Modeling is an activity that is suitable for children and adults, develops fine motor skills and creative thinking, and has a positive effect on brain function. You can start classes from an early age of two years.

Modeling mass is a modern analogue of plasticine with a more plastic texture, it does not leave marks on clothes and does not stick to it, it is easily removed from carpets. In stores for creativity, you can buy ready-made kits with mass for modeling.

Unlike plasticine, the mass is softer, children younger age she is easier to work with. After class, the mass must be cleaned in a special container to protect it from drying out.

On the Internet you can find a lot of photos of masses for modeling, they are diverse in color and texture, due to the variety of compositions.

How to make mass for modeling

Cooking mass at home does not require special skills. Basically, the composition includes flour or starch, bright colors are achieved through dyes.

Depending on the composition and method of storage, the mass can be reusable or self-hardening.

Flour Based Mass

The composition of the simple recipe modeling mass includes only 4 ingredients that every housewife can find in the kitchen:

  • fine salt
  • Vegetable oil (can be excluded, added for better plasticity)

This recipe does not require cooking and even a child can handle it on their own. Dyes and flavors are added as desired. When using dyes, liquid ones are mixed with water, and dry ones with bulk ingredients.

Dry ingredients are mixed in a container in an amount of one to one, if desired, one tablespoon of vegetable oil is added, water is required as much as flour. Add water and mix with a spoon, when the mass begins to thicken, knead the dough with your hands until a homogeneous mass is obtained. When ready, the dough does not stick to hands and has a plastic texture.

You can diversify the recipe by replacing vegetable oil with a few drops of glycerin, and for a stronger texture, you can add a tablespoon of PVA glue. Until use, the mass is stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. The package protects the dough from drying out, and the cold helps to maintain plastic properties.

Mass based on shaving foam

Another interesting recipe, includes:

  • Shaving foam
  • Acrylic paints
  • Starch

Squeeze shaving foam into the container and mix it with acrylic paint until a uniform color is obtained. Starch is poured out little by little, constantly stirring the mass. The main thing in this recipe is not to pour starch, add it gradually.

Sometimes a little vegetable oil is added to the composition for elasticity. The recipe is not complicated and not expensive. This mass is not suitable for long-term storage, crumbles when dried and not everyone may like the smell, it can also be noted that when sculpting, the hands get dirty, as a little starch remains on the hands.

However, there are more pluses - the mass is very soft, pleasant to the touch and has an airy texture, and the colors are bright, the creation process is fascinating and children really like it.

Self-hardening mass for modeling

The recipe is not complicated and all components are available.

The composition includes:

  • Baking soda
  • Starch

For cooking, you will need a suitable size ladle, stewpan. We mix all the ingredients in it - two parts of soda, and one part of water and starch. Mix everything well and put the saucepan over medium heat. When cooking, the mass must be constantly stirred with a whisk.

After about half a minute, the mass turns into a lump, remove the saucepan from the stove. Liquid food coloring can be added to the already prepared mass and kneaded to obtain a uniform color.

If there are no dyes, ready-made figures can be painted using any paints. This recipe works with both potato starch and cornstarch. When prepared from corn starch, the mass is the most plastic.

The resulting mass is also suitable for reusable use, sealed containers are used for storage. The mass hardens itself at room temperature during the day.

Making mass for modeling with your own hands will help save cash and diversify the creative process. The pros of creating mass at home is that you can choose best way and composition, as well as preparation from natural materials, ensures the safety of use.

Cooking does not take much time, and the process is not difficult and children really like it. The mass is suitable for various applications, creating Christmas tree decorations, for unique handmade gifts.

Photo mass for modeling

A wonderful material for children's creativity is a light mass for modeling that hardens in air. It is also called self-hardening super-light plasticine.

Lightweight, velvety, air-drying modeling compound

Once with my daughter we saw an advertising and training video of the company "AMOS". From the very first minutes of watching, seeing what a plastic and soft material in the hands of the host and the children, we were very interested in it. Rita immediately wanted such plasticine. After watching the video in the same window there were links to other videos on the same topic, we also really liked them.

Here is this video (in the video, master classes on sculpting several crafts):

What is the difference between a light mass for modeling and a simple self-hardening mass for modeling and from ordinary plasticine

Regular (not light) self-hardening mass for modeling is very similar in quality to too hard kneaded salt dough. It is heavy, completely inelastic, does not stretch, the parts stick together very poorly, often fall off when dried, the products are also heavy, easily broken (if they did not fall apart during drying).

The light self-hardening mass for modeling is very elastic, it is really very light, it stretches like rubber, it is soft and velvety to the touch, the parts stick together easily and quickly. After drying, products made from it are similar in weight to polystyrene foam (or foam). Because of this lightness, they do not break if dropped.

Sculpting from such a mass is a pleasure, advertising did not deceive.

Unlike plasticine, the self-hardening mass for modeling is not greasy, does not stain hands and tables, does not stick, is safe for carpets and furniture, and smells good.

Rita and I were so delighted with him! After meeting him, I don’t want to pick up ordinary plasticine at all !!! Now this is our favorite material for modeling.

In addition, we had a lot of figurines molded by our daughter from ordinary plasticine. But they were not preserved, because it is very inconvenient to store a lot of plasticine crafts. They collect dust on the shelves, losing their appearance, and in our southern summer heat they stick strongly to the surface of the furniture, staining it, even if they are not under direct sunbeams. In the box, everything sticks together tightly to each other, and when storing each craft in a separate box, they take up a lot of space.

Whether it's a light mass for modeling!

What can be done with a child from a light hardening mass for modeling

This mass is convenient to use in order to take the child on long trips, because. it does not stain hands and does not crumble.

And since she herself freezes in the air, the child from her can himself (or with a little help from her mother)

  • sculpt toys,
  • make souvenirs and gifts,
  • figurines,
  • refrigerator magnets,
  • keychains,
  • decorations,
  • badges, brooches,
  • pendants,
  • Christmas decorations,
  • food and accessories for dolls and dollhouses,
  • voluminous elements for applications, panels or postcards - all that is enough for imagination!

Advantages of light mass for modeling

  • After drying, the figures seem to be made of special (it is also called rubberized paper, foam rubber, foam), they are just as light, soft and velvety.
  • Figures from this mass do not crack and do not burst after drying.
  • Figures from this mass can be stored together in one box, and they do not stick together, unlike products made from ordinary plasticine.
  • Figures from this mass do not deform and do not break if they fall (unlike products made from ordinary plasticine and salt dough).
  • Figures from this mass are easily pierced with a needle or cut with scissors (especially flat figures). This is handy when making some crafts.
  • Fridge magnets from this mass are so light that even very weak vinyl beckons can easily hold them.

Master class on modeling a lion cub:

Where to buy mass for modeling

You can buy a light mass for modeling that hardens in air in stores with goods for children, stationery stores, and online stores.

If there are many colors in the set, it is very convenient: they can be mixed with each other and get many new shades. This is especially valuable for crafts in which you need to accurately match the color - for example, for making food and accessories for dolls).

Mass for modeling which company is better to buy

My daughter did not agree to order on the Internet and wait a long time for the parcel. Therefore, we bought what turned out to be in our stores.

  1. Lightweight self-hardening superplasticine (TM TUKZAR), 40 g, in a round plastic jar divided inside into 4 sections - 4 colors: white, yellow, red, blue. I really liked the quality, a convenient sealed container in which the mass does not dry out, just like in a cartoon: it will not be enough!
  2. Highly good quality the mass of "Kalyaki-Malyaki" has different packages (with a different number of colors), each color in its own container.
  3. Light mass for modeling in a package (firm "Le Flash"), 8 colors. It is inconvenient that each color is in a separate bag without a zip fastener. Those. In advance, you need to stock up on your own sealed packaging. In addition, in three packages the mass was already dried up.
  4. I did not like the self-hardening mass for modeling "Gamma". It turned out that this is an ordinary self-hardening mass (dough), and not a light one. Of the pluses - only the molds included in the set, stack and roller. This is where the pluses end. One of the molds on the lid is defective. All colors without containers. The parts are fastened together very poorly, they have to be moistened for this, there is no elasticity. When drying, the parts often fall off from each other, and the product cracks. My opinion is poor quality colored salt dough (we made it from ordinary salt dough, and the salt dough recipe we use is). By the way, this mass really tastes salty and over time an ugly white coating appears on the products. We will not buy again.

P.S. We ordered the Play-Doh mass recommended by Julia in the comments. It turned out that this is an ordinary (not light) self-hardening mass, that is, modeling dough. I wrote about its differences from the light one above, my daughter and I did not like it - it is very much inferior in properties to the light mass, it is heavy, not elastic, the crafts crack after drying. It is very similar to the dough from "Gamma".

How long and where to dry ready-made crafts from the mass for modeling

Flat small crafts dry faster, voluminous and large ones take longer. We just left them on the table overnight. You can sometimes turn it over so that the lower part of the craft in contact with the table dries faster. Drying crafts from this material in the oven, like some types of plastic, is not necessary.

Tips for working with self-hardening clay (mass for modeling)

Because mass hardens in air, it is desirable to keep it hermetically packed (container or zip-pack). At the time of work, take out only pieces of the mass of the desired size, put everything else in a container or bag, close tightly.

Try not to sculpt for too long, otherwise the mass will gradually harden, and it will be difficult to glue the parts together. If this nevertheless happened, the joints of the parts should be slightly moistened with water, as when working with clay.

It is desirable to use the entire contents of the package within a couple of months after the "depressurization", otherwise the mass freezes right in the package. If the mass in the package has dried up a little and has ceased to be elastic, it must be thoroughly sprinkled with boiled water and hermetically sealed for a couple of days. If the mass is very dry, water will not help, and the mass, unfortunately, will have to be thrown away.

When working with this mass, the hands must be dry. If you come across a too sticky mass that sticks to your hands, do not be discouraged. This is better than if it was half-dried (unfortunately, this is also sold) and did not stick at all. Try kneading it in your hands for a few minutes, stretching it like chewing gum and collecting it into a ball again - it will start to dry out a little in the air and stop sticking to your hands, then it will be more convenient to sculpt from it and you can even use molds. Roll a slightly dried-up lump between your palms, and it will collect all the pieces stuck to them from your hands.

I warn you right away that this mass is not suitable for babies who put everything in their mouths - it gets very dirty from water, and its composition is not the most suitable for this.

Our work with my daughter from a light self-hardening mass

I already wrote in my other blog about crafts my daughter and I made from this material and from ball plasticine (it is also light, self-hardening, but it feels completely different to the touch, it looks like small foam balls).

Here are some pictures of our crafts:

Animals of Africa

Magnet with a wolf on the fridge, gift.

Various crafts, a basket with flowers in the center is also a magnet and also made as a gift.

My favorite lizard and autumn leaves.

Our other crafts from this mass with master classes (production descriptions, instructions)

Click on the link below the picture to view the workshop you are interested in.

Other crafts that are not among these links, because. they are molded from other materials, for example, from salt dough or ordinary modeling mass (you can see these crafts), you can also sculpt from this material. For example, these ones would have turned out much better.

Also from light plasticine you can (in an article with step by step photos 6 ways of sculpting fish are given), but they cannot be placed in a jar of water - it is very important that the aquarium for such fish is dry.

Attention - in all this salt dough will help as well as possible. And it's not hard to cook it. To do this, we need only a little water, flour and salt.

Salt dough recipes

Homemade mass for modeling

In principle, the recipes are very similar to each other. Main ingredients: flour, salt and water. Only components such as citric acid, tartar and the presence of food coloring.

But among these recipes there are those that are prepared without flour or water . The method of preparing home-made plasticine is also different: in the microwave, on the stove, or you just need to knead it with a spoon.

Homemade mass for modeling can be stored in the refrigerator few weeks (in a closed bag or a plastic container with a lid).

To clearly show you mold making process(and also: do-it-yourself finger paints and colored cereals), I recorded a video 🙂

If you want to receive the video to your email, enter your coordinates in the form below - and I will try send you video as soon as possible, as well as - detailed step by step PDF instructions making all developing materials with your own hands.

I have deep respect for all my readers, so your data will never be shared with third parties and you will never receive spam, I guarantee.

So, enter the data in the form and get a video of the preparation of all educational materials today 🙂:

Mass for modeling No. 1


  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 1 glass of cold water;
  • ½ cup salt;
  • 2 teaspoons of cream of tartar;
  • food coloring for color;

Cooking method:

Mix flour with salt, gradually adding water. Add cream of tartar, oil and food coloring. Cook over medium heat until a ball forms. We knead the mass well when it cools down.

Mass for modelingNo. 2 (cook on fire)


  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 1/2 cup warm water;
  • 1/4 cup salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • food coloring for color;

Cooking method:

Mix flour with salt and pour all the ingredients into boiling water. Cook while stirring over low heat. As soon as the mass for modeling takes the form of a ball, put it on a floured surface. When it cools down, knead until it does not stick to your fingers and becomes elastic.

Mass for modeling No. 3 (knead in boiling water)


  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 2 cups of boiling water;
  • ½ cup salt;
  • food coloring;
  • a few drops of glycerin (for shine);

Cooking method:

Mix flour with salt, cream of tartar and butter. Add to boiling water, stirring constantly. Next, you need to add food coloring and glycerin. We knead well when the mass has cooled down. It is necessary to reach a state when stickiness disappears (if necessary, add flour).

Mass for modeling No. 4 (cooking in the microwave)


  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 glass of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of cream of tartar;
  • food colorings;

Cooking method:

It is necessary to mix all the ingredients (first flour and salt, then add water, oil, cream of tartar and dyes) and pour the resulting mass into a baking dish. We close the form with a lid and put in the microwave for 4-5 minutes (at medium microwave speed). We form the mass into a bun and knead when it cools down.

Mass for modelingNo. 5 (cooking without water)


  • 300 grams of flour;
  • 325 grams of salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • food coloring;

Cooking method:

Salty dough

Flour must be mixed with salt and wine vinegar. Next, add vegetable oil and food coloring. We put the pan on a small fire and stir until a thick mass forms. We let our future mass for modeling cool down and knead it well.

Mass for modelingNo. 6 (cooking without flour)


  • 2 cups of baking soda;
  • 1 cup starch ;
  • 1/2 glass of water;
  • food coloring;

Cooking method:

Mix baking soda and starch. Add water little by little, stirring constantly. Cook over low heat until the dough forms a ball. Next, we studim and knead the mass for modeling.

Mass for modelingNo. 7 (with jelly)


  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 1 glass of warm water;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of cream of tartar;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • approximately 100 grams of jelly;

Cooking method:

Mix all the ingredients and put in a saucepan over medium heat to cook until a ball forms. When the mass has cooled, it must be well kneaded. If it sticks to your hands, add flour.

Mass for modelingNo. 8 (with citric acid)


  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 2 cups of boiling water;
  • ½ cup salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of citric acid;
  • 1 teaspoon of glycerin;
  • food coloring;

Cooking method:

Mix flour, salt, citric acid thoroughly. Add vegetable oil to boiling water and pour into flour. We knead the dough. We knead until the mass for modeling becomes smooth and pleasant to the touch.

Mass for modeling No. 9 (plain, salty)


  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 1 glass of cold water;
  • 2 cups of salt;


Mix flour and salt, add water in portions, constantly stirring the dough. Knead the mass well, first with a spoon, and then on a floured surface until a bun forms. If necessary, add flour so that the mass does not stick to your hands.

Mass for modeling #10 (our favorite)

Our modeling mass

I like this recipe the most because it is quite simple, does not contain products that are not always on hand (for example, cream of tartar or citric acid). The mass does not need to be cooked, which personally suits me very well 🙂


  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 1/2 cup cold water;
  • 1/2 cup fine salt;
  • Food coloring;
  • Glycerol;


Mix salt with flour and add water in portions. We knead well. If the mass sticks to your hands, add a little flour, if it crumbles - a little water. That's all. Very simple.

About food coloring , if they are not at hand, they can easily be replaced with analogues. For example, green color can be obtained by adding a few drops of brilliant green to the dough, brown - cocoa, red - cherry juice, purple - blackcurrant, yellow - turmeric.

I did this, first kneaded the dough, and then divided it into pieces and added natural dye to each ( turmeric, blackcurrant and greens ).

natural dyes

Food coloring can be added both at the very beginning of cooking to the dough itself, and later at the stage when the dough is ready.

I hope the recipes for the mass for modeling come in handy!

Good and fun creativity and modeling to you!

All the best!

Marina Kruchinskaya

Among needleworkers, such material as plastic is gaining popularity. For modeling dolls, flowers, jewelry, crafts with children and so on - you can use this material everywhere. We invite you to take a closer look at it.

What is molding plastic?

With your own hands, you can make crafts from different materials: wood, fabric, clay, salt dough, wire, beads, and so on. For modeling today are the most popular plasticine, salt dough and plastic.

Plastic is, in other words, a very convenient material for modeling. The plastic dries up and becomes as strong as plastic. When first used, it resembles a very elastic dough or plasticine. You can make toys, crafts, jewelry, decor elements and much more from it. Dry the finished craft in the air or in the oven.

The advantages of plastic:

  • dries quickly;
  • easy to work with;
  • does not stain hands;
  • does not soften during long work;
  • the finished product does not lose shape over time;
  • rich color variety;
  • product can be dyed.

Where to get plastic?

There are many places where you can buy plastic for sculpting:

  • departments for creativity in ordinary stores;
  • children's shops;
  • online shopping for creativity;
  • specialized shops for creativity.

Do-it-yourself plastic for modeling is sold in different shades, but it is not cheap.

We do plastic surgery ourselves

If you do not want to go to the store, then we offer you an alternative option.

Plastic at home is made as follows:

  1. To get about 350 grams of material at the output, you need to take 250 grams (1 cup) of PVA glue, 250 grams of corn starch (if you don’t need a snow-white color, you can use ordinary starch), one tablespoon of petroleum jelly and hand cream (the most regular low-fat and silicone-free), two tablespoons of lemon juice.
  2. From the dishes and tools, take a bowl in which the ingredients will be kneaded, a stirring spoon, a substrate, a piece of cling film or a bag, a piece of cloth that absorbs moisture well, a plastic spatula.
  3. Pour all the starch into a bowl and pour in the glue with petroleum jelly.
  4. When the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, add lemon juice.
  5. Set the microwave to maximum power and put a bowl in it for 30 seconds. Then move everything and turn on the stove again for half a minute. You can use a gas stove. Then stir the mass until thickened over low heat.
  6. Lubricate the substrate with hand cream and put the mass on it, after removing the upper frozen ball. It needs to be thrown away.
  7. Knead the mass as if you were working with dough. Knead for five minutes until the piece becomes elastic. Help yourself with a spatula. With its help, pieces are easily scraped off the substrate.
  8. Roll a piece of plastic into a sausage and place it on a cloth to remove excess moisture. Put everything in the refrigerator, as the material will harden in the air.
  9. After a while, remove the fabric and wrap it in a film or bag.

Do-it-yourself plastic for modeling is ready!

If you want to make the material multi-colored, then divide the dough into portions and add the desired shade of oil paints, fabric or food coloring to each.

simple plastic flowers

There are many types of flowers that a beginner in plastic modeling can make. For example, violets, cornflowers, peonies, daisies, roses and so on.

Basically, sculpting flowers from plastic is as follows:

  1. Very small balls are rolled.
  2. Petals are made from them.
  3. Then the petals are shaped.
  4. The petals are folded together.
  5. The product is baked.

You can add leaves and stems if you like.

Making dolls

Plastic for sculpting dolls should have a snow-white color or a slightly pinkish tint.

Work features:

  1. To make a doll, first form all the components from pieces of foil: legs, arms, body, head.
  2. Then roll out the plastic and stick around the foil parts with cakes.
  3. You can stick around the foil completely, bake the doll, and then leave it like that. And you can divide the parts in half, pull out the foil, and then glue the parts.
  4. Then all the parts are connected to each other and the doll is painted.

The second way to make a plastic doll:

  1. Make a frame for the doll out of wire.
  2. Make a foil ball on top.
  3. Cover the foil with plastic and form the head.
  4. Then make arms and legs.
  5. At the end, fashion the body.
  6. Sculpt all the details: face, fingers and so on.
  7. Bake the doll.

  • In order not to prepare a new portion of plastic every time, you can stock up. The material can be stored for a long time in a tightly closed glass jar or a plastic container in the refrigerator. When you want to mold something, then cut off a small piece from a large supply, and send the rest back.
  • It is best to use a plastic board or silicone mat as a substrate. Then the plastic for modeling with your own hands will not stick.
  • At the end of sculpting, all tools and the substrate must be thoroughly cleaned so that the plastic remains do not dry out and migrate to a new product next time.
  • If the craft consists of several parts that need to be connected together, then it is best to use ordinary PVA glue for this.
  • As additional tools and materials, as your plastic products become more complex, you may need molds (plastic or silicone), sticks (ice cream, lollipop, and so on), pen caps, rulers, rolling pins and much more.

Julia Makhankova
Master class for parents "Crafts from plasticine, masses for modeling and dough"

Master Class

Crafts from plasticine, masses for modeling and dough

With modeling the child gets acquainted quite early, for the first time he must hold plastic material for at least a year and in quality plasticine for crafts at this age it is better to choose salty dough(the child puts everything in his mouth). After two or three years, you can safely give the child a real plasticine, and even better - mass for modeling or ball plasticine but lessons modeling must be carried out by an adult (otherwise you will collect the consequences later modeling around the apartment and scrub plasticine from walls and carpet).

Now there are a lot of different materials for modeling, in addition to the usual it is a ball plasticine, modeling masses, plate or plastic, many of them after the formation crafts harden in the air or during heat treatment and the figurine becomes a toy or a souvenir for years and a memory of how your child sculpted at this age.

Children from the age of 3 are already able to make several balls from plasticine or mass for modeling. Over time, the movement of children's pens becomes more dexterous, which will allow the baby to learn how to write and draw beautifully in the future. Educational games, in particular, modeling contribute to the development of fine motor skills, and hence speech. Lessons modeling have a positive effect on the nervous system and contribute to the development of creative thinking.

Sculpting is not difficult. Prepare the material as written on its packaging. And I'll show you how to mold a caterpillar.

The caterpillar is one of the easiest to make plasticine crafts, it’s not for nothing that three-year-old children are already sculpting it in kindergarten. All you need is to fashion a few balls and connect them. But awkward children's hands do not always cope with this quickly. Need training. After mastering this lesson, you can move on to even more complex handicrafts, but for now we are learning to sculpt a caterpillar.

Roll up 5 green balls. The ball for the head is a little larger than the rest. We connect. We sculpt horns and eyes. We stick colored spots. We sculpt a flower and plant our caterpillar on it.

And the caterpillar can also be turned into a keychain if sculpted from a hardening modeling masses.

This insect loves the company, you have to sculpt it friends:)

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