Read the text and complete the tasks. Write down your answers in words or numbers. (1) Reading aloud at home brings us closer together. (2) When the whole family reads a book together several evenings in a row, this involuntarily entails an exchange of thoughts. (3) If this book is large and read for a long time, it turns into a family friend, its characters come to life and enter our home. (4) When a book is read aloud by someone at home, what happens on its pages is reflected on the faces of everyone who gathers at the table. (5) All feelings intensify and become acute. (6) How to choose a time so that the whole family can gather at the table? (7) It is there to watch TV together. (8) The page of a book is a huge screen, which the best TV never dreamed of. 21. Which statement does not correspond to the content of the text? Write his number. 1) Reading aloud affects the feelings of those listening. 2) Reading aloud brings family members closer together. 3) Why read a book, it’s better to watch TV at this time. 4) When all family members read a book about the day, there is a reason for exchanging thoughts. 22. From sentences 3 and 4, write out the adverb of time. 23. How many grammatical stems are there in sentence 3? Write your answer in numbers. 24. From sentence 4, write down the verb II conjugation. 25. Write what part of speech the word SOMEONE is (sentence 4). 26. How many sounds are in the word FAMILY? Write your answer in numbers. 27. What style does this text belong to?

Training exercises with texts for concise presentation

Ways to prepare for writing a concise summary:

  • 1. Identification of microthemes in the text.
  • 2. Work on paragraphs.
  • 3. Selection of basic information from secondary information;
  • 4. Writing reference summary(support words);
  • 5. Drawing up a plan for a concise presentation;
  • 6. Writing a concise version.

Training exercises with texts for concise presentation.

Working with the text: “Children’s activities in noble family».

Based on the text and plan, say what made up the warmth and interest of family relationships in the Irtenyevs’ house. (The ability to feel an internal connection with loved ones, love for them, sincerity).

Text compression: highlighting what is essential in it, excluding additional information, generalizing homogeneous members of the sentence.

  • -Denote it with a letter WITH especially important in the text, and additional information conclude in brackets.
  • -When writing text, it is possible to change the structure of the sentence, rearrange words and change their form.

« At about eleven o'clock I usually came into the living room, [ mostly after tea ], when the ladies were already sitting at their classes. Near the first window[with an unbleached canvas curtain lowered in the sun, through the holes of which bright sun puts such shiny fiery mugs on everything he comes across that it hurts your eyes to look at them] are worth hoops [on the white canvas of which flies quietly walk]. Mimi sits at the hoop, [constantly shaking her head angrily and moving from place to place from the sun, which, suddenly breaking through somewhere, will lay a fiery stripe here and there on her face or hand]. [Through the other three windows, with the shadows of the frames, lie solid bright quadrangles;] on the unpainted floor of the living room,[on one of them, out of old habit,] Milka lies and [ ears pricked, he peers at the flies walking along the light quadrangle ]. Katya knits or reads,[sitting on the sofa, and impatiently waves his little white hands, which seem transparent in the bright light, or, wincing, shakes his head to drive out a fly that is hiding in his thick golden hair.] Lyubochka or walking<...>around the room, [ with his hands behind his back, waiting for them to go into the garden, ] or plays some piece on the piano, [ of which I have long known every note.] I sit down somewhere, listen to this music or reading and wait until I can sit down at the piano myself.

After dinner, I sometimes deigned to go horseback riding with the girls [(I considered going for a walk inappropriate for my age and position in the world)]. And our walks [in which I take them through unusual places and ravines] are very pleasant. Sometimes adventures happen to us, in which I show myself to be a fine fellow, and the ladies praise my riding and courage and consider me their patron.

In the evening, if there are no guests, after tea, which we drink in the shady gallery, and after a walk with dad around the house, I lie down in my old place, in a Voltaire chair, and, listening to Katenkina or Lyubochkina’s music, read and at the same time dream about -old. Sometimes, left alone in the living room, when Lyubochka is playing some old music, I involuntarily leave the book, and [peering into the open door of the balcony, at the curly hanging tall birch trees, on which the evening shadow is already setting, and at the clear sky, on which, as you look closely, suddenly a dusty yellowish speck appears and disappears again, and, listening to the sounds of music from the hall, the creaking of the gate, women’s voices and the returning herd in the village,] I suddenly vividly remember Natalya Savishna, and maman, and Karl Ivanovich, and for a minute I feel sad.

But my soul is so full of life and hopes at this time that this memory only touches me with its wing and flies on.”

Plan according to the source text.

  • 1. It’s about eleven o’clock.
  • 2. Ladies at work:
    • a) behind Mimi’s hoop;
    • b) Katenka is knitting or reading;
    • c) Lyubochka walks or plays the piano.
  • 3. I listen to music or read.
  • 4. After lunch we go horseback riding.
  • 5. In the evening - tea, a walk with dad, music, reading, dreams.
  • 6. A living childhood memory.
  • 7. “...Only his wing touches me.”

Condensed version.

At about eleven o'clock I usually came into the living room. When the ladies were already sitting at their classes. There is a hoop near the first window. Mimi is sitting at the hoop. Milka is lying on the unpainted floor of the living room. Katya is knitting or reading. Lyubochka either walks around the room or plays some piece on the piano. I sit down somewhere, listen to this music or reading and wait until I can sit down at the piano myself.

After dinner I sometimes deigned to let the girls ride with them.

And our walks can be very pleasant. Sometimes adventures happen in our dreams, in which I show myself to be a fine fellow, and the ladies praise my riding and courage and consider me their patron.

In the evening, if there are no guests, after tea, which we drink in the shady gallery, and after a walk with dad around the house, I lie down in my old place, in a Voltaire chair, and, listening to Katenkina or Lyubochkina’s music, read and at the same time dream about old. Sometimes, left alone, when Lyubochka plays some old music, I involuntarily leave the book, and suddenly I vividly remember Natalya Savishna, my mother, and Karl Ivanovich, and I feel sad for a minute.

But my soul is so full of life and hopes at this time that this memory only touches me with its wing and flies on.

Working with text: “Home reading.”

Text “Home Reading” ( collaboration above the condensed version)

Reading aloud at home brings people together. When the whole family reads the same book together for several evenings in a row, this involuntarily entails an exchange of thoughts. If this book is large and read for a long time, it turns into a family friend, its characters come to life and enter our home.

When I look at the books that are on our shelves, I can mentally divide them into several sections: classic works, modern books, reference books, dictionaries, and so on. But I can mentally put together on a special shelf the books that we read aloud together. We know them, we remember them, we love them like no other.

How to choose a time so that several family members can gather at the table at once? How to choose this time? It’s there to watch TV together! Don't we sometimes sit in front of it for hours, even when nothing special is shown? The page of a book is a huge screen that the best TV never dreamed of!

I advise you, I ask you, I persuade you - try it! Try reading aloud together at home! There was such a thing in joint reading, if people of different generations remember it with excitement and gratitude.

When a book is read aloud by someone at home, what happens on its pages is reflected on the faces of everyone gathered around that table. All feelings intensify and become aggravated. And the one who previously read this book, now reading it to his loved ones, experiences joy, introducing them to what is dear to him, sharing what belonged to him alone and what he now gives to others.

In a word, try it, and I hope, I am sure: you will not regret it.

  • 1. Reading aloud at home brings people together.
  • 2. A special shelf - a shelf with books for reading aloud.
  • 3. Family reading time.
  • 4. “Try reading aloud at home.”
  • 5. The joy of communication for family reading.
  • 6. “Try it - you won’t regret it.”

Condensed version.

Reading aloud at home brings people together. There is an exchange of thoughts.

When I look at the books that are in the closet, I can mentally organize them on a special shelf. There will be books read aloud together.

Where can you find time to read together? If you can choose it for watching television programs, then you can devote time to reading at home.

There was something about reading together that people of different generations remember with excitement.

Give it a try and I hope you won't regret it.

Working with the text: “Eternal masquerade.”

Exercise. Read the text. Divide it into paragraphs. State the main idea of ​​each paragraph. Write an outline of the text.

Text "Eternal Masquerade"

In Russian painting there are a lot of works dedicated to the seasons: autumn, Vienna, winter are the favorite themes of Russian landscape painting. And the main thing in it is not the unchanging elements of nature, but most often temporary: early and late autumn, spring waters, melting snow, rain, thunderstorms. The winter sun peeking out from behind the dark winter clouds. Everything in Russian nature is inconsistent in color and condition. Trees sometimes have bare branches, sometimes with bright, picturesque foliage. Different states of water, taking on the color of the sky and surrounding shores, road puddles, different colors of the air itself, fog, dew, frost, snow. An eternal masquerade, an eternal celebration of colors and lines. In Russia there is a particularly harsh winter and a particularly hot summer, a long spring with rich colors, a protracted autumn, in which there is the very beginning with the extraordinary transparency of the air, glorified by Tyutchev, and the special silence characteristic only of August, and late autumn, which Pushkin loved so much. In Russia, unlike in the south, especially somewhere on the shores of the White Sea, there are unusually long evenings with the setting sun, which creates a play of colors that changes every five minutes. There are moments when the sun “plays”, as if it had been cut by an experienced lapidary. White nights and black, dark days in December create a diverse emotional palette. Venetsianov has a characteristic feature of the Russian landscape. It also exists in Vasiliev’s early spring. It also had a major impact on Levitan’s work. This inconstancy and instability of time is a feature that seems to connect the people of Russia with its landscapes.

(According to D.S. Likhachev)

Text "Eternal Masquerade". Working on paragraphs.

In Russian painting there are a lot of works dedicated to the seasons: autumn, Vienna, winter are the favorite themes of Russian landscape painting. And the main thing in it is not the unchanging elements of nature, but most often temporary: early and late autumn, spring waters, melting snow, rain, thunderstorms. The winter sun peeking out from behind the dark winter clouds.

Everything in Russian nature is inconsistent in color and condition. Trees sometimes have bare branches, sometimes with bright, picturesque foliage. Different states of water, taking on the color of the sky and surrounding shores, road puddles, different colors of the air itself, fog, dew, frost, snow. An eternal masquerade, an eternal celebration of colors and lines.

In Russia there is a particularly harsh winter and a particularly hot summer, a long spring with rich colors, a protracted autumn, in which there is the very beginning with the extraordinary transparency of the air, glorified by Tyutchev, and the special silence characteristic only of August, and late autumn, which Pushkin loved so much .

In Russia, unlike in the south, especially somewhere on the shores of the White Sea, there are unusually long evenings with the setting sun, which creates a play of colors that changes every five minutes. There are moments when the sun “plays”, as if it had been cut by an experienced lapidary. White nights and black, dark days in December create a diverse emotional palette.

Venetsianov has a characteristic feature of the Russian landscape. It also exists in Vasiliev’s early spring. It also had a major impact on Levitan’s work. This inconstancy and instability of time is a feature that seems to connect the people of Russia with its landscapes.

(According to D.S. Likhachev)

  • 1. Seasons are the favorite themes of Russian painters.
  • 2. Everything in Russian nature is impermanent.
  • 3. Features of the seasons in Russia.
  • 4. A varied palette of colors in the south and north of the country.
  • 5. Russian landscape in paintings by Russian artists.

Condensed version.

In Russian painting, many works are dedicated to the seasons.

Favorite themes of artists are autumn, spring, winter.

Everything in Russian nature is variable in color and condition: the appearance of trees, water, air, roads. There is an eternal change of colors and lines.

Russia has harsh winters, hot summers, long autumns and springs rich in colors.

The emotional palette of the north and south of Russia is different. In December we experience white nights in the north and black, dark days in the south.

The paintings of Levitan, Venetsianov, Vasiliev reflected all the features of the Russian landscape.

Working with the text: “Historical and cultural heritage of the country.”

Text “Historical and cultural heritage of the country”

How to treat the historical and cultural heritage of your country? Everyone will answer that the inheritance must be protected. But life experience awakens in memory other, sad, and sometimes woeful pictures.

I once had a chance to visit the Borodino field. And it was here, on the field of our glory, in 1932 that an unprecedented desecration of a national shrine took place: the cast-iron monument on Bagration’s grave was blown up. Those who did this committed a crime against the noblest of feelings - gratitude to the hero, defender of the national freedom of Russia, gratitude of Russians to their Georgian brother.

I was born and most of lived his life in Leningrad. In its architectural appearance, the city is associated with the names of Rastrelli, Russia, Quarenghi, Zakharov, Voronikhen. On the road from the main Leningrad airfield stood Rastrelli's Travel Palace. It was close to the front line, but our soldiers did everything to save it. They demolished it! It was demolished in the late sixties. Empty where he stood, empty in his soul. And it’s bitter, because the loss of any cultural monument is irreparable: they are always individual, material examples of the past are always associated with a certain era, with specific masters.

There is less and less space left on earth for cultural monuments, and not because there is less land. The whole point is that patriotism has been called upon for too long, and it must be taught from a very early age.

Love for your native land, for your native culture, for your native village or city, for your native speech begins small - with love for your family, for your home, for your school. And also - with respect for the same feelings of people who also love their home, their land, their - albeit incomprehensible to you - native word.

The appendix provides an approximate lesson summary for preparing for a condensed presentation.

Chapter 2 Conclusions

Through training exercises with texts, I formulate in 9th grade students required skills and skills for writing a concise summary.

I begin my work with the ability to separate the main information from the secondary (“Activities of children in a noble family”). Then, in the text read by the teacher by ear, we learn to identify microthemes (“Home Reading”). Working with the text “Eternal Masquerade”, we consolidate these skills. Students divide the text into parts, highlight paragraphs, and identify micro-topics. When working on each text, a plan is drawn up and a version of a condensed presentation is written. In working with the text “Historical and cultural heritage of the country” we are practicing the skill of drawing up a supporting summary and writing down supporting words.

In the first lessons on writing a concise presentation, text compression techniques and language compression techniques (elimination, generalization, merging) are discussed. At the final lesson, all acquired skills are consolidated: highlighting micro-topics and paragraphs, drawing up a plan, a supporting outline, excluding secondary information, writing a concise presentation. Through training exercises with texts, I develop in 9th grade students the necessary skills and abilities to write a concise presentation.

What texts and how can you work?
at a Russian language lesson

Every Russian language teacher already knows that it is necessary to teach not only spelling and grammar, but also reading and comprehension of what is read, the ability to reason on a given topic. However, the effectiveness of our work largely depends on the quality of the texts under consideration. It’s probably not worth arguing about tastes, but practice shows that high school students are skeptical about the text if it is very far from the interests of the students and contains overt didacticism, be it a call to admire nature, to indulge in contemplation, as in the demo version of the Russian language exam at 9 class of 2007, or advice to revive family read-alouds, as in the first version of the 2008 demo. Emotional stress turns into falsehood; In addition, the stylistic dissonance between the sincerity of the text and the language of the assignments for it is obvious to children. (Here is a sample of such a task.)

What does the word mean? spiritual in the text you read?

1) Associated with the ability to conduct a conversation correctly, focusing on the state of mind of the interlocutor;

2) captivating with its charm; charming, charming;

3) associated with the inner world of a person, his worldview, with the manifestation of his moral qualities;

4) imbued with a friendly disposition; friendly.

As an example of an unsuccessful text, let us cite the one that was originally included in the demo version of the Russian language exam in the 9th grade; it was proposed to write a concise summary on it.

Reading aloud at home brings us closer together. When the whole family reads the same book together for several evenings in a row, this involuntarily entails an exchange of thoughts. If the book is large and read for a long time, it turns into a family friend, its characters come to life and enter our home.

When I look at the books that are on our shelves, I can mentally divide them into several sections: classic works, modern books, reference books, dictionaries, textbooks, and so on. But I can mentally put together on a special shelf the books that we read together and out loud. We know them, we remember them, we love them like no other.

How to choose a time so that several family members can gather at the table at once? How to choose this time? It is there to watch TV together! Don't we sometimes sit in front of it for hours, even when nothing special is shown? The page of a book is a huge screen that the best TV never dreamed of!

I advise you, I ask you, I persuade you - try it! Try reading aloud together at home! There was something about reading together at home, when people of different generations remember it with excitement and gratitude.

When a book is read aloud by someone at home, what happens on its pages is reflected on the faces of everyone gathered around the table. All feelings intensify and become aggravated. And the one who has already read this book before, now reading it to his loved ones, experiences joy, introducing them to what is dear to him, sharing what belonged to him alone and what he now gives to others.

In a word, try it, and I hope, I am sure: you will not regret it.

(250 words)
(According to S. Lvov)

We have included this text because it is typical of some existing methodological manuals, and not because they wanted to argue with the authors of the version - they themselves abandoned it, most likely they saw its main drawback, recorded in the Instructions for checking and evaluating the work of the examinee:

Table 1

Text Information for Concise Exposition
Paragraph no. Micro theme
1 Reading aloud at home brings people together
2 Household books can be grouped in different ways, but our favorites are the ones we read aloud together.
3 If you can find time to watch television together, you can find time to read together.
4 Try reading aloud together
5 All experiences when reading aloud together are intensified, the joy of communication arises
6 Try reading aloud together - you won’t regret it

The table shows: the micro-topics of paragraphs 4 and 6 completely coincide, and almost completely - paragraphs 1 and 5. There is nothing to understand here, nothing to think about.

Finding suitable texts that are written clearly and at the same time provide food for the mind is a daunting task. When it is solved, things are more fun.

We offer two popular science texts for comprehensive work in 9th, 10th or 11th grade.


Insert the missing letters, add the missing punctuation marks, correct spelling errors.

Skeletons have been preserved from dinosaurs and other vertebrates that lived tens of millions of years ago, and shells have been preserved from ancient muskies. However, almost nothing remains from the ancestors of modern invertebrates, which did not have any skeleton or hard shell. What should I do? Under such circumstances, is it possible to answer the question of how multicellular animals originated?

When scientists cannot observe the processes they are interested in directly in nature and in the laboratory, it is impossible to do the same; science has only one method left - deduction (from the Latin . deduction- “removal”). The same deduction that the famous Sherlock Holmes used to solve crimes with constant success. In order to use this method, the researcher, like the investigator, must have at his disposal some reliable facts and certain statements (in mathematics they are called axioms).

In the complex history of the emergence of multicellular animals, three things are certain. Firstly, everyone once had a common ancestor. Secondly, this ancestor was single-celled. Thirdly, development from unicellular to multicellular organisms proceeded through intermediate forms - colonies.

Now we can stretch a thread of reasoning from an ancient single-celled ancestor through the colony to modern world multicellular animals. But first it is necessary to formulate the questions to which the answer is to be found (any scientific search begins with this). How do multicellular animals differ from colonies of unicellular organisms? What were the unicellular and colonial ancestors of modern multicellular animals? What transformations did the colony have to undergo to become a multicellular organism? What reasons caused this particular development?

It would seem that the answer to the first question is simple: a unicellular organism consists of one cell, and a multicellular organism consists of many. But a colony also consists of many cells. It can be added that in a multicellular organism, cells are different in structure and play different roles. In other matters, a similar phenomenon is observed in some colonies. A significant difference between a multicellular organism and another is that its different cells are united into stable layers or tissues and each has a specific “profession”. In the most primitive known multicellular organisms there are only two types of tissues: one responsible for nutrition, the other for movement. However, perhaps the most important feature of a true multicellular organism is a single metabolic process.

(321 words)
(According to D. Vilchek)

Students restore correct spelling words, place punctuation marks, and at the same time repeat many punctuation rules, since there are complex sentences of all types, including complex sentences with homogeneous subordinate clauses, introductory words, isolated and non-isolated participial phrases, dashes between the subject and the predicate, etc. You can repeat the types one-part proposals. Then it's time to talk about content. Although the text is taken from a children's edition, understanding it requires mental effort. We will begin the conversation when the students say that they have spent enough time delving into the text and that it is clear to them.

Ask them to read the first two sentences aloud. It's not always possible to get it right on the first try. Which word of the second sentence needs logical stress - ancestors, modern, invertebrates or something else? If the meaning of the opposition expressed using the adversative conjunction is clear however, the right solution will be found: something significant remains from the ancestors of vertebrates, as well as from mollusks - invertebrates, but with a hard shell, but from the ancestors invertebrates that did not have skeleton or hard shell, - almost nothing.

Let's ask the students if they think the text is complete. Here it is important to see how many questions that determine the course of scientific research have been answered. It’s good if they say that there’s only one – the first one. How many possible answers to this first question are considered and how many of them are correct? The text makes four judgments. The first of them is erroneous, this can be seen from the way it is formatted: it is preceded by an introductory word it would seem and behind it comes an undoubted refutation, opening with the adversative conjunction But. The author accepts the second judgment, but with reservations; it is true, but not enough: it is followed by a clarification with the words however, some. The third judgment is immediately presented as unconditionally true, in contrast to the previous one; it's clear from the words essential in another. Note that the sentence that follows does not contain an objection or clarification, as in the first two cases, but an explanation. However, there is an even more important judgment in the text - the fourth, it is highlighted with the words the most important And present; however, the categorical nature of such an assessment is softened by an introductory word perhaps.(The reader expects explanations here too - both what metabolism is and, most importantly, why this difference between a multicellular organism and a colony is more significant than all others; such explanations are indeed in the original, but we have discarded them for obvious reasons.)

It turns out that four possible answers to the question of how multicellular organisms differ from colonies are arranged in the text according to the principle of gradation - an increase in characteristics: from the seemingly obvious, but erroneous, through the partially correct, but insufficient, to the essential and, finally, the most important thing.

Using this example, you can show students how important it is when reasoning to evaluate possible arguments in advance and think through the order of their presentation - in this way the author expresses his own position.

As a training exercise, we propose to compose a coherent text about the differences between poetry and prose, including the following judgments: 1) in poetry, unlike prose, there is rhyme; 2) the poems express a strong feeling, and the prose is drier and calmer; 3) poems are written in special segments - poetic lines, and prose - in continuous text.

Or let the students themselves write, according to the rules already discussed, a mini-essay on the topic “Why are vacations needed”, “Why is a train a more convenient form of transport than a plane (or vice versa)”, etc.

If the skill of deliberately placing judgments is developed, this will inevitably affect the quality of essays on literature.


Add missing punctuation marks.

If the first period of Voltaire’s life can be considered the time when his literary gift was formed, then in England Voltaire became a thinker. Having spent three years here (1726–1729) and constantly comparing England and France, he became increasingly convinced of the advantages of British state system. Firstly, the economy of England was healthier because trade and manufacturing developed and all citizens paid taxes, regardless of their class. Younger sons peers did not consider it shameful to go into trade, thanks to which the economy became increasingly healthier. Secondly, the king’s power was limited by parliament, which did not allow despotism and arbitrariness to develop. Apparently, it was in England that Voltaire began to think about the role of the sovereign in the life of the nation; England teaches him a wonderful lesson in this. Finally, Voltaire was extremely impressed by the English state's religious tolerance - after the revolutions of 1648 and 1688. Calvinist Protestants gained a foothold in power; There are many sects in England that are very tolerant of each other. Tolerance for Voltaire is one of the most important civil virtues.

In England, Voltaire finally observed the growth of the authority of science. If in France every scientific discovery is met with hostility by the main theological center - the Sorbonne, then in England scientists are very respected people. With surprise, Voltaire watches as the coffin of Newton, who died in 1727, is carried on their shoulders to Westminster Abbey by six dukes and six earls, and as a monument to the scientist who glorified his fatherland is erected. He is amazed that the history of the English Academy of Sciences - the Royal Society of London created in 1662, writes Bishop R. Bentley. The union of science and religion - a thing completely unthinkable in France - is quite normal here. As you know, the enlighteners pinned their hopes on the progress of science; therefore, for Voltaire, the veneration of science in Albion is a very significant matter.

Voltaire outlined his impressions and thoughts, born in England, in “ English letters"later called the Philosophical Letters." They were written several years after returning to France. The French parliament condemned them to be burned for __________.

292 words)
(According to T. Dlugach)

When punctuation marks have been placed and discussed, ask students if all the words are familiar to them (if not, use a dictionary to find out what it means impress, Calvinists, peer) and do they have any suggestions for improving this generally clear and good, but insufficiently edited text. You can structure the discussion in another way - by asking how many main differences between England and France are named. Opinions may be divided - and precisely because of the incorrect use of introductory words: there are two finally, which means “last on the list.” Instead of the first of them, it would be appropriate to put thirdly or Besides.

Perhaps students will notice another defect - unmotivated repetitions. True, practice shows that the first thing that catches your eye is a completely justified repetition - six dukes and six earls. Repeated words should not be considered a speech error and should not be edited. England And science, since here they denote key concepts and exist as terms that are scientific texts, so as not to complicate understanding, should not be replaced with pronouns or synonyms.

But if you continue your search, sooner or later real errors will be discovered. The last two sentences of the first paragraph contain the words religious tolerance, tolerant, religious tolerance. Tolerance- a term, it must be preserved, but the circumstance tolerable replace it with peacefully, without hostility; The following restructuring is also possible: ... who are not at odds with each other.

Sentence needs to be corrected The union of science and religion - a thing completely unthinkable in France - is quite normal here. For example, this option would work: The union of science and religion, completely unthinkable in France, is quite normal here. You also can’t leave word repetition unedited. watches in the second paragraph, especially since this word is used in different meanings. In the first sentence, students can easily replace it with sees, notices etc.

The editing is almost finished, all that remains is to add the last sentence. Various options are possible, but they must correspond to the meaning of the text. In the original it ended with the words disrespect for royalty, the church, the morals and customs of the state.

The text can be used to teach concise presentation.

Skeptical methodological retreat. But first you need to agree on what is considered a condensed presentation and how it differs from theses and notes. This is all the more important because from 2008, ninth-graders will be required to perform this type of work in the exam, and from the Assessment Criteria it follows that the student will lose points both for not mastering text compression techniques and for missing an important content element. With the techniques, everything is more or less clear, there are two main ones: omitting what can be considered unimportant, and generalization (instead of “I saw blue bells, yellow dandelions, white daisies in the meadow,” we write “The meadow was full of flowers”). But there are different degrees of reduction. What can be considered not important? Probably, with a significant reduction in reasoning - all the evidence and examples. But what to do with something less significant - leave all the examples, but talk about them briefly or choose one and sacrifice the rest? We do not know any rules of this kind, but there are quantitative guidelines. The authors of the demo version of the Russian language exam in the 9th grade believe that there is no need to be zealous: if the base text has 250 words, the student work should have at least 90, which means 100 is even better. It turns out that you need to shorten it by about 2.5 times, regardless of the quality of the text. This requirement is probably dictated by the need to assess the student’s literacy, but it goes against the logic of the work. The text from the demo version, given at the beginning of the article, can naturally be shortened as follows: “Reading aloud at home brings us closer together. Books read this way turn out to be among your favorites and are better remembered. And you can find time for reading together, just prefer a book to TV.” But this text contains only 27 words!

Then let's try differently: we will exclude what is not directly related to the topic (the first sentence of the 2nd paragraph, the last two sentences of the third), what is certainly repeated, and what cannot be reproduced in normal language at all (in our case these are the last two paragraphs).

It will turn out something like this.

Reading aloud at home brings us closer together. It entails an exchange of thoughts. If the book is large and takes a long time to read, it turns into a family friend.

I can mentally put together on a special shelf the books that we read together and out loud. We know them, we remember them, we love them like no other.

How to choose a time so that several family members can gather at the table at once? It is there to watch TV together! Try reading aloud together at home. There was something about reading together at home, when people of different generations remember it with excitement and gratitude.

Got it - 92 words! But this is on the verge of what is permitted. Let's take into account that the base text was before our eyes, and during the exam it will have to be perceived by ear; in such conditions, a written retelling, even if not compressed, will inevitably turn out to be smaller in volume than the original text. Maybe we should check experimentally how the main and retold texts are quantitatively related, and calm down on that?

But the fact is that our students need the ability to compress text not so much for the exam as for life. And until reasonable and clear requirements for the examination work are developed, we will be guided by general logic and common sense.

Let us agree that a concise presentation of the argument should contain all the main theses and explanations for them (specification of the theses), and examples should be excluded from it. At the same time, the text must remain coherent. Have students identify the main problem of the text (What did Voltaire understand by observing life in England?), its main idea (Voltaire saw that the British government system was better than the French), the main theses (In England 1) the economy is more efficient; 2) parliament limits the king and prevents despotism; 3) religious tolerance was established; 4) science is respected). Which of these points are explained in the text? The reasons for the flourishing of the economy are revealed, it is explained how religious tolerance is manifested; the thesis about science is specified as follows: firstly, in England scientists are respected at the state level, and secondly, the church does not fight science, but is its ally.

Here's what the body of a condensed summary might look like.

Comparing England and France, Voltaire is convinced of the advantages of the British state system. Firstly, the economy of England was healthier: trade and manufacturing developed, all citizens paid taxes, regardless of their class, and trade was not considered an unworthy business for the nobles. Secondly, parliament limited the power of the king and did not allow arbitrariness. Thirdly, Voltaire really likes the English state's religious tolerance - Calvinist Protestants have gained a foothold in power; Numerous sects treat each other peacefully. In England, finally, Voltaire observed the growth of the authority of science. Scientists are highly respected people. The union of science and religion is quite normal here.

(86 words)

It remains to write a conclusion about how Voltaire’s thoughts were received at home.

Returning to France, Voltaire outlined his thoughts in Philosophical Letters; The French parliament saw in them disrespect for the king and the church and sentenced the book to be burned.

(25 words)

As we can see, in the text, compressed approximately three times, the main content has been preserved. At the same time, the teacher remains hopeful that it will remain in the minds of the students (at least some of the students), which also seems to be very useful.


Lesson “Theory and practice of writing a concise presentation (lesson summary for grade 9)


    continue preparing students for Part C1 of the State Academic Examination in the Russian language - concise presentation;

    summarize students’ knowledge of text compression methods;

    develop correct monologue and dialogic oral speech of students.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

Guys, our lesson today is dedicated to preparing for the upcoming Russian language exam in the form of the State Examination. Today we will learn how to write a concise summary. To do this, let’s remember what reasoning is and what methods of text compression there are. We will also continue to work on developing coherent, literate, beautiful speech.

II. Introduction to the topic.

Let us pay attention to the wording of the task in CMMs (Control Measuring Materials):

Listen to the text and write a concise summary. Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-topic and the entire text as a whole. The volume of presentation is at least 70 words. Write your summary in neat, legible handwriting.

What kind of summary should you write based on the text you listened to?

That's right, compressed!

III. Learning new things.

: Concise presentation is a processed retelling of a text listened or read, in which"the necessary meaning is maximally expressed when minimum cost speech means" (Valgina N.S.)

Hometask concise presentation - briefly, in a generalized form, to highlight the facts, phenomena or events described in the text, to isolate the most important material, to independently select words and syntactic structures.

A concise presentation should be short in form, but not poor in content.

So, in order to write a concise summary, you need to know in what ways you can compress the text.

Knownthree ways to compress text . Which?




What do you know about these methods?

(students answer)

Now let's look at these methods in more detail.

CM. application (printed and distributed to each student)

All these and other text compression techniques can be used asseparately , soin the complex.

IV. Consolidation.

Now let’s put this knowledge into practice. Here is the text.

Your task is to compress this text, and try to use all compression techniques.

But first, let's conduct next job:

Determine the style of the text, the type of speech.

What is this text about? What is its theme

Formulate the main idea of ​​the text.

Read the text, determine the number of microtopics in it

To correctly identify micro-themes, what should you pay attention to when listening to the text?

Having identified micro-topics, we will draw up an outline of the text.

What is important to be able to do when drawing up a plan? (be able to find, highlight keywords

So now you will work on compressing this text

There is simply no universal recipe for how to choose the right, the only true, destined path in life. And the final choice always remains with the person. We make this choice already in childhood, when we choose friends, learn to build relationships with peers, and play.

But most of the most important decisions that determine life path, we still accept in our youth. According to scientists, the second half of the second decade of life is the most crucial period. It is at this time that a person, as a rule, chooses the most important thing for the rest of his life: his closest friend, his circle of main interests, his profession.

It is clear that such a choice is a responsible matter. It cannot be brushed aside, it cannot be put off until later. You shouldn’t hope that the mistake can be corrected later: you’ll have time, your whole life is ahead of you! Some things, of course, can be corrected and changed, but not everything. And wrong decisions will not remain without consequences. After all, success comes to those who know what they want, make decisive choices, believe in themselves and persistently achieve their goals.

To make it easier for you, I suggest you use the reminder

(after we check the completed task, discuss all errors)

V. Lesson summary

What difficulties in writing a concise presentation did our work help you overcome today?


Basic text compression techniques

1. Exception. Elimination of repetitions .

Feelings are a person's internal relationship to the environment. Feelings are an integral part of our personality.

Exclusion of one or more of the synonyms. \

Gilyarovsky was the trustee of one of the schools near Serpukhov. And there is a photograph of the students: village children with open, simple-minded, clear persons.

Exclusion of clarifying, explanatory, introductory constructions.

Such “experts”, of course , they are not surprised at anything, and therefore , and are not able to make a discovery, even the smallest one. In my opinion , people for whom everything is clear are hopeless people.

Excluding a sentence fragment that has less significant meaning.

Why did Kuprin change his professions so often? What force pushed him to pull on a canvas robe, put on a helmet and race on fire horses? What made him spend days, until his hands ached, unloading barges with watermelons, bricks, and cement?

Elimination of homogeneous terms in a generalizing word.

There are people for whom everything is always clear. They, in their opinion, are the best versed in politics, medicine, education - in short, in any area of ​​​​human knowledge and activity.

Elimination of one or more sentences.

The relationship between teenagers and parents is a banal topic for popular scientific psychological and pedagogical articles. It seems that everything that can be said or written about this has been written and said many times and is already familiar to everyone, as they say, to the point of toothache. Therefore, when starting it again, you involuntarily experience a feeling of some awkwardness.

2. Generalization.

Replacement of homogeneous members with a general name.

no one whispers, rustles candy papers, coughs, or chairs creak.

Many argue that listening to music at home is even better than in the hall: no one interferes.

Replacing direct speech with indirect speech.

“Madam, you gave them a moment of happiness, allowing them to forget their daily worries for a moment.” , - the maid answered the great ballerina’s question.

The maid replied that the ballerina, with her art, gave those around her a moment of happiness.

Replacing a sentence or part of it with a defining or negative pronoun with a general meaning .

neither Pushkin, nor Yazykov, nor Zhukovsky cannot yet give an answer to the alarming question that is connected with the future of the country.

Poets and writers of that time were concerned with these problems. But nobody cannot yet give an answer to the alarming question that is connected with the future of the country.

3. Simplification.

Merging several sentences into one .

Reading aloud at home brings us closer together. When the whole family reads the same book together for several evenings in a row, this involuntarily entails an exchange of thoughts.

Reading aloud at home brings people closer together, because it involuntarily entails an exchange of thoughts. If the book is large and read for a long time, it turns into a family friend, its characters come to life and enter our home.

Replacing a sentence or part of it with a demonstrative pronoun .

Knowing how to make friends and love is a great art. Psychologists often say that love and friendship must pass certain tests, a test of strength.

Knowing how to make friends and love is a great art. About this psychologists often say.

Replacing a sentence fragment with a synonymous expression.

a) replacing the attributive clause with a synonymous definition;

Car models, k which are equipped

Car models, supplied electric motors, take part in real sports competitions.

b) replacing the adverbial adverbial clause with a synonymous adverbial phrase;

When you analyze events When you talk about it

Analyzing events related to the past, remember the future. Speaking of which what is and what will be, do not forget what was.

entails an exchange of thoughts. If the book is large and read for a long time, it turns into a family friend, its characters come to life and enter our home.
How to choose a time so that several family members can gather at the table at once? Can't find the time? It is there to watch TV together! Don’t we sometimes sit in front of it for hours, even when nothing special is shown? The page of a book is a huge screen that the best TV never dreamed of!
When a book is read aloud by someone at home, what happens on it
pages, reflected on the faces of everyone gathered around the table. All feelings intensify and become aggravated. And the one who has already read this book before, now reading it to his loved ones, experiences joy, introducing them to what is dear to him, sharing what belonged to him alone and what he now gives to others.

Reading aloud at home brings people together. When the whole family reads the same book in the evening, it entails an exchange of thoughts. If a book is large and takes a long time to read, it turns into a family friend; its characters enter our home.

How to choose a time so that all family members can gather at the table? Can't find the time? It is there to watch TV! Don't we sit in front of it for hours, even when nothing interesting is shown? The page of the book is a huge screen, which the TV never “dreamed of”!

When a book is read aloud by someone in the family, what happens in it is reflected on the faces of everyone gathered. All feelings intensify and become aggravated. And the one who previously read this book, reading it to his loved ones, experiences joy, introducing them to what is dear to him, sharing what belonged to him and what he now gives to others.

Reading at home brings the family, its thoughts and feelings closer together, and when the book is big, it turns into its friend..

Sometimes it seems to us that we don’t have time to read, but at the same time we can watch TV for hours. But the page of a book is a huge screen that the best TV could never “dream of”!

When a book is read aloud, each person’s feelings and emotions intensify, immersing themselves in this world from head to toe. .

Anyone who reads it gives people their joy and emotions, reflecting what happens in its pages on people’s faces..