> Ipsen Pharma / Ipsen Pharma, LLC (Moscow)

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International Corporation Ipsen Pharma / Ipsen Pharma is a group of pharmaceutical companies operating throughout the world, with representative offices in 49 countries, including Russia.

The company focused its efforts on the development and production of original narrow-profile drugs. Oncology, neurology, endocrinology, general therapy, and aesthetic medicine are identified as priority areas. Ipsen Pharma has its own research and development department, which includes two research centers. One of them, exploring the current biological processes, built in Boston in 2005.

The Russian representative office of the company was opened in 1993 in Moscow. Now its regional divisions are located in 35 cities of Russia, and its staff exceeds 150 people. There are 16 drugs from all the above groups on the country's market.

Ipsen Pharma company produces:

  • venotonic and angioprotector Ginkor Fort® in capsules with the active ingredients ginkgo biloba extract, heptaminol and troxerutin for the treatment of peripheral vein pathology and uncomplicated hemorrhoids;

  • external remedy Ginkor Gel in the form of a gel for local percutaneous action on superficial veins with anti-edematous and protective effects;

  • antitumor agent Diferelin®– a synthetic analogue of gonadotropic releasing factor in the form of a lyophilisate for the preparation of an extended-release suspension. Dipherelin inhibits the production of gonadotropin, causing inhibition of gonadal function in both sexes. Used for endometriosis, uterine fibroids, prostate cancer;

  • peripherally acting muscle relaxant Dysport® in the form of a lyophilisate containing a complex of botulinum toxin A and hemagglutinin, used to treat blepharospasm, spastic contraction of facial muscles and pronounced facial wrinkles;

  • combined antimicrobial agent Intetrix® in capsules for the treatment of acute diarrhea in intestinal infections caused by pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoa;

  • drops Colme® for the treatment of alcohol dependence. The simultaneous use of the drug and alcohol causes unpleasant sensations that form disgust;

  • Nutropin AQ®, containing recombinant growth hormone somatotropin, identical to the pituitary one. Used in children and adults for growth retardation associated with hormone deficiency;

  • Paxeladin®– an antitussive agent with a central mechanism of action for the treatment of dry non-productive cough in various pathologies;

  • enzyme preparation Pancitrate® in capsules with pancreatin, amylase, lipase, proteases for replacement treatment of functional pancreatic insufficiency, improvement of food digestion during overeating, preparation for research;

  • antidiarrheal drug Smecta® with an adsorbing mechanism of action in the form of a powder used for the preparation of an oral suspension;

  • Somatulin®– a synthetic analogue of the hormone somatostatin in the form of a lyophilisate for injection. Somatulin suppresses the secretion of growth hormone somatotropin when it is excessively produced in acromegaly, carcinoid tumors;

  • synthetic analogue of somatostatin Somatulin Autogel® in the form of a gel for subcutaneous administration, used for the treatment of acromegaly and long-term treatment of patients with high levels of growth hormone;

  • psychoanaleptic of plant origin Tanakan® based on ginkgo biloba extract in tablets and ampoule solution for the treatment of disorders of the brain, visual, and auditory functions of vascular origin;

  • laxative Forlax® in powders for oral administration with an osmotic mechanism of action for the treatment of chronic constipation of various etiologies;

  • laxative Fortrans® based on macrogol with osmotic properties for bowel preparation before diagnostic procedures and surgical interventions;

  • sleeping pill Circadin® in tablets to improve sleep quality and duration in elderly patients suffering from insomnia.

Ipsen Pharma is a European pharmaceutical company with about 4,000 employees, marketing more than 20 drugs, represented in more than 100 countries.

Target: Innovation for health

We strive to significantly improve patient care and quality of life by introducing innovations in medicine that effectively address therapeutic challenges and meet patient needs.


  • To be an international pharmaceutical association that brings innovation to patient care.
  • Achieve an international presence and become a leader in specialized areas of medicine as well as in general medicine.
  • Introduce innovative treatment methods through partnerships and research, as well as developing our own high-tech developments.
  • Attract, develop and support talented and exceptional people working in teams with the highest level of professionals.
  • Create a competitive work environment that provides opportunities for career growth.

Ipsen's development strategy is based primarily on the complementarity of drugs from the rapidly growing market of biotechnological drugs (oncology, endocrinology, neuromuscular disorders) and drugs used in general practice(gastroenterology, cognitive impairment, cardiovascular diseases), allowing for financing research activities. Ipsen's strategy is also based on active cooperation with other companies, internationally recognized leaders in the USA, Europe and Japan. The geographical location of four research centers - in Paris, Boston, London - gives Ipsen a competitive advantage in access to leading research universities and institutes, as well as highly professional personnel.

About 700 R&D employees work every day to discover and develop innovative medicines to care for patient health.

In December 2005, shares were placed (IPO) of Ipsen on the European stock exchange EuronextTM (promotion code: IPN, ISIN code: FR0010259150).
Official website on the Internet: www.ipsen.com

History: main facts in the development of the Ipsen company

The company's history dates back to 1929, when Dr. Henri Beaufour founded the Beaufour Laboratory (Laboratoires Beaufour) in Dreux, France, specializing in the production of Romarène® - a medicine of natural origin, made from rosemary, used in the treatment of digestive disorders. In 1954, the company released Citrate de Betaïne®, a drug used in the symptomatic treatment of dyspepsia. In 1969, the Institut Henri Beaufour, a research center in France, opened. The period of the 70s was significant for the expansion of Ipsen’s activities in the production of drugs of natural origin, which are still one of the main products: Ginkor®, Tanakan®, Smecta®.

During the 70s of the twentieth century, Ipsen concentrated its activities on peptide engineering drugs, which represented a clear strategic advantage. To successfully implement this activity, the company establishes close relationships with US universities and establishes a peptide research center near Boston universities.

During the 80s of the twentieth century, cooperation was established with Debiopharm. As a result of this cooperation, it entered the market in 1986 Diferelin®, thanks to which the company entered international market. In the mid-80s, La Fondation Ipsen was founded - a structure aimed at scientific exchange among leading world scientists. The Company is confident that this organization has significantly helped and will continue to help strengthen relationships with outstanding scientific professionals.

La Fondation Ipsen together with international scientific and research institutes holds international meetings that bring together leading experts from:

  1. World Health Organization (WHO) - Since 1989, several scientific symposiums have been held on genetics.
  2. National Gerontological Organization - various conferences on dementia and cognitive aging.
In the late 80s - early 90s, the company continued international development through the opening of subsidiaries and offices outside France, as well as the acquisition of other companies. Outside Europe, Ipsen opened a representative office in Southeast Asia - a regional office in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) in 1987.

To strengthen its presence in England, Northern Europe and the USA, as well as in order to expand the portfolio biological drugs, Ipsen acquires English company Speywood (then known as Porton International) in 1994, which produces Dysport®. In March 1995, Ipsen launched Somatulin® in France and Forlax® in February 1996.

In 1992, the company entered the Chinese market, where it was founded in 1997 subsidiary, and in 2000, production of the drug Smecta® was opened for the Chinese market.

In December 2001 and January 2002, the company launched Somatulin ® Autogel® in England and France. Subsequently, this product also entered the markets of other countries.

In 2004, the company launched on the market in 12 European countries Nutropin®.

In March 2005, Ipsen opened science Center for research in the field of biological processes (BioProcess Sciences Research Center), which complemented the already existing research center.

The company has entered into a number of partnership agreements to develop research activities and expand the line of drugs. Partner companies include: Asterion, Auxilium, Bayer, CEA, Debiopharm, Galderma, Genentech, GTx, Inc., Health Protection Agency (HPA), Indena, Inserm, Massachusetts General Hospital, Medicis, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Novartis, Octagen and Emory University, Radius, Roche, Schwabe, Spirogen, Teijin, Tercica, Tulane University.

Ipsen has been working in Russia since 1993. Currently the company is represented in more than 35 cities Russian Federation, with a staff of over 150 people. Today, Ipsen's portfolio in Russia includes drugs used in general therapeutic practice, as well as innovative drugs.

The leading positions in the relevant segments are:


Scope of application


International name

Market of biotechnological drugs

Oncology (oncourology) Gynecology

Pediatric endocrinology

Diferelin® (Diphereline®) (treatment of prostate cancer in men sensitive to hormonal effects, genital and extragenital endometriosis in women, preparation for surgery for uterine fibroids, use in the in vitro fertilization program for female infertility, treatment of central forms of premature puberty in children ).

Triptorelin(analogue of gonadotropin-releasing hormone)



Somatulin® (Somatuline®) (treatment of acromegaly, symptomatic treatment of neuroendocrine tumors)


(somatostatin analogue)


Aesthetic medicine

Dysport® (Dysport®) (Treatment of blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm, spasmodic torticollis, spasticity of the arm after a stroke, hyperkinetic (facial) folds (wrinkles) of the face in adults, axillary hyperhidrosis.

Treatment of dynamic foot deformity caused by spasticity in children with cerebral palsy from 2 years of age.

Botulinum A toxin(muscle relaxant. Acetylcholine release inhibitor)

General medicine market


Smecta® (Smecta®) (treatment of acute and chronic diarrhea in children and adults)

Forlax® (Forlax®) (treatment of constipation in children and adults)

Fortrans® (Fortrans®) (bowel cleansing before examinations and surgical interventions)


Macrogol 4000(osmotic laxative)

  • About botulinum toxin
  • Manufacturer


    A drug



    Registration certificate II N011520/01 dated 08/15/2011

    Manufacturer Ipsen

    Ipsen is a European pharmaceutical company that represents over 20 drugs on the market in more than 100 countries.
    Today, about 4,000 Ipsen employees work under the motto “Innovation for Health.”
    The introduction of innovations into medicine that increase the effectiveness of treatment and the quality of life of patients is main goal companies.

    A defining element of Ipsen's development strategy is the promotion of high-tech drugs in key areas of medicine for the company (oncology, endocrinology, neuromuscular disorders). General therapeutic drugs, widely represented in the company's portfolio, make a significant contribution to funding research activities.
    Another element of Ipsen’s development strategy is the establishment of partnerships with leading pharmaceutical companies USA, Europe and Japan.

    The company's approximately 700 employees work in four research and development centers located in Paris, Boston, Barcelona and London. The geographical location of these centers provides Ipsen with undeniable competitive advantages to attract highly qualified teams of researchers from the world's largest universities to cooperate.

    The Ipsen company has existed in Russia since 1993. Today, company representatives work in more than 35 cities of the country, the staff of the Russian representative office exceeds 150 people.
    Ipsen's portfolio in Russia includes drugs used in general therapeutic practice, as well as innovative drugs.

    One of the leading drugs in the Ipsen portfolio is the drug Dysport®- complex botulinum toxin type A - hemagglutinin 500 units in a bottle. Long-acting peripheral muscle relaxant.

    Since 1999, the drug Dysport® has been registered in the Russian Federation for neurological indications. The drug has become widespread in Russia and has established itself among doctors and patients as a highly effective and safe treatment for local muscle spasms.