General structure of the ARIS methodology

The ARIS eEPC notation stands for the following - extended Event Driven Process Chain - an extended event-driven process chain. The notation was developed by specialists from IDS Scheer AG (Germany), in particular Professor Scheer. The following table 2.3.1 shows the main objects used within the notation.

Table 2.3.1 Objects for describing business processes in ARIS eEPC notation.

In addition to the main objects listed in Table 2.3.1, many other objects can be used when constructing an eEPC diagram. In practice, using a large number of objects of different types is impractical, since this significantly increases the size of the model and makes it difficult to read. To understand the meaning of the eEPC notation, consider the main types of objects and relationships used. In Figure 2.3.5. presented simplest model eEPC, which describes a fragment of an enterprise’s business process.

Rice. 2.3.5. The simplest model in eEPC notation

From Figure 2.3.5. it is clear that the connections between objects have a certain meaning and reflect the sequence of functions within the process. An arrow connecting Event 1 and Function 1 “activates” or initiates the execution of Function 1. Function 1 “creates” Event 2 followed by an AND symbol “triggering” the execution of Function 2 and 3. A careful analysis of the eEPC notation shows that it is practically no different from the IDEF3 notation. The most important difference between eEPC is the presence of an “event” object. This object is used to display in the model the possible results of executing functions, depending on which one or another subsequent branch of the process is executed. The eEPC notation is obviously called extended precisely because it contains an “event” object - there is no such object in IDEF3. When building a model in ARIS eEPC, the following rules must be observed:

    every function must be initiated by an event and must end with an event;

    each function cannot include more than one arrow that “starts” the execution of the function, and cannot exit more than one arrow describing the completion of the function.

Figure 2.3.7 shows the use of various ARIS eEPC notation objects when creating a business process model.

Rice. 2.3.7. Using various objects when creating a model in eEPC notation

From Figures 2.3.6. and 2.3.7. It can be seen that a business process in eEPC notation is a sequence of procedures arranged in the order of their execution. It should be noted that the actual duration of procedures cannot be visually reflected in eEPC. This leads to the fact that when creating models, situations are possible when one performer will be assigned to perform two tasks simultaneously. The logic symbols used to build the model allow you to reflect the branching and merging of a business process. To obtain information about the actual duration of processes and visually display the workload of personnel in the process, you can use other description tools, for example, Gantt charts in the MS Project application.

In Figure 2.3.8. The business process of processing a customer order is presented. The process begins with the event “Customer order received.” This event initiates the “Post order in the system” function, which is performed by the Sales Department manager. He uses an “Order Accounting System” to complete the work. The result of the function execution is displayed by the “Order accounting completed” event. After this, the sales manager performs the “Perform product compliance analysis” function. The result of executing the function is two alternative events: “The order matches the item” and “The order does not match the item.” The process branches. To display the branching of a process, the logical exclusive "OR" symbol is used. The “Notify the customer about the impossibility of fulfilling the order” function can be performed in two cases: if the order does not correspond to the item, or production is impossible. To display these options on the process diagram, the logical “OR” symbol is used, etc. As can be seen from Figure 2.3.8., the process diagram in ARIS eEPC differs from the diagram in IDEF3 in the presence of objects: events, documents, application systems and positions. The diagram in ARIS is visually more informative and is perceived better, but the size of this diagram is significantly larger than the size of the diagram in the IDEF3 notation.
Rice. 2.3.8. An example of a process description in ARIS eEPC notation

In Fig. 2.30 presents one of the most important ARIS notations - the ARIS VAD notation. A value-adding process chain diagram is used to describe an organization's business processes at the top level. As a rule, consultants using ARIS recommend identifying six to eight top-level business processes and describing them in ARIS VAD notation. Then the resulting top-level processes are decomposed in the ARIS VAD or ARIS eEPC notation. Let's consider the objects of the ARIS VAD notation presented in Fig. 2.30.

The main object of the ARIS VAD notation is the Value-added chain - a process or some group of organizational functions that serves to obtain added value. Objects are connected to each other by a dotted arrow, which has the type is predecessor of (“is a predecessor”). This type of communication shows that one process is the predecessor of another. It is obvious, however, that in practice all basic processes are cyclical. In addition, they have feedback links. Therefore, the term is predecessor of, in our opinion, is unfortunate.

Between the processes shown in Fig. 2.30, flows of material resources and information can be displayed, for the description of which you can use objects of the Cluster and Technical term types, respectively. To describe the infrastructure required to execute the process, in this example the Product/Service and Information service object types are selected. The choice of object types for displaying real flows is quite arbitrary. It is very important at the beginning of process modeling work to decide what types of objects will be used and what real-world objects they will represent. So, in the case of the example shown in Fig. 2.30, it would be possible to show all flows (information and material) using objects of the Technical term type.

In Fig. Figure 2.30 also shows Organizational unit objects, displaying the units that perform the corresponding processes.

Objects are connected to each other using connections of a certain type (see Fig. 2.30). For example, the information flow displayed by the Cluster object is input to the first process and is associated with it using an arrow of type is input for. Another example is the executes connection type between Value-added chain and Organizational unit objects. The relationship type is used by indicates that Product/Service is used by a process, etc. Thus, in the ARIS methodology, the most important requirement is the correct selection and further use of connections and objects of a certain type.

In Fig. Figure 2.31 shows an example of a top-level model, executed in the ARIS VAD notation. You are already familiar with this process. Above, in Fig. 2.16, the same process is represented in IDEF0 notation.

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Chapter 2 Choosing a methodology for describing business processes________________________________ 89

The principles of constructing a top-level process diagram in the ARIS VAD notation differ significantly from the IDEF0 notation. So. in ARIS VAD notation, arrows can go to any side of the Value-added chain object. (Recall that in IDEF0 notation, each side of an Activity object (function) has depth and meaning). In Fig. Figure 2.32 presents a situation possible in the ARIS VAD notation. when the process diagram contains many feedbacks that are understandable only to the analyst who created the model.

This disadvantage of the ARIS VAD notation can be eliminated by stipulating in advance the possibility of special use of feedback links, as, for example, in Fig. 2.33. Note that this approach may cause criticism among ARIS specialists, since it contradicts the notation. But we adhere to the point of view that this is quite acceptable, since the top-level models in the ARIS VAD notation can really only be used as the simplest way to graphically depict a process chain.

Concluding the review of the ARIS VAD notation, we once again emphasize that the specified notation in to a greater extent This is for illustrative purposes only and is not intended to create comprehensive models of top-level processes in an organization.

90 V.V. Repin, V.G. Eliferov. Process approach to management

2.7.2. ARIS eEPC notation - extension of IDEF3 notation

ARIS eEPC notation (extended Event Driven Process Chain) is an extended event-driven process chain. The notation was developed by specialists from IDS Scheer AG, Germany, in particular, Professor Scheer. In table 2.2 shows the main objects used within the notation.

Table 2.2 Main objects used in constructing eEPC diagrams

In addition to the main objects indicated in table. 2.2, many other objects can be used when constructing an eEPC diagram. In practice, using a large number of objects of different types is impractical, since this significantly increases the size of the model and makes it difficult to read.

Chapter 2 Choosing a methodology for describing business processes 91

To understand the meaning of the ARJS cEPC notation, consider the main types of objects and relationships used (Fig. 2.34-2.38). In Fig. Figure 2.34 presents the simplest ARIS eERS model, which describes a fragment of an enterprise’s business process.

From Fig. Figure 2.34 shows that the connections between objects have a certain meaning and reflect the sequence of functions within the process. The arrow connecting Event 1 and Function 1 “activates” or initiates the execution of Function 1. Function 1 “creates” Event 2, followed by the Boolean operator symbol “AND”, “triggering” the execution of Functions 2 and 3 .

A careful analysis of the ARIS eEPC notation shows that it is practically no different from the IDEF3 notation. The most important difference between ARIS eEPC is the presence of an “event” object. This object is used to display in the model the possible results of executing functions, depending on which one or another subsequent branch of the process is executed. The ARIS eEPC notation is obviously called extended precisely because of the presence of an “event” object in it (there is no such object in IDEF3). In Fig. 2.35 provides examples of the use of logic and event symbols when building models in the ARIS eEPC notation.

When building models in ARIS eERS, the following rules must be observed:

1. Every function must be triggered by an event and terminated

2. Each function cannot include more than one arrow, “I launch
"shchi" its execution, and there should be no more than one arrow describing
completion of the function.

In addition to these rules, there are other important requirements for creating models in ARIS. They can be studied using methodological material"ARIS Methods". which is installed on the computer simultaneously with the demo version of the product, as well as in .

In Fig. Figure 2.36 shows the use of various objects of the ARIS eEPC notation when creating a business process model.

92____________________________ BB. Repin, V.G. Eliferov.Process approach to management

From Fig. 2.35 and 2.36 it is clear that a business process in the ARIS eEPC notation is a sequence of procedures arranged in the order of their execution. It should be noted that the actual duration of procedures in ARIS eERS cannot be visually reflected. This leads to the fact that when creating models, situations are possible when one performer will be entrusted with the responsibility of

Chapter 2 Choosing a methodology for describing business processes__________________________________________ 93

performing two tasks at the same time. The logic used in constructing the SIM-YULA model allows us to reflect the branching and merging of a business process. To obtain information about the actual duration of processes and visually display the workload of personnel in the process, you can use other description tools, for example, Gantt charts in the MS Project system.

Let's look at examples of using the ARIS eEPC notation to describe business processes. In Fig. 2.37. The business process of processing a customer order is presented. The same process is depicted in IDEF3 notation in Fig. 2.23.

The process begins with the event “Customer order received.” This event initiates the “Post order in the system” function, which is performed by the Sales Department manager. He uses an “Order Accounting System” to complete the work. The result of the function execution is displayed by the “Order accounting completed” event. After this, the manager of the Sales Department performs the function “Perform analysis for product compliance.” The result of executing the function is two alternative events: “The order matches the item” and “The order does not match the item.” The process branches. To display the branching of a process, a logical operator symbol is used - exclusive "OR".

The “Notify the customer that the order cannot be fulfilled” function can be performed in two cases: 1) the order does not correspond to the item and 2) production is impossible. To display these options on the process diagram, the logical operator symbol “OR”, etc. is used.

As can be seen from Fig. 2.37, the process diagram in ARIS eERS differs from the diagram in IDEF3 in the presence of objects: events, documents, application systems and positions. The diagram in ARIS eEPS is visually more informative and is perceived better, but the size of this diagram is significantly larger than the size of the IDEF3 diagram.

The process discussed above can also be presented in the ARIS PCD (Process Chain Diagram) notation - a variation of ARIS eEPC. In Fig. Figure 2.38 shows the business process of processing a client's application in ARIS PCD notation. When describing this process, all the objects that make up the process shown in Fig. 1 are used. 2.37, but they are arranged in the form of table columns. The first column presents events and some logic symbols, the second - functions, the third - incoming and outgoing documents, the fourth - types of applied software, in the fifth - the positions of employees involved in the process. This representation of the process is more “standard”. It is better suited for process documentation purposes. However, the representation in the ARIS PCD notation has a significant drawback - it can be effectively used for simple (no more than five to eight functions), preferably linear, processes. It is inconvenient to display complex processes with branched logic using ARIS PCD notations, as can be clearly seen in Fig. 2.38.

94_________________________________ BB. Repin. V.G. Eliferov. Process approach to management

Rice. 2.37. Process Model Example

In this section we will look at the ARIS methodology. Currently on the market tools modeling business processes ARIS software of the same name is presented.
ARIS methodology includes several different notations to describe the activities of an organization from different perspectives. The methodology integrates existing standards and specifications for describing processes and data, for example IDEF3, ERD, DFD, UML, etc. The basic concept of ARIS for describing an organization is shown in Fig. 2.30.
Image in Fig. 2.30 is often called the "ARIS house". The ARIS methodology approach to describing processes is based on considering the activities of an organization from four points of view: a view of the organizational structure, a view of data (flows and structure), a view of functions (functional hierarchies), a view of control and management (summary models of business processes) .
The ARIS methodology includes large number various notations allowing flexible creation of various models

organizations. The most significant and practically used ARIS notations include: Value-added Chain Diagram notation (value-adding process chain diagram); eEPC, Extended Event-driven Process Chain and PCD notations; Organizational Chart notation; Function Tree notation; Product Tree notation.
Rice. 2.30. Main types of models in the ARIS methodology

The strength of the ARIS methodology (from a formal point of view) lies in its complexity, which is manifested in the interconnection of models built in different notations. The ARIS methodology allows you to describe the activities of an organization from different points of view, and the resulting models are interconnected to a certain extent. It should be emphasized, however, that the main advantages of such integrated approach: for their implementation, they require the presence of the ARIS tool environment, which is expensive and quite difficult to use, although there is a free, simplified version of this product called ARIS Express;
are difficult to implement in practice, as they entail a large consumption of resources (human, material and financial) over a long period of time. Value-added Chain Diagram (VAD) notation
In Fig. Figure 2.31 presents one of the most important ARIS notations - the Value-added Chain Diagram notation. A value-adding process chain diagram is used to describe an organization's business processes at the top level. As a rule, consultants using ARIS recommend identifying six to eight top-level business processes and describing them in VAD notation. Then the resulting top-level processes are decomposed, using either the VAD or eEPC notation. Let's consider the main objects of the VAD notation, presented in Fig. 2.31.
The main object of VAD notation is the Value Added Chain. In fact, it is a process or group of functions of an organization that serves to generate added value. Objects are connected to each other by a dotted arrow of type is predecessor of (“is a predecessor”). This type of communication shows that one process is the predecessor of another. It is obvious, however, that in practice all basic processes are cyclical. In addition, they have feedback links. Therefore, the term is predecessor of, in our opinion, is unfortunate.
Between the processes shown in Fig. 2.31, flows of material resources and information can be displayed. To describe them, you can use objects of the Cluster type (to describe information) and Technical Term (to describe material flows). To describe the infrastructure required to perform a process, in in this example the Product/Service and Information Service object types are selected. The choice of object types for displaying real flows is quite arbitrary. It is very important at the beginning of process modeling work to determine exactly what types of objects will be used and what real-world objects they will represent. So, in the example in Fig. 2.31, it would be possible to show all flows (information and material) using objects of the Technical Term type.

Rice. 2.31. Model in Value-added Chain Diagram notation

In Fig. Figure 2.31 also shows Organizational Unit objects that display the organizational units that perform the corresponding processes.
Objects are connected to each other using connections of a certain type (Fig. 2.31). For example, the information flow displayed by the Cluster object is input to the first process, and it is associated with it using an arrow of type is input for. Another example is the executes relationship type between Value-added Chain and Organizational Unit objects. The type of connection is used by shows that Product/Service is used by a process, etc. Thus, in the ARIS methodology, the most important requirements are the correct selection and further use of connections and objects of a certain type.
In Fig. Figure 2.32 shows an example of a top-level model, executed in the ARIS VAD notation. You are already familiar with this process. In Fig. 2.17 it is given in IDEF0 notation.
The principles of constructing a top-level process diagram in VAD differ significantly from IDEF0: in VAD, arrows can enter any side of the Value-added Chain object. (Recall that in IDEF0, each side of the Activity object (function) has a deep meaning.)


In Fig. Figure 2.33 presents a situation that is possible in the VAD notation, when the process diagram shows many feedbacks, the meaning of which is understandable only to the analyst who created the model.
This disadvantage of VAD can be circumvented by stipulating in advance the possibility of special use of feedback links, as, for example, in Fig. 2.34.
Rice. 2.33. Feedbacks in Value-added Chain Diagram notation

Rice. 2.34. An example of implementing feedback connections in the Value added Chain Diagram notation

Note that this approach may cause criticism among ARIS specialists, since it contradicts the notation. But we stick
from the point of view that this is quite acceptable, since the top-level models in the VAD ARIS notation can really be used only as the simplest way to graphically depict a process chain.
Concluding the review of the ARIS VAD notation, we once again emphasize that this notation is largely illustrative and is not intended for creating complex models of processes at the top level of an organization. ARIS eEPC notation - extension of IDEF3 notation
The ARIS eEPC notation (eEPC - Extended Event Driven Process Chain - an extended event-driven process chain) was developed by specialists German company IDS Scheer AG (Germany), in particular by Professor Scheer. In table 2.3 shows the main objects used within the notation.
In addition to those indicated in the table. 2.3 of the main objects, many others can be used when constructing an eEPC diagram. In practice, using a large number of objects of different types is impractical, since this significantly increases the size of the model and makes it difficult to read.
To understand the meaning of the eEPC notation, let's consider the main types of objects and relationships used. In Fig. Figure 2.35 presents the simplest eERS model, which describes a fragment of an enterprise’s business process.
In Fig. Figure 2.35 shows that the connections between objects have a certain meaning and reflect the sequence of functions within the process. The arrow connecting event 1 and function 1 activates or initiates the execution of function 1. Function 1 creates event 2, followed by an AND symbol that initiates the execution of functions 2 and 3.
A careful analysis of the eEPC notation shows that it is practically no different from IDEF3. The most important difference between eERS is the presence of an “Event” object. This object serves to display in the model the possible results of the implementation of functions, depending on which one or another subsequent
process branch. The eEPC notation is called extended, obviously, precisely because of the presence of the “Event” object in it (there is no such object in IDEF3). In Fig. 2.36 provides examples of the use of logic and event symbols when constructing models in the eEPC notation.
Table 2.3. The main objects used within the ARIS eEPC notation

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The “function” object is used to describe the functions (procedures, works) performed by departments/employees of the enterprise

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The “event” object is used to describe the real states of the system that influence and control the execution of functions


Organizational unit

An object reflecting various organizational units of an enterprise (for example, management or department)




An object that represents real-life storage media, such as a paper document




The object reflects the real application system used within the function execution technology


yplication systjs
J? M



Information cluster

An object characterizes data as a set of entities and relationships between them. Used to create data models


Arrow of connection between objects

An object describes the type of relationship between other objects, such as the activation of a function by some event







A logical operator that defines relationships between events and functions within a process. Allows you to describe process branching




A logical operator that defines relationships between events and functions within a process. Allows you to describe process branching


Rice. 2.35. ARIS eEPC notation

Rice. 2.36. The use of logical operators when building models in eERS

When building a model in ARIS eEPC, the following rules must be observed: each function is initiated and completed by an event; Each function cannot contain more than one arrow that starts the function's execution, and cannot leave more than one arrow that describes the end of the function's execution.
Besides these, there are others important rules formation of models in ARIS.
In Fig. Figure 2.37 shows the use of various objects of the ARIS eEPC notation when creating a business process model.

J activates
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In Fig. 2.36 and 2.37 it is clear that a business process in the eEPC notation is a sequence of procedures arranged in the order of their execution. It should be noted that the actual duration of procedures in the eEPS cannot be reflected visually. This leads to the fact that when creating models, situations are possible when one performer is assigned to perform two tasks simultaneously. The logic symbols used to build the model allow you to reflect the branching and merging of a business process. To obtain information about the actual duration of processes and visually display the workload of personnel, you can use other description tools, for example, Gantt charts in the MS Project system.
Let's look at examples of using the eEPC notation to describe business processes.

In Fig. Figure 2.38 shows the process of processing a customer order (it is also depicted in IDEF3 notation in Fig. 2.24).
The process begins with the event “Customer order received.” It initiates the “Perform order accounting in the system” function, which is carried out by the sales department manager. For work, he uses the “Order Accounting System”. The result of the function execution is displayed by the “Order accounting completed” event.
After this, the sales manager implements the “Perform analysis for item compliance” function. The result is two alternative events: “The order matches the item” and “The order does not match the item.” The process branches. To display the branching of a process, the logical exclusive "OR" symbol is used.
The “Notify the customer about the impossibility of fulfilling an order” function can be performed in two cases: if the order does not correspond to the item or production is impossible. To display these options on the process diagram, the logical “OR” symbol is used, etc.
As can be seen from Fig. 2.38, the process diagram in ARIS eERS differs from the diagram in IDEF3 in the presence of objects: events, documents, application systems and positions. The diagram in ARIS is visually more informative and is perceived better, but its size is significantly larger than the diagram in the IDEF3 notation.
The process discussed above can also be presented in the ARIS PCD (Process Chain Diagram) notation - a type of eEPC. In Fig. Figure 2.39 presents the business process of processing a client’s application in PCD notation. When describing it, the same objects are used that make up the process in Fig. 2.38, but they are arranged in table form. In the first column - events and some symbols of logic, in the second - functions, in the third - incoming and outgoing documents, in the fourth - types of application software, in the fifth - positions involved in the process. This representation of the process is more common. It is better suited for documenting processes.

However, the PCD notation has a significant drawback - it can be effectively used for simple (no more than five to eight functions), preferably linear processes. Complex processes with branched logic are inconvenient to display using PCD, which is clearly shown in Fig. 2.39.
Rice. 2.39. ARIS PCD diagram

ARIS Organizational Chart Notation
Organizational Chart notation is one of the main ARIS notations and is intended for constructing diagrams organizational structure enterprises. Typically, this model is built at the beginning of a business process modeling project. The model reflects the existing divisions of the enterprise in the form of a hierarchical structure, as shown in Fig. 2.40.
Rice. 2.40. Enterprise organizational structure model
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The model is built from the objects Organizational Unit, Position, Internal Person, etc. The types of connections included in the notation make it possible to reflect various types of relationships between objects of the organizational structure. In the one shown in Fig. In the example in 2.40, “Enterprise” is managed by “Director”, and the connection type is Organization Manager for. The hierarchy of departments is built using links is composed of. Positions can also be indicated - Position, the names of the employees occupying them - Internal person, type of connection - occupies. In addition to department hierarchy models, subordination hierarchy models can be built in project teams, groups, etc. All objects reflected in the models can be used in the future when building business process models. When constructing complex hierarchical
decomposition of structures can be used, for example, the structure of a department is reflected in a more detailed diagram. ARIS Function Tree Notation
This notation is intended to form function tree models. An example of such a model is shown in Fig. 2.41. All functions in this diagram are connected by links. The most commonly used connection types are execution-oriented superior and is process-oriented superior. The first type of connection is used to build a tree according to a functional characteristic (description of the functions of a department). The second type of connection is used when creating a tree of functions included in a certain business process.
Rice. 2.41. Function Tree Model

The function tree can be built according to functional, process and product principles. In practice, the first principle is often used - models of the hierarchy of department functions are created. ARIS Product Tree Notation
In Fig. Figure 2.42 shows the ARIS Product Tree notation. It is intended for creating product tree models. Models of this type can be used to describe the material inputs and outputs of a process.

Rice. 2.42. Product Tree Model

ARIS Information Flow Notation
Information Flow notation is an analogue of DFD and is used when constructing data or document flow diagrams between the functions of enterprise business processes. The simplicity of the notation limits its useful applications. Its main objects are Function (also used when building business process models) and Information Flow - information flow, as shown in Fig. 2.43.
Rice. 2.43. ARIS Information Flow Notation
information flow

When building business process models, an eERS model can first be built, and then, using the functions defined in the process, a model of information flows. Using multiple notations when creating process models in ARIS
When forming business process models in ARIS, as a rule, several types of notations are used. In Fig. Figure 2.44 shows a diagram of the use of models created in various notations.

Rice. 2.44. Using ARIS notations when creating models

As a rule, work on describing a company's business processes in ARIS begins with creating a model of the organizational structure. At the same time (or later), models can be developed that describe the structure of the main material and information inputs and outputs. Using these models, top-level business process models are created in VAD notation. After this, models of department functions and other auxiliary models (for example, a description of application software systems) are developed. Then process models are formed in the eEPC notation. eERS models are built on the basis of existing descriptions of the organizational structure, functions of departments, materials, systems, etc. The result of the work is a set of models that describe the activities of the organization from various points of view.
The peculiarity of working in full-fledged software products for modeling business processes is that software product creates a database of objects and their attributes. With one
On the other hand, this allows you to consider various aspects of the interaction of model objects by choosing one of the notations (Fig. 2.44). On the other hand, a “minor” error when creating connections between objects in one notation can significantly distort the appearance of the diagram in another notation.

The ARIS eEPC notation stands for the following - extended Event Driven Process Chain - an extended notation for describing the chain of an event-driven process. The notation was developed by specialists from IDS Scheer AG (Germany), in particular Professor Scheer (see)