Nowadays, very often people ask the question: “How to get rich? Where can you earn a lot of money to become independent and rich? Having your own source of good income is a sure sign of a successful person.

Just how to achieve financial independence and what is needed for this? Let's try to figure it out together.

How to get rich quickly from scratch?

The most common mistake people make is the desire to get everything right away and now. Including wealth. But many people do not understand that financial independence does not appear by itself, effortlessly and instantly. Although getting rich from scratch is a completely achievable goal. The most important thing is to decide in which direction to act, what skills and abilities a person has that will allow him to become rich. It is also worth remembering that there must be a certain pattern of actions taken.

And don't forget to set a goal. Each person's definition of “rich” is different. The goal must be monetary in nature. First, ask yourself the question of how much money you want to have, and only then move on to finding ways to attract money. There are several ways to start getting rich from scratch. For example, additional income in addition to your main job. Now this method is very common.

This will allow you to save a certain amount that can be used for investment. The most important thing is to know what you can invest in and what can bring profit.

You can make good money and develop your business with the help of your talent. If a person has any abilities, then this is already a sign that he can earn big money.

Wealth or happiness?

Many people have this choice. After all, we often hear phrases such as “money doesn’t buy happiness.” Maybe in some ways this phrase is right, but in our time almost everything is done for money, and therefore, if not everyone, then most people think about how to attract luck and money. And who said that rich people can't be happy people? Such myths have been spreading for a long time, and they mainly come from those who do not have a lot of money, or from those who do not really like to work.

Of course, money cannot replace everything else. For example, friendship and love definitely cannot be bought. Therefore, when planning to get rich, you should not forget about real human happiness, which is built by human hands, just like business. If a person was initially convinced that happiness was a priority for him, then he should not try to make money through his own business.

Because usually such things don't end well. Businessmen live by their work and want to earn a high income. To do this, sometimes we have to push habitual universal values ​​into the background. But without this you won’t get far.

What's stopping you from getting rich?

The most common reason is, of course, laziness. Those people who have the desire to get rich while sitting at home on the couch will never achieve their success. A person must be obsessed with his goal of getting rich, otherwise nothing may work out. People love money when they earn it through their own work. Those who are comfortable not deciding anything themselves, but following the orders of their boss, will also not be able to get rich.

Because, first of all, it is convenient for them to obey, and they are afraid to take responsibility. And money is such a thing that without responsibility and a head on your shoulders, it will not appear in large quantities. Therefore, it is worth thinking before you want to get rich. Or maybe you will really be more comfortable working for strangers than for yourself?

How to get rich from scratch in Russia

Let's try to look at Russia at least. No, of course, you can get rich in any country, but national characteristics also leave their mark on the desire to get rich. As I said earlier, before you start the process of making big money, you should decide and answer a few questions for yourself.

First of all: “Why do you need money?”, “What amount exactly is needed to achieve the goal?” As soon as the answers appear, and you have a clear idea of ​​what you need from life, you can start looking for ways to make big money.

Getting rich is not easy at all. In addition to the advice that is available on the Internet on how to earn cryptocurrency or what is best to invest in, a person needs to develop his own structure of actions. And also be prepared for risks, problems and disappointments. In fact, only a confident, self-sufficient and obsessed person can achieve a goal. Only in this case will it be possible to complete the task and reach the top. However, some steps will be the same for everyone, regardless of their income path. Let's go through them in more detail.

This is one of the ways to earn a million in Russia. Some people think that the word invest itself implies the word “money”. But not everyone can understand that investing in yourself is the best investment in life. To become a rich person, you do not always need to do something in order to get money. Investing time, effort, patience into your own education and health is the best way to get rich. What could be richer than a person who is as healthy as possible?

By investing your own resources in yourself, you gain confidence in yourself and your abilities, and then you can start thinking about increasing your income. A person who understands that nothing exists more expensive than his own education, health, time, and so on, is already rich in wisdom and experience. Such people, as a rule, become financially wealthy people.

Financial literacy

A person who knows the value of money, knows how to manage it, and understands how to earn it, can create a goal for himself that he will soon achieve. Yes, I'm talking about the goal that leads to wealth. It is these people who often develop their business quickly and successfully. This is because knowing from the beginning how money should work correctly, there will be no problems with earning it in the future. Being financially literate means using your money moderately, knowing how to properly manage your income so that it is not less than your expenses.

And also remember that making the right decisions in terms of finances entails success and wealth. Part of the income must be invested, be it investing in cryptocurrency, precious metals, or at least in a bank deposit. This will allow you not only to be confident in the future, but also subsequently to receive another source of passive income.

Talent Development

As I already said, you can earn money if a person has some ability. Talent, like winning the lottery, is not given to everyone. And if something is given by nature, it must be used, because talent should not be wasted. This way to get rich using your talent appeared in ancient times, but remains relevant to this day. Of course, this method will not immediately yield a big profit, but by developing your talent, there is every chance of becoming wealthy.

Time management

What is it? And this is an extremely important factor in becoming a successful and rich person. In translation, this phrase is translated as time management. There is nothing more important than being able to control and rationally distribute your own time. Many people have heard that time is money. And logically, money is wealth. That is, by managing your time wisely, you can earn money. And the task of time management is to teach how to use your time rationally.

Habits of the rich and successful

To become successful and rich, first of all, you need to become within yourself. That is, all your thoughts should be exactly like those of a rich person. Only with such inner peace can you ensure financial well-being and get rich. And although all people are different, rich people, for some reason, have the same habits. And here are some of them:

  • Feeling of gratitude. You should always be grateful. And first of all, life, for what it gives us;
  • “Taxes” to yourself. It is necessary to save at least 10 percent of each income for yourself;
  • Charity. This is the noblest and most important habit. Having a lot of money, do not forget that some people really need your help;
  • Confidence. You need to be confident in yourself, your actions, thoughts;
  • Every day you need to keep statistics of income and expenses. And don't let the latter exceed the former.

How to get rich at home

There are many ways to earn money without even leaving home. It all depends on desire and goals. A successful person will always come up with the most rational and correct methods. For example, if a person has golden hands and can be useful to society, then why not create his own business. You can start at home.

For example, hairdresser and nail services. And manual work often also leads to good income. The Internet has already become an integral part of those ways that help you get rich at home. If you know what to do so that it is profitable, then at home, with a computer and the Internet, you can increase your earnings. Thanks to the Internet, the labor market is a whole world and you can work anywhere in the world. Therefore, the number of freelancers providing their services via the Internet is growing from year to year.

Motivating yourself

It is difficult to move towards your goal if you do not maintain an interest in achieving it. This is exactly what motivation helps to do, which is different for everyone. However, films and books dedicated to successful people, famous personalities and mere mortals who have successfully achieved their plans and become rich can be a good way to maintain motivation.

They will not only tell you how to become rich, but will not charge you with enormous energy to implement your plans. Just don’t forget to periodically add new “wood” to the fire of motivation to prevent it from going out. You can start with the recognized classics, from which I can highlight the following films:

  • Wall Street;
  • Aviator;
  • Social network;
  • Atlas melted his shoulders;
  • In pursuit of happiness;
  • PiraMMMida;
  • Oligarch.

Reading books such as:

  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad and the Cash Flow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki;
  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill;
  • Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason;
  • Financier of Theodore Dreiser.

Of course, these lists can and should be supplemented with those motivational masterpieces that you like.

Before you accept the fact that you want to get rich, you should gradually prepare for this. Physical and material preparation is not as important as moral one. Having reorganized your thinking and learned several useful habits, you yourself will not notice how your financial condition will begin to improve. And of course, don’t be afraid and act. There is no success without mistakes.

Probably every person dreams of being rich one day. But, unfortunately, few people manage to win the lottery or receive the inheritance of a rich uncle. In this article I would like to talk about how you can quickly and efficiently improve your financial condition.

Simple truths

People often wonder how to get rich. The most correct advice in this situation is to learn how to make money. This can be done in a variety of ways, which will be discussed below. Some try to call on higher powers for help, that is, they use various magical rituals and amulets to attract money. Rumor has it that this practice works, but not always. Well, it’s worth a try, and maybe something will work out. As they say, all means are good in this matter.

Method 1. Golden hands

So, how to get rich from scratch? The first piece of advice is to use your skills. That is, you can try to make money from what you like and succeed. Many people got rich this way. What could it be? If a woman likes to bake cakes, you can try making them to order. Gradually, you will gain your own base of clients who will provide you with work for almost the rest of your life. The income from such activities is considerable, and also permanent. And if you develop in the chosen direction, you can even move mountains. Using the same principle, you can open your own clothing repair and tailoring shop or carpentry workshop. Home business sewing children's toys is doing great today: such products are environmentally friendly, and made with high quality and conscientiously. And this is very important today. As for men, blue-collar professions are currently in high demand on the labor market. After all, if previously almost every man could manage the household himself, today the situation is somewhat different. How can a man get rich? Go “hack,” that is, provide certain economic services. This is an excellent additional plus to your main income, which helps to significantly improve your well-being.

Method 2. Work for yourself

The next tip on the topic “How to get rich?” - open your own business. However, first think carefully about what you want to do. It’s one thing to open your own store, another thing to open a service enterprise. In this case, you will need to run around the authorities and collect quite a lot of all sorts of permits. In addition, you will have to maintain various documentation and pay taxes on any of your profits, and our people do not really like to share, even with their state. However, if everything goes well and the business takes off, you can make good capital.

Method 3. Financial fraud

Another answer to the question “how to get rich at home” is to learn how to work with money. So, you can learn to play on the stock exchange, catching the necessary fluctuations in rates and securities. You can lend money at interest - this is a very popular practice today. On loans alone you can have a net 15-25% profit, or even more.

Method 4. Internet

Looking through information about how people got rich, you can stumble upon the way American student Alex Tew made money: he simply started selling advertising space on his website. Many people laughed: who would pay for pixels? But soon the site became popular, and the poor student earned his first million. Many bloggers work on the same principle: you just need to properly promote your blog and start making money on its views alone, as well as on the advertising placed there. Since getting rich from scratch is not an easy task (otherwise such a question would never have crossed anyone’s mind, would it?), to begin with, you can try to at least simply secure some kind of income for yourself. For example, try becoming a mediator. The trade sector is perfect for this. You can simply create your own store on the Internet and start helping people buy goods on foreign sites, while simply charging a percentage for the provision of services. You won’t earn a lot of money this way, but you can scrape together enough for a comfortable life, the main thing is to find your circle of clients.

Method 5. Children and pets

Another way to get rich at home: open your own animal nursery or kindergarten. Why these two categories? Firstly, many parents today do not want to send their children to government institutions, complaining that the care there is not very good. They say there are a lot of children, and teachers are not able to keep track of them all, let alone teach them anything. This, of course, can be argued. Especially if you come across old-school teachers who have devoted their entire lives to working in a preschool institution. But the trouble is that there are very few such individuals left. If you feel the strength and calling (or are confident that you can find suitable staff that meets all the requirements of modern parents), you can open a private kindergarten. Provide your kids with good care, nutrition and development - and you can be sure that you will find clients right away. And many are willing to pay a lot of money for such services. As for pets, there are often situations when a family wants to go on vacation, but there is no one to leave their four-legged friend. A great way to make money is a pet hotel. Why not do this? However, to run such a business you need start-up capital. Consider this point.

Method 6. Money from money

The next tip on how you can get rich: put money in the bank. To do this, you just need to open a deposit and put your savings there at interest. After a certain time, the amount will increase slightly. Then you can put it on deposit again. The larger the contribution, the more profit out of thin air. Insurance works on the same principle. Every year you need to contribute a certain amount of money to your insurance policy, and after the right time (10-20 years), in addition to the funds thus accumulated, you can also receive a bonus: an additional amount paid by the insurance company for the use of the client’s finances. Here is the answer to the question of how to get rich in one day. Simply receive your insurance investment after the insurance period ends. True, there is one significant nuance: you need to choose a bank or company wisely.

Method 7. Real estate

Now let's talk about how to get rich in real estate. First of all, we note that here, as in the case of a kindergarten or a hotel for animals, you need to have start-up capital. Without money, it is very difficult to get rich in real estate. Unless you sell your house or apartment. You can, of course, work as a broker, but this is not such quick money. However, if you have a certain amount, you can try to invest it in an interesting project. But here you need to remember one important rule: you cannot invest all your money in one business, even if it is too attractive. So you can lose everything overnight. Also, do not be afraid of the moment when the market does not rise, but falls. Professionals manage to make money from this. Often, after purchasing real estate at a low price, its value begins to increase over time, and the buyer remains a significant winner.

Method 8. Investment

Very interesting advice on how to get rich in Moscow: start investing your savings. You can look for promising projects and pay attention to the ideas of young specialists. In search of craftsmen, go to scientific institutes. Often very bold and profitable ideas die on the vine, because the author simply does not have the financial means to implement his brainchild. It is also worth remembering that, when planning to engage in investment activities, you need to choose your own specific strategy, as well as make investments in projects regularly.

Method 9. Bets

The next tip on how to get rich quickly from scratch is to learn how to bet. To do this, you need to find a suitable bookmaker and select an area of ​​activity. Many people earn good money from football, equestrian sports, etc. However, do not forget that in such a situation you do not need to give in to passion: only cold, strict calculation, no emotions. Casinos work on the same principle. You can also try playing various lotteries, some people are lucky. But more often than not, a person loses rather than makes a profit.

Method 10. Dating

It's no secret that young people are terribly impatient; they need everything at once. Getting a job and patiently crawling up the career ladder for years is not a prospect that suits everyone. Therefore, many are tormented by the question: “How to get rich?” In Russia, some enterprising individuals are trying to make money from foreigners. How? Now we'll tell you. However, let’s make a reservation right away: this option, let’s say, is not for the squeamish. All that is required of you is to create a dating site for foreign citizens. Everyone knows that Russian women are in great demand among men in European countries and the USA. You just need to create an attractive page where several representatives of the stronger sex will register. Next, you need to communicate with them (the easiest way to do this is to choose English). Naturally, you will need photos of attractive girls. On behalf of these beauties, you can start acquaintances and gradually develop them. Soon you will see the following picture: to please their passion, most foreign men will not regret a couple of bucks. Or maybe more. Of course, there is a risk that one fine day the client will suddenly decide to visit our country and meet in person... Things are a little better when such a business is run by real girls: you can get married very successfully and win a good sum overnight.

Method 11. Organizational skills

Another way to get rich? Advice can be very different. Well, for example: why not use your organizational skills for good? So, you can start organizing holidays: weddings, birthdays, various corporate events. You are required to have a little knowledge of oratory and be able to “wind up” guests. Well, if you are the life of the party, then there’s nothing to talk about! A few poems, songs, jokes, a couple of competitions - that's all ready. People are happy, the company is having fun, money flows smoothly into the organizer’s pocket. After several successfully carried out events, clients will be on their own.

Method 12. Workplace

They say that the environment shapes a person. That is why Feng Shui experts advise you to properly design your workplace. In this case, they believe, it will be possible to earn a fortune without any problems. First of all, you need to think about plants. The common crassula, or the so-called “money tree” among the people, will help perfectly in this matter. It is believed that if such a plant is near a person, it helps his material condition, constantly increasing it. The tree should be placed in the south-eastern part of the room, where it will be most comfortable. From time to time you need to look at the plant, thinking about how at this time the amount of money in your wallet increases. You can be sure that this will happen soon. Chinese coins also work well in this direction: round, with a square hole in the middle. You can hang them around your apartment and office, you can carry them in your wallet, or you can decorate your workplace. Money toads are also a great help. Having bought such an amulet, you need to place it surrounded by coins. And you definitely need to make sure that there is always money in the toad’s mouth - this is a kind of love spell for material well-being.

Method 13. Psychology

Magic can tell you how to get rich. You just need to learn to visualize. That is, you must constantly imagine yourself as a millionaire: see yourself surrounded by rich people and expensive things. If done correctly, it works great. A person, as it were, shapes his own future. It’s also good to create a wish board or hang photos of the things you want around your apartment. This will help the visualization process, and accordingly, material well-being. Psychologists also advise: in order to receive something, you must be able to give. You can be sure that if you give a hundred rubles to charity, this amount will be returned, doubling or even tripling.

Method 14. Rituals

A few more simple ways to get rich quickly related to magic. There are a huge number of different auxiliary rituals. The first of them: you need to take a mirror, place it on a sunlit window sill, and put a handful of coins or a couple of bills opposite it. Visually it will give the impression that the money has doubled. The same thing will happen in reality: the funds that a person has will gradually begin to increase.

The second option: you need to learn to love money. However, this does not mean that they need to be accumulated. This may seem strange, but you need to talk to money: if they leave, say goodbye, saying: “Bye, money, come back with your older comrades.” If they come, you should always welcome them. Such simple actions, according to magicians, are a great help in attracting finance and increasing your net worth.

Magicians recommend performing the third ritual on your birthday or New Year. There is no need to spend the donated amount of money; it is best to put it in a bag and bury it under the fat plant that we already know. And leave it like that for a year. It is believed that during this time the money that goes into the budget will double. After a year, the buried funds must be spent. You can repeat the ritual next year.

Method 14. Conspiracies

Well, the last piece of advice that will tell you how else you can get rich: use the power of words. That is, you need to know certain conspiracies with which you can get rich. First step: you need to take a handful of coins and put them on a white saucer. You need to sprinkle good clean wheat on top. Next, everything is covered with a new white handkerchief and watered daily. During watering, you need to say the following spell words: “Mother wheat, you feed both the old and the young, the poor and the rich. From one grain you give them five and ten. So give me, the servant of God, the opportunity to reduce my monetary wealth in this way. Just as you grow a spikelet of corn and feed the hungry, so grow my money and give me the opportunity to get rich. Key-lock in these words. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Next tip: when a person receives change in a store, you can say the following words, which will also help improve your well-being: “Your money is my money. Your treasury is my treasury. Amen".

The following spell spoken on an anthill also works well: “As there are so many of these ants, so that my money will be just as much. As they multiply, so will my money multiply. Key-lock in these words. Amen".

You can also use the dough as your assistant. It must be kneaded well and left to rise. When the time comes to knead the dough, you will need to say the following words: “As you, dough, grow, so that my profit grows: up and to the sides. So that, like you, my money grows and grows. My word is quick, but my deed is controversial. Key-lock in these words. Amen".

Money can not buy everything, but a lot. Millions of people dream of wealth, which will allow them not to go to a job they don’t like every day and not to deny themselves anything. Real estate and travel, good education and medicine, luxury goods and the opportunity to lead any lifestyle without regard to finances - all this is available to rich people. Let's talk about how to get rich in Russia and how realistic this is for the average person.

First, let's define what wealth is. Dictionaries usually interpret this word as an abundance of material values ​​- money, property, real estate, etc. Different people have different needs and different ideas about wealth: for some, wealth is 1 million rubles, but for others, even 1 million dollars is not enough to consider themselves rich. It is difficult to determine the exact amount of income or the size of a rich person’s fortune, but there are guidelines:

  1. Availability of real estate - and not the only apartment purchased in installments for 20 years. Often rich people have not just one property, but much more. At the same time, they can live in rented housing;
  2. Personal car;
  3. Monthly income that far exceeds living expenses;
  4. Passive sources of income. This point is especially important, because if the only (main) income is a hired job, which you can lose tomorrow, a person cannot be called financially free, much less rich.

Theoretically, a dollar millionaire can live very modestly, rent a house and ride a taxi or even a tram. It is the presence of high passive income: be it rental income, dividends or something else that gives financial independence and allows a person to be considered rich.

How to get rich for an ordinary person: secrets of millionaires

Unless we're talking about winning the lottery, people don't become millionaires by accident. Warren Buffett, Robert Kiyosaki and other successful investors spent years purposefully pursuing their success. They knew they would become rich, and they knew what they needed to get there. Achieving financial success is a doable task for most people, not just geniuses or born entrepreneurs.

Here are some simple tips on how to get rich for an ordinary person.

  • Kill the poor man's mentality in yourself. The main thing that distinguishes a rich person from a poor one is not the amount of property or the size of a bank account, but the characteristics of thinking. A rich man can lose his entire fortune and then get back on his feet, but a poor man will remain poor unless he changes his thinking.

Poor people don’t like money and never really strive for it: it’s enough for them to be like everyone else. And even if it's not enough, they don't do anything to change the situation. Poor people do not have a clear financial plan and simply go with the flow. They are slaves to their habits and often think too much about creating the desired image rather than about earning money. For example, buying an iPhone on credit is the act of a person with the mindset of a poor man.

Rich people have completely different priorities, habits, and a different value system. They don’t prove anything to anyone, but they systematically move towards their goal, save money, invest and increase their capital. Remember that everything starts in your head. Monitor your habits and beliefs and change them if they interfere with your path to wealth.

  • Improve your financial literacy. This is not taught in schools and institutes, but the ability to control your financial flows is priceless if you want to become a rich person. Make your financial plan, keep track of income and expenses, try to earn more and spend less, and invest the surplus wisely.
  • Learn. Truly rich people don't just study at school and university - they study throughout their lives. Study not for the sake of a diploma, grades or for the meaningless accumulation of knowledge - study for the sake of your future financial well-being, especially since now there are many ways to receive new information from anywhere in the world. Don’t save time and money on training: these costs always pay for themselves.
  • Develop flexible thinking. Flexibility is a necessary quality in the modern world. Those ways of earning money or increasing income that worked yesterday may not work today, and those that work today may not work tomorrow. We live in a rapidly changing world. To become rich and successful, you need to be able to quickly navigate the situation and react to it.
  • Read biographies of great people and surround yourself with such people. As you know, a king is made by his retinue, and a man is made by his entourage. Learn from the best, read books of biographies of famous people - Robert Kiyosaki, Tony Robbins, Richard Branson, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs and others. They will give you motivation to move on. And take a closer look at your surroundings: if you are surrounded by average people, your results will most likely also be average. Seek out mentors, teachers, and try to get close to people with impressive accomplishments that inspire you.

Ways to get rich from scratch: Kiyosaki's Cash Flow Quadrant

Contrary to popular belief, it is quite possible to get rich using legal methods and without inheriting from your millionaire uncle. Let's look at the main ways to get rich from scratch

  • in hiring;
  • working for yourself;
  • in business;
  • in investing

These are four areas of activity; Any person who has his own income receives it from a permanent employer (employment), from many employers (freelancing), from his own business or investments.

The famous businessman and investor Robert Kiyosaki introduced the concept of the cash flow quadrant. In this quadrant, on the left side there are work for hire and for yourself, on the right - your own business and investing. Kiyosaki advises operating on the right side of the quadrant, because that is where the greatest opportunities for capital accumulation are.

How to get rich in 2018 by working for hire

The vast majority of people work for hire, that is, they go to work, carry out their job responsibilities and orders from their superiors, and receive a salary. Some companies also practice the payment of quarterly or annual bonuses based on performance results. To understand how hired workers can get rich in 2018, let’s evaluate their income-generating capabilities.

There are almost no truly rich people among the hired employees. Only top managers, heads of large companies and the highest paid specialists can be called relatively rich. Much more people in employment live “from paycheck to paycheck” and do not have significant savings. What should an employee do if he is not ready to quit his job, but wants more financially:

  • soberly assess the niche in which he works and his career/financial prospects. Often people work in a field they don't like, or in one where there is no future. According to experts, many professions will die out in the next 20-30 years thanks to labor automation. Postmen, delivery workers, librarians, translators, even lawyers and accountants could be at risk. In many areas, only a small number of highly paid workers and cheap labor will remain. Think in advance what you will do in 20 years if your position is reduced, and if this does not happen, whether you want to work in this specialty until retirement. Perhaps it's time to relearn.
  • take advanced training courses or get new education. A person usually chooses a profession at the age of 16-17, but at that age he cannot always make the right choice for the rest of his life. Now there are opportunities to retrain or study remotely at the best Russian and world universities. And the sooner you do this, the better. It’s better to spend time now or even lose salary for the sake of training: in the future, these investments will pay for themselves.
  • discuss career and salary prospects with your superiors. Such a simple thought often does not occur to employees, but management loves proactive employees. If you are a valuable personnel, then sometimes it is enough to simply tell your manager about your desire to earn more and ask what needs to be done for this. If you do not consider yourself to be a valuable personnel, re-read the previous paragraphs.
  • draw up a personal financial plan, save at least 10% of your income and invest this money. People with high incomes can spend every penny of their earnings, while people with average salaries can save and increase their savings. The size of your income matters, but what’s even more important is to set a financial goal, determine how to achieve it and, based on them, create a personal financial plan. If you earn 30,000 rubles and can regularly save 20% of this amount to invest at 30% per annum, after 10 years you will have 3 million rubles. But saving money in rubles may not be profitable given inflation and the possible fall of the national currency: there are other ways to invest money today with a minimal investment of capital. We'll talk about them below.

Completing all these points will not lead you to wealth. But you will be able to take important steps up the career ladder, soberly assess your prospects and consciously think about the future in order to lay the foundation for financial well-being today.

How to become a rich and successful freelancer

A freelancer differs from an employee in that he does not have one permanent employer. Essentially, a freelancer also works for other people, completing their tasks for money, only freelance. This makes freelancers more flexible and attentive to market demands. And flexibility is a necessary quality to become rich and successful.

If in an office you can sit in one position for years, receiving - taking into account indexation - the same salary, freelancers periodically look for a new job, monitor vacancies, and due to this, they are better versed in the needs of employers and the salary scale. Without the stability of an office worker, they usually retrain more easily and more often master new/related professions.

The advice for a freelancer is the same as for an office worker. In freelancing, it is easier to climb the career ladder and increase your income: here, many people start with a small income and increase it many times over in 1-2 years. But without a clear financial plan and investing part of their earnings, even successful freelancers with salaries much higher than the average office income will not progress towards wealth.

How to get rich in business

Business belongs to the right side of Kiyosaki's money square. A successful business in itself can make a person rich if it generates high cash flow. A businessman does not work for a salary, but pays the salaries of his employees; the size of his own income is limited only by business opportunities. This opens up great horizons for how you can get rich.

Ideal business organization scheme:

  • start and promotion, reaching the break-even point;
  • business development;
  • automation of all business processes so that the business can operate without the direct participation of the manager;
  • investing part of the profit to increase income.

Not every startup becomes a successful business project: most turn out to be unprofitable and close in the first three years. A significant part works with little income, on the verge of profitability. Therefore, business should not be perceived as a magic pill: not everyone is destined to be a businessman, and not every project is destined to survive. But if you choose the right niche and organize your work wisely, your business will lead to wealth much faster than hired work or freelancing.

How to get rich quickly as an investor

Investing is the fastest way to wealth. Like the business, it is on the right side of Kiyosaki's cash flow. The essence of investing is to invest money wisely so that it brings in even more money without the direct participation of the investor. In other words, the investor makes the money work for himself. Unlike business, investing is a passive or semi-passive way of generating income. See how to get rich quickly by investing money.

To earn $1 million in 10 years, it is enough to invest 22,000 rubles every month at 48% per annum. This yield seems high against the backdrop of a bank deposit interest rate of 4-5%, but finding instruments with a yield of 40-50% per annum is quite possible.

Tips for investors:

  1. Make a clear financial plan based on your financial expectations and follow it in any circumstances.
  2. Diversify your investments. Don't invest all your money in one item or tool.
  3. Do not invest money that you need for life or for any emergency.
  4. Determine your acceptable level of risk. Typically, the higher the risk, the higher the potential return. Choose what is more important - profitability or reliability.
  5. Do not invest if you do not understand the principles of income generation or distribution.

Let's look at two simple ways to get rich by investing.

How to become rich from scratch using cryptocurrencies

From 2009-2011, cryptocurrencies showed tremendous growth: their rate increased millions of times. To understand how to become rich from scratch, just look at the Bitcoin rate over the past nine years. Many who bought BTC for less than $1, held it for several years and resold it for $20,000 in December 2017 have already become millionaires.

Now Bitcoin at $1 is a thing of the past, but in the long term the growth potential remains. In addition to Bitcoin, there are hundreds of other cryptocurrencies - Ethereum, Ripple, Monero, Cardano, Stellar, EOS, tron, z-cash, dash and others. There are also lesser-known coins that are not included in the top 25, which can also “shoot”.

The simplest strategy for investing in cryptocurrencies is passive portfolio investing, when an investor buys 10-20 different cryptocurrencies and holds them for 3-5 years. During this time, several coins may grow very strongly in price, others may grow moderately, but the overall return on the portfolio with this approach will be high and the risks will be minimal.

In addition to portfolio investing, you can make money on cryptocurrency through mining (extraction of cryptocurrencies through a powerful mining farm), trading (trading on a cryptocurrency exchange) or by participating in ICOs. ICO is a public offering of coins through which blockchain startups attract investments. This method of earning money can provide maximum income: for example, during the Ethereum ICO in 2014, the cryptocurrency ether cost only 0.2 dollars, in the first half of 2018 its price fluctuated between 400-600 dollars, and in December 2017 it exceeded 1000 dollars. But ICO is a risky way of investment, because not all projects are successful, and not all tokens grow in price.

If you want to learn more about making money with cryptocurrencies, get the series free video lessons.

How to get rich from scratch: apartment building in Russian

Another way to get rich quick involves real estate. Apartment buildings that existed in Russia back in the nineteenth century, and now bring investors a high cash flow with minimal investment of personal capital and clearly demonstrate how to get rich from scratch.

The income house strategy looks like this:

  1. A large house with an area of ​​100-500 square meters is purchased with a mortgage. meters. The location of the house and transport accessibility are of great importance so that this housing can be easily rented out.
  2. The house is divided into studios. From one house you can get 8-25 studios with an area of ​​15-20 square meters. meters. Each studio needs to be renovated by investors and furnished with the necessary furniture, as well as household appliances.
  3. Studios are available for long-term or short-term rental. The cost of renting a studio is approximately equal to the cost of renting a one-room apartment.

Thanks to money, you can fulfill many of your dreams, which is why people strive to become rich. To achieve your goal, you must develop a plan that you must stick to, otherwise nothing will work out.

Smart investments

There are several ways to help you get rich quickly, but the most acceptable is investing money wisely. However, to do this, you should study the financial market well, since the risk of losing accumulated funds is quite high. For example, you can purchase shares of some dynamically developing company. After several years, their value will increase, and dividends will be able to provide a person with a comfortable existence. Among modern millionaires, there are quite a few who made their fortune on the stock exchanges. In this case, you can get by with a small start-up capital, so you should consider this option and try your hand at this area.

Own business

You can get rich quickly by starting your own business. Of course, you need to have a certain amount of funds, but not everyone has them. However, you can take out a loan from a bank. But first you need to decide what you want to do, and then draw up a business plan that you should stick to. Undoubtedly, for the business to prosper, you will need to invest a lot of effort and time, but subsequently you will be able to enjoy wealth. This method is fraught with countless obstacles, but risk often leads to success.

Fortune's smile

If you want to get rich quickly without putting much effort into it, then you can try your luck in a casino. But you need to be very careful with gambling, as sometimes people lose everything they have. A safer way to make fortune smile is to buy a lottery ticket. Of course, few people win huge sums that last a lifetime, but it happens. This option does not require large financial investments, and losses will be minimal.


Magic will help you become rich. You can buy yourself a talisman that attracts money, or go to a shaman. He will conduct a special ceremony, after which he will be able to quickly get rich. Not all people believe in this, but you can turn to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui. It has helped the Chinese gain wealth for centuries. Today, many people use Feng Shui and become wealthy people.
  • 1 I want to get rich! What prevents people from leaving the poverty line?
  • 2 The difference between the mindset of a successful person and the mindset of a loser
  • 3 Where should you start working on yourself?
    • 3.2 Self-development and self-improvement
    • 3.3 Neuroscience
    • 3.4 Diverse attitude to any process
    • 3.5 Responsibility for decisions made
    • 3.6 Forming the right attitude towards money
  • 4 How to get rich quickly: learning the habits of the rich
  • 5 How to get rich for an ordinary person in Russia: analysis of the best ideas
    • 5.1 Real ways to create financial abundance
    • 5.2 How to get rich while sitting at home on the couch. Ideas for the lazy
  • 6 How to get rich from scratch: advice from the most successful people
  • 7 How rich people who top the Forbes top 100 in Russia achieved success
  • 8 Conclusion

Many people dreamhow to get rich, because in our country only 20% of the population are satisfied with the standard of living and their own income. What can we hide? Many of us love to look through the keyhole and see how the life of someone else’s family works and how much money is in the neighbor’s wallet. But, despite external discontent and grumbling towards the “powers that be,” the majority of the population is not ready to leave their comfort zone and change their lives.

Why is this happening? Why do people remain stuck without changing their lives for the better? Why does money pass you by and you fail to catch luck by the tail?

We will find answers to these questions in the first part of the article, dedicated to the topic of achieving wealth in Russia.

I want to get rich! What prevents people from leaving the poverty line?

There is a widespread belief that if a person is born into a rich, wealthy family, then his life has already been successful. In fact, this is only partly true. Yes, according to statistics, the transition from one social status group to another, more comfortable one, is possible for a small percentage of the population. And this is connected, first of all, not with the presence of money in a personal account, but with the lifestyle and family values ​​that are inherent specifically in this unit of society.

You can track which families actually achieve success for generations, and which, having earned capital in one generation, squandered it all in the next 50 years. The first category includes the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Oppenheimers and many other great names. They have been turning everything they touch into gold for centuries and have a real impact on the world economy.

On the other hand, Walt Disney's successful history was not continued as a family business. Today, the company is run by completely different people, despite the high profitability of Disney shares. This suggests that having money does not provide a 100% guarantee that a person will be able to place or invest it correctly.

The way of thinking, the approach to solving daily problems and even the format of spending free time determine whether a person can organize his life and direct it on a more favorable course.

The difference between the mindset of a successful person and the mindset of a loser

What's on the average person's mind? As a simple survey showed:

  • Earnings
  • Rest
  • Family/relationships
  • Raising children

In fact, these same thoughts occupy most of the time of successful wealthy people. The only difference is in the approach and scale of thinking.

Let's look at it in detail. Let's imagine that we could magically read the thoughts of people from different walks of life regarding basic things. This, as we just found out, is work, leisure, relationships with a partner and procreation.

So, what are the differences between life positions?a successful person and a loser.

Sphere of life Successful man Jonah

A business owner or professional top manager cannot afford to perform only a certain piece of work. Only by assessing all the elements and connections of interaction within the company can you achieve success and bring the enterprise to a new, better level of income. Careful care for tangible and intangible assets is a characteristic of a true leader.

At best, this is performing your immediate functionality, without showing initiative and looking for opportunities to optimize work. Lack of desire to go to work, depressed mood.

A successful person knows what he is striving for and, if he wants to gain new emotions and diversify his horizons, he takes targeted actions to achieve the goal.

This could be a vacation at the best resorts in the world or a combination of business and pleasure when the learning process is included in the vacation program.

Going by your capabilities is not the best quality for achieving your dreams. Blaming life for the lack of material well-being and constant inaction is what prevents losers and lazy people from achieving results.

Respect, Education and Love - these are the three pillars on which strong, sincere families are built. When people value their time and energy, they build relationships in such a way as to make each other better, learn from each other and help. Please note that in successful families, both spouses predominantly work. They have something to talk about, they are in demand at work, and a harmonious environment awaits them at home.

Frequent reproaches and systematic avoidance of problems are what should not happen in family relationships. But when the general approach to life is based on shifting responsibility onto other shoulders and not recognizing obvious things, it is logical that the same story will reign at home.

Only a leader can raise a leader. The approach to the educational process is the key to the entire future development of the child. When from an early age a person understands what money is and correctly forms an attitude towards the world around him, he can gradually transfer this into adulthood.

The formation of curiosity and absorption of new information begins in the first years of life. It is these family qualities, acquired by a child at the beginning of his life, that allow one family to own serious corporations in the long term.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree - this folk wisdom perfectly visualizes all the above points. A person lives in a familiar environment and instills the same principles in his children.

To summarize, you need to understand that in order to change the reality around you, you must first begin to change yourself and your attitude towards life.

Where should you start working on yourself?

You can pull yourself out of your usual flow by using simple techniques that will gradually change your consciousness. These are the effective ways:

The key to a successful start is the confidence that you will achieve results. Perhaps not on the first try, and the path will be fraught with all sorts of difficulties, but self-confidence and healthy optimism are the first points on the path to achieving the goal.

Self-development and self-improvement

The learning process does not end with leaving school and receiving a diploma of higher professional education. Improving your qualifications, studying the latest developments and research in your own or related fields adds quality to your level as a specialist and trains your brain activity. A well-rounded person will be able to carry on a conversation with any interlocutor and benefit from large sources.


Using the technique of applying non-standard solutions is an interesting and useful skill for developing mental activity and unloading after a busy day. Start changing your life with the simplest household things. Instead of driving to work from your usual stop, walk to the next station. During this time, you will subconsciously evaluate the new environment, tune in to the work day, draw up a task plan and start all the processes in the body by taking a walk.

A versatile approach to any process

When completing assigned tasks, try to find not one, but several solutions at once. Work through each one, evaluate it from the point of view of the manager and performer, and choose the optimal one. Play role-playing games like these, put yourself in the role of your manager, and take steps to improve your performance.

At a minimum, you will be able to improve your performance and, after some time, negotiate a salary increase. As a maximum, you can build your own successful business and work for yourself.

Responsibility for decisions made

You shouldn’t look for someone to blame for all the difficulties and problems that accompany you in life. How often can you hear: “It’s all the fault of the ineffective government, the tyrant boss, the negligent wife...”, etc. ad infinitum. You may not yet be able to influence the state structure, but changing your environment, your attitude towards yourself and others is within the power of every person.

Learn to analyze situations and look for root causes. For example,“Why don’t I earn enough?”

The answer of a successful person will look like this: The construction sector brings in less profit because many competitors have appeared, and our pricing policy does not allow us to win tenders. It is necessary to reduce the price for services and thus increase the company's turnover.

Loser/lazy guy's answer: It's all my tyrant boss's fault. It’s unclear what he demands, he finds fault and doesn’t want to increase my salary.

This text is deciphered like this : I don’t want to develop and make efforts to improve my skills. I'm scared/lazy to look for a new job because it could be the same thing. I'm scared/lazy to start a conversation about raising my salary in case I get fired. I'm used to it and don't want to leave my comfort zone.

Start being honest with yourself and things will get better. Deal with far-fetched fears - this is also an important aspect of working on yourself.

Forming the right attitude towards money

The big misconception of most is that with money you can achieve anything. In this way, a painful cult of money is formed, which devalues ​​all other components of a successful and happy life. In fact, this is a real “disease” of the Russian people.

Money can only be earned and kept by those who understand that hard coins and rustling banknotes are not a goal, but an attribute of a goal.

As you can see, all of the steps listed are quite doable and adequate. It may not be easy at first, but within a few weeks you will form new habits, which we will write about below.

How to get rich quickly: learning the habits of the rich

The mindset of a rich person is evident in everything, even in such little things as morning rituals. According to statistics collected by American researchers, people with high incomes wake up long before going to work.

This is logical. Morning is the most productive time for most people. Brain activity is much higher and the effectiveness of decisions made increases significantly. Therefore, we recommend waking up early, doing exercises and turning on your head =D

What other habits stimulate the process of making money?

Stop watching TV. Successful people don't watch House 2. It's no secret that television broadcasts are oversaturated with advertising. If you want to watch something interesting, look on the Internet or go to the cinema. Give up the habit of turning on the zombie box when you get home. Background programs are annoying and clog your brain with unnecessary and unhelpful information. Watching TV before bed can lead to insomnia and apathy. The evening is a time to socialize with family, read, or make plans for the next day.

Read. High-quality literature increases vocabulary and stimulates brain function. Reading several pages a day, but on an ongoing basis, will help you become an interesting conversationalist and structure your speech competently. Make it a habit before bed to read something that is of interest specifically to you. Who knows, maybe this will become a catalyst for the development of your full-fledged business?

Formulate your goals and make unique road maps with the step-by-step implementation of your planned project. You must see where to aim. Think about what goals should look like for you? Perhaps this will be a visualization in the form of a poster of desires or bright stickers on which it is written what to strive for. Correct formulation of the task and its detailed study is half the success in achieving goals.

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Perhaps our favorite character trait! Of course, you don’t have to pretend to be a robot. Sometimes you need to give yourself the opportunity to relax, but you shouldn’t turn it into a habit. Laziness and procrastination do not lead to good things.

This list can be continued endlessly, but start with at least these basic things and see how your life changes. Free time will appear, which you can fill with useful activities and development of projects to earn your first million.

How to get rich for an ordinary person in Russia: analysis of the best ideas

Russian people are the most enterprising comrades in the world. If we set ourselves a task and aim for a positive result, then success is not far off. Let's look at how and implement popular ideas at the start of entrepreneurial activity.

Real Ways to Create Financial Abundance

We live in an age of evolving technology. Almost all areas are moving to the Internet space, which makes it possible to develop an additional source of income without leaving home. We'll look at how to implement itbest business ideas 2018, which each of you can afford to start working on.

The trend is becoming increasingly popular among active Internet users.coaching. If you are charismatic and have a passion, try turning it into a business.

How does this happen?

Let's say you know about cars. You can tell offhand how to choose a used vehicle, where to conclude an agreement on favorable terms under CASCO or OSAGO. How to conduct a dialogue with representatives of insurance services or traffic police. If this is all about you, then systematize your knowledge, record a selling video and name your own course -“Save 50K on a used car.” Make a one-page website and promote it on free platforms and forums.

A similar topic on which people earn millions is -blogging. Despite the widespread opinion that all this is nonsense, attracting an audience of millions is not something you write to “Pionerskaya Pravda”: “Hello, dear editors!” The example of the popular blogger Nastya Ivleva from St. Petersburg suggests that only by making an effort and devoting all your time to this business, you can become successful, famous and rich.

If we talk about more material things that can be implemented not only in the Internet environment, then you can doinvesting in the automobile business . Don't be afraid of big words - you can start an investor's career without large capital investments. It is quite possible to use borrowed funds as start-up capital, and the return on investment for this business ranges from 50 to 6000% per annum. Super profitable investments bring from 50,000 rubles per month from one machine. Go for it!

An interesting and promising direction -business for sale Chinese goods . Even the leaders in the production of mobile phones, tablets and laptops, Apple, manufacture their products in China. Today, there are several real ways to make money on Chinese goods: resale, dropshipping and cashback. This is a capacious and inexpensive direction to start working for yourself.

You can also consider the option of participating in electronic auctions forresale of bankrupt property . Offers to purchase bankrupt assets at a significant discount are posted on specialized electronic platforms. This direction requires good research and starting capital to purchase property, but the difference in resale will leave a good income in your pocket.

How to get rich while sitting at home on the couch. Ideas for the lazy

If you're not interested in working on yourself and you're not at all ready to change your life, try one of the solutions designed for those who want to get everything without doing anything.

Winning a lottery or prize money in gambling. To begin with, I would like to clarify that it is impossible to predict whether luck will smile on you. You can waste money on lottery tickets or lose at cards for years and not achieve success. But the money saved can, at a minimum, be put into a bank savings account and receive interest monthly.

Let's look at the positive development of events - you won 1,000,000 rubles. This is great, but what next? If you don’t know how to manage your money correctly, then within a few months it will come to an end and... again new attempts to get the Jackpot?

This is a hopeless path. In fact, you will not become rich even if you win a large amount.

Successful marriage or unequal marriage. Many girls and young people believe that in order to become successful and rich, it is enough to find a profitable partner. There is no need to assume that a doll-like appearance and an easy-going character are enough for this. Wealthy men and women are difficult to fool with such basic approaches. In most cases, such relationships end in nothing.

What's next? New attempts? But appearance does not improve with age, character deteriorates and people’s habits change. Don't underestimate your capabilities. Even if you want to meet a successful person, first think about how you can interest him or her so that your relationship does not become a one-time affair, but ends in a beautiful marriage.

If you are ready to develop and invest in your own development, then perhaps this is the path for you. Why not? However, to achieve a positive result you will need to put in a lot of effort. But even in this case, no one canceled the marriage contract.

In order to start earning serious money, you need to “raise” your first million. This statement, of course, belongs to the category of signs, but its effectiveness has been tested by many successful rich people.

What else do you need to do to become a successful person?

Come up with creative solutions. Surprise your target audience. For example, an unusual service for renting flowers for selfies has recently gained wide popularity. An enterprising young man who had never been involved in the flower business before came up with the idea to implement such a non-standard idea. He wanted to try selling flowers for the holidays (March 8 or February 14), but suddenly this extraordinary idea struck him. Needless to say, without start-up capital or special skills, this young man was able to earn a tidy sum and become popular throughout the Internet in a few days.

Learn to save. Everyone can afford to save part of the money they earn, but not everyone can afford not to dip into their piggy bank and spend their accumulated savings on buying something else (unnecessary). But the phenomenon “like attracts like” works in full. If you have an effective motive to save a small amount per month, then within a year you will be able to collect the required amount of money for investment or a major purchase. When you understand that you manage money, and not they manage you, you will be able to plan your budget wisely and increase your income.

Place the eggs in different baskets. You shouldn’t invest all your savings in one project and wait for a return, keeping yourself on bread and water. Use the progressive experience of many successful investors - risk a maximum of 30 percent of your assets. There are many tools for starting a low-cost business, such as credit, etc. When developing one direction or working at your main place of work, begin to take careful steps in a new business, be sure to have a competent business plan and an emergency exit, option B.

Optimize. Time management. Being able to make plans and manage your time wisely is the most important skill that can bring you closer to your cherished dream of achieving material well-being. Keep a record of the tasks you managed to complete during the day, program yourself to increase the rate of completed tasks and see how your performance will increase.

If you harmoniously distribute time between rest and active activity, you can free up precious hours for self-development and planning your own business projects.

You're more likely to make money doing something you enjoy. All successful people get satisfaction from putting effort into their line of work. Don’t force yourself, thinking that you need to become an entrepreneur and businessman if you don’t feel predisposed to this direction.

If you are a good recruiter, then improve your skills, learn new techniques in your field and reach the pinnacle of professionalism. Good shots are always appreciated. You can earn an excellent income by working as a top manager in a large holding company or a world-famous company. This is also a working option for achieving material well-being.

Connect with those who have already achieved success. By immersing yourself in an environment where big money is circulating, you adopt communication experience, habits and promising topics for development. This is a school of life in which, instead of a diploma, you receive practical skills in becoming a businessman.

How the rich people who top the Forbes top 100 in Russia achieved success

Let's look at real success stories of people who for years, and some for decades, have confirmed their right to be called the mighty of this world.

Vladimir Lisin has not left the list of the richest people in Russia for decades. But few people think about how he became a successful businessman. Only thanks to his hard work and perseverance in achieving his goals, he turned from an assistant steelworker into a billionaire, owner of factories and a transport holding company.

Andrey Melnichenko is a shining example of a talented entrepreneur who achieves success in any industry. His achievements include the creation of banks and diversified multi-billion dollar companies. His current areas of interest are fertilizers and energy. The future billionaire began in the Moscow State University dormitory, where he took the first step of his career path with the organization of a currency exchange office. He also did not have start-up capital, but he was ableearn a six figure income and achieve success through self-confidence and self-improvement.

Gennady Timchenko does not strive for popularity, although he earned his first million during the perestroika period. He does not like to advertise his personal life, preferring work and communication with his family. His interests include natural resources, construction and investment. His loved ones and he himself do a lot of charity work and socially significant projects.

As you can see, rich people invest in themselves, constantly develop, and do not stop after earning enough money for a comfortable life. They have a clear understanding of their goals and a desire to become the best in their field.


Congratulations! By reading this article to the end, you have already taken a step towards wealth!

You can achieve well-being only with a certain mindset, which everyone can develop. The stories of the richest people in Russia clearly explain that even without wealthy parents or starting capital of tens of thousands of dollars, you can achieve success. The key to success is constant work on yourself, increasing your knowledge base and practical techniques.

We showed you how the views on life of successful people and losers differ, and gave you recommendations on where to start working on yourself in order to definitely fall into the first category. You have learned several of the main habits of rich people, and now nothing stops you from developing in the same direction!

We certainly wish you to achieve a level of well-being at which your life would become a full cup!