number of suppliers wishing to win a profitable order is quite large, and participants have to withstand fierce competition. Information about construction competitions can be found on the websites of state, municipal or private enterprises, on thematic websites, and in print media.

Bidding by cargo transportation in Russia it is also one of the most competitive and sought-after government procurement topics. There are two types of tenders in this area - competition and auction in regular or electronic form. The most popular are road freight transportation. The main criterion for choosing from available offers is usually the low price of services and their high quality. You can find information about cargo transportation tenders on specialized websites using hosted databases. Here it is important to identify fraudulent companies in a timely manner, a certain number of which exist in this area.

Advantages of participating in tenders

There are a number of reasons why participation in tenders can be beneficial for performers:

  1. In case of victory, the supplier receives an order with guaranteed payment and the opportunity to become a regular customer;
  2. The winner of the tender automatically acquires a reputation as a reliable partner;
  3. The supplier that receives the order can become a leader in its market segment, and thereby ensure the sustainable growth of its company;
  4. Not only a victory, but even participation in tenders for suppliers and manufacturers can serve as a significant impetus to further development business.

How to win your first tender is described in the following webinar:

Greetings, dear colleague! In this short article I will tell you about. Since this question is asked exclusively by beginners and people far from the “topic”, I will try to answer it in the simplest and most understandable language possible, without going into details.

So, let’s first understand what government procurement is?

Government procurement (government procurement)- a competitive form of placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state or municipal needs under conditions previously specified in the documentation, within a specified time frame, on the principles of competition, fairness and efficiency.

A state or municipal contract is concluded with the winner - the procurement participant (supplier) who has submitted a proposal that meets the requirements of the documentation, which proposes the best conditions for the execution of the contract.

Rules of the game

We’ve sorted out the terminology, now we move on to the second stage – “rules of the game”. What does it mean? As you know, participation in any game, relay race, competition, etc. involves compliance with certain rules by which the results of participants (players) are assessed and the winner is determined.

Such “rules” in public procurement are Federal Law No. 44-FZ of April 5, 2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.”

Therefore, if you seriously decide, then you will need to familiarize yourself with these rules in detail. To make the process of studying this law simpler and faster, we have an excellent tool in our arsenal, about which you can learn more.

And so, you already know that state and municipal customers have needs (needs for goods, works and services), and that they (i.e. customers) satisfy these needs through various trading procedures in order to identify the most better conditions among suppliers.

Where can I find information about ongoing auctions?

The main source for posting information about ongoing tenders is the Official website of the Russian Federation on the Internet for posting information about placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services - www.zakupki.gov.ru.

However, in addition to the official website, there are many others information resources both paid and free to search for information about ongoing auctions, but for starters, the official website will be more than enough for you.

Algorithm for participation in government procurement

And so, let me now describe, step by step, the actions that you need to perform in order take part in government procurement.

Step 1. Download Federal Law No. 44-FZ of April 5, 2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, and services to meet state and municipal needs” onto your computer and study it.

Step 2. Purchase an electronic signature (ES) and undergo accreditation on 5 electronic platforms for procurement for government needs. You can find out more about these electronic platforms.

Step 3. Go to the official website of the Russian Federation on the Internet to post information about placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services - www.zakupki.gov.ru and find those trading procedures that correspond to the subject of your activity.

Step 4. Download from the website www.zakupki.gov.ru all available documentation on the trading procedure you have chosen and study it carefully.

Step 5. Make a decision to participate in this trading procedure or not.

Step 6. Submit application security (if necessary).

Step 7 Prepare and submit your application in accordance with the requirements of 44-FZ and procurement documentation.

Step 8 Track the results of participation on the website www.zakupki.gov.ru.

Step 9 If you win, provide the customer with security for the execution of the contract and sign the contract.

Step 10 Fulfill the terms of the contract.

I repeat once again that this is an enlarged algorithm in which I deliberately did not include small intermediate stages, so as not to overload you with unnecessary information.

This concludes this article. If you still have questions about, then write them below in the comments to this article.

White salary This is the only legal form of remuneration. Many job seekers, when looking for work, are also faced with illegal types of payment: black and gray wages. In order to figure out whether the salary from a given employer is legal, you need to pay attention to the following signs.

Signs of a white salary:

  • The full salary amount is indicated in the documents upon hiring.
  • Bonuses and other incentive allowances are calculated by order.
  • Money is transferred to the card or issued through the cash register. Payment in cash must be made using one of the following documents: cash order, payroll or payroll. Documents must be signed by the manager, chief accountant or authorized person. Opposite the name of a specific employee should be the amount that is issued in person.
  • No additional amounts will be issued in envelopes.
  • The actual amount of income is reflected in the 2-NDFL certificate and in the pay slip.
  • All deductions are made from the entire amount of the employee’s income.

What is official wages?

Many people don't even think about the fact that they are receiving illegal income. They work without registration or receive part of their payment in envelopes, but do not understand that part of their income is hidden. For most employees, it does not matter that their actual income according to documents is less real earnings. Employees pay attention to ensuring that money arrives on time, without delays.

The official salary is calculated either according to the report card or according to the standards met. An employee should not register for a salary less than the minimum wage established by the state.

Salary structure

  • Salary. For the calculation of which, the actual time worked according to the time sheet, or the standards actually fulfilled, are taken into account.
  • Bonus (for length of service, qualifications, length of service, rank or others).
  • Additional payments for work on weekends, for night work, for replacing an absent employee and others.
  • Incentive payments, including bonuses.
  • The regional coefficient established in a specific region.

When an employee is on sick leave, he is paid temporary disability benefits. When on a business trip, business trips. And when you go on vacation, you are paid vacation pay.

Features of employment

When hiring an employee, a hiring order must be issued. An employment contract is another fundamental document that describes the position, working conditions, rest, and the amount of remuneration for the duties performed.

You need to familiarize yourself with the following internal documents of the organization:

  1. Collective agreement.
  2. Regulations on bonuses.
  3. Rules internal regulations.
  4. Job Descriptions.
  5. Taxes and salaries.

You need to understand the difference between accrued and paid wages. The difference between them is the withheld personal income tax (income tax individuals), union dues, alimony and other deductions under the writ of execution.

Additionally, the employer pays from all accrued income of employees mandatory contributions to the following extra-budgetary funds:

  1. Pension fund Russian Federation (PFR).
  2. Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF).
  3. Fund social insurance Russian Federation (FSS).

Illegal types of wages

On the territory of the Russian Federation there is only one type of remuneration - official wages according to Labor Code RF. In common parlance, such earnings are called white wages. No other types of remuneration are legal; there are no legal concepts of black or gray wages.

Black salary

An employment contract is not concluded with the employee, no employment order is made, and there is no documentation person in an organization. Such an employee receives his salary in cash in an envelope.

Obvious disadvantages illegal sources of income:

  • Lack of legal protection for employees.
  • No tax transfers.
  • Inability to officially go on vacation, sick leave or maternity leave.

The employee does not have any length of service and does not make any contributions to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund, or the Social Insurance Fund. In case of illness or dismissal, the employer often does not make the required payments. When the time comes to receive your pension, payments will be minimal.

The only advantage of such a source is the higher amount of illegal income. This option is convenient for business areas with a regular turnover of cash, which is subsequently used to pay earnings.

This method is also convenient for real estate organizations. Only a few people register with such companies, and the rest receive only a percentage of sales.

Gray salary

Partially the official salary is called gray. At the same time, employees are registered on the minimum wage. It is from this amount that the employer pays all taxes. Sometimes an employee is assigned to a position with a lower salary. The remainder is paid in an envelope.

This scheme allows the employer to reduce tax costs and allows for an increase in wages. However, sick leave, maternity leave, and vacation leave are, as a rule, calculated according to the minimum wage and their size is minimal. There is a high probability that after maternity leave the employer will offer to resign, and if you disagree, he will leave only the white part of the salary.

Another disadvantage of partially illegal earnings is that the employer regulates the amount in the envelope independently and can establish various fines and illegal deductions.

Scheme of illegal salaries disguised as dividends

Another way to pay salaries is through a scheme that includes a minimum salary and dividends. Each employee is given the opportunity to purchase shares of the organization, which he must sell upon dismissal.

These conditions are specified in the employment contract. A smaller part of the salary is processed and paid in deadline. The employee periodically receives most of the income in the form of dividends, which in fact amount to most of his earnings.

Taxes are transferred only from the minimum wage. The frequency of dividends is not monthly, but quarterly. In this scheme, dividends are a good cover for illegal income. To identify this scheme, all employment contracts, minutes and documents of shareholder meetings, employee shares and the amount of payments.

What does the employer risk?

Often, the employer is calm and confident that employees will not complain, since they will not be able to prove anything without official documents. However, illegal schemes are detected quite easily. For this purpose it is carried out unscheduled inspection and simply compares the number of employees in workplaces and in staffing table.

Employee complaints to inspection bodies and witness testimony can help identify this scheme. Illegal payment of labor and tax evasion threatens the employer with heavy fines and even criminal liability.

Advantages and disadvantages of official earnings for an employee

  • The main advantage is the social security of the employee. If there is a violation of labor obligations, you can file a complaint with the regulatory authorities.
  • Registration of employees and payment of white wages is a sign of a stable organization.
  • Taxes are charged on all earnings. In the future, the amount of pension payments will be calculated from these taxes transferred to the Pension Fund.
  • Temporary disability benefits and vacation pay are calculated based on total earnings.
  • When you go on parental leave, it will be easier to return to your position while maintaining your salary, since the registration is official.
    You can confirm your income with a certificate; this is sometimes necessary to obtain a mortgage or loan.
  • The salary is fixed; the employer does not have the right to reduce it at will.
  • If an employee is dismissed, the employer must pay all due payments.
  • You can return part of the personal income tax from the budget using tax deductions. This is beneficial if you buy an apartment or house with a mortgage.

The disadvantages are not so obvious, but they still exist.

  • Official income is usually less than illegal income. Because the employer reduces part of its expenses by cutting salaries.
  • Most vacancies in private business are offered with illegal earnings, so it is more difficult to find a job with an official salary.
  • Alimony and debts under writs of execution are withheld from official earnings; illegal income is easier to hide. In this regard, when registering an employee, the full amount will be deducted from the salary.

Advantages and disadvantages of a white salary for an employer

  • The obvious disadvantage is the cost of taxes.
  • Difficult financial statements.
  • Inability to fire an unsuitable employee, since according to the Labor Code this is difficult to do.

There are much fewer advantages for the employer:

  • No liability for illegal wages and tax evasion.
  • Good reputation and stability of the organization.
  • Accounting transparency.

How to check whether an employee’s payment is official?

If an employee has doubts about whether he has official income, this can be checked as follows. You need to register in personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service and download the 2-NDFL certificate there. Organizations are required to submit these certificates annually by name. Having received a similar one in accounting, you can compare income by month.

Despite the obvious advantages of the white salary, most employers and employees settle on the gray version. When making such a choice, you need to weigh all the risks, since employees often lose more than they gain. It must be borne in mind that if the salary is illegal, the employer may delay its payment for an indefinite period, pay it not in full, or not pay it at all.

Participation in tenders can bring good income. However, most companies do not dare to take such a step because they do not know how to carry out this procedure correctly. This article was written specifically to highlight all the important points related to the tender market. By reading this article to the end, you will be able to significantly increase your knowledge in the field of tenders.

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Participation of companies implies compliance with certain rules that will be regulated by the terms of the tender. Failure to comply with these rules will result in immediate refusal to cooperate. Despite all the difficulties associated with tenders, they should not be ignored. By concluding a lucrative contract, you can make good money.

It should be noted that the scope of tenders is quite wide. They can be used both in the industrial automotive industry and in general applications small business that provide services or goods.

In order to participate in the tender, it is not enough to have a proposal from the customer. You need to clearly understand how to participate in tenders in order to prove yourself from the best side.

Tender classification

  • open;
  • closed;
  • two-stage;

Each of the above types has its own characteristics and regulations. Let's explain each in detail.


An open tender is a procedure by which the customer invites everyone to take part in the tender. Potential participants can learn about the tender from advertising campaigns and special sites.

Most often, tender documentation is sent out free of charge or the cost is set to cover all the costs that arose during its creation. Such documentation usually includes the presence of conditions and rules that must be followed throughout the tender.

In most cases, this type of tender is used to carry out public procurement orders. The same cannot be said about ordinary companies. The direction does not provide for this type of training.

An open tender makes it possible to receive an order for a very favorable conditions. However, an unlimited number of participants can register, which in turn increases the workload on the service staff.

You can order services for holding a tender from specialized companies or conduct it yourself.


A closed tender is held among a limited number of participants who have received an invitation to participate.

The organizing company recruits participants according to the following criteria:

  • good reputation;
  • high rating;
  • image;

To increase the attractiveness of your company, you need to have good self-promotion. That's what they do large companies. More and more often we notice them on TV screens or other media.

Participants in such a tender will never know about each other before the official start of the tender. This condition makes it possible to exclude collusion between companies. To conduct such a tender you do not need to spend a lot of time and effort. And the list of participants, in most cases, does not exceed 5 companies.


Most often, a two-stage tender is called a specialized tender with a limited number of participants. A two-stage tender differs from a closed tender in that it has an unlimited number of participants. In order to participate in such a tender, you must comply with certain rules that govern the rules for conducting this tender.

The two-stage tender is carried out in several stages. However, it should be noted that in this case, more time will be spent on conducting such a tender.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. The organizing company is preparing test task, with the help of which it determines the strength of the company. Based on the solution to this task, the participating company prepares a proposal.
  2. At the final stage, a decision is agreed upon.

However, conducting such a tender is divided into several components:

  • “prices” tender, in which participants communicate prices, terms, quality, etc.
  • an “open brief” tender, in which the customer indicates an approximate vision of the project, and the participants offer a creative solution;

Who can take part?

The basic conditions for participation in tenders are quite simple. Both companies and individual entrepreneurs. Domestic and foreign companies can participate in the auction. It should be noted that in order to participate in the tender, you must have a pre-specified list of documents.

How to participate (step-by-step instructions)?

To take part in a tender you need to know what is needed for this.

We offer step by step instructions, compliance with which will help you take part in the tender:

  1. At the first stage you need to collect required list documents that submit an application for participation in the tender.
  2. After the application is submitted, you confirm your participation, agree to the terms and conditions and undertake to comply with them until the end of the competition.
  3. If something doesn't suit you, then you can withdraw your application or make changes, but only strictly after the deadline set by the organizer.
  4. At this stage, the special tender commission has the right to extend the deadline for accepting applications. If the conditions of the event change, participants will receive written notification.
  5. If the list is full or the application deadline has expired, then the official consideration of applications begins, which requires in-depth study.

Sample application

We point out that the application consists of two parts. The first part describes the agreement on the conditions by which the procedure for conducting the tender is regulated, as well as the provision necessary information about the product.

The second part provides information about the participant, which includes the presence of:

  • details;
  • certificates;
  • permits;
  • licenses;

It should be noted that the application can be submitted either electronically or in writing. If the documentation is completed correctly, it will be accepted from you.


The conduct of a tender is regulated by a strict sequence of necessary actions that must be followed to conduct any such event.

The rules include 7 stages, with the help of which the procedure for conducting a tender is normalized:

  1. Formation of a list of necessary requirements that tender participants must comply with. As well as making a decision on holding a tender.
  2. Invitation to participate.
  3. Selection of participants. Depending on the type of tender, the selection of participants will be made before a strictly established deadline.
  4. Clarification of the parties' positions.
  5. Collection and presentation of ready-made proposals.
  6. Final selection of the best offers.
  7. Announcement of the winners.

If you are going to take part in tenders, then you need to know the following list important points that relate to tenders:

  1. Knowledge of Federal Law No. 94 will help determine the terms and conditions that the customer should have taken into account when drawing up the tender regulations.
  2. Choose one. The Russian government has established five existing trading platforms.
  3. Get a unique digital signature. Such a signature allows the document to acquire legal significance.
  4. Pass the necessary accreditation on the selected trading platform.
  5. Conducting auctions. Typically, one procedure should not exceed two days.
  6. If you win the tender, then you need to sign a contract.

Preparation of documents

The preparation of documents must be carried out in accordance with the established list of required papers for participation in the tender, which were determined by the customer.

To take part in the tender, you need to prepare the following list of certified copies of the following documents:

  1. Certificate of registration.
  2. A document that confirms that you are a taxpayer.
  3. A certificate from the bank indicating your financial stability.
  4. Help from tax office, which confirms the absence of debt to the state.
  5. Balance sheet for the previous year.
  6. Certificates that confirm the standard quality of the product.