The capercaillie is one of the oldest birds on Earth. These birds usually live in dense pine forests and swamps. The wood grouse song is witchcraft. There is no sonority in it, it does not flow. It has a creaky wooden rhythm, amazing dull power, and a special wild beauty. A black forest rooster tramples on a gnarled branch, unfurls his wide fan of tail with a bone-like thud; His crimson eyebrows swell from the hot blood, and his black beard bristles and shakes. He doesn’t sing, but seems to be selflessly casting spells and muttering spells. This song has an inexplicable power. She lifts the hunter out of bed, leads him into the black, wary forest, and the bewitched hunter, as if wound up, jumps, walks, and freezes on one leg. The song enchants him, the song commands him: he is a prisoner of the song until it is over. 1) Underline the participles as part of the sentence; indicate their suffixes. 2) Write down three words with the spelling at the root, label the root. Write the test word, if there is one.

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The largest and most noble bird of all the black grouse birds is considered to be the capercaillie. It is distinguished by its clumsiness, heavyness and timidity, fast gait and heavy and noisy flight. This bird is not capable of flying long distances. The forests of North Asia were the habitat of wood grouse.

But excessive hunting for them has taken its toll, and in many regions where there used to be a lot of wood grouse, it is now possible not to see a single one. Birds have now settled in, but in Europe there are now fewer and fewer of them, and in the countries of Africa and Australia, in places where there used to be a lot of them, they are completely absent.

Capercaillie majestic and beautiful bird. It feels strong and resilient. Description of the capercaillie has a beautiful color, most often an upturned beak, a lush, fan-like tail that makes you involuntarily admire this spectacle.

A certain clumsiness complements the image and gives it some charm. When searching for food, wood grouse can move very quickly. When it takes off from the ground in flight, you can hear the noise and loud fluttering of its wings.

The capercaillie flies heavily and noisily. Without special need, he does not cover long distances and does not rise too high. Basically, its flight occurs at the height of half the average tree. But if the need arises and the capercaillie needs to move significantly, then it rises to fly high above the forest.

A male capercaillie can be easily distinguished from a female due to the color of its plumage. In males, gray, dark blue and richer tones of color predominate, while females are characterized by a red, variegated plumage color. You can admire them endlessly, they are so beautiful and majestic.

Features and habitat of the capercaillie

Bird of the forest prefers tall conifers, as well as mixed ones. You can rarely find them in deciduous trees. A swampy area full of various wild berries is one of the favorite habitats of wood grouse.

Basically, wood grouse prefer to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Seasonal movements from the forest to the valley and back occur very rarely; this happens mainly during severe frosts. A capercaillie nest can be seen immediately under a tree, not far from roads or paths.

Such carelessness often leads to the death of their brood and even the female at the hands of humans. The female capercaillie is a wonderful and true mother, even if she feels danger to herself, she will never leave her offspring, but will die along with them. There were cases when she walked towards danger, straight into the hands of the enemy, giving the chicks the opportunity to escape.

The character and lifestyle of the capercaillie

The capercaillie is very cautious, possessing perfect hearing and vision. Therefore, hunting him is not very easy. Can behave aggressively if he sees an unfamiliar animal next to him. There have been cases when a capercaillie attacked a dog.

The gathering places of wood grouse rarely change. As a rule, the males are the first to flock to them, climb onto the branches and begin to sing their serenades for the females. Some time passes, the females will join them. Then the most interesting part begins - the fight for females. The fights can be very serious and brutal, after which the winner gets the right to mate with the female.

Basically, this bird prefers solitude; large gatherings are not for them. Morning and evening are their waking hours. During the daytime, they most often rest in trees.

In the winter season, when it is very cold outside, a capercaillie can hide from the frost in the snow and stay there for a couple of days. Birds black grouse and capercaillie are very similar in their behavior and way of life, it’s not for nothing that they belong to the same big family. They differ only in size and color.

Male wood grouse with females

Wood grouse feeding

Wood grouse are big fans of coniferous cones and twigs. If this delicacy is not near them, flowers, buds, leaves, grass and various seeds are great options. Chicks, during their growth, can feed on insects and spiders; for this, the entire family settles next to the anthill.

Adult wood grouse prefer plant foods. In winter, when everything around is covered with snow, these birds most of They spend time on trees, feeding on their branches and bark.

Reproduction and lifespan of wood grouse

About the capercaillie bird they are said to be polygamous. The concept of forming a couple is completely absent for them. Spring is a favorable time for marriage. Mating between a female and a male lasts about a month.

Capercaillie nest with chicks

After this, wood grouse prepare nests for their future offspring. These birds don’t bother too much about building nests. The wood grouse's nest is an ordinary small depression in the ground, covered with branches or leaves.

The average number of eggs is 8 pieces, their size resembling the average chicken egg. Females incubate them for about a month. The chick can follow its mother as soon as it is dry after birth.

The fluff of newborn chicks is clearly not enough to keep them warm and comfortable, so this issue is dealt with by a caring mother who is ready to give the chicks all her warmth.

A month is enough for the rapid growth and development of chicks. After this time, they move from the nest to the trees and begin their independent life.

Almost 80% of eggs die due to severe frosts or from predators such as foxes, martens or stoats. 40-50% of hatched chicks suffer a similar fate. The average lifespan of a capercaillie in its normal habitat is 12 years.

Why was the bird called wood grouse?

Interesting fact is that the capercaillie temporarily loses its hearing during mating, which is where their name comes from. How does it happen that a bird that is always quite cautious loses its hearing, and therefore its vigilance?

Opinions differ on this matter. Some argue that when singing their serenades, the capercaillie strongly uses its upper and lower beaks. The singing attracts the bird to such an extent that it temporarily forgets about everything, including danger.

Others say that in an excited capercaillie, blood rushes to the head, the blood vessels swell and the ear canals close. This version arose as a result of the fact that everyone sees how the upper part of the head of a singing, excited capercaillie swells up.

There are versions that during mating the capercaillie becomes deaf from nervous overexcitation. Buy a capercaillie bird It turns out it's not very simple. It is almost impossible to tame them and make them domestic. In captivity it reproduces very poorly.

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The place of the capercaillie in the system of the animal world. Origin of the capercaillie. Types and distribution. Characteristics and personal data. Habitat and living conditions. Nutritional relationships with other organisms. Poem by A. Tarkhanov “Capercaillie”. Generalization, conclusion. Information resources

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Kingdom - animals Type - chordates Order - Galliformes Family - grouse Genus - large birds View - interstate

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Scientists have many hypotheses about the ancestors of the capercaillie. But what is more common is that wild birds were the founders of both domestic birds and wood grouse. According to proposals, many of the ancient chickens moved to human habitats and began to adapt to economic hunting, and those that remained in the wild over time adapted to flight and increased in size for the purpose of self-defense and survival in unfavorable conditions. Capercaillie is one of the oldest forest birds. This species has been repeatedly extirpated from many habitats. There were mainly two reasons for extermination: hunting and forest fires. Where wood grouse ceased to exist, they were brought from Switzerland.

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The capercaillie belongs to the family Grouse Order Galliformes Ptarmigan studied 1758 Tundra partridge studied 1776 Grouse studied 1758 Capercaillie studied 1758 Stone capercaillie studied 1856 Hazel grouse studied 1758

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Nesting area: Sakhalin. The wood grouse has not been recorded on the Kuril Islands. On Sakhalin in the 30s and 40s, this species was distributed in the northern and central regions, no further south than the city of Krasnogorsk on the west coast and the city of Makarov on the east. Currently, the southern border of the range probably lies on the Poronaiskaya Plain, north of Lake Nevskoe. The common capercaillie is very widespread in our country. Its habitat covers from west to east the entire forest-taiga zone of the European and Asian parts Soviet Union from the Kola Peninsula to west coast Lena and Baikal.

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Occasionally in nature there are crosses between wood grouse and black grouse. Such intermediate individuals are called “intermediates”, and the deviation in the predominance of one or another characteristic occurs both in the direction of wood grouse and in the direction of black grouse. The mezhnyak usually has a longer tail than the black grouse, the latter without a lyre, and the color of the plumage is darker with a bluish tint, reminiscent of the plumage of a male black grouse. Mezhnyaks are capable of mating in the spring, but they do not produce offspring.

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The wood grouse's build is dense. It has short, wide wings. The legs are strong, adapted for fast running, there are four toes, the beak is short, dark, slightly closed. It flies well, but more often it flees from the enemy. There is no larger bird in our forests than the wood grouse. Its weight reaches 5-6kg.

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Capercaillie twice less cock. Its plumage is reddish-brown with large black and white streaks. Capercaillie are found dark and lighter - whitish. Above their eyes, just like a rooster, they have red eyebrows. The plumage on the legs up to the metatarsus is dirty – gray. Toes are horny gray. The female’s body length is 72–78 cm, wingspan 108–112 cm, wing length 35 cm.

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The male capercaillie is handsome! It wears a bright outfit: the top and sides are gray-gray, the neck is black, the crop has a green metallic sheen, the abdomen is dark with white spots, the flight feathers of the wing are brownish-brown, the tail feathers are black with white spots. Above the eyes of the capercaillie there is a naked, unfeathered spot of red color. The elongated black feathers on the throat form a “beard”. The body length of the capercaillie is 90 - 112 cm, the wingspan is 120–144 cm, the wing length is 40–45 cm, the tail length is 34–36 cm.

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A – wood grouse track, B – toe claws with horny “combs” (in winter), C – without horny “combs” (in summer).

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D – determining the age of a capercaillie by the size of its tail: a – one-year-old, b – three-year-old, c – five-year-old.

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Habitats are dry and swampy larch forests with dwarf cedar, Middendorff birch, elderberry, large-leaved wild rosemary, as well as the outskirts of spruce-fir and mixed forests and overgrown burnt areas and clearings. Showing in April. Nests are placed on the ground among herbaceous and shrubby plants. There are up to 8 eggs in a clutch. Egg laying in May, incubation in June. Broods were observed in the first half of July. The food of wood grouse is vegetative and generative organs of plants, the fruits of lingonberries, rowan berries, blueberries, and the seeds of herbaceous plants. The highest population density of wood grouse is in the southern zone of the taiga. The life of the capercaillie is closely connected with the pine tree. However, in a number of places it all year round can live in cedar and even spruce forests with an admixture of pine. The capercaillie is a sedentary bird that makes seasonal migrations over short distances, only Southern Urals There are regular seasonal migrations of wood grouse from mountain coniferous forests to broad-leaved oak forests, where they mat and breed their chicks.

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In autumn and winter, the capercaillie feeds on the needles of pine (mainly), larch, cedar and spruce. At the end of September, they fly to old aspen trees and eagerly pinch yellowed leaves. In the Kirov region they fly to grain fields in the fall. In summer they eat leaves and inflorescences, berries, seeds; Capercaillie also peck various insects, which play a particularly important role in the first weeks of their life.

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Wood grouse chicks hatch in late May - early June. Eggs are laid on the ground, in a hole, where moss, small branches and feathers are brought. They hatch eggs like chickens for 3 weeks. The babies, barely dry, follow their parents and soon begin to feed on flies, ants, and berries themselves. Only the mother leads the chicks. She also teaches them to get food and “bury themselves” in the grass in a moment of fear.

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The diet also includes animal feed; mollusks, ants, beetles, caterpillars, butterflies and other insects. One of the most important food relationships with organisms is the relationship with humans, but the food is the capercaillie itself. Capercaillie hunting during the current is very popular and makes an unforgettable impression. However, the capercaillie population is constantly decreasing. Therefore, the shooting of wood grouse is quite limited, and wood grouse are prohibited throughout the year. The diet also includes animal feed; mollusks, ants, beetles, caterpillars, butterflies and other insects. One of the most important food relationships with organisms is the relationship with humans, but the food is the capercaillie itself. Capercaillie hunting during the current is very popular and makes an unforgettable impression. However, the capercaillie population is constantly decreasing. Therefore, the shooting of wood grouse is quite limited, and wood grouse are prohibited throughout the year. The diet also includes animal feed; mollusks, ants, beetles, caterpillars, butterflies and other insects.

The common or white-billed capercaillie (sometimes also called the black-billed grouse) is one of the most ancient game birds of our fauna.

Typical habitats of the common capercaillie- old pine and pine-spruce forests, especially swampy pine forests bordered by dry manes with pine forests. The highest density is in the southern zone of the taiga. The life of a capercaillie is connected with a pine tree. However, in some places it can live all year round in cedar and even spruce forests with an admixture of pine. The common capercaillie is a sedentary bird that makes seasonal migrations over short distances; Only in the Southern Urals do regular seasonal migrations of wood grouse from mountain coniferous forests to broad-leaved oak forests occur, where they mat and breed their chicks.

Distinctive features of the common capercaillie. The appearance of an adult male is a black head with a beard, red swollen eyebrows, a green crop with a metallic tint, a grey-colored neck, brown wings and a huge black tail. The female has a modest, protective brownish-ochre plumage with black spots. The weight of males is 4-5 kg ​​(rarely 5.5 kg), capercaillie is almost half as much - 2 - 2.5 kg.

Lifestyle and habits of the common capercaillie. Wood grouse is polygamous. Males and females reach sexual maturity at one year of age, but many of them, especially males, do not participate in reproduction in the first spring. Capercaillie mating occurs for almost two months, and the entire period of their mating is divided into three main biological periods.

In early spring, only adult roosters mating; females do not come to mating. If one-year-old roosters fly to lek, they sit in the trees silently.

The second period begins with the arrival of capercaillie to the mating, after which a week later the mating of the birds and the height of their mating is observed. One-year-old males also try to sing. Wood grouse choose their own roosters. Often 3-4 females mate with one rooster, occupying an area in the center of mating.

The third period is the decay of the current. Capercaillie mostly sit on eggs and rarely appear on a lek. The old wood grouse stop singing and fly away to molt in the support. During this period, one-year-old roosters try to mat.

Females make nests on the ground, usually under the cover of fir trees, not far from the lek. The clutch contains 7-9 yellow-brown eggs with small specks, weighing up to 60 g; they are incubated for 25-26 days. During the incubation period, the capercaillie leaves the nest early in the morning and after sunset to feed, which lasts from 10 to 35 minutes.

Capercaillies grow and develop slowly, and in September, before the breakup of the brood, they have not yet reached the size of adult birds.

Wood grouse feed in autumn and winter on the needles of pine (mainly), larch, cedar and spruce. At the end of September, birds fly out to old aspens and larches and eagerly nibble on yellowed leaves and withered needles. In summer, wood grouse eat leaves and inflorescences, berries, and seeds; Wood grouse also peck various insects, which play a particularly important role in the first weeks of their life.

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