If you decide to start your own business, then you should think about opening a flower shop.

Such a store does not require a huge starting capital, but the product has a significant markup, which can reach 200-300%. This business also has its drawbacks: seasonality of sales, perishable goods, damage during transportation.

The size of the premises is directly proportional to the profit that can be received from the sale.

The following formats can be considered:

  • For small flower pavilion An area of ​​up to 10 square meters is quite suitable. m. The first investment will be about 500 thousand rubles. The main assortment will be freshly cut flowers.
  • For average store an area of ​​at least 40 square meters will be required. m. In such a room you can significantly diversify the assortment, due to which its profitability will also increase.
  • Opening florist boutique will cost tens of times more. A flower salon, as a rule, has corporate clients, from whom the main profit comes. The main costs will go to interior design, which should emphasize the elitism of the establishment. Stable cooperation with customers will allow the salon to develop with a good future. Over time, it will be possible to open a network of such boutiques throughout the city and in nearby regions.
  • The opening will bring minimal costs online store. A turnkey website can cost 10-20 thousand rubles. You can create it yourself if you have programming skills. To fill it you will need:
    • photos of goods;
    • texts of their descriptions, prices;
    • information about delivery and payment methods;
    • advertising text on the main page;
    • promotions, bonuses, discounts to attract customers.

    Creating groups in social networks. An online store most often serves as an addition to a street point of sale.

Several interesting nuances of this business you can learn from the following video:

What can you trade? We form an assortment

If the assortment of a small pavilion, due to its small area, can only include cut flowers and packaging as additional profit, then a full-fledged store can serve as a place for selling homemade flowers in pots, toys and various souvenirs, and humus for plants.

The more diverse the types of goods provided, the higher the profit. Additional items sold also help cover the establishment's costs.

Compositions made from dried flowers are in demand, so they should also be included in the assortment.

The most The main colors will be roses and carnations, since they are always in great demand. The remaining flowers are seasonal and should not be purchased in large quantities at once. The store should have at least 20 floristic names.

Selecting a location

Correctly selected location of the premises is the key to success in business development. The most good place the opening will be in the city center, since that is where the flow of people predominates. The presence of public establishments nearby (cinema, park, shopping centers, cafes, metro) is also desirable when choosing a retail outlet. Renting premises in the center will cost much more than on the outskirts of the city, but will bring big profit and the likelihood of good development.

A store located in a shopping center does not require advertising, since there is a good flow of customers here. Another advantage is the ability to use the warehouse space of the shopping complex.

The purchased premises in a residential building will require a separate entrance. Advertising and the parallel opening of an online store will help increase profitability.

In large cities, it is best to open a flower shop near the metro, as this place is the most profitable for selling goods. Having parking can also increase business income.


Purchasing equipment is one of the most important points when starting:

  • Refrigeration chambers are the main attribute of the flower room, since they prolong the presentation of cut flowers. The cost of special refrigerators can exceed 100 thousand rubles, so you can use an industrial or conventional refrigerator.
  • Can be purchased cooling display cases, which are then installed in the store itself. An air conditioner can be an alternative to cooling chambers and display cases.
  • Products also require availability phytolamp, which are installed above light-loving flowers.
  • Furniture purchased from special companies that produce goods for such establishments. You will need shelving, podiums and racks for products, a table for the seller, chairs or a sofa for clients. For a boutique, furniture is made to order and must match the design of the room.

Required Personnel

  • To trade, you will first need salesman with experience in this field. The employee must be able to sell, treat customers politely and kindly. The incentive for the seller is the percentage of wages from sales.
  • A flower shop cannot do without the services of a professional florist. He arranges bouquets and provides consultations to clients.
  • If a product delivery service is provided, you will need couriers.
  • Services will also be required for delivery. driver.
  • Can't do without manager dot retail. He will organize the purchase and delivery of goods.
  • Every store should have accountant. The best option would be to find a company that provides accounting services.

Search for a supplier

When selecting suppliers involved in wholesale, you need to focus on their experience and reputation in this field. You can find them using the Internet and, based on reviews, choose a good partner for product delivery.

As a rule, wholesalers supply imported flowers.

It is recommended to cooperate with several importers at once to avoid unforeseen circumstances related to delivery. At the initial stage, you can opt for wholesalers from your or neighboring cities.

Delivery of goods should be discussed several weeks in advance. Before major holidays (September 1, March 8, etc.) the order is made 2-3 months in advance.

Advertising of the establishment

Well-designed advertising and marketing strategies will help promote a retail outlet:

  • Proper design and experienced staff - best advertising points.
  • The store should have a cozy, unique interior and a varied range of products.
  • The display cases are filled with the best arranged flower arrangements that can attract customers.
  • Creating a professional sign is also an integral part of marketing.
  • If the room is small, you should visually enlarge it with the help of mirrors.
  • Illumination of racks and podiums would be useful. This will allow customers to better view the product and attract their attention.
  • For flower shops, wrought-iron furniture is preferable, as it is less bulky and will not distract the buyer’s attention from the product.
  • In order for your store to be known as much as possible more people, it is more advisable to advertise on radio and television. You can use street billboards.
  • A website and a group on social networks can be good helpers in promotion.
  • No business can do without business cards and booklets, which are the main tools of an entrepreneur. Find a specialist who can help you create and fill out a business card correctly.

Total costs and profitability

Let's consider the size of the approximate investment that will be needed to open a point.

Starting capital

In order to start and open a store of 40 sq. m., will be needed approximately 1.1 million rubles. The main costs will be spent on the purchase of a pavilion, the cost of which will be about 500 thousand rubles.

The purchase and installation of refrigeration equipment will cost about 200 thousand. To purchase furniture and other small accessories you will need approximately 100 thousand rubles. The product will require an investment of another 100 thousand.

An approximate range of products for this amount would look like this:

  • 20 types of fresh cut flowers (75%);
  • gifts and souvenirs (15%);
  • home flowers, pots, soil (10%).

Interior decoration and promotion of the establishment through advertising will cost 70,000 rubles. The cost of processing documents for a trade permit will be 30,000 rubles. Other expenses may cost up to 100,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses

General the amount of monthly expenses is 200,000 rubles:

  • Payment of taxes and contributions from salary will be 50 thousand.
  • The salary itself will cost employees 100,000 rubles.
  • Utilities will cost 10,000 rubles.
  • Costs associated with damage to goods will amount to approximately 20 thousand.
  • Transportation and other expenses will cost 20,000 rubles.

Approximate annual profit

Taking into account the markup on goods of 200% and the average cost of a bouquet of 600 rubles (the estimated market capacity is 150 thousand people), the annual revenue will be 4 million rubles. If you subtract the annual expenses, which amount to 2.4 million, the profit before tax is 1.6 million rubles. Net annual profit will be 1,360,000 rubles.

The payback for a medium-sized store will be less than a year, provided that the work is properly organized and a competent business plan is drawn up.

Today, the flower business is very popular among novice businessmen. Many people are interested in where to start a flower business, the profitability of a flower shop and the possibility of creating this business from scratch in small town or at home.

You can start it like this: minimal investment, and enter “in a big way” by investing a tidy sum. The cost of a flower business depends on the city, the chosen format, the features of the product range and services. Based on this, it is impossible to write a general business plan and calculate the profitability of a flower shop so that it reflects reality. In this article we will look at the nuances and risks, pros and cons flower business from scratch depending on its chosen form, which will help the reader get general idea, form your opinion and individually predict the profitability of the flower business.

No one will dispute the fact that there are very few people in the world who are completely indifferent to flowers. And, passing by the window of a flower shop, we involuntarily slow down and stop to admire the bright buds of flowers, baskets with flower arrangements, and ready-made bouquets. Many people, especially women, dream of working as a florist or having their own small store flowers, or maybe about a large salon, or about an online store. After all, giving people a holiday every day is wonderful! Where to start a flower business?

If you decide to engage in this type of activity, first of all you need to get acquainted with its three risky features, without taking into account which many entrepreneurs quickly lose money and close down:


Flowers do not grow with the same consistency and do not have a fixed price all year round. In order to correctly compose the assortment in the store and calculate the costs of subsequent purchases, you need to study the varieties of flowers and the periods of their appearance in the markets. Thus, a universal flower is the rose, which is popular and available for purchase all year round. But you can’t fill the counter with just one rose. In the spring, you should focus your assortment on all kinds of tulip varieties; closer to May, buy carnations. In summer, the greatest variety of seasonal flowers is chamomile, gladiolus, alstroemeria, which allows you to expand the assortment. Also in summer it is necessary not to miss peonies, the season for which is extremely short, but the demand is quite high. In autumn, in addition to the chrysanthemums that have appeared, you should purchase soil, fertilizers, and pots, since this is the time to replant indoor flowers. Winter is the most expensive period for purchases; frost-resistant callas, lilies, and orchids are purchased. It is better not to plan the launch and opening of your business for the winter if you are starting from scratch.

Orientation and sufficient knowledge of information is a necessary aspect that will help you be competitive in the market, especially in a small town.

Dependence on holidays.

“Golden” days for flower growers are generally accepted holidays, such as February 14 (Valentine's Day) and March 8 (International Women's Day). If the business is built illiterately, then flower shop survives solely on such celebrations and does about 10% of its work on such days annual turnover. This is especially felt in a small town with the presence of a stronger competitor store.

The inseparability of flowers from holiday traditions is a big plus in favor of the flower business. Thus, a family can save on a new backpack for a child to go to school, but will not send it to the teacher on the first of September without flowers, and a bride can rent a wedding dress instead of buying, but will never refuse a wedding bouquet.

You should also not forget that the presence of a rush during the holidays also has several pitfalls: prices at wholesale bases increase in advance, deliveries of goods may be disrupted, and poor work of sellers and couriers distributing your goods can lead to dissatisfaction, negative reviews and subsequent customer outflow. Therefore, business owners should be especially on the alert and keep everything under strict control, and novice businessmen should open from scratch not before the holiday itself, but a little in advance in order to establish a work pattern.

Perishable goods.

Flowers are an extremely short-lived product. The average lifespan of a flower at the right temperature is about twenty days. Since the majority of the goods come from abroad, the cut flower lives most of the rest of his life on the way to the store (especially if the store works with resellers and not with direct deliveries). There are several technologies for transporting flowers and options for receiving them from a wholesaler: buying dried flowers and then “soldering” them or flowers in water, which are immediately ready for sale, but will last much less.

Once it reaches the seller, there is no guarantee that the flower will be bought quickly. Today there are no fixed expiration dates for flowers and the return of spoiled goods, as in the grocery sector. The testimony of working businessmen regarding the amount of damaged goods written off ranges from 10% to 50% of the total amount of goods. The profitability of a flower shop directly depends on this indicator.

There are the following ways to solve this problem:

  • reducing the price of flowers that have a short life left, and, as a last resort, selling at cost. It's better to go to zero than to go negative. An additional advantage of this option to resolve the situation will be the availability of goods and, accordingly, attracting new customers. The main thing is to teach your sellers to honestly warn about the fragility of the purchased goods instead of assuring them of their freshness, so as not to tarnish the reputation of their store;
  • the use of probiotics, preservatives, citric acid and other additives. These products really help the flower look fresh and last until it is sold, but they kill the natural immunity of the flower itself. After the buyer puts flowers in ordinary water at home, bacteria from it will quickly defeat the flower, which can also have a bad effect on the store’s reputation.

How a novice businessman can choose the required format of a flower business

There are several options for the format of a flower business. It is necessary to determine what initial capital You have it. Flower trading requires certain investments. The format of flower trade will depend on this.

Flower business at home from scratch.

Consists in self-production and selling bouquets.

Flower business at home - where to start? First you need to master the art of floristry, having previously completed florist courses (of which there are a lot on the Internet), read a certain amount of literature about flowers and the rules of composition, color combinations, methods of arranging bouquets, practice and get your hands on. After mastering the necessary skills, you can start making bouquets for your relatives, friends, and colleagues at work. Having shown taste and imagination, having invested your soul, you give a bouquet. In case of high-quality execution, it will be remembered not only by the person to whom the gift is intended, but also by the guests, after which word of mouth will do its job. To promote a home-based business, it is mandatory to use social networks (Vkontakte, Instagram, Facebook). It is necessary to create pages dedicated to your works, fill them with quality content, make photo reports and advertise to the required audience. The more people see your masterpieces, rate them and write comments, the better.

This format has its pros and cons.

The advantage is that you build your own working hours, you are at home, compositions and bouquets are made to order. Such a business does not require large start-up capital, equipment and premises, or hiring personnel. For flowers, you can select a shelf in home refrigerator, and in cold weather store on the balcony. There is no need to purchase an assortment in advance, which, in turn, insures you against their write-off, taking into account the fact that flowers are a perishable product.

However, this also entails disadvantages - flowers are bought at retail, which automatically reduces profits and profitability when selling bouquets. Only confident Internet users can become customers, which makes the profit from the work inconsistent. Your customer will not be able to preview and touch the product being purchased, which increases the risk of returned orders. Therefore, this format of flower business is more of a hobby that brings minimum income. Although, with diligence and diligence, your hobby can bring a good profit and become a “training field” before releasing your products offline, if, having accumulated some experience and gained experience in arranging bouquets, your desires and ambitions push you to develop further.

Flower stall/kiosk/pavilion.

The most common format for a flower business is small retail spaces with a small range of products. The main role in the profitability of this form of flower business is played by the choice of location. It should be crowded and passable. Location options: passage, stop, metro station, market, that is, places where people constantly gather. You should target buyers with average or below average incomes. The goods are purchased mainly from intermediaries and local producers and represents mainly rose, chrysanthemum and seasonal flowers. The cost of the flower and packaging should be low, which affects profitability.

This format also has its pros and cons.

Plus - not required big investment. Thus, a small volume of goods and minimal equipment are purchased. Rent for a modest premises is also usually not high. IN holidays there is a sharp increase in demand for goods, which helps to gain profit and recoup investments.

But the rest of the time the profitability of such a stall is 25-30%. The owner is his own caretaker, seller, and accountant. You can hire a salesperson. Hiring a professional florist, given the limited range of flowers, does not make sense. A very small share of the profit comes from flower packaging.

The competition is very strong. If you set out to start a flower business from scratch in a small town, you should beat your competitors with quality, the right choice of place for trading, and the maximum expansion of the range of services. The main thing to strive for is the opening of a network of such pavilions. This will help make your services recognizable, expand your range and start purchasing goods in large quantities from direct suppliers, which will affect the freshness and price of flowers.

Flower shop.

The main difference between a flower shop and the above forms of business is the presence of a large area. Accordingly, the answer to the question “how to start a flower business” in this case will involve large investments.

The first thing you need to do is draw up a business plan and choose a fast-moving place, purchase refrigeration equipment where vases with cut flowers will be stored, tables on which bouquets will be collected and packaged, racks for related products, computer equipment and so on.

The shop implies the presence of a florist. Whether he will simultaneously perform the function of a salesperson, or whether they will be two different people – it’s up to you to decide. Recruitment should be taken very seriously. The reputation of the store, and therefore sales and the accumulation of regular customers, will depend on the quality of services provided by employees.

The profitability of a flower shop increases due to the sale of additional products. These can be not only cut flowers in a bouquet, but also compositions, boxes and baskets of flowers created by a florist, flowers in pots, seedlings, empty pots, all kinds of fertilizers, soil, seeds, decorative stands for flowers and much more. Also, the presence of a large area makes it possible to introduce related services: gift wrapping, sale of all kinds of souvenirs, postcards, production of helium balloons. This will significantly increase sales volume.

The disadvantages of such a store include the fact that it requires high costs and investments and, accordingly, pays off more slowly. But due to the large number of related products and more wide range The store provides a fairly stable profit.

Flower boutique.

Opening a flower business in a boutique format requires significant investments and costs. But the return is much higher, due to the work of professionals and the solvency of clients. After all, such bouquets belong to the “Premium” class and are created for wealthy people.

You should find a room on the main street or in a large shopping center. It must be properly formatted. It's better if it's a design project. Required attributes are beautiful name and a tastefully decorated display case, expensive custom-made furniture, industrial and high-quality refrigeration equipment.

It is not enough for the seller in the flower shop to be smiling and inviting. What is needed is a professional florist with a variety of skills, who not only has a good understanding of flowers and knows how they are combined in color, but also delves into traditions and subtleties. Namely, which plants are not customary to put in one bouquet, which bouquets are suitable according to etiquette for a child, a young girl or woman, a man, a friend or a boss, which bouquet is appropriate to give depending on a certain event, and so on. Assortment when choosing of this format should include exotic, rare flowers, the losses when written off are naturally much higher.

Products purchased in a boutique must have the label of the place on them, because the buyer acquires not only the flower, but also the prestige that goes with it.

If the main question for you is how to start a flower business from scratch, then this flower business option may not be suitable due to the large investments.

Corporate orders in the flower business.

Regardless of what format of the flower business you choose, corporate orders can bring big profits, which include small bouquets of compliments to employees, huge baskets of flowers for an event, or room decoration for any event.

A flower boutique and store has a much higher chance of finding a large corporate client than a pavilion, or a person who has opened a flower business at home. But it's worth making the effort to search.

This could be a small cafe where your small bouquets will be placed on the tables by agreement on mutually beneficial terms, or a large wedding agency that regularly involves you in decorating tables, rooms and wedding arches with flower arrangements.

Working with a corporate client can bring profit in one go, which you cannot get in a month by selling bouquets at retail.

Equipment for flowers

As we can see, different forms of running a flower business determine the list of equipment. Let's look at the most common items that are needed:

Cooling equipment.

No one wants to receive a rose as a gift, even the most beautiful one, on a long stem, but with dried petals and withered leaves. Therefore, when opening your own flower trading business, you need to take care of equipment that will be designed to preserve the freshness of the flower for as long as possible. In a home-based business, you can use a home refrigerator.

In other cases, the room can be equipped with an air conditioner that maintains a certain temperature. The power of the air conditioning system depends on the size of the room. These systems can work both to cool the air and to heat it. But the air conditioner keeps the temperature at 16 degrees, and cut flowers are best stored at temperatures up to 6 degrees.

The best solution, although the most expensive, is refrigeration chambers, which allow you to create the optimal temperature for storing the flower. They come in different capacities, single-chamber or double-chamber (more spacious). The main criterion when choosing is the ability to create and maintain the optimal temperature for storing the flower.

  1. Racks and showcases for flowers. They can be of any shape. Stepped, pyramidal or slide-shaped. The main thing is capacity and stability. But, since flowers are constantly watered and sprayed, the material for the rack must be strong and moisture-resistant.
  2. Tables. These are jobs for a seller and a florist. A table is necessary for packing bouquets and creating flower arrangements. It must be made of high-quality material, be smooth and stable. The optimal parameters for a table are 120 by 80, height - 75 cm. It is advisable that the table is in the field of view of customers. By observing the work of the florist and the process of creating bouquets, visitors evaluate the professional skills of the workers, and potential buyers creating a beautiful bouquet serves as advertising.
  3. Equipment that can be added.

The store can also be equipped with a thermal curtain. It is usually located at the entrance to the store. Used to ensure that the weather outside does not affect the climate in the store.

For southern light-loving plants, it will be useful to purchase phytolamps. They will warm flowers at any time of the year.

In addition to all of the above, when starting a flower business you need spatulas, pruning shears, sprinklers, watering cans, plastic flower vases and much more. Also, when opening a store, do not forget about decorative elements, wrapping paper, bags, baskets, ribbons, etc.

All materials and equipment must be high quality. After all, the conditions for storing flowers and their comfortable maintenance will ensure an increase in the duration of storage. And this will entail an increase in profits and profitability, a decrease in the payback period of the business.

Discount cards.

It is worth taking care of preparing discount cards for clients in advance. This will ensure that customers contact you again and develop a database of customer phone numbers. In the future, they can be notified by SMS messages about the availability of promotions, the arrival of fresh goods, new products, as well as congratulations on the holidays and under other pretexts to remind them of themselves.

When opening a flower pavilion, store or boutique, you need to choose the right retail equipment. The dimensions of all installations depend on the area of ​​the room. Market commercial equipment very diverse. Furniture can be purchased either ready-made from specialized companies or made to order. Whether you use industrial refrigeration chambers or regular refrigerated counters, like in supermarkets, to store food depends on your financial capabilities.

How to organize a flower business in terms of hiring staff for the store

The organization of the personnel structure directly depends on the chosen form of flower business, as well as on your willingness to directly participate in the work or exclusively control the work of hired personnel.

Let's consider the basic units of frames:


This is the designer and creator of your bouquets. He must be in love with his work, have a delicate taste, understand coloristics (the science of combining colors), master the methods and generally accepted rules for composing bouquets, and be interested in new products and fashion trends in the world of flowers. Today, the position of “florist” is an officially registered specialty. There are a huge variety of courses on floristry, including those that take place online. You should not thoughtlessly hire a florist who has many certificates of completion. You should double-check on the Internet the conditions for obtaining them and the reputation of the institutions that issued them. Since a florist is a creative profession, it requires talent and intuition, and not exclusively acquired knowledge. During an interview, it is worth testing the employee’s abilities in practice, place an order for him, give him several requirements, like a real buyer, and evaluate the actual performance of the work and the applicant’s taste.

In his free time from composing compositions, the florist must also care for the goods, take care of the fresh appearance and long life of the plants.


There are creative people and sales people. The florist is not always good seller. Depending on the size of your business, it may be advisable to hire a separate unit - a salesperson who will communicate with visitors, count customers, respond to phone calls. He must be able to attract the client’s attention and persuade him to buy the product. To increase the incentive to bring profit to your store, it is recommended to hire a seller on the terms of a small rate and a percentage of the revenue received.

In most cases, the seller plays the role of accountant and administrator. If a business has pages on the Internet, it is the seller who posts the product range online, responds to comments and accepts online orders.


Today there are almost no flower shops that do not have a delivery service. This is an integral part of the flower business. Depending on the scale of the business created, either a separate unit is hired - a courier with his own car, who delivers bouquets, or an agreement is made with a driver. For example, with a taxi driver who is ready to deliver flowers according to the meter, or if this is a market and there are several pavilions with flowers in a row, by agreement you can hire a common driver for everyone.


Floral accounting follows the general rules for trading enterprises, the sale of flowers in a store is regarded as retail trade. It can be maintained either by the owner or seller (by prior agreement), or by a hired accountant. Typically, accountants run several businesses, so payment for their work occurs under a contract and does not require a high monthly salary.

Security guard.

Don't forget about the costs associated with taking the store under security. If the store is 24 hours a day, the night salesperson performs the security guard function.

Flowers and bouquets of them are always associated with gifts and holidays. This is probably why more and more people come up with the idea of ​​​​creating a flower business.

And I must admit that she, this idea is quite good. After all, trading plants has its advantages:

  • Minimum funds for creation and development;
  • The markup on flowers, especially on bouquets, can range from 200 to 400%.

But another question arises: what is needed, where to start, to open a flower shop from scratch? So, let's look at it point by point, step by step.

What does it take to open a flower shop?

1. Starting capital. This business requires investment. For different areas The amount of activity, of course, varies, but how much money does it take to open a flower shop?

It solely depends on what kind of store it will be. Moreover, we are not talking about the product, but about the premises for it, since the cost of flowers will depend on the supplier.

How much money do you need

At the opening of the flower pavilion the metro will require up to 10 thousand dollars (an option with minimal investment). This means renting a prime location for a year and arranging it (design, shelves for goods, warehouse). The cost of a full-fledged store starts from 20 thousand dollars. As for the currently popular boutiques, you need to invest at least 50 thousand dollars in their rental and equipment.

2. Equipment. It is worth understanding that cut flowers can be stored for a short time, after which the product will be unusable.

Refrigerators will help extend the “life”. The cheapest option would be to purchase industrial equipment, but if desired, it is possible to order special storage facilities for flowers. If money is tight, then you can buy 2 used Soviet refrigerators, for example on Avito.

It is also worth including lamps in the equipment to create the necessary lighting for plants and for caring for flowers. The exact list of equipment for a flower shop, of course, will depend on the assortment.

Cut flowers require much less than potted plants. But the latter are able to provide stability to business.

3. Staff. In a simple pavilion or small store, you can hire a salesperson without much work experience (and he will work no worse than an experienced one; anyone can be taught the intricacies of the flower business from scratch). Such a specialist is able to give the client a pre-created bouquet or wrap the plant he likes in a package.

For more serious establishments, you should hire, if not professional florists, then experienced employees. They must have an idea about each of the plants, know how to care for them and, of course, be able to make bouquets.

Important ! Here, attention should also be paid to the appearance, since the seller will be the “face” of the store. The requirements are simple: friendliness, politeness, accuracy, diligence and, no less important, your seller must love flowers.

How much do flowers cost wholesale, what are the purchasing prices?

Wholesale price of roses in Russia(Central region) about 50-70 rubles (1 dollar). At retail they sell for 120-140 rubles.

Before March 8, prices for roses (wholesale) rise to 80-90 rubles, and at retail they become 130-170 rubles. I won’t say anything about the other flowers, there’s really no information.

By the way! It can be much more profitable to buy wholesale flowers in a neighboring large city than at the flower base of your city.

For example: At the wholesale base in my city, roses cost 60-80 rubles per piece. But in the nearest large city (80 km from mine) prices are 40-60 rubles. And it’s really profitable to travel to large city(at least I know for sure that 2 flower shops in my city are purchased exactly in that city, which is 80 km from us).

Based on the above data, it is easy to calculate the profitability of the flower business and net profit.

Delivery and expansion of assortment

It is worth considering the possibility of flower delivery. If goods from a store can be ordered remotely, then employees are needed to deliver it.

At first, you can hire a driver and courier as one person, but later, if there are a lot of orders, the number of employees will have to be increased.

It’s also worth thinking about hiring an administrator. Naturally, the number of employees directly depends on the size of the business.

What else can you sell?

In addition to flowers, a flower shop can sell: small soft toys, bouquets of sweets, beautiful and stylish flower vases, expensive sets of chocolates, bonbonnieres, flowers in pots, artificial flowers, various small gifts for girls and women, etc.

What's the result?

All of the above are basic. But do not forget that the business must first be registered.

Better as an individual entrepreneur, it is simpler and cheaper in terms of taxation. But if you are opening a chain of flower salons, then LLC is the best choice.

Opening a flower shop is not difficult. However, it is worth knowing the disadvantages and taking them into account:

  • Flowers are a perishable product;
  • Defective goods in a shipment are not uncommon;
  • There is no stable demand; the sale of flowers is seasonal.

How much does a flower shop earn on March 8?

As mentioned above, flowers are quite seasonal. There are profitability peaks - March 8, September 1, New Year. My friends have a small flower shop in a small town (10 sq. m. - sales area), so last March 8th they in 1 day we made revenue of 450 thousand rubles.

So, there is a good reason to open a store somewhere in the middle of late January. 2 months before the peak, so that as many people as possible know about your store. Well, or in November and July.

If you open a flower shop wisely, then within a year all costs will be recouped. The main thing is not to rush to get as much profit as possible from the business you have just started.

Stability can be ensured by taking into account customer demand and meeting their needs.

Flower shop business plan

And finally, the promised ( for free).

  • (185)
  • (102)

Flowers are one of the most popular gifts, as they are relevant for absolutely any holiday. They can be presented in various types and forms, and there are also many unique varieties that differ appearance and cost. The flower business is considered profitable, stable and interesting, which is why it is of interest to many entrepreneurs. In the first stages, it can be organized even at home, and if you promote it correctly, you can receive passive income in the future, since no effort will be invested in the business.

The flower selling business has both positive and negative sides. It is important to know about all the parameters before opening a business in order to start a profitable activity from scratch.

The advantages include:

The disadvantages of the job include:

  • sales are uneven as they depend on the season and are also affected by various holidays;
  • to get started, you need to create a correct, thoughtful and reliable business plan for a flower shop with calculations, and you can view a sample, but each store must have its own individual project;
  • necessary for quality business operation cash register, the use of which complicates the procedure for recording activities and requires registration of equipment in tax office, and the device itself has a significant cost;
  • flowers are perishable goods that require specific care, so optimal and specific conditions must be created for them;
  • To get started, an entrepreneur must have complex and unusual knowledge and skills in the field of floristry in order for the flower business to be profitable and promising.

Initially, you need to register, and you can choose either an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. The most optimal is the choice of organizational and legal form - individual entrepreneur. For this purpose, the following documents are prepared and submitted to the tax office:

  • statement, which must contain the correct OKVED codes for the chosen area of ​​activity;
  • a flower business can operate under a simplified taxation system, which must be switched to immediately after registration;
  • a copy of the citizen’s passport and his TIN.

Trade will be reliable and controlled if a cash register is used in the process. Therefore, it is recommended to initially purchase this equipment. The device must be registered with the tax office, after which it can be used for its intended purpose. It is also advisable to obtain a stamp and open a bank account.

Choosing a store location

Where to start a flower business? It is important to decide where exactly the activity will take place. To do this it is necessary to make marketing research, on the basis of which a special project will be made, and an example of it can be easily found on the Internet. It will contain basic information and nuances of opening and running a business.

You shouldn't take it completely finished project, since it will not take into account the specifics of a particular region and store.

The flower business must be favorably located, since the location for this particular activity is considered a key point. The most best choice premises are considered:

  • next to the wedding palace;
  • near high-traffic areas, which include stops public transport, large supermarkets or universal markets;
  • close to a train station or bus station.

There should be some next to the store parking spaces so that every client has the opportunity to comfortably drive up to the outlet. It must be possible to place outdoor advertising, which will attract the attention of potential buyers, as a result of which a business from scratch can generate good income. There should be no competitors nearby who can entice customers with different promotions or other advantages.

Arrangement of the premises

Competent trading presupposes that a single and unique concept must be formed inside the store, which will be pleasant and interesting for customers. All costs for these purposes must be included in the business opening project. An example of an interesting and exclusive design can be found on the Internet or you can go to the most famous and popular flower shops.

The following styles are considered an excellent choice:

  • Rococo or Provence if the flower business is intended for high-income clients;
  • hi-tech is considered an ideal solution when specializing a store for customers who prefer to constantly purchase unique new items and exquisite items;
  • if not only flowers are sold in bouquets, but also flowers in boxes and pots, then such a store can be decorated in an eco-style, and only natural and safe ingredients should be used here, and such a design will act as an interesting advertisement for the business.

The store should be well lit, and natural light should be combined with artificial, which can favorably highlight the presented goods.

An important point in the arrangement is the acquisition of equipment and furniture. For this you buy:

  • showcases and racks for flowers in boxes, pots or other containers;
  • freezers in which you can prolong the freshness of cut flowers, which will increase the store’s income;
  • a table designed for the work of a florist;
  • table and cash register for efficient and correct payments to clients;
  • To ensure that customers wait for their orders in comfort, it is recommended to place a sofa in the store.

An example of the proper arrangement of all elements in a room can be easily viewed on various websites on the Internet.

Compilation of product assortment

How to open a flower business from scratch that will bring good income, will be stable, sustainable and promising? To do this, a special activity project is drawn up with detailed and accurate calculations, which should indicate the nuances of compiling the assortment of goods.

When compiling the assortment, the following elements are taken into account:

  • Cut flowers, the varieties of which should be numerous. The most popular are roses and chrysanthemums, tulips and mimosas, orchids and lilies, as well as many other varieties.
  • Flowers in pots or boxes are in demand, but less popular compared to cut goods. An example of an excellent store suggests the presence of a large number of varieties of such flowers.
  • Cultivated plants that are of interest to many potential customers. As a rule, they are purchased by retirees or people who like to spend a lot of time gardening or working with crops in the garden.
  • Related products that are very profitable to sell due to a good margin. With their help, you can significantly increase profits, and this includes fertilizers, pots, literature about flowers, candles and ribbons, cards and packaging, stands and elements for creating a unique landscape design.

If you choose the assortment wisely, you can count on good demand for the store, which can bring passive and high income.

How to make a store popular?

It is important to know not only how to start a flower business, but also how to properly promote it. The following methods are used for this:

  • finding corporate regular customers who will regularly order decoration for various celebrations;
  • design of various portfolios, for which unique flower arrangements are created, and in the future it will be possible to create original bouquets for weddings, dates, anniversaries or other significant dates;
  • advertising on radio, television or other media;
  • cooperation with holiday agencies, restaurants or other establishments that can become regular customers;
  • creating your own website on the Internet.


How to organize a flower business that will be popular among buyers? To do this, it is important to find suitable workers who will be professional florists who know how to properly care for flowers and create unique and inimitable compositions from them.

Salaries should depend entirely on revenue.

Pitfalls in starting a flower business

Starting this business from scratch is not difficult if you look at the example in advance successful store. However, for promising and profitable work, you need to know all the possible difficulties and pitfalls, which include:

  • if you hire non-professionals, they will not be able to make unusual bouquets, so the store will not be able to compete with other establishments;
  • should not be purchased already ready store, because profitable business will never sell;
  • flowers need to be properly cared for and kept in optimal conditions, otherwise they will quickly lose their presentation, which will lead to constant write-offs;
  • you should not skimp on creating an original store design, because otherwise it will not differ from standard retail outlets, and therefore will not attract the attention of customers;
  • trade must be conducted honestly, therefore it is unacceptable to make a bouquet of fresh and half-withered flowers, since you can easily lose customers;
  • on holidays, you need to clearly understand how many bouquets and flowers can actually be sold, so as not to let down buyers on pre-orders;
  • It is advisable to use a cash register while working, which will simplify control over sellers.

If you know all the pitfalls, then you can expect a successful opening of a profitable and efficient store.

Financial calculations

The project of opening a flower business involves an investment next quantity cash:

  • creation of a unique design – 150 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment and furniture – 320 thousand rubles;
  • investments in business advertising – 40 thousand rubles;
  • business registration – 1 thousand rubles.

The total initial investment is equal to 1 million 51 thousand rubles. Monthly expenses:

  • rent of premises per month – 40 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods for a month - 500 thousand rubles;
  • wages employees – 105 thousand rubles;

The financial condition of society is to some extent determined by the demand for flowers and this is a fact proven by the results of research. Economists say that the richer the region or city, the more flowers sold per capita. But still this statement cannot be called one hundred percent, since some role in this issue mentality plays a role.

It should be noted that the sale of flowers is among the top five most popular types of business in the world. This phenomenon is not surprising, because flowers are needed in many life situations, this is a kind of art that gives people positive emotions, joy, and smiles.

Is this flower business profitable, what are the reviews?

Naturally, for a business to generate income, it is necessary to understand the intricacies of caring for and growing flowers. If a person likes to tinker in his garden, grows magnificent indoor plants and knows a lot about high-quality seedlings, he needs to turn his hobby into a business.

This means that the personal preferences of the entrepreneur play a huge role, because when a person’s activity brings spiritual pleasure, then the family budget is steadily replenished.

To answer the most important question, is the flower business profitable, we should remember the rush during the holidays, for example, before Valentine's Day and before International Women's Day. These are not all holidays, so if everything is organized correctly, you can make good money.

In addition, flower arrangements are popular as gifts for relatives, friends, loved ones, and business partners. They are purchased not only on major holidays, but also on weekdays for decorating bars, restaurants, hotels, and spas. Without flowers, a wedding celebration will not be complete, and they are extremely popular at anniversaries.

On the eve of the holiday, the cost of flowers increases, for example, if we consider March 8, prices increase on the sixth day, and on the immediate day of the holiday they reach their apogee and bouquets cost 2-3 times more.

Therefore, we can confidently say that flowers are hot commodity, and according to financiers, turnover of this market in Russia last year amounted to more than a billion dollars.

Many people starting a flower business do not create it from scratch, but buy a ready-made one. This, if the business being purchased is “working”, in some cases it is even better than starting from scratch. To do this, you need to look for a suitable option on various resources for private and business advertisements.
Search the Internet for something like:

— I will buy a flower business;
— opening a flower shop business plan;
— buy a flower business;
— sale of flower business;
— selling flower business;
- cheap flower shop.

There are many offers and you will definitely find something that suits you. But we repeat once again: you need to be careful here, check everything carefully before purchasing, so as not to buy a pacifier! Or problems instead of profits.

Flower business from scratch. Retail flower business formats

Of course, selling flowers is a profitable and risky business. Creative people who understand botany discover retail outlets, wanting to simultaneously realize their abilities and receive money.

But not everything is as smooth as it might seem at first glance, because apart from positive points, that is, aesthetics and profitability, there are also unpleasant ones, such as the fragility of products and associated losses.

The retail flower business is conventionally divided into four formats:

  • — pavilions located near the metro and in passages;
  • - small shops located in shopping centers, in crowded places;
  • — specialized boutiques located on the busiest streets of the city center;
  • - in addition to the existing flower shop, it is advisable to open an online store - virtual reality is extremely relevant today.

Flower pavilion – huge competition

Today, small flower pavilions are found literally everywhere, because there are such retail outlets near every metro and in all passages. True, there are many potential buyers, since these are very busy places.

An important key to development similar business It is considered a good location, because flowers are a perishable commodity, so good trade turnover is extremely necessary.

The basis of sales in the small pavilion are cut flowers, the assortment of which amounts to 15-20 items. But packaging acts as an additional percentage of income.

Flower shop – great opportunities

Unlike a small pavilion, a flower shop has a good retail space, that is, the range of products offered here is wider.

In addition to cut flowers, the store can organize the sale of composed compositions, potted plants, souvenirs, gifts, as well as various soils and similar related products.

Due to the fact that the assortment includes not only perishable goods, business owners can reduce costs, and this is already a significant argument.

As for profit, it does not depend solely on turnover, because you can sell a smaller number of flowers, and receive the rest of the income from the sale of ceramics and potted plants.

Of course, if a store is being organized, great attention should be paid to personnel selection. Friendly, competent sellers who understand flowers will be able not only to sell the goods, but also to give the buyer advice on this or that issue. The ethical component is also important, because just by praising a client for his excellent taste, he can turn from a casual customer into a regular one.

A flower shop requires significant investments, which cannot be compared with opening a small pavilion. It pays off more slowly, but the undoubted advantages of this format include stability, and all thanks to the rich assortment and the presence of regular customers.

Florist boutique - a newfangled trend

Florist salons are truly a wonderful type of business, because absolutely everything here is beautiful: the design of the room, the flower arrangements created by real masters, and the aura in such a room is special. Competent salespeople are also relevant, because profitability depends on them.

To open a store of such a high level will require a tidy sum of money, but despite the high costs, you can receive an excellent percentage of income in the future. This is a promising business, because having a florist boutique, you can reach corporate clients.

For example, the design of just one corporate banquet brings in a profit that is comparable to a week of work at a flower shop. Alternatively, in the future, when the business is established, you can open a whole network of salons, covering all areas of the city.

Online store - modern business or flower shop around the clock

Today, life moves very quickly, so many people do not want to waste their precious time going to flower shops and specialty boutiques. For this reason, nowadays it is impossible to do without an online store.

The costs of opening it are not very large; for example, the simplest online store will cost a thousand dollars. But, as they say, the game is worth the candle, because clients can, without leaving the office or at home, place an order for flowers in a boutique or in a store.

This is a wonderful sales channel, thanks to which income increases significantly. But you also need to be aware of additional shipping costs and take into account the very possible possibility of returning the goods.

And also, if there is no regular store selling flowers, you should not open an online store, because this is a very risky undertaking, the goods are perishable, and at the initial stage there will not be many customers.

Subtleties of opening a flower pavilion

There is always a demand for flowers: someone is in a hurry to go on a date, someone is rushing to a birthday... To open a flower pavilion, you need to consider the following important points:

  • — register yourself as an entrepreneur;
  • — hire one or two salespeople;
  • — the pavilion must be placed in a “active” place: transitions, stops;
  • - have contacts with flower suppliers.

Now let’s look at these points in more detail to present a clear picture of the opening of a small flower pavilion. Basically, create legal entity in this case it is not necessary, that is, registration as an individual entrepreneur is quite sufficient.
This process is carried out at the tax office at the place of registration.

If we talk about sellers, their payment can consist of either a salary and a percentage of sales, or entirely from a percentage of sales. It is also necessary to understand that the flower trade has a specific nature, so the pavilion should open early and close closer to midnight, because people buy flowers at any time. This fact indicates that it is necessary to hire two workers, not one.

An important factor in the success of any small retail trade is the choice of location: on the one hand, it should be accessible (close to a bus stop, metro station), and on the other hand, there should be no competitors nearby. As for the pavilion itself, it can be purchased or rented.

Contacts with suppliers are equally important. Alternatively, you can negotiate supplies with a flower greenhouse. But to keep your risks minimal, it is better to conclude a deal like this: the seller pays for the flowers that were sold, and the unsold goods are returned to the supplier.

When opening a pavilion, you should remember that flowers in such places are bought by people with low salaries, so they always want to save the money they earn. Thus, it turns out that you should not buy professional stands, expensive decorative shelves and other delights, because due to their insolvency, this category of the population does not like “pretty”.

You don’t need to invest a lot of money, all your strength and soul into the pavilion, because then it will look like a real store. This will not lead to a good result: buyers will think that they are charging exorbitant prices for unnecessary beauty, that is, they will not buy flowers.

Starting your own business with a high-quality online store franchise is best solution for beginners:

The optimal design option for a flower pavilion: wooden shelves, ordinary plastic buckets, vases, table-counter, racks for bouquets. The buyer will immediately see that the people here are friendly and there are no exorbitant prices. The assortment must be dealt with accordingly; it should not be too multifaceted, since buyers cannot afford rare and expensive flowers.

For example, you can offer clients the following choice: 5-7 varieties of Colombian roses, 2-3 types of medium-sized Dutch roses, 4-6 varieties of chrysanthemums, and, of course, lilies, gerberas, irises, tulips and some greenery. There should also be 5-6 ready-made bouquets available, several of which are in red and white colors.

And one more important point - you don’t need to keep flower vases half empty. The point is that clients think very unconventionally: many believe that a product in demand has long been sold and the most unclaimed flowers remain.

And some people think that a half-empty vase is evidence of the insolvency of the owner of the pavilion, because the vases are not bursting with flowers (of course, the buyer will take flowers from the most filled vase). This mistake should not be made, so you need to resort to tricks by mixing the ending flowers with other varieties and removing the empty containers away.

Yes, find good place It’s difficult for a store today, because the most best places are already occupied, and if it becomes vacant, you need to be prepared for a high rental rate.

Of course, setting up a store and choosing an assortment is a more complex task than designing a pavilion, but knowing the subtleties and nuances, you can do everything as correctly as possible, ensuring yourself a normal profit.

General information

A flower shop should look cozy, comfortable, attractive, and it should also have modern renovations. In addition, you should purchase neat floral stands, display tables, exquisite shelves made of wood veneer, chrome, hanging racks for packaging, metal or glass vases/flasks for flowers.

In addition, you need to have:

  • — coolers;
  • - knives and pruning shears;
  • - computer, printer, internet.

Also, there should be business cards on the table (not necessarily the best ones, inexpensive instant printing is also suitable), it is advisable to equip the entrance with a warm curtain, and the store should have an air conditioner installed and a glass refrigerator.

It should be said that clients of flower shops are completely different buyers: people come to the store because they no longer accept pavilions and are ready to pay money for sellers to adapt to their tastes.

Naturally, these are still far from being clients of florist boutiques, because buyers study price tags, choose and demand something.

As for the assortment, it should be extensive and varied. For example, this option is good: ten to fifteen shades of roses, eight to ten types of chrysanthemums, four types of lilies, gerberas and a wide selection of spring flowers.

Exotic and tropical flowers, such as orchids, strelitzia, hydrangeas, anthuriums, are welcome, but they need to be purchased in small quantities. This is due to the fact that customers want to have choice, demand it, but still rarely use it, preferring traditional colors.

As already mentioned, you should diversify your assortment with potted plants, soils, ceramics and similar products. For example, if we consider potted plants, the business should be developed in two directions: plants that bloom in the appropriate season, and more unpretentious plants (ficus, cacti, dracaenas, monstera).

Choosing a name for the store is the main point

As one famous cartoon character said, “whatever you call the yacht, that’s how it will sail.” This statement is beyond doubt, so this aspect needs to be given special attention.

The name of the store should give people joy, it should sound beautiful and somehow flowery. Also, the name should be easy to remember and not be associated with things that are inappropriate for the topic: jewelry, perfumes.

Plus, you should conduct a thorough analysis of the consumer category, observing competitors near your outlet. After the age of potential buyers has been determined, you should filter out previously invented names, leaving only those that will attract people from the target audience.

A short step-by-step guide to opening a flower shop

So, to summarize the above and supplement it with new arguments, you can draw up the following action plan:

  • — to begin with, it is advisable to get a basic education in the field of flower business: for example, enroll in florist courses. You also need to read specialized literature, do not forget to monitor news on the Internet in order to keep abreast of events and understand modern trends;
  • - business registration - if knowledge in this area is not enough, you can turn to law firm. Employees of such an organization will provide competent advice and help prepare a package of documents for a fee;
  • — the store premises must be located in a place with a high degree of traffic, and it must also be open to view;
    — acquisition of necessary equipment and tools;
  • — the choice of suppliers is no less important. On at this stage you need to study the lists of organizations from which you can purchase flowers (greenhouses, agricultural farms). You should also inquire about the quality of the products, find out the terms of delivery and look for reviews about the supplier;
  • — equipment and decorative design of the store. Here you can use your imagination and knowledge acquired in florist courses. The display window must be attractive so that people passing by will want to enter the store;
  • additional benefits will always come in handy - this can be delivery, creation of creative and original congratulations. Such options have a positive effect on expanding the audience of buyers;
  • — advertising is the engine of trade. This rule has not been canceled, because it is extremely effective.

Anti-wilting remedies are a separate topic

A guide to starting a flower business would be incomplete without mentioning special products that are added to water and prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Belgian powdered probiotics, as well as antibacterial preservative additives, are often used to combat harmful microorganisms. As for the cheapest options, these are old and, one might say, “penny” remedies: acetylsalicylic acid, potassium permanganate, citric acid.

If you have big plans to develop a promising business and want to acquire regular customers, you should not get carried away with special products, that is, preservatives and probiotics, because such substances disable the plant’s immunity to bacterial background.

The result is obvious - the buyer brings flowers home, puts them in ordinary tap water, the bouquet is extremely quickly affected by bacteria and fades.
Fast-fading plants are best used to create floral paintings and dry bouquets, rather than imitating a living appearance until the minute of sale, deceiving the client.

Florist boutique - the pinnacle of the flower business

What do you need to do to open a flower salon?

The very first step is finding a suitable location. But now you should take into account not only the location, but also be guided by the possibility of repairs and radical redevelopment.

It is much better if the premises are owned or, as a last resort, it can be rented for a long time. The fact is that a florist boutique is a promising business, but its development will require a certain period of time.
The basic principles to be applied in practice are:

  • — careful maintenance of customer databases, confidentiality;
  • — the boutique owner must regularly attend exhibitions and read a lot of literature;
  • — flowers are purchased only from trusted suppliers, even despite high prices;
  • — it is necessary to hire only professional florists with a name, good experience work;
  • — the owner of the salon is obliged to understand all the details himself, starting with the storage conditions of certain varieties of flowers and potted plants, and ending with the intricacies of creating unusual compositions.

Florist salon

– this is not only the sale of flowers, but also the provision of a wide range of additional services: for example, working with exotic plants that are brought to order. In a word, the salon knows each client by name, serves him tea/coffee, takes into account tastes and wishes, and sells these services for big money.

It should also be noted that there is no need to deceive customers - if it is not possible to deliver a specific type of flowers on time, it is better to say so directly, since customers of this kind primarily value the level of service.

As for the actual design of the room, everything should be thought out to the smallest detail. For example, a separate room is needed to store auxiliary materials, and packs of unprocessed flowers in buckets do not need to be displayed.

To equip a mid-range boutique you should purchase:

  • — good floral stands;
  • - glass refrigerator;
  • - a couple of tables, chairs;
  • — it is advisable to hang tulles and curtains on the windows, avoiding the use of blinds;
  • - at least one computer and a full set of office equipment. As for the program, the most preferable option is 1C, because it is ideal for the needs of an accountant, storekeeper, and client manager.

Thus, we can make an unambiguous conclusion: the salon should be decorated stylishly, but only in a non-minimalistic way, because it sells emotions and, of course, flowers...

But what about the assortment? It should satisfy any request, striking in breadth and variety. Suddenly a client wants purple roses, and the answer is “we’ll bring it from Holland soon, don’t worry.”

A significant advantage of a florist boutique is the fact that there is no need for wholesale purchases of large quantities of flowers. The reason is clear - buyers understand what the “bring to order” service means, since they encounter similar procedures every day.

For example, you can buy flowers in a pack, but there must be at least fifty species. In addition, the ratio of roses to other flowers is significantly reduced, because the assortment includes Dutch gladioli, lilies of the valley, and daffodils.

But this is not all the advantages of a business of this format, because clients do not require long-lasting color durability. If the bouquet lasts for three days, that will be enough for them. What does this give? The secret is that great opportunities open up in terms of execution various techniques weaving, stringing.

It turns out that although the bouquet will not last long, it is a real work of art, original and unique.
When opening a high-level flower boutique, you should remember that the more services you offer, the better. People buy houses and apartments, and the task of florists is to create a pleasant atmosphere there, conducive to relaxation. These can be freshly cut flowers, potted plants, candlesticks, vases. All taken together creates a special microclimate in the room, improving mood and filling a person with vital energy.

The same applies to office workspaces, because people spend a lot of time at work. For example, you can decorate the walls with paintings or magnificent panels of dried flowers. Here the flight of imagination is unlimited, if you have talent, then the business will go up.

In addition to creating bouquets and compositions, designers design events, developing an individual approach to each client. Today, floristry has reached its peak, since flowers can be used to make unimaginable compositions on the walls, garlands, and stunning wedding bouquets. It is also possible to create combined flower baskets, for example, from dried flowers and living plants.

You can look for clients for a florist salon either on your own, or you need to establish connections with wedding firms and interior design organizations. Of course, you will have to deduct a certain percentage from each order received, but there will be no shortage of customers, that is, the business will actively develop.

Regarding winter period, V given time There are fewer holidays and celebrations throughout the year, but this is no reason to relax. For example, in winter you can focus heavily on interior design, selling accessories and flowers in pots.

Creating an online store is a rational solution

It's a new century, web resources are in great demand today, because they are the future. For this reason, you should seriously think about creating your own online store based on a functioning business.

For example, if a flower shop is already open, you need to look for sources of direct sales. Not every entrepreneur can open an entire chain of stores, and one outlet does not always provide a sufficient number of customers. What to do? How to find buyers? Some business owners prefer passive actions, relying on third-party factors:

  • - quality;
  • - service;
  • - attractive price of the product.

This is the wrong path that you should not follow if you need to achieve certain heights and earn good capital. Innovative technologies Nowadays they are developing rapidly and it is difficult to do without them. This means that opening an online store is not a whim, but an urgent necessity.

If an online store was created on the basis of a florist boutique, you should simply promote it and make a profit. In addition, the site must be reliably protected so that competitors do not copy photos of your works and then pass them off as their own. But it is advisable to supplement the business card website with video recordings of master classes on making flower arrangements.

You can go even further, because such master classes can develop into floristry courses. Such courses today are in incredible demand both among those who want to grow professionally and among those who simply want to master a beautiful hobby. That is, by creating such a resource, you can not only increase income, but also prepare potential employees.

It is unlikely that you will be able to create a highly profitable online store on your own, because absolutely all aspects must be taken into account. For example, if you consider a design, you can order an individual version or use ready-made template. The main thing is that it is attractive, inviting, and memorable for buyers. As for excessive decorativeness, it is important not to overdo it so that the client does not forget why he came to the site.

As for the choice of hosting, it all depends on the space that needs to be allocated for the store - there is no need to save on content, because you will have to place a lot of photos of bouquets and arrangements. One of the main indicators of the good operation of an Internet resource is its availability at any time of the day, and this requires high speed server.

The domain name should not only match the activity, but also be easy to remember. It’s great if the number of characters in it is minimal. In fact, it is difficult to find a suitable option, but there is no need to give up, because the domain name is chosen for a long period.

In a word, the process of creating an online store is a painstaking task, so it is much better to take the help of qualified professionals so that everything works like clockwork.

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It is also possible to do business in such a way that an online store does not have a basic foundation. How does this actually happen?
The bottom line is that a bouquet workshop is being equipped that sells bouquets exclusively via the Internet. This approach to doing business has its advantages, because you don’t need to:

  • - look for a landlord;
  • — hire staff;
  • — spend money on repairs and equipment of the store;
  • — buy equipment;
  • - to wage a zealous struggle with numerous competitors.

In principle, clients do not visit such a workshop, but still the possibility of such meetings should be provided for, for example, if a large customer comes across. From a financial point of view, the most best option– renting an office in an inexpensive building.

The office should have a reception area, combined with an office containing equipment, and, of course, a workshop: florists work there and couriers await orders.

There is no doubt that the office must have a well-thought-out communication system, both mobile and local, since several calls can be made at the same time - each of them is very important, because this is the only source of income.

To be honest, in Russia this way of doing business cannot be called highly effective, so it is better to have retail outlets and create a virtual resource on their basis.

We think it’s wrong to create an online store that sells exclusively flowers. The online store also sells other related products very well. For example, you can create an online store for indoor flowers, an online store selling flowers in pots, an online store for artificial flowers, an online store for flower seedlings, an online store for flower vases, etc.

There are a lot of related products and even flower directions for which you can create several small online stores or combine them all into one mega online store.

The main secrets of competent organization of a flower business

If you are ready to open a profitable but risky business, familiarize yourself with some important aspects, which, in fact, will be discussed further.

Thorough study of the nuances of the market

There shouldn’t be any special problems for starting a business: you need to rent a retail outlet, register necessary documents, order flowers from suppliers and you can begin your development. But still, first you should think through everything carefully, analyze the situation, find out whether there are many competitors and how strong they are.

Formation of the most popular assortment

Large turnover is the most important component of the flower business. Alternatively, the assortment can be traditional: roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, gerberas, tulips. Due to this “gold reserve”, the owners of this business cover monthly expenses, that is, taxes, rent of a retail outlet, and staff salaries. Why are roses the most profitable to sell?

Here we are talking not only about the subjective preferences of clients, but also about economic and biological factors. In simple words this is easily explained: a rose bush blooms without replanting for several years, but chrysanthemums have to be planted every year.

For a novice businessman, such knowledge will be very useful, because economic efficiency depends on it.

Good place for a retail outlet

The profitability of the flower trade directly depends on the location of the pavilion, store, or salon. Retail outlets near the metro, in underground passages and other places with a high degree of traffic are the fastest to pay for themselves.

Also, flower trade to some extent is of a momentary nature: a man walked past a store, saw flowers of extraordinary beauty, went in and bought them, although he had no intention of doing so.

Correct storage conditions for flowers

Flowers are a specific product; they will not wait long for their buyer and will simply wither. The period for their implementation is not very long, so for short term they must go from the supplier to the client's apartment.

The path begins with freshly cut flowers being cooled to a temperature of 0-8 degrees - this slows down chemical processes, plus, the flowers can be treated with drugs that slow down the rotting process. They are also placed in a nutrient solution of ascorbic acid or glucose, carefully packaged and delivered to the airport (of course, if we are talking about overseas deliveries).

While the plane is in the air, registration takes place customs declaration, after arrival the cargo is inspected by customs officers, phytosanitary services and after their approval, the flowers are released into free circulation.

In the first stages of doing business proper organization supplies and sales are the main tasks of a novice entrepreneur. This is where the main disadvantage of business lies, since maximum term The sales period for most types of flowers is a week. This means that the entrepreneur must calculate possible risks and order only the volume that will be sold on time.

Flexible pricing policy

Offering clients exclusively expensive and exotic flowers is inappropriate, because not everyone has the same financial capabilities. It’s good when the client can purchase a cheaper option, for example, buy flowers wrapped in wrapping paper. But richer people buy arranged bouquets, and then pay additionally for the services of a florist designer.

The fruits of activity must be visible

What does this mean? Of course, we are talking about participating in various exhibitions: on the one hand, you show what you are capable of, and on the other, new clients are attracted.
If the business is already well developed, you can act as a sponsor at some event - designers decorate the hall, make bouquets for presentations, thereby advertising their skills.

Flower business– a serious activity that requires maximum attention, knowledge, and skills. Practice shows that costs pay off in about a year and a half, so with a sound mind, you can achieve good results. Luck favors brave and determined people, and those who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne, this is a well-known fact.

You might be interested: Video - THE ART OF BUSINESS: Making money on flowers: