3. Music center, cassette with recordings of musical fragments.

Leading: Hello, dear guys! Today you and I will conduct a very interesting and fun competitive game program with the cheerful name “In secret around the world.” This exciting program will make not only children, but even adults have fun and play. We will try to make sure that everyone takes part in our program, has fun from the heart, so that all the children remember our competitions and that each of the participants is awarded with sweet prizes.

(After a general greeting, the presenter conducts a warm-up game)

Leading: In order for you and I, guys, to prepare for our program, let's play a little Game - a warm-up, which is called “Maybe not, or maybe yes.”

(Everyone participates in this game. The meaning of the game: the leader names a statement, if the participants in the game agree with the statement, everyone says “YES” in chorus, if they don’t agree, they say “NO”).

Maybe no, maybe yes.

Hint - game.

I have a game for you:

“Maybe no, maybe yes.”

Tell me the answer:

Maybe it’s “yes”, maybe it’s “no”.

The fish sleep at the bottom of the pond,

Is this true, children? (Yes.)

Give me an answer quickly

Does it snow in winter? (Yes.)

Monday and Wednesday-

Are these the days of the week? (Yes.)

Does the sun give people light?

Let's answer together! (Yes.)

"Whiskas" - cat food,

What are you going to tell me? (Yes.)

I anticipate your answer:

Is the mouse afraid of the cat? (Yes.)

A crocodile lives a hundred years -

Is this true, children? (No.)

Maybe a person at 5 years old

To be an old grandfather? (No.)

And wormwood and quinoa -

These are vegetables, right? (No.)

Everyone will say without difficulty:

After winter - summer? (No.)

The light of the moon and the light of the sun

Is it visible to people? (Yes.)

Tell me the answer:

Do frogs sleep in winter? (Yes.)

The camel is capable, give me the answer,

Go three days without food? (Yes.)

Can you give me the answer:

Does the wolf change his fur coat? (No.)

Answer, kids:

Did you like the game? (Yes.)

Leading: Our next competition is called “Musical Casino”. Now I invite you to play this competition. I have fragments of fast and slow melodies recorded on an audio cassette. To play you need 10-12 people. I invite players to place bets: guess which melody will sound - fast or slow. Players who bet on a fast melody stand to the right of the leader, those who bet on a slow melody stand on the left. Those who don't guess correctly are eliminated. The game continues until one person remains - the winner of the music casino, who will receive a sweet prize.

Music fragments are played:

1. “Song of the Bremen Town Musicians” (lyrics by Yu. Entin; music by G. Gladkov)

2. “Plantain grass” (lyrics by M. Tanich; music by S. Muravyov)

3. “Everything will pass” (lyrics by L. Derbenev; music by M. Dunaevsky.)

4. “Guardian Angel” (lyrics by I. Nikolaev; music by I. Krutoy)

5. “Antoshka” (lyrics by Yu. Entin; music by V. Shainsky)

6. “Three White Horses” (lyrics by L. Derbenev; music by E. Krylatov)

7. “Steppe and steppe all around” (folk music and lyrics.)

8. “The Last Electric Train” (lyrics by M. Nozhkin; music by D. Tukhmanov)

Leading: Well, now, guys, let's compete in speed and agility. I suggest playing the next Clothespin competition. For this game, I need 2 pairs, each of which is a boy and a girl. (The meaning of the game: as many clothespins as possible are attached to one of the partners, and the other is asked to collect them blindfolded, and as quickly as possible, at least before the opponents. The winner is the pair whose player in front collects the clothespins from his partner. ( To play you need: 20 clothespins and 2 scarves. At the end of the game, the winning pair will receive sweet prizes.)

Leading: Now I invite you guys to remember famous fairy tales, riddles, fables, and recognize fairy-tale characters. And this quiz will help you with this. After answering the quiz questions, we will remember the well-known fairy tales. Anyone can participate in the quiz. (The presenter reads out the questions; for each question several answer options are offered, from which you need to choose the correct answer.)


1. Which one fairy tale hero poked a hole in the cauldron with your nose?

A. Tin Woodman. V. Buratino. S. Baba Yaga. D. Thumbelina.

2. What word ends the riddle: “Two ends, two rings, and in the middle...”

A. Gvozdik. V. Boltik. S. Screw. D. Tail.

3. What is the same color in winter and summer?

A. Negro. V. Elka. S. Money. D. Nose of Santa Claus.

4. Who didn’t pull the cart in the famous fable?

A. Pike. V. Lebed. S. Cancer. D. Vol.

5. Who was he talking to in his poem “Telephone”?

A. Grandmother. B. Wife. S. Elephant. D. Snow Maiden.

6. What is left of the little gray goat after a walk in the forest?

A. Horns and legs. B. A tuft of wool. S. Ears and tail. D. Fleas.

7. Who did Kolobok not meet on his way?

A. Bear. V. Lisu. S. Lev. D. Volka.

8. Who can eat small children in Africa if they go for a walk there?

A. Crocodile. V. Barmaley. S. Shark. D. Gorilla.

9. Which favorite dish Thieving magpies?

A. Kashka. B. drying. S. Galushka. D. Bug.

10. Which pear should you not eat?

A. Green. V. Boxing. S. A light bulb. D. Aunt Pear.

Leading: Now we have just made sure that you all know and love fairy tales, riddles, and poems very well. But now, we will check how quickly and deftly you can cope with the next task. Our next competition is called "Balloon". For the game, I need 2 teams of 5 people each. The task is as follows: Try to race to carry balloons in tablespoons across the room. The winner is the team whose players never drop the ball from the spoon. (For the game you will need: 2 inflated balloons, 2 tablespoons, the competition is performed to music.)

(The guys complete the task, music plays, the winning team receives sweet prizes).

Leading: But now it’s time to show your musical abilities, now we’ll check how well you know, love and remember children's songs. Now, we will hold a music quiz on children's songs. The main condition for quiz participants is that you not only need to remember the correct answer, but also sing lines from the song.

Music quiz on children's songs:

1. What words did the boy “write in the corner” in his drawing? (May there always be sun, may there always be sky, may there always be mom, may there always be me.)

2. What were the geese doing in the puddle by the ditch? (The geese washed their feet in a puddle near the ditch.)

3. Who was the grasshopper's friend? (I didn’t touch the booger and was friends with the flies.)

4. What's in Winnie the Pooh's head? (There's sawdust in my head, yeah, yeah, yeah!)

5. Where does friendship begin? (Well, friendship begins with a smile.)

6. A piece of paper is hanging on the fence, swaying in the wind. What's written on it? (A dog named Druzhok has disappeared.)

7. What causes a dog to bite? (It is only from the life of a dog that a dog can bite.)

And there’s a belt on the waist... (Clapping)

And she’s also wearing a blouse... (Clapping)

Cane umbrella in hand...(Clapping)

A jellyfish hangs on his shoulder...(Stomp)

And a briefcase on a leash... (Stomp)

There is a ring on my finger... (Clapping)

And there’s a bowler hat on his neck... (Stomp)

And also a heart pendant... (Clapping)

And a cambric scarf... (Clapping)

If you meet that girl,

Remember this fable

But I want to wish you

You won't meet such fashionistas.

Leading: I propose to finish our competitive game program with the game “Let’s play, let’s guess!” In this game, I have riddles not only for you guys, but also riddles for adults. So, dear adults, we invite you to take part in this game and support the guys. (The presenter reads the texts of the riddles aloud, and adults and children answer.)

Riddle texts:

What do you guys know?

About my riddle poems?

Where there is a solution, there is an end,

Who can tell me - well done!

1. Walked around the yard with importance

A crocodile with a sharp beak,

I shook my head all day,

He muttered something loudly.

Only this was true

Not a crocodile

And turkeys are a faithful friend...

Guess who...( turkey).

Yes, turkey, admit it brothers

Was it difficult to guess?

A miracle happened to the turkey -

He began to bark and growl,

Tap the ground with your tail.

Oh, I'm confused, though.

Is he a camel...or... (dog).

2. Now I’ll check the adults,

Who has the grip?

Will the riddle be solved?

The enemy caught me by the tail

What to do?

The solution is simple

I'll give my tail to the enemy

And I’ll run away to freedom!

I'm not crying, I'm not sad!

I'm growing a new ponytail! (lizard).

(Oh yes, adults, well done!)

3. They don’t call the dog Shavka.

And she doesn’t sleep under the bench,

And she looks out the window

And meows... who? (cat).

Right! That's right! - they guessed it,

Like where have you seen her?

4. Come on, adults, tell me,

What kind of heavenly celestial being is this?

The entire path is strewn with peas (Milky Way).

5. What kind of guard is this?

With a bright red head

Must cry on duty

Driving away the darkness? (candle).

6. What a ridiculous person

Made your way into the 21st century?

Carrot nose, broom in hand

Afraid of sun and heat (snowman).

7. But, adults, will they guess?

Who is walking in the white expanse?

And on the white expanse there are two even lines,

And next to it are commas and periods (skis).

8. Now let's go with you

Let's go to the forest to pick mushrooms.

Take a look, friends:

There are chanterelles here, honey mushrooms there,

Well, this is in the clearing -

Poisonous...what? (toadstools).

What? Toadstools? Really?

But the toadstools wanted

Become useful mushrooms

And they came to the kitchen themselves

And they said: - as you wish -

Either fry it or cook it.

We love chefs

We hate...who (doctors).

What I told you is a secret!

You guessed it by chance,

It was a big secret...

But there are no secrets from you!

Leading: Our program has come to an end. You played great today, answered questions, had fun, supported each other. See you again, guys!

(Summing up, awarding.)


1. Our whole life is a game! Play yourself, play with children // How to entertain guests. – 2002. - No. 5. – P. 4-6

2. Osipova quiz on children's songs // How to entertain guests. – 2002. - No. 6. – P. 8-9

3. Reponin’s question: “Who wants to become an excellent student?” // How to entertain guests. – 2003. - No. 3. – P. 8-9

4. Super fashionista // How to entertain guests. – 2004. - No. 6. – P. 4

5. “Maybe no, maybe yes.” // How to entertain guests. – 2004. - No. 3. - P. 6

Scenario winter fun in elementary school

Game program"Journey through a winter country." Scenario

Author: Valieva Ruzalia Khatmullovna, teacher at the Birsk special (correctional) boarding school of the 5th type, the city of Birsk.
Description: travel through stations. This methodological development intended for preschool and school age. The material will be useful to teachers of kindergartens and specialized children's institutions who want to conduct interesting event for extracurricular activities.
Goals: instill a love of oral folk art and fiction;
Educational: broadening the horizons of pupils, introducing students to different types creativity;
Developmental: develop memory, logical thinking, cognitive activity;
Correctional: improving general speech skills, visual attention and perception;
Educational: to cultivate an interest in reading, a love of books;
Handout: telegram, map of the Winter Country.
Methodological techniques: game situation, conversation-dialogue, examination of illustrations, summing up.
Progress of the event
Costumes are prepared in advance, children learn poems, songs about winter, repeat proverbs and sayings, and folk signs about winter.
Guys, today we received a package containing a telegram for help from Spring and a map of the Winter Country, using which we can find the castle of Queen Winter. Look at the map carefully, and we go in search of the castle of the Queen of Winter. Along the way we will probably meet enemies and friends.
1 stop “Visiting Bad Weather”
Bad weather: (asks the children questions)
- Why does it snow and not rain in winter?
- Why do they say that December ends the year and begins winter?
- Why do beautiful snowflakes sometimes fall, and sometimes snow pellets fall?
(Having answered Bad Weather's questions, the children walk through the winter country)
Stop 2 “Snow and Ice”
(The guys meet Snow and Ice. They ask riddles for the children)
- There’s a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (Snow)
- It neither burns in fire nor sinks in water. (Ice)
- It grows upside down, it grows not in summer, but in winter,
But the sun will burn her - she will cry and die. (Icicle)
- She sits on everyone, she is not afraid of anyone. (Snowflake)
-The bridge is like blue glass: slippery, fun, light. (Ice)
Stop 3 “Folk Signs”
Complete the proverbs and sayings:
- A lot of snow - ... (a lot of bread)
- Take care of your nose - ... (in severe frost)
- Winter without snow - ... (summer without bread)
- February is a fierce month: asks... (as if wearing shoes)
- The stronger the winter, the... (more likely spring)
Name the signs:
- There was frost at night - snow will not fall during the day.
- Snow flakes have become large - wait for a thaw.
- Whiter winter – greener summer.
- Crows and jackdaws sit on the tops of trees before frost.
Stop 4 "Bird's Dining Room"
Practical lesson:
Divide the illustrations depicting birds into two groups: migratory and wintering.
Riddle about birds
- Doesn't sleep during the day, flies at night, scares passers-by. (Owl)
- A little boy in a gray army jacket is snooping around the yards, picking up crumbs. (Sparrow)
- The hat is gray, the vest is not woven, the caftan is speckled, and he walks barefoot. (Crow)
- The child is not yet born, but has already been given away to be raised: who has it? (Cuckoo)
- Blacksmiths forge in the middle of the trees. (Woodpeckers)
- There is a trunk, there is a stake on it, there is a palace on the stake, there is a singer in the palace. (Starling)
- Like snow, white, like soot, black, fidgety like a demon, she turned and ran into the forest. (Magpie)
- Black of all migratory birds, clears the arable land of worms, gallops across the arable land all day long, and the bird is called... (Rook)
Stop 5 “Queen Winter’s Castle”
There are three watchmen at the castle - three months of winter, who ask the children questions:
I am the middle of winter. I start with the new year and end with a day that has a very long name - Afanasy - clematis, take care of your nose. (January)
I am the most short days and the longest nights. The forest inhabitants fell asleep under my warm snow blanket. Fish and frogs sleep in ponds and rivers. Wood grouse sleep buried in the snow. A bear sleeps in a den. (December)
I am angry, cold, windy and hungry. In the last month of winter, the blizzard often raged all day long. Sometimes the sun comes out, everything immediately comes to life, the snow flies away, it hurts to look at it. (February)
The guards make way. Queen Winter appears. The children read poetry to her. Winter gives away the key - a snowflake. The children open the door and free Vesna from captivity.

Game educational program

“Journey to the country of “KNOW-ALLS”

(for preschool children 6-7 years old who will go to school)

Target – formation of participants’ cognitive interest in school educational activities through acquaintance through unusual game tasks.

Tasks :

Development of creative abilities for educational activities through games;

Fostering creative thinking, goodwill and love for school subjects;

Discovering interaction skills in a team and subgroup.

Preparation :

A small room with chairs around the perimeter; at the stand funny pictures“little men with the letters B, S, E, Z, N, A, J, K, I” and deciphering these letters with adjectives (what they are); decorated balls;

Props – 1 large ball, 10 hoops, 15-20 colored cardboard stars in a box, 2 sets of alphabet letters, uninflated balloons/

It’s good if the Presenter is dressed as some character (Clown, Knowledge Scientist).

Progress of the program :

Ved - I welcome guests and wonderful friends!

The holiday here is fun for all the smart children!

And I say “hello” to all of you!

//they all answer together - “hello”//

Ved - I came to you from an interesting country"KNOW-ALLS." Very unusual children live and study there... Look at the pictures, what are they like???

(look at the pictures and read with the presenter - how interesting they are)

IN – important, cheerful, well-mannered;

WITH – funny, brave, serious;

E - united, fissile, unique;

Z – experts, bullies who know everything;

N – real, observant, persistent;

A – active, neat, adequate;

Y – playful, interested in everything;

TO – cultural, cool, creative;

AND – interesting, impulsive.

Ved - I suggest you get to know such unusual children better... And try for all of us to be such real KNOW-ALLS!

Are you ready, friends??? Let's check: the head is in place, the arms and legs are in place, the eyes, ears and tongue are also in place... (they show everything on themselves, check).

Then let's get acquainted!!!

1.game “Hot Sun”

Question: What does this ball look like? (in the sun). What kind of sun is there? (hot, bright, yellow)

/Game with a large yellow fitness ball. This “sun” is rolled by the player or presenter around the hall to the music, and the children run away from it. Whoever gets hit by the “hot sun” is eliminated from the game./

2.game “Who is better”

Question: who will be more attentive, faster and more friendly today – boys or girls? (any answer)

/The game is played while sitting. The task is performed alternately by boys and girls. Who claps louder, who stomps more friendly, who smiles wider, who laughs more cheerfully, who sits most beautifully, who makes the most noise, etc./

3.game “Funny Classics”

Question: what is it? (hoops). What kind of round do these hoops look like? (different answer options)

/Game with hoops. The hoops are laid out freely around the hall on the floor. The children's task: to jump to the music as fun and funny as the leader through all the hoops, without missing a single one./

4.dance-game “Fun Math”

Question: can you name the numbers in order from 1 to 10 and back? (list)

/Children dance and move freely around the hall to the music;stop the music – the leader’s task is to stand 1 player at a time (one), then 2 players at a time (two); Then they dance to the music and again the task is to stand in groups of 3 players (three) and so on. Test for knowledge of numbers and recruitment of the same number of children into a subgroup./

5.dance game “ABC”

Question: do you know the alphabet? (they recite the entire alphabet themselves or with the leader)

/Children move freely or dance to the music; stop the music - the task is to show each participant a “capital letter” of himself in his full height, for example:L.

The music starts again, stop - show task new letter(the presenter helps when showing the letters - how to show them correctly). The letters are shown quite easily:V, G, F, K, R, T, U, F, X, H, I ./

6.game “1-2-3, take a star!”

Question: how many rays-tips does the Star have? (answer). Where do the “stars” meet? (answer options)

/ Place bright cardboard stars on one table for each participant. To the music, children move in a circle or spin around themselves. Stop the music - everyone takes one star; those who did not have time to take it (the presenter also took one star) - answers simple questions presenter; everyone puts the stars back on the table. The game starts over. Questions like: your name, your date of birth, name your parents, name your pets and others./

7.game “Word-syllable-boom”

Question: name the words syllable by syllable"locomotive" , "steamer" , "school" ... (answer)

/Two sets of individual letters of the alphabet. Teams of boys and girls take turns making certain words from their set of letters. The task is to collect the words: LESSON, SCHOOL, TEACHER, STUDENT, HOLIDAY. Who can do it faster?/

8.dance “We are little stars”

Question: What is “change”? (various answers)

/ A mischievous, cheerful dance during a school-like break. Children repeat the movements after the leader to the song:

“Simply, simply...We are little stars.

Sing with us, dance with us...

Everyone knows that movements relieve tension,

Ay it will be cool, ay-ay it will be cool!”/

9. answers-riddles (on school theme)

*Now I’m in a cage, now I’m in a line.

Write in me.

You can also draw.

What am I?... /notebook/

*You write down a schedule, they ask you something at home,

And they will put all the marks, you will write down the important things here.

Every student knows -

This is a schoolboy.../diary/

*I always hold the line

And I’ll help in segments.

Draw a line on me,

Well, of course I…../ruler/

*The field is white all around,

Clean, clean in the field.

A bright Dwarf appeared...

I remembered - that means I.../album/

10. game "Ball Show"

Question: what color are these balloons in front of you? (name colors). How many letters are in the word “ball”? (5).

*means you completed all tasks today with the best grade -"5" !!!

/The balloons are inflated to the music, then the balloons fly, and the children beat them with their hands. Fun and cool./

Ved – We are the same “KNOW-ALLS” –

We can jump and gallop

And know everything in this world!

I wish you to be in the future -

Good students!

Well, I say goodbye to you!!! Bye….

//rewarding program participants with gifts “Ready for school” - a set for a first grader; sweets and tea //

Scenario of a children's game program in kindergarten"In the Flower City"

Music is playing.
The presenters come out: Strawberry and Pencil.

Cl. - Hello my little friends!
My name is Strawberry!
And this is my friend Pencil!

Kar. - (sad) Hello guys!
I'm very glad to see you.
Well done for coming.

Cl. - What's wrong with you? Why are you sad?

Kar. - For some reason I feel very sad...

Cl. - How so!
We invited the guys to visit us, but you are sad.
Eh, you don’t know how to have fun!
Guys, let's cheer up Pencil!
But first, let's all just say hello.
Get ready! (greeting children)
First, let's shake hands, like this!
And now with your noses, well done!
And the last time with your knees! Hello, well done!

Kar. - Strawberry, let's check who has come more -
Boys or girls?
Which one is friendlier and more cheerful?

Cl. - Well, of course, the boys are naughty little playful girls.

Kar. – And the girls are good: everyone laughs heartily!

Cl. - Boys are better anyway!

Kar. - No, girls!

Cl. - Listen, I’ll read the poem now!
And I’ll start showing.
And you guys, don’t yawn: warm up your voices!
Whoever shouts more friendly will be the more fun!
And the words are very simple, but these are the movements.
You repeat them together, but please don’t be mischievous!

Kar. – Hello, let’s say that we are for you!
We're glad we came here - that's two!
Let's clap our hands! Are your fingers tired?
Who will scream louder - GIRLS? BOYS?

Cl. – Good for a start, but let’s try again!
Hey girls, push up!
You scream great! (Replay game)

Cl. - We are now a little deaf, but we admit from the bottom of our hearts,
Both girls and boys, you are all simply good!
Well, what about Pencil, what a mood...... WOW!
Is everyone of this opinion? ……YES
All without exception? …….YES

Kar. - Strawberry, well, then let's get to work.
We will go along a fairy-tale path into a wonderful world.
Where adventure awaits us, because we come from childhood

Cl. - Guys, do you like fairy tales?
Let's check this now and carry out
Fairytale quiz. So first question:

1. What is the name of the girl in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”?
2. The bird that Thumbelina helped? (Martin)
3. The most beautiful flower in the World, it is present
In several fairy tales? (Rose)
4. How many kisses did the swineherd prince manage to receive?
Until the emperor sneaked up on the ladies-in-waiting? (86)
5. How many mattresses and how many feather beds were laid?
To the pea to find out if the princess is real
Did you once knock on the king's gate?
(20 mattresses and 20 feather beds)

Cl. - Well done, guys, how smart, well-read, erudite you are!

Kar. - You know, Strawberry, I heard that the guys can
And they love to draw beautifully, just like me.
I invite young artists here.


Cl. – Guys, I already realized that you love fairy tales.
Do you have a favorite fairy-tale hero?

Cl. - And I have Miracle Yudo! It loves guests very much
And he loves to play with everyone. So, my favorite game
Miracle Yudo! Let's stand in a circle.
Repeat everything after me.

Miracle Yudo waved his right hand,
My left hand was scratching my stomach,
I trampled the ground with my right foot,
At the same time, on the left it jumped,
And the butt wiggled merrily,
And everyone nodded their heads.

Cl. - Guys, do you like to travel?
Are you ready to go on a journey?
But before you go on your journey,
I want to ask you?
Did the guys come to us as friends?
Strong? ……. Brave? ….. Are elders respected?….
Are kids being bullied? ... Do they love nature?...
Are they destroying trees?... Are they shooting from slingshots?...
Do they drag cats by the tail?... Do they shout in class?...
Are they silent on holidays?...

Cl. “I see that you are ready to hit the road.”
Today we will travel on horseback.
Pencil, where are our dashing horses? Here they are!
Well, now I need dashing riders!

Competition "Riders".

Cl. - Guys, in our flower city growing very
Lots of fabulous, beautiful flowers.
Let's collect them now!

Cl. - Look, guys, what a magnificent clearing we have! Is it true? Do you like it, Pencil?

Kar. - If you came to us for a holiday,
Stand in a circle with us,
If you come to us for a holiday,
Sing with us and have fun!
Always be good
Always be beautiful
Always be cheerful, nice, kind and sweet!

Presenters: Thank you for coming to visit us! Goodbye!
See you soon!

Musina A.M., teacher additional education,

DDT “Master”, Krasnoobsk

“Hello, sunshine!”

(game educational program for students and parents of the group early development"Sun")

“In the game, all aspects of the human soul are formed: his mind, heart, will.

The game not only expresses the child’s inclinations and the strength of his soul, but the game itself has great influence on the development of children’s abilities and inclinations, and, consequently, on their future destiny.”

K.D. Ushinsky

Target : harmonious development of the child during play activities



    development of cognitive interest;

    gaining experience in stage performance;

    acquisition of motor skills and abilities.


    fostering a sense of unity with parents;

    formation of independence and responsibility.


    development of motor skills, coordination of movements, flexibility, dexterity;

    development of the need for active manifestation of one’s “I” in play and in communication with peers and adults.

The most effective form of development and socialization of a child’s personality is play activity, which is an important component of the educational environment of the institution. The game contains elements of socio-psychological training, activates activity, imagination, creativity, and encourages the simulation of new situations.

The entire game program is associated with the image of the sun - the symbol of the early development group “Sun”. Geographically, the program is carried out either in a circle of a drawn sun, or around a pre-prepared image of the sun.


All participants of the holiday stand in a circle. In the center is the sun.

Leading: A Word about the Sun.

We woke up early in the morning

Let's all reach out to the sun!

And they smiled at each other!

(We raise all our hands up, grow up - stand on tiptoes and reach up, turn to each other - give smiles).

Leading: Let's remember together - what is our sun? Let's name the distinctive features, each gives its own definition, for example: the sun is clear, the sun is red.

Music sounds - all participants pass the ball in a circle, the music stops - the participant with the ball in his hands must answer: how he imagines the sun.

Sunny, stand in a circle!

Play with us! (pause)

And jump!

"Sunny Classics"

“Classics” are painted on the asphalt. Each child jumps on the “hopscotch” squares. (Another option is for the baby to jump on some “classics”, and on others – the mother or grandmother).

Leading: Let's find out who has the most “obedient” sunball. “Obedient” ball (a bright yellow ball is selected for the game). The mother holds a basket into which the child throws the ball (2-3 attempts are given).


Leading: Let's continue our journey along the road to the sun. Along the designated path (the pins are placed and the route is drawn in chalk), you need to pull a stroller with a doll or a car by the rope without hitting the pins.

Well, which one of you will answer:

It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but shining brightly,

And not a baker, but a baker? (Sun)


Rooted into the ground for a minute

Multi-colored miracle bridge.

The miracle master made

The bridge is high without railings.



White basket –

Golden bottom,

There is a dewdrop in it

And the sun sparkles.



Hey, bells, blue color,

With a tongue, but no ringing.



People are waiting for me, calling me,

And when I come to them, they run away.


Outdoor game “Sun and Rain”

When the presenter shows a picture of the sun, the children run and play. At the presenter’s signal “Rain!” (picks up a picture of a cloud) they hide in houses (they make houses from their palms above their heads).

Leading: How can we get to the sun?

There are obstacles on the way!

“Overcome the obstacle!” (children and parents participate)

    Walk along the snake;

    Stay on the log;

    Jump from bump to bump

Leading: Let's come to the sun!

The sun is red,

Burn, burn clearly!

Fly into the sky like a bird!

Light up our land

So that our gardens and dachas

Green up, bloom, grow!

We say hello to the sun and release the balloons.

In the final part, E. Poplyanova’s song “Sun’s Dress.”