Most transactions among beginning entrepreneurs occur by chance or are focused on the low cost of the services or goods offered. But by resorting to small tricks, you can interest the client and encourage him to work with you. To do this, you need to compile ready-made tables and develop a speech model in different situations– scripts. With the help of scripts, the profitability of the company can increase by 2-3 times, and the qualifications of employees will increase. We will tell you below how to write a sales script for your company yourself and what knowledge is needed for this.

Main components of the module

Speech modules were invented in the 60s in America. Speech modules helped company employees promote products over the phone. But you can develop a question and answer template for any business; it is enough to have some knowledge of psychology, competent speech and provide tricks that will help sell the product.

Scripts are used in speech with clients every day; they can be found when talking on the phone with employees of banks, cellular companies, retail chains. The sales script is small script, developed by psychologists and marketers so that the operator does not have to come up with an answer on the fly. In any situation, the conversation will follow a given scenario.

Sales scripts are created according to the same scheme. The script consists of separate speech modules and has the structure:

  1. Opening the script. Greeting the client and making contact with him. If at this stage you did not catch the client’s name and patronymic, then you need to ask again. Example: “Good afternoon, manager Nikolay, Krupnov and K. company, how do you prefer to be addressed?”
  2. Question block. Get the client interested; you don’t need to start by presenting your product or service. Ask him questions related to your product, but related to the buyer’s personal health, family, and plans. Example: “What juice does your family prefer to drink? Are you satisfied with the quality and price of your usual manufacturer? Would like to receive the product best quality, but at a reasonable price?
  3. Suggestion block. Present your product or service. For example: “We offer you an environmentally friendly product. Our company cares about its reputation, so in production we use only natural ingredients. Children from birth can drink our company’s juice, as it is hypoallergenic.”
  4. Block (if they arose during the dialogue). For example: “We are ready to give you a discount on a significant batch of our goods, but we need to discuss this with our superiors. What time would be convenient for you to come to our office and sign the contract?”
  5. Closing the script.

What distinguishes them from each other is their content, which is focused on specific goal: sell a product, rent a room, get information from a person.

Each script module must serve a local purpose. Your employee must clearly understand what goal he is going towards: concluding an agreement, filling out an application for a product, receiving a service useful to him. Ideally, the conversation ends with a new client visiting your company or an agreement with the manager in another convenient location.

According to research by marketers, out of 100% of clients, only 20% after telephone conversation give a positive or negative answer. The remaining 80% cannot immediately make a decision and are lost for the company. Using automated dialogue, 40 out of 80% decide to cooperate with the company.

Using automated dialogue, 40 out of 80% decide to cooperate with the company.

Spreadsheet to help

During a conversation using scripts, a spreadsheet is maintained. All customer responses at the time of the dialogue are recorded in it, and it is easier for employees to plan their work in the future. The table is divided into two components, where scripts are written separately for incoming calls from clients and outgoing calls from your employees. You can develop tables in any convenient program, the main thing is that it is understandable to employees.

The standard table contains the following columns:

For clients who called your company themselves to inquire about services or products:

  1. Number (assigned according to the list).
  2. Regular/new client.
  3. What interested.
  4. Personal information for further communication: full name, contact details, email address.
  5. Result (transfer, refusal).

For clients who received a call from an employee of your company:

  1. Number (assigned according to the list).
  2. Regular customer or new.
  3. What competitors' services or products does he use?
  4. What attracts competitors in products or services.
  5. Which doesn't suit me.
  6. Result (transfer, refusal).
  7. Result: the result of the work done.

If you fill out a spreadsheet regularly, your employees will easily be able to navigate which modular script to use to conduct a dialogue with a specific client. If you store information and complete each dialogue with a specific result (yes, no), the company will quickly gain its place in the chosen business niche.

If you keep a spreadsheet regularly, your employees will easily know which modular script to use to conduct a dialogue with a specific client.

Use an example

As an example, we offer you a version of a ready-made script for the work of a telemarketing manager selling water filters and water. The main thing that psychologists recommend focusing on when working with clients is not to put pressure on them. Imposing a product or service will have the opposite effect and it will be difficult to achieve a positive result.

Water filter sales script

Goal: To interest potential buyer and give a visual presentation in his apartment. As a result, make a visual presentation and sell a water filter.

I. “Good afternoon, Alexander Alexandrovich. Company "World of Cleanliness", manager Andrey. Can you talk?

I(1). If the answer is positive. The employee asks questions: “Do you drink tap water or boiled water? How interested are you in your health? Do you know that most harmful microorganisms enter your home through the water tap?

I (2). If the answer is negative. "We have for you important information, what time would be convenient for you to talk to us?” (The employee enters the information into the table and calls back. If after the third call the client is still not ready to talk, then the fourth time the dialogue begins immediately from point I (1) without asking whether it is convenient to talk.)

I (3). If the client answers that he does not have time or is not interested, the employee asks if it is possible to send the information by email, and calls back after 2 weeks with the words: “We sent you information by email and today we can offer a promotion that is only valid 10 days, all you need is your presence and a little time.”

II. “Our company is holding a free campaign “Health in every family”, and we want to offer you completely free testing of the water in your apartment. You will find out how much iron, chlorine and salts, as well as heavy metals your family consumes every day per day. In many areas, our inspections have already been carried out, and the results were disastrous for residents. Can we come to you next evening, when most of the family will be at home?”

II (1). If the answer is positive. The employee makes an appointment, writes down the address and time, and additional telephone numbers for contact. Calls back and gives the name of the field manager and his phone number. At the same time, he wonders if the person used any kind of water filter?

II (2). If the answer is negative (“No, we are not interested in this, we don’t want to test the water, we know that our water is excellent”). “We will be glad if your words are confirmed. And the procedure will take only 20 minutes, you must admit, this is not much to know the truth about what your family drinks.”

II (3). If the answer is “I will consult with my spouse and other family members.” We ask: “How long will it take to call back, since there are only a few places left for free water testing. And you were recommended to our company by familiar clients.”

This script can be supplemented and redesigned at your discretion. All customer responses are recorded in a separate column, and your employee will then act according to the prescribed scenario. The script tables are constantly expanding, since the client can have many possible answers. The more detailed the script is, the more effectively it works when selling a product or service.

Automation of telephone conversations will reduce customer losses and unforeseen situations during a dialogue between a manager and a client over the phone. It is difficult to find an employee who will quickly get his bearings and always answer the client correctly. Using ready-made scripts dialogues, you don’t have to worry about that.

One of the main ingredients good sales This is a quality script. Despite the fact that most companies work with different target audiences and sell completely different products and services, the rules of communication are the same for everyone. Most companies undertake to make scripts themselves and after managers do not produce results they come to the conclusion that the managers or the product are bad, but, often, the problem is precisely in the script. Today we will give an example of a universal script template that fits most projects. With him correct use conversion can increase significantly.

1) Secretary bypass block

In our company, we have a rule by which you can instantly determine the quality of a script. If a secretary bypass block is specified in the script, the script is bad. It's simple - to get around the secretary, you can't be a salesman. If you start explaining to the secretary all the benefits of your product, you have lost. The secretary, who receives 137 calls every day, has his own laconic script: “Thank you. All offers are sent to the email address indicated on the website.” If management needs to buy something, the secretary looks for it himself. He absolutely doesn’t care what benefits you bring and what benefits you promise. So just look for a way not to lie, but also not to show your intentions to sell. Break the pattern in any way until you are sure that you are communicating with the decision maker* (decision maker).

Example: Selling our sales outsourcing services

Manager: - Hello, hello. Secretary: - Hello, Prostonyashino company, how can I help you? Manager: - You have a vacancy at HeadHuntere. Position sales manager. With whom can I clarify the terms of employment? Secretary: - Just a second, I’m connecting.

They bypassed the system, hacked the password, our people are in the enemy camp.

2) Greeting

Manager: - Good afternoon, *COMPANY NAME*, *MANAGER NAME*. How can I contact you? Possible decision maker: - Valery. Manager: - Tell me, are you responsible in the company for *insert what you need* Confirmed decision maker: - Yes, what did you want?

It is very important in the first seconds to confirm that the decision maker is the decision maker and find out his name. Otherwise, at the end, when contact has been established and he agrees to cooperate, it will be awkward to ask.

3) Confirm demand and determine if there is a problem

It is necessary to confirm the demand, and not to convey the supply. Even before you start offering something, you need to block the person’s access to the opportunity to refuse and establish primary contact with him. All this must be done exclusively by ASKING QUESTIONS. The questions should be simple, to which you know the only possible answer is yes. You need to confirm with the person that he needs your product that solves his problem. 2-3 questions are enough, the first of which is from “Captain Obvious”.

Example when selling a pen:

Manager: - Tell me, do you write with a pen? Decision maker: - Yes. Manager: - Do you write with a pen quite often or occasionally? Decision maker: - Often, what do you want to offer? Manager: - If you write with a pen, it means you have it periodically runs out, and you need to go and buy a new one? Decision maker: - Right, what did you want?

I think everything is clear here, but for those who don’t, call us and we’ll explain)

4) Offer a solution to the problem

Based on the questions, you smoothly move on to the essence of the proposal that helps solve the problem, the presence of which the person has already confirmed. No one will ever admit that they lied, so your interlocutor can no longer deny the fact that they need to solve the problem. This means that the proposal will not face the objection “we don’t need anything” and you will be listened to. The main thing to remember here is that brevity is the sister of talent. So your proposal should be as short as possible and explain exactly how it solves the problem. You can read more about how to properly prepare a proposal in ours.

5) Promotion/special. offer

To make an offer effective here and now, use leverage. Classic examples work well here: the opportunity to try a product before paying, a 50% discount valid for only a couple of days, etc. By creating urgency and limiting time, we speed up decision making, otherwise it could drag on for a long time, and we really don’t want that.

A similar technique was actively used on landing pages, installing stock counters (and some people still install them), but in lately this almost doesn’t work on landing pages anymore.

6) Re-confirmation of demand

It is necessary to remind the decision maker of his own words. The fact that at the beginning of the conversation he himself confirmed the existence of a problem now gives us a serious trump card. You ask the same questions again and get the same answers again. In fact, you are forcing him to admit that he needs what you offered him.

If in point 3 we asked questions about interest in purchasing for more favorable price and they confirmed it to us. Then, after announcing the action, we ask something like this:

"You said that you are more interested in favorable conditions shopping, right?"

Think at your leisure how you would “dodge” such a phrase and offer something of your own.

7) Dealing with objections

The last window through which a client can get out is working with objections. Model all the nuances and prescribe answers to the client’s possible questions to the manager in advance. This part depends solely on knowledge of the hardware and on the manager having the right arguments.

8) Manager

Even the most best offer, aimed at a specific target audience may not bring any results if the manager does not know how to present it competently. If you want to kill a beast, you need a hunter, not a shepherd. One competent salesman will bring you more profit than 10 students working for results. You can raise a professional, but it requires effort, money and time. Or you can hire someone who is ready to outsource. Here you choose between what you really want - save more or earn more;)

And finally, an example of a complete script for cold calling and offering our company’s services (forgive me those who don’t like the text formatting, the functionality here is far from Word):

Secretary's rounds

Good afternoon I found an advertisement on the Internet for a vacancy for a sales manager. Who can you talk to about the vacancy and clarify the terms of employment?

Switches to decision maker

Good afternoon, my name is Konstantin, Seurus company. How can I contact you?*

Client response

(It is necessary to confirm that his managers are not ideal. What can be better. At the same time, one cannot say that they are bad) Do you have sales managers? Do you think your sales managers are doing their best or can they do even better?

Client response

Would you like your sales managers to work for results? OUR COMPANY is engaged in hiring remote sales managers who are already trained and experienced in various products and services. Are you satisfied with the quality of your sales managers? Do your managers work for a salary or results?

Client response

We work on a balance payment system. 35,000 rubles balance, which is spent in three areas:
FIRST: Creating a database: that is, searching for companies from the target audience on the Internet 10-20 rubles. for contact. SECOND: Creation of a project 15,000 rubles. Writing a sales script, training a manager, determining an effective Target Audience. THIRD: The result is a client interested in purchasing. That is, we find out from you who is a hot client and assign a reward for him. In the future, work is carried out exclusively for the result. No salaries or living expenses. Sales only. Only hardcore. If payment is received this month, we are ready to launch your project in 2 days.

Client response

You yourself said that you can sell better. We are ready to demonstrate this to you. Our managers are the best in their field and have extensive experience in this area. Let me send you the contract and you take a closer look at the conditions. Will I call you back tomorrow and answer all your questions?

Client consent

Dealing with objections

We have our own managers, everything suits us!

Everything is learned by comparison. Do you think that it is impossible to sell better than your managers and your company gets maximum profit?

My managers sell perfectly and profits are at their maximum!

Well let your managers handle the interested clients we bring! After all, they know your product in detail, and we will bring hot customers - ready to buy.

We have a specific product!

We sell everything: from website development to diesel generators! If we sold equipment for water utilities, then we can sell your product. The main thing for you is to confirm interest in your product. You can tell us about your product without us. Our task is to interest you!

How many calls can you make per day?

It all depends on the project! On average 100 calls, you yourself understand that selling honey is different from selling real estate.

*If interest is confirmed, transfer the contact to a supervisor for further processing.*

That's basically all! On the one hand, everything is simple, but on the other, it’s not quite) Don’t listen to “armchair experts,” and if you’re not sure whether you’re doing everything right, it’s better to call Seurus! -

May profit be with you!

If telesales don't work desired result, the problem may be the lack of clearly defined conversation scenarios. A conversation script about selling water filters will make calls more effective and allow you to quickly collect large number orders.

Drawing up scripts for telephone sales of water filters ensures the creation of optimal conditions for the work of managers calling customers, because:

  • each stage of the conversation is carefully thought out;
  • managers receive a set of selling communication structures;
  • There are no unnecessary pauses during negotiations;
  • there is no risk of losing sight of important information;
  • The average call time is reduced, so you can have time to talk with a large number potential buyers.

How can you improve your sales performance using a script?

Telephone sales of water filters depend on the season: by the beginning of summer, the number of people wanting to buy a water purification device inexpensively increases. However, by calling customers you can maintain a stable sales volume all year round. Developing sales scripts allows you not only to use time rationally, but also to work with client objections, the most common of which are three:

  • the client is not interested in purchasing water filters;
  • the proposal is interesting, but it is better to postpone the application indefinitely;
  • The client has managed to get an idea of ​​the cost of the filters and considers the price too high.

Depending on the course of the conversation, the employee has the opportunity to choose one of the options for removing objections and leading the client to sell the product. This allows us to increase sales of water filters by almost a third.

In addition to working with objections, the water filter sales script includes a number of questions that help form a positive solution (the principle of three “yes”), as well as questions aimed at identifying the client’s needs. This makes it easier to create and maintain your own client base companies.

Not everyone is capable of writing a sales script in a high-quality and professional manner, so managers are often faced with the question of where to find performers to create telephone sales scripts.

Where can I order turnkey script writing?

If you need to order a turnkey script, the easiest way is to find specialists on the YouDo portal. A huge database of performers of different profiles allows you to quickly select professionals who provide services for developing telephone sales scripts. Experienced specialists will be able to inexpensively develop algorithms for working with objections and will ensure the rapid writing of filter sales scripts.

The YouDo team created best conditions for cooperation between customers and performers:

  • the opportunity to purchase the services of the best rated professionals;
  • convenient form for submitting tasks;
  • democratic prices.

With YouDo performers, you can solve any problem in organizing effective calls.

Good afternoon, my name is ALINA, Nestlé company. Can I TALK to you for a couple of minutes? ... (pause) The Nestlé company thanks you for your time. Good afternoon, my name is ALINA, Nestlé company. Can I TALK to you for a couple of minutes? ... (pause)
Nestlé thanks you for your time! We are conducting a short survey, and with your permission, we could introduce you to
an offer that will undoubtedly INTEREST you. For the convenience of communication, how can I contact you? ... (pause)
SUBSCRIBER NAME, please tell me, do you buy our company's products in stores? It could be ice cream, coffee, chocolate, children's
nutrition? ... (pause)
We don't buy
Have you heard about the company
Nestle? ... (pause) this is global
leader in production
What do you want?
Why do you need it?
Your opinion is important to us, as
client? ... (pause), (if not
answers let's move on)
We buy
It's awkward to talk
Are you satisfied with the quality
products? ... (pause)
Okay, thanks for the rating
Tell me I can call you back
At a more convenient time for you?
... (pause)
SUBSCRIBER NAME and NOW, you also have the opportunity to evaluate our clean home delivery service drinking water premium class,
the only one that matches international standards quality. You will AGREE if I say that it is very important for health,
drink clean, good water? ... (pause)
Today the service is in great demand. It is convenient, modern and safe. Our FREE shipping allows you to save money
time, effort and significant funds. Please TELL US how you solve the issue of providing your family with clean water, buy from
store or drink from the tap? ... (pause)
Use filters
Drinking water from the tap
It's very nice to hear that you
care about water quality, and
do you know what an important role she plays?
plays in our lives and our
Please tell me you
installed a filter under
certain composition of water in
in your area or use
a simple device? ... (pause)
Unfortunately, the replacement time for such a filter is conditional,
Yes, we drink tap water
everyone got used to it since childhood. This
convenient and cheap. TELL,
please, you're probably already
WERE THINKING about the fact that in
era of severe environmental
situation and lack of funds
for treatment facilities,
Don't drink water FROM THE TAP
safely? ... (pause) NAME
SUBSCRIBER, now everyone
it is known that man
Buy in a store
Drink different water
I am very pleased, SUBSCRIBER NAME, that you care about your health and
safety and spend money to provide for yourself and your
seven clean water.
Let me clarify which brand
large selection, and at the same time, in
do you drink water? ... (pause)
Yes, there is such a company. TELL,
information is often written and
please what was for you
talk about quality and deadlines
IMPORTANT when choosing a supplier,
price, service or whatever
products. AGREE,
quality?... (pause)
water is such a product
SUBSCRIBER, and you INTERESTS which is easiest
ALICE how water is extracted,
FAKE? ... (pause)

because it is designed for cleaning
a certain amount of water. How
You determine that the filter is already
dirty and needs to be replaced
cartridge? ... (pause) NAME
SUBSCRIBER, as you know everyone has
there are filters IMPORTANT
feature, purifying water, they
accumulate DIRT in yourself,
favorable environment for
bacteria and viruses that
gets into the water, makes it
use, TELL,
please, as you are convinced,
that you drink safe water, hand over
to the laboratory for analysis?...
(pause) Water entering
apartments for worn out
communications, saturated
substances from which
it is difficult to clean it. You
AGREE with me if I
I'll say drink water
Not of questionable quality
tasty and not safe?... (pause)
60-70% consists of WATER
which he drinks, and the water FROM UNDER
TAP is oversaturated
substances such as
TOXIC chlorine, iron,
various organic
compounds, as well as bacteria and
viruses. AGREE, getting into
the body it all settles in us and
harmful to health?... (pause - if
didn't answer, let's move on.)
CALLER NAME, scientists have already
It has long been calculated that a person is
25 years of his life drinking: 109
kg chlorine, 25 kg nitrates, 500 gr.
aluminum and 3 kg of iron. You
AGREE with me if I
I will say that it is not tasty and
the main thing is not SAFE? .....
(pause - if you haven’t answered let’s go
Yes, NOW it often happens that
there are practically no shops
are responsible for
quality sold
products, which undermine
Buyer CONFIDENCE. Please tell me how are you
check that it's quality
did you buy the product?... (pause)
Would you AGREE if I
I'll say drink water
of dubious quality
safe?... (pause)
also carry a container of water
not always available from the store
convenient, heavy and takes up
a lot of time. NOW already
many people were able to appreciate
all the ADVANTAGES of this
services. CALLER NAME, and you
We were thinking about
home delivery of water?
cleared, which convinced you that
Are you drinking a quality product? ...
Pause Yes, as you know
Now there are different companies
they are different from each other.
You will AGREE with me if
I will say that when we pay
money, we want to get it
quality product? ...
(pause) The company is ...... known
on the Samara market and they don’t have
BAD taste of water and we
We respect your choice. True them
water treatment system is not
includes cleaning
molecular level, which is not
can guarantee you
absence of impurities in water
heavy metals, bacteria and
viruses. You AGREE that
this doesn't guarantee anything
safety for your health
and the health of your loved ones? ...
SUBSCRIBER NAME, Nestlé is a world leader in the production of bottled water. We deliver water to the office and
to a house called Nestlé Pure Life. This is an international brand that is TRUSTED by consumers in 137 countries around the world, because we
We produce a SAFE product. SUBSCRIBER NAME, we are distinguished by a UNIQUE filtration system at the molecular level,
allowing it to purify water from heavy metals and all harmful impurities. We are the ONLY ones on Russian market who cleans the product from
mold and fungi. OUR WATER meets international quality standards, has a balanced mineral composition, contains
potassium calcium, magnesium, bicarbonates, which improve performance internal organs, stabilize metabolism, nervous and
circulatory system, which makes water TASTY and at the same time HEALTHY. Even small children can USE it.
NOW many people have already been able to EVALUATE the advantage of DELIVERY of our water to their homes.
Small costs for this service will help you save time, significant money and MAKE a significant contribution to your
health. DO YOU Agree that it is difficult to evaluate a service and product without TRYING it? … (pause - if he doesn’t answer, move on)

SUBSCRIBER NAME, SAY, the service itself
Do you like it? ... (pause) TRY, if something goes wrong, you call and we'll pick it up.
WE CAN AGREE NOW. When will you
it will be MORE CONVENIENT to meet our driver
forwarder... or...? ..... (pause)
ALREADY BUYING SUBSCRIBER NAME, may I know when you will buy water in
next time? ..... (pause)
I want to invite you to MAKE AN ORDER in our
companies. TRY IT, it doesn't oblige you to anything. You will LOVE it! If something
If it doesn't happen, you call and we'll take it all away. Just instead of the water you
usually drink, drink QUALITY and HEALTHY Nestlé water. We can
AGREE NOW. When will it be more convenient for you to meet our driver?
forwarder... or...? ... (pause)
If he doesn’t ask a question about the price, then we move on to collecting information at the address, then to the specials. proposal, then to confirmation of the application.
If there is a question about the price, then go to the desired section, then to the specials. proposal, then to collecting information, then confirmation
Do you live in Samara or a suburb? Please name the district and
street? Please specify the house number, entrance, floor and number
apartments? SAY, F.I.O. who will we register for?
contract…(take passport details)….. Who will be the contact person
by agreement? Please provide two phone numbers for
further contacts. Thank you! We have two delivery intervals from
8 to 14 and from 14 to 20. We can bring water right in the morning to
You didn't wait all day and had your time.
What time is more convenient for you? …(pause)
Our delivery itself is free, and one bottle of premium water,
with a capacity of 18.9 liters, costs 370 rubles. For comparison, the average
the cost of a bottle of water in the city is 30-40 rubles per floor
liters, and Nestlé’s higher QUALITY water, in terms of
a small bottle will cost ONLY 9 rubles 80 kopecks. NAME
SUBSCRIBER, according to our calculations, a person drinks one 19 liter
bottle per month, that is, BY MAKING AN ORDER and spending a little more than 12
rubles a day, you can make a contribution to your health and
CONSUME a high-quality product delivered to your home.
TELL ME, is this price comfortable for you? ...(pause)
NOW, only for individuals we have developed UNIQUE offer. When you purchase two bottles, you receive the 3rd as a GIFT.
For the convenience of bottling water with delivery, you can ORDER equipment. This is a pump - a hand pump, or a cooler - a device for cooling and
heating water, which consumes little electricity, much less than an electric kettle, which is very important with constant
tariff increases. Which equipment are you most INTERESTED in? ... (pause).
COOLER: We have two types of coolers. Floor and tabletop, which
more compact and takes up less space. Which one will be more convenient for you?
USE, floor or tabletop?... (pause). Cooler for you
It will be FREE delivered with your water order and prepared for use.
Which option would be more INTERESTING to you? ... (pause).
PUMP: A pump is a manual mechanical pump that
screws onto the neck of the bottle and you simply press
you can pump room water out of the bottle with your hands
temperature without tilting or lifting the bottle. As soon as you
stop pressing the pump button; the process of pumping out water
stops instantly... (pause).

SALE: By purchasing a cooler you enter into an agreement with us and in the future for one year we are responsible for
equipment, and in case of any difficulties, we take it for warranty repairs and return it in good condition, and for the period
repairs, we provide replacement equipment upon request. NOW when you ORDER you can immediately GET a special price for
equipment, and you can also receive a holder with a starter set of plastic cups as a GIFT. TELL,
please, is this offer suitable for you? ..... Pause. We sell coolers from the most famous and reliable brands on the Russian market.
Upon delivery, the driver installs the equipment in a place convenient for you and shows you how to use it.
SUBSCRIBER NAME, in Samara we deliver every day except Sunday, and we can
arrive at a time convenient for you. When is it more convenient to meet our driver... or...? (pause)
further to the section collecting information on
address, then to confirm
DEPOSIT: SUBSCRIBER NAME, it is very important for us to maintain the quality of water. You will AGREE with me that packaging greatly affects the quality
product?...Pause. Therefore, we use bottles made from a special composition. To ensure return and safety
containers, the company takes a deposit of 250 rubles for each bottle, which you DEPOSIT at the beginning of cooperation. This money is in your account
and are returned upon return of the container. You do not lose anything by investing a DEPOSIT; you can always count on this money later.
CONFIRMATION OF APPLICATION: Let us, NOW, summarize the order. We bring you...bottles of water and.... Pump/cooler? … (pause) Free
delivery ... date, at a time convenient for you from ... to ... Total order amount ... rubles. This amount includes the cost of... bottles of water,
pump/cooler equipment for ….. rubles and deposits for …. bottles... rubles, the amount that is returned when the container is returned. The driver does
delivery to the apartment and, at your request, will bring and leave everything in a place convenient for you. You will be assigned a responsible manager,
who will call back and clarify how everything went. In the future, when you drink water, call the number ..., place an order for the required amount of water, and
At the time agreed with you, the driver will arrive, take away the empty bottles and leave the full ones. Thank you very much for your order, all the best!

Water is extracted from artesian wells and purified in a modern, one of the largest factories in Western Europe, built
Nestle Corporation (if necessary, the factory is located in Domodedovo M.O.). It undergoes multi-stage cleaning, including
such an expensive method as reverse osmosis. This is water purification at the molecular level, the only one that allows completely
exclude the presence of harmful impurities, bacteria and viruses in the water. The water is also treated with ultraviolet light and is saturated with beneficial microorganisms.
and macro elements, and at the outlet it is ozonized and bottled under sterile conditions. The entire water treatment process is fully automated,
and completely eliminates human participation in the process from the moment the cleaning begins until the moment it leaves the conveyor finished products. On every
At the cleaning stage there are sensors that allow you to monitor the quality of the product online. Besides this, we have
a certified laboratory whose specialists conduct over 1,100 tests per month. Our product does not contain mold and mildew, so
how we are the only ones on the Russian market who do tests for their presence in the product! In addition, the water is regularly sent for testing to
the main laboratory of Nestlé, located in France. Only this method of water treatment and strict quality control,
allow us to produce a SAFE and at the same time USEFUL product high quality corresponding to international standards, about which
known in 130 countries around the world.

CALLER NAME. the quality of Nestle Pure Life water meets international standards, and the balanced mineral composition makes
it is ideal for regular use. The total mineralization of water is no more than 220 mg/l, hardness is 3 (mg eq./l). It contains:
Calcium 40 ml/l. - which forms the basis of bone tissue and strengthens teeth, hair, bones, and also influences the processes occurring in
muscular and cardiovascular systems.
Magnesium 15 mg/l. – strengthens the nervous system and heart muscles, helps remove toxins and cholesterol from the body
Potassium 20 mg/l. - ensuring the transformation of useful things from the blood into the cells of the body, thereby improving metabolism. Besides this
potassium regulates the acid-base balance in the blood, and has a beneficial effect on kidney function and skin condition. It also contains bicarbonates
in an amount of 60 ml./l.
Nestle Pure Life water contains all the components necessary for health and is recommended for consumption without boiling. She can
Even small children can use it.
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BRIEF INFORMATION (if necessary) - Mineral composition of Nestle Pure Life water (mg/l): calcium – 40; magnesium 15, potassium 20; bicarbonates –
60; hardness – 3 (mg-eq/l). Mineralization – no more than 220 mg/l

1. Worldwide famous brand"Neste Pure Life" you can trust
Nestlé Corporation is famous all over the world for the quality of its products, production certification for compliance with international
standards. Compliance with international quality standards, the same in all countries where the Nestle Pure Life brand is represented, guarantees
high quality water and protection of the product from counterfeiting.
2. 100% safety guarantee.
A natural source of water intake, a unique filtration method, a fully automated process that excludes human
factor, as well as constant monitoring for compliance with international quality standards at each stage of water treatment, provide 100%
product safety
3. Constant stable mineral composition of water, maximally beneficial for humans.
A unique purification system that eliminates the presence of harmful impurities and pathogenic microbes in the product, saturating the water with beneficial
micro and marco elements in the required proportions, control at each stage of water treatment, as well as process water treatment
does not provide any chemical effects on water, provides a constant and stable mineral composition to the maximum
useful for humans.
4. Saturation of water with macro and micro elements necessary to improve the functioning of the body.
Saturation of water with elements necessary for the daily human diet, such as Calcium, which strengthens bone tissue and teeth
and hair; Potassium regulates the acid-base balance of the blood, improves metabolism and has a beneficial effect on kidney function and
skin condition; Magnesium strengthens the nervous system and the functioning of the cardiovascular system; bicarbonates, as well as disinfection and
saturation of water with oxygen makes the product as useful as possible and improves the functioning of the body as a whole.
5. Continuous monitoring ensuring 100% product quality.
Own certified laboratory, equipped modern equipment, whose employees monitor quality as
raw and packaging materials, as well as the product itself at all stages of water treatment, from water intake from wells to outlet
finished product. Certified specialists perform over 1,100 tests per month and test water for 24 physical and chemical
indicator and 9 microbiological tests, including analysis for mold and fungi, which no one else does Russian manufacturer. Besides this
The finished product undergoes constant quality control in the main laboratory of the Nestlé corporation in France (Laboratory Vitel).
The quality management and food safety system at our production is certified in accordance with international
ISO 22000:2005 standard by SGS, Switzerland. All of the above guarantees 100% safety and quality of the product,
as well as compliance of Nestle Pure Life water with all international quality standards.
6. Low mineralization
Mineralization 150-170 mg/l. ensures more efficient, easier and faster absorption of nutrients by the body, enhances taste
the product itself and allows you to use it without restrictions.