
In today's article you will be presented with birds of the Leningrad region, their high-quality photos and names, ways of life and habits. Well, let's get started.

Beregovka is one of the smallest swallows. Its dimensions are only 12 cm, its wingspan does not reach 30 cm. But it is still slightly larger than its relative, the little swallow. The weight of the coaster is 11-15 grams.

The barn swallow is also called the killer whale swallow. This is a small bird of small dimensions from 14 to 19 cm. Wingspan is 30-34 cm. Weight is about 17-20 g.

Voronok - aka ordinary city ​​swallow. The structure, as is typical for all representatives of the Hirundinidae family, is elongated. Dimensions 12-17 cm, wingspan 22-33 cm. Weighs about 20 g.

Larks – Alaudidae

Sky lark - known for its melodious singing. Lives everywhere. The only place where you will never see a skylark is a forest. Males are easy to distinguish from females. Firstly, they are more massive, and secondly, only males sing. Females lead a silent lifestyle.

Wagtails – Motacillidae

Forest Pipit – Also known as Forest Pipit. In size it is slightly smaller than a sparrow. Dimensions up to 16 cm.

The meadow pipit is somewhat smaller than its forest relative. Dimensions do not exceed 15 cm.

Yellow Wagtail - Like other wagtail species, it has a characteristic long tail. Loves water and is often found near ponds.

The white wagtail is a small bird, 16-19 cm. Like all members of its family, it stands out for its long tail. Weight does not exceed 23 g.

Shrikes – Laniidae

Common Shrike – Also known as Shrike. Feeds on insects. The size is small - up to 18 cm. Dimensions up to 28 g.

Orioles – Oriolidae

Oriole - dimensions no more than 25 cm, weight - from 50 to 90 g. Character is noisy, but asocial. Doesn't like society. Most often found alone, sometimes in pairs.

Starlings – Sturnidae

The common starling is a small representative of its family. Loves to sing. Dimensions – 18-22 cm, weight – up to 75 g.

Corvids – Corvidae

Jay - pretty big bird. It is up to 40 cm long and weighs about 150-200 g.

Magpie is one of the most smart birds. Scientists have even found that they have a number of rituals, including a ritual of regret. By the way, besides the parrot, this the only bird who can recognize herself in the mirror.

The jackdaw is one of the smallest representatives of the Corvidae family.

The rook is omnivorous, but mainly feeds on worms and insect larvae. They love to fly over fields where cultivation work is carried out.

Hoodie - on average up to 50 cm in length. Weighs approximately 800 g. It feeds on both insects and garbage left behind by humans.

- is the largest representative of passerines. Weight reaches 1600 g. According to some sources, until 2000.

Waxwings – Bombicillidae

The waxwing is a small representative of the Bombicillidae family. It reaches a length of 23 cm, weighs no more than 67 g. It belongs to the singing species.

Dippers – Cinclidae

The dipper is popularly known as the water sparrow. Lives near the banks of rivers or lakes. Feeds on small aquatic inhabitants. A special characteristic is the ability to swim well.

Wrens – Troglodytidae

Wren - it is also called nut. The only representative of the family Troglodytidae. A very small individual weighing up to 12 g.

Accentoridae – Prunellidae

The Wood Accentor is a very small individual, no larger than a sparrow. Dimensions up to 14 cm, weight – up to 20 g.

Warblers – Sylviidae

The badger warbler is a small individual up to 13 cm in length. Weight no more than 15 g. Male and female are almost identical.

Garden warbler - its length on average reaches 15 cm (maximum 17 cm). Weight from 9 to 15 g. A characteristic feature of this individual is the imitation of the voices of other birds.

The marsh warbler is a singing species with a length of up to 13 cm. Weight does not exceed 14 g. The male and female are of the same color.

The reed warbler is a small individual up to 13 cm in length and weighing no more than 15 g. It moves very quickly through the air at a speed of 10 m/s.

The blackbird warbler is a small bird up to 19 cm in length. Weight up to 36 g. Both male and female have the same color.

The Green Mockingbird is a small member of the Acrocephalidae family. Dimensions no more than 13 cm.

The black-headed warbler is a small individual with a mass of up to 22 g. Length up to 15 cm. The chicks in their youth are similar to the female.

Garden warbler - maximum length 15 cm, weight - up to 22 cm. Females and males have the same color, but the plumage of the chicks is more dull in color.

Gray Warbler – small bird(less than a sparrow). Lives on bushes, literally, especially on nettles, where she likes to build her nests.

The miller's warbler is also known as the lesser warbler. About 13 cm in length, weight does not exceed 16 g.

The willow warbler is a small bird up to 13 cm long. Weight does not exceed 11 g. Both males and females have an identical appearance.

The Chiffchaff is a representative of the forest world. Very small - up to 12 cm in length. Weight does not exceed 7-8 g.

Warbler rattle – in favorable conditions can live up to 8 years. Dimensions – 11-13 cm, weight – no more than 13 g.

Kings –Regulidae

The yellow-headed kinglet is a small individual with a spherical body structure. The neck is short, the tail too, the head is large. Dimensions 9-10 cm, weight up to 8 g.

Flycatchers – Muscicapidae

Pied Flycatcher - males have a brighter color, females and young chicks are paler. Weight does not exceed 19 g, length – up to 16 cm.

The little flycatcher is a very small representative of its family. The weight of an adult does not exceed 11 g.

Gray flycatcher - has long wings and a tail. The legs are very short and dark, similar in color to the color of the beak. It feeds in the “air”, hunting flying insects. Usually it climbs to a high place and attacks its prey from there. Afterwards, he returns to the hill again.

Thrushes – Turdidae

The stonechat is a small bird. Dimensions up to 14 cm, weight - about 20 g. B good conditions can live up to 8 years.

The common wheatear is a small member of the Turdidae family. Dimensions up to 15 cm, weight no more than 28 g. Males are brighter in color than females.

The common redstart is small in size, up to 15 cm in length. Constantly twitches his red tail, which makes it seem as if it is on fire. Hence its name.

Robins - They have quite long legs. This is a migratory species. Males and females sing. However, females have a wider range of notes.

The common nightingale is a moisture-loving bird. Maximum population growth is observed in forests. His favorite habitat is also located there.

The bluethroat is slightly smaller than a common sparrow.

Fieldfare - known for its protective function of shelling droppings. They shoot droppings not only at birds, but also at humans if they come to their colony.

The blackbird is a large representative of its family.

White-browed - a whitish-yellow patch is located above the eyes, which is where it got its name.

Song thrush - length up to 25 cm, weight no more than 100 g. Feeds on invertebrates.

Deryaba – length up to 27 cm, weight no more than 140 g.

Long-tailed tits – Aegithalidae

Chickadee - or long-tailed tit. Small specimen weighing less than 10 g.

Tits – Paridae

Puffy - or brown-headed tit. Length up to 14 cm, weight – about 14 g.

Tufted Tit – Known as the Grenadier. Length up to 14 cm, weight no more than 14 g.

Moskovka - mainly lives in coniferous forests.

The blue tit is much smaller in size than the great tit.

The great tit is considered the largest bird in Europe.

Nuthatches – Sittidae

The common nuthatch is a small, playful bird.

Pikas – Certhiidae

The common pika is a small bird with a curved beak and hard plumage.

Passerines – Ploceidae

House sparrow – length up to 18 cm, weight no more than 37 g.

The tree sparrow is a small, active representative of its family. Length no more than 14 cm.

Finches – Fringillidae

The finch is the size of a sparrow.

The common greenfinch is a small bird up to 17 cm long.

Siskin – length no more than 12 cm, weight – 14 g.

The goldfinch is a small bird up to 20 cm in length. The weight does not exceed 20 g. Externally, females are almost no different from males.

Linnet is a small bird 16 cm long. Weight up to 22 g.

Common lentil - lives in bushes, forests and near rivers. Prefers places with large thickets. Leads an asocial lifestyle, preferring not to be seen by people.

The spruce crossbill is slightly larger than an ordinary sparrow. Like a parrot, this individual uses its beak to more conveniently climb trees.

The common bullfinch is small, slightly larger than a sparrow.

Common Grosbeak - loves apple orchards and forests. Medium sized bird.

Buntings – Emberisidae

The common bunting is a fairly large representative of its family. The male is brighter than the female.

Reed bunting is a medium-sized bird up to 16 cm long.

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Species most common in the Leningrad region and St. Petersburg (70 species of the order Passeriformes)

Charity wall newspaper for schoolchildren, parents and teachers “Briefly and clearly about the most interesting things.” Issue 103, January 2017.

Charity wall newspapers educational project“Briefly and clearly about the most interesting things” (site site) are intended for schoolchildren, parents and teachers of St. Petersburg. They ship free to most educational institutions, as well as to a number of hospitals, orphanages and other institutions in the city. The project's publications do not contain any advertising (only founders' logos), are politically and religiously neutral, written in easy language, and well illustrated. They are intended as informational “inhibition” of students, awakening cognitive activity and the desire to read. Authors and publishers, without claiming to be academically complete in presenting the material, publish Interesting Facts, illustrations, interviews with famous figures of science and culture and thereby hope to increase the interest of schoolchildren in educational process. Please send your comments and suggestions to: pangea@mail.. We thank the education department of the administration of the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg and everyone who selflessly helps in distributing our wall newspapers.

2017 was declared the Year of Ecology by presidential decree

Dear friends! Coming Year of Ecology- a good reason to continue our popular series “Nature of our native land”. To ensure that the information in our newspapers is not only visual and interesting, but also scientifically reliable, we ask for help from famous scientists and recognized specialists.

A St. Petersburg ornithologist, Candidate of Biological Sciences, senior researcher at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences kindly agreed to prepare material for this issue. Vladimir Mikhailovich Brave. He is also a wonderful photographer - most of the photographs presented in the issue were taken by him during ornithological trips in the vicinity of our city. The first part of the issue presents species of the order Passeriformes (this is the most numerous order of birds), the second - from other orders.

In the “Nature of the Native Land” series, read our following issues on the website: “ wild nature parks of St. Petersburg" (No. 43), "Animals of our forests" (No. 56), " Rare birds Leningrad region"(No. 59), "Butterflies of the Leningrad Region" (No. 92), "Fishes of the Leningrad Region" (No. 94), "Protected Territories of St. Petersburg" (No. 95), "Protected Territories of the Leningrad Region" (No. 97) and a number of others.

Thank you for being with us!

According to International Union ornithologists, as of January 2017, the class Birds is divided into 40 orders, 238 families, 2294 genera and 10672 species(not counting 156 extinct species). During the entire period of research, 328 species belonging to 61 families of 21 orders were registered in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. In this issue, we sought to show the reader the most common birds in our area. Therefore, in the first part we limited ourselves to a systematic list and photographs of 70 species belonging to 22 families of one, but the most numerous, order - Passeriformes. The second part includes 61 species belonging to 21 families of 15 orders. Species marked in red are listed in the “Red Book of Nature of the Leningrad Region” and require special protection.
Our newspaper is not a determinant, but in some cases it can suggest what kind of feathered friend I met you on a walk. It is also useful to be able to look around remarkable diversity of the bird population of our region.

1. Swallow family – Hirundinidae

1. Beregovushka– Riparia riparia

2. Barn Swallow– Hirundo rustica

3. Voronok– Delichon urbica

2. Lark family – Alaudidae

4. skylark– Alauda arvensis

3. Wagtail family – Motacillidae

5. Forest Pipit–Anthus trivialis

6. meadow pipit–Anthus pratensis

7. Yellow wagtail– Motacilla flava

8. White wagtail– Motacilla alba

4. Shrike family – Laniidae

9. Common Shrike– Lanius collurio

5. Oriole family – Oriolidae

10. Oriole– Orolus oriolus

6. Starling family – Sturnidae

11. Common starling– Sturnus vulgaris

7. Corvidae family – Corvidae

12. Jay– Garrulus glandarius

13. Magpie– Pica pica

14. Jackdaw– Corvus monedula

15. Rook– Corvus frugilegus

16. Hoodie– Corvus cornix

17. Crow– Corvus corax

8. Waxwing family – Bombicillidae

18. Waxwing– Bombicilla garrulus

9. Dipper family – Cinclidae

19. Dipper– Cinclus cinclus

10. Wren family – Troglodytidae

20. Wren– Troglodytes troglodytes

11. Accentor family – Prunellidae

21. Wood Accentor– Prunella modularis

12. Family Sylviidae

22. Badger Warbler– Acrocephalus schoenobaenus

23. Garden Warbler– Acrocephalus dumetorum

24. Marsh Warbler– Acrocephalus palustris

25. Reed warbler– Acrocephalus scirpaceus

26. Thrush warbler– Acrocephalus arundinaceus

27. Green Mocker– Hippolais icterina

28. Warbler– Sylvia atricapilla

29. garden warbler– Syvia borin

30. Gray Warbler– Sylvia communis

31. Mill Warbler, or Common Whitethroat – Sylvia curruca

32. Warbler– Phylloscopus trochilus

33. Chiffchaff– Phylloscopus collybita

34. Warbler rattle– Phylloscopus sibilatrix

13. King family – Regulidae

35. Yellow-headed Kinglet– Regulus regulus

14. Flycatcher family – Muscicapidae

36. Pied Flycatcher– Ficedula hypoleuca

37. Little flycatcher– Ficedula parva

38. Gray flycatcher– Muscicapa striata

15. Thrush family – Turdidae

39. Meadow mint– Saxicola rubetra

40. Common wheatear–Oenanthe oenanthe

41. Common redstart– Phoenicurus phoenicurus

42. Robin– Erithacus rubecula

43. Common NightingaleLuscinia luscinia

44. Bluethroat–Luscinia svecica

45. Fieldfare– Turdus pilaris

46. Blackbird–Turdus merula

47. Belobrovik–Turdus iliacus

48. song thrush– Turdus philomelos

49. Deryaba–Turdus viscivorus

16. Family Long-tailed tits – Aegithalidae

50. Polovnik, or long-tailed tit – Aegithalos caudatus

Quite a lot of birds nest and feed in the Leningrad region. The rather colorful and loud-voiced family of finches especially attracts people's attention. What kind of birds of the Leningrad region make up this family?


Until mid-summer you can hear the beautiful song of the finch, which flies to Russia from March to April. The time of arrival depends on what type of spring it is. From mid-May, birds lay eggs and begin to hatch chicks. Finches' nests can most often be found in pine, birch and alder. At the same time, they can settle on other trees. However, finches sometimes have to rebuild the nest several times, because it often turns out to be ruined. The chicks are fed on insects that are easy to find (spiders, larvae, sometimes flies), seeds and small grains. From the second half of August to September, many birds of the Leningrad region, including finches, fly away in search of food and warmth.


This bird's voice can be confused with a bullfinch, titmouse or sparrow. She likes to dilute her trills with phrases borrowed from other birdies. The greenfinch is also included in the list of “Birds of the Leningrad Region of the Finch Family” and is found quite often in the south and west of the region. And in the north and east, encounters with her are quite rare. These birds love to settle near people. That's why greenflies can be seen in old parks. But it is also found on forest edges near fields. The bird chooses places where there is spruce undergrowth. Since it feeds on the seeds of various weeds, during the summer it flies from one area to another in search of fresh food. At the end of April and May, males sing for a long time, sitting on the tops of trees.

What other birds of the Leningrad region are finches? Of course, the well-known siskin! These Leningrad region are amazing, one might even say special. And all because if the siskins have enough food, they can stay for the winter. When there is not enough food, they behave like migrants - they fly away in the fall and arrive only in the spring. Sometimes marked birds make rapid flights, covering 160 km per day. At the same time, siskins ringed, for example, in Finland, can be registered in almost all European countries. The main diet of the siskin consists of alder and spruce. Siskins are social birds. They not only search for food together in flocks, but also nest in large families, arranging their nests like a dormitory. The first song of the siskin can be heard already in February. And in May, females begin to hatch offspring, which they feed with seeds.

Shcheglov in the Leningrad region can be found almost all year round. But still, the majority of birds of this species prefer to fly to areas richer in food for the winter. The goldfinch settles on open places, rich in burdock and other weeds. From April to the end of August you can hear the males singing. But in good weather they can sing until October. Goldfinches manage to hatch two broods over the summer, feeding the chicks mainly with burdock seeds, ovaries of grass flowers, as well as elm and linden ovaries. Along the way, adults collect small larvae of flower flies and caterpillars for the younger generation. If someone is interested in the birds of the Leningrad region with photos, then, looking at the photographs, he will definitely draw conclusions: the advantages of goldfinches lie in their bright beauty

As in other regions of our country, the Leningrad region is home to many different birds. Quite common are representatives of the finch family, which stand out from their relatives not only with their variegated colors, but also with their ringing voice. Let's get to know these birds of the Leningrad region better.

Popular birds


From early spring until mid-summer, the finch delights the ears of local residents and others with its beautiful song. In this region he appears already in March. But sometimes he may arrive later than usual. If this happens, then most often the reason for this is the late arrival of spring. Usually, finches lay eggs already in mid-May in preparation for breeding. To build their nesting sites, finches choose trees common in this region, such as:

  • pine;
  • birch;
  • alder.

At the same time, they can be found on other trees. But sometimes it happens that the nest has to be rebuilt, because someone has already been in it and destroyed it. To raise their chicks, finches hunt for insects, and they can also feed the brood with seeds and small grains. Already from the second half of August until September, most birds leave this region; finches are no exception, flying to spend the winter in places where there is plenty of food and warmth.


When you first see this bird, you might think that this is a bullfinch, a tit or a sparrow. And this is not surprising, since she trills likes to add voices, which other pichugas make. Along with other birds of the Leningrad region, the greenfinch is also a frequent inhabitant.

Since the basis of its food is the seeds of various weeds, the greenfinch has to migrate from one area to another to find fresh food. From the end of April to the beginning of May, people enjoy the first songs of the male greenfinches - they perform long concerts, which they give on the tops of trees.

Other types

If you have to stay in the Leningrad region for a long time, then you can meet this bird. It is worth saying that the siskin is a truly unique bird. They can often be found even in winter, provided that they have plenty of food. If there is a problem with it, then they have no reason to spend the winter here. Therefore, with the onset of autumn, they gather for warmer regions and return only in the spring. Marked birds have repeatedly proven their endurance, thanks to which they are able to make rapid flights and cover 160 kilometers a day.

Surprisingly, ringed siskins can be found in almost every country on the European continent. Siskins feed mainly tree seeds:

  • birch;
  • alders;

These birds are not used to living alone. Therefore, they can only be found in flocks. So they search for food, as well as build nesting sites that resemble dormitories. The siskin begins to delight people with its trill already in February. With the arrival of May, females begin to raise chicks, collecting seeds for them as food.


The goldfinch is one of those birds that can almost always be found in the Leningrad region, regardless of what time you decide to come to this region. But traditionally, these pichugas are accustomed to choosing more favorable places as their wintering grounds, where there is plenty of food.

The favorite places for nesting of goldfinches are open areas where there is plenty of burdock and other weeds. Males begin to produce their first trills already in April, which do not die until August. If the autumn is warm, then you can hear the ringing voices of these birds in October, but most of them do not stay for the winter.

Unlike other birds, goldfinches can raise two broods in a season, feeding their offspring mainly with burdock seeds, ovaries of flowers and herbs, and ovaries of elm and linden. The younger generation does not refuse other food either - small larvae of flower flies, caterpillars. If someone is lucky enough to be in the Leningrad region, then it is simply impossible not to notice goldfinches - these birds attract the attention of everyone with their bright colors.


Perhaps someone will think that the Leningrad region is no different in terms of fauna from other places in our country, however, this region can also surprise. There are indeed plenty of different birds here. And sometimes it happens that you can meet representatives who shouldn’t be here. However, an easy explanation can be found for this - if there is enough food, then in the Leningrad region some birds can live all year round. After all, severe frosts are rarely experienced in this region, so this may be an additional reason for birds not to waste time and effort looking for more favorable wintering places, but to stay here for the winter.

Birds of the Leningrad region