The documented chronicles that have survived to this day are not enough to obtain a clear idea of ​​the events, life, and culture of the past. An archaeologist is a historical scientist called upon to fill existing gaps through excavations. To work in this area, it is recommended to have good health, extensive knowledge in a number of compulsory disciplines, and specific personal qualities. In practice, archeology is not as simple and romantic as many people think. But this is a necessary, useful, interesting profession that allows you to obtain a lot of important information about the past of humanity.

People who choose the profession of archaeologist are engaged in searching, studying, restoring and documenting artifacts. This is the collective name for material sources of historical knowledge created or processed by man. This impressive list includes household items, buildings, weapons, tools, money and even bones. A separate group includes written sources - products with inscriptions on the surface.

Types of archeology, their features:

  • field - excavation of the remains of human settlements and study of traces of their presence on land;
  • underwater - studying the remains of ships, sunken cities, recovering sunken artifacts;
  • experimental - restoration of destroyed or very old things important for history through reconstruction using innovative technical techniques.

It is rare to find a general archaeologist. Typically, representatives of the profession have a narrow specialization with an emphasis on a specific time period, region, historical period, or even a specific country or nationality.

What personal qualities should an archaeologist have?

Effective work with artifacts requires the job applicant to have a number of basic, specialized, highly focused knowledge. Also, the profession of an archaeologist often involves certain difficulties that not everyone is able to cope with.

Qualities that an archaeologist must have:

  • willingness to work in not the most comfortable conditions - often excavations are carried out far from civilization, where problems arise even with basic amenities;
  • patience and the ability to perform monotonous work for a long time - the day of many historians “in the fields” consists of waving a shovel, brush or broom;
  • sociability, the ability to get along well with others - often excavations take months, during which you have to communicate with a narrow circle of people;
  • focus on performing not only intellectual tasks, but also heavy physical exercises - for many archaeologists, the working day consists of carrying heavy objects and being in an uncomfortable position;
  • passion for your work, willingness to constantly learn - if these qualities are not present, then the difficulties associated with the direction will quickly cover up all its positive aspects;
  • the ability to notice little things, analyze them, draw conclusions from not the most obvious signs;
  • the ability to compare a lot of different data, operate with large volumes of information, and quickly make decisions;
  • accuracy, pedantry - most artifacts are in a vulnerable position to humans. Any careless movement can destroy historical heritage;
  • lack of imagination or the ability to restrain it - archaeologists work only with obvious things. They must be able to abstract from theory, drawing conclusions only from proven facts.

A field or underwater archaeologist needs good physical fitness and endurance. Representatives of the profession often have to work in unfavorable conditions, with critical temperatures and humidity, and lack of basic amenities. Doctors identify a number of medical contraindications for specialty applicants: heart disease, blood pressure changes, seizures, hearing or speech problems, diabetes mellitus, blood disorders, dermatitis, chronic infections. It is also necessary to have no allergic reactions to various irritants - from dust or insect bites to chemical reagents.

Where to study to be an archaeologist

Contrary to popular belief, to start working in your specialty it is not enough to go to excavations as an assistant or worker. To become an archaeologist you need to obtain an academic education in the field. Most large cities have universities with history departments. It is better to initially choose the department of archeology, then during the mandatory practical trips the student will have a chance to evaluate the specifics of the chosen field.

Each university itself determines which Unified State Examinations are taken into account for admission. Most often this is the Russian language, social studies, history. Sometimes you need to take additional disciplines at the discretion of the faculty and in accordance with its specifics. This could be drawing, computer science, biology, physics or chemistry. Such requirements arise from the need for an archaeologist to have a number of skills that he will need for work in the future.

A good archaeologist should be able to:

  • draw, draw, draw up plans and diagrams, make sketches;
  • operate photographic equipment;
  • possess the skills of conservation, pre-processing, restoration of artifacts based on their material;
  • handle climber's or diver's equipment as necessary.

For successful work in archeology, knowledge of history is not enough. An artifact hunter must have an understanding of geology, geodesy, anthropology, ethnography, paleography, and a number of related disciplines. Knowledge of physics, chemistry, textual criticism, numismatics, heraldry and other areas is required.

True professionals in their field never stop studying to become an archaeologist. After graduating from university, they study the works of their colleagues, attend seminars and conferences, and expand the range of their theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Where and how do archaeologists work?

Excavations are far from the only place where an artifact seeker works. Active practical actions in the area of ​​possible presence of relics are considered a rarity rather than a system.

The functions of an archaeologist are not limited to clearing a piece of land that may contain objects important to history. It all starts with searching for a suitable area using historical sources, which involves long, painstaking work with papers.

After establishing a search area for artifacts, a group equipped with everything necessary goes to the site. In addition to archaeologists, it includes workers, laboratory assistants, assistants, technologists, and other specialists. Usually their working day begins at sunrise and continues throughout the daylight hours, during which short rest breaks are taken. In some areas you have to act very carefully, which is why some professionals spend hours practically removing layers of earth from the found objects.

Archaeologists spend most of their working lives working in offices, laboratories, and libraries. They collect information, analyze it, and compare facts. If necessary, specialists are engaged in restoring destroyed objects and examining them using modern technical approaches. They spend no less time exchanging information with colleagues and documenting the data received.

Salary of an archaeologist in Russia

The income of scientists depends on their place of work, the availability of an academic degree, the type of activity, and the degree of activity. On average, the salary of a candidate of sciences is 30-40 thousand rubles. A holder of an academic degree can count on 50-60 thousand rubles. An archaeologist's salary can increase significantly if he has weight in the scientific community, writes articles or publishes books. Well-known professionals in their field are often invited to give lectures, act as consultants on film sets, or act as censors of educational or popular science literature. Abroad, an archaeologist often earns an order of magnitude more, but other countries have enough of their own specialists, so only a few manage to find a place somewhere.

Advantages of being an archaeologist

Archeology is an interesting science that attracts hundreds of thousands of people with just the chance to participate in uncovering the secrets of history. Her admirers still see many advantages in the profession of archaeologist, but they are all subjective. Scientists have a chance to find something significant, make a discovery, and make history themselves. Every year, interest in the destination grows more and more, and interesting government programs for financing trips appear. A professional with an extensive knowledge base has many ways to make good money on archeology - articles, seminars, lectures, books, television programs.

Increasingly, non-state actors are becoming interested in conducting research. Savvy and ambitious artifact seekers have the chance to engage in private excavations in a variety of climates. Archeology requires constant development from a scientist, does not allow you to relax, encourages you to gain fresh knowledge and master new skills.

Disadvantages of being an archaeologist

Today, Russian archeology is not in the decadent state it was half a century ago, but is still not considered an advanced field in science. History departments produce thousands of young specialists who often have difficulty finding employment. The salary of inexperienced personnel may initially be so low that it does not satisfy basic needs. To prove themselves in the field, aspiring archaeologists have to spend a lot of time - after 4 years of bachelor's degree, 2 years of master's degree and 3 years of graduate school, they need to gain at least 5 years of experience. Only after this is it advisable to start writing articles or books, or try to get a job in an international group.

Some archaeologists point to the difficulties of combining profession with personal life. This is especially true for women who dream of having children. True, there are options for working without frequent business trips. Not every time excavations are successful, which can undermine morale. Travel conditions are often not very comfortable, which many modern people cannot cope with. Only a few manage to make a bright career in archeology with the resulting financial well-being.

The profession of an archaeologist is not a 100% chance of earning money and achieving fame. Representatives of the movement consider it a vocation for those who are in love with science, long for romance, and are not afraid of hard work and possible disappointments.

Mention of archeology began in Ancient Greece. For example, Plato understood this concept as the study of antiquity, and in the Renaissance he meant the study of the history of Greece and Ancient Rome. In foreign science, this term is associated with anthropology. In Russia, archeology is a science that studies fossil materials that are associated with human activity in ancient times. She studies excavations and currently collaborates with many scientific fields and has several sections dealing with different eras and cultural areas.

The profession of archaeologist is a multifaceted and interesting job.

People study the culture and life of ancient civilizations, reconstructing the distant past from the remains that are carefully excavated in the layers of the earth. This work requires great care and painstakingness. Because over time, the remains of the past become more fragile and dilapidated.

An archaeologist is a person who excavates in search of sources for new research. This profession is often compared to detective work. The work of archaeologists is creative, requiring attention, imagination and abstract thinking - to recreate the pristine picture of the ancient world in the past.

The profession became popular in Greece and Ancient Rome. Since then, the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages were known, many excavations were carried out and even more ancient architectural monuments were found. During the Renaissance, the main goal of archaeologists was to find ancient sculptures. As a separate science, it was formed at the beginning of the 20th century.

What qualities should an archaeologist have?

You need knowledge of the many facts accumulated by scientists in your chosen field for your activities. This could be the Neolithic or Paleolithic era, Bronze, Early Iron, Scythian times, antiquity, maybe Slavic-Russian archeology, etc. The list is not complete and can be continued. Archaeologist is an interesting profession, but it requires the erudition of scientists and the ability to compare various sources.

Such a person must have his own opinion and be able to defend it, argue, based on logic, and not on emotions. It can be difficult, but it is necessary to abandon your hypotheses if there are facts that refute them. The work of archaeologists requires the presence of important qualities - patience, diligence, accuracy. They are extremely necessary during excavations.

Good endurance and physical training are required, since the work of archaeologists most often involves excavations that take place in various climatic conditions. Plus there is no allergy to organic materials. An archaeologist is a person who must be balanced, calm, and able to work in a team.

Knowledge required

Professionals must be able to draw, draw, and photograph. Know the basics of not only restoration, but also conservation of metal, stone, clay and organic materials (leather, bone, wood, fabric, etc.). A broad knowledge of anthropology, linguistics, ethnography, geodesy, topography, geology and paleozoology is required. Those archaeologists who study historical antiquities must have a good knowledge of history and auxiliary disciplines (textual criticism, numismatics, paleography, sphragistics, heraldry and much more).

Field archaeologists must be economists, good organizers, teachers and psychologists. But the most important thing is that they must be able to “see the earth,” read its layers and layers and correctly compare the antiquities found.

Occupational diseases

Human archaeologists have their own diseases, which they acquire during expeditions. Most often this is gastritis or a stomach ulcer, which directly depends on the quality of food, since there are often no normal conditions for cooking. Rheumatism and radiculitis are also common, since very often archaeologists have to live in tents in various weather conditions. Because of this, various arthrosis and arthritis occur.

What is the job of an archaeologist?

What do archaeologists do? Not only global excavations, but also individual mosaic fragments that need to be correctly selected and carefully put together into one whole. It often happens that it takes many years to unravel the secrets of the past. But the final result is worth it. Because this is exactly the way to recreate the past, which seems to be hidden forever in the bowels of the planet.

What do archaeologists do? They study sources, analyze them and subsequently supplement them with various already known facts. Research includes not only excavations, but also a desk part, when work takes place directly with artifacts and documents. Scientists can work not only on land, but also under water.

The most famous archaeologists

Heinrich Schliemann is the German scientist who discovered Troy. This is one of the first pioneer archaeologists who began to study antiquity. He was born on January 6, 1822. According to the horoscope - Capricorn. Conducted excavations in Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Greece and Turkey. For almost half of his life, Henry tried to demonstrate the historical importance of Homer's epic. He tried to prove that all the events described in the poems are not fantasy, but reality.

Norwegian anthropologist Thor Heyerdahl was born in 1914, on October 6. He wrote many books. His expeditions were always bright, filled with heroic events. Many of his works caused controversy among scientists, but it was thanks to Tour that interest in the ancient history of the peoples of the world increased significantly.

There are famous archaeologists in Russia. These include he was born in 1908. Zodiac sign: Aquarius. This is a famous Russian orientalist historian and academician. He explored many monuments of the North Caucasus, Transcaucasia and Central Asia. Already in 1949, he was appointed deputy director of the Hermitage for scientific affairs.

Outstanding discoveries

Archaeological scientists highlight the 10 most significant finds in the world that were found during excavations:

Unexplained Finds

What unusual things do archaeologists find? There are a number of excavated exhibits that are simply impossible to explain logically. The scientific community was alarmed by the figures of Acambaro. The first was found in Mexico by the German Waldemar Jalsrad. The figurines appeared to have ancient origins, but caused much skepticism among scientists.

Dropa stones are echoes of an ancient civilization. These are hundreds of stone discs found on the cave floor, which were engraved with stories about spaceships. They were controlled by creatures whose remains were also found in the cave.

Terrible finds

In archeology, there are also some rather creepy finds. For example, screaming mummies. One of these was tied hand and foot, but there was a scream frozen on her face. There were suggestions that she was buried alive, tortured, poisoned. But studies showed that the jaw was simply poorly tied or not done at all, which is why the mummy’s mouth was open.

Archaeologists have also found huge claws of an unknown monster. And the found skull and beak of enormous size only convinced scientists that it would not be pleasant if such a monster came across someone on its way. But later it turned out that these were ancient ancestors and their height was 2-3 times higher than human height. It is said that there is a possibility that this bird has survived to this day, and it can be found in areas of New Zealand. The natives of this country have many legends concerning Moa.

Archaeologists' tools

During excavations, these types of tools are mainly used: bayonet, shovel and sapper shovels, picks and shovels of various sizes, brooms, sledgehammers, hammers and brushes of various sizes. The work of an archaeologist can be quite difficult, especially when it comes to excavating large mounds.

An important point is proper work on site. And the ability to choose the necessary tool is also necessary. The excavation director not only monitors the health of archaeologists, but also helps to use the right brushes and shovels correctly.

How to become an archaeologist

You can study both full-time and part-time. Archaeologist is a profession that can be acquired by anyone who has a passion for antiquity and excavations. To do this, you need to enter a university that trains historians. It is in this discipline that they can then engage in excavations and other areas. An archaeologist is a historian. However, unlike the latter, he is engaged not only in the study of theory, but also personally searches and explores antiquity.

Archaeologist salary

The average Russian salary is approximately 15 thousand rubles. But for just one expedition, an archaeologist can receive up to 30 thousand rubles. Salaries may vary in different cities. For example, in Moscow it ranges from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. In the regions it is approximately 5-7 thousand lower.

From Greek archaios - ancient and logos - teaching. The profession is suitable for those who are interested history, world artistic culture, foreign languages ​​and social studies(cm. choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Archaeologist is a historian who studies the life and culture of ancient people using various artifacts.

Archeology is an applied part of history, along with source studies.

Features of the profession

Artifact in archeology (from lat. artefactum- artificially made) is an object created or processed by man. Artifacts are also called material sources. These include buildings, tools, household utensils, jewelry, weapons, coals of an ancient fire, bones with traces of human impact and other evidence of human activity. If there are writings on the artifacts, they are called written sources.

Material sources (as opposed to written ones) are silent. They contain no mention of historical events, and many were created long before the advent of writing. By itself, a fragment of a jug or a knife handle says little. They cannot be considered out of context, i.e. in isolation of the place, setting, depth of occurrence, objects found in the neighborhood, etc. The archaeologist looks for evidence of the past, and then examines them in the laboratory, classifies them, restores them, if necessary, etc.

Archeology uses data and methods from other disciplines: humanities (ethnography, anthropology, linguistics) and natural sciences (physics, chemistry, botany, geography, soil science). For example, to establish the time of creation or use of an object, they take into account in which layer it lay (each layer of soil corresponds to a certain time period), and use stratigraphic, comparative typological, radiocarbon dating, dendrochronological and other methods.

An archaeologist has no right to fantasies. All his conclusions must be supported by clear evidence.

Archaeologists usually specialize in certain regions and historical periods. For example, a scientist can become an expert on the Paleolithic era in Central Asia if he studies the Stone Age sites there year after year.

By search methods archeology can be divided into types:

Field - searching for artifacts using excavations on land;

Underwater - search underwater;

Experimental- reconstruction of objects of the past (tools, weapons, etc.).

During field excavations, the archaeologist uses a pick and shovel, a magnifying glass and a brush, a knife and a syringe. And also a georadar, a theodolite - when planning excavations, a camera - to document your finds, and other technical capabilities.

To work underwater, you must also be able to scuba dive and use underwater excavation equipment.

During the expedition, the archaeologist needs to describe each discovered object in as much detail as possible - this is important for further analysis. For the same purposes, you need to be able to sketch the find and take a photograph. And in some cases, right in the field, scientists carry out the initial restoration (conservation) of an artifact, because sunlight and fresh air can destroy jewelry that has lain in the ground for a thousand years. If it is not strengthened in time, it will crumble before reaching the laboratory.

In experimental archeology, the reconstruction of an object occurs using materials and technologies typical of the era being studied. During the experiment, scientists are trying to replicate the lifestyle of ancient people. They master crafts and restore forgotten technologies. Recreating an unknown technology, an archaeologist relies on excavation data, builds hypotheses, and conducts experiments. You can't do without engineering skills here.

Only by vocation

The work of an archaeologist is not only intense intellectual work. It requires physical strength and asceticism. Male archaeologists are often bearded, because on expeditions - in the heat and dust, far from civilization - it is not recommended to shave.

But for a real archaeologist, archaeological finds are a source of very strong emotions.

Archaeologist Natalya Viktorovna Polosmak speaks about his first archaeological experience:

“When I picked up my first small finds /.../ I saw that very close by, literally under our feet, a mysterious world of the past exists and lives according to its own laws. And if the era of great geographical discoveries is already behind us, then great historical discoveries are still waiting for us, because the Earth has preserved everything that man has left on it from century to century.” (N.V. Polosmak - Doctor of Historical Sciences, specialist in the field of archeology and ancient history of Siberia. She participated in archaeological expeditions as a schoolgirl.)

According to archaeologist Sergei Vasilievich Beletsky, finds are often perceived as alive: “That is, when you realize that this thing was kept before you 100, 300, 500, 700 years, yes, this is serious.” (S.V. Beletsky - Doctor of Historical Sciences. The main range of scientific interests is the archeology of Pskov.)


An archaeologist can work in research institutes (for example, at the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences), as well as teach in universities. His academic career, like that of other scientists, is expressed primarily in scientific discoveries, written works and academic titles.

Important qualities

In addition to interest in the events of the past, an archaeologist needs analytical and deductive abilities. To get a unified picture, you have to compare a lot of disparate data provided by excavations, laboratory studies, and the works of colleagues. It doesn’t matter where the excavations take place - underwater or on land. In any case, this requires good physical endurance and sharp vision.

Knowledge and skills

Historical knowledge is necessary, especially important is knowledge of the era under study, knowledge in related fields: scientific restoration, paleosoil science, paleogeography, etc.

It is often necessary to study disciplines that are not directly related to archeology: anthropology, ethnography, heraldry, numismatics, textual criticism, heraldry, physics, chemistry, statistics.

In addition, you must have the skills of a surveyor and topographer. And when working in the mountains or underwater, use the skills of a rock climber or diver. For this you have to undergo special training.

Mention of archeology began in Ancient Greece. For example, Plato understood this concept as the study of antiquity, and in the Renaissance he meant the study of the history of Greece and Old Rome. In foreign science, this term is associated with anthropology. In Russia, archeology is a science that studies fossil materials that are associated with human activity in ancient times. She studies excavations and now collaborates with many scientific fields and has several sections dealing with different eras and cultural areas.

The profession of archaeologist is a multifaceted and exciting job.

People study the culture and life of old civilizations, reconstructing the distant past from the remains that are carefully excavated in the layers of the earth. This work requires great care and painstakingness. Because over time, the remains of the past become more fragile and dilapidated.

An archaeologist is a person who conducts excavations in search of sources for new research works. This profession is often associated with detective work. The work of archaeologists is creative, requiring attention, imagination and abstract thinking - to recreate the pristine picture of the old world in the past.

The profession became popular in Greece and Old Rome. Since then, the Stone, Bronze and Metal Ages have been known, a huge number of excavations have been carried out and even more ancient building monuments have been found. During the Renaissance, the main goal of archaeologists was to find ancient statues. As a separate science, it was formed in the early 20th century.

What qualities should an archaeologist have?

It is necessary to know the huge amount of facts accumulated by scientists in the chosen field for one’s own activities. This could be the era of the Neolithic or Paleolithic, Bronze, Early Iron Age, Scythian time, antiquity, maybe Slavic-Russian archeology, etc. The list is not complete and can be continued. Archaeologist is a fascinating profession, but it requires the erudition of scientists and the ability to compare different sources.

Such a person must have his own worldview and be able to defend it, argue it, focusing on logic rather than emotions. It can be difficult, but you need to give up your own hypotheses if there are facts that refute them. The work of archaeologists requires the presence of fundamental qualities - patience, diligence, accuracy. They are very necessary during excavations.

You need good endurance and physical training, because the work of archaeologists in most cases involves excavations that take place in different weather conditions. Plus there is no allergy to organic materials. An archaeologist is a person who must be balanced, measured, and able to work in a team.

Knowledge required

Craftsmen must be able to draw, draw, and photograph. Possess the basics of not only restoration, but also conservation of iron, stone, clay and organic materials (leather, bone, wood, fabric, etc.). A broad knowledge of anthropology, linguistics, ethnography, geodesy, topography, geology and paleozoology is essential. Those archaeologists who study historical antiquities must have an excellent knowledge of history and auxiliary disciplines (textual criticism, numismatics, paleography, sphragistics, heraldry and almost everything else).

Field archaeologists must be economists, good organizers, teachers and psychologists. But the most important thing is that they must be able to “create the earth,” read its layers and layers and correctly compare the discovered antiquities.

Occupational diseases

Human archaeologists have their own diseases that they get on expeditions. In most cases, this is gastritis or a pancreatic ulcer, which directly depends on the quality of the food, because often there are no usual criteria for preparing food. Rheumatism and radiculitis are also common, because very often archaeologists have to live in tents in different weather conditions. Because of this, various arthrosis and arthritis appear.

What is the job of an archaeologist?

What do archaeologists do? Not only global excavations, but also individual mosaic pieces that need to be correctly selected and painstakingly put together into one whole. It often happens that it takes many years to unravel the mysteries of the past. But the final result is worth it. Because in this way it is possible to recreate the past, which seems to be forever hidden in the depths of the planet.

What do archaeologists do? They study sources, analyze them and then supplement them with various already known facts. Research includes not only excavations, but also an office part, when work takes place directly with relics and documents. Scientists can work not only on land, but also under water.

The most famous archaeologists

Heinrich Schliemann is the German scientist who discovered Troy. This is one of the first pioneer archaeologists who began to study antiquity. He was born on January 6, 1822. According to the horoscope - Capricorn. Conducted excavations in Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Greece and Turkey. For almost half of his own life, Henry tried to show the historical significance of the Homeric epic. He tried to prove that all the actions described in the poems are not fantasy, but reality.

Norwegian anthropologist Thor Heyerdahl was born in 1914, on October 6. He wrote a huge number of books. His expeditions were always colorful, filled with heroic events. A huge number of his works caused controversy among scientists, but it was thanks to Tour that enthusiasm for the old history of the peoples of the world increased significantly.

There are famous archaeologists in Russia. Among them is Boris Piotrovsky, he was born in 1908. Zodiac sign: Aquarius. This is a recognizable Russian orientalist historian and academician. He studied many monuments of the North Caucasus, Transcaucasia and Central Asia. Already in 1949, he was appointed deputy director of the Hermitage for scientific affairs.

Outstanding discoveries

Archaeological scientists highlight the 10 most significant finds in the world that were found during excavations:

Unexplained discoveries

What do archaeologists find that is unusual? There are a number of excavated exhibits that are simply impossible to explain logically. The scientific community was alarmed by the figures of Acambaro. The first was found in Mexico by the German Woldemar Jalsrad. The figures seemed to have ancient origins, but caused much skepticism among scientists.

Dropa stones are echoes of an ancient civilization. These are hundreds of stone disks found on the cave floor, on which stories of spaceships were engraved. They were controlled by creations, the remains of which were also found in the cave.

Creepy Finds

In archeology, there are some pretty scary finds. For example, screaming mummies. One of these was tied hand and foot, but a scream was frozen on her face. There were speculations that she was buried alive, tortured, and poisoned. But research has shown that the jaw was simply tied up poorly or not done at all, which is why the mummy’s mouth was open.

Archaeologists also found large claws of an unknown monster. And the discovery of a large skull and beak only assured scientists that it would not be pleasant enough if such a monster were to meet someone on its way. But then it turned out that these were the most ancient forefathers of the Moa bird. And their height was 2-3 times higher than that of humans. They say that there is a possibility that this bird has survived to this day, and it can be found in areas of New Zealand. The aborigines of this country have many legends regarding Moa.

Archaeologists' tools

During excavations, the following tools are mainly used: bayonet, scoop and sapper shovels, picks and hoes of various sizes, garden scoops, brooms, sledgehammers, hammers and brushes of various sizes. The work of an archaeologist can be quite tedious, especially when it comes to excavating huge mounds.

The fundamental point is correct work on site. And the ability to choose the right tool is also necessary. The excavation manager not only monitors the health of the archaeologists, but also helps to correctly use the necessary brushes and shovels.

How to become an archaeologist

You can study both full-time and part-time. Archaeologist is a profession that can be acquired by anyone who has a passion for antiquity and excavations. To do this, you need to enter a university that trains historians. Specifically, certified specialists in this discipline can later engage in excavations and other areas. An archaeologist is a historian. But, unlike the latter, he is engaged not only in the study of theory, but also finds and studies antiquity with his own hands.

Archaeologist salary

Russian wages on average are approximately 15 thousand rubles. But for just one expedition, an archaeologist can receive up to 30 thousand rubles. Salaries may vary in different towns. For example, in Moscow it ranges from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. In the regions it is approximately 5-7 thousand lower.