1. Log into your YouTube account, click on your account icon in the top right corner.
  2. Go to the channel settings (if there is no channel, create it) by clicking on the “gear” icon next to the “Creative Studio” caption.
  3. Find the “Additional Features” section at the bottom and follow the “Status and Features” link
  4. This section hides settings for activating monetization of videos and the channel as a whole. To be included, you must select a country (we recommend choosing the USA or the UK - there is no significant difference, however, when choosing Russia, all applications undergo stricter moderation without fail)
  5. Next, return to the previous screen and press the “Enable” button that appears. Next, again click the blue button “Enable monetization in my account” and agree to the terms of the license agreement.
  6. Choose the ad formats that will be active when your videos are shown. We recommend including all available formats to get the maximum effect from monetization. In the future, you can set individual settings for each or a group of videos.

Ready! Your channel is now connected to the YouTube partner network. However, in order to start earning income, you need to enable monetization for specific videos, or set it up by default for all uploaded videos.

Default monetization setting:

  1. Go to channel settings, Status and functions.
  2. Open the Channel section in the left menu and click on the “Download video” link
  3. In this section (among the settings) find the Monetization item and check the box.
  4. Click Ok in the pop-up window and then Save in the upper right corner.

Eat! Now all your new uploaded videos will be monetized.

Enabling monetization for individual videos:

  1. In the Video Manager section, select Video. A list of your downloaded videos will open.
  2. Check the boxes for those videos for which you want to enable monetization (your channel must already be connected to the Youtube affiliate program)
  3. In the menu above the video list, click Actions and select Monetize.
  4. Next, select the ad formats that suit you (we recommend checking all of them) and click the blue Monetize button.

You can select up to 100 videos at a time for selective monetization.

  1. After automatic verification, the dollar sign icon will change color to green.

Congratulations! You have enabled monetization for the selected videos!

In some cases, after verification, Youtube may request confirmation of the right to commercially use the content or part of it. In this case, you may be asked to either replace, for example, the audio track with a publicly available one from the YouTube catalog, or cut out part of the video.

Important! Don't forget to create an Adsense account and link it to your YouTube account. This is the only way you can withdraw your earned funds from the system.

This is done in the section Channel=>Monetization. After the transition, you will see a blue line at the top of the screen, with a button “ Link accounts”.

Enabling monetization when working through media networks

If your choice fell on cooperation with multi-channel networks, there is almost no need to enable monetization and make settings inside your Youtube account. You just need to have a valid channel that meets the requirements of the media network you would like to connect to. Let's describe it in more detail:

  1. Evaluate the characteristics of your channel - the main criteria when media networks check your account are its age, the number of subscribers and the number of views per month, the absence of content that openly violates the law.
  2. Choose a suitable media network whose requirements your channel can meet. The most famous media networks are VPS, AIR, Quiz Group.
  3. Submit a connection request. Typically, this can be done on the media network website. The media network will request access to your account and prompt you to select the channel you want to connect. Then an automatic check will occur. Next, the application will be sent to moderators for manual review.
  4. After receiving a positive response, in the channel settings you will receive a notification from the media network about an invitation to cooperate. Accept it.

That's it! Your channel is now connected to the affiliate network. Withdrawal of funds is carried out in accordance with the rules specified on the website of a specific media network.
If connection is refused, do not hesitate to call or write to support. Often, after an appeal, clarification and elimination of the reasons for the refusal, the channel is still approved for connection.

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Monetization is the transformation of a non-profit project into a commercial one. This is making a profit from your hobby, personal project.

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For example, you run a small website for yourself where you talk about cats. You just like to write notes on your blog, pick up memes with kittens. Slowly, but your blog is developing and gaining popularity.

At some point, when the number of unique visitors reached a thousand per day, a pet supply store contacted you. He offered to place his banner on your website for money. You agreed. And this was followed by other advertising offers.

This is an example of monetizing your hobby. You started making money on something that previously did not generate income, it was just something for the soul.

Example of monetization on YouTube

In an example, monetization looks like this. While viewing your content, the user is shown advertisements. The service pays you money for displaying and clicking on this advertisement. In other words, the advertiser pays the hosting, which shares its earnings with the owner of the channel.

What does monetization of a YouTube channel depend on?

  • Subject. The cost per click in some areas is quite significant. For example, cars, construction, etc. Even with low traffic, you can earn enough money.
  • Attendance. The greater the number of subscribers on a channel, the more substantial the profit of its owner.
  • Monetization methods. Different advertisers, ad types and formats have their own CTR, on which the amount of earnings depends.

Current ways to monetize videos on YouTube

Not every channel can be monetized. First of all, there must be loyal subscribers. No one will order advertising if you have 300 subscribers. You need to become popular, authoritative.

Typically, the phrase that means monetization on , refers to advertising from or from various media networks, where advertising is shown based on internal processes and algorithms activated by the platform within a particular channel. But this is far from the only way to earn money. You can use the following methods:

  1. Paid training videos. Newly created channels host a large amount of free video material. In the process of their promotion, expertise is gained, and the videos become more in demand. At this stage of training, you can add paid content that may go against the main theme of the channel. This includes the creation of a series of videos, the viewing of which will be paid.
  2. . These are video reviews of various products and services. A link to the partners’ offer is inserted under the posted video or in the video itself as an annotation. With their help, you earn money from affiliate sales. For example cost-per-action. This is a type of affiliate program that involves placing links from advertisers with a variety of monetary contributions. The target action here is not only sales, but also registration on certain sites, replenishment of an electronic account, applications, etc.
  3. Sales of your own services or products. For example, the user has certain design skills. Using the service, they can be monetized by offering such services on the Internet based on videos. Many products are sold well through YouTube. If you have the skills to create high-quality material, you can create paid content and make good money from it.
  4. Partnership with YouTube AdSense or media networks. It involves concluding an agreement for the possibility of inserting video advertising into the user’s videos. Viewing it by subscribers brings a certain income to the channel owner. The advantage of this method is that it can be connected at the initial stage of channel development.
  5. Selling links leading to external sites. What kind of monetization on YouTube is carried out in this way? On the service, the user can embed into his content only annotations, clickable buttons or interactive tips that redirect to other videos or resources connected to the channel. YouTube blocks links to external sites. Using the “Link Hideer” plugin, you can make a transition to an affiliate site or online store in the annotation and, avoiding blocking, thus earn extra money.
  6. Channel rental. Conditions for monetization on YouTube using this method: the user can rent out a promoted channel to post the client’s content in it. For example, in videos about travel you can post information about specific travel companies.
  7. Video monetization using information business. Providing valuable content through videos, followed by redirection to a subscription page for selling courses, trainings, webinars and other video lessons.

What you need to connect advertising

To pass moderation to enable advertising, the channel must comply with the monetization rules on YouTube and gain at least 10,000 views. After completing the mandatory registration procedure, users are given a variety of opportunities on the service: adding and subsequent distribution of video materials, subscribing to other channels, etc.

You need to activate this function in your account, and then send the appropriate request for moderation. If approved, the moderators provide the user with the necessary rights to use the account in commerce. If the channel owner uses content that is not his own in his materials, and without confirmation of copyright, then such an application will be blocked.

The user can link an account to the AdSense service, select optimal ad formats, etc. An important factor is the choice of the country in which the client will record profits from the implemented video content.

After all the above steps, you can activate the display of advertising.

Stages of channel development

Each channel goes through the following stages:

  • A small volume of views of videos and video materials. The owner receives income for them. The key factor at this stage is the lack of competition. The video should be educational, engaging, and overall interesting. The quality of the videos and skills are not of paramount importance.
  • Increase in the number of views. At this stage, competition also increases, so the channel must interest visitors. Here you need to spend more effort and money to promote the channel (use monetization methods).
  • As a result, in case of successful promotion, the channel becomes in demand. The number of views will increase daily.

Monetization on YouTube is a broad area of ​​activity that is not limited to displaying ads from AdSense and Media Networks. By choosing the direction of content, you can decide on methods of earning money. The key condition for making a profit is regularly filling the channel with new content and creatively presenting it to users.

Do you love making videos and want to turn your hobby into a source of income? YouTube monetization will help you with this.

    • How and how much can you earn from channel monetization?
    • Monetization of YouTube channel: conditions
    • How to enable monetization?
    • Pitfalls
    • How to confirm rights to published content
    • What you need to do to turn your channel into a source of income
    • What if I don’t understand video shooting and editing?

How and how much can you earn from channel monetization?

Every user who is thinking about monetization for the first time is primarily interested in: how much do they pay for watching videos?

But this is an incorrect way to pose the question, since the service does not pay money directly for views. Profitability depends on impressions of advertising inserts and the number of clicks on advertising. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

The main thing you must understand is that your income directly depends on the popularity of your channel

We hasten to note that to receive a decent income from a YouTube channel, you will not need a large number of views. The service does not provide detailed information about how much money certain advertisements bring in, so income can only be calculated approximately. The final profit depends on what types of advertising were used and on the price set by YouTube for 1000 views.

The cost can range from $1 to $20-30 per thousand views. For example, a blogger whose video received 100,000 views (which is not that much by YouTube standards) can earn 5-7 thousand rubles from this. In addition to the number of video views, the number of subscribers is of great importance - the rating of your YouTube channel depends on this indicator.

There is another way to make money on YouTube: owners of popular channels can negotiate with advertisers on their own and receive money from them for inserting their logo, presentation into their video, and talking about their products/services in the video. Some popular bloggers charge decent money to like someone or write a comment. In this case, income does not depend on YouTube - the advertiser transfers money directly to the channel owner.

As for the top YouTubers with over 10 million subscribers, they earn hundreds of thousands of dollars, and for some, their channel brings in more than $1 million per month. These numbers are something to strive for, but keep in mind that At the beginning of your career as a video blogger, the amount of earnings you can earn can be quite modest.

Monetization of YouTube channel: conditions

It is possible to monetize a channel if it has existed for at least 10 days and has at least five videos uploaded on it.

Before you enable monetization on YouTube, make sure that:

  • your videos are filmed by you or you have received permission from the copyright holder for their commercial use;
  • the video does not contradict the rules of the service;
  • the content will not cause rejection among advertisers;
  • you have in your hands all the receipts and documents necessary to confirm ownership of video and audio material.

Here are examples of videos permitted for commercial use:

  • You filmed your pet, but there is no music in the video.
  • The clip includes freely distributed audio materials, and you can prove this by providing the necessary link.
  • Your friend has filmed video material for you and is ready to confirm that he allows you to make money from his content.
  • You are the creator of the audio composition and have not signed an agreement with any label.

Now let's move on to examples of videos prohibited for use for commercial purposes:

  • The video includes a song you purchased on iTunes or an on-air recording.
  • When creating the video, you used materials that did not belong to you.
  • The video contains scenes of violence or nudity.

    How to enable monetization?

Many pitfalls await you along this path, but the benefits of monetization on YouTube are clearly greater than the difficulties.

  1. To get started, you will need a Google account. To do this, you need to register your mail on gmail.com You can connect no more than three channels from one mail.
  2. Even before you connect monetization, design your channel beautifully - this will help avoid quibbles.
  3. Go to the menu “Creative studio”, select section "Channel" and enable monetization in the column “Status and functions” by pressing the button "Turn on"

  1. The system will prompt you to create an account in Google Adsence - it will be linked to your YouTube channel. This must be done in order to subsequently withdraw funds.
  2. Follow the link, follow the instructions, fill out all the information about yourself and accept the terms of the license agreement.
  3. The application must be reviewed within 7 days. You will receive a notification by email.

YouTube makes it possible to connect monetization not to the entire channel, but to individual videos. But more often bloggers prefer to monetize their entire channel. To do this, in the Creative Studio you need to go to the “Channel” section, select “Monetization” and click on “Video Monetization”.


Many of those who have enabled the monetization option on YouTube have at least once received an e-mail asking for additional information. How to solve this problem and not lose money?

Not everyone knows that on YouTube all videos are checked for uniqueness, that is, for the content of someone else’s video and audio materials. Thus, the service allows you to earn money only from original content and does not encourage plagiarism. And the unauthorized insertion of other people's materials is nothing more than theft! That’s why in video editing it’s worth using audio tracks from YouTube’s own library.

The catch is that the site's verification is imperfect, and sometimes prohibits monetization of all videos with music.

Let's say you uploaded a video clip, youtube monetization is enabled, but after a couple of days you receive an e-mail asking you to provide additional information. It’s too early to be scared, because this is not an accusation, but for now only a request for confirmation that all materials used are unique or approved for use.

We consider it necessary to repeat that these instructions are intended for those whose site has “cut down” a 100% original video with a legal audio track.

How to confirm rights to published content

To do this, you need to click on the link contained in the letter, or go to the YouTube video settings page. There you need to check the box next to the phrase that you can confirm your own rights, and just below in the text field write that the video was filmed yourself, and the audio track was borrowed from the YouTube music library or purchased externally. In the latter case, you must provide evidence of the purchase (scans of receipts, etc.).

Let's say you made a video instruction on how to use some software. Then you should note the point that your video has never been shown on American TV, and below write again that the video material is yours.

To avoid prohibitions and delays, you should:

  • always introduce yourself personally in your videos;
  • in a letter, ask the software developer in advance to allow you to make training videos on his software products.

There will be no problems with the last point, since usually developers are only happy with free promotion and can even offer participation in an affiliate program with an appropriate reward. But most often a simple written confirmation is sufficient.

What you need to do to turn your channel into a source of income

If you are serious about turning your channel into a source of income, be prepared for the following:

  1. You will have to work on an ongoing basis, in compliance with a certain work schedule. Such work will not always require a lot of time, but you will have to invest effort systematically.
  2. You will have to wait a long time for the first results, at least a quarter, maximum a year, but on average a stable income will be formed in six months.
  3. Try to work with topics that are interesting to you personally, and not to a wider audience.
  4. Don't try to copy someone else's style: remember that individuality and originality are more often rewarded. Although there are exceptions to this rule (for example, successful clones of the famous Ukrainian blogger Ivangay), they only confirm the rule.

What if I don’t understand video shooting and editing?

Then first you should practice and get better at working with other people’s videos. You can also earn income from such material, but we must not forget that for this you will have to obtain permission from the authors of the original clips. Otherwise, you will be liable for copyright infringement and your channel may be blocked. Of course, many channels manage to slip through the filters and make money on other people’s content, but is it worth the risk?

There is only one alternative - to learn all the intricacies of working with a camera and video editing. This is not at all as difficult as it might seem to a beginner. This is the only way you can create truly interesting video material and attract subscribers to your channel.

Watch a short Lifehack from Andrey Merkulov on how to record 25 videos in 2 hours:

You must have your own flavor: something that will distinguish you from others. Many channels and videos on YouTube, at first glance, are absolutely meaningless and contentless, but viewers are delighted with them, and therefore such clips gain a ton of views. So you need to get into the target audience, and to do this, decide who you want to attract - thinking people or those who are simply looking for entertainment.

But as practice shows, the most popular on YouTube are entertainment channels aimed at young people. Watch videos of top YouTubers, evaluate the quality of their videos and the number of subscribers - this will help you develop your promotion strategy.

Monetizing a YouTube channel is not such a difficult process, but in order to get a more or less decent income, you need to achieve popularity and get many subscribers who will regularly watch, like and comment on your videos.

For some countries, including the CIS countries, Turkey and others, manual moderation has been introduced on the site when monetization is enabled. The better your channel is designed, the lower the likelihood of nitpicking from the site administration.

Some bloggers cheat and indicate their country of residence in the settings - the USA or the UK, since users from these countries have the opportunity to enable monetization automatically.

Do you want to know more about making money on YouTube and other types of making money online? Here you go 50 ways to make money online

You will learn what monetization of a YouTube channel is and how to enable it, how much YouTubers are paid and how to withdraw earnings. Read detailed instructions on how to monetize a channel on YouTube.

21.05.2018 Andrey Kushchev

Income from a video blog directly depends on how competently you monetize traffic. Most new YouTubers do not know how to advertise correctly and lose part of their income because of this.

In this article I will talk about ways to monetize a YouTube channel, how to use advertising tools correctly and where to look for advertisers who will pay more.

What is monetization of a YouTube channel?

Proper presentation of advertising on this video hosting helps the advertiser increase sales. YouTube is unique - it is both video advertising and the ability to display advertising materials in the search results of Yandex and Google. This means that the audience that will see the advertisement is much wider than the active YouTube audience.

Traffic monetization is a process that allows you to use a site’s audience for commercial purposes. In other words, this is the placement of paid advertising on the channel.

What types of monetization are there?

There are two types of monetization - manual and automatic.

Most bloggers combine and use both of these methods. Let's talk about each of them separately.


This method does not require connecting to the YouTube affiliate program. You use your audience yourself and place advertising offers for it. For example, your own online store, a separate product or service, or paid advertising of third-party resources.

Manual monetization is divided into two more subtypes:

  • direct sale of advertising: another blogger or online store wants to advertise on your channel - he pays, you advertise;
  • traffic monetization using the CPA model: the CPA network pays fixed commissions for each product sold.

The second option deserves more attention. The essence of CPA advertising is as follows: you register on the affiliate website, independently select an offer (product for advertising), and place an affiliate link on the channel.

Within the CPA network, you have analytics tools that help you track click-throughs and purchases. There are also detailed statistics on your work. By studying it, you study the behavior of your target audience and the effectiveness of each of the advertising offers on the channel.

Thanks to these tools, you analyze your advertising campaigns, test other offers and select the most profitable ones.

This method allows you to increase your income, but requires more dedication from you - you need to spend a lot of time on analytics, creating advertising materials for each offer and testing ads.

Best CPA networks:

  1. Admitad— Head office in Germany. The widest selection of offers - games, goods, loans, services. Stable payments, convenient analytics tools and friendly technical support.
  2. Actionpay— Large Russian affiliate program. Large selection of offers. Support responds promptly. Recently there have been problems with payments. They pay, but they often delay it – up to six months.
  3. 7offers— Finds offers for each audience. Good support. Payments at least every day.
  4. m1-shop— The largest commodity affiliate program in Runet. Convenient analytics tools, good support and stable payments.
  5. KMA— The main competitor of m1-shop. CPA network with its own product offers.

Most CPA networks have the same offers - they all work with large advertisers. Moreover, each network has its own unique offers.

Important: do not work with “black” offers - with copies of watches, phones and other products that use someone else’s brand. This is prohibited by YouTube rules.


Automatic monetization allows you to earn income from the YouTube affiliate program.

After connecting to the affiliate program, YouTube will broadcast advertising on your blog.

  • video advertising that can be skipped after 5 seconds;
  • non-skippable advertising;
  • overlays – translucent ads at the bottom of the video;
  • product advertisements – are displayed if a product is mentioned in the video.

When setting up monetization, you choose which ad formats will be shown on your video blog.

If your video blog is not connected to the YouTube affiliate program, monetize the traffic yourself.

Conditions for connecting monetization

New requirements for affiliate connection:

  • at least 1000 subscribers;
  • 4000 hours of video over the last 12 months;
  • Publishing only high-quality content.

All connection requests are reviewed manually. The average time for consideration of an application is 2 days. If the channel does not meet the above conditions, the application will not be considered.

The tightening of the rules is explained by an increase in fraud in 2017. Because of attackers, honest video bloggers lose part of their income. The YouTube blog notes that the innovations will encourage YouTubers to create and publish only high-quality content.

How to monetize your channel on YouTube - step-by-step instructions

Channel monetization is a complex and lengthy process.

To access this type of earnings, follow the instructions.

Step 1. Register an account with Google

YouTube is owned by Google. Therefore, creating a channel begins with registering a Google account. If you already have a Google account, create a new one for work.

After this, you will have the opportunity to create a YouTube channel. To do this, open the Google home page and go to applications. After clicking on the YouTube icon, the channel will be created automatically.

Step 2. Create a YouTube channel and publish the video

The channel needs to be well designed. Make a hat or order one from a specialist. A good header is a sign that you are following your blog. At the initial stage, this will help increase the number of subscriptions.

The main thing is content. It doesn’t matter what you create - ultra-short gaming films, streaming or anime: publish only high-quality videos that are interesting to users. Your task is to do better than your competitors.

Step 3. Submit an application for monetization and wait for a response

After reaching 1000 subscribers and publishing content with a total duration of 4000 hours, apply to join the affiliate program.

If you are disconnected from the affiliate program due to non-compliance with the new requirements, you do not need to submit a new application - the old one will be considered after you fulfill all the above conditions. If all of them are completed, monetization will be enabled automatically.

To check your vlog statistics, use the YouTube Analytics tool or the YouTube Creative Studio mobile app. It is available on both Android and iOS. Data is updated once a day and may therefore be inaccurate. The maximum time deviation is 72 hours.

To enable monetization, do the following:

  1. In the upper right corner, click on your account icon.
  2. Select the “Creative Studio” section.
  3. In the left menu, click “Channel”.
  4. In the “Status and Functions” section that opens, click on the “Monetization” icon.
  5. Click Enable.
  6. Accept the terms of the affiliate program.
  7. Confirm the action.

How to confirm rights to published content

By connecting to monetization, you begin to use your content for commercial purposes. To use it, you need to confirm authorship.

Most new YouTubers miss this point and face a problem when they receive an email asking them to verify authorship within 14 days, otherwise monetization will be disabled.

  • manually describe the content creation process;
  • obtain a license from a third-party resource.
  1. Open the text of the received message and click on the link to the video whose rights you need to prove.
  2. At the bottom of the page that opens, under the video, check “I can confirm the rights to commercial use.”
  3. Choose one of the options.
  4. If you don't have a third-party online license, select "My video contains only original content."
  5. In the column that opens below, describe in detail the process of creating the video - which editor you used and where you got the materials.
  6. Save the changes.

These steps must be done in advance to avoid misunderstandings.

To avoid manually describing the process of creating a video each time, create a license for each video and provide a link to it in the description.

Typically, such licenses are made on the Creative Commons website - this is the most popular non-commercial service for creating public licenses.

To obtain such a license, do the following:

  1. Go to the Creative Commons website.
  2. Select the “Licenses” section.
  3. We choose the “Attribution” license - most YouTubers use it.
  4. We fill in all fields.
  5. We copy the received data and paste it into the description under the video on YouTube.
  6. Save the changes.

How much can you earn

Professional YouTubers earn tens of thousands and even millions of dollars per month. Earning opportunities are unlimited - it all depends on you.

A few examples of success:

In 2010, Swedish blogger Felix Kjellberg created a video blog on which he posted recordings of gameplay and drew graphics. Felix already has 61 million subscribers and 17 billion views. According to various estimates, he earns from 4 to 7.5 million dollars a month.

The anonymous owner of the DisneyCollectorBR channel earns between $2 and $5 million monthly. The video blog was registered in 2011. During its existence, it gained 10 million subscribers and 14 billion views.

Spanish schoolboy Guiller Mudias films reviews and walkthroughs of video games in Spanish. Guiller has 4.5 billion views and 13.6 million subscribers. According to various estimates, he receives income from 60 thousand to 2 million dollars a month. Guiller is not in school - he has already secured his future.

The Russian channel Get Movies earns 130-180 thousand dollars a month. This project is dedicated to cartoons for different age categories - from babies to teenagers. The blog collected 15 billion views and 16 million subscribers.

The profitability of a video blog depends on its topic and the number of views. For example, if you make humorous videos, they will show you advertisements for consumer goods - they are cheap.

If your project is dedicated to reviewing motorcycles or cars, you will be paid more - you are being watched by an audience interested in buying, they have money and a desire to buy a motorcycle or car.

These are average figures. Payment per 1000 views is the final figure displayed. YouTube pays for clicks on advertisements that are broadcast on your videos. Depending on the engagement of the audience and its ability to pay, you will receive from 0.1 cents to 50 dollars per 1000 views.

How to withdraw earned funds

To withdraw earned funds, your account must be linked to Google AdSense.

The account is linked to AdSense through your YouTube profile. If you don't already have such an account, one will be created automatically and will be linked to your Google profile. You don't need to go to adsense.com to do this.

How to link an account:

  1. Go to Creative Studio on YouTube and select the “Monetization” section.
  2. Accept the terms of connection to Google AdSense.
  3. If you don't have a Google AdSense profile, click Create.
  4. Fill in all fields - address, postal code, etc. Enter only real data - this is necessary to receive payments.
  5. Log in to your Google account and confirm the action.

Within 48 hours, the accounts will be linked, and after that you will be able to withdraw your earnings.

YouTube pays out once a month, usually from the 15th to the 22nd.

Video content is becoming an increasingly effective way to attract the attention of your target audience, and interesting videos are a direct way to make money online.

Popular YouTube channels bring their owners thousands of dollars in monthly profits! Let's look at what ways you can monetize your channel on the popular Youtube portal.

  1. Youtube Affiliate Program

Youtube affiliate program is the most famous, direct way to monetize your channel. However, there is a catch: if your channel isn't popular and your videos don't get a lot of views, you won't make much money.

Besides, becoming a Youtube partner is quite difficult. Your channel must meet the following requirements:

  • you exhibit only your own video and audio;
  • your channel is regularly updated with new videos (at least once a week);
  • there are already 1000 subscribers on the channel;
  • There are already 10,000 views of the video.

The requirements are strict, but quite feasible. And Youtube pays partnerships very generously, because each partner earns 50% of the profit received from advertising on his channel. Let's give an approximate calculation.

If 1 click on an ad costs $0.8, then you will earn $0.4 per click. With 10,000 video views, the ad will probably be clicked at least 100 times. This means your earnings will be $40. And if there are a lot of videos and more than 10,000 views, then the earnings will be very noticeable.

  1. Selling your own or others' goods or services

If you already have a business or are participating in an affiliate program, then using a Youtube channel you can significantly increase your sales. It doesn’t matter whether you upload your own videos or someone else’s, the main thing is that they correspond to the product or service.

Not every video blogger has a business, so you can use affiliate programs. For example, new partners are paid 8.5% of product sales, and the choice there is so wide that you can find something interesting for any topic.

  1. Placing someone else's advertising on the channel

With this monetization method, the authorship of the video is also not important. However, it is better that the videos are yours, this way you will make your channel more exclusive and more attractive to advertisers.

There are three types of advertising on a Youtube channel: general sponsorship, one sponsor per video, adding the sponsor’s channel to “friends”. General sponsorship is the most expensive, since the advertiser buys all advertising on the channel.

At first, you will have to look for advertisers yourself, but then they will start contacting you. While the channel is developing, you can test advertising prices. Don't set your prices too high in the beginning.

For example, you can set 5,000 for general sponsorship, 1000 rubles for advertising under one video and 1000 rubles for adding as a “friend”. So, when advertising spaces are filled for months in advance, you can safely increase the price.

So, we are convinced that a YouTube channel can bring substantial money to its owner. The main thing is to constantly develop, promote your channel and add new, interesting videos.

How to monetize an info channel for a beginner!

The first monetization option is the most popular, so you will need instructions for connecting monetization. Make sure the site meets the requirements, then do these steps:

To receive money, you will need to link your Adsense profile (Google advertising service) and your YouTube account. This is done on. It is not difficult to withdraw money from an advertising network, so these instructions should be enough for you.

Channel monetization through affiliate programs

Yours can be many times larger if you receive money not for clicking on advertising, but for attracting customers.

Every major system or online store has an affiliate program. Depending on what topic you are recording videos on and what your target audience is, you need to choose suitable projects.

For example, if your videos are most often viewed by students, it makes sense to advertise some service that offers assistance in writing coursework and dissertations.

Although you can make an effective intro at the beginning of the video to advertise a casino or useful service.

This is a good way, and so that you don’t have to search for a suitable affiliate program for a long time, I offer my selection of the best sites:

  • — monitoring exchangers, pays for transitions to the site.
  • – online store of stickers, partners receive 35% of sales.
  • – a game with investments, pays from 7% on deposits.
  • – attract viewers and receive a percentage of their spending.
  • – casino affiliate, several cooperation schemes.
  • – the payment system shares a commission percentage from all transactions.
  • – suitable for attracting traders and investors.