
Once hearing the name of the profession - metrologist, few people will realize what kind of “beast” this is. It is clear that a metrologist and a meteorologist are not the same thing, and this specialist has nothing to do with weather forecasting. Yandex and Google are also very laconic. However, something was found.
Let’s bring some clarity with the definition of metrology. Metrology (Greek metron - measure, measuring instrument) is a science that studies the generally accepted fundamentals of measurements, methods and means of measurement, units of physical quantities, principles of ensuring the uniformity of measurements and the uniformity of measuring instruments. Metrology considers such concepts as standards and standard measuring instruments, the application of standard measuring instruments to measuring instruments used in production. The origin of metrology as a science should be attributed to ancient times; Even then, reference measures were used to maintain the unity of established measures. Today, metrological services are available at every enterprise, in all scientific and design institutions. However, just a few decades ago, domestic enterprises experienced a serious problem of where and how to train metrologists, but a serious emphasis on production contributed to the formation of metrological services, which were entrusted with the functions of preparing methods and measuring instruments for reasonable use in enterprise departments. Behind short term

In a number of industries, a whole galaxy of new enterprise specialists - metrologists - has actually grown up.
Firstly, a metrologist checks the accuracy and quality of operation of all instruments that enterprises and institutions use in their activities, i.e. check whether they can be used for their intended purpose. If necessary, repairs and adjustments of measuring instruments are carried out.
Secondly, when designing new products and systems, it is necessary to conduct a metrological examination of the developed technical documentation. Research (testing) is carried out and expert assessment of products (goods, works, services) is carried out.
In addition, it is necessary to assess the state of measurements at enterprises, organizations, institutions, metrological supervision over the release, condition and use of measuring instruments, control and supervision of compliance mandatory requirements legislative and other legal acts in the field of metrology and standardization, certification of testing equipment, expert assessment quantity and quality of imported and exported goods.

E.L. Perelshtein, the former chief metrologist of the basic metrological service of the Ministry of Aviation Industry, characterized the work of the metrologist as follows: “This work, grandiose in scale and complexity, aimed at achieving the competitiveness of products manufactured in our country, and which is an important basis for the socio-economic development of our society, is determined in its essence namely, high readiness for use and constant improvement of measuring equipment directly at each workplace of the enterprise, where both the product and its quality are formed.”

Suitable educational specialties: Technician.
Key items: State support system; Metrological standards; Measuring equipment

Tuition cost (average in Russia): 523,200 rubles

Job description:

*Tuition fees are indicated for 4 years of full-time undergraduate studies.

Features of the profession

In almost all spheres of life, devices and apparatus are used that make some kind of measurements. Such devices include ATMs, electricity meters, water meters, as well as scales, police radars, medical tonometers, audiometers and much more.
Not only the accuracy of their work depends on the accuracy financial calculations, but also the health and even lives of people.
To control this accuracy, special standards have been developed that are adopted at the state and international level. And the main task of a metrologist is to check the operation of devices and compare them with the requirements of standards.

If the device is actively used, errors accumulate in it, mechanical parts weaken, etc. In other words, after some time it no longer works as accurately as the standards require.
Therefore absolutely everything measuring instruments they need to be periodically inspected, their operation checked, adjusted and repaired. In other words, one tenth of a millimeter on the instrument scale should correspond to exactly one tenth, and not nine hundredths.
A metrologist performs checks (verification) and adjustments.

If a plant produces measuring instruments, metrologists adjust the products.
Also in production, measuring equipment can be used in technological process: for product quality control, air safety in workshops, etc.
For example, during the production process, varnish of a strictly defined thickness is applied to machine parts; this thickness is controlled using a special thickness gauge. And the verification metrologist regularly monitors that the calibration of the thickness gauge does not deviate from the standard.
If the metrologist detects a deviation, he corrects the calibration.
When checking the operation of the device, the metrologist makes many measurements and records the data obtained in a journal. All this must be done quickly and without errors.

Each industry has its own measuring instruments. Therefore, if an oil refinery recruiter is looking for an experienced metrologist, most often he has in mind a specialist with experience specifically in petrochemicals, oil and gas refining, or related fields.

In control and certification services, as well as in science, metrologists check measuring equipment and documentation for it, and prepare conclusions based on the results of checks. They develop test circuits for different types measurements, instructions, methods, verification schedules and repair documentation. They also take part in the development and implementation of measurement standards, in the creation of standards of physical quantities.


Metrologists work in government agencies certification (Rostekhregulirovanie, Rostechnadzor, Rostest, Metrological Center for Energy Resources), research institutes, manufacturing and other enterprises.


Salary range as of November 21, 2017

Russia 20,000—60,000 rub.

Important qualities

The profession of a metrologist requires an analytical mind, composure, accuracy, attentiveness, responsibility, a penchant for hard work and constant learning, communication skills and stress resistance.

Knowledge and skills

A metrologist should know state system ensuring the uniformity of measurements, be able to apply the requirements of metrological standards, instructions and methods for verifying measurements.
A metrologist needs to be able to quickly understand any measuring equipment.

Where do they teach

Secondary vocational education
Specialty "Metrology"
Qualification - technician.

Higher education
Direction of training: “Standardization, certification and metrology”.
Specialties: “Standardization and Certification”, “Metrology and Metrological Support”.
Qualification - engineer.

To borrow leadership positions, necessary higher education.
In addition, it is required to regularly take advanced training courses to obtain the appropriate certificates.
It is also important to participate in seminars about innovations in the field of metrology.

Without measuring instruments and methods of their application, scientific and technological progress would be impossible. IN modern world people cannot do without them even in everyday life. Therefore, such a vast layer of knowledge could not help but be systematized and formed as a complete one. The concept of “metrology” is used to define this direction. What are measuring instruments from the point of view of scientific knowledge? One might say that this is a subject of research, but the activities of specialists in this field necessarily have a practical nature.

Metrology concept

In general terms, metrology is often considered as a body of scientific knowledge about means, methods and methods of measurement, which also includes the concept of their unity. For regulation practical application Based on this knowledge, there is a federal agency for metrology, which technically manages the property in the field of metrology.

As you can see, measurement occupies a central place in the concept of metrology. In this context, measurement means obtaining information about the subject of study - in particular information about properties and characteristics. Required condition is precisely the experimental way of obtaining this knowledge using metrological tools. It should also be taken into account that metrology, standardization and certification are closely interrelated and only in combination can they provide practically valuable information. So, if metrology deals with development issues, then standardization establishes uniform forms and rules for the application of these same methods, as well as for recording the characteristics of objects in accordance with given standards. As for certification, its goal is to determine the compliance of the object under study with certain parameters established by the standards.

Goals and objectives of metrology

Metrology faces several important challenges, which are located in three areas - theoretical, legislative and practical. As scientific knowledge develops, goals from different directions are mutually complemented and adjusted, but in general, the tasks of metrology can be presented as follows:

  • Formation of systems of units and characteristics of measurement.
  • Develop general theoretical knowledge about measurements.
  • Standardization of measurement methods.
  • Approval of standards of measurement methods, verification measures and technical means.
  • Study of the system of measures in the context of historical perspective.

Unity of measurements

The basic level of standardization means that the results of measurements are reflected in an approved format. That is, the measurement characteristic is expressed in its accepted form. Moreover, this applies not only to certain measurement quantities, but also to errors that can be expressed taking into account probabilities. Metrological unity exists to make it possible to compare results that were carried out under different conditions. Moreover, in each case, the methods and means must remain the same.

If we consider the basic concepts of metrology from the point of view of the quality of results obtained, then the main one will be accuracy. In a sense, it is interrelated with the error, which distorts the readings. It is precisely in order to increase accuracy that serial measurements are used under various conditions, thanks to which it is possible to get a more complete picture of the subject of study. Preventive measures aimed at checking technical equipment, testing new methods, analyzing standards, etc. also play a significant role in improving the quality of measurements.

Principles and methods of metrology

For achievement High Quality The resulting measurements, metrology is based on several basic principles, including the following:

  • The Peltier principle, focused on determining the absorbed energy during the flow of ionizing radiation.
  • Josephson's principle, on the basis of which voltage measurements are made in an electrical circuit.
  • The Doppler principle, which provides velocity measurements.
  • The principle of gravity.

For these and other principles, a wide base of methods has been developed with the help of which practical research is carried out. It is important to consider that metrology is the science of measurements, which are supported by applied tools. But technical means, on the other hand, are based on specific theoretical principles and methods. Among the most common methods are the direct assessment method, measuring mass on a scale, substitution, comparison, etc.

Measuring instruments

One of the most important concepts in metrology is the means of measurement. As a rule, which reproduces or stores a certain physical quantity. During application, it examines the object, comparing the identified parameter with the reference one. Measuring instruments are a broad group of instruments that have many classifications. Based on their design and principle of operation, for example, converters, devices, sensors, devices and mechanisms are distinguished.

Measuring setup - relative modern variety devices used by metrology. What is this setting in practical use? Unlike the simplest tools, the installation is a machine that contains a whole range of functional components. Each of them may be responsible for one or more measures. An example is laser protractors. They are used by builders to determine a wide range of geometric parameters, as well as for calculations using formulas.

What is error?

Error also plays a significant role in the measurement process. In theory, it is considered as one of the basic concepts of metrology, in this case reflecting the deviation of the obtained value from the true one. This deviation may be random or systematic. In the design of measuring instruments, manufacturers usually include a certain amount of error in the list of characteristics. It is thanks to fixing the possible limits of deviations in the results that we can talk about the reliability of measurements.

But it is not only the error that determines possible deviations. Uncertainty is another characteristic that guides metrology in this regard. What is measurement uncertainty? Unlike error, it practically does not operate with exact or relatively accurate values. It only indicates doubt about a particular result, but, again, does not determine the intervals of deviations that could cause such an attitude towards the obtained value.

Types of metrology by area of ​​application

Metrology in one form or another is involved in almost all areas human activity. In construction, the same measuring instruments are used to record deviations of structures along planes; in medicine, they are used on the basis of the most precise equipment; in mechanical engineering, specialists also use devices that allow them to determine characteristics in the smallest detail. Larger specialized projects are carried out by the agency for technical regulation and metrology, which at the same time maintains a bank of standards, establishes regulations, carries out cataloging, etc. This body, to varying degrees, covers all areas of metrological research, extending approved standards to them.


In metrology, there are previously established and unchanged standards, principles and methods of measurement. But there are also a number of its directions that cannot remain unchanged. Accuracy is one of the key characteristics that metrology provides. What is accuracy in the context of a measurement procedure? This is the quantity that to a greater extent depends on the technical measuring instrument. And it is precisely in this area that metrology is developing dynamically, leaving behind outdated, ineffective tools. But this is just one of the most striking examples in which this area is regularly updated.

Metrologist— specialist in monitoring the accuracy of measuring equipment. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, mathematics, drawing and computer science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

In almost all spheres of life, devices and apparatus are used that make some kind of measurements. Such devices include ATMs, electricity meters, water meters, as well as scales, police radars, medical tonometers, audiometers and much more. Not only the accuracy of financial calculations, but also the health and even lives of people depend on the accuracy of their work. To control this accuracy, special standards have been developed that are adopted at the state and international level. And the main task of a metrologist is to check the operation of devices and compare them with the requirements of standards.

If the device is actively used, errors accumulate in it, mechanical parts weaken, etc. In other words, after some time it no longer works as accurately as the standards require. Therefore, absolutely all measuring instruments must be periodically inspected, their operation checked, adjusted and repaired. In other words, one tenth of a millimeter on the instrument scale should correspond to exactly one tenth, and not nine hundredths. A metrologist performs checks (verification) and adjustments.
If a plant produces measuring instruments, metrologists adjust the products. Also in production, measuring equipment can be used in the technological process: to control the quality of products, air safety in workshops, etc. For example, during the production process, varnish of a strictly defined thickness is applied to machine parts; this thickness is controlled using a special thickness gauge. And the verification metrologist regularly monitors that the calibration of the thickness gauge does not deviate from the standard. If the metrologist detects a deviation, he corrects the calibration. When checking the operation of the device, the metrologist makes many measurements and records the data obtained in a journal. All this must be done quickly and without errors.

The standard kilogram, made in 1889, is kept in the Paris Chamber of Weights and Measures. It is a cylinder made of an alloy of platinum and iridium and is not “tied” to any fundamental physical constants.
Over time, any material object changes its mass, even under the protection of glass covers, so modern scientists are developing new versions of the standard.
European metrologists have proposed a standard that can be described using Avogadro's number. It is a perfectly polished round sphere of silicon.

Each industry has its own measuring instruments. Therefore, if an oil refinery recruiter is looking for an experienced metrologist, most often he has in mind a specialist with experience specifically in petrochemicals, oil and gas refining, or related fields.

In control and certification services, as well as in science, metrologists check measuring equipment and documentation for it, and prepare conclusions based on the results of checks. They develop verification schemes for different types of measurements, instructions, methods, verification schedules and repair documentation. They also take part in the development and implementation of measurement standards, in the creation of standards of physical quantities.


Metrologists work in state certification bodies (Rostekhregulirovanie, Rostechnadzor, Rostest, Metrological Center for Energy Resources), research institutes, manufacturing and other enterprises.


Salary as of 08/01/2019

Russia 20000—55000 ₽

Moscow 45000—70000 ₽

Important qualities

The profession of a metrologist requires an analytical mind, composure, accuracy, attentiveness, responsibility, a penchant for hard work and constant learning, communication skills and stress resistance.

Knowledge and skills

A metrologist must know the state system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements, be able to apply the requirements of metrological standards, instructions and methods for verifying measurements. A metrologist needs to be able to quickly understand any measuring equipment.

Metrologist training

Modern Scientific and Technological Academy (SNTA). Citizens with specialized secondary or higher education can major in Metrology. Courses professional retraining allow you to get new specialty based on existing education. A diploma is issued that gives full right to lead professional activity majoring in Metrology. Training is provided in 7 programs: “Metrology”, “Metrology and metrological support”, “Metrological support of healthcare organizations”, “Metrological support of production”, “Metrology in the oil and gas industry”, “Metrology, standardization and certification in the nuclear industry”, “Normal control” and metrological examination of technical documentation", "Standardization and metrology". For already working metrologists, advanced training courses are offered. A certificate of advanced training is issued. Training takes place part-time and part-time using distance technologies.

1. What is the name of your profession (position)?

I am a metrologist. Just don’t confuse me with a meteorologist, I have nothing to do with the weather! The position forces you to be a specialist generalist, since metrology, as a science, covers all aspects of science and technology.

2. What is your job and what are your responsibilities?

My job is to control all measuring equipment available at the enterprise.

All control and measuring instruments must work accurately and efficiently, and also undergo periodic verification in a timely manner. In addition to the instruments that we have directly at our enterprise, customer companies bring their own instruments for adjustment, commissioning and periodic verification.

My responsibilities include accepting devices from customers and formalizing their acceptance. After this, throughout the entire period of repair, adjustment and commissioning, inform the customer about the stage of the work performed. Once the device is ready, issue it to the customer. In order for Gosstandart authorities to exercise control over the timing of verification of devices, I compile lists of all equipment that is available at our enterprise or at the enterprise of customers.

I also make sure that everything regulations, which our organization uses, were current, with all the changes and additions made.

3. What education is required to obtain your position?

In order to work as a metrologist, you need compulsory higher education directly related to metrological activities. For example, the specialty that I graduated from is called “Metrology, standardization and certification.” In addition, it is necessary to regularly take advanced training courses, after which the corresponding certificates will be issued. It is also necessary to take part in seminars at which issues related to innovations in the field of metrology will be discussed.

4. Describe your work day.

My working day starts at 8 am. I start by summing up the results of the previous day in order to identify at what stage the documents, instrumentation and other documentation are. If the devices that customers handed over are ready, I inform them about this over the phone. At the same time, I accept new orders and prepare new documentation.

If any measuring equipment belonging to our company needs repair and verification, I make a request and forward it to the performers. At 17:00 my working day ends, but during busy periods I have to stay late.

5. How comfortable are your working conditions (all day on the street, or in the office with a cup of coffee)?

The degree of comfort of my working conditions can be assessed as average. I work directly in the office. But, as in every job that involves communicating with people and working with documents, there are some nuances that cannot be called comfortable.

6. What do you like most about your business?

I like scrupulous and responsible work with documents. Having a technical mindset, working with instruments and equipment does not cause discomfort. Communication with people gives you the opportunity to develop and not stand in one place.

7. What do you dislike most about your business?

Due to the fact that the work requires great responsibility, nervous overload cannot be avoided. Clients are different, each with their own needs. Therefore, sometimes it can be quite difficult to please everyone.

8. If it’s not a secret, what is your salary level (is it enough to write whether you’re satisfied or not)?

Metrologists have always had a low level wages. And I was always surprised by this discrepancy job responsibilities and their payment. But I believe that justice will prevail, and our State will appreciate our hard work.

9. Describe your team, what people work with you?

I work in private company, so our team is not large. Only ten people. The team is male, the only female members are me and Chief Accountant. I like working in a male team; all our employees are competent specialists with higher education and true professionals in their field.

10. What human qualities do you think are most important in your business?

First of all, responsibility, composure, readiness for quick action. The ability to work in a team is also important.

11. Work gives me additional features(here is everything that work gives you except money, from self-expression and communication with interesting people to the opportunity to visit different countries).

My work encourages me to expand my knowledge and teaches me to be more tolerant. Develops a desire to accept people as they are.

12. You have the opportunity to rate your work on a five-point scale, what rating would you give?

Considering the salary level, I can only rate my work as four points.

13. Why did you choose this job?

When I entered this specialty, I didn’t even have the remotest idea what it was connected with. But during the period of study and work, I only became convinced that it was a happy accident.

One can describe a particular profession for a long time and in a variety of ways. Each person has his own appearance of work and his own attitude towards it. But I tried to reflect the most important aspects that will help you imagine and learn about my profession.