Russia offers the full range of naval equipment and weapons

The head of the delegation of OJSC Rosoboronexport, First Deputy General Director Ivan Maksimovich Goncharenko answered the questions of the weekly VPK.

VPK: Ivan Maksimovich, it’s too early to sum up the work of Rosoboronexport JSC for the year, but are there any intermediate results?

- Yes, of course, and they make me happy. In particular, in the first six months, the export of military products through our society alone amounted to $6.5 billion. This is higher than the results for the same period last year. So we can say that today Rosoboronexport continues to successfully fulfill all its obligations. I believe that the results for the year will be more than 11 billion dollars, and this is also higher than last year. Thus, we continue to provide enterprises of the Russian defense industry with orders for uninterrupted operation. And together with the state defense order, this will increase the number of jobs, purchase modern equipment, update production technologies, expand research and development.

"VPK": What tasks did Rosoboronexport set for itself when participating in the Parisian naval show "Euronaval-2012"?

– Participation in major international exhibitions is an important direction marketing work Rosoboronexport. The peculiarity of this exhibition is that it does not have a regional focus and is a review of global trends in the development of naval technology. Euronaval is one of the oldest and most authoritative naval salons in the world, which is held every two years. Participation in it is not only prestigious, but also important from the point of view of the country’s image, demonstration high possibilities in the field of national military shipbuilding. That is why Russia is taking part in the work of Euronaval for the eighth time.

"VPK": What is the reason for the success of Rosoboronexport, which annually improves its performance indicators?

General Director of Rosoboronexport
Anatoly Isaikin and head of the delegation
companyIvan Goncharenko (left)
at the Euronaval 2012 salon

– In our work, we not only focus on individual samples and types of military products Russian production, but also constantly strive to assist our customers in optimizing military spending, linking recommendations for choosing Russian weapons with the criterion “efficiency-cost”. Export versions of Russian weapons and military equipment adapted to operating conditions at different latitudes. The composition and technical equipment of ships includes components supplied Russian enterprises, as well as the world's leading manufacturers. At the request of the customer, the possibility of changing their nomenclature can be considered.

At the same time, Rosoboronexport offers a wide range of services for servicing supplied ships and ensuring their daily and combat activities. This is achieved by creating a full range of coastal facilities for basing, repairing and servicing ships, storing and preparing for use of weapons and ammunition, and conducting specialist training on modern simulators, which are provided at the request of the customer.

"VPK": Today, the navies of states that position themselves as leading regional powers cannot do without submarine fleet, and Rosoboronexport has a fairly wide range of offers. What was presented this time?

– Russia has been a recognized leader in shipbuilding for many years. Today, there are about 160 enterprises operating in the country, including not only shipyards, research institutes and design bureaus, but also ship engineering, instrument making and electronics factories. The Russian shipbuilding complex can design and create combat underwater and surface ships and auxiliary vessels of all classes, as well as produce all types of naval weapons and technical equipment. High level of development of science, design and shipbuilding technologies, solid production capacity, highly qualified personnel and great experience foreign economic activity allow Russia to maintain a leading position in the world in the export of naval equipment and weapons.

Russian diesel-electric vehicles, unique in their performance characteristics and combat capabilities, have great export potential. submarines like "Kilo". Their merits were duly appreciated by the navies of India, China, Poland, Iran and other countries.

Thus, the Project 636 diesel-electric submarine is designed to effectively destroy submarines, surface ships, as well as coastal targets of any potential enemy and can operate both independently and as part of a group. This is one of the quietest diesel-electric submarines in the world, for which the Americans called it a “black hole.” This quality ensures guaranteed proactive detection of the enemy and attack from a long distance, and also makes it possible to evade and become invisible to other ships.

The highest combat effectiveness of this submarine is ensured by the unique Club-S missile system. Due to the complex’s long firing range (up to 275 kilometers), the submarine’s ability to exit to attack high-speed targets is significantly increased, and the combat stability of diesel-electric submarines during enemy response increases.

Another modern product of Russian shipbuilders is the fourth-generation single-hull diesel-electric submarine Amur-1650 with two backup propulsors. She is able to perform effectively combat missions in all areas of the World Ocean under any weather conditions, in shallow and deep water areas. Highly sensitive equipment and powerful weapons provide this submarine with guaranteed proactive detection and the ability to attack foreign ships from a long distance, as well as timely evasion anti-submarine ships enemy. It is planned to create an anaerobic power plant based on reforming diesel fuel and equipping the Amura-1650 with it, which will increase the diving time to 20 days.

"VPK": According to analysts, in the next three to five years, about ten surface combat ships of the main classes - corvettes, frigates, as well as other platforms costing $100 million and more - will be sold annually in the world. What are Rosoboronexport’s capabilities in this spectrum?

– There are no big or small contracts for us. We treat each partner with sensitivity and respect. We are now actively marketing policy, which is based on an analysis of the interests and requests of our potential clients. In most cases, we can talk not only about the supply of ships and submarines, but also about their joint design and construction at customer shipyards. This approach has allowed us to significantly expand the geography of our supplies.

Great interest potential customers show to Russian ship– multi-purpose frigate “Gepard-3.9”, the design of which uses the “Stealth” architecture. The lead ship of this series, Tatarstan, became part of the Russian Navy in 2002; serial production of frigates of this project has been established both for the Russian Navy and for export deliveries.

"Gepard-3.9" is designed to search and destroy surface, underwater and air targets, therefore its weapons are varied and balanced. A deck helicopter with a flight weight of up to 12 tons is based on the ship.

Another multi-purpose ship, the Project 11356 frigate, is designed to conduct combat operations both independently and as part of formations against surface ships and submarines in oceanic and sea areas, as well as to repel air attacks. The frigate can act as an escort ship. A characteristic feature of the design and construction of new Russian frigates is the transition to the modular-aggregate method.

The frigate of Project 22356 is designed to destroy surface ships, search and destroy submarines, destroy ground targets in the depths of the territory, and fire support for amphibious assault forces. A diverse arsenal of missile and artillery weapons, air defense systems and means of combating underwater objects, as well as the presence of a Ka-28 helicopter or Ka-31 allow a frigate of this type to successfully perform the entire range of combat missions assigned to it.

"VPK": This time at Euronaval, dual-purpose ships and even vessels for the civilian fleet were presented.

– And we are following these trends. The new ship that Rosoboronexport JSC is promoting on the world market is an ice-class research vessel. We intend to provide technical assistance in organizing its construction at the customer’s shipyards. The vessel is designed to solve research problems in the Antarctic region, in particular to carry out geophysical and seismic surveys, as well as for engineering preparation for the development of future fields. This project incorporates many years of experience of Russian icebreaker fleet designers and puts into practice fundamental scientific developments of recent years.

"VPK": Also, according to forecasts, the global export of boats will increase - approximately 45-50 units per year. What can Rosoboronexport offer its potential customers in this market segment?

– Russia is one of the largest exporters missile boats. Russian designers and shipbuilders were the first in the world to put into practice adjustable spoilers, allowing the Project 14310 Mirage patrol boat, which has no analogues in the world, to reach speeds of up to 50 knots, significantly reduce the influence of roll and pitch, as well as specific fuel consumption.

The Sobol patrol boat with a displacement of about 60 tons, also using interceptors, is designed to carry out duty service in territorial waters, monitor compliance by ships and vessels with the navigation regime in inland waters, in roadsteads of ports and harbors, as well as in adjacent coastal areas seas. Combining good seaworthiness with high speed, the ability for high-speed maneuvers and the necessary weapons, the boat fully corresponds to the concept of “interceptor”. Its analogue has been adopted.

The high-speed planing patrol boat "Mongoose" has great export potential. It is capable of speeds of up to 50 knots and is designed to intercept almost any high-speed maritime targets. Its propulsion system ensures high maneuverability even in difficult navigation conditions.

The Project 12061E Murena-E hovercraft landing craft has good export capabilities. It is designed for transportation and landing on an unequipped shore of tanks, wheeled vehicles, personnel with weapons, as well as other cargo with a total weight of up to 40 tons. The boat can overcome shallow waters, rifts, sandy beaches, swamps and ponds overgrown with vegetation at a speed of more than 50 knots. Its powerful weapons are capable of providing effective fire support to the landing forces. High speed travel, landing capacity and efficiency in comparison with traditional landing ships allow us to consider Murena-E the optimal means for conducting special, peacekeeping and expeditionary operations in most regions of the world.

"VPK": "Euronaval" is a salon not only of warships, but also of naval weapons.

– Of course, because the power of missiles, guns and torpedoes is one of the main indicators of the power of the navy. This time, integrated missile systems for Club-S submarines and Club-N surface ships were presented at the Rosoboronexport stand. They are designed to destroy enemy surface ships, submarines and coastal targets of all types with cruise missiles, even in conditions of strong electronic and fire resistance. At the base missile system Club-N developed multifunctional mobile coastal complex missile weapons Club-M.

The Uran-E anti-ship missile system effectively destroys enemy boats, ships and sea transports with a displacement of up to 5,000 tons. To increase the stealth and surprise of an attack, and ensure stability against fire countermeasures, the Kh-35E missile of this complex has a low flight altitude. “Uran-E” can be installed on ships, transports, under construction and in service, and on shore.

The unique characteristics of the Bastion mobile coastal missile system with the Yakhont cruise missile, which has an over-the-horizon firing range, supersonic speed in all parts of the flight path, and also implements the “fire-and-forget” principle.

Naval artillery and machine guns are not losing their positions either. The 100-mm lightweight naval gun mount A-190, 30-mm automatic artillery mounts AK-630M, AK-306 and their modifications are highly competitive.

By the way, at the exhibition we also showed light close-combat weapons - improved Kalashnikov assault rifles of the “hundredth” series, a 5.45-mm Nikonov AN-94 assault rifle, machine guns, flamethrowers, hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers, sniper rifles, night vision scopes and many other samples Weapons and military equipment created on the basis of advanced technologies.

"VPK": Pearl Harbor also showed that the survivability of the fleet is largely ensured efficient systems air defense.

– Today we need to add to this reliable protection against the missile threat. The safety of the ship from air attacks is guaranteed by anti-aircraft missiles promoted by Rosoboronexport to the world market. missile systems“Shtil-1” and “Kashtan-M”, automated anti-aircraft missile and artillery complex “Palma” with “Sosna” missile defense system, “Gibka” turret installation. The combat effectiveness of these models in the most important indicators exceeds many foreign analogues and is in demand among our foreign customers.

"VPK": Almost all maritime states are concerned about ensuring reliable coastal control. What can Rosoboronexport offer its potential customers in this regard?

– Indeed, seas and oceans wash the shores of most countries in the world. And every state needs to ensure reliable control of its coastal zone. This is the protection of maritime borders, the protection of marine resources in exclusive economic zones, the fight against smuggling, drug trafficking, piracy, terrorism, as well as rescue at sea. The most important task of naval forces is to prevent, disrupt or weaken attacks from potential adversaries from sea directions.

In these conditions, the most effective and economical way to ensure security is the creation and use of control systems, including means of monitoring the surface, air and underwater conditions, systems for identifying sea targets, notification channels about identified threats, automation, communications, collection, processing and delivery of information. , as well as rapid response forces.

The modern approach to creating such systems is based on the principles of integration and unification. Data from various sources (Navy ships, coast guard boats, coastal posts) about all objects detected in the coastal zone, sea conditions and weather are received in real time into a single database. Then this information can be issued in a regulated manner to government and military authorities and other interested organizations, including on a commercial basis.

Based on this, Rosoboronexport proposes potential buyers the whole complex the latest tools, which can be gradually combined into an integrated system. Its system-forming elements are coastal operational information centers, in which the collection, processing and storage of information received from surveillance equipment is carried out. These means are mainly various types radars deployed on the coast. This is the Podsolnukh-E over-the-horizon radar, Podberezovik-ET1 radar, MR-10M1E and its mobile option"Mys-M1E", unified radio technical posts, united local network into territorial subsystems. These can be used to form observation zones in water areas with a length of more than 500 nautical miles and a width of up to 200 miles from the coast.

I would like to emphasize the features of the Podsolnukh-E over-the-horizon surface wave radar, which has unique capabilities and characteristics. It is designed for 24-hour, all-weather surveillance, detecting surface and air targets at distances of up to 450 kilometers and over a water area of ​​25,000 square miles simultaneously. "Podsolnukh-E" significantly reduces monitoring costs marine areas within a 200-mile economic zone and allows for the implementation of not only military, but also general civilian tasks (rescue operations, environmental monitoring, tsunami warning, protection of biological resources).

Underwater surveillance equipment in the far anti-submarine zone will be presented at our stand with materials on the stationary complex long-range detection MGK-608E "North". In the middle and near zones - the Komor electromagnetic anti-submarine system, the Anapa-ME anti-sabotage sonar and the Komor-1 magnetoacoustic complex. They have high noise immunity and are capable of secretly detecting submarines, surface ships and small targets (small submarines, combat swimmers and specially trained sea animals), classifying them and automatically transmitting data to coastal destruction systems even before approaching important sea and coastal objects.

"VPK": Now Russia has many competitors in the creation of integrated control systems.

– Competition has always existed and affected all types of weapons. But the equipment of some manufacturers is inferior Russian systems By tactical and technical characteristics, and other samples have similar characteristics, but their price is significantly higher. This trend has already been noted by many potential customers who, on their own initiative, are discussing with Rosoboronexport the issues of forming national control systems.

Russian experience in creating and using integrated coastal zone control systems indicates that a systematic approach to information support of all types of maritime activities increases its efficiency by more than 30 percent. At the same time, the configuration options for the integrated control system can vary depending on the purpose, specific tasks and composition defined by the customer. This can be either a local security system for a single oil platform or a single government system lighting of the marine environment.

"VPK": Modern practice shows that in the armed forces of the leading world powers, up to 70-80 percent of combat training of crews and teams is now carried out on simulators.

– And that’s right. The simulator provides a unique opportunity for a detailed analysis of errors, and most importantly, to bring all actions, skills and abilities of personnel to automaticity in a short time.

The complex Laguna simulator offered by Rosoboronexport is necessary for individual and group training of ship specialists. It allows you to significantly increase the training of combat personnel in controlling a ship, conducting combat operations, and working in difficult conditions. At the same time, the complete safety of the crew and the safety of expensive material and technical parts are ensured, fuel and energy resources, the ship’s engine life, and ammunition are saved.

The concept of “open architecture” adopted during development software, determines the versatility of the entire simulator system and allows it to be adapted for training crews of ships and boats of any displacement.

"VPK": Does this mean that Russia is beginning to make up for lost opportunities in the field of IT technologies?

– Yes, we have certain achievements in this area. Thus, Russian scientists have created a family of intelligent geoinformation software systems “Ontomap”, which use the most modern approaches to automation and information support for the activities of command and staff at all levels and stages of management naval forces– from a tactical group of ships to an operational formation, including fleet forces. By ensuring the interface of command posts with maritime situation lighting systems, Ontomap is already the basis of the fleet’s integrated automated control systems. For difficult scientific terms“ontology”, “geographic information system”, “model support” hides a clear and obvious meaning: in practice, the principle of managing naval forces in a single information space is implemented.

By the way, a similar approach was used to create the Ontomap-B1 operational simulator. It is intended for training and operational training of commanders and staff officers of naval formations, flotillas, squadrons, and fleets. The capabilities of the simulator make it possible to simulate combat operations of the Navy of any country against any enemy in any area of ​​the World Ocean. On this simulator, students of the VUNTS Navy “Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet” Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsova" and fleet officers are already training in developing decisions on conducting operations both in modern conditions, and in future armed struggle at sea, not excluding network-centric wars.

"VPK": For the last month and a half, the press has been actively discussing the failure of sea trials of the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya for India. How can you comment on this situation?

– I have the impression that there is an obvious thickening of colors. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin noted that the main tests of the aircraft carrier were successful and in full. And this is true. Conducted most sea ​​trials, MiG-29K/KUB fighter jets were successfully flown from the deck of the ship during the day and at night, and the operation of the ship’s most important systems was tested.

But any specialist knows that a naval ship, and even more so an aircraft carrier, is a one-off piece. Here, as in the auto industry, you cannot first create a concept car, then make several prototypes, work out all the nuances on them, and then launch the car into production. That is why a complex of serious tests of all systems is carried out in order to identify and eliminate possible problems before the ship is handed over to the customer. The creation and construction of an aircraft carrier is the realization of the entire military-industrial potential of the country. The achievements of metallurgy, mechanical engineering, electronics, latest technologies in the arms industry, rocketry, and aviation. And no matter what they say, but the deep modernization of heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser“Admiral Gorshkov” and the creation of a full-fledged aircraft carrier on its basis confirmed the ability of our country to create ships of this class. This is especially important to note after two decades of crisis in our shipbuilding, when only five percent of Russia’s shipbuilding capacity was used. In recent years, there has been a tendency to break out of this impasse.

Of course, there are problems with the Indian aircraft carrier. And along with boilers, this also applies to equipment from third countries. Considering that Vikramaditya will be operated in a tropical climate, we are primarily concerned with the operation of imported refrigeration machines, nitrogen and oxygen systems, and reverse osmosis water desalination plants.

To date, the causes of the problems, the scope of work, the timing of their completion have been identified, and a revised repair schedule has been prepared and will be submitted to the Indian side.

"VPK": Does the Indian side require any penalty for rescheduling the delivery of the Vikramaditya aircraft carrier?

– This question was not raised or discussed.

"VPK": Please, a few words about the Mistral helicopter carriers, the disputes over the acquisition of which have not yet subsided.

– Indeed, a lot has been said about this. I can only remind you that the Russian navy, which has been around for more than three centuries, was created precisely thanks to the experience that we adopted from Dutch and English shipbuilders, and most importantly, it successfully developed thanks to its own achievements. Remember famous phrase Peter the Great that “it is impossible to build ships and put them safely to sea without the help of science.” So, maybe it makes sense to remember the old practice of Peter the Great and, based on French technologies, achieve new, qualitatively higher results in the construction of ships that we do not have. After all, the Mistral is an amphibious helicopter carrier that can serve as a command center, supply ship, and even a hospital ship. In general, we have a lot to learn.

“VPK”: You mentioned that our exposition was visited by the Chief of the Russian General Staff Nikolai Makarov. Could you tell me what the conversation was about?

– An exchange of views took place on our activities in the interests of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation. They reported to him about the meetings that took place in Saint-Nazaire on the subject of the purchase of Mistrals in the interests of the Russian Navy, which is currently largest project in the field of our military-technical cooperation with France.

"VPK": What can you say about visiting Saint-Nazaire?

– A meeting was held there under the leadership of First Deputy Minister of Defense Alexander Sukhorukov. It was attended by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Viktor Chirkov, the leadership of the United shipbuilding corporation represented by its president Andrei Dyachkov, representatives of the French company STXFrance, as well as the French Ministry of Defense. We reviewed the work that had already been done and discussed a number of issues that must inevitably arise during the construction of such a complex facility. In Saint-Nazaire, we saw in practice that the Mistral will be: the ship is being built in accordance with the schedule.

"VPK": Is the issue of creating a simulator for the Mistral being discussed?

– We have an order from the Russian government to purchase Mistrals, but the issue of simulators was not covered by these agreements. But it can arise, because the Mistral has built-in means of training the crew and combat crews. By the way, the training of our two crews is provided for in the contract and will begin in France next year.

"VPK": Have you discussed the details of the contract for the construction of the third and fourth Mistrals in Russia?

- Let's be clear. The contract was signed for the construction of two Mistrals, which we are currently working on. Their names have already been determined - “Vladivostok” and “Sevastopol”, although it is not at all necessary that the deployment points of both ships will be located in these cities. As for the construction of the third and fourth ships, this issue was not discussed in detail. For now we are working exclusively within the framework of the main contract.

"VPK": What is necessary for this issue to be discussed? The will of the government?

– We have no doubts that the first and second Mistrals will be built. But I will say this: first, give us the first Mistral. As for the third and fourth ships, they will have to be built in Russia with the participation of the French side in terms of the supply of components, which, based on economic considerations, it is advisable to purchase in France. This is an idea that has the right to life.

"VPK": Are there any design differences between the Mistral, which is being built for Russia, and its French prototype?

– More than sixty so-called improvements or changes were made to that working design and documentation of the standard French project according to the basic nomenclature.

“VPK”: By the way, if you look at the well-equipped French stands, for example the same DCNS, you can’t help but get the impression that the shipbuilding life of France is in full swing, enterprises are loaded with orders. Russian stands do not give such an impression purely outwardly, although the economic situation of our enterprises is much better. How do you assess this situation?

– Yes, I don’t think that today French enterprises are busier than the Russian shipbuilding industry. But everything is simpler here: any event has an economic component. Here we are located on the territory of France and therefore the capabilities of local enterprises and firms are naturally much wider than ours. Let's wait for the Naval Show in St. Petersburg in 2013. And there we will compare.

"VPK": And there we will show them?

– I’m not saying whether we will show it or not. There we can compare.

"VPK": What is the status of the issue of creating a non-nuclear submarine jointly with Italy?

– This issue has not been removed from the agenda. Discussions with the Italian side on the S1000 project are ongoing. That is, this issue has not died down at all, as some experts claim.

"VPK": What weapons will Russia supply to ships built with the participation of the Spanish company Navantia?

“I think it’s not worth running ahead of the locomotive just yet.” The ink has not yet completely dried on the cooperation agreement with this company, signed at Euronaval 2012, and you are already talking about weapons. The question of types of ships, much less weapons, has not yet been discussed. This will largely depend on the wishes of foreign customers, that is, third countries. The agreement with Navantia does not yet carry any financial burden; it only imposes certain obligations on both sides in terms of information exchange.

"VPK": Based on the results of Euronaval, will we purchase any foreign naval equipment? As is known, the volume of such purchases totals $100–150 million.

– As for the volumes of military product imports, based on the results of this particular exhibition they will not change. We did not plan to sign such agreements and contracts, concentrating our efforts on discussing various working issues.

"VPK": And in the future some large "import" contract may be concluded with foreign manufacturers?

– I believe that such a contract has already been signed. This is Mistral. There has never been a larger contract in post-war history.

"VPK": Is there any breakthrough project planned for export?

- I think yes. Competition in this area, of course, is extremely high today, but nevertheless we do not exclude such opportunities. The potential of Russian naval technology is very large. We still have a very good portfolio of orders for it today.

"VPK": What are your general impressions of working at Euronaval 2012? What conclusions did you draw?

– At first glance, this Euronaval is not as rich in samples of weapons and military equipment as it was before. In addition, in my opinion, the participation of well-known European and American manufacturers in the salon does not look so active. However, our contacts this time are much richer: the schedule of negotiations, meetings, and presentations on modern models of Russian naval equipment was very intense. And the Russian delegation at this “Euroval” is quite impressive. Representatives worked here Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense and the FSMTC of Russia. In particular, from the Ministry of Defense, the Rosoboronexport stand was visited by the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces - First Deputy Minister of Defense, Army General Nikolai Makarov, First Deputy Minister Alexander Sukhorukov and Commander-in-Chief Navy Russian Admiral Viktor Chirkov. As you know, I visited the exhibition and general manager Rosoboronexport Anatoly Isaikin. So we are satisfied with the high level of the meetings held here and the serious work that we have done in principle. The overall impression is good.

From October 22 to October 26, the Euronaval 2012 exhibition will take place in Paris. Shortly before its opening, an Interfax AVN correspondent asked the head of the delegation of Rosoboronexport OJSC, First Deputy General Director of the Company I.M., to answer questions from the news agency. Goncharenko.

Ivan Maksimovich, it’s too early to sum up the work of Rosoboronexport JSC for the year, but are there any intermediate results?

Yes, of course, and they make you happy. In particular, in the first six months, the export of military products through our Company alone amounted to 6.5 billion dollars, and the portfolio of weapons orders was 36 billion. This is higher than the results for the same period last year. So we can say that today Rosoboronexport continues to successfully fulfill all its obligations. I believe that the results for the year will be more than 11 billion dollars, and this is also higher than last year. Thus, we continue to provide enterprises of the Russian defense industry with orders for uninterrupted operation. And together with the state defense order, this will increase the number of jobs, purchase modern equipment, update production technologies, and expand research and development.

What tasks does Rosoboronexport set for itself when participating in the Parisian naval show Euronaval 2012?

Participation in major international exhibitions is an important area of ​​Rosoboronexport’s marketing work. The peculiarity of this exhibition is that it does not have a regional focus and is a review of global trends in the development of naval technology. Euronaval is one of the oldest and most authoritative naval salons in the world, which is held every two years. Participation in it is not only prestigious, but also important from the point of view of the country’s image and demonstration of high capabilities in the field of national military shipbuilding. That is why Russia is taking part in the work of Euronaval for the eighth time. In Le Bourget, where the salon will take place, at the Rosoboronexport stand, our delegation awaits a busy schedule of negotiations, meetings, and presentations on modern models of Russian naval equipment.

Today, the navies of states that position themselves as leading regional powers cannot do without a submarine fleet, and Rosoboronexport has a fairly wide range of offers. What will be presented at your stand?

Russia has been a recognized leader in military shipbuilding for many years. Today, there are about 160 enterprises operating in the country, including not only shipyards, research institutes and design bureaus, but also ship engineering, instrument making and electronics factories. The Russian shipbuilding complex can design and create combat submarines and surface ships and auxiliary vessels of all classes, as well as produce all types of naval weapons and technical equipment. The high level of development of science, design and shipbuilding technologies, solid production capacity, highly qualified personnel and extensive experience in foreign economic activity allow Russia to maintain a leading position in the world in the export of naval equipment and weapons.

Russian Kilo-class diesel-electric submarines, unique in their performance characteristics and combat capabilities, have great export potential. Their merits were duly appreciated by the navies of India, China, Poland, Iran and other countries.

Thus, Project 636 diesel-electric submarines are designed to effectively destroy submarines, surface ships, as well as coastal targets of any potential enemy and can operate both independently and as part of a group. This is one of the quietest diesel-electric submarines in the world, for which the Americans called it a “black hole.” This quality provides guaranteed proactive detection of the enemy and the ability to attack from a long distance, or makes it possible to evade and become invisible to other ships.

The highest combat effectiveness of this submarine is ensured by the unique Club-S missile system. Due to the complex’s long firing range (up to 275 km), the submarine’s ability to exit to attack high-speed targets is significantly increased, and the combat stability of diesel-electric submarines during enemy response increases.

Another modern product of Russian shipbuilders is the fourth-generation single-hull diesel-electric submarine Amur-1650 with two backup propulsors. It is capable of effectively performing combat missions in all areas of the world's oceans under any weather conditions, in shallow and deep waters. Highly sensitive equipment and powerful weapons provide this submarine with guaranteed proactive detection and the ability to attack enemy ships from a long distance, as well as timely evasion of enemy anti-submarine ships. It is planned to create an anaerobic power plant based on reforming diesel fuel and equip the Amura-1650 with it, which will increase the diving time to 20 days.

According to analysts, in the next three to five years, about ten main class surface combat ships - corvettes, frigates, and other platforms costing $100 million and more - will be sold annually in the world. What are the Company's capabilities in this spectrum?

There are no large or small contracts for Rosoboronexport. We treat each partner with sensitivity and respect. Now the Company is pursuing an active marketing policy, which is based on an analysis of the interests and requests of our potential clients. In most cases, we can talk not only about the supply of ships and submarines, but also about their joint design and construction at customer shipyards. This approach has allowed us to significantly expand the geography of our supplies.

Potential customers are showing great interest in the Russian ship - the multi-purpose frigate Gepard-3.9, the design of which uses stealth architecture. The lead ship of this series, "Tatarstan", became part of the Russian Navy in 2002; serial production of frigates of this project has been established both for the Russian Navy and for export deliveries.

"Gepard-3.9" is designed to search and destroy surface, underwater and air targets, therefore its weapons are varied and balanced. A deck helicopter with a flight weight of up to 12 tons is based on the ship.

Another multi-purpose ship, the Project 11356 frigate, is designed to conduct combat operations both independently and as part of formations against surface ships and submarines in oceanic and sea areas, as well as repel air attacks. The frigate can act as an escort ship. A characteristic feature of the design and construction of new Russian frigates is the transition to the modular-aggregate method.

The Project 22356 frigate is designed to destroy surface ships, search for and destroy enemy submarines, destroy ground targets in the depths of the territory, and fire support for amphibious assault forces. A diverse arsenal of missile and artillery weapons, air defense systems and means of combating underwater objects, as well as the presence of a Ka- 28 or Ka-31, allows the Project 22356 frigate to successfully carry out the entire range of combat missions assigned to it.

- Now at Euronaval they present dual-purpose ships and even ships for the civilian fleet.

And we are following these trends. The new ship that Rosoboronexport JSC is promoting to the world market is an ice-class research vessel and the provision of technical assistance in organizing its construction at the customer’s shipyards. It is intended to solve research problems in the Antarctic region, in particular, to carry out geophysical and seismic exploration work, as well as for engineering preparation for the development of future fields. This project incorporates many years of experience of Russian icebreaker fleet designers and puts into practice fundamental scientific developments of recent years.

Also, according to TsAMTO forecasts, the global export of boats will increase - approximately 45-50 units per year. What can Rosoboronexport offer its potential customers in this market segment?

Russia is one of the largest exporters of missile boats. Russian designers and shipbuilders were the first in the world to put into practice adjustable spoilers, allowing the Project 14310 Mirage patrol boat, which has no analogues in the world, to reach speeds of up to 50 knots, significantly reduce the influence of roll and pitch, as well as specific fuel consumption.

The Sobol patrol boat with a displacement of about 60 tons, also using interceptors, is designed to perform duty service in territorial waters, monitor compliance by ships and vessels with the navigation regime in inland waters, in roadsteads of ports and harbors, as well as in adjacent coastal areas seas. Combining good seaworthiness with high speed, the ability for high-speed maneuvers, as well as the necessary weapons, the boat fully corresponds to the concept of “interceptor”. Its analogue has been adopted.

The high-speed planing patrol boat "Mongoose" has great export potential. It is capable of speeds of up to 50 knots and is designed to intercept almost any high-speed maritime targets. Its propulsion system ensures high maneuverability even in difficult navigation conditions.

The Project 12061E Murena-E hovercraft landing craft has good export capabilities. It is designed for transportation and landing on an unequipped shore of tanks, wheeled vehicles, personnel with weapons, as well as other cargo with a total weight of up to 40 tons. The boat is capable of overcoming shallow water, riffles, sandy beaches, swamps and ponds overgrown with vegetation at speeds of more than 50 knots. Its powerful weapons are capable of providing effective fire support to the landing forces. High speed, landing capacity and efficiency in comparison with traditional landing ships allow us to consider Murena-E the optimal means for conducting special, peacekeeping and expeditionary operations in most regions of the world.

- “Euronaval” is not only a salon of warships, but also naval weapons.

Of course, because the power of missile, gun and torpedo weapons is one of the main indicators of the power of the navy. And in this segment, we also have something to present to visitors and guests of the Rosoboronexport stand. For example, integrated missile systems for Club-S submarines and Club-N surface ships. They are designed to destroy enemy surface ships, submarines and coastal targets of all types with cruise missiles, even in conditions of strong electronic and fire resistance. Based on the Club-N missile system, the Club-M multifunctional mobile coastal missile system has been developed.

The Uran-E anti-ship missile system effectively destroys enemy boats, ships and sea transports with a displacement of up to 5,000 tons. To increase stealth and surprise of an attack, and ensure resistance to fire countermeasures, the Kh-35E missile of this complex has a low flight altitude. "Uran-E" can be installed on ships, transports, under construction and in service, and on shore.

The unique characteristics of the Bastion mobile coastal missile system with the Yakhont cruise missile, which has an over-the-horizon firing range, supersonic speed in all parts of the flight path, and also implements the “fire and forget” principle.

Naval artillery and machine guns are not losing their positions either. The 100 mm lightweight naval gun mount A-190, as well as the 30 mm automatic artillery mounts AK-630M, AK-306 and their modifications are highly competitive.

By the way, light melee small arms will also be presented at the exhibition - improved Kalashnikov assault rifles of the “hundredth” series, 5.45 mm Nikonov AN-94 assault rifle, machine guns, flamethrowers, hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers, sniper rifles, night vision sights and many other weapons and military equipment created on the basis of advanced technologies.

Pearl Harbor also showed that the survivability of the fleet is largely ensured by effective air defense systems.

Today we need to add to this reliable protection against the missile threat. The ship's safety from air attacks is guaranteed by the Shtil-1 and Kashtan-M anti-aircraft missile systems promoted by Rosoboronexport to the world market, the Palma automated anti-aircraft missile and artillery system with the Sosna missile defense system, and the Gibka turret mount. . The combat effectiveness of these models surpasses many foreign analogues in the most important indicators and is in demand among our foreign customers.

Almost all maritime states are concerned with ensuring reliable coastal control. What can Rosoboronexport offer its potential customers in this regard?

Indeed, seas and oceans wash the shores of most countries in the world. And every state needs to ensure reliable control of its coastal zone. This is the protection of maritime borders, the protection of marine resources in exclusive economic zones, the fight against smuggling, drug trafficking, piracy, terrorism, as well as rescue at sea. The most important task of naval forces is to prevent, disrupt or weaken attacks from potential adversaries from sea directions.

In these conditions, the most effective and economical way to ensure security is the creation and use of control systems, including means of monitoring the surface, air and underwater conditions, systems for identifying sea targets, notification channels about identified threats, automation, communications, collection, processing and delivery of information. , as well as rapid response forces.

The modern approach to creating such systems is based on the principles of integration and unification. Data from various sources (Navy ships, coast guard boats, coastal posts, etc.) about all objects detected in the coastal zone, sea conditions and weather are received in real time into a single database. Then this information can be issued in a regulated manner to government and military authorities, as well as to other interested organizations, including on a commercial basis.

Based on this, Rosoboronexport offers potential buyers a whole range of new equipment that can be gradually combined into an integrated system.

Its system-forming elements are coastal operational information centers, in which the collection, processing and storage of information received from surveillance equipment is carried out. Such means are mainly various types of radars deployed along the coast. These are the over-the-horizon radar station "Podsolnukh-E", the radar "Podberezovik-ET1", MR-10M1E and its mobile version "Mys-M1E", as well as unified radio technical posts united by a local network into territorial subsystems. These can be used to form observation zones in water areas with a length of more than 500 nautical miles and a width of up to 200 miles from the coast.

I would like to highlight the features of the Podsolnukh-E over-the-horizon surface wave radar, which has unique capabilities and characteristics. It is designed for round-the-clock and all-weather surveillance, detecting surface and air targets at distances of up to 450 km and over a water area of ​​25,000 square meters. miles at the same time. "Sunflower-E" significantly reduces the cost of monitoring sea areas within a 200-mile economic zone and allows for the implementation of not only military, but also general civilian tasks (rescue operations, environmental monitoring, tsunami warning, protection of biological resources).

Underwater surveillance equipment in the long-range anti-submarine zone will be presented at our stand with materials on the MGK-608E “Sever” stationary early warning system. In the middle and near zones - the Komor electromagnetic anti-submarine system, the Anapa-ME anti-sabotage sonar and the Komor-1 magnetoacoustic complex. They have high noise immunity and are capable of secretly detecting submarines, surface ships and small targets (small submarines, combat swimmers and specially trained sea animals), classifying them and automatically transmitting data to coastal destruction systems even before approaching important sea and coastal objects.

- Now Russia has many competitors in the creation of integrated control systems.

Competition has always existed and affected all types of weapons. But the equipment of some manufacturers is inferior to Russian systems in terms of tactical and technical characteristics, while other models have similar characteristics, but their price is significantly higher. This trend has already been noted by many potential customers who, on their own initiative, are discussing with Rosoboronexport the issues of forming national control systems.

Russian experience in creating and using integrated coastal zone control systems indicates that a systematic approach to information support for all types of maritime activities increases its efficiency by more than 30 percent. At the same time, the configuration options for the integrated control system may vary depending on the purpose, specific tasks and composition defined by the customer. This can be either a local security system for a single oil platform or a unified state system for illuminating the maritime situation.

Modern practice shows that in the armed forces of the leading world powers, up to 70-80 percent of combat training of crews and teams is now carried out on simulators.

And that's right. The simulator provides a unique opportunity for a detailed analysis of errors, and most importantly, to bring all actions, skills and abilities of personnel to automaticity in a short time.

The complex Laguna simulator offered by Rosoboronexport is necessary for individual and group training of ship specialists. It allows you to significantly increase the training of combat personnel in controlling a ship, conducting combat operations, and working in difficult conditions. At the same time, the complete safety of the crew and the safety of expensive material and technical parts are ensured, fuel and energy resources, the ship’s engine life, and ammunition are saved.

The “open architecture” concept adopted in the development of the software determines the versatility of the entire simulator system and allows it to be adapted for training crews of ships and boats of any displacement.

-Does this mean that Russia is beginning to make up for lost opportunities in the field of IT technologies??

Yes, we have certain achievements in this area. Thus, Russian scientists have created a family of intelligent geoinformation software systems "Ontomap", which use the most modern approaches to automation and information support for the activities of command and staff at all levels and stages of naval command and control - from a tactical group of ships to an operational formation, including fleet forces . By ensuring the interface of command posts with maritime situation lighting systems, Ontomap is already the basis of the fleet’s integrated automated control systems. Behind the complex scientific terms “ontology”, “geographic information system”, “model support” there is a clear and obvious meaning: in practice, the principle of managing naval forces in a single information space has been implemented.

By the way, a similar approach was used to create the Ontomap-B1 operational simulator. It is intended for training and operational training of commanders and staff officers of naval formations, flotillas, squadrons, and fleets. The capabilities of the simulator make it possible to simulate combat operations of the Navy of any country against any enemy in any area of ​​the World Ocean. On this simulator, students of the Russian Naval Academy and fleet officers are already training in developing decisions on conducting operations both in modern conditions and in future armed struggle at sea, not excluding network-centric wars.

- What is the reason for the success of Rosoboronexport, which annually improves its performance indicators?

In its work, Rosoboronexport focuses not only on individual samples and types of Russian-made military weapons, but also constantly strives to assist its customers in optimizing military costs, linking recommendations for the selection of Russian weapons with the “efficiency-cost” criterion. Export versions of Russian weapons and military equipment are adapted to operating conditions in various latitudes. The weapons and technical equipment of ships include components supplied by Russian enterprises, as well as leading global manufacturers. At the request of the customer, the possibility of changing their nomenclature can be considered.

At the same time, the Company offers a wide range of services for servicing exported ships and ensuring their daily and combat activities. This is achieved by creating a full range of coastal facilities for basing, repairing and servicing ships; storage and preparation for use of weapons and ammunition, training of specialists on modern simulators, which are provided at the request of the customer.

- Ivan Maksimovich, now a few private questions.

The press is now actively discussing the failure of sea trials of the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya for India. How can you comment on this situation?

I get the impression that the press is exaggerating. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin noted that the main tests of the aircraft carrier were successful and in full. And this is indeed true. Most of the sea trials have been carried out, MiG-29K/KUB fighter jets have been successfully flown from the deck of the ship during the day and at night, and the operation of the ship’s most important systems has been tested.

But any specialist knows that a naval ship, and even more so an aircraft carrier, is a one-off piece. Here, as in the auto industry, you cannot first create a concept car, then make several prototypes, work out all the nuances on them, and then launch the car into production. That is why a complex of serious tests of all systems is carried out in order to identify and eliminate possible problems before the ship is handed over to the customer. The creation and construction of an aircraft carrier is the realization of the entire military-industrial potential of the country. The achievements of metallurgy, mechanical engineering, electronics, and the latest technologies in the weapons industry, rocket science, and aviation are brought together here. And no matter what they say, the deep modernization of the aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Gorshkov and the creation of a full-fledged aircraft carrier on its basis confirmed the ability of our country to create ships of this class. This is especially important to note after two decades of crisis in our shipbuilding, when only five percent of Russia’s shipbuilding capacity was used. In recent years, there has been a tendency to break out of this impasse.

Of course, there are issues with the Indian aircraft carrier. And along with the problem of boilers, this also applies to equipment from third countries. Considering that Vikramaditya will be operated in a tropical climate, we are primarily concerned with the operation of imported refrigeration machines, nitrogen and oxygen systems, and reverse osmosis water desalination plants.

To date, the causes of the problems, the scope of work, the timing of their completion have been identified, and a revised repair schedule has been prepared and will be submitted to the Indian side.

And the last question. It concerns the purchase of Mistral helicopter carriers for our country, disputes over the acquisition of which have not yet subsided.

Indeed, a lot has been said on this matter. I can only remind you that the Russian navy, which has a history of more than three centuries, was created precisely thanks to the experience that we adopted from Dutch and English shipbuilders, and most importantly, it successfully developed thanks to its own achievements. Remember the famous phrase of Peter the Great that “it is impossible to build ships and put them safely into the sea without the help of science.” So, maybe it makes sense to remember the old practice of Peter the Great and, based on French technologies, achieve new, qualitatively higher results in the construction of ships that we do not have. After all, the Mistral is an amphibious helicopter carrier that can serve as a command center, supply ship, and even a hospital ship. In general, we have a lot to learn.

Interfax AVN

The head of the delegation of OJSC Rosoboronexport, First Deputy General Director Ivan Maksimovich Goncharenko answered the questions of the weekly VPK.

VPK: Ivan Maksimovich, it’s too early to sum up the work of Rosoboronexport JSC for the year, but are there any intermediate results?

- Yes, of course, and they make me happy. In particular, in the first six months, the export of military products through our society alone amounted to $6.5 billion. This is higher than the results for the same period last year. So we can say that today Rosoboronexport continues to successfully fulfill all its obligations. I believe that the results for the year will be more than 11 billion dollars, and this is also higher than last year. Thus, we continue to provide enterprises of the Russian defense industry with orders for uninterrupted operation. And together with the state defense order, this will increase the number of jobs, purchase modern equipment, update production technologies, and expand research and development.

"VPK": What tasks did Rosoboronexport set for itself when participating in the Parisian naval show "Euronaval-2012"?

– Participation in major international exhibitions is an important area of ​​Rosoboronexport’s marketing work. The peculiarity of this exhibition is that it does not have a regional focus and is a review of global trends in the development of naval technology. Euronaval is one of the oldest and most authoritative naval salons in the world, which is held every two years. Participation in it is not only prestigious, but also important from the point of view of the country’s image and demonstration of high capabilities in the field of national military shipbuilding. That is why Russia is taking part in the work of Euronaval for the eighth time.

"VPK": What is the reason for the success of Rosoboronexport, which annually improves its performance indicators?

– In our work, we not only focus on individual samples and types of Russian-made military weapons, but also constantly strive to assist our customers in optimizing military spending, linking recommendations for the selection of Russian weapons with the “effectiveness-cost” criterion. Export versions of Russian weapons and military equipment are adapted to operating conditions in various latitudes. The weapons and technical equipment of ships include components supplied by Russian enterprises, as well as leading global manufacturers. At the request of the customer, the possibility of changing their nomenclature can be considered.

At the same time, Rosoboronexport offers a wide range of services for servicing supplied ships and ensuring their daily and combat activities. This is achieved by creating a full range of coastal facilities for basing, repairing and servicing ships, storing and preparing for use of weapons and ammunition, and conducting specialist training on modern simulators, which are provided at the request of the customer.

“VPK”: Today, the navies of states that position themselves as leading regional powers cannot do without a submarine fleet, and Rosoboronexport has a fairly wide range of offers. What was presented this time?

– Russia has been a recognized leader in shipbuilding for many years. Today, there are about 160 enterprises operating in the country, including not only shipyards, research institutes and design bureaus, but also ship engineering, instrument making and electronics factories. The Russian shipbuilding complex can design and create combat submarines and surface ships and auxiliary vessels of all classes, as well as produce all types of naval weapons and technical equipment. The high level of development of science, design and shipbuilding technologies, solid production capacity, highly qualified personnel and extensive experience in foreign economic activity allow Russia to maintain a leading position in the world in the export of naval equipment and weapons.

Russian diesel-electric submarines of the Kilo type, unique in their performance characteristics and combat capabilities, have great export potential. Their merits were duly appreciated by the navies of India, China, Poland, Iran and other countries.

Thus, the Project 636 diesel-electric submarine is designed to effectively destroy submarines, surface ships, as well as coastal targets of any potential enemy and can operate both independently and as part of a group. This is one of the quietest diesel-electric submarines in the world, for which the Americans called it a “black hole.” This quality ensures guaranteed proactive detection of the enemy and attack from a long distance, and also makes it possible to evade and become invisible to other ships.

The highest combat effectiveness of this submarine is ensured by the unique Club-S missile system. Due to the complex’s long firing range (up to 275 kilometers), the submarine’s ability to exit to attack high-speed targets is significantly increased, and the combat stability of diesel-electric submarines during enemy response increases.

Another modern product of Russian shipbuilders is the fourth-generation single-hull diesel-electric submarine Amur-1650 with two backup propulsors. It is capable of effectively performing combat missions in all areas of the World Ocean under any weather conditions, in shallow and deep waters. Highly sensitive equipment and powerful weapons provide this submarine with guaranteed proactive detection and the ability to attack enemy ships from a long distance, as well as timely evasion of enemy anti-submarine ships. It is planned to create an anaerobic power plant based on reforming diesel fuel and equip the Amura-1650 with it, which will increase the diving time to 20 days.

"VPK": According to analysts, in the next three to five years, about ten surface combat ships of the main classes - corvettes, frigates, as well as other platforms costing $100 million and more - will be sold annually in the world. What are Rosoboronexport’s capabilities in this spectrum?

– There are no big or small contracts for us. We treat each partner with sensitivity and respect. We are now pursuing an active marketing policy, which is based on an analysis of the interests and requests of our potential clients. In most cases, we can talk not only about the supply of ships and submarines, but also about their joint design and construction at customer shipyards. This approach has allowed us to significantly expand the geography of our supplies.

Potential customers are showing great interest in the Russian ship - the multi-purpose frigate Gepard-3.9, the design of which uses the Stealth architecture. The lead ship of this series, Tatarstan, became part of the Russian Navy in 2002; serial production of frigates of this project has been established both for the Russian Navy and for export deliveries.

"Gepard-3.9" is designed to search and destroy surface, underwater and air targets, therefore its weapons are varied and balanced. A deck helicopter with a flight weight of up to 12 tons is based on the ship.

Another multi-purpose ship, the Project 11356 frigate, is designed to conduct combat operations both independently and as part of formations against surface ships and submarines in oceanic and sea areas, as well as to repel air attacks. The frigate can act as an escort ship. A characteristic feature of the design and construction of new Russian frigates is the transition to the modular-aggregate method.

The frigate of Project 22356 is designed to destroy surface ships, search and destroy submarines, destroy ground targets in the depths of the territory, and fire support for amphibious assault forces. A diverse arsenal of missile and artillery weapons, air defense systems and means of combating underwater objects, as well as the presence of a Ka-28 helicopter or Ka-31 allow a frigate of this type to successfully perform the entire range of combat missions assigned to it.

"VPK": This time at Euronaval, dual-purpose ships and even vessels for the civilian fleet were presented.

– And we are following these trends. The new ship that Rosoboronexport JSC is promoting on the world market is an ice-class research vessel. We intend to provide technical assistance in organizing its construction at the customer’s shipyards. The vessel is designed to solve research problems in the Antarctic region, in particular to carry out geophysical and seismic surveys, as well as for engineering preparation for the development of future fields. This project incorporates many years of experience of Russian icebreaker fleet designers and puts into practice fundamental scientific developments of recent years.

"VPK": Also, according to forecasts, the global export of boats will increase - approximately 45-50 units per year. What can Rosoboronexport offer its potential customers in this market segment?

– Russia is one of the largest exporters of missile boats. Russian designers and shipbuilders were the first in the world to put into practice adjustable spoilers, allowing the Project 14310 Mirage patrol boat, which has no analogues in the world, to reach speeds of up to 50 knots, significantly reduce the influence of roll and pitch, as well as specific fuel consumption.

The Sobol patrol boat with a displacement of about 60 tons, also using interceptors, is designed to carry out duty service in territorial waters, monitor compliance by ships and vessels with the navigation regime in inland waters, in roadsteads of ports and harbors, as well as in adjacent coastal areas seas. Combining good seaworthiness with high speed, the ability for high-speed maneuvers and the necessary weapons, the boat fully corresponds to the concept of “interceptor”. Its analogue has been adopted.

The high-speed planing patrol boat "Mongoose" has great export potential. It is capable of speeds of up to 50 knots and is designed to intercept almost any high-speed maritime targets. Its propulsion system ensures high maneuverability even in difficult navigation conditions.

The Project 12061E Murena-E hovercraft landing craft has good export capabilities. It is designed for transportation and landing on an unequipped shore of tanks, wheeled vehicles, personnel with weapons, as well as other cargo with a total weight of up to 40 tons. The boat can overcome shallow waters, rifts, sandy beaches, swamps and ponds overgrown with vegetation at a speed of more than 50 knots. Its powerful weapons are capable of providing effective fire support to the landing forces. High speed, landing capacity and efficiency in comparison with traditional landing ships make Murena-E the optimal means for conducting special, peacekeeping and expeditionary operations in most regions of the world.

"VPK": "Euronaval" is a salon not only of warships, but also of naval weapons.

– Of course, because the power of missiles, guns and torpedoes is one of the main indicators of the power of the navy. This time, integrated missile systems for Club-S submarines and Club-N surface ships were presented at the Rosoboronexport stand. They are designed to destroy enemy surface ships, submarines and coastal targets of all types with cruise missiles, even in conditions of strong electronic and fire resistance. Based on the Club-N missile system, the Club-M multifunctional mobile coastal missile system has been developed.

The Uran-E anti-ship missile system effectively destroys enemy boats, ships and sea transports with a displacement of up to 5,000 tons. To increase the stealth and surprise of an attack, and ensure stability against fire countermeasures, the Kh-35E missile of this complex has a low flight altitude. “Uran-E” can be installed on ships, transports, under construction and in service, and on shore.

The unique characteristics of the Bastion mobile coastal missile system with the Yakhont cruise missile, which has an over-the-horizon firing range, supersonic speed in all parts of the flight path, and also implements the “fire-and-forget” principle.

Naval artillery and machine guns are not losing their positions either. The 100-mm lightweight naval gun mount A-190, 30-mm automatic artillery mounts AK-630M, AK-306 and their modifications are highly competitive.

By the way, at the exhibition we also showed light close-combat weapons - improved Kalashnikov assault rifles of the “hundredth” series, a 5.45-mm Nikonov AN-94 assault rifle, machine guns, flamethrowers, hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers, sniper rifles, night vision scopes and many other samples Weapons and military equipment created on the basis of advanced technologies.

"VPK": Pearl Harbor also showed that the survivability of the fleet is largely ensured by effective air defense systems.

– Today we need to add to this reliable protection against the missile threat. The safety of the ship from air attacks is guaranteed by the Shtil-1 and Kashtan-M anti-aircraft missile systems promoted by Rosoboronexport to the world market, the Palma automated anti-aircraft missile and artillery system with the Sosna missile defense system, and the Gibka turret. The combat effectiveness of these models surpasses many foreign analogues in the most important indicators and is in demand among our foreign customers.

"VPK": Almost all maritime states are concerned about ensuring reliable coastal control. What can Rosoboronexport offer its potential customers in this regard?

– Indeed, seas and oceans wash the shores of most countries in the world. And every state needs to ensure reliable control of its coastal zone. This is the protection of maritime borders, the protection of marine resources in exclusive economic zones, the fight against smuggling, drug trafficking, piracy, terrorism, as well as rescue at sea. The most important task of naval forces is to prevent, disrupt or weaken attacks from potential adversaries from sea directions.

In these conditions, the most effective and economical way to ensure security is the creation and use of control systems, including means of monitoring the surface, air and underwater conditions, systems for identifying sea targets, notification channels about identified threats, automation, communications, collection, processing and delivery of information. , as well as rapid response forces.

The modern approach to creating such systems is based on the principles of integration and unification. Data from various sources (Navy ships, coast guard boats, coastal posts) about all objects detected in the coastal zone, sea conditions and weather are received in real time into a single database. Then this information can be issued in a regulated manner to government and military authorities and other interested organizations, including on a commercial basis.

Based on this, Rosoboronexport offers potential buyers a whole range of new tools that can be gradually combined into an integrated system. Its system-forming elements are coastal operational information centers, in which the collection, processing and storage of information received from surveillance equipment is carried out. These assets are mainly the various types of radars deployed along the coast. These are the over-the-horizon radar station "Podsolnukh-E", the radar "Podberezovik-ET1", MR-10M1E and its mobile version "Mys-M1E", unified radio technical posts, united by a local network into territorial subsystems. These can be used to form observation zones in water areas with a length of more than 500 nautical miles and a width of up to 200 miles from the coast.

I would like to emphasize the features of the Podsolnukh-E over-the-horizon surface wave radar, which has unique capabilities and characteristics. It is designed for 24-hour, all-weather surveillance, detecting surface and air targets at distances of up to 450 kilometers and over a water area of ​​25,000 square miles simultaneously. “Sunflower-E” significantly reduces the cost of monitoring marine areas within a 200-mile economic zone and allows for the implementation of not only military, but also general civilian tasks (rescue operations, environmental monitoring, tsunami warning, protection of biological resources).

Underwater surveillance equipment in the long-range anti-submarine zone will be presented at our stand with materials on the MGK-608E “Sever” stationary early warning system. In the middle and near zones - the Komor electromagnetic anti-submarine system, the Anapa-ME anti-sabotage sonar and the Komor-1 magnetoacoustic complex. They have high noise immunity and are capable of secretly detecting submarines, surface ships and small targets (small submarines, combat swimmers and specially trained sea animals), classifying them and automatically transmitting data to coastal destruction systems even before approaching important sea and coastal objects.

"VPK": Now Russia has many competitors in the creation of integrated control systems.

– Competition has always existed and affected all types of weapons. But the equipment of some manufacturers is inferior to Russian systems in terms of tactical and technical characteristics, while other models have similar characteristics, but their price is significantly higher. This trend has already been noted by many potential customers who, on their own initiative, are discussing with Rosoboronexport the issues of forming national control systems.

Russian experience in creating and using integrated coastal zone control systems indicates that a systematic approach to information support for all types of maritime activities increases its efficiency by more than 30 percent. At the same time, the configuration options for the integrated control system can vary depending on the purpose, specific tasks and composition defined by the customer. This can be either a local security system for a single oil platform or a unified state system for illuminating the maritime situation.

"VPK": Modern practice shows that in the armed forces of the leading world powers, up to 70-80 percent of combat training of crews and teams is now carried out on simulators.

– And that’s right. The simulator provides a unique opportunity for a detailed analysis of errors, and most importantly, to bring all actions, skills and abilities of personnel to automaticity in a short time.

The complex Laguna simulator offered by Rosoboronexport is necessary for individual and group training of ship specialists. It allows you to significantly increase the training of combat personnel in controlling a ship, conducting combat operations, and working in difficult conditions. At the same time, the complete safety of the crew and the safety of expensive material and technical parts are ensured, fuel and energy resources, the ship’s engine life, and ammunition are saved.

The “open architecture” concept adopted in the development of the software determines the versatility of the entire simulator system and allows it to be adapted for training crews of ships and boats of any displacement.

"VPK": Does this mean that Russia is beginning to make up for lost opportunities in the field of IT technologies?

– Yes, we have certain achievements in this area. Thus, Russian scientists have created a family of intelligent geoinformation software systems “Ontomap”, which use the most modern approaches to automation and information support for the activities of command and staff at all levels and stages of naval command and control - from a tactical group of ships to an operational formation, including forces fleet. By ensuring the interface of command posts with maritime situation lighting systems, Ontomap is already the basis of the fleet’s integrated automated control systems. Behind the complex scientific terms “ontology”, “geographic information system”, “model support” there is a clear and obvious meaning: in practice, the principle of managing naval forces in a single information space has been implemented.

By the way, a similar approach was used to create the Ontomap-B1 operational simulator. It is intended for training and operational training of commanders and staff officers of naval formations, flotillas, squadrons, and fleets. The capabilities of the simulator make it possible to simulate combat operations of the Navy of any country against any enemy in any area of ​​the World Ocean. On this simulator, students of the VUNTS Navy "Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov" and fleet officers are already training in developing decisions on conducting operations both in modern conditions and in future armed struggle at sea, not excluding network-centric wars.

"VPK": For the last month and a half, the press has been actively discussing the failure of sea trials of the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya for India. How can you comment on this situation?

– I have the impression that there is an obvious thickening of colors. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin noted that the main tests of the aircraft carrier were successful and in full. And this is true. Most of the sea trials have been carried out, MiG-29K/KUB fighter jets have been successfully flown from the deck of the ship during the day and at night, and the operation of the ship’s most important systems has been tested.

But any specialist knows that a naval ship, and even more so an aircraft carrier, is a one-off piece. Here, as in the auto industry, you cannot first create a concept car, then make several prototypes, work out all the nuances on them, and then launch the car into production. That is why a complex of serious tests of all systems is carried out in order to identify and eliminate possible problems before the ship is handed over to the customer. The creation and construction of an aircraft carrier is the realization of the entire military-industrial potential of the country. The achievements of metallurgy, mechanical engineering, electronics, and the latest technologies in the weapons industry, rocket science, and aviation are brought together here. And no matter what they say, the deep modernization of the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Gorshkov and the creation of a full-fledged aircraft carrier on its basis confirmed the ability of our country to create ships of this class. This is especially important to note after two decades of crisis in our shipbuilding, when only five percent of Russia’s shipbuilding capacity was used. In recent years, there has been a tendency to break out of this impasse.

Of course, there are problems with the Indian aircraft carrier. And along with boilers, this also applies to equipment from third countries. Considering that Vikramaditya will be operated in a tropical climate, we are primarily concerned with the operation of imported refrigeration machines, nitrogen and oxygen systems, and reverse osmosis water desalination plants.

To date, the causes of the problems, the scope of work, the timing of their completion have been identified, and a revised repair schedule has been prepared and will be submitted to the Indian side.

"VPK": Does the Indian side require any penalty for rescheduling the delivery of the Vikramaditya aircraft carrier?

– This question was not raised or discussed.

"VPK": Please, a few words about the Mistral helicopter carriers, the disputes over the acquisition of which have not yet subsided.

– Indeed, a lot has been said about this. I can only remind you that the Russian navy, which has a history of more than three centuries, was created precisely thanks to the experience that we adopted from Dutch and English shipbuilders, and most importantly, it successfully developed thanks to its own achievements. Remember the famous phrase of Peter the Great that “it is impossible to build ships and put them safely to sea without the help of science.” So, maybe it makes sense to remember the old practice of Peter the Great and, based on French technologies, achieve new, qualitatively higher results in the construction of ships that we do not have. After all, the Mistral is an amphibious helicopter carrier that can serve as a command center, supply ship, and even a hospital ship. In general, we have a lot to learn.

“VPK”: You mentioned that our exposition was visited by the Chief of the Russian General Staff Nikolai Makarov. Could you tell me what the conversation was about?

– An exchange of views took place on our activities in the interests of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. They reported to him about the meetings that took place in Saint-Nazaire on the purchase of Mistrals in the interests of the Russian Navy, which is currently the largest project in the field of our military-technical cooperation with France.

"VPK": What can you say about visiting Saint-Nazaire?

– A meeting was held there under the leadership of First Deputy Minister of Defense Alexander Sukhorukov. It was attended by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Viktor Chirkov, the leadership of the United Shipbuilding Corporation represented by its President Andrei Dyachkov, representatives of the French company STXFrance, as well as the French Ministry of Defense. We reviewed the work that had already been done and discussed a number of issues that must inevitably arise during the construction of such a complex facility. In Saint-Nazaire, we saw in practice that the Mistral will be: the ship is being built in accordance with the schedule.

"VPK": Is the issue of creating a simulator for the Mistral being discussed?

– We have an order from the Russian government to purchase Mistrals, but the issue of simulators was not covered by these agreements. But it can arise, because the Mistral has built-in means of training the crew and combat crews. By the way, the training of our two crews is provided for in the contract and will begin in France next year.

"VPK": Have you discussed the details of the contract for the construction of the third and fourth Mistrals in Russia?

- Let's be clear. The contract was signed for the construction of two Mistrals, which we are currently working on. Their names have already been determined - “Vladivostok” and “Sevastopol”, although it is not at all necessary that the deployment points of both ships will be located in these cities. As for the construction of the third and fourth ships, this issue was not discussed in detail. For now we are working exclusively within the framework of the main contract.

"VPK": What is necessary for this issue to be discussed? The will of the government?

– We have no doubts that the first and second Mistrals will be built. But I will say this: first, give us the first Mistral. As for the third and fourth ships, they will have to be built in Russia with the participation of the French side in terms of the supply of components, which, based on economic considerations, it is advisable to purchase in France. This is an idea that has the right to life.

"VPK": Are there any design differences between the Mistral, which is being built for Russia, and its French prototype?

– More than sixty so-called improvements or changes were made to that working design and documentation of the standard French project according to the basic nomenclature.

“VPK”: By the way, if you look at the well-equipped French stands, for example the same DCNS, you can’t help but get the impression that the shipbuilding life of France is in full swing, enterprises are loaded with orders. Russian stands do not give such an impression purely outwardly, although the economic situation of our enterprises is much better. How do you assess this situation?

– Yes, I don’t think that today French enterprises are busier than the Russian shipbuilding industry. But everything is simpler here: any event has an economic component. Here we are located on the territory of France and therefore the capabilities of local enterprises and firms are naturally much wider than ours. Let's wait for the Naval Show in St. Petersburg in 2013. And there we will compare.

"VPK": And there we will show them?

– I’m not saying whether we will show it or not. There we can compare.

"VPK": What is the status of the issue of creating a non-nuclear submarine jointly with Italy?

– This issue has not been removed from the agenda. Discussions with the Italian side on the S1000 project are ongoing. That is, this issue has not died down at all, as some experts claim.

"VPK": What weapons will Russia supply to ships built with the participation of the Spanish company Navantia?

“I think it’s not worth running ahead of the locomotive just yet.” The ink has not yet completely dried on the cooperation agreement with this company, signed at Euronaval 2012, and you are already talking about weapons. The question of types of ships, much less weapons, has not yet been discussed. This will largely depend on the wishes of foreign customers, that is, third countries. The agreement with Navantia does not yet carry any financial burden; it only imposes certain obligations on both sides in terms of information exchange.

"VPK": Based on the results of Euronaval, will we purchase any foreign naval equipment? As is known, the volume of such purchases totals $100–150 million.

– As for the volumes of military product imports, based on the results of this particular exhibition they will not change. We did not plan to sign such agreements and contracts, concentrating our efforts on discussing various working issues.

“VPK”: Could any large “import” contract be concluded with foreign manufacturers in the future?

– I believe that such a contract has already been signed. This is Mistral. There has never been a larger contract in post-war history.

"VPK": Is there any breakthrough project planned for export?

- I think yes. Competition in this area, of course, is extremely high today, but nevertheless we do not exclude such opportunities. The potential of Russian naval technology is very large. We still have a very good portfolio of orders for it today.

"VPK": What are your general impressions of working at Euronaval 2012? What conclusions did you draw?

– At first glance, this Euronaval is not as rich in samples of weapons and military equipment as it was before. In addition, in my opinion, the participation of well-known European and American manufacturers in the salon does not look so active. However, our contacts this time are much richer: the schedule of negotiations, meetings, and presentations on modern models of Russian naval equipment was very intense. And the Russian delegation at this “Euroval” is quite impressive. Representatives of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense and the FSMTC of Russia worked here. In particular, from the Ministry of Defense, the Rosoboronexport stand was visited by the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces - First Deputy Minister of Defense, Army General Nikolai Makarov, First Deputy Minister Alexander Sukhorukov and Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Viktor Chirkov. As you know, the exhibition was also visited by the General Director of Rosoboronexport, Anatoly Isaikin. So we are satisfied with the high level of the meetings held here and the serious work that we have done in principle. The overall impression is good.