Unexpected shopping. Stumbling upon yet another sign, the Aries girl may remember that this is exactly what she needs (even if she had absolutely no intention of going into the store to make a purchase). True, having taxied into the boutique, the “sheep” can stare at the counter “like a ram at a new gate”, choosing for a long time what he likes, and brushing off the sellers. But, having glanced through the window and decisively decided on a purchase, the Aries girl can take the item without trying it on or put it on right away and leave. And at home I think for a long time - couldn’t I have found something better?
Advice to Aries: don’t rush into buying, go around several shops to finally make your choice. Then you won’t have to suffer in silence, watching the shoes you just bought in a nearby boutique with the sign “Sale”.
Ceremonial. Shopping for a Taurus girl is a whole ritual. Therefore, it is better to immediately leave especially nervous men who cannot endure long shopping promenades at home. Choosing a blouse for yourself. Taurus can find fault with quality, color and manufacturer for a very long time, annoying everyone around him. And having chosen a certain thing, buy two at once - if you like it, then you need to take it with a reserve. At the same time, the “Sale” sign does not act on a Taurus girl like a “red rag on a bull”; rather, on the contrary, she will try to get away from the unnecessary fuss and return to the same store later.
Advice to Taurus: don’t forget that in addition to the concept of “comfortable” and “I like”, there is also the word “fashion”, so it’s worth sometimes watching fashion shows and at least selecting accessories that can spice up your wardrobe.
Geminis love everything bright and shiny, this includes boutiques. In supermarkets, Gemini girls have an insurmountable weakness for periodicals and book bestsellers. But, near a newspaper and magazine layout, as well as in a boutique, Geminis can get “lost” for a long time, having difficulty trying to decide where to stop. As a result, having bought something bright that caught their eye, Gemini girls can immediately forget about half of it, and never print the second half.
We can advise Gemini girls not to waste time and if you decide to buy something in a store, then run to the store and don’t be distracted. But when Gemini listened to advice...
A Cancer girl can wander around the shops all day. Those who really have freedom in hypermarkets! Having bought everything she needs and weighed herself down with bags from head to toe, which will practically not burden Cancer (after all, she can’t bear her own burden), she will not forget to buy something for the soul: an interesting book, a cute rattle or openwork curtains. True, later it may turn out that “for the soul” slightly outweighs “necessary”, but these are such trifles!
Advice to Cancer: when walking in huge shopping centers, do not forget to look at your watch, otherwise you may find yourself locked by a security guard in the next store.
Lionesses, of course, prefer Lionesses prefer chic and fashionable boutiques. And until closing he can argue with sellers, demanding general director for the fact that she was offered to try on a defective item. And only after apologizing will she solemnly retire. Most often, a Leo girl can be found in the jewelry department, where she is looking for her next pendant or bracelet. At the same time, inexpensive jewelry, of course, does not suit her - only real stones and precious metals.
Advice to Leo: don’t demand the impossible from sellers. If they don’t have what you need, then they certainly won’t dig anything out of the ground.
Favorite word is “sales”. The one who really reacts inadequately to various sales is Virgo. Her practical nature simply does not allow her to ignore the common sign (after all, everything will come in handy in the household), and then she will force her to wear the purchased item as long as the time of year and fashion allow it (not to let it go to waste). Then things move together to the pantry or to the dacha and live out their lives there.
Advice to Virgo: when you see the word “Sale”, close your eyes and walk past. If you need anything, there will definitely be a sale somewhere in town later.
In stores they are often helpless. Libras can shop not just for hours, but in circles in only one place. How could it be otherwise - is it possible to decide on so many things? After all, the choice is so difficult... It is especially difficult in the art salons and gift shops so beloved by girls of this sign - there are so many interesting and beautiful things and it is so difficult to choose from it. Only with the help of the seller are they able to decide on a purchase, and then Libra leaves happy and satisfied.
Advice to Libra: don’t be afraid to ask sales consultants for help. This is their job, and they will definitely help you make a good choice.
Retro. The Scorpio girl's favorite stores are most often antique shops, thrift stores and flea markets. After all, there are so many interesting things there! And it doesn’t matter that this hat is no longer in fashion, but it looks original and unusual. It’s just a little expensive... But Scorpio is in no hurry and is ready to wait until she is discounted. However, if a girl of this sign is really interested in something, she will be ready to pay any price just to get what she wants.
Advice to Scorpio: don't forget about fashion. Of course, you can be its legislator with your developed intuition, but there is also a risk of turning into a garden scarecrow.
Rocket. This girl flies through the store “at the speed of an arrow” and pulls up to the checkout with a basket full of absolutely useless things. Here is someone whose speed of movement is measured in the number of “dollars per minute” spent. At the same time, at the checkout, fun begins for everyone around, because Sagittarius does not mind arguing with the service staff, which often leads to serious conflicts. However, knowing your rights, you can always defend them.
Advice to Sagittarius: buy goods according to the list and study consumer rights well so as not to get into trouble when asserting your rights.
Quality. One of the most important points when purchasing for a “Capricorn”, it provides a guarantee for the product. And really, is it possible to buy poor quality product? And if there is no warranty on it, then who will fix it if it breaks? So it turns out that you need to approach the choice of any item with the most serious intentions, because buying sandals for a month is not serious, because you can wear them for two or three seasons until they finally go out of fashion.
Advice to Capricorn: if you have decided to take a quality item, then you should not save. True, before you choose “things for years”, think about whether they will fit in that huge room that you call a closet.
Don't forget your wallet. Huge supermarkets with a cash register at the exit are not for an Aquarius girl. Running through the store, she grabs everything into one bag, starting with an openwork blouse and ending with an electric light bulb. Especially quickly, “new items” disappear from the shelves, which the Aquarius girl takes to try something like that. And it doesn’t matter what it is – fashionable trousers or hair dye. But on the way to the checkout it turns out that she forgot her wallet at home. And if there is one, then there may easily not be enough money in it for all purchases.
Advice for Aquarius: when going to the store, don’t forget your wallet and a list of everything you need. And in the store, try to stick to the list at least a little.
In stores, “like a fish in water.” The fish “swims” around the shops calmly and impressively, without rushing anywhere. And what’s the hurry if she decided to devote this day to herself, her beloved. Between visits to the next boutiques, you can stop at a cafe for a light snack, because shopping is so tiring. Seeing another promoter, a girl of this sign easily changes the direction of movement in his direction in order to please herself with another gift when buying something not particularly necessary.
Advice to Pisces: when going shopping, don’t plan anything else that day, because you can easily get stuck in another hypermarket for at least a day.

That sweet word “shopping”... However, not everyone finds the prospect of shopping attractive. And this depends not only on a person’s individual preferences, but largely on what zodiac sign he belongs to. Buying needs and habits are determined by character traits, attitude towards money, as well as the willingness and ability to deal with by one's own desire buy your favorite item here and now. So, the shopping horoscope will tell you how representatives of different zodiac signs behave when they find themselves face to face with a wide assortment and their own temptations.

Reflects on his purchases after they have already been purchased. He is greedy for any modern and fashionable things that give him the opportunity to stand out and show off, he trusts advertising and often spends the entire contents of his wallet in a store.

Taurus is economical, but beautiful things, or rather the temptation to buy them, evoke conflicting feelings in his soul. He likes to go with a list, doesn’t go to sales, and makes shopping a real ritual - unhurried and endlessly painful for his more dynamic companions.

Geminis are very lucky in that they are not obsessed with expensive things. Otherwise, they would have to go around the world, since they are typical shopaholics, frivolously spending amounts on all sorts of small things that often do not correspond to their current financial capabilities.

Cancers are guided by feelings when choosing goods, but at the same time they firmly adhere to the principle “everything for the home, everything for the family.” However, there is a hole in them too when they see good discount or a thing you dreamed of as a child.

Leo makes a small show out of his visit to a store (prestigious, expensive, because it is not fitting for him to go to others) - often with a debriefing, if someone dares to offer him a product of inadequate quality.

Virgo, who in other situations is a model of rationality, sanity and self-discipline, can completely lose her head when she finds herself on sale. He feels a special responsibility towards the things he buys, uses them for a long time and will never throw away even what should have been thrown into the trash long ago.

Libras are stable in their indecisiveness, often let things they like slip through their noses, and listen sensitively to other people’s advice, even if it comes from onlookers passing by. They see shopping as a good opportunity to show off their own merits.

Scorpio is a tireless seeker of the optimal price-quality ratio, a reasonable buyer who does not lose his composure, who nevertheless looks for non-standard things in non-standard places.

Sagittarius, despite the love of novelty and research activities, doesn't like shops - it's boring. Fills the cart in a matter of minutes, but spares no time and effort to restore violated consumer rights.

Capricorn perceives shopping as a necessary evil, but chooses things slowly and meticulously, turning into a source of headaches for sellers. Sales and advertising will not force him to open his wallet, but in order to save money, he will not consider it burdensome to travel to the other end of the city or even further.

Aquarius is an enthusiastic buyer, although not particularly enthusiastic about the upcoming shopping. Excitement overtakes him already on the spot. Only at the checkout can he discover that there is nothing to pay with.

Pisces are leisurely, aesthete shoppers. Often it is more important for them to see the product, while receiving aesthetic pleasure, than to purchase the thing and become its owner. But they also do not deny themselves purchases unless they see a dire need to save.

Shopping horoscope by zodiac sign

Astrologers have compiled a shopping horoscope that characterizes each representative of the constellation as a buyer. So how do different zodiac signs behave in stores and what problems do they face when choosing goods?

Aries They may end up in a store completely by accident. Their shopping is often unplanned, which leads to significant expenses. Representatives of this sign can choose a thing for a very long time, try it on a hundred times, and end up buying something they haven’t even looked at. The result of such shopping trips is often sad: Aries come home and realize that they bought the wrong thing. Astrologers' advice: don't rush and give in to emotions. It is better to go around several stores and choose the most acceptable product in terms of quality and price.

Taurus shop responsibly. The most important thing for them is quality. Since people of this constellation do not go shopping very often, they use the day chosen for shopping to the fullest. They tend to buy everything at once, so that later they don’t have to visit the store again. Astrologers' advice: when choosing things, you need to not only be guided by your ideas about comfort and convenience, but also take into account fashion trends.

Twins may go to grocery store for tea, and will return only in the evening from a fashionable boutique with a lot of purchases. Representatives of this sign act on a whim. Their fleeting desire decides everything. As a result, some purchases may remain in packaging and with labels for years. Astrologers' advice: Geminis should pacify their desires, because they do not always coincide with possibilities.

Cancers- incorrigible shopaholics. They can spend hours shopping without thinking about time or things to do. Shopping for them is relaxation and pleasure. But sometimes representatives of this sign cannot stop. Astrologers' advice: It is dangerous for Cancers to go shopping alone. Let them be accompanied by a more rational and critical person who can dissuade them from useless purchases in time.

Lions- the most picky buyers. When they come to the store, they love the hospitality and attention of the salespeople. If they don’t like something from the product offered, they will definitely make a comment. Astrologers' advice: there is no need to demand the impossible from store consultants.

Virgo- bargain hunters. They definitely won’t be able to pass by the “Sale” sign. When they go on sale, Virgos buy literally everything in sight. Everything will come in handy on the farm! Astrologers' advice: there are many sales, but financial possibilities are not limitless. Representatives of this sign need to be more rational and not succumb to momentary weaknesses.

Scales very indecisive when choosing purchases. They can spend large number time at the window, lost in doubt: to buy or not? And only with the help of a sales consultant can they decide to purchase. Astrologers' advice: You shouldn't go shopping alone. Shopping with a friend is not only more fun, but also easier on your budget.

Scorpios love to buy unusual things, so fashion boutiques and regular stores do not always meet their needs. If Scorpios have something that has sunk into their souls, then they will spare no expense in purchasing this product. Astrologers' advice: don't forget about fashion. Originality and a non-standard view of things are good, but there are limits to everything.

Sagittarius– those are still shopaholics, they buy things without thinking about why they need them at all. In addition, representatives of this sign love to argue with sellers. They tend to defend consumer rights, even if they have never read them in their lives. Astrologer advice: before you go to the store, make a shopping list, otherwise you may waste your money.

Capricorns– lovers of quality goods. When buying an item, they will definitely ask about the warranty. It is important for them that the purchased product serves faithfully for a long time. Astrologers' advice: Capricorns should be prepared for the fact that a quality product has high price. So if representatives of the sign decide to treat themselves to a good thing, they will have to pay well for it.

Aquarius Chaotic shopping is typical. They can try on a dress and a minute later find themselves in an electronics store. They take whatever they like without thinking about their financial capabilities. As a result, at the checkout it may turn out that Aquarius cannot pay for the purchase. Astrologers' advice: when going shopping, make a list of what you really need.

Fish - These are serene and calm buyers. While shopping, they can easily forget about a business meeting, and the very purpose of visiting the store too. When choosing a product, they are guided by feelings and mood. Astrologers' advice: Pisces are advised not to plan other important things on the day of shopping.

You hate shopping, don't you? Crowds of people, stuffy and cramped fitting rooms, faded rags for crazy money, and the sizes also lie. Who came up with this anyway? It would be better if he came up with a store for Aries. A special store where items are sold in sets and fit perfectly. Accessories and shoes included. No, you, of course, are great at choosing things yourself, what kind of question is that? Let them put up a rack of red dresses, and you choose the most beautiful one. And the rest can just be wrapped up quickly, huh?


On payday, you walk around with a dreamy face, anticipating the evening break. Dresses, handbags, bracelets - everything is so delicious! It’s the tasty stuff - you’re a hedonist, pleasure for you is the highest good. And let the whole world wait, yes. He'll wait about four hours. Buying something new is half the battle, then you need to go to a restaurant and eat something unusual. And wine probably won't hurt. More fun! And your legs don’t even hurt after shopping - do you know how jealous we are of you?



Shopping alone is a waste of money. You should definitely bring a couple of girlfriends with you. Maybe a sister or even a mother. If there is absolutely no one, a boyfriend will do too. Let him roll his eyes, groan and look at his watch doomedly - you don’t care at all. The main thing is to have someone to talk to. I mean, so that there are ears nearby into which you can buzz, “Blue or striped?” Blue is the last squeak, but it seems to make me look fat. And I had a striped dress when I was three years old. We went to the Sea of ​​Azov then, remember? Oh no, you don't know. Now I’ll tell you..."


You only buy perfect things. Perfect. Not only should the thing be of good quality, it should decorate you; you never buy anything in the spirit of “well, it’ll do.” But this, of course, is not all - the thing should directly shout to you from the hanger: “Take me, take me away from here, do you know how happily you and I will live?” And indeed you will. At least another 20 years. And even then you’ll hardly throw it away - if you have daughters or granddaughters, you’ll keep it for them, and if not, you can wear it again, it’s vintage! Although in reality you just love every little thing you have. Like a cat.


You could get rich and become popular if you suddenly decided to become an image consultant. No one knows fashion better than you. You have impeccable style and probably have fans - you post every new thing on Instagram, right? But your profession, most likely, is not related to fashion - unless, of course, you are a model. Because who in their right mind would create competitors for themselves? No really. Let everyone admire only you.


Yep, gotcha! We've found your weak spot, Miss Perfect. Shopping is hard labor for you, so if they see you in a store, it means you literally have nothing to wear. The wardrobe has reached the state of “it’s a shame to go out in public in this.” The problem is that you can’t just buy a thing. There will definitely be a stupid bow on it, a too bright print, or the color of the item as a whole is somehow indescribable. As is the cut. And you just need something. Basic, no frills, as simple as possible. But to find it, you need to wear down two pairs of shoes. Hard-won classic shoes! Unbearable.


You can love shopping or not, it doesn’t matter. Although, what are we talking about: you either hate shopping or love it, depending on your mood. But the script is always the same. First, you walk for a long time along the shop windows - maybe you should come here? No, it's expensive. Here? No, their display window is kind of boring. On the third circle, you finally make up your mind and choose some door. And behind the door - oh, horror! - shelves and racks with completely different things. Maybe these jeans? No, not that model. And then, perhaps, a handbag. No, it's yellow. Oh, the perfect dress! Should I take it or not? Maybe it's not needed? In the end, you will buy something unnecessary and go home happy. Or irritated. It depends on how the stars align.


Girlfriends refuse to go shopping with you because it’s unbearable to look at. You rush through the sales area like a hurricane, instantly pick up an armful of things, go to the fitting room and come out like a queen. Every time. Everything suits you, everything fits you perfectly, you are beautiful. Envy, envy! Nobody understands how you do it. Us too. But we don't envy you. No, no, we’re not jealous at all. Not a bit.


Shopping is very boring, isn't it? What pleasure is it to wander around them for hours and look at clothes? Well, I found something suitable. Well, I bought it. Yearning! It's either a sale! Having time to grab your size and with the biggest discount is an art. An art in which you have no equal. And since you are a person of a generous soul, you share your talent with your friends - free of charge. You also invite them to the shops yourself - how will they manage there without you, poor things? And what more people on sale - the more excited you are. Oh, this will be a glorious hunt!


You have impeccable taste, although some people find it too strict. Well, let them dress up in the latest fashions, you don’t care about them. You have all your moves written down: you remain faithful to one or two brands that never disappoint you. You buy things at the beginning of sales - so as not to overpay, but also not to take leftovers that are of no use to anyone. You always know exactly what you're going for - and if you need a handbag, you won't come home loaded with bags of dresses and boots. Only a handbag. Well, maybe also gloves - you can treat yourself, because gloves are always needed, soon, you know, autumn. Boring? Some may be bored, but you are unfamiliar with the problem of “Nothing to wear again!”


You always know where and what is being sold. No, not everyone knows this, but only you. Everyone walks on big ones shopping centers and choose items from the brands presented there. Do you know in which of the tiny city alleys there is a small shop that sells breathtaking ethnic jewelry? You know a man who sews handbags that look like impressionist paintings, and you know what date and on what market he will set up his counter with masterpieces. That’s why you dress in such a way that the first thing everyone asks is “Where, where did you buy that?!” You are not greedy and give addresses, but one in a hundred will take advantage of this. And she is also an Aquarius, for sure.


What cannot be taken away from you is your innate sense of beauty and harmony. Therefore, even in your youth, with very modest capital, you managed to put together an amazing wardrobe. But now there is no problem at all - you come to the store, walk for a long time, looking at the shelves, and just as slowly pick up things. From the outside it seems that you take them without looking, and think about something completely different. Actually, this is how it is - shopping does not require any effort, no creative torment to create an image. It's as simple as breathing - why on earth is everyone suffering? There is only one problem: if you daydream, you can spend your entire salary in the store. Don't worry, it happens to everyone.

Horoscope website on Magic MCH Ru Section: Weekly Horoscope. All types of horoscope

Shopping and shopping according to the weekly horoscope for all zodiac signs.

Why does a seemingly expensive and reliable thing fail “out of the blue” after purchase?

To avoid such disappointments forever, use the free shopping horoscope for weekly purchases.

Weekly shopping horoscope by zodiac sign.

Signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.


It is possible that in the coming days you will be limited in money. You will convince yourself that you don’t need anything - because it’s not available.

The stars recommend that you go to your favorite shopping complex- no matter what. Walking around the shops will unwind you - and in addition, you will receive discount coupons and gifts that will completely lift your spirits.

Monday and Sunday will be good days for shopping. Go for everyday goods and food on Tuesday.


No restrictions, no doubts - this is your motto for this seven-day period. Listen to your desires - and follow them. Yes, this may create certain problems, but they can be solved. And you will become the owner of goods that are very important to you.

It would be a good idea to plan shopping trips for Monday or Sunday. Purchase food and everyday goods on Tuesday or Thursday.


Learn to say “no” - first of all, to yourself. And don’t be shy to say “yes” - to yourself too. You know the answers to your questions very well - so don’t be afraid to voice them. The question now is not about money - but solely about your courage.

A visit to the shopping arcade can be made on Tuesday, Thursday or any weekend. Purchase everyday goods and food products on Monday or Friday.


Sum up the year. What major purchases did you make and what did you have to give up? Are these products still relevant to you? What would you like to buy in the new year? Go to the stationery store for a diary - and start writing in it. new list- for the future. You can devote Monday or Tuesday to shopping.

In the second half of the seven-day period, purchase food and everyday goods.


This seven-day period is far from the best period for purchasing expensive things. Moreover, on credit or in installments. Balance your expenses with your income - this is now the most correct tactic. Take note of things that you cannot afford yet - because times change.


If you intend to purchase the product you need in a store or shopping center, be prepared for the fact that you will have to travel and look. The stars recommend that you shop online - you will save a lot of time. Although, of course, such shopping will bring less pleasure.

The best days for making transactions this week will be Friday and Saturday. Purchase everyday goods and food products on Monday and Sunday.


This week is good for purchasing books and periodicals. Remember the saying “a book is the best gift”? It is, of course, a little outdated - but just that a little. If you guess correctly with the work and publication, the gift will give you a lot of pleasant impressions, and even create a real sensation.


This week you may find it difficult to choose from too many... wide range– it is possible that after hanging around the store shelves for a while, you will go home with nothing. To prevent this from happening, use gaming techniques to help you make a decision.

The stars will not let you make mistakes. The perfect shopping experience awaits you on Wednesday. You can go shopping for food and everyday goods any day - but take only what you usually use, do not experiment with new products.


Your plans for this seven-day period are very modest - everything you want to buy can be found near your home. But is this interesting? Go to a large shopping center, have a holiday - admire the shops decorated for the New Year, drink coffee and cake. Do this on Monday or Wednesday - and your shopping will be very successful.

Purchase food and everyday goods on any odd-numbered day of the seven-day period that is convenient for you.


This week you can safely purchase something for yourself personally - including something secret, not intended to be shown to others. You will be able to keep your secret. Buy gifts too - they will remain a surprise until the very moment of delivery, the stars guarantee that.

The ideal time for shopping is the end of the seven-day period. Try to purchase everyday goods and food products on Monday or Wednesday.


The week is suitable for replenishing your wardrobe - even if at first glance you don’t need anything, don’t you want to buy yourself a new dress or suit to feel like yourself? New Year's holiday the real star? Invite a friend to go shopping - and this day will become one of the most fun and happiest in December.

You can go to shopping centers and boutiques at any time convenient for you, without restrictions.


Trust your intuition. Your loved ones, looking at how you choose products, may turn to you for help or advice - do not refuse, share the ideas that come to your mind. Your taste and creativity will be very highly appreciated.

Good days for shopping trips will be Monday, Friday, Sunday; try to purchase everyday goods on Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday.

Also, horoscope for today and horoscope for tomorrow:


