Igor Nezhdanov is one of the leading Russian competitive intelligence specialists. In the format of the presented e-book, Igor Yuryevich summarized his experience and the experience of his colleagues, and promised to work on developing the material in the future.
I will give just one quote from the book, and below I will provide download links.

Structure and functions of the Kyrgyz Republic division

So, we have decided on the need for four departments in the competitive intelligence division:
- coordination unit;
- mining division;
- processing unit;
- support division.

Coordination unit takes on general management tasks:
- strategic planning works;
- operational-tactical planning;
- coordination of actions of work participants.

Mining division performs work to gain access to the necessary information:
- determining the location of the required information;
- determination of options for access to this information;
- gaining access to this information;
- provision of information to the Kyrgyz Republic unit.
If we talk about an analogy, these are operational employees.

Processing division carries out work with the received information:
- accumulation and storage of collected information;
- information analysis;
- preparation of resulting documents;
- presentation of the result to the customer (at least preparation of the presentation). The employees of this unit can be called investigators, but more correctly analysts.

Support Division performs auxiliary functions:
- maintaining technical equipment in proper condition;
- support for LAN performance;
- transport
- etc..

But, despite the presence of a linear structure, the competitive intelligence unit is rather project-based in nature. This is expressed in the fact that for each major project creating its own working group consisting of a coordinator, analyst and employee of the mining division and, most often, a consultant from the corresponding division of the company.
As a result, we get groups of employees working on their own projects (problems). This scheme is much more effective than working on the principle of “everyone does everything.”

Before you start reading 7
Where did the idea come from or why in this format 7
What is and what is not in material 7

Chapter 1 Creating a competitive intelligence system 9
Division structure 9
Place of the Kyrgyz Republic in the organization 9
Structure and functions of the unit KR 10
Interaction with the customer 11
Ways to manage information consumer expectations 11
Determining information needs 13
What do you already know about the object of interest? 13
What can you find out right now? 14
Promotion of competitive intelligence services 15
Promotion within the company 15
Promotion outside the company 18
Viral marketing. 18
Partnerships 19
Participation in business events 19
Promotion of action 19
Training 19
Statement of problem 19
Conversation with the customer 21
Algorithm for determining goals 22
Planning the work of competitive intelligence 23
Strategic planning 24
Operational planning 28
Tactical planning 29
Making a plan 30
Evaluation of the work of the competitive intelligence unit 32
In-house structure or external contractor? 35
Intelligence cycle 36

Chapter 2 The Competitive Intelligence Cycle 38
Information 38
Sources of information 38
Sources of information 39
Properties of information 40
Peculiarities of human perception of information 41
Selectivity 42
Attuned to certain information 42
Authority 42
The imaginary secrecy of receiving 42
Market as a company's habitat 42
What is a market from the point of view of KR 42
What is competition and the competitive environment 45
Determination of market dominant economic characteristics 48
Gathering information from secondary sources 51
Experts and consultants 51
Media 54
Internet 55
Internet survey 57
Working with databases 60
Collecting information from primary sources 62
Internal sources of information 62
Collecting information using legend 64
Observation in competitive intelligence 69
Collaboration with people 76
Peculiarities of withdrawal from operation 80
Unauthorized receipt of information 81
Use of technical channels for unauthorized collection of information.81
Post illustration 83
Information processing 84
Primary information processing 84
Information analysis 98
1. Demagoguery without violating logic 132
2. Demagoguery with an imperceptible violation of logic 133
3. Demagoguery without connection with logic. 133
4. Beyond the borders of demagoguery proper (the transitional area between demagoguery and lies) 134

Chapter 3 Competitive Intelligence Technologies 142
News monitoring 142
Sources 142
If you need to work with sources in unfamiliar languages ​​145
How to understand the value of news 145
Collection and storage 148
Social networks as a tool kr 149
Features of social networks 149
Social networks as a source of information 151
Twitter as a competitive intelligence tool 161
What is Twitter 161
Twitter as a tool for obtaining information 163
Twitter as a tool for disseminating information 164
Programs for efficient work with twitter 165
Intent Intelligence 167
Coprocesses 167
Purchase of new equipment 168
Hiring 168 employees
Participation in exhibitions, conferences, presentations 172
Preparatory work 173
Collection of materials 178
Post-exhibition work 181
Methodology for collecting information about legal entity, a potential investment object 182
Purpose of the event 183
Guidelines for collecting information 183
Where and how to collect information 183
Collection and analysis of registration information 185
Analysis of the counterparty's CHARTER 185
Collection and analysis of information from open sources 186
What is the current state of the enterprise 192
What are the features and benefits 193
What are the threats and weaknesses 193
What are the intentions of the forces influencing the enterprise 194
Kr in recruiting 194
Problems of the Kyrgyz Republic solved with the help of recruiting 195
Intelligence of competitor's intentions 196
Technological intelligence 196
Development of dissident sentiments in the company 197
Creation of a bank of consultants 197
Organization of the KR-recruiting procedure 197
Keeping this direction secret 198
Graduality in working with each specific object 198
Data filtering 199
Technical organization 200
Finding an “approach” to the decision maker 203
So - where and how do people make connections? 204
How to get the information you need 205
Telephone activity analysis 205
Why do you need telephone activity analysis 205
Simple statistics 206
General information about object 206
Location 208
Wealth level of object 209
Object connections 210
Special Studies 210
Field Installation 211
What is it and why is it needed 211
How to do it 212
KR in the credit sector 214
Working with a client is working with information about the client 214
Signs of fraud 214
Sources of information about the client 217
Mergers and acquisitions 219
Official business analysis (due diligence) 219
Hostile takeovers 227
Competitive intelligence and bidding 232
On the bidder's side 233
Search interesting tenders 233
Identification of tender announcements 234
Identification of signs of a planned tender 234
Comparison of your position with the positions of competitors 235
List of used literature 237

Download links:
(pdf file from razvedka-internet.ru)

Nezhdanov Igor Yurievich. Competitive intelligence technologies. (the same file, but with access to the forum site of I.Yu. Nezhdanov it2b-forum.ru)

Original taken from

Archive for 2004-2010:


"Competitive intelligence. Practical course."

M.: Os-89, 2007. - 272 p. ISBN 978-5-98534-674-9

From the publisher

The book reveals the main areas of activity of competitive intelligence units, discusses the problems arising in this area and ways to solve them. Special attention given modern technologies information and analytical work.

The publication is intended for competitive intelligence professionals, security officers of enterprises and private detective agencies, as well as a wide range of specialists related to the problems of collecting and processing information. Buy a book.

"Encyclopedia of Business Intelligence and Counterintelligence."

Publishers: Rus-Olympus, Harvest, 2007

Hardcover, 432 pp.

ISBN 5-9648-0101-3, 978-985-16-0593-0

From the publisher

The modern market is the highest degree of risk, fierce competition and a lightning-fast changing environment. In order to survive and function successfully, you need to quickly respond to what is happening and calculate your actions several steps ahead, and in this there can only be one assistant, the most expensive commodity in the world - information.

Being able to obtain the necessary information in a timely manner and ensure its safety is a high art. But he, like anyone else, has his own principles, his own theory and practice, having mastered which you can learn to defend yourself beautifully and effectively, skillfully and timely attack and parry the blows of the “enemy” in a complex business battle.

Unique techniques and tools used to ensure business security in modern world, you will find in this encyclopedia. Buy a book.


Business Intelligence Notes:


The weakest link is the person. Source: National Banking Journal, February 2007.
To own information means to manage [page 1], [page 2], [page 3], [page 4], [page 5]. Magazine "Top-Manager" No. 2, 2006
Interview with Internet holding "Mail.ru". Source: "Mail.ru",

Intelligence technologies for business - a year on the Internet. Source: “Information protection. Confidential", No. 4 2004.

Participation in the preparation of other articles and other mentions in the press (2004-2010):

Business information security. Source: Finam FM
Do you like the one-stop shop? . Source: Komsomolskaya Pravda, 04/08/2010
A billion left on cue. Source: Vedomosti No. 235 (2505), December 11, 2009 Authors: Vasily Kudinov, Alexey Nikolsky, Daniil Zhelobanov, Grigory Milov
In a month, the police will no longer take bribes. Source: “Komsomolskaya Pravda” 08/24/2009 Author: Sergey Semushkin
Franchises with cockroaches. Source: Business Journal, August 2009.
Russia has been fighting corruption for a year. Source: MTRK “Mir”, 07/31/2009
Catch-65. Source: “Private Correspondent”, July 17, 2009. Author: Armina Baghdasaryan
Spy games. Source: “Company Management”, January 2009. Author: Pukemov Konstantin
They are looking for justice online. Author: Rinat Sagdiev. Source: Vedomosti 12/18/2008, No. 240 (2262)

Abstract: Technology intelligence has become an important field of study that examines various methods aimed at identifying opportunities and threats as a consequence of technological innovations (improvements). In this regard, technology scouting is a method that reduces the time lag between the emergence of technological innovations and their discovery through methods such as patent or publication analysis. Moreover, in an environment of increasing technological complexity and globalization in R&D, the successful establishment and use of external knowledge sources is becoming more and more important. Scouts (researchers) can also play an important role in finding valuable sources of information and facilitating the process of obtaining technological information (technology sourcing).

Based on the results of two scientific research conducted by Deutsche telekom and British Telecom, as well as a literature review, this article proposes a definition of technology scouting, a general technological process, and determines the motivation of participants in this process.

Key words: technological intelligence, technological forecasting, technological foresight, technology scouting, technological research, strategic foresight, technological monitoring, scanning (scanning, tracking) technologies.

Biographical notes: René Rohrbeck is a senior researcher at Deutsche telekom Laboratories (T-Labs) and corresponding member of the Technical University of Innovation and Technology Management in Berlin. At T-Labs, he also explores the effects of technological intelligence. His research interests include strategic foresight, technology scouting, road mapping and science-industry collaboration. Before joining T-Labs, Rohrbeck worked as a business development manager providing technology consulting and spent two years as a management consultant in the automotive industry.

1. Introduction.

Today, companies face numerous challenges, including increased competition, increased market volatility and, as a result of market convergence, the entry of new competitors into their territory. Technological competence plays an important role in maintaining or strengthening the competitive position of companies. Knowledge of relevant technological changes and trends is one of the main elements of technological competence. To do this, it is necessary to carefully monitor innovations in the field of basic (fundamental) technologies and monitor new technologies that are disruptive (dangerous to the company’s position) in nature.

Methods for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating such technological information have become known as technology forecasting, technology foresight, or technology intelligence.

The result of the functioning of technological intelligence is often the discovery of the need to develop new areas of knowledge.

Due to increasing technological complexity and the development of globalization processes in the field of R&D, it is becoming increasingly difficult to master all this knowledge on our own. As a result, companies are exploring new ways to obtain information to develop technological capabilities from external sources. Such information can be obtained as a result of joint research, licensing, purchase of rights intellectual property, joint ventures and direct purchases innovative technologies(new developments).

One of the methods that can expand the capabilities of technological intelligence and facilitate the process of sourcing (information search) is technology scouting. Strengths This method lies, firstly, in its ability to detect technological innovations at an early stage. Alternative Methods, such as publication or patent analysis, have a natural time lag of 12 - 18 months (the time required to complete the publication and organizational process). Secondly, contacts made by researchers (scouts) to obtain information are a powerful basis for technology sourcing.

This article aims to examine in detail the structure of research based on technology scouting, proposes its definition as a general independent technological process, and determines the motivation of participants in this process. The information presented was obtained on the basis of a literature review and the results of two scientific studies conducted by Deutsche telekom AG and British Telecom.

2. Definition of technology scouting.

The evolution of technology intelligence research.

Research based on conducting a systematic search for current and future technological innovations has evolved over time. The criteria for detecting these changes are mostly not sufficiently developed, and we are talking about identifying stops (gaps) in the process of technological development. A classification of the various fields of study is presented in Figure 1. In the 1970s, a subject-matter study called technology forecasting was conducted that focused on methods for predicting the future using modeling and econometric techniques, mainly using historical data. These methods include: trend extrapolation, S-curves, trending, publication and patent analysis.

Technological foresight has continued to expand research's ability to predict future technological changes. New aspects include: research based on methods that allow the use of expert network structures to collect, evaluate and interpret data, and methods that help in decision making. Additionally, technology foresight involves analyzing the position of organizations to assess their sustainability in the future. /Thus, the concept of technological foresight is broader and includes forecasting/.

Methods of both technological forecasting and technological foresight were used both at the level of individual companies (micro level) and at the regional, national and supranational levels (macro level).

In the 1990s, the study expanded its scope to include aspects such as organization and research process.

Technology intelligence has become the dominant term to describe research conducted at the individual company level (micro level), although the term competitive technology intelligence has also been used in this sense.

In recent years, the term futures science refers to research that aims to predict future changes and prepare for these changes, including also non-technical aspects such as changes in markets, consumer needs, legislation and changes in the socio-cultural sphere.

A related area of ​​research is technology sourcing.

Technology management deals with the provision, storage, and use of knowledge in the field of technology. It also supports innovation management by identifying technological opportunities for product specification and improvement. Figure 2 shows the intersection of technology and innovation management processes.

In technology management, the availability of knowledge in the field of technology can be achieved either by acquiring knowledge - what we call technology sourcing - or by internal development(formation). In an environment of increasing technological complexity and changing market needs, external sources information (technological sourcing) are becoming more and more important for ensuring the competitiveness of companies.

Technological convergence and the rapid pace of technological change make it much more difficult to identify needed technological capabilities and potential sources of technology knowledge. In addition, language and terminology differences make it increasingly difficult to mine information (datamining) to discover centers of expertise in specialized technology fields.(?) As a result, hiring experts to obtain the necessary technology information is becoming an increasingly popular and attractive option.

My educational programs
Lectures on competitive intelligence in universities;
Training “Searching and obtaining information in the modern world”
Training “Analysis of unstructured information”;
Training “Candidate Verification”;
Seminar “Competitive intelligence in the company management system”;
Seminar " Information Security in business";
Well distance learning"Analysis of unstructured information."

One of Russia’s leading specialists in the field of Competitive Intelligence, author of many books about the Kyrgyz Republic, Igor Yuryevich Nezhdanov, has made his book “ Competitive intelligence technologies» . For which I thank him very much.

The book will become a textbook not only for beginners in Competitive Intelligence and informative reading for all those interested in competitive intelligence, but also a help for specialists in our field.

You can download the book from the forum of the Community of Competitive Intelligence Practitioners (SPKR) using this link: Nezhdanov Igor Yurievich. " Competitive intelligence technologies» . Format: pdf, file size: 2.21 MB.

Before you start reading
Where did the idea come from or why in this format?
What is and what is not in the material
Chapter 1 Creating a competitive intelligence system
Division structure
Place of the Kyrgyz Republic in the organization
Structure and functions of the Kyrgyz Republic division
Interaction with the customer
Ways to manage information consumer expectations
Determining Information Needs
What do you already know about the object of interest?
What can you find out right now?
Promotion of competitive intelligence services
Promotion within the company
Promotion outside the company
Viral Marketing
Participation in business events
Formulation of the problem
Conversation with the customer
Algorithm for determining goals
Planning the work of competitive intelligence
Strategic planning
Operational planning
Tactical planning
Evaluation of the performance of the competitive intelligence unit
In-house structure or external contractor?
Intelligence cycle
Chapter 2 The Competitive Intelligence Cycle
Information sources
Information properties
Peculiarities of human perception of information
Attuned to certain information
Imaginary secrecy of receipt
The market as a company's habitat
What is a market from the point of view of the Kyrgyz Republic?
What is competition and the competitive environment
Determination of economic characteristics dominating the market
Gathering information from secondary sources
Experts and consultants
mass media
Internet survey
Working with databases
Gathering information from primary sources
Internal sources of information
Collecting information using a legend
Surveillance in competitive intelligence
Collaboration with people
Features of withdrawal from the operation
Unauthorized receipt of information
Use of technical channels for unauthorized collection of information
Mail illustration
Data processing
Primary information processing
Information analysis
1. Demagoguery without violating logic
2. Demagoguery with an imperceptible violation of logic
3. Demagoguery without connection with logic
4. Beyond the borders of demagoguery proper (the transitional area between demagoguery and lies)
Chapter 3 Competitive Intelligence Technologies
News monitoring
If you need to work with sources in unfamiliar languages
How to understand the value of news
Collection and storage
Social networks as a tool
Features of social networks
Social networks as a source of information
Twitter as a competitive intelligence tool
What is twitter
Twitter as a tool for obtaining information
Twitter as a tool for disseminating information
Programs for effective work with Twitter
Intent Intelligence
Purchasing new equipment
Hiring employees
Participation in exhibitions, conferences, presentations
Preparatory work
Collecting materials
Post-exhibition work
Methodology for collecting information about a legal entity, a potential investment object
Purpose of the event
Guidelines for collecting information
Where and how to collect information
Collection and analysis of registration information
Analysis of the counterparty's CHARTERS
Collection and analysis of information from open sources
What is the current state of the enterprise
What are the features and benefits
What are the threats and weaknesses
What are the intentions of the forces influencing the enterprise?
KR in recruiting
Problems of the Kyrgyz Republic solved with the help of recruiting
Intelligence of competitor's intentions
Technology intelligence
Development of dissident sentiments in the company
Creation of a bank of consultants
Organization of the KR-recruiting procedure
Keeping this direction secret
Graduality in working with each specific object
Data filtering
Technical organization
Finding an “approach” to the decision maker
So - where and how do people acquire connections?
How to get the information you need
Telephone activity analysis
Why do you need telephone activity analysis?
Simple statistics
General information about the object
Object's wealth level
Object Relationships
Special studies
On-site installation
What is it and why is it needed?
How to do it
KR in the credit sector
Working with a client is working with information about the client
Signs of fraud
Sources of information about the client
Mergers and acquisitions
Official business analysis (due diligence)
Hostile takeovers
Competitive intelligence and bidding
On the bidder's side
Search for interesting tenders
Identification of tender announcements
Identifying signs of a planned tender
Comparing your position with that of your competitors
List of used literature