Ministry of Industry and Trade Russian Federation First Deputy Minister


1999 – St. Petersburg state university economics and finance.
2004 – St. Petersburg State University, major in jurisprudence.
2007 – postgraduate studies at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, candidate of economic sciences.
2008 – Russian Academy civil service under the President of the Russian Federation.

Professional experience

In 1999–2004 held the positions of leading specialist, head of department, head of the department for the disposal of state property of the Committee for the Management of City Property of St. Petersburg.
In 2004, he was appointed head of the Property Management Department of commercial sector organizations of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management.
In 2007, he became deputy head of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management.
In 2008, he was appointed deputy head of the Federal Agency for State Property Management.
In 2011, he took the position of acting head of the Federal Agency for State Property Management.
In 2012 – Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.
In 2013, he was appointed First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

In connection with this, informed sources reported the name of the person who will most likely temporarily perform his duties.

Gleb Nikitin, who is the First Deputy Minister of Industry of Russia, could become the new acting governor. It is expected that his appointment as the new head of the region will be approved before September 26.

Let us remind you that he will inform you if he plans to resign.



1999 – St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance;
2004 – St. Petersburg State University, specialty “Jurisprudence”;
2007 – postgraduate study at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, candidate of economic sciences;
2008 – Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation;
2016 – passed certification in the Russian Project Management Association SOVNET – Certified IPMA Project Director level A.

Labor activity

1999–2004 occupied the positions of leading specialist, head of department, head of the department for the disposal of state property of the Committee for the Management of City Property of St. Petersburg;
2004 – appointed head of the Property Department of Commercial Sector Organizations of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management;
2007 – appointed deputy head of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management;
2008 – appointed deputy head of the Federal Agency for State Property Management;
2011 – appointed acting head of the Federal Agency for State Property Management;
2012 – appointed Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation;
2013 – appointed First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

In 2009, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. In 2010 he was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2016, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the Order of Honor. Has departmental awards.

Additional information

Gleb Nikitin is part of the reserve of management personnel under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation. Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class. Owns foreign languages. Married, has two children.

Gleb Nikitin was elected governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region on September 9, 2018. Before that, he worked for almost a year in the status of acting. The total experience of managing the region is more than 1.5 years.

Nikitin was born in 1977 in Leningrad. Got versatile higher education, which makes him stand out even among governors new wave. Has diplomas in the specialties “Finance and Credit” (St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance), “Jurisprudence” (St. Petersburg State University), “State and municipal government"(RANEPA). He defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Managing the efficiency of an organization in the interests of the owner” at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Graduated with honors from the program MBA business school Columbia University and London Business School, received a certificate from the Russian National Association of Project Management SOVNET. Certified IPMA Project Director.

Nikitin's administrative career developed consistently. He started professional activity in the Committee for City Property Management of St. Petersburg in 1999. Worked his way up from a leading specialist to a department head. Responsible for issues of privatization and analysis of the financial and economic activities of city enterprises.

In 2004, Nikitin moved to the federal level - to the Federal Property Management Agency, where he headed one of the departments. Three years later he became deputy head of the department, and in 2011 - acting head of this structure. At Rosimushchestvo, Nikitin worked closely with the largest state-owned companies. He has participated in the implementation of a number of priority projects. He was involved in the creation of the United Shipbuilding and United Aircraft Corporations. Represented the state in state-owned companies. For example, he was on the board of directors of Rosneft before the company’s IPO in 2006. In 2011, he participated in the sale of 10% of VTB to private investors.

In 2012, he became Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, and a year later - First Deputy. Nikitin’s name is associated with the appearance of a department in the Ministry of Industry and Trade strategic development And project management, launching relevant information systems.

After the release of the presidential decree on September 26, 2017, appointing Nikitin as Acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, he admitted to journalists that the new post came as a complete surprise to him. He hoped to pursue a career at the federal level, the official said. However, at the same time he demonstrated maximum politeness and loyalty towards the president and thanked him for his trust.

Nikitin was one of the first acting appointees in a series of gubernatorial reshuffles in the fall of 2017. He went to work in the region following ex-senator Dmitry Azarov, who headed the Samara region. Their external similarity even became a reason for jokes and Internet memes. In addition, experts and journalists confidently called both acting agents Rostec’s proteges.

In the case of Nikitin, this was explained by his work in the Ministry of Industry and Trade: the ministry is traditionally considered a zone of influence of the state corporation and its general director Sergei Chemezov. However, earlier the media wrote about Nikitin as a confidant of the head of the company Igor Sechin. According to Kommersant, Sechin offered Nikitin a position at Rosneftegaz, but he chose to remain an official. Mikhail Babich was also counted among the new acting patrons; until August 2018, he was the presidential envoy to the Volga Federal District. In addition, in the Nizhny Novgorod region the influence of Rosatom is quite strong, which is under the patronage of the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, Sergei Kiriyenko, who oversees internal policy. This means that his opinion when choosing a candidate was also one of the determining ones.

Despite his rich official biography and good acquaintances and connections at the federal level, at the time of his appointment Nikitin had no experience in public politics. At the first stage, it seemed to many that the Nizhny Novgorod region, with its numerous pitfalls, personal conflicts and contradictions, was not such a convenient springboard for gaining such experience.

Conflict industrial center

Nikitin’s lack of political background was especially striking against the background of the retired regional governor Valery Shantsev, who led the region for 12 long years. The media and the ex-governor himself cited his age as the main reason for his departure - Shantsev was 70 years old at that time, and his resignation well confirmed the assumption that the Kremlin was committed to gradually replacing older officials with young managers.

However, age was hardly the only reason for resignation: Shantsev’s exemplary peers continue to lead some subjects of the Federation to this day. A big role was played by the fact that in 2018 Nizhny Novgorod was to host the FIFA World Cup. To prepare the region, what was required was no longer political weight and experience, but managerial efficiency and constant strict control. Shantsev, despite belonging to a group of experienced business executives from Luzhkov’s team, was clearly not ready to endure a busy schedule. By then it was obvious. Despite the high level of support - both from outside federal center, and within the region - the ex-governor was unable to realize the existing potential and did not fulfill many promises. For example, it was not possible to completely gasify the territory. Last year, the level of gasification in the region reached approximately 77%. This is significantly lower than in neighboring Tatarstan, where the figure is close to 100%. It was risky to rely on Shantsev to prepare for the World Cup. By the way, in the first interview after his appointment, the newly appointed Acting Acting President emphasized that the president set before him precisely the task of holding the 2018 World Cup with dignity.

Nikitin was careful in his assessment that “a certain untapped potential (of the region) is clearly striking in the past,” and the state of the infrastructure and the level of improvement leave much to be desired. He characterized the subject entrusted to him as a region with metropolitan ambitions, but not without problems.

For the Russian economy, the Nizhny Novgorod region today is primarily industrial center. Large engineering enterprises are located here (GAZ plant, Nizhny Novgorod machine-building plant, aircraft manufacturing plant"Falcon", Krasnoe Sormovo), chemical production(Lukoil-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez), metallurgical associations. The region also plays a significant role in the country's transport infrastructure.

According to most indicators, social economic development the subject demonstrates above average achievement. In terms of gross regional product, the Nizhny Novgorod region is in 14th place (1,182.3 billion rubles), and the GRP of the federal subject has been steadily growing over the past few years. Unemployment is below the Russian average (4.1% versus 4.7%). In the RIA Novosti quality of life rating, the region confidently secured its place at the top of the list; in 2017-2018 it was in 14th and 16th places, respectively. At the same time, the region ranks only 45th in terms of wages (32.9 thousand rubles).

Among the region's main problems is population decline and aging. Since 1991, the population has fallen from 3.77 million to 3.2 million. Moreover, the reduction is not only due to labor migration to the capital: mortality exceeds the birth rate. Regional statistics bodies predict that the negative trend will continue in the future: every year the region may lose 13-20 thousand people.

Another serious problem in the region was acute intra-elite conflicts. The peak of the confrontation occurred at the beginning of the 2000s. Deputies of the regional legislative assembly even presented an ultimatum to Shantsev’s predecessor, Gennady Khodyrev, and repeatedly stated their refusal to approve his candidacy if nominated by the president.

Under Shantsev, some conflicts were eliminated, but some remained and at times intensified. It is possible that this particular problem became an additional argument for the decision to resign Shantsev. At least, at the ceremony of introducing the new Acting Actor, this topic was heard more often than preparations for the World Cup.

In the region, the confrontation between the authorities of the region and the regional center continued. Shantsev found himself involved in a long-term confrontation with the head of Nizhny Novgorod, Oleg Sorokin, who was considered the informal leader of the local elites. In 2015, Sorokin resigned as city mayor, announcing that the reason was disagreements with Shantsev over the privatization of city enterprises. A year later, Sorokin’s supporters staged a demarche, preventing the next convocation of the Legislative Assembly from electing a speaker. From time to time, these clashes escalated publicly and in one way or another continued to influence the life of the region.

Big sweep

The regional government was not affected by the new Acting Acting Party - it was important to ensure stability during the long election campaign. Nikitin began his work in the region by cleaning up the hotbed of conflicts. The first direction of attack was chosen by the city leadership. But not from the point of view of personal preferences or figures, but from the point of view of a systematic approach to urban management.

Less than a month after his appointment, at a meeting with deputies of the City Duma, he proposed changing the management system of Nizhny Novgorod. At one time, Shantsev failed to combine the positions of mayor and city manager. Deputies also reacted with hostility to this proposal from the new acting governor. Moreover, Nikitin, without delay, immediately presented his candidate for the post of mayor. It was former State Duma deputy United Russia member Vladimir Panov. This further intensified the resistance. Parliamentarians began to say that a candidacy was being forced on them, and that the reform of city government itself would only harm Nizhny Novgorod. They even tried to blackmail the Acting President with possible poor results of the current president during the March presidential elections. They indignantly recounted rumors that Nikitin had demanded that city leaders resign in a closed private meeting.

However, such demonstrative indignation of the deputies, who for years had been making the life of the former governor difficult, did not in any way bother the Acting Representative. “We don’t have time to build up,” he repeated one of his favorite phrases Russian President and began to act without delay. Literally the next day after the meeting with the city parliament, it became known about the resignation of the head of the Nizhny Novgorod administration Sergei Belov and his deputy Sergei Mironov. Within a week, Nikitin submitted to the regional legislative assembly a draft law on the transition to a single-headed system of city government, which was promptly approved. Reproaches were voiced against the new acting governor; he was criticized for being too harsh in his approach and it was predicted that sooner or later he would have to negotiate in order to remain in the governor’s chair. But Nikitin was not going to negotiate. He decided to go all the way.

The security forces provided support. Soon, a criminal case was opened against the main opponent of the governor’s power, former mayor and deputy of the regional legislative assembly Oleg Sorokin. At the end of 2017, he was arrested and then sentenced to 10 years in a maximum security colony on charges of bribery and kidnapping. At the same time, city authorities filed numerous lawsuits against companies close to Sorokin. Criminal cases were also initiated against a number of deputies - both city and regional parliaments. The former head of the Federal Tax Service for the Nizhny Novgorod region, Vladimir Shelepov, was arrested. A serious blow was dealt to some of the corrupt local elites.

Against the backdrop of the fight against corruption, Nikitin made all the necessary nominations to the leadership of the regional capital. In January 2018, Panov became the mayor of Nizhny Novgorod. And in February, the City Duma elected United Russia candidate Dmitry Barykin as speaker.

In 2018, the acting governor also decisively renewed the regional government, almost completely clearing it of representatives of the old Shantsev team. Of the deputies, only Evgeniy Lyulin remained. The rest of the former governor's associates were removed from their positions: Dmitry Svatkovsky became a State Duma deputy, Roman Antonov (whom the media even courted as Shantsev's successor) and Anton Averin, according to media reports, went into business. One of the deputies, Alexander Bayer, left his post just at the time when Investigative Committee Questions arose for the Nizhny Novgorod Vodokanal, which Bayer headed before joining the civil service.

Most of the ministers have also changed. Nikitin's people took their place. As a result, VRIO not only strengthened its position, but also showed its ability to quickly and uncompromisingly achieve its goals.

Election campaign

For a long time, Nikitin avoided talking about his participation or non-participation in the gubernatorial elections. However, the interim election campaign received powerful support long before it began - election events at the federal level overlapped. At the end of 2017, President Putin, who also tormented his voters with anticipation about the future, finally decided to announce his intention to participate in the presidential elections. For a loud statement, he chose the site of the GAZ plant in Nizhny Novgorod. Indirectly, this decision also strengthened the position of the recent appointee - Nikitin began to be perceived as an official who enjoyed special confidence from the president.

Following the results of the March elections, head of state Nikitin was criticized for the low turnout. In the region, 65.98% of voters came to the polling stations, in the country as a whole - 67.54%. But the result of the main candidate still exceeded the Russian average. Putin received 77.26% in the region versus 76.69% for Russia as a whole. In addition, almost all experts noted the openness and purity of the presidential elections in Nizhny Novgorod.

In May 2018, the political council of the regional branch of United Russia nominated him as a candidate to participate in the primaries for the elections Nizhny Novgorod governor. Five months earlier, Nikitin joined United Russia. Since then, the ACT has already formally become the favorite, first in the preliminary voting, and then in the election of the head of the region.

Nikitin himself emphasized that the election campaign should be a competition of ideas, not people. For his part, he formulated a whole package of initiatives for the strategy of socio-economic development of the region. A month before the elections, the Acting Executive Committee proposed, simultaneously with the vote for the head of the region, to also hold a vote on the strategy for its development. As a result, the document was supported by almost 94% of all those who took part in the vote.

Before voting on the governor's candidacy, Nikitin received another portion of support from the president. Putin held a working meeting with the Acting Executive Officer, listened to a detailed report on the achievements and praised the official for the good growth rates in industry.

According to the voting results on September 9, 2018, Nikitin received 67.75% of the votes, leaving no serious chance for opposition representatives. This result, of course, is worse than the 86% received by Shantsev in the previous direct elections for governor in 2014, and the turnout this time was lower (40 versus 54). But in general, if we take into account the specifics of managing electoral processes in the region in previous years and the specifics of the work of administrative resources, these results can hardly be reproached to the new governor. For example, in 2014, a representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was even denied registration. This, of course, greatly influenced the course of the campaign in favor of Shantsev.

Management style: project principle, hard hand

“Project activity is seen, if not as a panacea, then as an indispensable condition for the progressive and effective development of both industry and its management - in general, and human capital, in particular,” Nikitin wrote while still working in the ministry.

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, he had the opportunity to test his developments and federal practices in a separate region. The already mentioned regional strategy for socio-economic development is built precisely on the project principle and includes a number of individual projects affecting all key spheres of life of citizens and the economy. Among them are “Caring for the well-being of everyone”, “Living comfortably everywhere”, “ Efficient work government." The approach reflected in the document is clearly built taking into account the national projects formulated in the May presidential decree.

Many regions have tried to implement the project principle following the example of the federal center. But so far, few have managed to realize this intention on such a scale and with such a level of elaboration as in the Nizhny Novgorod region. 6 departmental project offices and four working groups have already been created in the region. They are responsible for the development and implementation of regional projects, as well as interaction with federal authorities. The regional project office was created on the basis of the Ministry of Economic Development and Investment of the Nizhny Novgorod Region and provides general coordination.

When managing projects, Nikitin tries to demonstrate openness. The function, as always in such cases, is performed by connecting the public. In addition to the strategy, which was openly discussed (pathetically called nationwide) and received the support of residents, the “Government Team” program is being implemented in the region. On a special portal of the program, any citizen can offer their ideas or services for work in government bodies. The candidate selection commissions are formed from specialized experts, and anyone can provide advice and recommendations to future officials. As part of the “Government Team”, competitions were held in 2018 for the positions of Minister of Environment and Minister of Culture of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. The program received the support of the Federal Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin, and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives recommended disseminating this experience in other regions.

In general, the new Nizhny Novgorod governor, like other representatives of the new wave of government, in his work purposefully demonstrates a focus on results, which, by the way, he constantly promotes. “I’m always used to achieving results. This is the main characteristic of the work that I like,” said he is in the first interview after being assigned to the field.

Nikitin closely links the topic of efficiency and effectiveness with personal responsibility for the results of work. In the spring of 2018, he announced the need to strengthen financial discipline and criticized several ministries for poor cost management and low levels of budget execution. The governor demanded not only to correct the situation, but also to “bring to justice those who committed deviations.” In another speech, Nikitin emphasized that in the region personal responsibility for the implementation of projects on different levels, and it lies primarily with the governor and his deputies.

Serious mistakes - especially those that threaten the final result or the reputation of the team - Nikitin does not forgive, making quick and tough personnel decisions. One of the latest examples is the dismissal of the Deputy Minister of Education, Science and youth policy region of Vladimir Shakhnazarov, who was involved in an accident while drunk.

Not in last resort because of this technology, the new governor managed to build good relationship with various influence groups and structures of the federal center. Nikitin is a frequent visitor to Moscow, where he manages to successfully negotiate support for the region. He regularly (and, it seems, effectively) communicates one-on-one with members of the Government. Thus, following a meeting with First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov, the Nizhny Novgorod governor said that the region had a constructive relationship with the Ministry of Finance and recalled subsidies in the amount of 29.9 billion rubles that the region received as part of federal budget 2018. In the first months of work, Nikitin agreed with the Ministry of Industry and Trade on additional funds for new developments in industry. After a meeting with the Minister of Sports Pavel Kolobkov, it became known that the department is ready to provide support to the region in the area of ​​infrastructure preparation. The implementation of the federal project “Sport is the norm of life” was discussed, for which the Nizhny Novgorod region received confirmed funding from the Center in the amount of almost a billion rubles.

Communication style: discreet openness

Nikitin is open in his communications with residents of the region and regularly uses the format of direct personal communication. He readily admits problems and does not shy away from uncomfortable questions, which is noted in Moscow, for which the ability of new governors to implement the request for “new sincerity” is important.

A good example - meeting with residents of the Ardatovsky district during the election campaign in June 2018. The dialogue lasted more than two hours; the topic of road quality and lack of funding, which was painful for the local population, was touched upon. Nikitin admitted that it was difficult to find money, but emphasized possible ways solving the problem. “Of course, we won’t find any extra-budgetary sources for local roads; no one here will build roads. But to free up the resources of the regional road fund, which go to serious highways of regional and municipal importance, and already compensate for them at the expense of extrabudgetary sources, and use the freed up money to help municipalities - this can and should be done,” he said.

The head of the region holds such meetings and conversations regularly - both before and after the elections. In particular, in February 2019, a similar style event took place meeting with residents of the Koverninsky district.

When it comes to issues for which the governor does not yet have ready-made solution, he answers with restraint, preferring not to promise too much, rely on facts, or postpone consideration of the issue until these facts are sufficient. Thus, in a conversation with residents about the cost of solid waste removal, which has become a problem for many Russian regions, he agreed that the standards could be revised. However, he emphasized that a decision should be made at the end of the year, when it will be possible to accurately estimate the volume of waste entering landfills. “If we see that the standards exceed the amount of solid waste that is actually placed at landfills, then we will adjust them,” the governor promised.

In communicating with the population, he refrains from criticizing the federal center, which is abused by some governors in the hope of at least situationally shifting responsibility to Moscow, but he does not hesitate to point out shortcomings. For example, when asked why benefits for the removal of solid waste for combatants were cancelled, Nikitin replied that “this is not a cancellation, but incorrect federal regulation,” and then sent an appeal to the Russian government to adjust the current rules and return the benefit.

The Nizhny Novgorod governor reacts quickly to various emergencies and suddenly arising problems. Thus, after a fire at a refinery in the Kstovsky district and an explosion at the Sverdlov plant in Dzerzhinsk, Nikitin quickly flew to the scene of the incident, held meetings with security forces and quickly created headquarters to eliminate the consequences.

In almost all situations - during debriefings with officials, personal communication with residents or discussion of emergency situations - the Nizhny Novgorod governor avoids emotional statements. It seems that he checks every phrase, avoiding unnecessary or random wording. Sometimes the governor even looks too businesslike and not emotional. Perhaps the aforementioned lack of long-term experience in public politics is having an effect.

Despite such restraint and accuracy in his statements, Nikitin occupies high positions in the media rating of governors from Medialogy. Thus, according to the results of February, it is in seventh place in Russia with an indicator of 8,651 messages. At the same time, the head of the region is absent from social networks. After his appointment, he deleted all his accounts, explaining that he was used to always answering the calls and letters he received, and there were too many messages and events on social networks to respond to each one.

The governor prepares his public appearances too carefully and is not ready to engage in explanations with critics on any occasion. This is evidenced by the reaction to claims that the topic of family and personal life is closed. At first, the activities of the new head of the region were more than enough of such publications. But only when the number of speculations and rumors began to subside did Nikitin appear in public with his family. About two months after his appointment, he, along with his wife, children and parents, visited the “City of Masters” and mastered some folk crafts on camera. The media described the visit as an example of a family idyll and since then have become less interested in the income and past of the governor’s wife.

During his work in the field, Nikitin managed to avoid major media scandals or episodes that caused sharp and noticeable criticism from the public. The only thing they blamed him for was the expensive means of transportation inherited from his predecessor. After arriving in the region, Nikitin immediately promised to abandon the motorcade, but retained his helicopter and personal carriage. Without further development, the topic disappeared from public discussion.

Such restraint in communicating with the media allows the governor, on occasion, to effectively implement suitable information occasions. The resonance turns out to be stronger under conditions of infrequent use of the technique. Thus, Nikitin’s prompt offer to politician Nikita Isaev to visit the region can be considered a successful move (after the latter compared Nizhny Novgorod to a swamp in which frogs croak). After the meeting with the governor, Isaev apologized and this had a positive effect on Nikitin’s image as a defender of local patriotism of Nizhny Novgorod residents. Nikitin demonstrated speed of reaction, openness, readiness for dialogue with his opponent and immediately got the desired result.

Pros and achievements

Based on the results of Nikitin’s one and a half year work in the Nizhny Novgorod region, it can be stated that he managed to accomplish not only the directly assigned tasks, but also solve some problems that had accumulated during the work of his predecessor.

All facilities required to host the FIFA World Cup were completed on time, and the events were organized without any glitches or incidents. Thanks to federal money, roads were reconstructed, a new stadium was built, and for the first time in 6 years, the new station metro station "Strelka".

Nikitin managed to achieve success in the economy: labor productivity increased by 12%, wages by 6% in real terms. The governor has demonstrated his ability to attract federal money. The regional budget received 37.7 billion rubles. The region participated in 22 federal programs, that is, in almost all places where such participation was possible. In the first year of Nikitin's leadership, the region's debt decreased by 7%. In housing construction there was an increase of 4.6%.

The new governor also managed to interest regional projects largest Russian companies. Investment agreements worth 100 billion rubles were concluded with Lukoil, and 40 billion rubles with OMK. Rosatom's presence in the region is increasing. Early last year Nikitin stated that part management functions state corporations may be moved to the Nizhny Novgorod region. Further discussion of this prospect was not made public, but by September 2018, Rosatom announced plans to create a new site for testing cryogenic equipment in the region.

Under the new leadership, several landmark projects and events were implemented in the region that correspond to federal trends and development priorities. For example, electronic customs was opened, an international summit of digital technologies was held.

Nikitin was able to eliminate several long-standing problems. The previous governor was reproached for the destruction of the historical appearance of the regional capital and the region’s disastrous performance in meat self-sufficiency. Nikitin announced the creation of a new pig-breeding complex worth 3.6 billion rubles and the launch of a redevelopment project designed to make Nizhny Novgorod attractive.

Large interregional projects were launched. The Ulyanovsk, Irkutsk and Nizhny Novgorod regions have formed an aviation cluster, participation in which gives the subjects the right to federal subsidies in the amount of 50% of investment costs.

Nikitin optimized the structure of the Government. New divisions have appeared: the Ministry of Economic Development and Investment, the Ministry of Property and Land Relations. Powers were redistributed between executive authorities.

After the change of power in Nizhny Novgorod, the leadership changed in other major cities regions: Arzamas, Balakhna, Dzerzhinsk.

Actively working in the region, the governor maintains a strong position at the federal level, is present in structures important to the federal center and participates in significant events. In September 2018, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev included him in the government commission on economic modernization and innovative development. And in December Nikitin headed working group State Council for Ecology. On April 11, he was present in this capacity at a meeting with the president with members of the government on the topic of reform of the solid waste management system.

One of the advantages for Nikitin is his activity in the “Leaders of Russia” project. At the February finals of this year in Sochi, he was one of the key speakers of the discussion panel “The Role of the Leader in the Development of the System public administration at the regional level: key challenges and solutions” and announced that in the near future a unified platform will be created in the region for the formation of a municipal reserve and a reserve of civil servants, which will include the finalists of the all-Russian competition.

Nikitin and his team managed to establish effective relationships with regional media. Most Nizhny Novgorod media are either controlled or loyal to the governor.

Cons and shortcomings

The fact that Nikitin was quickly able to debug new management mechanisms and bring his people to key positions, there is also a downside. Changes were carried out at times harshly, albeit without open public conflicts and confrontation between elites. General tension in the region still remains - the elites feel insecure, suggesting that the governor is unlikely to stop there.

Nikitin's critics believe that he does not pay enough attention social sphere, medicine and education, giving preference to industry and economics. Although even with this special attention to the economy, some systemic economic problems of the region were not resolved in a year and a half of work. The level of regional debt remains high, and the repayment of old loans is partially offset by new loans.

The governor's reluctance to negotiate with local pressure groups indeed remains an important political factor in the region. So far, Nikitin has most often solved problems in the sphere of public administration in an effective, but rather in a simple way- dismissal of officials. While this was consistent with the request for an update, it added to the tension. Of course, the governor, who enjoys high support in the Center, does not need any restrictive agreements with different groups in the region, but in the future he will have to gradually find a common language with those local personnel who will be involved in the execution of his strategy - the personnel bench is still not so as long as it seems.

The share of residents who positively assess the activities of the head of the Nizhny Novgorod region today can hardly be assessed as high. According to the Foundation " Public opinion"As of March 2019, there were 37% of them. However, it is necessary to take into account that only 7% of respondents evaluate the governor’s activities negatively. That is, the gap between the level of positive and negative assessments of Nikitin is very significant. The level of trust in the head of the region has increased by 10 percent over the past year. Almost 64% of Nizhny Novgorod residents surveyed positively assess the activities of the country’s president.

According to the Medialogy company, in March 2019, G. Nikitin took 11th place in the media rating of regional heads in terms of mentions in the media.

Expert assessment

Nikitin's position can be assessed as very strong. Priority tasks resolved: industrial production the region has received a new impetus, key management mechanisms have been fine-tuned, and tools have been introduced project activities. Nikitin demonstrated such a tough style of management and resolving political issues that he could even be classified as a security force without shoulder straps. He eliminates problems using the “operative surgical intervention” method, saying goodbye to officials and ignoring the opinion imposed on him by the opposition.

However, in conditions of strong intra-elite conflicts, this approach turned out to be quite appropriate. Nikitin has not yet made any significant political or image mistakes. He makes full use of the established connections both for the development of the region and for strengthening his own positions. Perhaps it is precisely because of these indicators that the Presidential Administration is pleased with Nikitin’s successes and considers his experience as one of the examples of the successful implementation by governors of a new wave of managerial competencies acquired at the level of the federal Center.

In 1999, Nikitin received a diploma from the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance.

In 2004, Gleb Sergeevich graduated from St. Petersburg State University, where he was awarded the qualification of a lawyer.

He is a candidate of sciences. The politician defended his dissertation on the topic “Managing the efficiency of an organization in the interests of the owner.” In addition, Gleb Sergeevich has academic degree MBA business school operating at Columbia University from the London Business School.


In 1999, Nikitin was appointed to the position of chief specialist, head of department, head of the state property management department of the Committee for Municipal Property Management of St. Petersburg. He held this post for five years.

In 2004, Gleb Sergeevich headed the Property Department of Commercial Sector Organizations of the Federal Property Management Agency. Nikitin took part in the placement of securities of OJSC NK Rosneft (2006).

In 2007, Nikitin was appointed deputy head of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management. While in this post, he was responsible for the issue of privatization of shares of VTB LLC.

On December 26, 2011, he was appointed acting head of the Federal Property Management Agency in the government of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. He held this post until June 2012.

In July 2012, he became deputy, and since June 2013, first deputy minister of industry and trade of the Russian Federation.

On September 26, 2017, by order of President Vladimir Putin, Nikitin was appointed acting governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region. At the same time, the leader of the Russian Federation accepted his resignation at will Valeria Shantseva.

Nikitin is a member of the tripartite commission of the Russian Federation for the regulation of social and labor relations.

For his efforts he received the Order of Honor and the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. Also received certificate of honor government of the Russian Federation.

Russian politician and statesman. Acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region since September 26, 2017. First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (from June 2013 to September 26, 2017)



In 1999 he graduated from the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance with a degree in Finance and Credit.


The wife of the acting governor of Nizhny Novgorod earned 2.5 times more than her husband

Acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Gleb Nikitin earned 15.7 million rubles in 2017, his wife earned 38.7 million rubles. This is evidenced by the data of the declaration published on the website of the regional government.

The new head of the Nizhny Novgorod region promised to leave Shantsev’s team

The new acting governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Gleb Nikitin, did not see the need to change the regional government team. In an interview with RBC, he spoke about Vladimir Putin’s instructions to hold the presidential elections “legitimately”

Gleb Nikitin appointed Acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

Vladimir Putin signed the Decree “On early termination powers of the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region."

Text of the Decree:

“In connection with the statement of the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region V.P. Shantsev. on early termination of powers and in accordance with subparagraph “c” of paragraph 1 and subparagraph “a” of paragraph 9 of Article 19 Federal Law dated October 6, 1999 No. 184-FZ “On general principles organizations of legislative (representative) and executive bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation" I decide:

Gleb Nikitin, who was appointed acting governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region today, told RBC about his plans for the new post, the president’s instructions and his intention to consult with his predecessor Valery Shantsev

Gleb Nikitin spoke about his first steps as head of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the early termination of the powers of the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region Valery Shantsev. His successor is named in the same document.

A native of St. Petersburg, Gleb Nikitin, now First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, became the acting governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Gleb Nikitin appointed Acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

Gleb Nikitin was appointed acting governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region. On September 26, Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted the early resignation of Valery Shantsev. Putin held a working meeting with Nikitin, during which he informed about the appointment.

The head of state signed the Decree “On the early termination of powers of the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.” Shantsev wrote a statement of his own free will.

Gleb Nikitin has been appointed acting governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region until the person elected as the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region takes office, the press service of the President of the Russian Federation reported.

Putin dismissed the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region

The head of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Valery Shantsev, who led the region for 12 years, resigned of his own free will. His place will be taken by Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Gleb Nikitin, as RBC sources previously reported

Gleb Nikitin became the main candidate for the post of head of the Nizhny Novgorod region

First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Gleb Nikitin may become the new governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region. This is the most likely candidate to replace Valery Shantsev, sources told RBC

D. Rogozin announced the illegal privatization of Tupolev and Yakovlev

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin handed over to law enforcement agencies the materials of the inspection of the Federal Property Management Agency, according to which the real and movable property of the Yakovlev and Tupolev aircraft manufacturing holdings was illegally privatized.
Read in full: 05/28/2012/652361.shtml

The future council will remain in power for the last year
link: ID=434231

Rosneft board member Gleb Nikitin appointed deputy head of Rosimushchestvo

Both companies and the state need independent directors