Preparation. A large daisy is made from paper: the petals are cut out, and funny tasks are written on each petal. Then you need to make the core of the chamomile - cut out a circle from thick yellow paper. Next, the finished task petals are glued to the core.

The essence of the game. The presenter holds the daisy so that no one sees the text, that is, so that the tasks on the petals are at the bottom. Players take turns tearing off a petal and completing the assigned tasks, demonstrating their creative and acting abilities.

To make the process of inventing easier and avoid banal tasks like “sing a song”, “tell a rhyme” or “crow”, look at a large selection of interesting fun tasks and choose to your taste!

Task options:

  1. Draw a bee collecting nectar from a flower
  2. Depict the gait of a person moving on a slippery road
  3. Hide behind the back of a chair and shout loudly 3 times: “I’m completely fine!”
  4. Sit down several times, holding your ears with your hands
  5. Depict the movements and sounds of a playful kitten
  6. Depict a boiling kettle with pantomime and sounds
  7. Hold your nose with your hand and say the phrase: “I have the most pleasant voice in the world!”
  8. Stroking yourself on the head and stomach at the same time, but in different directions
  9. Looking in the mirror and not laughing, say the phrase 5 times: “What beautiful eyes I have!”
  10. Pretend to be an athlete so others can guess the sport
  11. For two minutes, be a “mirror” of another player and repeat exactly all his actions
  12. Show in slow motion how a person does exercises
  13. Talk about elephants for 1 minute
  14. Remember 10 words starting with the letter “B”
  15. Wave your arms, spin around and at the same time shout out: “I am a butterfly!”
  16. Blindfolded, determine by touch what object the presenter put in his hand
  17. Draw a dancing robot
  18. Approach any of the players, make a scary face and say: “Well, here we are!”
  19. Explain how to make scrambled eggs without saying a word
  20. Come up with an affectionate word for each of those present (for example, “chick”, “cat”...)
  21. Sit on a balloon so that it bursts
  22. Say the phrase: “I love to dance” in different intonations (joyful, sad, indifferent, surprised)
  23. Walk on all fours around the room, squealing: “I’m the only lunar rover, peep, pip...”
  24. Ask someone for food, pretending to be a cheerful mongrel.
  25. Stand on a chair and tell about your life in three sentences
  26. Sing any song with 3 matches held in your teeth
  27. Choose any two players and perform an aboriginal dance together with them
  28. Bow to 5 players in different ways without repeating yourself
  29. Walk around the room, taking three steps forward and two steps back.
  30. Draw your portrait with your left hand
  31. Draw a portrait of any player with eyes closed
  32. Tell everyone: “I’m in a bad mood!” and sit for 1 minute with an angry expression on your face (other players should try to cheer you up)
  33. Place nuts or caramels behind your cheeks and say a tongue twister: “Mom washed Mila with soap. Mila didn't like soap."
  34. Play the pan pretending to be an African
  35. Within three minutes, quickly answer questions from other players, but you cannot say “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”
  36. Portray a capricious child who demands his parents buy him a toy
  37. Take water into your mouth and try to hold it for one minute (other players should make you laugh)
  38. Draw a sculpture and stand for several minutes without moving. Other players can approach and change the pose of the “sculpture”.
  39. Take any item and try to sell it to one of the players, praising and advertising its useful qualities
  40. Eat a piece of lemon and not wince
  41. Pantomime an octopus
  42. Draw a scary monster
  43. Walk through the room like it's a minefield
  44. Try to bite your elbow
  45. Call your parents and crow into the phone 3 times
  46. Depict fairy tale hero for other players to guess
  47. Pantomime what you dream of becoming when you grow up
  48. Praise yourself in a humorous manner - explain to other players why they should be friends with you
  49. For several minutes, pretend to be an alien and try to talk to other players in the “alien” language
  50. Show with pantomime how a chicken hatches from an egg and how it takes its first steps
  51. Eat any fruit without helping yourself with your hands
  52. Show with accelerated movements the morning awakening and getting ready for school
  53. Praise your neighbors (players on the left and right)
  54. Draw 2 objects starting with the letter “O” for other players to guess
  55. Sing any song while holding your nose with your hand
  56. Organize an “animal choir”: select several players and sing a well-known song together, replacing all the words in it with the sounds “woof-woof”, “oink-oink”, “car-car”. “kva-kva”, “quack-quack”, etc.)
  57. Talk like a robot for three minutes, asking questions to other participants in the game
  58. Use pantomime to portray an annoying fly
  59. Make at least one player laugh
  60. You're lucky - the whole company takes the rap for you: everyone comes up to you and says nice words
  61. Without opening your lips, say the proverb: “He who laughs last laughs best.”
  62. Come up with 7 affectionate derivatives for the name of the player on the right (for example, Olga - Olechka, Olenka, Olgunya, etc.)

You can make a daisy like this - in this case, players tear off the petals with tasks on their own:

Ready-made kit with all the above tasks and a core with a funny face (sheet format when printed A4):

Set format: pdf file, 12 pages (chamomile core + 62 “petals” with fun tasks)

Attention! The kit is offered in electronic form- you will need to print everything you need on a printer yourself (sheet format when printing is A4, regular office paper is suitable)

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Acting Competition (CAM)

1.Demonstrate with actions a poem read aloud.

2.Depict: a hot iron, a boiling kettle, an alarm clock, a telephone.

3. Walk the way a person who has eaten a heavy meal walks; got into the forest at night; a baby who has just started walking; ballet dancer; lion.

4. Depict with facial expressions, gait, gestures: an alarmed cat, a sad penguin, an enthusiastic rabbit, a gloomy eagle.

6. Depict the proverb: “For someone else’s loaf...”, “For two birds with one stone...”, “For a gift horse...”, “One head is good...”.

7. Make a caricature of: Titomir, Pugachev, Korolev, “Dune”.

8. Come up with 10 new uses: An empty tin can, a holey sock, a burst balloon, a burnt out light bulb, an empty pen refill.

9.Make (cut and paste) a story from newspaper headlines.

10. To the melody of “little ducklings”, invent and perform a dance of little puppies, foals, piglets, monkeys.

11.Say it differently (without repeating a single word, but maintaining the meaning): a fly sat on the jam, there is a glass on the table, the clock strikes 12 times, a sparrow flew into the window, a detachment walked along the shore.

12.Make a story from the film titles.

13. Come up with a new ending to the fairy tale: “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Rock-hen”.

14.Before writing 2 more lines of a funny quatrain:

Have you heard? At the market / They were selling a miracle bird... An elephant is crying in the zoo, / He saw a mouse... The people are surprised, / Why is Fedot angry... The Tsar issued the following decree: / To all boyars the same hour...

15. Come up with a new name for the lessons: mathematics, music, physics, labor, chemistry, Russian.

16. Remake any fairy tale in a modern way and tell it. Others must guess the original tale.

17. Some depict some scene (having told in advance who is who), others voice this scene.

18.Staging a song (not a video).

19.Cut some famous poem into lines, from which the teams must reconstruct the verse.

20. Come up with as many rhymes as possible for one word.

21.Give children a fairy tale in verse. They must compose a poem from different lines of the fairy tale.

KAM includes 3 qualifying rounds. The competition starts with 12 participants (boys and/or girls). After each round, with the help of the jury/examiners/training director, half of the participants are eliminated. When summing up the results, in addition to awarding the Honored Actor (winner), prizes are awarded in the following categories: Actor (best pantomime), Voice of Russia, Mask (rich facial expressions), Snake Man (most flexible), Mannequin (original costume), etc.

During the competition, music appropriate to a specific situation may be played. The stage/auditorium/hall is decorated in a special way.

1st qualifying round Competition 1. Homeless child.

Actors are known to do a lot of things extemporaneously. Now we would like to ask the participants a few unexpected questions from teenagers.

Uncle, were you kicked when you were a child? Uncle, let's play mother and daughter for money! Uncle, why did you steal my toy yesterday? Uncle, why do you pick your nose all the time? Uncle, what do you think, to be or not to be? Uncle, when you go to bed, where do you put your beard? Uncle, do you shave your hands? Uncle, did you like to tear off the wings of flies? Uncle, which of the three little pigs is dearer to you? Uncle, which salad is more convenient to fall into? Uncle, do you have a temperature? Uncle, what is written on your face? Uncle, why do butterflies need horns? Uncle, what is “solfeggio” and how to get into the third?

Competition 2. Breaking movie camera (in groups of 3-5 people).

Fight. Charger. Fencing.

Competition 3. Scream.

From the balcony, a grandmother sees her grandson being beaten by a big boy. The shepherd is trying to herd unruly sheep into the herd. The commissioner sees how, after lights out, a figure in a sheet sneaks towards the window. A guy calls a girl while standing under the balcony. The foreman sees the crane operator placing the slab in the wrong place. A man who has fallen into a sewer hatch calls for help. The patient demands a duck from the nurse, who has gone to drink tea. Early in the morning, a hungover man sees his neighbor finishing his beer. A car enthusiast from the balcony sees how a wheel is being removed from his car. A passenger gets out at the station for matches and sees that his train is leaving. The owner sees a huge, angry wolfhound running up to his lap dog. The owner of the box with crystal sees the movers tossing it. A person walking through a cemetery sees a white figure approaching him. A man who had lived in the city all his life saw a cow for the first time.

Competition 4. Chewing man.

Seeds. Pear with a worm. Undercooked kebab. Bony fish. A loaf of bread. Soup with a fly. Cocktail through a straw. Banana. Swimming with your hands. Milk with foam. Long pasta. Watermelon.

Competition 5. Behind the scenes (at rehearsal, training, warm-up).

Fully depict the actions of a professional of the proposed image before going out:

Ballerina. Juggler. Tightrope walker. Balalaika player. Weightlifter. Boxer. Rider. Skater. Singer. Athlete. Swimmer. Yoga.

2 qualifying round

Competition 1. Shadow sketch.

One is frying potatoes, the other is disturbing him. One does the laundry, the other helps him. One collects apples, the other brings him a bucket. One packs a suitcase, the other constantly puts something on him. One shoots an apple with a slingshot, which is standing on the head of the other. Two people pull the door, each towards themselves. One preens himself, the other portrays his mirror image.

Competition 2. Gait.

A first grader goes to school. The boots are too small and rubbed my feet. I really want to go to the toilet. You have been called to the director. Sleepy tries to walk straight. Fashion model on the catwalk. Politician at a demonstration.

Competition 3. Animal conversation.

It is necessary to depict an onomatopoeic dialogue in one person.

Chicken - Rooster. Leo - Ram. Pig - Cow. Dog - Cat. Big dog - small dog. Baboon - Monkey. Goose - Fish.

Competition 4. Noises.

Contestants are divided into pairs and use sounds to represent each phrase suggested by the presenter. Along the way, they distribute roles or act together.

Stop station. The trackman, puffing and smacking his lips, drinks and drinks tea. The walkers are ticking moderately. In the distance you can hear the whistle of an approaching locomotive. Sighing heavily, the lineman stands up: He accidentally drops his chair. He goes out onto the porch. It rushes by fast train. The sun is rising. Early morning. Doctor Aibolit is sitting in the room. Grunting affectionately, a pig appears in the room. Aibolit gently scratches her belly. The pig squeals with pleasure. Woodpeckers tapping rhythmically. In a hissing whisper, the parrot begs for sugar. The sun is setting.

Forest edge. The whistling of a scythe is heard in the silence. Suddenly, a crow flies out from under the mower’s feet screaming. The mower spits angrily: he snatches a pistol from his bosom: and shoots. A grazing cow moos in surprise and runs away stomping. The sun is rising.

Rainy evening. Behind the scenes of the circus you can hear the inhuman laughter of a clown. The audience applauds him with applause. Tigers growl in fear. The elephant trumpets loudly in surprise. You can hear the sound of an ambulance siren, the whine of brakes, and the sound of breaking glass. The sun is setting.

3 qualifying round

Competition 1. Stormy conversation.

The participant calls a partner from the audience and performs the agreed upon action with him.

In the dental chair. The doctor persuades the patient to remove a tooth. At the TV. Dad wants to watch football - Mom wants to watch Santa Barbara. On a trolleybus. The conductor demands a fee from the passenger for luggage. At the counter. The buyer negotiates with the seller.

Competition 2. Human mannequins.

Participants perform (show with facial expressions and gestures) alternately the proposed tasks on the go (in a circle). Moreover, each subsequent task is “superimposed” on the previous one.

Woman. Small in stature. A little thick. With crooked legs. No teeth. With big ears. With short hair. Very funny. He often laughs and grunts. Laughter easily turns into sobbing.

Old lady. Close to a century old. Engaged in race walking. My head and legs are shaking. Blind. The back is straight. The gait is jumping. Looks back often. Suffering from a chronic smoker's cough.

Child. Between the ages of 2 and 3 years. With a large head and thin neck. The tongue constantly tries to reach the nose. Often falls into puddles. Cheerful. Even too much. Suffering from a runny nose.

Woman. Height above 180 cm. Decreased fatness. The right leg is shorter than the left. The spine is curved in three places. The tongue does not fit into the mouth. One eyebrow is higher than the other. Crying. Crying easily turns into laughter.


1. A child lost at a train station.

2. Parents of a lost child.

3. You urgently need to leave, but there are no tickets.

4. You are late for the train.

5. This is your third day at the station.

6. You cross the road in front of the “nose” of the locomotive.

7. Again the last train ran away from you...

8. You have 2 suitcases, 3 bags and a child, and your train is already arriving and you are trying to get to the platform.

9. A crowd has gathered in the waiting room and you can’t wait to find out why...

10.You are going on a trip with five children.

11.You got into the carriage, but there are already two people in your place.

12.You have lived all your life in a remote village and suddenly found yourself at the train station of a big city.

13.You are trying to return a ticket for a train that leaves in five minutes.

14. There is a huge line at the checkout, and you are persistently trying to ask the cashier something without standing in it.

15.You are standing in line at the baggage counter, and someone in front of you is trying to jump the line.

16.You are very hard of hearing, but you are diligently trying to find out from those around you when your train is arriving.

Task 2 (plasticity, facial expressions - pantomime)

SPORT. Picture:


Phrases Intonation

1. Hello, I'm your aunt! With bitterness

2.Oh, my life is a tin... With joy

3. Vanya, I am yours forever! Sadly

4.Now take me for a ride, big turtle, angrily

5. I said: Hunchback! Laskovo

6.Give me the sausage, I’ll forgive everything! Gently

7. Comrades, in the zoo they don’t give meat to the tiger. With joy

8.My Marusya is worse than dynamite! With love. Weightlifter.

2. An athlete finishing a marathon


3. Pole vaulter.

4. Graceful acrobat.

5. Circus gymnast.

6. Hammer thrower.

7. The goalkeeper at the moment of an attack on his goal.

8. A tourist with a heavy backpack.

9. Gymnast on balance beam.

10.Coach of the losing team.

11.Football player scoring a penalty kick.

12.A gymnast with a pole balancing on a rope.

13. A rider on a bucking horse.

14. Swimmer at a distance.

15. Jumper from a ten-meter tower.

16. Sword fencer.


Participants go around the circle one by one and complete the task.

You are an elegant woman, your height is 180 cm and your weight is 120 kg. At the same time, you are wearing very high-heeled shoes, a heavy bag in your right hand, and your left eye is twitching strongly. To make an impression, you walk with your head held high and your hips swaying slightly.

You are a short man, very self-conscious about your appearance: your left shoulder is higher than your right, large protruding ears, a small hump on your back. In addition, you have a slight limp on your right leg. In order to smooth out the impression, you smile a lot, moreover, you laugh often and loudly.

You're a woman who thinks she's terribly fat. However, in reality you look more than thin. You wear bulky clothes and a wide-brimmed hat. In addition, you constantly find yourself in ridiculous situations: now the heel on your right shoe has broken, and your purse constantly falls off your shoulder. In order to survive all the troubles, you take Mentos out of your pocket and begin to swallow pill after pill.

You are a tall, chic man who is used to pleasing women. You walk with long strides, swinging your arms wildly and holding your head high. You blink both eyes rapidly and shake your head, pushing back your long bangs. You are holding a heavy folder in your hands, from which something constantly falls out.


The number of participants, depending on the number of applicants, ranges from 9 to 13 (with the addition of the roles of trees and curtains).

Night. The WIND is howling. TREES sway. A GYpsy THIEF makes his way between them. He is looking for the stable where the HORSE sleeps... Here is the stable. The horse is sleeping, he is dreaming about something, he is lightly moving his hooves and neighing thinly. Not far from him, a SPARROW perched on a perch. He dozes, sometimes opens one eye, then the other. A DOG is sleeping on a leash on the street. The trees are noisy, because of the noise you can’t hear the Gypsy Thief making his way into the stable. Here he grabs the horse by the bridle... The sparrow chirped alarmingly... The dog barked desperately... The gypsy leads the horse away. The dog starts barking. The OWNER ran out of the house, groaned and screamed. She calls her husband. The OWNER jumped out with a gun in his hands. The gypsy runs away.

The owner leads the horse to the stand. The dog jumps for joy. A sparrow flies around. The trees rustle and the wind continues to howl. The owner strokes the horse and throws him some hay. The owner calls the hostess into the house. Everything is calming down. The dog sleeps, the sparrow dozes in its original place, the horse falls asleep while standing, it occasionally shudders and neighs quietly... CURTAIN.


The number of participants, depending on the number of people willing, ranges from 10 to 18

(with the addition of the roles of waves, dolphins and curtain).

SEA. The sea is agitated. Is in constant motion. A PHILOSOPHER sits on a STONE near the shore. He is lost in thought and does not notice anything around him. From the outside it seems that he is dozing. Doesn't notice the WAVES rushing onto the shore. He does not notice how the SHARK swam up, opening his predatory mouth, about to eat the philosopher. He does not notice how a flock of cheerful DOLPHINS drives an angry shark into the sea. The philosopher sits, lost in thought. Nothing can bring him out of his thoughts about the meaning of life. He is so motionless that a SEAGULL arrives and mistakes him for a stone and lands on his head.

A MERCHANT appears on the shore with a BASKET. He spent the whole day selling goods at the market. Tired, dragging the basket along the sand. The merchant sees the lonely figure of a man sitting on a stone and heads towards him. Having noticed a person, the seagull flies away screaming. The philosopher retains his former thoughtfulness. Approaching the philosopher, the merchant asks to look after the basket. He undresses and goes to plunge into the sea. At this time, TWO JOKERS appear on the shore. They see a philosopher lost in thought and stealthily approach a basket of clothes. They take it and run away. A merchant sees his basket of money and clothes being stolen, quickly swims to the shore and shouts: “Save!” The philosopher wakes up from the scream and rushes to help. Of course, saving a person for a philosopher is the same as saving the highest value. The merchant fights off the philosopher. Soon they find themselves on the shore. The jokers run further and further. The merchant rushes along the shore, begging the philosopher to lend him clothes for a while to catch the pranksters. The philosopher replies that clothes are not the most important thing in life, that they are only a means, not an end... And again falls into deep thought. The merchant jumps around, hits the philosopher on the back, trying to bring him out of his thoughts, and kneels down, begging for clothes.

Dolphins swim in and discuss the situation. The seagull screams, gives advice to the naked merchant, the philosopher is calm, the dolphins swim away, the seagull flies away. The merchant undresses the philosopher and runs to save his goods. There is a lonely philosopher on a stone, immersed in thoughts about the meaning of life...

Competition: "Man Chewing"

It can be important for an actor to perform a pantomimic, non-objective sketch. And now the participants in our entrance exams are asked to eat an object (edible) so that it would immediately become clear to everyone that you are eating. Yes, in this case it is necessary to quickly switch from one subject to another:

Sunflower seeds, wormy apple, bony fish.

Ripe watermelon, melting ice cream, undercooked kebab.

Spaghetti, semolina, castor oil.

Ripe pear, banana, rice porridge with chopsticks.

Competition: "Screams at Banquettes"

Playing emotions can be difficult, especially when it needs to be done with one voice, but this is something a real actor needs to be able to do:

You are an elderly grandmother, you are on your 9th floor balcony and you see how the older guys below are offending your beloved grandson.

As a counselor, you see a child from your squad on the highest tree of the camp and you need to remove him from there.

Standing under the window of my beloved, who lives on the 8th floor. You confess your love and invite her to the cinema.

Your entrance on stage. You are a poetry reader, but the microphone does not work, and the hall is simply huge.

"Once upon a time, in the cold winter..."

Read an excerpt from the poem "Once upon a time in the cold winter..."



Like before the execution.

Like at a funeral meeting.

Like a child who has just learned to speak.

It's a big hall, but the microphones don't work.

With a hot potato in your mouth.

With a heavy load on your back.

With a Georgian accent.

Fresh from the marathon finish line.

Speech at a wedding with a toast.

In 50-degree frost.

In 80 degree heat.

A man who has not seen people for a long time.

At trial, charged with a crime.

Railway station

A child who lost his parents

A passenger who urgently needs to leave

Passenger who lost a child

You are at the station for 2 days

There's a crowd at the station, you need to find out what happened

You suddenly find yourself in a dark corridor


A man who has completed a marathon

Athlete throwing a hammer

Approaching the barbell and lifting it

Gymnast performing exercise on balance beam

You are a fan and your favorite team scores a goal

You are a football goalkeeper

You are the coach, your fate is decided in this match

You are a tennis player

Rider on a mad horse


Side jump athlete

You are a gymnast with a ribbon

Mooring motor


Starting engine

Boiling kettle

Siren howl

Storm at sea

Braking car

Horse tramp

The sound of an airplane taking off


You are in a hurry, you are already late, but suddenly, just before you leave, you hear the phone ringing. In a hurry, you pick up the phone and quickly answer the question:

Tell me, what should I do with my daughter?

Tell me an animal with 7 letters?

When will the sausage arrive?

Or will you tell me what's going on now, or...?

Well, what about movies?

Shame on you?

Well, how much longer can we wait, we’ve already been waiting for 3 hours?

Mom, when will you take me away from here?

What if it is not sewn on?

Tell me, why is all this?

Hello, is my light bulb not turning on? What to do?

I looked at everything, but something is missing. Why?

An acting competition is a show of ingenuity, a creative competition of participants. The competition helps to exchange knowledge, skills, passion, and develops children's interest in various acting professions.

The screening is carried out in 4 rounds. Screening occurs after each round.

1. Exclamatory.

2. Interrogative.

3. Like before execution.

4. Like on a funeral march.

5. Like a child who has just learned to speak.

6. Large hall, microphone does not work.

7. With a hot potato in your mouth.

8. With a heavy load on your back.

9. In 50-degree frost.

1. A child who has lost his parents.

2. A passenger who urgently needs to leave.

3. A passenger who lost a child.

4. This is your second day at the station.

5. You suddenly found yourself in a dark corridor.

6. You perform gymnastic exercises with a ribbon.

7. You are a coach, your fate is decided in this match.

8. You are a tennis player, equestrian, fencer.

1. Mooring motor.

2. Engine starting.

3. Boiling kettle.

4. The sound of a siren.

5. Storm at sea.

6. Horse's tramp.

7. The noise of a plane taking off.

8. The noise of the forest in a strong wind.

Draw a person:

1. The one who eats watermelon.

2. Who eats an apple with a worm.

3. The one who eats lemon.

4. Who eats ice cream.

5. Who eats candy on the quiet.

6. Undercooked meat.

The second questions are for everyone to choose from: perform a song, dance a dance, read a poem.

Option II

1 task.

Imagine the situation, says the examiner.

Station, confusion, trains coming and going. Now, at my signal, you need to play out the action of a person who was late and jumped on a departing train, and after a while he finds out that the train is going in the opposite direction.

You've been searching for an empty seat in the waiting room for five hours now, and you've finally found it.

You hurry to the carriage. In his hands is a suitcase, a net with apples, and a backpack on his back. Suddenly the net breaks and the apples fall. Your actions.

You arrived home and suddenly discovered that the suitcase is not yours.

You got out of the carriage, the train left, it turns out that this is not your station, and there will be no train for a whole week.

Task 2.

Everyone needs to show with sounds, facial expressions, gestures:

The creaking of doors, a boiling kettle, a vehicle starting, how a cutlet is fried, how a skier walks on the snow, a fan, leafing through a book, how glass breaks.

Whoever completes the task is allowed into the second round.

1 Task.

The guys need to sit like this:

Like a monkey

Bee on a flower

Astronaut in a spacesuit

Punished Pinocchio

One of the three fat men

Passionate football fan

A very tired person, etc.

Task 2.

It is for participants to go through:

A baby just learning to walk, a lion, a ballet dancer, a tightrope walker, a tourist carrying a heavy backpack, etc.

The winners of the previous rounds are admitted to the third round.

1 task.

A phrase is given that the participant must pronounce as:

Soldier in the ranks

Television announcer.

Phrases: Smile, they are watching you.

Calm down, Masha, I'm Dubrovsky.

Soon it will be completely different.

Fly, pigeons, fly.

Lucy, my light bulb doesn’t light up here.

I've been waiting for you all day.

Task 2.

The phrase: “There is nothing sadder in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet” should be said as:

Teacher explaining a lesson

Man in good mood, in great surprise, etc.

In this case, you need to play the role of a translator.

1 task.

You need to listen to the phrase and after a minute you need to convey its meaning in other words.

For example: there is a lamp on the table

there is a lighting fixture on the structure on four legs

Phrases: A fly landed on the ceiling

There is a hut at the edge of the forest

The judge played the gong

Task 2.

Imagine that you are sleeping sweetly. Your peaceful sleep is interrupted by the phone ringing. You pick up the phone and hear the phrase:

Is this a zoo?

Did you call a taxi?

Tell me, what should I do with the tooth?

Why didn't the car arrive at the base?

They say that you dance well?

The brick was delivered. Where to upload? etc.

You should have an instant witty response. The winners of the competition are enrolled in the theater studio. They are presented with souvenirs, and all other participants in the qualifying review are left with exam sheets with the examiners’ assessments for each round as a souvenir.

Option III

1 task. "A Compliment from an Actor"

Perform a bow for the audience in the given manner:



A clown who failed completely

Shy debutant, etc.

Task 2. "Pointless sketch "Man Chewing".

Imagine what you are eating:

Boiled milk with foam,

Melting ice cream, etc.

3 task. "Scream."

Using speech, facial expressions and gestures, depict a screaming person.

(for example, a counselor who saw his charge at the top of a tall tree).

1 task. "Animal Talk"

Frogs and mosquito

Goats and goose, etc.

Task 2. "Sculpture".

Take the pose of a ballet sculpture, a mannequin in a store window, etc.

Then two physically strong men enter and carry each sculpture in turn from one place to another.

3 task. "Dance Rhythms"

Perform a free dance to the music playing. (waltz, lezginka).

1 task. "Noise Actor"

Voice over an excerpt from a radio play read by the presenter.

For example: “Evening. The dentist has the last patient. His teeth are chattering out of fear. The doctor turns on the drill. The patient screams. The doctor increases the speed of the machine. The patient knees the doctor in the stomach. The doctor falls. The patient runs out of the office.

Task 2. "People-mannequins."

Participants in the competition perform a task, moving around the stage and depicting, for example, the following person: “A child aged from two to five years... with a large head and a thin neck... constantly tries to reach his nose with his tongue... often falls into puddles ... cheerful ... suffers from a chronic runny nose."

Types can be people of different ages, genders, professions, having distinctive body features, habits, etc.

Z task. "Mirror".

You need to simultaneously repeat all the movements of the other person, only do it in a mirror image.

While the jury is working, a fan competition can be held.

How you were doused with soup in the dining room - you were attacked in the forest by a flock of mosquitoes - you enter a narrow door together

Anxious cat A sad penguin An enthusiastic rabbit A gloomy eagle An angry pig

A man who has just had a good lunch A man whose shoes are too tight A man who unsuccessfully kicked a brick A man who finds himself in the forest at night

Hot iron Alarm clock Kettle Phone Coffee grinder

8.Imagine that you are animals who love music but cannot speak humanly; presented - and now the song “Sunny Circle” in chorus:

Bark, Meow, Moo, Quack, Cackle, Crow.

A dog walked along the piano, saying something like this... Did you hear a miracle bird being sold at the market... An elephant was crying in the zoo, he saw a mouse... The people were surprised, why was Fedot angry?... The Tsar issued the following decree: “The same hour to all boyars”...

10. Any phrase in Russian can be said in other words. Try saying the following sentences differently, without repeating a single word, but maintaining the meaning:

A fly landed on the jam There is a glass on the table The clock strikes twelve times A sparrow flew into the window A detachment walked along the shore

11.Write a story about:

A dog who lived in a refrigerator A crow who loved to ride a bicycle A pike who played the guitar A birch who wanted to learn to swim A cockchafer who was very afraid of heights

-...And this is such a science for a woodpecker that he never comes in without knocking -...That's how he learned that there are such bad and rude children in the world. -He retreated into himself, and it is likely that he will not want to come back. -Please, I will give up the crown. Can I finish my pasta first?

A pierced balloon - a cuckoo clock - a flashing light bulb - an apple with a worm - a parrot in a cage - a blooming rose - a wilted flower

Development of creative abilities; - teaching rules and forms collaboration; - team building.

1st competition – Imagine the situation:

1. Station, confusion, trains coming and going. Now, at the signal, show the actions of a person who, being late, jumped onto a departing train, and after a while finds out that the train is going in the opposite direction

2. you got out of the carriage, the train left. Suddenly it turns out that this is not your station, and there will be no train for a whole week.

2nd competition – Depict the following objects without words:

1. suitcase with a zipper 2. fountain 3. steam locomotive 4. samovar 5. guitar 6. window 7. spreading ice cream 8. hose

3rd competition – Melody of the song “Sunny Circle”

1. bark 2. meow 3. hum 4. croak 5. crow 6. grunt

1. old sock 2. burst balloon 3. edible plates 4. empty tin can

1. tractor starting 2. airplane taking off 3. butter bottle 4. shoulders 5. balloon deflating 6. car braking 7. dripping water 8. crying baby

6th competition - depict a gait:

1. a person whose shoes are pinching 2. a person who unsuccessfully kicked a brick, 3. a person who had a good lunch 4. a person with an acute attack of sciatica

7th competition – Dishes are served at the table, participants must show how to eat them.

1. “Korovka” candy 2. ice cream 3. “rubber” steak 4. apple with worm 5. banana 6. strawberry jam

8th competition – Participants must pronounce the phrase as

a) soldier in the ranks

b) television announcer

Smile, you are being watched - calmly, Masha, I am Dubrovsky - soon it will be completely different - fly, pigeons, fly - Lucy, my light bulb doesn’t light up here - I’ve been waiting for you all day

9th competition – Dramatize the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” if it:

Comedy - drama - horror film - ballet

10th competition – A. Barto’s poem “Horses”

I love my horse, I will comb its fur smoothly with a comb, smooth its tail and go on horseback to visit

For the remaining participants the following task:

A) you are a young athlete, you have:

Colic in the stomach, - the right leg does not bend, - the back is constantly itching, - there is a 2-pound weight in the right hand, - one hem of your jacket is shorter than the other and you are trying to hide it

b) you are a pretty girl, you have:

Nervous tic of the right eye - a handsome man walks past you - in your hands there is a net with small potatoes that constantly falls apart - there is a wig on your head that constantly falls - high heels that break

Summing up.


1. Write an explanatory note addressed to the head of the health camp: “Why did I fall from the tree,” “Why did I dismantle my bed.”

2. Compose a poem using the following rhymes: brick - don’t whine, boss - soldering iron, pan - pill, tire - car

3. Portray your favorite cartoon character.

4. Using pantomime, depict:

  • how you were doused with soup in the cafeteria
  • you are attacked in the forest by a flock of mosquitoes
  • you walk through a narrow door together

5. Imagine and use facial expressions, gait, and sounds to depict:

  • Anxious cat
  • Sad penguin
  • An enthusiastic rabbit
  • Gloomy Eagle
  • Angry pig

6.Try to imitate the gait:

  • A man who has just had a good lunch
  • A man whose shoes are too tight
  • The man who unsuccessfully kicked a brick
  • A man who finds himself in the forest at night

7.Imagine and depict with facial expressions and movements:

  • Hot iron
  • Alarm
  • Kettle
  • Telephone
  • Coffee grinder

8. Imagine that you are animals who love music, but cannot speak humanly; presented - and now the song “Sunny Circle” in chorus:

  • Bark
  • Meow
  • Mum
  • Quack
  • Cackle
  • Crow.

9.Compose more lines to make a funny poem:

  • The dog walked along the piano, saying something like this...
  • Have you heard of a miracle bird being sold at the market...
  • An elephant is crying at the zoo, he sees a mouse...
  • People are surprised, why is Fedot angry?...
  • The Tsar issued the following decree: “The same hour to all boyars”...

10. Any phrase in Russian can be said in other words. Try to say the following sentences differently, without repeating a single word, but maintaining the meaning:

  • A fly landed on the jam
  • There is a glass on the table
  • The clock strikes twelve times
  • A sparrow flew into the window
  • A detachment walked along the shore

11.Write a story about:

  • The dog who lived in the refrigerator
  • The Crow Who Loved to Ride a Bicycle
  • The pike who played the guitar
  • Birch who wanted to learn to swim
  • The cockchafer who was very afraid of heights

12. Draw a plant (or animal) that has never existed; come up with a name for it, tell about it.

13. Write a poem ending with the lines:

  • ...And this is such a science for a woodpecker,

That he never comes in without knocking

  • ...That's how he learned that there are

Such bad and rude children.

  • He retreated into himself, and it is quite likely

That he won't want to go back.

  • Please, I'll give up my crown

Can I finish my pasta first?

14. Depict with facial expressions and gestures:

  • punctured balloon
  • cuckoo clock
  • flashing light
  • apple with worm
  • parrot in a cage
  • a blooming rose
  • wilted flower

The purpose of the competition: to identify the most artistic participants. Target audience: everyone and anyone Features: the competition is held without prior preparation of participants. Auxiliary items: Whatman paper, markers, lollipops, a screen (you can use a blanket), assistants to the presenter (take out or hold the screen), numbers for participants and everything else that can and should be used, and also phonograms for each competition! Time frame: until you get bored and run out of participants.

If you initially take part in the competition large number people, then it is advisable to select for the following competitions:

1. “Dance!” It consists of turning on music and asking participants to dance with some parts of their body. You can hold this competition as a warm-up.

2. "Eating and leaving." Participants are asked to pretend to eat:

  • banana
  • almost melted ice cream
  • melted chocolate
  • etc.

You can ask them to perform a stage bow, as if the participant is in a hurry.

3. “The podium is resting.” A catwalk is organized along which models walk, but the models are “odd”, for example:

  • lame
  • humpbacks
  • in one flat shoe
  • with falling skirt/trousers
  • etc.

4. "Monument". Participants need to depict a monument. (options are different, it could be some famous monument or a monument to an animal, profession, object, etc.)

5. “Shock me.” You need to show something that will shock the audience and the jury.

6. "Cartoon". It’s great if you have whatman paper and markers for the teams of participants, because if there is neither one nor the other, then the competition need not be held. Whatman paper and markers are distributed, and a certain character is specified: some statesman, pop star or just a celebrity, and a cartoon is drawn on them accordingly.

Other competitions, as a rule, are held for a not very large number of participants. Business card. Introduce yourself using three given words. (for example: potion, scoop, horseshoe).

7. “Animal Love.” A screen is brought onto the stage and placed edgewise into the auditorium. A participant stands on one side of the screen and a participant stands on the other, so that both participants can be seen. Each of them is given a guess about an animal. It is necessary to declare your love to each other.

8. “I’m the fattest beaver!” Participants put one lollipop into their mouths and clearly pronounce the phrase: “I am the fattest beaver!”, then they put another lollipop into their mouths and clearly pronounce the already catchphrase: “I’m the fattest beaver!”, then another chupik and again they say the phrase and so on until, well, until...

9. “Shall we sing?!” A well-known song is taken (for example, about a Christmas tree), and it is sung with a characteristic coloring (for example: the voice of a small child, an opera singer, etc.)

10. “Ditties.” Participants compose ditties as they go, and you can set a theme.

11. “Voice acting.” Reading funny story, and the participant needs to voice the actions of characters and objects.

12. “Oops!” Participants need to depict the behavior of a person caught in a “delicate” situation. (For example: a man walks with a basin full of water through a playground full of children).

13. “In the closet behind the assembly hall...” Participants are offered several unusual options to choose from musical instruments(for example, plastic bottles, combs, basins, etc.), you need to play a well-known given melody so that everyone can guess it.

14. “These funny animals.” Participants pull out a noodle on which an animal with character is written, it is necessary to depict it as clearly as possible.

15. “Dances of the peoples of the world.” Various music is turned on and the participants dance, conveying the character and flavor of a particular nationality.

In the meantime, while the participants are preparing for this or that competition, you can hold games with the audience. (for example “Toilet”, fan competition, “Hedgehogs”, “Fish”, etc.)

Good evening, girls!
Good evening, boys!
Good evening, "Forest Glade"!..
Only today you are sitting in this hall in a somewhat unusual way, because you and I are at... (the audience shouts: “Boy-Gel-Show!”!) Well done! The show is always a holiday, it’s always a game.. But, like any game, we have our own rules. So, what can and cannot be done at our show? I will name these rules, and you will show them throughout the evening.
stomp and clap! (the hall shows)
scream and hoot!
dance and sing!
greet each other with applause!
boys greet girls with whistles!
girls - squeal!
You can blow kisses to each other!
wave your arms!
And just greet each other!

You have all understood the rules, and now I want to introduce you to our esteemed jury, headed by ………………………………………… (jury presentation)

I suggest you go in search of the truth. Where can one look for this truth? We thought and thought, and couldn’t come up with anything better than to travel back in time. Are you ready? ...Do you want this?.. Will you succeed? What do you think, in which century is it better to start looking for the truth of the eternal dispute? Well, of course, in stone! Close your eyes...

(space music sounds)

And so, you and I found ourselves in the Stone Age. What were the people doing there? What was happening there? I will name various actions, and you will demonstrate them.
Men hunted animals...
threw stones... and threw spears...
The women fanned the fire... and collected the roots...
The men shot with arrows... and shouted at the animals...
Women spanked naughty children... and showed their teeth...
And all together they jumped around the fire, thinking that they were at a disco!..

And now we invite our participants to the stage - 1 boy and 1 girl from each squad.
(Rhythmic music sounds, the teams rise to the stage;
participants say their names)

So, let's start our first competition. Of course, the very first thing that ancient people, ancient men, did was “hunt the mammoth.”

1. Competition "Mammoth Hunting".
To participate in this competition, we invite our boys to come down to the hall.
The “mammoth” will be an ordinary inflatable ball. Spectators chase the “mammoth” around the hall, the participant who touches the ball receives. Contestants can move through the rows.
(rhythmic music sounds)
I invite our girls to participate in the next competition
What did ancient women do in those distant times? While the men were hunting mammoths, the women were resting. As soon as the men returned with their loot, the women began cutting up the mammoth skins in order to sew clothes for their husbands. Our next competition is called: “Skin Stitching”.

2. Competition “Skin stitching”

Participants need to “sew” a large canvas of skins on stage. And the “skins” are the clothes of the spectators. Contestants can go down to the auditorium, but spectators are not allowed to go up to the stage.
(Here and in subsequent competitions, the Host, together with the audience, counts from 1 to 10 and the competition ends).

3. Competition “Rock Painting”

Each participant in the competition is given a jar of gouache of any color and a brush. Boys draw “portraits” of girls on “rocks” and stones, and girls draw portraits of boys. The one who draws the best portrait wins.
(The jury announces the winner).

You and I saw that in the Stone Age we were stronger...
Maybe in the Middle Ages everything was the other way around? There is dead silence in the hall... our “time machine” is working.
(Cosmic music sounds)

And we are ready to depict what men and women did in the Middle Ages.
Men fought with swords and rapiers...
The women waved their handkerchiefs at them... and pretended to be afraid of them.
Men under the windows sang serenades to the girls...
And the girls turned away shyly and blushed...
The men rode horses...
Women shook in carriages and fainted...

For the next competition I invite girls.

Here are charming, beautiful girls standing in front of you. They do not yet know that they will have to travel far, far away. The fact is that the favorite pastime of men of that time was “crusades”. That’s what this competition is called!

4. Competition “Crusades”

Assignment: girls are given military commands. Sitting on their “horse” (mop), the girls follow commands.
The girl who most accurately and faithfully followed the orders wins.

Company, on horseback! Right! Left! All around! Trot in a circle, march!
Stand in one line!

(The jury sums up the results of the competition).

I invite boys to participate in the next competition.
Of course, in the Middle Ages, girls really loved balls.
Oh, what balls they were!.. What dresses they were!.. And what hairstyles they were! Our next competition is called “Hairstyle”.

5. “Hairstyle” competition

(1 girl from each squad with accessories is invited to the stage)
(While the teams in the front row are preparing their “masterpieces,” a game is being played with the audience.)

But that's not all. The 20th century awaits us!
In the 20th century:
Men fly airplanes...
Women milk cows...
Men watch football...
Women repairing the rails...
And everyone together has a great time at discos!..
6. Find your other half
The girls are blindfolded and must identify their boys, who are sitting in the same row, by their hair.
7. Competition “Cinderella’s Shoe”
All competitors will take part in the next competition. The boys have to put their girls' shoes on blindfolded. The girls take off their shoes, the shoes fall into a common pile. Boys look for shoes by touch and put them on their girls.
8. The most observant
Boys and girls stand in two rows with their backs to each other. Each person is asked the following questions in turn:
- What color… your partner’s?
- How many buttons does your lady have on her blouse?
- What color is the hairpin?
- What kind of shoes does your boy have?
- How many ears does your partner have?
- What are the buttons on your partner's shorts made of? etc.

9. Competition "Gait"

And now we will check how our girls can walk in different styles (one at a time)
- The gait of a woman carrying very heavy bags from the market.
- The gait of a woman suffering from radiculitis.
- The gait of a business woman.
- The gait of an athletic woman.
- The gait of a child taking his first steps.
- The gait of a woman whose shoes are too tight.
- The gait of a woman walking along the catwalk.
- The gait of a woman walking along the edge of a skyscraper.
- The gait of a very tired woman

10. Competition "Dance"

Now let's see how our contestants can dance in different styles and styles of music.

I propose to end our evening with a declaration of love.
“Boys, what can we shout to the girls?”
- Girls, we love you!
“Girls, how can you answer the boys?”
- Boys, we welcome you too!
Boys, do you like girls?! Girls, what about you?!
Well done! We were once again convinced that “Forest Glade” brought together wonderful girls and boys capable of true friendship! See you again! Good evening, girls!

Good evening, boys!
Good evening, "FOREST GLADE"! ..
Just today you are sitting in this room is a bit unusual, because we are located on ... (room shouting: "Fight-Gel Show"!). Well done! Show - it"s always a holiday, it"s always game .. But like any game, we have our own rules. So what can and can’t do on our show? I will refer to these rules, and you"ll show them. Agreed?Throughout the evening you can:
Stomp and clap! (Hall shows)
scream and hoot!
dance and sing!
greet each other with applause!
welcome girls boys whistle!
Girls - squeal!
You can send each other kisses!
waving his arms!
And just to greet each other! Terms of everything you have understood and now I want to introduce to you our esteemed jury, headed by .................................... ............... (presentation of the jury), I suggest you go in search of the truth. And where is this truth to look for? We thought and thought, and nothing better not figured out how to travel back in time. Are you ready? ... Do you want that? ..Do you work out? What do you think, what century is better to start looking for the truth of the age-old dispute? Well, of course, in a stone!Close your eyes... (sound space music)

And now, we"ll find ourselves in the Stone Age. What are people doing there? What happened there? I will refer to different actions, and you show them.
Men hunted animals...
...threw stones and hurled the spear...
Women...fanned the fire and gathered roots...
Men archery ... and screams chased the animals ...
Women spanked naughty children ... and showed their teeth ...
And all together they jumped around the fire, thinking that they are at the disco! ..And now we invite our members to the stage - 1 boy and 1 girl from each group.(Sounds rhythmic music, team up on stage,participants give their names)Now you"re ready for our first contest. Of course, the very first thing that came to ancient people, ancient man - a "hunt for the mammoth." 1. The contest "The hunt for the mammoth." To participate in this competition, we invite our boys down the hall. "Mammoth" is a common balloon. Spectators chase "mammoth" in the hall, a participant who touched the ball gets. Bidders can move through the ranks. (sounds rhythmic music) To participate in the next contest, I invite our girlswhat do the in those days ancient woman? While the men hunted mammoths, women rested. As soon as the men were returning from mining, women began to carve Mammoth to sew clothes to her husband. Our next competition is called: "Binding skins." 2. The contest "Staple skins" Participants need to "sew" on stage large canvases from the skins. A "skin" is clothing viewers. Contestants can go down to the auditorium, the audience up on stage it is impossible. (Here and in the following contests Lead along with the audience counts from 1 to 10 and the contest ends). 3. The contest "Rock Paintings" Each participant is given a jar of any color gouache and brush. Boys draw on "The Rock" and stones "portraits" of girls and women - portraits of young men. The one who draws the best portrait. (The jury announces the winner).

We"ll see that in the Stone Age were stronger ...
Maybe in the Middle Ages it was the opposite? The room comes silence... our working "time machine." (Sounds cosmic music)

And we are ready to represent what the men and women do in the Middle Ages.
The men fought with swords and swords...
The women waved handkerchiefs ... and pretended they were afraid of them.
Men under the windows of the girls singing serenades..
A girl shyly looked away and blushed...
Men ride horses...
Women shaking in carriages and faints ... For the next competition I invite girls. Here you face a charming, lovely girl. They do not know that they would have to travel far, far away. The fact that the favorite pastime of the men of that time were "crusades" campaigns. And the name of this contest! 4. The contest "The Crusades" Mission: girls served the military command. Sitting astride his "horse" (mop), the girls running the command. The winner is the girl most accurately and faithfully obey orders. Teams:

Rota, to horse! Right! Left! Around! Circling trot, go
In one line becomes! (The jury sums up the competition).

To participate in the next contest, I invite boys.
Of course, in the Middle Ages, the girls are very fond of balls.
Oh, what were the balls! ..What were the dress! ..And what were the hairstyles! Our next competition and is called - "Hair". 5. Competition "Hair"(invited on stage to 1 girl from each unit with accessories) (No team in the first row are preparing their "masterpieces", the game is played with the audience.) But that"s not all. We expect a century XX! In the XX century: Men fly planes ... Women milking cows ... Men watching football ... Women repairing rails ... And all together - cool detached discos .. 6. Find the half

girls are blindfolded and they have to define their hair boys who sit in the same row. 7. The contest "Zolushkina slipper" The following contest is attended by all the contestants. The boys will blindfolded shod their girls. The girls remove their shoes, shoes dumped in the pile. The boys feel looking shoes and dress her with his girls. 8. The most observant Boys and girls stand in two rows back to each other. In turn every question: - What is the color... .. your partner? - How many buttons on her blouse in your lady? - What color barrette? - What shoes at your boy? - How many ears of your partner? - What made the buttons on the shorts with your partner? etc. 9. The contest "Gait" Now we will check how our girls know how to walk in different styles (alternately) - The gait of a woman carrying a very heavy bag market. - Gait women suffering from sciatica. - Gait business woman. - Gait sports woman. - Gait child take its first steps. - The gait of a woman who is very tight boots. - Gait woman walking on the catwalk. - Gait woman walking along the edge of a skyscraper. -Gait very tired woman 10. Competition "Dance" Now let"s see how our contestants can dance in different styles and directions of music. (summarizing) I propose to finish our evening declaration of love. "The boys that we can shout the girls?" - The girls, we love you! "The girls than you can answer the boys?" - boys, we will too! Boys, do you like girls?! Once again we saw that the "forest glade" gathered wonderful little girls and boys who are capable of true friendship! Until next time!

The players stand in a circle. The presenter brings out a hat filled with pieces of paper. Each piece of paper has a part of the body written on it. Each player takes out a piece of paper and touches with his hand the part of the body that is indicated on this piece of paper. All players do this.
However, when the leader goes around the circle a second time, the players must show body parts with their free hand. The results are quite interesting poses.

Eh, apple

Several couples are invited to participate in the competition. Each couple is given two apples, one for the girl, one for the guy. At the presenter’s signal, the girl begins to feed the guy an apple, and the guy begins to feed her his. The couple that eats their apples the fastest wins.

Fill the glass

Two chairs are placed in the center of the hall. There is an empty glass on one chair, a full one on the other. The task of each player is to transfer water from one glass to another with a spoon. Whoever has the most full glass at the end wins. The main thing is not speed, but caution.

Beat the beat

The players sit in a circle. The first player, who is also the leader, places his left hand on his neighbor’s right knee. All other players do the same. The leader beats out a rhythm, and everyone else must repeat it in exactly the same way and with the same hands as the leader did. Whoever gets confused leaves the game.

Items in alphabetical order

A fairly simple competition, each student participant receives a piece of paper and a pen and, on the “start” command, makes a list of items in alphabetical order. For example, Algebra, Biology, Valeology, Geography, Geometry, Life Safety, Physics, Chemistry and so on, where you need to take into account not only the first letters, but also the subsequent ones (if the subjects begin with the same letter). Whoever makes the correct list first will win a prize.

Jump to the finish line

All players are divided into pairs. Each pair in turn has the right to make one jump. The pair that jumps to the finish line faster than the rest wins. It is important to remember that jumps are not performed at speed, but in turns, over the length of the distance.
The couple is popular among teenagers. It serves as an excellent charger.

We're in the house

Participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given a gymnastics hoop. The players' task is to fit as many people into the hoop as possible. The team that manages to do this is the winner and receives a prize.

Study rooms

A fairly simple, but fun competition for the kids. Although everyone knows their school well, how many in it classrooms, no one can say right away. So, at the command “start”, the participants scatter in their own direction and count the number of classrooms in the school. Whoever names the correct number first will win a prize.

Backpack Contents

It depends on how lucky you are. At the “start” command, each student must open his backpack and, on his desk, lay out the contents of his backpack in alphabetical order, for example, an album, then chewing gum, then a pencil, a lunch container, and so on. The participant who is the first to complete the task and at the same time does everything correctly, without mixing up the letters of the alphabet, will become the winner and receive a prize.

School breakfast

This challenge will require lunch containers, but opaque ones! Each container contains any product with a specific smell, for example, fried pie, tangerine, sausage, cucumber, and so on. Each participant receives a sheet of paper and a pen. One by one, the children approach each container, smell it and write down on their piece of paper what they think is there. After all participants have determined what is in the lunch containers, the presenter announces the correct answer. Whoever correctly sniffed out all the products in the containers will receive a prize.

Presenter 1: The winds blow in February

The pipes howl loudly.

Like a snake rushes along the ground

Light drifting snow.

Rising, they rush into the distance

Aircraft flights.

It celebrates February

The birth of the army.

Presenter 2: Dear guys! Holiday is coming - Defender's Day Fatherland. Do you know what kind of holiday this is? (children's answers). We sincerely congratulate you, wish you health, happiness, peace, and, of course, successful studies!

Presenter 1: Future defenders gathered for the holiday today Fatherland!

Presenter 2: Victory is on the shoulder of the brave,

Great success awaits him

Who, without flinching, if necessary,

Will enter the battle one for all.

Presenter 1: Boys! A restless, loud-voiced tribe. There is an inherent quality of the boyish “I” - courage.

Presenter 2: From early childhood, a boy must form his character, cultivate courage, nobility, determination, honesty, and respect for women. Do you guys have such qualities?

Presenter 2: As future soldiers, I think you will come out of any situation with honor, no matter what it is.

Presenter 1: And our 1st competition: polymath competition. A man must be not only strong and dexterous, but also smart, I suggest you compete in a quiz. Now we will test your knowledge. Each team will be asked questions; if a team answers incorrectly, the second team can answer the same question and thereby earn extra points. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

Questions for 1 team:

  1. 1918 )
  2. Cavalry).
  3. Grenade).
  4. February).
  5. Marshak's first and patronymic? ( Samuil Yakovlevich).
  6. The king's workplace? ( Throne).

Presenter 2:

Questions for team 2:

  1. June 24, 1945)
  2. Sappers).
  3. Private, sergeant, warrant officer).
  4. Who speaks all languages? ( Echo).
  5. P. Ershov).
  6. Mail).

Presenter 1: Well done!

Presenter 2: Did a good job! Our 2nd competition is called "Fishing". What man doesn't like fishing? That’s why we offer you fishing, but not ordinary fishing, but “chocolate fishing”.

Presenter 1: There are two people from each team. You will have in your hands a fishing rod with a candy hanging on it, you need to hold it in front of the other participant’s mouth. Task: without using your hands, eat candy faster than your opponent.

Presenter 2: Young people should have a beautiful gait. But imagine this situation: You are walking in the park with your friends, but they suddenly become sad. You try to make them laugh. What to do? Yeah! There is 1 way - to depict a funny gait. This will be our next competition - pretend to walk a person who... Choose who you need to portray (each team portrays 3 people):

  1. who has just had a good lunch;
  2. whose shoes are too tight;
  3. who unsuccessfully kicked a brick;
  4. who suffered an acute attack of radiculitis;
  5. finding himself in the forest at night;
  6. whose shoe soles have peeled off.

Presenter 1: We are all a little poets, and men especially. The inspiration for their poems is us girls. Do you know how to write poetry? We'll check this now. Complete the verse, beginning with the words “It was a pleasant May evening...”.

Presenter 2: While our boys are writing poems, we will solve riddles with the girls. Riddles, of course, on a military theme.

Presenter 1: Commander).

Presenter 2: Jung).

Presenter 1: Gun).

Presenter 2: Trunk).

Presenter 1: Overcoat).

Presenter 2: Shoulder straps).

Presenter 1: Well done!

Presenter 2: Great poems.

Presenter 1: Contest " Marksman" We'll test your accuracy. You need to use this piece of paper to get into the basket, the number of points you get in, the more points you will earn, each of you has three attempts, let’s start with 1 team.

Presenter 2: Contest " Miners" Imagine that the balls are mines. You need to “defuse” them, blindfolded. There are three people from each team. You need to burst the ball and pick it up.

Presenter 1: This competition will show how rich and developed the imagination of our participants is. Imagine that a sculpture gallery with a strange name is open “ Sports victims" Create sculptural compositions with names for this gallery: (each team is given sculptures that need to be depicted)

  1. A weightlifter who did not have time to jump away from the barbell.
  2. The goalie who caught the puck with his teeth.
  3. A skier whose ski came unfastened during a jump.
  4. A tennis player who was hit in the eye with a ball.

Presenter 2: Now let's summarize.

Presenter 1: Well done! The winners were...

Presenter 2: Thanks for playing! We think that our boys have become not only stronger, but also wiser. We congratulate them on this holiday! And now our girls will congratulate our defenders.

Presenter 1: We thank all participants! We wish you all success and good luck in all your endeavors.



Presenter 1: The winds blow in February

The pipes howl loudly.

Like a snake rushes along the ground

Light drifting snow.

Rising, they rush into the distance

Aircraft flights.

It celebrates February

The birth of the army.

Presenter 2: Dear guys! Holiday is coming - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Do you know what kind of holiday this is? (children's answers). We sincerely congratulate you, wish you health, happiness, peace, and, of course, successful studies!

Presenter 1: Future defenders gathered for the holiday today Fatherland!

Presenter 2: Victory is on the shoulder of the brave,

Great success awaits him

Who, without flinching, if necessary,

Will enter the battle one for all.

Presenter 1: Boys! A restless, loud-voiced tribe. There is an inherent quality of the boyish “I” - courage.

Presenter 2: From early childhood, a boy must form his character, cultivate courage, nobility, determination, honesty, and respect for women. Do you guys have such qualities?

Presenter 2: As future soldiers, I think you will come out of any situation with honor, no matter what it is.

Presenter 1: And our 1st competition: polymath competition. A man should not only be strong and dexterous, but also smart, I suggest you compete in a quiz. Now we will test your knowledge. Each team will be asked questions; if a team answers incorrectly, the second team can answer the same question and thereby earn extra points. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

Questions for 1 team:

  1. What year is considered the year of birth of the Red Army? ( 1918 )
  2. Which troops retired? ( Cavalry).
  3. "Pocket Artillery" What is it? ( Grenade).
  4. In which month do people talk the least? ( February ).
  5. Marshak's first and patronymic? (Samuil Yakovlevich).
  6. The king's workplace? ( Throne).

Presenter 2:

Questions for team 2:

  1. When did the parade on Red Square dedicated to the victory take place? Soviet Union in Great Patriotic War? ( June 24, 1945 )
  2. “Checked - no mines.” Who makes such inscriptions? They also say about them that they make mistakes only once. ( Sappers).
  3. What military ranks do you know? (Private, sergeant, warrant officer).
  4. Who speaks all languages? ( Echo).
  5. The author of the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”? ( P. Ershov).
  6. The institution where Pechkin worked? ( Mail ).

Presenter 1: Well done!

Presenter 2: Did a good job! Our 2nd competition is called"Fishing" . What man doesn't like fishing? That’s why we offer you fishing, but not ordinary fishing, but “chocolate fishing”.

Presenter 1: There are two people from each team. You will have in your hands a fishing rod with a candy hanging on it, you need to hold it in front of the other participant’s mouth. Task: without using your hands, eat candy faster than your opponent.

Presenter 2: Young people should have a beautiful gait. But imagine this situation: You are walking in the park with your friends, but they suddenly become sad. You try to make them laugh. What to do? Yeah! There is 1 way - to depict a funny gait. This will be our next competition -pretend to walka person who... Choose who you need to portray (each team portrays 3 people):

  1. who has just had a good lunch;
  2. whose shoes are too tight;
  3. who unsuccessfully kicked a brick;
  4. who suffered an acute attack of radiculitis;
  5. finding himself in the forest at night;
  6. whose shoe soles have peeled off.

Presenter 1: We are all a little poets, and men especially. The inspiration for their poems is us girls. Do you know how to write poetry? We'll check this now. Complete the verse beginning with the words "It was a pleasant May evening…».

Presenter 2: While our boys are writing poems, we will solve riddles with the girls. Riddles, of course, on a military theme.

Presenter 1: 1. Not God, not the King, but you cannot disobey. ( Commander).

Presenter 2: 2. What is the name of a teenager who studies maritime affairs? ( Jung).

Presenter 1: 3. Does the black cocker want to bark? ( Shotgun).

Presenter 2: 4. What do wood and a rifle have in common? ( trunk).

Presenter 1: 5. Will I put it under myself, under my head, and there will be a place to hide? ( Overcoat).

Presenter 2: 6. What are the military shoulder badges called? ( Shoulder straps).

Presenter 1: Well done!

Presenter 2: Great poems.

Presenter 1: Marksman Competition " We'll test your accuracy. You need to use this piece of paper to get into the basket, the number of points you get in, the more points you will earn, each of you has three attempts, let’s start with 1 team.

Presenter 2: Competition “Miners” " Imagine that the balls are mines. You need to “defuse” them, blindfolded. There are three people from each team. You need to burst the ball and pick it up.

Presenter 1: This competition will show how rich and developed the imagination of our participants is. Imagine that a sculpture gallery with a strange name is open “ Sports victims " Create sculptural compositions with names for this gallery: (each team is given sculptures that need to be depicted)

  1. A weightlifter who did not have time to jump away from the barbell.
  2. The goalie who caught the puck with his teeth.
  3. A skier whose ski came unfastened during a jump.
  4. A tennis player who was hit in the eye with a ball.

Presenter 2: Now let's summarize.

Presenter 1: Well done! The winners were...

Presenter 2: Thanks for playing! We think that our boys have become not only stronger, but also wiser. We congratulate them on this holiday! And now our girls will congratulate our defenders.

Presenter 1: We thank all participants! We wish you all success and good luck in all your endeavors.