S. Dade


MHow many of you, taking a pencil, will be able to draw someone’s portrait so that besides you, someone else will recognize in it the person you drew?

I can do it because I am an artist, an artist by education and vocation. For me, from early childhood, drawing was as natural as walking and talking.

As I grew older, I was surprised to discover that the vast majority of people cannot draw. For most people, drawing, for example, a simple dog is as difficult as solving a higher mathematics problem for me.

But what to do when you want to draw a dog, but you don’t know how to do it?

In this case, a simple invention can come to your aid - a stencil.

With the help of a stencil, even a child can draw a very beautiful dog. Having traced the outline of the stencil, all he has to do is draw on the eye (preferably in in the right place) - and he will get a beautiful drawing.

The stencil was created to help people who do not have the ability to draw, but have the desire or need to do so.

The MLM system has become a kind of "Business - with a stencil" for those who want to be successful in life, but do not know how to do it or do not have certain components - such as Economic savvy, Education, Connections, Initial capital, etc.

The fact is that many successful people became so because at one time they found the key to success. Through knowledge, introspection, observation and reflection, they discovered that the formula for success is incredibly simple - “Look at what those who are successful do - and do the same until you achieve the desired result."

But please tell me, why do people continue to multiply complex numbers in their heads with a calculator in their pocket? Why are they trying to “draw a dog” on their own (besides not having the ability to do so), although they can use a stencil? Why are they still trying to “reinvent the wheel”?

Then, to demonstrate to everyone his “genius”.

But even if you are a genius, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve serious success without taking advantage of someone else's experience or support.

If you are a normal person, but do not want to live “LIKE EVERYONE else,” then this book is just what you need now.


“….anyone can cook a hamburger,

tastier than in “McDonalds”, but only creation

effective systems implementation these "average"

made hamburgers McDonalds"one of the most

richest corporations in the world."

INIn recent decades, we have been able to observe how thousands and thousands of people achieve success in life using the Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) system. Why is everything more people Do people all over the world prefer this business?

When, at one time, I, having cast aside prejudices, decided to figure out what this industry was, I was amazed by its ingenious simplicity and accessibility.

Since then the question has not left me - “Why don’t all people do this?” The uniqueness of Multi-Level Marketing is that it gives the opportunity to earn money and achieve success in life to everyone who really wants it, because... here you can make money not on sales, but on purchases, what does this system do accessible to EVERYONE , because we all know how to buy and do it with pleasure.

The advantages of MLM over other business systems are so obvious and great that it is even difficult to compare them. And the fact that in Russia this industry is not as developed as in the West is only a matter of time. But this is a separate topic, and we will talk about this later.

Now I would like to touch on the question of how we can ordinary people, get the opportunity to use the MLM system to achieve your goals. Because for the most part, we are far from being businessmen and most of us do not have the qualities that successful people have, but we all want to live with dignity.

To understand how to do this, let's take a closer look at the structure of the trading industry.

Any modern manufacturer is well aware that producing a product is only half the battle; the main thing is to bring this product to the end consumer. Now the problem is not to produce a product, now the problem is to sell it. The market today is oversaturated with all kinds of goods and services for every taste and budget.

To paraphrase a famous saying, you can say, “Give me the perfect sales system and I will change the world.”

One way or another, all people sell something: some - some product or service (directly or indirectly), others - themselves, in the labor market. The question is how to do this more effectively?

As for selling goods, this can also be done in different ways. Some do it as sellers, while others as businessmen, and, as they say in Odessa, “these are two big differences" You can do sales with a bag on your shoulders, or you can do it with your head on your shoulders. Who likes what?

In general, there are three systems in the world for promoting goods from manufacturer to consumer:

1) System Retail sales.

Naturally, he needs to recoup all his expenses/expenses + pay taxes and + make a profit, therefore, certain percentages of the trade markup are included in the price of the goods.

Then the product is purchased large wholesaler and brings it to warehouses in Moscow. He also needs to recoup: 1 - transportation costs.

2 – “customs clearance” (if the goods are transported from abroad).

3 - rent of office, warehouses and premises + telephone and Internet.

4 - wages for hired workers and employees.

6 - security.

7 - taxes.

8 – depreciation of fixed assets/assets

9 – write-off of losses due to theft/damage/damage to goods

10 – and you also need to make a profit.

Next medium wholesalers They transport the goods to the regions, adding their percentage, and they buy it from them there small wholesalers and take them to stores, pawning their %. Stores, as you know, are also not engaged in charity and pledge their interest to pay all their expenses, pay taxes and make a profit. And then you and I come to the stores and buy this product not for 100, but for 1000 rubles, while paying the expenses, taxes and profits of all intermediaries. Experts say that the real cost of producing a product is on average about 5% of its retail price!!!

How do you like it? To put it mildly, I'm not very happy.

The saddest thing about this is that it is impossible for the average buyer to bypass this system. We can’t go to Brazil for a can of coffee or India for a pack of tea, so we go to the store and pay for this whole army of intermediaries.

(I have not yet mentioned counterfeit products; this is a separate topic).

In this situation, not only the Buyer suffers (both morally and financially, and sometimes physically). The manufacturer also suffers potential losses. If he had achieved a significant reduction in the price of the product for the buyer, he would have been able to sell it more and, accordingly, receive additional profit.

A paradoxical situation has developed in the market, when the direct participants in the transaction (Producer and Consumer) suffer losses, but receive profits huge amount all sorts of intermediaries.

There is a need for new system bringing the product to the final consumer.

2) From here, back in the late 19th century in the West, a system arose Direct sales

The manufacturer enters into an agreement with the distributor, who takes the product directly from the manufacturer and delivers it directly to the consumer. This system significantly reduces the cost of goods at the exit. We are familiar with this system thanks to the ubiquitous traveling salesmen.

In fact, the profession of a traveling salesman (traveling sales agent) is a profession respected all over the world. Was. Not yet “refracted” through the Russian mentality. Our traveling salesman is a common name (something akin to petty swindlers or gypsies), although a lot depends on the company and the individual.

The direct sales system also includes the sale of goods through mailing list and "Teleshop".

This system worked successfully for some time.

But with the natural oversaturation of the market with goods (in the West this happened about 60 - 70 years ago), the point in producing more and more high-quality products was lost. A serious problem has arisen in the sale of these products.

There was a need for a new, more advanced system for attracting regular customers.

3) And in the 40s of the 20th century, a system was developed in AmericaMLM (Multi Level Marketing – Multi Level Market)

The main advantage of this system is that it has turned facing the consumer! The manufacturer began not only to sell him goods, but to cooperate with him, giving him the opportunity to earn money, and, mainly, not on sales, but on shopping.

The manufacturing company, “cutting out” ALL (!) intermediaries, she herself opens in each more or less big city their trade missions(having the status retail store) and invites the buyer to come and buy directly from the manufacturer and at the manufacturer’s price, and with a 100% guarantee against counterfeiting (it is quite natural that the manufacturer will not sell counterfeits of its own goods)

But this system would not be so effective if that were all it was.

The main and main advantage of MLM over other sales systems is that the buyer has the opportunity not only to save on purchases, but by purchasing, earn money. How do you like the idea of ​​buying 100 rubles and getting 1000 for it? Seems incredible? But such a system exists.

I’ll try to explain now how it all works. The main thing is that you understand the very idea of ​​this business - because when a person understands the idea itself, then his eyes are opened to many things and he understands what to do and what awaits him as a result.

Imagine if you watched a movie in the cinema that you really liked. Will you tell your friends about it? Will your friends use this information? Some yes, some no. Those who use it and watch it will most likely tell their friends, and they will tell their friends, and so on.

We don’t think about it, but most often we make purchases based on the recommendations of our friends and acquaintances. We read a good book - what book will our friends read? We treated a tooth efficiently, inexpensively and not painfully – where will our friends get their teeth treated? We found a nice restaurant - where will our friends have dinner? Found good specialist– hairdresser, lawyer, car mechanic, etc. – where will our friends turn?

Moreover, look what happens. We told our friends about a film we liked, they went to see it too - the cinema made a profit - but we were not paid for our recommendation.

And then there was one smart company that realized that It's FAVORABLE to pay for recommendations.

Having bought an item we liked, we recommended it to our friends, and the company tells us: because, on your recommendation, a person came and bought this item, we will share our income with you and pay you a share of our profit, which was included in the price of this item.

If you recommend five more people, then for everyone who came on your recommendation, we will pay more, just for your recommendation - because as a result of your recommendation we get new customers. And if you teach them how to recommend, we will pay them, and you, for teaching them, etc.

And look what happens. Each of us buys a little for himself - the company gets what it needs, because The very creation of a consumer group is already a way to promote a product!

If we assume, the total purchases of this entire group of buyers per month will be 3,000 rubles. - the company pays you 3% of this amount. If the purchase amount is 10,000 rubles. – Your 6%, from 20,000 rub.-9%, from 40,000-12%, from 60,000-15%, from 100 tr. -18% to you, and from the purchase amount of 150 tr. or more, the company pays you 21%. The more people - the greater the turnover - the greater your income...

It would seem that everything is simple, but where can you get so many people so that they buy 150 thousand? For this there are certain technologies. Let's see how to use these technologies. You came here alone, you invited only 2 people. Each of them was taught to invite two people, it turned out 4. Each of them was taught to invite 2 people - 8. Each of them was taught to invite two people - 16. Look, what an interesting thing: You invited only two people, but received a team out of 30. Do you remember our task to invite large number people?

It turns out that in order to get a team of 30 people, it is not at all necessary to talk to everyone personally. And you invited only two, but if you invite not two people, but three, and teach them to invite three people each, look what happens: each 3 = 9, each 3 = 27, each 3 = 81. How do you like the difference? The difference is that there is only one more person. This is a geometric progression. So learn to use mathematical laws to your advantage. You can count for 4 people, 5, 6, 10, 12 people. But I won’t, because there is another theory - the management theory, which says that it is impossible to manage more than five people at the same time, it is impossible to keep more than 5 people under control, and it is not necessary, because look what happens. You came here alone and invited five of your friends. Everyone knows 5 people?

You invited only 5 people you know, each of them has their own 5 people they know, and I will help them interest them - 25. Each of them has their own 5 people they know, and I will help them interest them - 125, each of them they have their own 5 acquaintances, and I will help them interest them - 625. How do you like the difference? And the difference is only 3 people more than in the first case. If each of them buys the goods in the quantity required for themselves, only for themselves(!), then they will already have a decent turnover for the company and, accordingly, a decent % of the turnover for you. How much do we usually buy cosmetics “for ourselves”?

Please note, by the way, that we are not talking about sales yet! Nobody sells anything - but there is money and income - because creating an organization of consumers/buyers is the point of this business ! Because 1 person will never sell as much as 1000 people will come and buy for themselves! Let people come to the company themselves and buy what they need, and you will receive a monthly percentage of the total amount of their purchases.

But if you sell something additionally, you will earn additional money. And, unfortunately, this is the one additional (!) Many people take earnings from orders or sales as their main source of income! Because he is in plain sight! But in vain...

Today, there is no more perfect system for the sale of goods and services that has been invented by people. The most ingenious thing about this system is its simplicity and accessibility, and it is this simplicity that gives the system colossal efficiency and stability, especially during crises.

Now let's think about what this type of activity promises us:

If a company pays us a commission % of the volume of purchases of the consumer organization we created, does this mean that as long as people buy this product, we will receive our money???

That's it!

This is what it consists of The main idea of ​​any business is residual income!

Most people work for active income (this is the income that a person receives while he works) and do not even think about passive (residual) income as something that applies to themselves.

The uniqueness of the MLM system is that it allows ordinary people - not geniuses, not businessmen, not superstars, but ordinary people like you and me - to receive passive (residual) income!

“What does this give me?” – you ask.

But just think about it. What would you do if you had enough money and time? Let your imagination run wild. Dream......

Introduced? Now imagine that all this is real for you and your children.

You just need to find a reliable company with the “right” product, and work for some time to create an organization of buyers/consumers of this product (how long? - will depend on how actively you work and how much monthly you need, to meet your needs).


When I was looking for a network marketing company for myself, fortunately, I came across a book by a famous networker, in which he described simple rules, according to which you need to choose.

1. This is the “right” product:

What should the product produced by the company be?

Well, first of all, it should be a product that you would be comfortable working with. I heard a story where one woman, working with water purification filters in this way, said that after six months she felt like a plumber.

The choice of product should be approached very seriously, since it is the product that will determine your social circle, which, in turn, can seriously affect your future life and even leave an imprint on your character.

If you have chosen a product such as Biologically Active Supplements(dietary supplements), then you will first need to prove to the person (using all your eloquence) that he needs these supplements more than sausages, cheese and fruit for children. Or you will need to pretty much scare it, for example, by the fact that a huge amount of toxins has accumulated in it, which urgently needs to be removed with the help of your additives.

If you like to scare people, then you can get into dietary supplements (or life/health insurance).

There are many companies that offer “health products”, and I sometimes use some of them, but I prefer to communicate with people who are healthy, purposeful and “sober”.

The point is that when we choose a product, we need to think about more than just ourselves. The main thing is the people we will invite, and will they be comfortable working with medications, dietary supplements, insurance and other hard-to-sell goods?

As for the technical (economic) side of the issue, then "right" product is a product that meets 5 simple requirements:

1) – it must be In demand all groups of the population, social and age (everyone should use it: grandparents, uncles, aunties, young men, girls, boys, girls and infants, as well as people of any professions and any social status). Moreover, there must be demand obvious, and not imposed from the outside by a well-spoken salesman (Herbalife?)

2) – it must be High quality (if you buy a low-quality product once,

will you come for him again?).

3) – he must have adequate and Affordable price (it shouldn't be too expensive to buy ALL, and not just upper-middle-income people, who are in the minority).

4) – Assortment - as much as possible is desirable (so that everyone can choose at least something for themselves - in this way we can reach the maximum number of people and social groups with our offer).

5) – the product must be used Permanent demand (in other words, he should End from the consumer so that he comes back for it again and again). And preferably more than once every five years... ;-)

There is a world only 3 types of goods, meeting all five requirements:

1 - food,

2 - personal care products and cosmetics,

3 - household chemicals.

Because people will always eat, wash, shave, put on makeup, and keep their clothes and home clean. These are the goods that people will always use (and ALL people), at any dollar rate and in any political and economic situation. And at any time of the year!

Unfortunately, food products are not sold online (for a number of reasons), only personal and household hygiene products and cosmetics remain.

Moreover, it has been noticed that women in times of economic crises and under the influence of other “depressants” begin to use cosmetics even more actively than in stable times.

As they say; "if you want to make money ALWAYS“Make it about women’s needs.”

But there are several cosmetic companies on the market working using the network marketing method. How to choose from them? And here we come to the second parameter of choosing a partner company:

2. Reliability of the company:

What is included in this concept?

1 "Age" of the company. The fact is that every year new companies appear on the market, and every year they disappear from the market. For various reasons:

uncompetitiveness of products, uncompetitiveness of the marketing plan, failure to adhere to promised remuneration schemes, dishonesty of management (which most often happens with Russian companies - and there are plenty of examples of this).

In order to enter the market now and reliably gain a foothold in it, to “promote” a new trademark, it takes about seven to eight years and more than one million dollars. Most new companies cannot do this and most often fail. And everything would be fine, but behind every bankrupt company there are specific human destinies, wasted time, unfulfilled hopes.....

All over again?

Do you like being a participant in other people's experiments?

If not, then it is better to choose a company that has proven its right for us to link our destiny with it. A company that did not appear yesterday and will not disappear tomorrow, but one that came to our market seriously and for a long time.

2 – The company must be International- that is, in no case should it be tied to the economy of only one country, any country, and especially Russia (what is Russian economy- it’s no secret, and I’m afraid Russian companies because of the economy itself and because of the mentality of Russian “businessmen”).

When a company has sales offices, say, in 50 countries, then even if a crisis occurs in 10 of them, the company will in any case “survive” at the expense of the rest. This is what happened with Oriflame in 1996 in Poland and in 1998 in Russia and Chile)

If a company is built on the economy of only one country (or even several, such as Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc.), then if something happens, it will “die” along with this economy.

3 – The company must have Own production.

The vast majority of Network Marketing companies are intermediaries.

What do you think, who is more reliable to cooperate with - a manufacturer or an intermediary?

If the company is an intermediary, it will face serious difficulties, for example, the demand for products will fall, what will it prefer? : spend a lot of money on studying demand, improving product quality, etc., or disappear from the market and appear after some time with a new name, a new product and a new marketing plan?

Practice shows that they choose the second because it is faster and cheaper.

The manufacturer, who has millions and millions invested in production, will do everything to prevent such a situation.

And since you and I need “passive” income for many, many years, it is necessary that the company with which we cooperate exists safely until the “Second Coming”.

Taking into account all of the above, I chose the company"Oriflame Cosmetics International"

1) The product meets all five requirements. More than 1000 items of cosmetics, personal care products, skin care products, perfumes, jewelry, clothing, accessories, etc., that is, goods that are used ALL And ALWAYS.

The fact is that when a specific company enters the market with a certain product, it seeks to occupy a certain “consumer niche.” If the product is exclusive (specific, designed for a narrow circle of consumers) or too expensive (which only people with above-average income can buy), then the circle of buyers for this product will be extremely limited; the company will quickly occupy its consumer niche and its development will stop there.

The products of the Oriflame company are “consumer goods” and with this product the company will constantly acquire more and more new customers.

2) A very reliable partner for cooperation - since 1967 international market, sales offices in more than 70 countries, plants, factories and its own research laboratory throughout Europe and Asia. Now, near Moscow, the largest cosmetics factory in Europe has been built and launched in 2007, and to implement this project, the company signed a land lease agreement for 100 years! (So ​​in the next 100 years we can be calm about our families).

The general direction of activity of the Oriflame company, its goal, its mission:

“Becoming the first natural choice for every person.”

But that was before 2008 - in 2008 the company’s mission changed - and now it sounds like this:

“To become the No. 1 company in the cosmetics market in the world!”

And when a company develops a product and a marketing plan, everything is subordinated to this goal. Having such a goal and such a product, it will be able to develop limitlessly, because “human resource,” as we know, is not limited.

When I learned about the company's mission, I realized that I was on the same path. I have always been depressed by limitations. Limitations in income growth, business development, and personal growth.

Collaborating with this Giant of the world economy, with the Leader WORLD(!) cosmetic industry, I know that my business will develop, develop and develop, even after I retire from active participation in it.

And in conclusion, I want to tell you one “secret” that I learned from a very rich man:

"...if you want to have permanent income and long-term, steadily growing business - you need to deal with the product, addictive(so that a person comes and buys this product again and again).”

There are only 5 addictive “products” in nature:

1) Food.

2) Drugs.

3) Sex.

4) Soap.

5) and Money.

So here it is Oriflame is Soap and Money.

For consumers this is quality And affordable the price is “soap”, and for the organizers of the consumption process it is both soap and money. Because people have always washed, are washing and will continue to wash! And in good times, and during the crisis, and in winter, and in summer ... And if this process cannot be stopped, then why not lead it?

In the future, various new companies will appear all the time, and you and your friends will always be invited somewhere, praising the advantages of a marketing plan or product... Any company can be checked according to the two above requirements: Is it "correct" product? And Is it reliable company? - Much will become clear to you right away. Because on an expensive, exclusive product you can only earn fame with your descendants (and that is unlikely), but money can only be earned on an affordable product of wide consumption and constant demand, and this is Soap and Money.

And what I like most is that it is “passive” money!

Money for which you will no longer need to get up every day at 7 o’clock in the morning and run to work whether you want or not.

You will determine for yourself; Should you work or not, and if you work, then where, when, with whom and how much.

This is what distinguishes any business from work. Having a job, even your own own work(entrepreneurship), You still have to work all your life. And in business, at first you work, you work a lot, but then you can work less and get more, and subsequently you can completely stop working while maintaining your income, and this gives you freedom - and now remember what you would like to do if you didn't have to work? What if you had enough time and money?

The problem is that most types of traditional business, unfortunately, cannot be brought to the level of “autonomous existence.” And there are several reasons for this:

  1. Your interests and goals do not coincide with the interests and goals of your employees. (The contradiction between labor and capital is exactly according to K. Marx) And the better you train your employee, the faster you will get another competitor.
  2. All risks and strategically important decisions (including personnel issue) are your responsibility: one mistake and you are ruined. Therefore, constant monitoring of the situation is vital. Sad statistics: in order to build it yourself successful business- you'll have to go broke five times.
  3. Your plans are limited, as a rule, by your own resources - your business partners are unlikely to invest serious funds in expanding and supporting your business.
  4. You cannot protect and lobby your interests at the state level - you have to play by the rules imposed by the state - and the saddest thing about this is that we live in a highly corrupt state. Therefore, you will have to pay – and a lot!

From all of the above, it is important to remember the main thing - that “….the best “product” that is distributed through multi-level marketing is S V O B O D A ».

And I am not afraid to say that for the vast majority of the world's population multi-level marketing– this is the only opportunity to gain this freedom.



"I had a great goal, and network marketing

has become a unique means of achieving it"

/ Randy Gage /

Any business (and MLM is no exception) is not a goal in itself, it is only a means of achieving life goals, a means of transportation from point “A” (to economic sense) to point "B".

When you buy a drill from a store, you don't need the drill itself, you need the hole you are going to make with it. The goal is the hole, and the drill and drill are the means.

What goals do you pursue by actually doing this? unique business? Do you want to earn a little extra? Or seriously improve yours financial situation- buy a car, an apartment, give your children an education, go on exciting trips with them? Or maybe you look further, think broader, bigger? Maybe you want to create something grandiose, something that no one has created yet, or do it better than others? Or maybe.....?

“The degree of your success will directly depend on the size of your GOAL and the effort you put into achieving this GOAL.”

What is unique about this business? And how can we use it to achieve great things?

There are three types of business systems in the world:

1) Traditional or corporate business

2) Franchising (purchase of a ready-made business system)

3) M L M (Multi – Level Marketing ) – Many - Level Market

I will not dwell in detail on the first two now, I will only show what their main differences are.

In order to build a successful Traditional business a person needs to have several components:

1) Idea, plan - how and in what niche to create your business.

2) Economic savvy (the ability to see new development opportunities)

3) Knowledge and EXPERIENCE in economics and business creation.

4) Connections

5) Initial capital (money).

And even if you have all the components, this does not guarantee you success in business, because you himself you will need to create not just another job for yourself, but own business system.

Statistics show: the majority of traditional enterprises - more than 95% - end their existence without celebrating their 3-year anniversary.

In this sense Franchising (translated from English - benefit or privilege) can be considered as an alternative business system.

The privilege of franchising is that it already ready business system. Proven, tested in many cities and even countries, under a “promoted” brand, with a predictable income. It does not require from the owner either 1) economic savvy, or 2) education, or 3) connections, but only a certain amount sufficient to purchase it.

The most famous franchising is restaurants fast food McDonald's, the purchase of this franchise will cost you 1 million 200 thousand dollars, plus organization costs, trade equipment etc. (maybe that’s why there isn’t a single McDonald’s outside the Urals?) but there are cheaper franchises.

This is truly a “preferential” system, because in order to have an autonomously operating franchise business, you don’t need to be a “best student”, you don’t have to have a business education and a “roof”, you can just take out a loan (if you have something for it) and buy an already operating business, learn how to manage it - and receive income from it.

But with all its advantages, Franchising has one, but very significant drawback - its income is potentially limited, because to increase profits it requires new and new capital investments.

The third business system is MLM . It is called mini-franchising (Mini - based on the cost of its purchase, but not on the income from it. Franchising - because it ready business system)

If you look at business as a means of transportation from point “A” to point “B”, then in order to fly, say, from Novosibirsk to Moscow, using a “traditional” plane, you need to think very hard in order to: 1) come up with this plane, then 2) create a detailed project on paper, then 3) attract investors to build it, 4) learn how to manage it and then calmly fly to Moscow.

If you want to use a “franchise plane,” then you just need to buy this plane, learn how to fly it, and in a few hours you will be in the Capital.

If you are not a brilliant inventor of “airplanes”, or even a millionaire, and do not have the skill to control this “machine”, then it is best for you to use “ MLM- liner", here you don’t have to come up with this complex mechanism, build it, pass aerobatics exams. You just need to buy a ticket and fly wherever you want.

I would like to talk in more detail about these advantages of MLM over other business systems:

1) AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE– does not require any economic savvy, special education, any other training, as well as connections and initial capital.

« …. This business's open-door policy resembles the kind of equal-opportunity charity fair that most socialists scream about. But I have not met any convinced socialists in this business. This is a business for capitalists and for people who want to become capitalists.”

/R. Kiyosaki/

The main thing you need to have is desire, a strong desire to change your life!

2) NO RISK– since there are no investments, there is therefore no risk.

3) NO DIRECTIVES– you won’t be fired (which is very important today), you won’t be fined, you won’t get laid off, no one will tell you when to come and what to do (although for some this advantage becomes “fatal” - because they are not used to taking take responsibility for their lives, they need someone to constantly “push” them). No one will force your working methods. The company and sponsor can recommend to you the most effective methods, in their opinion, but only you will decide whether you like them or not, and you can always choose any others or come up with your own.

4) INCOME POTENTIALLY UNLIMITED – Firstly: the reward is always equal to the efforts made, since the payment for your work does not depend on the subjective opinion of the boss. The impartial computer of the partner company credits you with a percentage of the turnover of your organization of buyers actually created by you, so the prospect of increasing your income is entirely in your own hands.

Secondly: you do not need new investments to increase profits, as in any traditional business and even franchising. No big overhead! Our income increases only due to an increase in the group of buyers/consumers and the customer base, and, accordingly, turnover (and “ human resources", as we know, never end).

And thirdly: people who are seriously involved network business, after some time they discover that there is a completely different world, a world in which you can simply live and not fight for survival, a world great opportunities and prospects. A world in which most people (all the time) solving the problem lack of money) have never been.

5) NO OPERATION : Today MLM is the only one business system that makes it possible to truly get rich without exploiting a single person. This is a business partnership system where we get rich not instead, but together with people.

When you invite a person into a business, you are not inviting him to work for you. Everyone working here works for themselves, creates their own group of consumers, and everyone following them does the same, but everyone is interested in the success of the other and therefore can always count on support from their partners.

6) MENTORING - this is true unique peculiarity of this business.

There are few lucky people in the world (besides MLM) who could boast of having had a mentor for many years experienced businessman(and completely free of charge), with a vested interest in their success. Only “inexperienced, arrogant youth” can underestimate this possibility (and this “youth”, unfortunately, is inherent in all ages).


“If the business you are doing does not bring you residual (passive) income, even in the most distant future, then from an economic point of view there is no point in this business.” Robert Kiyosaki .

What's the point of earning money, spending it and then going to work again in the morning - earning money to spend it again? Active income- it's a vicious circle, a rat race - Financial slavery. Only receiving residual (passive) income gives financial freedom. Residual income is the only bridge to financial independence!

Either you will work for money all your life, or in the end you will learn to make money work for yourself - there is no third option. And the sooner the better for you...

Network marketing is not just an opportunity to earn some money.

For more than 95% of the world's population, this is THE ONLY OPPORTUNITY move from actively making money to actual receipt residual income, the opportunity to take off the skin of the “Squirrel in the Wheel” and finally get down to real business - the business for which they were born and live on this Earth.

Financial independence is not final goal On the contrary, this is just the beginning. The beginning of a completely different life. A life in which a person overestimates values ​​and understands that the main thing is not to feed, wash, clothe and give a free education to his children (disappearing at work around the clock because of this). The main thing is to give them love and attention, which cannot be replaced by anything. A life in which you can do what you love, enjoy it and not think at all about how much you will be paid for it.

What does it mean to you to succeed in life? Money? Career? Confession???

Do you know what a person gets the most satisfaction from?

A person experiences the greatest satisfaction when he does what he loves, realizes his inner potential, the talent that God laid in him at birth. Fulfilling your purpose is true success in life. any person. Only then does a person have real satisfaction and understand that he does not live on earth in vain.

Sociologists conducted a global study to find out how the thinking of successful people differs from the thinking of “losers.” And here are the main differences in the thinking of these people they discovered.

1)- Successful people have TARGET , they know exactly what they want and where they are going.

2)- They have PLAN achieving this goal and ALWAYS (!) follow him.

3)- They believe in DELAYED REWARD (i.e. they know there will be a reward when they achieve the goal).

Accordingly, the “losers”:

1)- have no purpose - aimless life, (their only goal is to reach their salary).

2)- Naturally, if there is no goal, then there can be no plan to achieve it. On this occasion, I always remember the following dialogue from Alice in Wonderland: When she asked the Cheshire Cat

“Please tell me, which way should I go?” he replied:

“Well it depends on where you want to go.”

“But I don’t care where I go,” said Alice.

“Well then, it doesn’t matter where to go.”

“Well, I just want to get somewhere”

“Go somewhere and you’ll end up somewhere,” the wise cat answered her.

SOMEWHERE - this is the end of the aimless existence of the majority...

Why do most people try to avoid difficulties? Why, when things happen in their lives difficult situations, do they become discouraged and depressed? The answer is simple: because there is no goal in their life, and when there is no goal, then there is no point in overcoming difficulties.

When a person moves towards a goal, he is ready to “fight” and endure, because every obstacle overcome brings him closer to it, and if there is no goal, why fight?

Think about what moments of your life are remembered better - when it’s cold and hungry, when it’s difficult, when you struggle and overcome - or a quiet, calm, well-fed, monotonous life, when there’s nothing special to remember?

3) - And the main problem of these people is that they want to have everything right now .

They don’t want to build their success “brick by brick,” they want to have everything at once, and right now.

But think about it: does a person who attends one training session become an Olympic champion? Or does a student who attends one lecture become a great surgeon? Or does a child who hits a piano key for the first time immediately become a great musician? Doesn't this require many years of hard work?

These are obvious facts that everyone understands. Why is it that only about 3% of people achieve success in life, while the rest hope for a miracle, that someday they will get lucky or someone will invent a “magic pill” - and they will immediately get everything they wanted?

It's like mass insanity. Where do people get these ideas?

If you plant potatoes in the spring, you will harvest the potatoes in the fall. And if you continue to do this year after year, will it be potatoes you're picking year after year, or are you hoping to pick pineapples one day?

And if you do today the same thing that you did yesterday, tomorrow you will have the same thing that you have today. “Whatever a man sows, that will he also reap.”

To the same people who do not justify their inaction and unwillingness to take responsibility for their lives, but who really want to succeed, I recommend answering three simple questions that will help you plan to achieve your goals. Because PLANNING is the key to success.

Take this task very seriously and be sure to complete it.

“... people who are guided by clear, written goals achieve tens of times more than their equals or even superior in education and abilities, but who, however, never spend time clearly stating on paper what they want they ultimately strive."

3) If you found out that you only have 6 months left to live, what would you do during all this time and for what?

Write it down at least ten answers for each question and at least once a week, re-read your answers, reflecting on them, changing something, adding something, adjusting something. Perhaps, in order to come to the final version, you will need more than one day, and maybe more than one month.

Then, choose and write down separately what you think is the most important answer to each question.

When you do this, you may find out: Why you live on this earth and at this particular time. Find out your purpose. That is what the Creator created you for and calls you to.

At the base of this pyramid is your definition of your mission, that is, the destiny predetermined for you by God or by you (what we talked about above).

The second is the main goal of your life and methods for achieving it.

I am sure that you live not only to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide, absorb food and release... (you know what), come home from work, watch TV, wake up and go to work again.

Every person living on this earth has a certain talent, which he must develop as much as possible, only then will the person be completely satisfied, and his life and the lives of those close to him will be filled with meaning, and society as a whole will benefit.

Don't allow yourself to exist aimlessly!

To make a plan for achieving your main life goal, the entire path to this goal must be divided into time periods, with specific results at the end of each stage 10 years -? 5 years-? 3 years-? 1 year–? (intermediate goals) with a detailed action plan to achieve this result.

A goal differs from a dream in that it has specific deadlines and a plan for achieving it.

The following are the short term milestones that you plan to achieve by the end of each month and the actions to achieve them (these goals will be the PLAN for achieving the long term milestones).

Fifth, at the end of each week, set aside one hour to plan your actions for the next week - this will give you the opportunity to systematically move towards achieving short-term goals. Take a diary (such as planning) and write down all your affairs, meetings, seminars, calls, etc.

Sixth - start every morning by opening your diary and strictly following the plan, this will make your actions more effective and save you from unnecessary and unproductive movements. At the end of the day, be sure (!) to take 15-20 minutes to analyze the work done and plan things for tomorrow. If for some reason you haven’t done everything you planned for that day, then move these things to tomorrow.

Never let anyone or anything interfere with your plans, Otherwise, why are you planning then? (Read Frank Batger's book "Yesterday's Loser, Today's Successful Businessman")

The more intense your work schedule, the more seriously you need to approach the issue of planning.

Research from Harvard University showed that only 3% of people write down on paper your goals - long-term, short-term, intermediate. They are developing detailed plan achieving each goal, also devote enough time to daily planning, and it is they who concentrate 80% of the world's capital.

10% - people have general goals (not written down anywhere, located in their heads), but they write down daily tasks in detail; they have 15% of all money. and never decide for anyone , whether it suits him or not, whether he will or will not do it. Your task is to provide information about the business, products, company as professionally as possible and to as many people as possible. Give them the right to decide for themselves.

In our business, we are not talking about persuading people - our task is different: to find among them those who have an active life position. We find those who are ready to join our business and use our products. Therefore, learn to take refusals calmly, i.e. hearing “No, this doesn’t suit me.” For a better understanding of the situationLet's make this analogy: You have become a fan of a healthy lifestyle and started watching your figure, going to the gym/gym, knowing full well that regular training will help you always look great and get rid of health problems. Naturally, understanding all the advantages and prospects of this activity, you invite your friends and relatives to also go to the gym with you. Will everyone go with you? ;-) And how will you react to this? ;-) Will you persuade? Will you be intrusive? Or will you still give the person the right to choose? This is the same attitude towards people and their choices that professionals in our business should have! You can only influence the quality of the information you provide!

Remember the saying : “No” is our job. "Yes" is our salary.

Usually, your family and relatives will be first on the list. You want to attract them first, help them first. Know that there is one psychological point: our relatives have known us for a very long time and, as they believe, very well. They are used to perceiving us in a certain way, and it is very difficult for them to believe that we have opened our own business, our own business, in which we have never worked before. They don't really believe in the success of our endeavor.

· “Glue” to your Sponsor. Develop the habit of listening, hearing and following all the Sponsor’s recommendations. He is a source of information, learning and help. And call him yourself, don’t wait for him to bother you ·Teach your people what you have learned yourself.

Three rules to remember:

  • Do as I do(duplicate your Sponsor)
  • Silence is golden (haven't studied the topic yet).
  • “You’re drowning” – scream for help! (Don’t let problems drive you into a dead end of loneliness. Remember that “A frog swallowed by a boa constrictor has at least two options. . . ." Urgently call your Sponsor/mentor and he will show them to you).

Let me, in conclusion, warn you against coming home or to work, did not conduct a survey of the opinions of others - whether this business is good or not - because the advice to you will be give the same people who know exactly as much about this business as you knew before how you came across this information. Just give them this book to read.....

“Nothing comes to us so cheaply or costs us so much as free advice close people"

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The idea that will now be considered can be classified as a home business.

It consists of sitting at home and making some kind of crafts. Plus, you also get money for all this. As you may have guessed, we will talk about one of these crafts, called a stencil. Many people believe that stencils are used only for inscriptions or drawing simple drawings. But, their use goes much wider, finding application for drawing a rather complex image, which is superimposed not only on flat surfaces.

Making a stencil at home is not as difficult as it might initially seem. To do this, you need to have a printer and be able to use some relevant programs. Despite the fact that all stencils are used according to the same principle, they differ significantly in their production. It depends on the purpose for which it is intended and on what surface the pattern will be applied.

There are many materials that are used to make stencils. The most common stencils are simple ones, which are made on a paper, cardboard or film base. Much less commonly used are rigid stencil frames, which are made of plexiglass or iron. They are intended for long-term use. Less commonly used are so-called special stencils. They are made from magnetic film or other special materials. Now let's take a closer look at each type of manufactured stencils.

Simple stencils are stencils that are the easiest to make at home. They require sheets of cardboard or thick paper. For durability, these sheets are coated with a layer of paint or laminated. Next comes the making of the stencil itself, which doesn’t take much time, which is a plus for this type. However, such stencils also have their disadvantages. This is not a high enough accuracy of the drawing itself and their fragility. The second one can be improved a little. In this case, you need to replace the paper base with plastic film or linoleum.

The second type is hard stencils. The material for making such stencils is wood, iron or plexiglass. They are highly durable and reliable. In addition, using this stencil you can make the same drawing quite accurately for a long time. The disadvantage of such a stencil is the difficulties that arise when making it at home, since you need special equipment and a place to place it.

For special conditions for applying a pattern, special stencils are needed, for example, for body art or when applying a pattern to a curved surface. In most cases, these stencils are made of a dense, fairly flexible film that is easy to lay on uneven surfaces. To apply a design to a car, magnetic film is often used, which ensures precise edges of the design. This occurs due to a tighter fit of the stencil to the painting area.

In addition to the above stencils, there are also disposable ones, which are made on washable paper. After one-time use, such stencils are no longer suitable and cannot be used in the future. They can be compared with those that schoolchildren make at school during labor lessons. And they are the ones who use most in demand when selling stencils made at home.

Open your own home business and, undoubtedly, it will give a certain result.