Target: improve children's artistic abilities in creating an artistic image through theatrical activities.


    develop the child’s emotionality, intelligence, and communication abilities through theater;

    develop artistry and stage performance skills necessary to participate in children's theater;

    stimulate children's desire to look for expressive means to create a playful image of a hero using dance movements, facial expressions, gestures, and changes in intonation;

    unleash the creative potential of children;

    to cultivate aspirations for self-improvement through theatrical activities.

Leading: There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them.

Anything can happen in a fairy tale

Our fairy tale is ahead

A fairy tale is knocking on our door.

Let's say to the guest: “Come in!”

All the girls and boys

We know that they love books very much,

They love fairy tales, they love songs...

And to make it more interesting,

Let's tell an old tale

And we will show it in poetry.

Is everyone seated? Good morning!

Let's begin our story...


Characters :

There is a tower on the left. To the right are several trees. There is a forest in the background. A mouse with a bundle comes out into the clearing from behind the trees and heads towards the tower.


Everyone has to live somewhere

Both in winter and in summer.

How can the Mouse not grieve?

If you're not at home?

Everyone has to sleep somewhere

I've had enough of wandering around the world,

It will keep me warm in winter.

If no one is here,

So this house is mine!

The mouse disappears in the window. A Frog with a bundle comes out into the clearing from behind the trees and heads towards the tower.


What a glorious little mansion!

Oh, what a miracle!

He is not low, not high,

There's a dam nearby!

Smoke is coming from the chimney.

open the door for me!

Who lives here in the mansion?

Come on, speak up!

The Mouse looks out of the window.


Little mouse lives here!

Who will you be, answer!


I'm a Jumping Frog

We'll drink tea with you!

I can swim breaststroke

Carry water from the river.

Came with my own mattress

And I ask you to let me in!


There's a place for you

It's more fun to live together.

Now let's knead the dough,

And then we’ll have some tea!

The frog enters the house. The mouse disappears in the window. A Bunny comes out from behind the trees into the clearing with a bundle and heads towards the tower.


What a glorious little mansion

Growing up in the middle of the forest?

The prince hare could live here

With the bunny princess!

I'll plant a garden

Nearby on the lawn.

Who lives here in the mansion?

Tell Bunny!

A mouse looks out of the window.


A little mouse lives here.

Frog looks out of the window.


Who disturbs our peace?

I am the Jumping Frog.

Tell me who you are!


Open up, it's me

Runaway bunny!

You will let me live,

I'm a good Bunny!

I can wash floors

And flap your ears.

Mouse(to the frog)

Maybe we should let the Hare live?

Frog(To the bunny)

Stay tuned!

The bunny enters the house. The Mouse and the Frog are hiding. The Fox comes out from behind the trees into the clearing with a bundle and heads towards the tower.


That's how the tower is,

Okay and smart!

I smell apple pie...

Where is the front entrance here?

Hey you, dear honest people,

Open the doors!

Who lives here in the mansion?

People or animals?

A mouse looks out of the window.


A little mouse lives here. A bunny looks out of the window.


And the big-eared Bunny!

A frog looks out of the window.


And the Jumping Frog.

Who are you, answer me!


About the beautiful Fox

The rumor has been going on for a long time.

Everyone in the forest knows me!


There will be a place for her!


Come in, godfather, be bolder,

Lunch is just ready.


It will be more fun together!

The fox enters the house.


There is no better home in the world!

All the inhabitants of the tower are hiding in it. A Wolf comes out from behind the trees into the clearing with a bundle and heads towards the tower.


Here are the mansions, so mansions -

There is enough space for everyone here!

Why are you silent? Is anyone home?

Don't be afraid, I won't eat it!

Its inhabitants take turns timidly peeking out of the tower.


A little mouse lives here.

A bunny looks out of the window.


And the big-eared Bunny!

Frog looks out of the window.


And the Jumping Frog.


And Lisa, the owner!

I won't understand anything


Let me into the house!

I'm not a dire wolf at all!

See for yourself!


Okay, Gray, come in,

Just don't bite!


We'll kick you out right away, mind you,

If you offend the Hare!

The wolf enters the house. All the inhabitants of the tower look out the windows.

All residents of the tower(in unison)

We are now one family

And all guests are welcome!

A Bear comes out from behind the trees with a bundle and goes to the tower.


I want to live with you too!

All(in unison)

No, Bear, don't!


You shouldn't be doing that. I'll come in handy!


It hurts you are huge.


Don't be afraid, I'll fit.

I am modest in my requests.

The bear climbs into the tower. The house begins to shake and falls. Residents of the tower are crying in the ruins.


What have you done, Mishka?


We warned you.


Our tower has been destroyed!


Left without a corner!


Well, forgive me

I didn't do it on purpose.

Even though your house fell from the stump,

You can live in it anyway.


Where is the underground to store

Supplies for the winter

In hot summer - cool

A barrel of mint kvass?


Where is my big closet?

Wet, with mosquitoes?


And a little light so that there

Should I spin in the evenings?


Where is the porch to the garden?


And the guardhouse is nearby -

Suddenly someone comes without asking,

Is he not welcome?


Yes! And there is no stove to heat

My back in winter...


Oh, why are you, bear,

knocked over the house?


How are we going to live now?

Bear(with a sigh)

I can't imagine!

Frog(to the bear)

If you did something wrong,

Then manage to fix it!


Even though the bear is to blame,

We will help him!


Why regret the house?

Better put a new one!

The bear puts the tower in place. Everyone shouts hurray.

Regina Shaikhutdinova
Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok". Entertainment for children of middle preschool age with the participation of parents

1. Form children's keen interest to a theatrical play.

2. Encourage children and parents to actively participate, use all the surrounding space.

. Develop speech and motor activity children,imitation skills.

3. Learn to pronounce phrases expressively, develop acting abilities.

Promote the creation of positive emotional experiences children and parents from joint theatrical activities.

Preliminary work: Reading Russian folk fairy tales"Teremok”; looking at illustrations for fairy tale.

Attributes: Teremok, costumes, benches, trees.

Literature used:

4. Reading book “Reading at 4 years old”;

Theatrical games in kindergarten T. N. Petrova; E. L. Sergeeva. Music: Song “Sun” Music and lyrics by E. Gomonova.


Hello kids!

Girls and boys!

Glad to see everyone now.

After all, I have been waiting for you for a long time.

I'm kind storyteller.

So I came and fairy tale hour,

He invites us to the theater.

You sit down, don't be shy

Make yourself comfortable.

Imagine that you are all different animals today.

Can everyone see it, can everyone hear it?

Prepare your ears, eyes,

I'll tell you now fairy tale.

And I'll tell you a fairy tale about a teremok, which the animals found in the forest.

Standing in the field teremok, teremok - He is not low, not high.

Who, who's in lives in little house?

Who, who lives in a low place?

Nobody answers.

Suddenly from around the corner you hear:

Mouse: Pee-pee-pee.

Storyteller: Who are you?

Mouse: I'm a little mouse. Oh, how beautiful teremok! And who lives in it? Storyteller: Yes, no one answers, probably no one.

Mouse: Then I will live in it with my little mice. Little mice, run here quickly, look how beautiful it is teremok, we will live here.

(Included in teremok) .

Storyteller: And the Mouse and the little mice began to live in mansion.

Here is a Frog running across the field with its little frogs. She stopped at the door and screamed. Frog: Kva-kva-kva! Who's in lives in little house?

Who lives in a low place?

Mouse: I, Little Mouse with little mice! Who are you?

Frog: I'm green and small. The eyes are big and big. I'm good at jumping. And these are my little frogs.

The little frogs are singing:

We green frogs, qua-qua-qua!

Pop-eyed girlfriends kva-kva-kva!

We are not afraid of anyone, qua-qua-qua!

We have fun all day long, qua-qua-qua!

Mouse: Oh, how funny you are, come live with us!

Storyteller: The frogs jumped to the mouse in teremok. They began to live - to live, to sing songs.

The song “Sun” is performed, music and lyrics by E. Gomonova.

Storyteller: Here is a Bunny running across the field. He stopped at the door and said.

Hare: Oh, how beautiful teremok. Hey, little bunnies, come over, let's find out who lives there.

Who's in lives in little house?

Who lives in a low place?

Mice: We, Little Mice!


We are frogs!

Hare: I, the Hare, have long ears, a short tail, and these are my bunnies.

Mice and Frogs: You are welcome, come to us. We will live and play together. Hare: We are glad to live with you! Let's play the game "Bunny.

The little white bunny is sitting

He wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this, He moves his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm up the paws. Clap, clap, clap, clap. We need to warm up the paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand. The bunny needs to jump. Hop, hop, hop, hop. The bunny needs to jump.

Someone scared the Bunny. The Bunny jumped and ran away.


Standing in the field teremok, teremok,

He is neither short nor tall!

Here is a goat with kids running across the field, stopping at the door and knocking. K0za; Be-be-be. Who's in lives in little house? Who lives in a low place?

Everyone answers the Goat in order. They ask: Who are you?

Goat: I, the Goat, am a dereza, and these are my kids!

All: Come to us, we will all live together, live and not bother!

Storyteller: They all began to live together, to live and not to bother.

Here the little fox and her cubs are running across the field. They stopped at the door and called.

Pisa with foxes:

Who's in lives in little house?

Who lives in a low place?

Everyone answers Lisa in order. Everyone asks together: “Who are you?”

Fox: I, little fox-sister, and these are my little foxes. Let us live with you.

All: You are welcome.


Standing in the field teremok, teremok,

He is neither short nor tall!

Who's in lives in little house?

Who lives in a low place?

All the animals come out and stand in a circle.

Storyteller: Dear animals, who forgot today in our a fairy tale to come? (Bear).

It’s already spring outside, how long has the Bear been sleeping?

Hare: Now we’ll go and wake him up.

Game "Bear the Bear in the Forest".

The bear crawls out of dens: Who woke me up?

I am a forest animal, I sleep in winter I live as the master of the forest.

Hare: Stop sleeping, Bear!


The sun laughs tenderly, shines brighter, hotter.

Everyone around is enjoying spring, come and dance with us!

Bear: Is it really spring already, oh, how long I slept!

General dance.


And here it is my fairy tale has come to an end,

And who participated in it - well done!

And today the roles were played by children and parents of our group(lists).

Integrated leisure time for pupils of the kindergarten “Folk Tunes” with a showing of the sketch “Teremok”

Prepared and conducted by: teacher of the second junior group S.V. Kuleshova.

Participants: pupils of the second junior group

Goal: development of children's creative abilities through musical and theatrical activities.


Instill in children a love of Russian culture and history.

To develop children's musical abilities through introducing them to playing folk musical instruments, including during theatrical games.

Enrich children's knowledge about the properties and features of Russian folk musical instruments; learn to distinguish their timbre coloring.

Music used:

Russian folk tune “Barynya”.

Russian folk tune “The Moon is Shining.”

Russian folk tune "Kamarinskaya".

Russian folk melody "Oh, you, birch."


The Storyteller (teacher in a Russian sundress and scarf) comes into the hall to the accompaniment of Russian folk music:

Hello kids! Girls and boys!

I am a kind Storyteller. Glad to see everyone! Now

The time for fairy tales comes, He calls us to the theater.

Prepare your ears and eyes, I’ll tell you a fairy tale now.

Oh guys, ta-ra-ra! There is a mountain on the mountain.

And on that mountain there is an oak tree And on the oak tree there are craters

Raven in red boots and gilded earrings.

Black raven on the oak tree He plays the trumpet

Chiseled trumpet, gilded Trumpet fine, folding song

In the morning he blows the trumpet and tells fairy tales to the children.

This saying, guys, the fairy tale will come...

We all know, we all believe there is a wonderful tower in the world!

Come on, tower, stand with your back to the forest, facing us

Both the window and the porch!

Children dressed in Russian national costumes enter the hall accompanied by folk music. Playing on wooden spoons, they sit on chairs near the tower and sing:

There is a teremok in the field, a teremok

He is not short, not high, not tall.

Teremochek is not simple, not simple

He is handsome like this, like this.


The tower is good, not small, not high,

Standing in the middle of a meadow. Someone is running towards the tower...

A melody sounds.

The Mouse appears with a bell in his hand, runs around the clearing, looking for a house. (children in folk costumes play along with the Mouse on Spoons)


I see a mouse running towards us and ringing a bell.

Little Mouse, she walks through the forest,

He's looking for a little house, He's looking but he can't find it.

Mouse (notices the little house):

What do I see? Teremok? Is there a lock on the door?

Knock-knock-knock... Apparently, no one lives in the house... (Removes the lock from the door of the mansion.)

I am now the owner here! (Sits on a bench in front of the tower)

A melody sounds.

A frog with a rattle appears in the clearing. (The children play along with her on spoons)


Here is a frog running across the field. The frog runs and rattles like a rattle.

This frog lives by the bank of the river. Sings songs, sings without getting tired,

And in the song the words are qua, qua, qua!

The frog runs up to the tower.


Hey, what kind of animal lives here? Kva-kva-kva, open the door!

Mouse: I’m a little mouse, and who are you?

Frog: I am a frog frog.

Let me into the house, Mouse, We will live together with you.

Mouse: So be it, perhaps to the house,

It's more fun to live together. (The frog sits next to the mouse)

Storyteller: The Mouse and the Frog moved in,

With a pop-eyed girlfriend, the stove is heated, the grain is pounded

Yes, pancakes are baked in the oven.

One morning early

Runs to the clearing

Bunny. Jumping, frolicking,

They are not afraid of the evil wolf.

To the music, the Bunny appears with a drum. (Children play along with him on spoons)

Bunny (runs up to the tower and knocks):

Mouse and Frog (running out of the house):

I am a little Mouse, I am a Frog, and who are you?

Bunny: I am a hare named Jump-Jump,

Hurry up and let me in!

Mouse and Frog: Come quickly into the house

The three of us will now live together. (Everyone sits on the bench)

Storyteller: Here they live, they don’t grieve

And, imagine, they are strong friends...

Much time has passed or little,

One day a fox ran across the field.

Fox with a tambourine runs out to the music

Storyteller: Here is a fox running across the field,

The fox runs and knocks on the tambourine.

Chanterelle: What a wonderful little mansion!

He is not small and not tall (runs up to the tower and knocks)

Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in low places?

Mouse, Frog, Bunny:

I am a Runaway Bunny, and who are you?

Fox: I am the red fox sister,

Let me into the little mansion.

Mouse, Frog, Bunny:Come into the house quickly

The four of us will live together!


Here they live in a hut

Bunny, Little Fox, Frog And, of course, Little Mouse,

You can't spill water on them... Suddenly he runs through the forest... Who? (Wolf with a whistle runs out to the music)

Here the Wolf is running across the field, the Wolf is running to Duda and playing the pipes (Children in costumes play along with the Wolf on spoons)

Wolf: Oh yes, we’ll tower, no matter where,

I’ll knock here quickly (runs up to the tower and knocks)

Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in low places?

Mouse, Frog, Bunny, Fox:

I am a Little Mouse, I am a Frog,

I am a Runaway Bunny, I am a Red-haired Foxy Sister, And who are you?

Wolf: I am the Wolf-Wolf, Gray Barrel.

You can get along with me, you don’t just need to pet me.

Mouse, Frog, Bunny, Fox:Come into the house quickly

The five of us will live together! (Everyone sits on the bench)

Storyteller: There is a tower in the field,

It is not low, not high, the five of them live in it,

And they help each other in everything.

All the animals go out into the clearing and play their musical instruments to the musical accompaniment of “Oh, you canopy, my canopy...”

Storyteller: Suddenly the animals hear - branches bend, branches crack...

Yes, this... A bear is walking through the forest! The bear walks to the accordion and sings

The animals sit down on the bench in fright. A Bear with an accordion comes out into the clearing (children in costumes play along with him on spoons).

Bear: Oh, a very nice little mansion!

Who could live here? Knock-knock-knock, answer me

Who lives here, show yourself?

Versions 3 (alternately):

I am Little Mouse. I am the frog-frog.

I am a runaway runner. I am the red fox sister.

I am a gray side top. Who are you?

Bear: I am a clumsy bear

I love to sing songs to the accordion. Let me into the little mansion.

The animals look at each other in silence, and the bear tries to sit down on the bench with them, but there is no room for him.

Storyteller: The bear climbed and climbed into the mansion - he just couldn’t get in.

Bear: I'd rather live on your roof.

Storyteller: The bear climbed onto the roof. The animals barely had time to scatter (they all scatter in different directions).

Why are you being a bully?

Do you break the tower for your friends? (at this time the tower is falling)

What have you done, Mishka? The tower has been destroyed for us!

Bear: Well, forgive me, I didn’t do it on purpose.

Even though your house fell from the stump, you can still live in it.

Storyteller (to the Bear): If you did something wrong, then be able to correct it!

Why regret the mansion, let's build a new house!

(The bear puts a new tower on, everyone helps him to the music)

Storyteller: The six of them began to live.

Neither rain nor wind is scary in the new mansion.

At the end of the fairy tale, all participants in the skit dance to folk music around the new tower

Storyteller: Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

We will sing songs loudly,

Together we cannot be defeated!

All together: The fairy tale ends here,

And who listened - Well done! (all participants in the tale bow)

The end of a fairy tale

Storyteller (addressing the little spectators):Did you guys like our fairy tale?

You listened and watched our fairy tale,

Are your arms and legs numb?
Now we will give them work too,
And let's have some fun.

A musical and didactic game “Cheerful Rhythm” is being held

The storyteller taps out a rhythmic pattern on the spoons, and the children repeat, clapping the rhythm with their palms.

Then a rhythmic pattern is played on the rattle, and the children repeat the rhythm by stomping their feet.

Oh, how well done, your hands and feet!

We, the artists, clap our hands for you from the bottom of our hearts!

Now let’s play some more and guess my riddles.

Here in front of you are Russian folk instruments lying on the table.

Do you know them all? Now we will check this.

Come on, who can tell me what this is?


Oh, it rings, it rings, it makes everyone happy with its play,

But all she needs is three strings for music.

Who is she? Guess it! Well, of course... (Balalaika)

The noisiest instrument, round and large.

If you hit it with a stick, it sounds like thunder! (Drum)

You will take it in your hands, you will stretch it, then you will squeeze it!

Voiced, elegant, Russian, two-row.

What's her name? (Harmonic)

I put the pipe to my lips and a trill flowed through the forest.

That instrument is very fragile, it’s called... (Pipe)

This instrument will step in at the most fabulous moment.

It will ring quietly, gently, as if everything is turning silver.

Every schoolchild knows this. What is... (Triangle)

It looks like a rattle, but it's not a toy! (Maraca)

Wooden plates, colorful pictures,

They knock, they ring, they tell you to dance! (Ratchets)

They eat soup at lunch, and in the evening they “talk”

Wooden girls, Musical sisters.

Play a little on beautiful bright... (Spoons)

If you want to play, you need to pick it up

And blow into it lightly and music will be heard.

Think a minute... what is this? (Whistle)

We release the hammers onto the iron leaves

And a cheerful sound flies. What's ringing? (Glockenspiel)

Head on hat - boom!

And the whole area is ringing! (Bell)

Well done guys, they guessed everything.

You know what musical instruments are called. Can you guess them by their sound?

Musical and didactic game “What musical instrument sounds?”

(a screen is placed and the storyteller plays various musical instruments behind it, and the children guess the instrument by its sound)

And the next game is called “Wonderful Bag”.

Can you tell by touch what kind of tools are hidden in the bag?
(The teacher simply covers large instruments (balalaika, accordion, ruble) with a scarf)

And at the end of our meeting we will organize a concert!

Come out the bravest, the most skillful!!!

Children play musical instruments to folk music.

The others clap their hands to the beat of the music.

Storyteller: And now it’s time for us to part.

Look forward to visiting us again.

Well, that’s ALL for today!

Fairy tale dramatization


for young children

Mosienko Elena Yurievna,
teacher of MKDOU No. 16,

Tasks: to form the desire of children to dramatize a fairy tale; develop children's speech; develop the ability to pronounce onomatopoeic words (pi-pi, kva-kva); develop the ability to convey animal habits; foster a sense of collectivism and friendly relationships.

Equipment: k costumes (elements) of the characters in the fairy tale “Teremok”, house, trees, sounds of the forest.

Progress of the performance:

Distributing roles, the teacher helps the children put on costumes. Then he begins to tell a fairy tale.

Educator: Russian folk tale "Teremok".

There is a tower in a field, it is neither low nor high.
A small mouse runs past.
Knock-knock-knock! Who lives in the little house?

Educator: Nobody answers. The mouse entered the little mansion and began to live in it. A frog-frog galloped up to the mansion and asked:

- I, little mouse! Who are you?
- And I'm a frog.
- Come live with me!
Educator: The frog jumped into the tower. The two of them began to live together. A runaway bunny runs past. He stopped and asked:
Knock-knock-knock! Who lives in the little house?
- I, little mouse!
- I, frog-frog. Who are you?
- And I’m a runaway bunny
- Come live with us!
Educator: The hare hops into the tower! The three of them began to live together. The little fox-sister is coming. She knocked on the window and asked:
Knock-knock-knock! Who lives in the little house?
- I, little mouse.
- I, frog-frog.
- Me, the runaway bunny.
- Who are you?
- And I am a fox-sister.
- Come live with us!
Educator: The fox climbed into the mansion. The four of them began to live together. A gray barrel top came running, looked in the door and asked:
Knock-knock-knock! Who lives in the little house?
- I, little mouse.
- I, frog-frog.
- Me, the runaway bunny.
- Me, little fox-sister.
- Who are you?
- And I am a top-gray barrel.
- Come live with us!
Educator: The wolf climbed into the mansion. The five of us began to live together. Here they are all living in a little house, singing songs. Suddenly a clubfoot bear walks past. The bear saw the tower, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs:
Knock-knock-knock! Who lives in the little house?
- I, little mouse.
- I, frog-frog.
- Me, the runaway bunny.
- Me, little fox-sister.
- I, the top-gray barrel.
- Who are you?
- And I’m a clumsy bear.
- Come live with us!
The bear climbed into the tower. And all the animals began to live in harmony in the house.

Summing up:

Educator: Did you like the fairy tale?
Children's answers: Yes.
Educator: What is the name of the fairy tale?
Children's answers: Teremok.
During the course of the tale, the teacher helps with remarks and actions only to those performers who need it.
The fairy tale dramatization ends with a reward of sweets.