Many people believe that in order to open a manufacturing business, you need decent start-up capital and certain knowledge. Actually successful entrepreneurial activity You can also do it at home. There are many ideas of what you can make at home to sell. If you are able to make the right choice, your business will develop successfully and generate stable income.

Toilet paper

Do you want to start your own business, but have not yet decided what you can produce in your garage for sale? Pay attention to products included in the category of essential goods, for example, toilet paper and napkins. The production of such products attracts many aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start their own business at home.

Before purchasing equipment and starting work, you need to thoroughly research the market. This will help you understand what homes can be produced for sale in your area. It is also advisable to make detailed business a plan with calculations of all expenses and future profits. Affordable prices and high quality products will allow you to achieve great success in this area.

Colored crushed stone

Are you interested in what you can produce for sale in order to receive additional income? The production of colored crushed stone brings good profits. In order to do this business, you will not need any specific knowledge, since you will be working with ready-made raw materials. To get multi-colored crushed stone, it needs to be treated with acrylic paint.

This material is used:

  • For landscaping;
  • In landscape design;
  • For decoration of sculptures;
  • During finishing work.

In addition, colored crushed stone is purchased by pet stores, utility companies, funeral services and individuals. As a rule, this building material is sold in large wholesale quantities, so there are usually no problems with its sale. This is a great option for people looking for something they can make themselves to sell at home.

Wooden utensils

People living in rural areas near the forest, the question is often asked what can be produced from wood in order to make a good profit from it. One of the simplest business ideas is the production of wooden utensils. To open such a profitable business, you need to purchase special equipment. This could be an inexpensive woodworking machine that can be used to produce tableware different sizes. Experts do not recommend saving on the purchase of equipment, since the quality of products, production productivity and business profitability largely depend on this.

Raw materials for the production of tableware can be purchased from a woodworking enterprise and prepared independently. It is best to sell finished products online on specialized websites. If you can't think of a product you can produce at home to sell, take advantage of this promising business idea.

Growing seedlings

Seedlings of tomatoes, cabbage, peppers and other early crops are an excellent option that can be produced in a private home for sale. In order to do such a thing, you do not need any special knowledge or skills. All you need is a plot of fertile land, desire and hard work.

In order for your business to bring good profits, first of all you need to choose quality seeds. It is desirable that these are varietal samples of early crops, adapted to the climatic conditions of your region. Seed material can be purchased at seed institutes or breeding stations. To grow seedlings you need to build small greenhouse. A finished polycarbonate structure can be purchased for little money. If you do not have start-up capital, make a greenhouse yourself. Growing seedlings is great idea for rural residents who cannot decide.

Furniture production

This is good because you can choose the appropriate specialization yourself. Large furniture factories are engaged in the production of cabinets, tables, chairs or beds, that is, everything that can be made from wood. In addition, there are workshops that offer furniture repair and reupholstery services. This is excellent, since such an enterprise can be located in a small room without any problems.

Finished products can be sold to furniture stores or sold online. Another option is cooperation with construction company. People who have recently built a house or made major renovation may want to buy new furniture. If you're still wondering what you can start making at home, try making custom kitchen chairs and tables. When more customers appear, you can expand the range and open mass production.


Are you wondering what you can produce in your garage to earn extra income from it? IN lately in great demand motorists began to use non-freezing liquids. The production of such products will be guaranteed to bring good income, so if you haven't decided yet on producing homes for sale, take advantage of this proven idea.

It is worth noting that there is a high level of competition in this market segment, but if you organize your business competently, it is unlikely to be unprofitable. The number of cars in our country is constantly growing, so such products will be in demand for many years. According to experts, this is promising direction activity that is perfect for budding entrepreneurs.


Considering different options for what can be produced at home for sale, I would like to make a special mention. This organic fertilizer, which is produced using earthworms. The profitability level of such a business reaches 300%.

Since large-scale manure is used as a raw material for the production of vermicompost cattle, it is most profitable to open such production on the basis farm. Finished products, packaged in bags of various sizes, are happily purchased by summer residents, entrepreneurs who grow various crops, and individuals. At the same time, you can start breeding worms. Such goods are purchased in bulk by poultry farms and pet stores. This is a good option that can be produced profitably in rural areas.


Recently, many aspiring entrepreneurs often ask the question, what can be produced from waste? Experts recommend that beginners start an environmentally friendly production of fuel pellets.

The market supply of such products does not fully satisfy the demand, so such a business will be highly profitable and quite successful. Moreover, this is the most best option, which can be produced in Russia and sold abroad, since fuel pellets are purchased by many European countries. This is the cheapest fuel, which is actively used in regions where there is no gas.

It is better to locate the enterprise near the raw material base. Thanks to this, you can save significantly on transport costs. A mini-plant for the production of pellets, in which all production processes are properly organized, fully pays for itself in 1–2 years. If you have not yet found what new things can be produced during a crisis, pay special attention to profitable business idea.

Baked goods and semi-finished products

Food prepared according to home recipes is always in great demand. Consumers are willing to pay good money for such products. In stores and markets, fresh, homemade baked goods are sold out instantly, so such products are the most reliable option that you can produce yourself at home.

When thinking about this, be sure to pay attention to this area of ​​activity. Another win-win option is the production of home-made semi-finished products. Let's see what products can be produced at home:

  • Dumplings;
  • Cutlets;
  • Stuffed peppers;
  • Pies;
  • Donuts;
  • Cakes;
  • Cookies and stuff.

The demand for such products does not fall even in difficult economic conditions, so their sales can be established in any region of our country without any problems. According to experts, food is the best idea that can now be produced in our country.

How to make a keychain with a car license plate yourself

Sewing production

Looking for an answer to the question of what products can be produced at home? Try getting into the sewing business. Of course, such a thing will require certain financial investments, so you can’t do it without a competent business plan. But if you take the right approach, the entire initial investment will pay off in spades. Before you start doing this, you first need to decide what products can be produced in your region.

Hello, dear readers of Anatomy of Business! Do you know how to work well without bosses? Can you imagine what it means to travel from and to work, taking about one minute in time? What about a lunch break in your kitchen? If you don’t know, but really want to find out, then our article will be very interesting and useful for you! Today we will look at how each of you can start a home production, a business idea for which there are now a lot of ideas. But before we start looking at them, let's figure out why such a home business is good!

Home production: wide scope for business ideas and huge advantages!

In addition to what was listed in the preface, this type of activity has much more serious advantages - if you can launch your business idea, and home production begins to generate income, you will no longer want to return to your old life. Financial independence, low stress levels, and the ability to plan your personal time and income give you great feelings.

Let me give you an example from my life - having successfully worked in this field for quite a long time, I went into the office where I had previously worked to visit my colleagues and treat them to a cake during their lunch break. There I accidentally caught a very envious glance from my former director. At first I didn’t understand what caused this, but then it dawned on me - the need to get to the office early in the morning through traffic jams, and to get home in the evening, all the time to be afraid of a “mutiny on the ship”, to keep complex accounting, to endure the intrigues of subordinates and government inspections... Considering all this, I even felt a little sorry for him. Moreover, my level of income with him will soon be equal, I am sure. Of course, working as an employee in this organization some time ago, I could not even dream about this.

Possible problems when developing a home business!

Don’t be surprised, but even when everything works, and income flows to you, first drop by drop and then in a thin trickle, you will encounter certain difficulties that are characteristic only of this type of activity. I had to go through them and hope that I will pass them. Be prepared for the following:

1. It is very difficult to organize your time correctly. It can take up to six months to understand when to work and when to rest. Required condition when working at home, follow the rules of time management so that you don’t later find yourself working at 4 a.m. and then waking up at 1 p.m. In fact, there is no need to invent anything, everything was invented before us. The current work schedule is from 9 am to 6 pm and an hour lunch break. It is accepted in most organizations for good reason, since it is the most effective and convenient for the human body. Just try to stick to it. Sooner or later you will be able to do everything in this period of time, and the red color of your eyes and the eternally sleepy expression on your face will become a thing of the past.

2. Possible friction with household members and misunderstanding of others. Even if you are confident in the strength of your relationships with your loved ones, successful home production will put them to the test. For some reason, the person leaving for regular work, imagine that you have exactly the same work day, with its own difficulties and “sparks”. Get ready for the phrases: “I could have done the cleaning and cooked dinner while I was sitting at home!”, “Ha-ha-ha, he’s working! He has a lot to do!” For some reason, all relatives, acquaintances and neighbors will consider you an incredible freeloader and a rare lazy person, despite the eight-hour working day and the fact that your account bank card growing much faster than before. When I first encountered this situation, it really unsettled me and hit me hard on my nerves and self-esteem. It’s good that a solution was found quickly enough - bribery! A few nice gifts for your loved ones: a little larger in size than they are used to! And the atmosphere in the house will again regain its former comfort and peace.

3. At one point you will get tired of everything. Man is simply designed in such a way that sooner or later he becomes bored with everything. And even something that used to be enjoyable begins to irritate. This feeling may well arise when working from home, especially if there is a lack of communication. Fortunately, with home production, business ideas have more room for maneuver than with regular employment - here you can always change the matter to suit your interests, and not pull the hateful strap. As soon as you begin to notice that the activity is starting to become burdensome, immediately look for new variations of the usual activity.

4. The next disadvantage is related to the lack social security, if you have not registered your home business. However, this is not something to joke about if you want to sleep peacefully. Reaching a good level of income will only be possible if you implement state registration, for example, like individual entrepreneur. Moreover, several bills are currently being developed that can make this procedure almost painless. In addition, the introduction of special benefits for small businesses is being considered in the form of tax exemption for start-up entrepreneurs for the first 3 years of their activity and for 5 years if an individual entrepreneur is under 30 years of age. Such a step, of course, could bring many representatives of the home and apartment business out of the shadows. And now I can recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the simplified taxation system from the article:

That's all the difficulties that may arise on your way. It’s quite easy to get around them, and if you know about their existence, then it becomes even easier. It's time to move on from the introductory part to the most interesting part. We will divide the following material into two parts: home production, business ideas for an apartment, and production in a private home, where even heavy industry can be developed. Let us warn you in advance - select for yourself the industry where you have already gained experience. This may be an area related to your past work activity, or in line with your life interests, or is your hobby.

Business ideas for an apartment!

We will not consider in detail all business ideas related to receiving clients in your apartment, we will simply list: sugaring (sugar hair removal), massage and manicure at home, hairdressing services. These things don't require any special startup costs. But you should try to isolate the workroom as much as possible exclusively for visiting clients, so that it feels like a study, and not a family bedroom or children's room. Representatives of the fair sex may find our publication useful in this regard.

As for business ideas for home production in an apartment, do not think that the walls will serve as some kind of limitation. Remember, you are unlimited by nothing except your own imagination and your skills!
It would be appropriate for a woman to think about knitting and sewing her own designer line of clothing, decorative soap making, production confectionery to order, growing exotic flowers and bonsai trees. Any of the ideas listed are viable and can generate income.

I can tell men - even in the conditions of a Khrushchev kitchenette or balcony, you can create things for which you cannot find any other epithets other than “unique” and “high-tech”. Now I have the opportunity to do almost everything I want! And assemble an outdoor table with a built-in solar battery, ordered from China, I can right next to the sofa. You might think, who needs such a table? Yes, to any person who wants to be able to work with a laptop in their personal garden, without stringing wires through alpine slides and garden paths. What if this table is made foldable so that it can fit in the trunk of a car? How about mounting industrial cylindrical batteries in hollow legs? By the way, I’ll probably put it together for testing when I have time, a very interesting idea!

You can glue aquariums with a unique design and supply them to pet stores in the city. To cut glass, and even more so plexiglass, in an apartment, you don’t need either great skill or a large number of tools. You can make narrow shoe racks for hallways, where shoes are stored vertically, or designer shelves with built-in lighting.

Regarding the sales of products, I can say that stores of interesting formats are now appearing - where anyone can rent space on the shelf for a ridiculous amount of around 300-700 rubles per month. Don't forget also the various fairs where there are small rental fees for a place. And of course, Internet auctions and trading platforms online.

As for arranging a workshop in conditions of precious and scarce square meters of home, pay attention to the pantry and balcony. Provided the tools and equipment are properly arranged, they turn into full-fledged workshops, I know this from own experience. A jigsaw and drill produce much less noise than the ubiquitous hammer drill. And if you install primitive sound insulation, the neighbors may not understand that they are busy with production behind the wall. So home production and business ideas in an apartment are not limited by practically anything other than your own imagination and manual skill.

Business ideas for a private home: “heavy industry” and “agriculture”!

The conditions of the apartment allow you to do quite a lot, but of course the squeal of a professional circular saw and the howl of a powerful grinder are unacceptable in such conditions. Therefore, let’s move on to business ideas for home production in a country house, a private house or even a garage - now the neighbors are not a hindrance to us! Again, pay attention to what is interesting to you, and to those areas where you are a mature, experienced specialist. You should not try to grow clariid catfish or crayfish on an industrial scale if you have only seen them in pictures before. It is relatively easy to master the production of various building blocks and panels, paving slabs and fence sections, but the competition in this area is significant, you will have to invent some of your own “tricks” to stand out from the crowd. This could be a rich color palette or an unusual design in Japanese or ancient Roman style. Try decorating the same banal concrete pillars for a sectional fence in the form of ancient columns, and the customer will definitely find you.

I now remember three comrades who, in a garage, painted furniture facades for cabinets and kitchens with automotive enamels such as “mother of pearl” and “chameleon” and coated them with several layers of varnish. Very expressive furniture came out as a result of such “tuning”, but it found its buyer. These guys visited all the organizations in their city where they assembled cabinet furniture to order and offered them options for their exotic facades.

Industries that suit us!

Let's list the "industrial" sectors and business ideas in home production:

- manufacturing building materials;

— production of cabinet, wicker and upholstered furniture;

— car repair;

- organizing a warehouse or collection point for old tires, batteries or even scrap metal on your site under an agreement with an organization in need (the main thing in this matter is not to turn your entire site into a huge garbage dump, clearly define the boundaries);

- production metal products, which we talked about in more detail in the article

This list can be continued and expanded. I can say with confidence that they are quite simple to learn. Using a personal example, I will say that 10 years ago I successfully reupholstered upholstered furniture for pensioners, although I was still a very young boy. Because general idea I knew about production, I bought a better furniture stapler and off I went! By the way, the business turned out to be quite simple and profitable; in any case, there were sometimes queues of customers. For those who have worked in this industry and have not achieved results, I can clearly say - do not raise prices, furniture repair should be at least two to three times cheaper than a new set. Do your work efficiently and there will be a “radio effect” among your customers.

In socially vulnerable segments of the population, the demand for such services is quite high, and the legend that “everything was done better before” will push people to roll up old Soviet spring sofas in leopard-print velvet and screw in chrome legs and carved armrests. I think that if the economic situation in the country does not improve over the next year, then such services will be in increasing demand. Let me note again: at first, work very well, perhaps even with low profitability, thereby creating a name for yourself. Subsequently, the first person for whom you restored the sofa will ask to remake two armchairs, and then all the soft chairs in the house, and then will recommend your services to all their relatives and friends. Then, when the clientele forms a queue, you can raise your prices. This applies to all areas!

Farming ideas at home!

Agriculture as a business idea for home production can be covered in several volumes, printed in small print. If you have private house– now all borders are open for this. Any breed of domestic animals, birds, plants and mushrooms (I mean oyster mushrooms, champignons, etc.) are available for breeding. Maybe, useful information You will find in this article:

Polycarbonate greenhouses and IR heaters make it possible to grow whatever you want, even organize an ostrich farm, although there is already competition here. Moreover, the state’s development policy agriculture will give you some advantages, which are that when selling products from your private household plot (personal subsidiary farming) the profit received is not taxed. Registering your private house with an adjacent land plot as a private plot is not so difficult, the main thing is that the area does not exceed 5000 sq.m., and only you and family members work on the plot (that is, it is prohibited to attract hired workers). But I don’t think that the regulatory authorities will check who is your brother-in-law and who is not.
But the opportunity to sell products without feeling the pressure of the tax burden is a very tangible plus. In addition, agricultural producers are also entitled to certain subsidies and subsidies. Unfortunately, I can’t say anything about their size - it is installed local authorities and depends on the area of ​​residence.

A final word with light elements of criticism and parting words!

Dear friends, I ask you not to get hung up on innovation! There is no need to look for something that does not yet exist and complain that there is competition everywhere and there is no place for you anywhere. There is no need to be limited by the existing space: even in a one-room apartment it is possible to organize a profitable business. If you really want to understand what home production is, business ideas for its implementation lie on the surface and are extremely easy to learn. Yes, you shouldn’t quit your main job right away; you may have to first do your job in the evening or on weekends. Don't wait for a miracle - do it yourself! Then you will see how much more interesting life will become!

Home production ideas are gaining unprecedented popularity today. The reason is the expansion of programs to support small and medium-sized businesses, production in the regions and at the federal level and a clear, understandable desire to work for oneself, individually or as a family contractor. The main thing is to competently resolve the issue of organization by resolving legal issues. And (most importantly), find a working idea, original or popular. In the latter case, one must be prepared for the fact that at the initial stage, entrepreneurship will take up all the time of a novice businessman, since it is not easy to overcome the barrier of competition and enter an industry where the idea is already being successfully implemented by others. But directly in production, this problem is most easily overcome, since this area of ​​activity has been developed by less than 25% and the idea here can be expanded and adapted by changing working conditions, offering fundamentally new products to the consumer.

Opening a home production

Having decided on the topic and direction, you should think about the organizational and legal form of the case.

If the production is small and there are enough funds to start on your own, you can start by registering as an individual entrepreneur.

It’s cheap (the fee is 800 rubles, it’s not difficult to understand the nuances of registration). If you do not have even basic knowledge in the field of jurisprudence, you can order the service of opening an individual entrepreneur. Depending on the region, it will cost 2,000 - 10,000 rubles.

If a manufacturing business is opened by contribution and there are several founders, the easiest way is to register as an LLC (legal entity).

There is another advantage of this choice. Unlike an individual entrepreneur, which is liable for obligations and debts with the entrepreneur’s personal property, such liability does not apply to an LLC, therefore, there is less risk. On the other hand, an individual entrepreneur can dispose of his current account and cash register at his own discretion, while for an LLC, expenses for personal use of these assets are unacceptable.

Feedback from an entrepreneur: We decided to produce sliding wardrobes with our brother-in-law, since both he and I worked in such production as workers for different owners. Individually, there wasn’t enough money for equipment and materials, but if we were together, we could get enough money for the start. At first they wanted to organize an LLC. But then they changed their minds. So you won't see your money.

It is difficult to withdraw, a competent accountant is needed, and at first we could not afford such expenses. They organized an individual entrepreneur for me, fortunately, everyone trusts each other, they are happy, expenses have been reduced, and the business has taken off.

Victor Afanasyev, 42 years old, Nizhny Tagil

Production at home in the village

Landscaping a dacha area and a country house is the task of summer residents and homeowners. Businessmen can use this postulate as working business- ideas. To implement it, directions are used.

Breeding crayfish at home for sale

Manufacturing of paving slabs

A well-groomed area, dry and clean – it’s not difficult. Main - simple idea and its implementation. Rubber crumbs, concrete base as a blank for slabs produced on site at the customer's place or at home, in a separate utility room or building. Starting capital(rubles):

  • equipment (forms, press) – 100,000;
  • raw materials - 10,000 or more; old tires, which serve as the basis for rubber crumb slabs, can be accepted for recycling free of charge;
  • commercial, organizational expenses – 5,000 and above.

Profitability – 70 -120 percent, payback – six months.

Production of garden landscape elements

The basis can be polystyrene foam, gypsum, clay, plastic synthetic masses, and various combined bases.

In order to open such a production, you need a separate site equipped with electricity, heating, modern system hoods and ventilation with an area of ​​at least 50 m2.

Sales will not be difficult - you can sell finished products to neighbors or ship goods directly from the workshop (no trade permit required). In most cases, ordinary hand tools are sufficient as technical means. Starting capital - 30,000 rubles, profitability - 60 - 110 percent, payback - from the first month.

From personal experience: On your own summer cottage I did everything myself, from the house to the landscaping. Guests and neighbors liked the figurines and lanterns. When layoffs began at my main job, I decided to work in the country, making “gnomes.” It turned out great, within two months I recouped all the investments, and after a couple more months I was in good profit.

My net earnings are 100-200 thousand, depending on the season. Two and a half times higher than “uncle’s”. The main thing is that your hands and head are in place.

Sidchenko Roman, Kolomna, entrepreneur, 39 years old.

Production of cabinet and prefabricated furniture

The materials and bases are varied. Wicker, wood, rattan, chipboard, MFD panels. The main thing is the accuracy and functionality of the manufactured products. It is possible to produce furniture from blanks, large factories propose this idea. Inexpensive franchises in this area of ​​manufacturing home business are also practiced. For example, “ARGUTUS” with an initial capital of 60,000, “Nadezhda” - school and office furniture: 300,000, “Wicker House” - from 1,000,000.
Profitability – at least 100%, payback – from the third month.

The most promising business for many years to come: 4 ideas on how to secure your old age

Raising young poultry is a rational business today. Eggs can be accepted from the population, and 1-10 day-old quails, ducklings, chickens can be sold to neighboring villages or poultry farms. Profitability – 80%, payback – 4-5 months, net income – 100-200 thousand rubles/month.

Home production in the city

You can implement these directions in the garage, or by renting a small separate room near your home.

Manufacturing of door and window fittings

Handles, latches, cylinders, locks, slopes and ebbs - a varied assortment. A simple tool that does not require serious initial costs plus a high level of demand will allow you to recoup a small (at least one hundred thousand) initial investment in 4-6 months, reaching a profitability of 100-120 percent.

Opening a meat shop

Production of semi-finished products, assortment finished products(sausages, sausages, stew).

Since this type activity belongs to the field catering, the implementation of the idea will require obtaining permits from the relevant services: Rospotrebnazdor, Veterinary Control and others.

Advantages - high demand, disadvantages - significant start-up costs for the purchase of equipment, starting from 300,000 rubles. Payback – six months to a year, profitability – 120 percent or more.

Meat producer review: They successfully opened in the summer, in season. They offered “branded” kebabs and kupats. In the fall, we expanded the assortment with minced meat, homemade sausages, and semi-finished products (azou, goulash, entrecotes). The secret is the recipes; the population of the neighborhood immediately switched from the products of the nearest hypermarket to our brand. I turned to the administration for help - they helped me set up sales and get a cheap loan.

Opening a mini-production in your home or garage is not an easy task, especially if you have very little money and no experience at all. However, if you approach the matter competently and responsibly, even a small own enterprise can bring significant profits. There are many options for self-realization. The main thing is not to overload yourself with thoughts that all the niches are already occupied, and that it is not realistic to get promoted without connections and large financial investments - these judgments are still far from reality.

If you are determined to set up your own mini-production, but have settled on choosing a niche that you will develop, you can use one of the proposed business ideas for home production.

Making mobile phone cases

Most residents of our country between the ages of seven and seventy-seven have at least one, or even several, mobile phones. And if you have a phone, the owner will most likely buy a case for it, because it is not only a means of protection against scratches and other physical damage, but also a fashion accessory. Creating cases for mobile phones is a classic example of a home business that requires virtually no financial investment. All you need to do is get a sewing machine (you will have to work with leather and other dense materials) and purchase raw materials.

Alternatively, you can do without a machine, for example, if you want to produce hand-knitted covers. They are more valuable, but you will spend a lot more labor on them. The resulting products can be sold on the Internet, using for this purpose your own online store, a group in social networks, or find distributors and sell products offline.

Setting up a mini production at home is not that difficult, especially when it comes to soap making. It will take no more than two to three days to master all the technological intricacies, after which you can start cooking. You also don’t need to buy equipment as such, the usual kitchen utensils will suffice (although if you want your soap products to look like works of art, a set of special molds won’t hurt), and the raw materials – soap base, flavorings, oils, and so on – cost a penny. With the sale of goods, things are more complicated.

Firstly, the target consumers are only women, and even then, not all of them. Secondly, all kinds of souvenir and gift shops are already filled to capacity with homemade soap products. Therefore, you will have to produce a truly original product and use all kinds of marketing gimmicks. For example, add a couple of facts about its beneficial effects on the skin to the description of your soap. I won’t describe everything in detail - there is already a separate article on the forum dedicated to making soap at home.

Sewing production

The sewing business is a complex and labor-intensive process that requires large investments. Even professionals are highly discouraged from entering the industry without a carefully verified business plan, primarily because high competition. However, you can easily open a mini-production in your garage. To do this, it will be enough to decide on the direction (workwear, knitwear, lingerie, hats, etc.) and buy an industrial sewing machine.

Such equipment is very expensive, but due to its high profitability clothing business, the costs pay off very quickly. And if you still don’t have a big budget, I advise you to take a closer look at used sewing machines, which are often sold at a 40-50% discount. You will also need a cutting table and a cutting knife. Finished goods You can put it up for sale in stores or markets, sell it on forums or websites. As an option, you can add clothing repair to your list of services - there will be plenty of orders.

Making toys

The Russian toy market was estimated by experts at $450 million, with soft toys gaining the most popularity - they account for 40% of total sales. But what does this have to do with us? The most direct. Nowadays there is a tendency for consumers to abandon products serial production, which are churned out in thousands in factories and scattered across store shelves, and increased interest in one-piece designer toys, which can be produced at home.

The initial investment will be small and will be spent primarily on the purchase of an ordinary sewing machine (congratulations to those who already have one, you have saved 60% or even more) and raw materials - fabrics, materials for stuffing, and so on, there is no point in going into details, It’s impossible to list everything. Now very important point: all toy manufacturers are required to obtain a GOST R certificate if they want to officially sell their products; this condition is also mandatory for entrepreneurs who decide to put production on stream and promote their brand.

Products made from polymer clay

Polymer clay is a relatively new product on the market. Russian market material, so now it is in first place in the field of Hand-made products. It is a modeling mass that resembles hard plasticine. Having been subjected to heat treatment, it softens, the master makes some product out of it (a flower, a human figurine... or anything) and waits until everything hardens under the influence of air. You don’t need a specially prepared workplace for modeling - just sit down at any table, and consumables order online at minimal prices.

On the other hand, this mini-production at home also has its drawbacks. For example, you will have too many responsibilities: in addition to the actual production of products, you will also have to photograph them in order to put them up for sale on the Internet, write suitable descriptions for them, communicate with other craftsmen on special websites and forums, and if you want to trade remotely, you will have to still have to tinker with the unpredictable Russian mail.

Auto production

If you have a private house with an empty garage and good knowledge of car repairs, you can easily equip a small auto repair shop and, part-time, a car wash inside this very garage. The cost of services in officially operating services is high, so in an attempt to save money, many people will contact you, of course, subject to quality service. The main advantage of opening an auto repair shop is that you, as a garage owner, probably already have most of the necessary tools. All you have to do is buy a couple of little things and you can start calling clients.

At first it will be a little difficult to find clients - you will have to look for them literally one by one, primarily through your friends and acquaintances, and if your garage is located in some remote area, then in general you will have to fill client base for months. But when you have about 10 regular clients, you won’t need to worry about making money. Calculate how much they charge in salons for just one “express” car wash.

Recycling collection point

This idea is far from new and is popular among many people living in the private sector. The point is that you open in your garage an intermediate collection point for recyclables (waste paper, aluminum, glass jars and other things). Moreover, it is precisely the intermediate one, since there is no need to take any part in the processing of all this. Buy from people coming raw materials at the same price, packaged and loaded into a car, and then taken out of town, where processing points are usually located, and where everything purchased can be resold at a much higher price.

Alternatively, you can establish a distribution channel between you and various companies for which recyclable materials are the basis for future production. Many of them will export purchased raw materials on their own, which is also a big plus. It is difficult to name negative aspects. Some discomfort will only be caused by the circle of people with whom you will have to work. Homeless people and alcoholics love to make extra money from recyclables, so they will visit your garage every day.

Production of printed materials

Production of various flyers, business cards, posters and advertisements could very well be a good source of income. You just need to have a computer with a graphics editor like CorelDraw or Photoshop installed, a special cutter (necessary for cutting products - you can, of course, get by with scissors, but the quality of the work will leave much to be desired) and a laser / LED printer. There will be more than enough clients - shops, cafes, restaurants, large companies, individuals... the list goes on and on.

And if you not only know how to print and cut already ready-made layouts, and also have design skills, the price of your services will jump several times. Oh yeah... I forgot to mention intermediate costs for raw materials: printer refill, paper, lamination film. All this is not cheap, so you need to be smart and save money, for example, do not throw away old cartridges, but buy toner refills for them. This will be much more profitable.

Let's sum it up

Statistics show that nine out of ten new businesses fail within the first year of operation. To prevent this from happening to you, you need to think through everything carefully and not make hasty decisions. Thoroughly assess your capabilities, analyze the sales market and the real chances to beat your competitors. All the ideas presented in this article are popular and good in themselves, but there is no guarantee that in your particular case they will be profitable.

What kind of production do you think is more profitable to do at home?


Repairing cars in a garage is a good idea, I’ll give you an example. An acquaintance made cars in his garage, with more than 20 years of experience, he was able to earn money for a two-room apartment for his daughter, so it’s worth paying attention to. Yes, and you can sew toys at home, take pensioners as workers)

Still, the fastest return in Russia comes from the food-related business. And at home it is quite possible to bake, say, bread or pies, smoke fish, salt cabbage, etc. This is the business that is worth paying attention to, since the process of production and sales will take place in one place (it makes sense to apply for a license, collect all the necessary papers and trade, as they say, without leaving your yard. In this production there is, At least there's one big plus: it's always cost-effective, as long as you keep the price competitive, of course!

As for smoking, I have many friends who smoked all sorts of fish, lard, and meat; they were no good businessmen, apparently, their earnings were only enough for next purchase meat and a little for food, in general the guys were young, they skipped everything, so it’s unlikely to work out as a business.

If these guys don’t have a family, and business is not an end in itself for them, then why not skip it. Considering that the smoking process does not require a lot of time from a businessman, a little space is needed, and a smokehouse is easy to make yourself or buy cheaply from a craftsman, this extra extra can be considered as a good addition to some other business!

This is more a matter for yourself and (if you have) a family, yet many people love smoked food, both a group of friends and family. The earnings here won't be much. Although now I have expanded my circles, if I accept orders, for example, from large stores, advertise, generally promote myself in every possible way and offer my goods to grocery stores for constant delivery, then of course I can think about it. Such a business benefits the owner grocery store or the meat department.

Yes, in small towns and in the countryside they live like this: they negotiate with the seller of 1-2-3 villagers to sell products for a small percentage (usually not exceeding 20%) - and that’s all. We arrive in the morning - we bring fresh smoked meats, we stop by in the evening - we collect the proceeds, and the smokehouse continues to work all this time :)

Well, such a business can already be started, and in the village anyone can find a barrel, a pipe and bricks to build such a device, and I think almost everyone has such a set at home. But they say you need to drown it with apple trees so that the taste is sweeter, or just tastier, have you ever heard of this?

Indeed, there are different kinds of smoke. More aromatic smoked meats are made using cherry wood with the addition of apple branches. This is how my dad smoked fish. However, you can experiment with firewood. Look, you'll invent a new creative recipe. By the way, in a home smokehouse you can smoke not only meat and fish, but also smoke homemade cheese. The taste is excellent. You can also dry the pears in a smokehouse. All this is tasty and profitable.

Of course, I heard about the principle, and making such a smokehouse takes literally a few hours. But as for apple tree smoke for smoking, opinions differ, in the south, for example, cherry smoke is used, in our country they prefer birch smoke, which is better - it’s hard to say, but if customers are regular, it’s probably better not to experiment, what people are used to - then supply 🙂

It would be nice legislative framework study mini-business ideas or inquire in the tax section and many people’s bright dreams will turn into real pictures. It is no secret that for those businessmen (nine out of ten, from the topic topic), the main factor was tax pressure, plus extortions from other authorities.

Unfortunately, the law for small businesses is often murky, allows for ambiguity in interpretation, and often becomes a complete joke. A businessman without connections and “extra” money always takes risks, and this is not just about tax pressure!

Ostrovitjanin, I just wanted to once again remind you of the axiom of business - work in it is subject to tax according to the law, and not according to the law - a fine. And you also need to soberly understand that business is a kind of battle, without a front line.

In Russia, alas, one complements the other. Moreover, what is “not according to the law”, judging by our new tax code, much more profitable! True, the higher you rise in business, the easier it is to successfully cope with one misfortune and another!

Your own garage is an excellent opportunity to open your own mini-turning or metalworking workshop. Of course, you must have sufficient knowledge of your profession to be successful with clients. Some types of work are highly precise and will require maximum effort from you.
There will be no problems with raw materials and equipment - the first is most often provided by the customers themselves, and the second is purchased second-hand (old decommissioned machines from factories, etc.).

The garage can be adapted for growing mushrooms - oyster mushrooms. The costs are small. True, as always, you will need to spend money on legalizing the type of activity, but then you can calmly work and collect profit. In addition, you can also prepare the compost itself with fungal mycelium, pack it in bags and sell it. In a year you can get 80-100 kg of mushrooms from 1 m2.

I would also add welding to the profitable types of business. You can make a welding machine yourself, or you can buy it within 10,000 rubles, there is a room, and there will always be clients, because, for example, you can’t weld a fence “on your knees”, you will have to contact a specialist. Well, your first clients could be your neighbors!

You can make salted nuts for beer and give them to pubs, restaurants and other similar establishments. You can salt apricot seeds and peanuts. IN summer season When making jam in Uzbekistan, apricot seeds are simply thrown into the trash. And peanuts grow everywhere and are cheap. And when roasted and salted, the price of these nuts increases significantly.

It’s somehow not very rational to use a garage for the production of nuts. By the way, we forgot about ritual objects: flowers, wreaths, fences on graves, etc. If there is a cemetery near the garage, perhaps the greatest benefit will come from the production and sale of ritual “things”.

It won’t work, since this kind of business requires a premises of at least 100 square meters, then you need to purchase special equipment for frying and packaging the finished product. This production idea is quite expensive and permitting documents requires a lot.

Opening your own business allows you to earn money without intermediaries in the form of management. An aspiring businessman independently plans his working day, receives more profit, develops small business and home manufacturing ideas that eliminate the commute.

Well-established office work requires certain efforts, financial investments, and strict adherence to the plan. Starting a small business involves extensive home production ideas. Choosing a suitable specialization is not difficult; it is enough to know some of the nuances and features.

So, we’ll look at home business – production ideas further.

Small Home Business Ideas

There are several general categories of home business that include different business ideas.

What kind of production can you start at home? Let's look further.


Making money in catering is profitable at any time. People purchase ready-made or frozen food during any crisis.

Effective areas of activity:

  • preparing full hot meals;
  • preparation and freezing of semi-finished products;
  • sale of hot drinks;
  • blockage of vegetables, fruits, jam;
  • cultivation of mushrooms, garden crops;
  • baking cakes and confectionery.

To work, you will need specialized kitchen equipment, appliances, dishes, and products.

Availability required medical examination, permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station.


Hand made products are in great demand. High-quality handmade work is highly valued due to its exclusivity and originality of production.

Creating a handicraft business brings income if you have talent, imagination, and creativity.

To reduce costs, it is preferable to buy raw materials in bulk from trusted suppliers.

Profitable areas of production:

  • costume jewelry, decorations;
  • knitting clothes, accessories, decorative elements;
  • sewing clothes, shoes;
  • production of soft toys;
  • creating paintings self made, photo albums, photo books.

For productive work, you need a spacious room, raw materials, and examples of finished work.


The entertainment and celebrations industry is rich in ideas for small businesses with minimal investment. Holidays are always in demand, and opening a corresponding business sometimes does not require any outlay at all.

Common areas:

  • organization and holding of celebrations;
  • festive interior design;
  • floristics;
  • photo and video shooting;
  • production of holiday paraphernalia and accessories.

The main requirement for a future businessman is charisma, the availability of expensive, high-quality equipment, and an established clientele.


The development of Internet technologies allows for active work activities. The advantage of creating a small business online is that there is no required territory or specially equipped premises, all you need is a computer and an Internet connection.

Options for business ideas:

  • online store;
  • organization of joint purchases;
  • creation and promotion of websites, Internet projects;
  • online teaching;
  • sales mediation.

Do you want to open a franchise manufacturing business? Some variants of such ideas are presented.

Specifics of creating a business


The first task of a novice businessman is to register his own business. There are two types of registration - individual entrepreneur and LLC.

IP- an individual entrepreneur running his own business.

Required documents:

  • application for registration of individual entrepreneurs in form P21001;
  • copies of all pages of the identification document;
  • paid duty 800 rubles;
  • registration information;
  • application for choosing the simplified tax system or UTII.

USNO- a simplified taxation system, providing for advance payments every 3 months, and at the end of the year an additional payment according to the report.

UTII- a single tax on imputed income, which means reporting once every 3 months and paying tax on the estimated profit 30 days after filing the declaration.

Peculiarity. The tax election is voluntary and optional.

After receiving individual entrepreneur registration, you must:

  • make a mark in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • open a current account;
  • purchase cash register, printing, forms.

OOO- Limited liability company.

Required documents:

  • registration application;
  • decision to establish the Company;
  • charter;
  • agreement between the founders, if there are several of them;
  • savings account minimum 10,000 rubles;
  • payment of duty 4000 rub.

After receiving registration, register with the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, Pension Fund, Medical and social insurance, open a current account.

Market Research

Having all the permitting papers in hand, you can begin to develop a business idea. Having decided on the profile of the business, you need to carefully study the market:

  • the relevance of the planned enterprise in the geographical area;
  • assessment of financial, technical and labor capabilities;
  • competition analysis;
  • economic situation of the local population, their needs, opportunities.

Business plan

Competently drawing up a business strategy will ensure productivity, profitability of the idea, and high profits.

Detailed business plan:

  • specialization of goods and services, detailed description;
  • technological characteristics;
  • identifying the target audience, searching for a sales market;
  • competitors, analysis of their activities;
  • sales monitoring;
  • marketing plan;
  • audit of balance sheet, income, expenses, profits, losses;
  • risk forecasting.

Search for finance

The ideal option is to have your own the required amount to start business. But most often the budget is limited. The solution to the problem is a loan from a bank or microfinance organization.

Development and promotion

  • recommendations through friends, acquaintances, neighbors;
  • sign at the entrance;
  • business cards, leaflets, flyers;
  • advertisements in print media;
  • Internet advertisement sites, forums, thematic portals, social networks;
  • advertising on radio, television;
  • billboards, billboards around the city.


Running a business requires certain financial investments and costs. The budget is measured depending on the profile of the chosen specialization. There are types of office work that do not require cash, but financial freedom in business is a guarantee of more successful activities.

The easiest way to start a business on a limited budget is on the Internet. All you need is a PC and internet access.

An average level of budget will be needed in the field of cooking, holidays, handicrafts, and services.

Making cakes to order:

  • ingredients for one product - 1000;
  • utility bills - 100;
  • decorative elements for one cake - 200;
  • dishes, equipment (one-time use) - 5000.

Starting capital = 6300 rubles.

Manicure services:

  • full set of working equipment - 4000;
  • gel polish 10 pcs. - 1000;
  • processing means - 200.

Starting capital = 5200 rubles.

Photo operator:

  • equipment - 20,000;
  • paraphernalia - 5000;
  • flash memory, disks - 500;
  • processing programs on PC - 2000;
  • packaging, decor, delivery - 500.

Starting capital = 28,500 rubles.

Large investments are required to create a business in the field of car service or mini-production.

Sale of auto parts:

  • rent of premises in Moscow - 30,000 per month;
  • spare parts for 15 models, 10 pieces each, on average 400 rubles - 60,000;
  • inventory - from 25,000.

Starting capital = 115,000 rubles.

Making chairs:

  • machine - from 50,000 to 200,000;
  • milling cutter - 3000;
  • power tools - 17,000;
  • grinding machine - 3000;
  • hand tools, knives, drills - 4000;
  • paint and varnish materials - 4000;
  • wood for one chair - 500.

Starting capital = 81,500-231,500 rubles.


Exists large number types of risks in business.

Their division into types depends on the causes, sizes, and consequences.

The most common enterprise risks:

  1. Organizational - arise as a result of mistakes by management or personnel, non-compliance with technological standards, and ignoring the rules.
  2. Market - appear due to an unstable economic situation, sudden changes in prices, and decreased demand.
  3. Production - risks due to the fault of the company, due to incorrect adherence to the adopted strategy.
  4. Financial - arise in connection with the monetary weakening of the company, a decrease in solvency.
  5. Commercial - risks associated with the work process, increased costs and snack prices, and decreased sales volumes.
  6. Credit - arise as a result of debts of third parties to the company.
  7. External - do not depend on the activities of the company, personnel, or client base.
  8. Internal - risks resulting from negligence of management, weak marketing plan, low productivity, insufficient equipment.

All existing risks are divided into three groups:

  1. Acceptable - loss of profit without loss to the company.
  2. Critical - loss of profit and some investments.
  3. Catastrophic - loss of profits, investments, formation of debts, even bankruptcy.

With the problem of absence initial capital Many entrepreneurs face this problem. , the topic of this article. Perhaps this information will help you decide on your first business idea.

See garage business ideas from China. Successful and profitable options for small production.

  • The initial capital is 28,500, of which 27,500 is one-time.
  • The cost of one photo shoot is 4000, expenses are 1000. Net income is 3000.
  • The capital will be repaid after 10 shootings. At a rate of 3 photosets per week, the monthly profit will be 36,000.

Private small business provides the owner with many advantages. A competent approach, strict adherence to the plan and compliance with legal grounds will bring good dividends.

Successful office work does not mean colossal expenses or losses. It's effective economic strategy, providing labor potential and financial well-being.

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