Manufacturer: "Book on Demand"

In this book, the famous American scientist expresses his point of view on the decision-making process, believing that decision-making is a kind of art. Numerous examples illustrate the application of the described procedures in solving various tasks. The author cites various examples decision making in difficult situations, when there are not only strict algorithms, but also complex heuristic algorithms built on the basis of “artificial intelligence”. The book is written in lively language with a great sense of humor, which successfully detailed analysis serious problems, and this technique gives the necessary vividness to those aspects of the problem-solving methodology that the author would like to imprint in the reader’s memory for a long time. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1982 edition (Mir publishing house).

Publisher: "Book on Demand" (2012)

Format: 60x90/16mm, 221 pages.

  • "Planning the future of the corporation"
  • “Ackoff on management” and others.

He received his Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania.

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    In this book, the famous American scientist expresses his point of view on the decision-making process, believing that decision-making is a kind of art. Numerous examples illustrate the use of the described procedures in solving various problems. The author gives various examples of decision-making in complex situations when there are not only strict algorithms, but also complex heuristic algorithms built on the basis of “artificial intelligence”.
    The book is written in a lively language with a great sense of humor, which successfully coexists with a detailed analysis of serious problems, and this technique gives the necessary vividness to those aspects of the problem-solving methodology that the author would like to imprint in the reader’s memory for a long time.

    Name: The Art of Problem Solving
    Ackoff R.
    Genre: Psychology
    Year of manufacture: 1982
    Pages: 110
    Language: Russian
    Format: pdf
    Size: 30 Mb

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    The Art of Problem Solving was written decades ago, but it still remains relevant among young engineers. After all, progress does not stand still and modern computer technology greatly simplifies the design process and facilitates the technological aspect of production preparation. Numerous computer programs have a developed database that is used by modern engineers. Design specialists were able to take into account more options for design decisions using advanced computers.

    However, no matter what advanced systems modern engineers use, you still need to constantly look for best options decisions. The Art of Problem Solving was written because stable mathematical methods who can guarantee that the only correct decision is made in the process of creating a project. It often happens that such mathematical methods are mutually exclusive or require additional processing. For professional engineer It is very important to find compromise solutions that satisfy all the main aspects and will be made in accordance with detailed forecasts of technology development over the next few years. The author wrote The Art of Problem Solving to help engineers make good decisions during the design process.

    The author of the book devoted many years to the problem of decision making and, as a result of research, came up with several ways to achieve high accuracy when drawing up a project. Mr. Ackoff offers various examples of decision-making in truly complex situations where it is not possible to consult strict algorithms that have been created using advanced technologies. If we analyze some situations, then sometimes it is simply impossible to agree on a number of target criteria, and if this is “mixed” with the inability to make compromise decisions, then this will certainly lead to undesirable consequences. Ackoff's book The Art of Problem Solving will help improve professional level engineer so that he can avoid many mistakes.

    Author's thoughts on the book "The Art of Problem Solving"

    For many years the author of this remarkable book has been presented as a scientist who studies social behavior and organizational and economic management. However, the author reports that he is best oriented in matters of adoption right decisions and problem solving. The author is really constantly dealing with this issue, trying to devote as much time as possible to improving his skills. Ackoff's book The Art of Problem Solving is not guesswork or theoretical assumptions, but methods that have been developed based on many years of experience. At the very beginning of his journey, Mr. Ackoff approached this issue from the point of view of general methodology, but then began to develop a mathematical approach. In the end, the American scientist managed to develop a truly qualitative methods to make compromise decisions.

    The author reports that this book also encourages modern professionals to be creative in the process of creating projects or performing any other work. Akoff's wonderful literary creation, The Art of Problem Solving, is intended for readers of various categories and is suitable even for those who develop complex solutions at an amateur level.

    American researcher working in the field of systems analysis.

    “At every stage of its diverse activities Russell Ackoff set himself the task of “improving the future.” However, he did not pretend to consider himself a great teacher (although his scientific achievements refute such underestimation). In contrast, Russell Ackoff argues that he is more concerned with improving his own way of thinking than the thinking of other people.

    The development of an interactive planning method is one of the results of his multifaceted activities. The purpose of interactive planning is to help members of organizations develop the framework for their own future and find ways to achieve it. This method involves asking what we can do to create the future we want now, rather than simply asking what our future will be regardless of our actions. This approach reflects Russell Ackoff's strong belief in the correctness of the maxim: “to plan or to be planned.”

    Interactive planning is based on the idea that the main obstacles to change are not hidden in the overall context of the problem, but in the minds of organizational members. But these obstacles often turn out to be nothing more than assumptions. R. Ackoff rejects approaches whose adherents try to identify assumptions and then discard them only because the task at hand seems practically impossible. There are probably thousands of assumptions, so how can we know that all the assumptions have been not only identified, but also examined sufficiently critically? Rather, R. Ackoff defends the formulation of an idealized project and seeks creative ways to implement it. Participants believe that the major barriers to change were broken down “last night” and consider the ideal future they can choose today. In the process of closing the gap between the ideal future and the future in which they already find themselves, without making any changes, members of the organization find that the obstacles “dissolve” (that is, disappear from their consciousness).

    Interactive planning is a methodology that facilitates the implementation of prior ideas into the real world. Its main provisions were first outlined in Creating the Corporate Future (1981), and practical recommendations for implementation - in A Guide to Controlling Your Corporation's Future / Guide to managing the future of your corporation) (1984).

    The proposed method includes five steps:

    The formulation of a “hodgepodge” is a system of interacting problems;
    - goal planning;
    - planning of the funds used;
    - resource planning;
    - development of implementation and control methods.

    Classics of management / Ed. M. Warner, St. Petersburg, “Peter”, 2001, p. 45-46.

    This example has become a classic in consulting books and lectures: “The Mexican government agency responsible for developing water resources decided to build a dam and use it to irrigate a large agricultural area and thereby double its productivity. When this organization finished drawing up the plans, it sent representatives to the respective rural areas to explain to the peasants the significance of this construction and determine whether they needed it. The peasants unanimously answered that it was necessary.

    Despite significant costs, the construction of the dam and irrigation system did not lead to the expected increase in land productivity. Puzzled experts went to find out why this happened.

    They found that peasants had reduced the area under cultivation, thereby freeing up more time for traveling to work in nearby cities or simply for leisure. Rural workers believed that high costs the labor required to cultivate all their land is not justified, since “the game is not worth the candle.”

    One of the specialists asked the consultant why the farmers did not tell about this before the construction of the dam began. The consultant could, of course, answer that the specialists were asking the wrong questions, mistakenly believing that they knew the right answers.

    But he didn't. He simply asked if his interlocutor played the violin.
    The puzzled specialist answered in the negative. Then the consultant asked him what he would do if he were offered a Stradivarius violin as a gift. The specialist replied that he would accept this gift.

    On next question consultant - why does he need this violin if he doesn’t know how to play it - the specialist didn’t answer anything: he understood everything.”

    Russell Ackoff, The Art of Problem Solving, M., Mir, 1982, p. 40.

    Russell Ackoff proposed his classification of problems:

    Solution "Plus problems" involves the creation of new objects;
    - solution "Minus problems" involves getting rid of existing shortcomings

    Real problems often involve both types of these goals.