Almost every self-respecting entrepreneur who owns a motor transport company knows that buying new tires for vehicles such as tractor-trailers, trucks, etc. is quite expensive. Let's look at what tire retreading is and how to create your own small business in this direction.

Where to start?

Of course, all stages of business are extremely important, but it is the success of the start that determines much. Since recovery car tires- this is a business that works even in a crisis situation, then it is extremely promising and tempting. You need to start with a well-thought-out business plan. It should include:

  • cost calculation;
  • competitor market analysis;
  • place of creation of the service;
  • receiving a package of documents;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • rental of premises (with possible further acquisition), etc.

It is worth noting that it is professionals who should draw up a business plan, as this will avoid gross mistakes and miscalculations. But if you have at least some experience, you can try to do it yourself. Since cold tire retreading allows you to restore the tires in such a way that its mileage will be equal to 90% of the exact same, only new tire. At the same time, the cost of surfacing is only 65% ​​of the original price of new tires.

Tire retreading equipment

So, the list of necessary units that participate in technological process, is relatively small. Nevertheless, these installations cannot be called cheap. The first thing you need to buy is a machine for putting on an envelope. Its purpose is to fix the protector during vulcanization, after which the vacuum envelope is removed.

You can’t do without a machine that allows you to apply tread tape. The same applies to the device that mounts/dismounts rings and rims. An autoclave is also vital. This is a vulcanization device that allows you to regulate temperature, pressure and humidity.

But this is not the whole list. If we want our enterprise to operate successfully and, most importantly, to make a profit, then it is necessary to acquire special containers where liquid rubber will be stored. A tire clamp will also be useful, which will allow you to carry out work in comfortable conditions.

Then you can purchase an ultrasonic gun; it allows you to make the process better, since it detects all damage without any problems. All this - necessary equipment for tire retreading, which can make your business profitable.

Calculation of basic costs

So, as for how much we will spend at the start and receive after it, it is impossible to say for sure.

Although this is not at all necessary, it is advisable to have trucks. For example, near various factories, workshops or mines.

And now a little about how much the equipment that allows us to perform high-quality, effective tire retreading will cost us.

All of the above units, if new, will cost approximately $40,000-45,000. The amount is decent, but you don’t have to buy everything at once. To begin with, you can limit yourself to the bare necessities or purchase used machines.

Do not forget that, in addition to this, we need to obtain documents, which is also not free, on average it costs about 500-1000 dollars, but it all depends on how quickly you want to get them. To speed up the process, it makes sense to go to lawyers. We also need money to rent a building where there will be workroom and perhaps an office if one is needed.

How much can you earn?

As mentioned above, restoring tires using the cold method is a profitable business at any time of the year and practically does not depend on the state of the country’s economy. But the profit may or may not be quite large. If you invest about $50,000, then in the best case, this amount will pay off in 3-4 months, and in the worst case, in six months.

A lot depends on how you present yourself. Therefore, at first it is not advisable to take many orders. It’s better to do little, but with high quality, and get important regular customers. Since restoring tires using this method has a lot of advantages, and the equipment is not so expensive, you will receive approximately 20% of net profit from one repaired tire. Therefore, if it costs 2000 rubles, then you get 400 rubles, the rest goes to pay for work, materials, etc.

Tire restoration: technology

Our main goal is a complete tread and sidewall repair. The first step is to check the rubber using ultrasound, which will detect hidden damage. Next, on a special stand, the tire is checked for the presence of unrepairable areas in its frame, which are subsequently processed using a pneumatic tool.

The next, also the most important stage, is roughening. The main task is to give the tire the correct shape, which is achieved by removing the old frame. Next, the rubber is sent to the vulcanizer. After this, the recovery process is completed, and we have completed the task.

As you can see, the technology is relatively simple. Moreover, the main advantage over hot retreading is that we can repair both truck and passenger tires, which is more economical.

We collect the necessary documents

In principle, the number of papers is limited by the license and disposal documents. You will also need to open own enterprise. It can be an LLC, OJSC or CJSC. A limited liability company is preferable, since the package of documents in this case is the smallest and the registration process does not take much time.

One way or another, you need to understand that it is better to turn to specialists, otherwise it will be almost impossible to obtain the same license in a month or two. It is advisable to have a quality certificate confirming that you and your employees are professionals who know their business not even 100%, but 110%.

Of course, you need papers authorizing the production of these products; all this can be obtained from the relevant authorities of your city. It is important to officially employ your workers, issue work books, give vacations, etc.

Some useful information

Since one tire can be retreaded 2-3 times, and its mileage is about 50,000-70,000 kilometers, this is primarily beneficial for car owners.

It is impossible not to notice that the vulcanization temperature during cold recovery is only 100-110 degrees Celsius, which significantly extends the service life of the rubber and also improves adhesion to asphalt.

Compared to the hot method, the temperature exceeds 150 degrees, and this negatively affects the frame.

One more distinctive feature The problem is that retreading tires does not reduce the mileage, so your client will travel the same amount, that is, about 50,000 kilometers.

If your service staff works for quality, then at the end of the work the repaired tire will be practically indistinguishable from a new one; your client will definitely notice this, which will leave him very satisfied.


Now you know how much money you will need to successful start. Maximum 50,000 dollars, minimum 30,000. This takes into account the salary of the staff and small expenses, such as the purchase of liquid rubber, etc. You must remember that the business must be legal, this is the only way to earn good money and a reputation.

Of course, the cold surfacing method has a lot of advantages over the hot one, which we have also already become familiar with. Moreover, in our case the equipment required is not so serious. As a result we have very profitable occupation which brings good money.

Every self-respecting businessman who is an owner motor transport enterprise, probably knows that purchasing new tires for vehicles such as trucks or tractor-trailers is quite expensive. In this article we will try to look in more detail at how tires can be restored and how you can open your own small business in this area.

Where to start first

Cold retreading of tires can be profitable. And all because this direction in business is gaining popularity. But for this business you will have to purchase special equipment. In addition, you should find out the prices for such services. Of course, all stages of this type of activity are important, but still it is the success at the start that will determine your success in the future. Since retreading car tires is primarily a business that will work perfectly even in a difficult economic situation in the country, it will still remain quite promising and tempting.

First of all, you need to start creating a business plan. It must include the following sections:

  • Conducting competitor rank analysis.
  • Calculation of basic expenses.
  • Location of this service.
  • Receipt necessary documentation.
  • Purchase of equipment.
  • Rent of the selected premises (with the opportunity to purchase it in the future).

You should pay attention to the fact that a professional should be involved in drawing up a business plan, since this is what will help you avoid various mistakes and gross miscalculations. But if you have little experience in this matter, then you can safely start drawing up a plan yourself.

Since cold tire retreading will help restore the rubber so that after the procedure, its total mileage will be 90% of a similar new tire. It should also be noted that the cost of surfacing will be only 70% of the original cost of new tires.

Tire retreading equipment

As we understand it, the list the necessary equipment quite small for tire retreading. But still, these units cannot be called very cheap in price.

  1. First, you will need to purchase special equipment for inflating the envelope. It is designed to fix the tire tread during vulcanization. After this, the envelope will be removed.
  2. Secondly, you will need a special machine. Indeed, you cannot do without a machine. It allows the application of tread tape.
  3. You will also need to buy equipment for mounting and dismantling the rim and ring. An autoclave is also important. This unit is designed for vulcanization. It can be used to regulate temperature, humidity and pressure.

But this is not a complete list of necessary equipment. If you want to organize a successful enterprise, then the most important thing in this matter will be the acquisition of special containers that are necessary for storing liquid rubber.

In addition to all of the above, you will need to purchase tire clamps. They will help you do your job more comfortably.

In the future, it will also be possible to buy an ultrasonic gun. It will help turn your work into better quality. With its help, you can easily detect various types of damage.

Everything we have listed is necessary and necessary equipment for restoring tires. It will help your business become more successful and profitable.

Calculation of basic expenses

Cold tire retreading income sphere. And you should include the item “Expenses” in your business plan. Let's try to figure out how much money you will initially spend and how much money you can earn in the future? But on this question It’s impossible to answer clearly. We recommend opening this enterprise V big city, with a total population of more than 50,000 people. Although this is not prerequisite, but it will still be better to have trucks. Let's say the most best accommodation this enterprise will be about large factories, workshops or mines.

Now let’s talk about how much the equipment we need for high-quality and effective tire restoration will cost. All the equipment that we listed above, provided that it is new, will cost you approximately 45,000-48,000 thousand dollars. The amount is not small. But you don’t have to buy everything at once. First, you can purchase used machines. But you should also remember that in addition to this, you will need to obtain the necessary documentation. This procedure is also not free. The average price is 600-1000 dollars. The cost directly depends on the speed of receiving documents. To speed up this procedure, you can seek help from lawyers. You will also need cash to pay the rent of the premises where this work will be carried out.

How much can you earn

As we wrote earlier, cold tire retreading is a profitable activity at any time and directly depends on the current economic situation in the country. But your income can be either quite large or, conversely, small. If you spend on this business in the region of 50,000 thousand dollars, then, most likely, this amount will be able to pay off in about 5-6 months. In the worst case scenario – in 7-9 months. This will depend mainly on how you can establish yourself. Based on this, you should not take large number orders. It's best to do less work, but with better quality. This is what will allow you to get a regular clientele. Since restoring tires using this method has many advantages, and besides, the price of the necessary equipment is not so high, you can earn approximately 20-25% of net income from one restored tire. For example, if its price is 2000 thousand rubles, then you can earn 400 rubles. The remaining money will be used to pay for the work and necessary materials.

Tire restoration: technology

Our main goal is to carry out a complete repair of the tire tread and its side parts.

  • Secondly, using a special stand, the tire is checked for the possible presence of areas that cannot be repaired. They then undergo special processing using pneumatic equipment.
  • First, you will need to test the rubber using ultrasonic equipment. This will help you identify hidden damage locations.
  • The next stage of work is roughening. Main goal– give the tire the correct shape. This can be done by dismantling the old frame.
  • The tire will then be put into a vulcanizer.
  • The last stage of work is final.

From our description, you are probably convinced that the operating technique is quite simple. It should also be noted that the main advantage, in contrast to the hot method of tire retreading, is the ability to repair not only truck tires, but also passenger tires.

We collect the necessary documents

Basically, the total amount of required documentation will be limited to one license and recycling papers. In addition, you will need to organize personal enterprise. It may well be a CJSC, OJSC or LLC. It is best to open an LLC, since you will need much less necessary documentation, and the registration procedure will take little time.

In any case, you must always remember that the right decision would be to turn to professionals in this field. Or you will have to spend a lot of your time to get the required license. The best thing is to have a quality certificate, which confirms that your employees, as well as you, are specialists in this field. Of course, you will also need permits for the manufacture of these products. All these papers can be obtained from the relevant organizations at your place of residence. The main thing is to carry out official employment of your employees, take care of registration work records, and assign due vacations.

Some useful information

Since a tire can easily be retreaded several times, and its mileage will be around 55,000-75,000 km, this will be beneficial mainly to owners of large cars. It is worth noting that the vulcanization temperature during the cold tire restoration method will be 110-115 degrees Celsius. This will help maximize the service life of your tires. In addition, it will increase adhesion to the asphalt surface. If we try to compare this method with the hot one, then in the latter version the temperature will exceed 150 degrees. This will have a very detrimental effect on the tire frame. There is one more distinctive feature. Repeating the tire restoration procedure will not reduce the mileage. Based on this, your client will be able to drive the same distance on these tires, i.e. somewhere - 50,000 km. If the employees of your enterprise do their work more efficiently, then after the restoration process is completed, the tire will be impossible to distinguish from a new one. Your client, in turn, will see this and will probably be very pleased with this result.

One of my friends got a good start not so long ago by buying and selling cars. To do this, he did not have to go to another city or abroad at all, no, he did all this in his city, using social network Internet. Through her, he found offers at a reasonable price, came, inspected and, if everything was in excellent condition, purchased. And then he either immediately put it up for sale at a higher price, or gave the car a marketable appearance, and only then sold it.

This business requires funds to purchase several cars at once; you also need to have an excellent understanding of the market situation, car prices and a good understanding of the car itself, due to the fact that many sellers are trying to sell a faulty car. Before purchasing best option- this is to carry out diagnostics of the car in a car service that has already proven itself. It’s a completely different matter to purchase slightly damaged and faulty cars, repair them and then resell them.

IN at the moment very often you can come across advertisements that talk about the sale of broken cars, as a result of which there is absolutely no high price. It can often happen that such a car can be quite inexpensively repaired and sold at a higher price in a short period of time. There are buyers for whom it is difficult to repair or restore a car and because of this they sell it at a low price. Often people put up for sale unsightly cars that look neglected at first glance, and therefore sellers put a low price on them. After purchasing, you just need to add a little shine, clean, polish, change the covers in the interior, and it’s quite possible to send the car for sale for 20 thousand more. If you can handle repairing your car or use the services of a trusted car service center with inexpensive service, feel free to try yourself in this business.

Purchase, repair and resale of defective cars - profitable business, but you may encounter certain risks. In any business, there is a risk, for example, that you will incorrectly assess the defect and the amount of money that may be needed to fix the breakdown - in this case, your purchase could easily harm your budget. For this reason, having decided to start this business, it is necessary not only to be sufficiently qualified, but also to have necessary capital for the purchase of several cars, in order to simultaneously purchase and resell not one car, but several - in this case, the loss due to an unsuccessful purchase is compensated by another, more profitable purchase.

You should start developing a car resale business with old, inexpensive cars, for example, a Zhiguli. You can buy them for just a couple of hundred dollars, give them a more or less decent appearance and resell them for a 100% profit. Having become slightly more adept with Russian cars, switch to foreign cars, the resale profit of which will certainly be greater. On average, the profit on resale of a foreign car is 30,000 rubles per car.

Here are some recommendations for those who decide to start this complex look business. They will help you not to make a mistake when purchasing a used car and not to pay too much for it, and also, when selling a ready-made option, not to set a price that is too low. Before purchasing, it is recommended to check the car at a car service center, but if this opportunity missing, please refer to the recommendations below.

In any case, test the car you buy. Never listen to what the seller says, even if he seems decent to you. To avoid losing money, it's best to double-check so you don't miss anything.

The inspection room should have good lighting; always pay close attention to the area under the hood, where there should be no smell of gasoline. Even such minor details as turn signals, light bulbs, buttons deserve attention, otherwise your money will be spent on repairing them. Inspect the tires of the car and take into account their condition. Check that the doors close tightly, without any extraneous noise or effort. The operation of shock absorbers should not be accompanied by knocks or noises.

The car must pass inspection; check all the documents confirming that its condition is in good order, check that the engine number is identical to that indicated in the documents. Do not, out of forgetfulness, leave the alarm remote control and keys, as well as all the papers, with the seller.

It is quite possible to purchase used cars not only from private sellers - there are commission companies from which you can buy similar cars at the same price, and sometimes even cheaper. Moreover, such companies guarantee to sell you the car in the same condition in which they purchased it; there is less likelihood of fraud on the part of the company.

This activity of buying and reselling a car can be either the only way to earn money or an additional one. If you don't handle it too tightly, it won't take much time. For some, this will not even be a business, but some kind of entertainment, where you can also earn money.

The most necessary thing for running this business is time and space to repair cars, and for this your own garage will be quite suitable. You will also need tools, paint and some materials - it all depends on the malfunction of the purchased machine. But any market or specialized store has everything you need, so buying and reselling a car is not so difficult.

The main thing is, don’t give up if a car malfunction is difficult to fix. Don’t panic, everything can be fixed, and if the outcome is successful, you can easily set the price for the car twice as high and make great money.

Nowadays there are often advertisements for the sale of faulty cars and the price for them is not at all high. It often happens that such a car can be repaired cheaply and quickly and sold at a higher price. There are buyers who don’t want to bother with repairing or restoring cars and therefore sell them for pennies. Often people sell cars that are outwardly ugly, that look dirty and unkempt, because of this they value it at a low price. After purchasing, you just need to give it a little shine, polish, clean, change the covers in the interior, and the car can be put up for sale for 20 thousand more. If you know how to repair a car or there is a reliable car service with low prices You can try yourself in this business.

Buying, restoring and reselling broken cars is a profitable but risky business. There is always a risk that you will incorrectly assess the breakdown and the amount of money needed to fix it, and then your purchase could easily turn out to be unprofitable. Therefore, when starting this business, you need not only to have sufficient qualifications, but also to have enough money for several cars in order to immediately buy and sell not just one car, but several, then the loss from an unsuccessful purchase will be compensated by another profitable deal.

You can start a car resale business with old, cheap cars, for example, Zhiguli. You can buy them for literally a couple of hundred dollars, bring them into more or less decent condition and sell them at a 100% profit. After practicing a little on Russian cars, switch to foreign cars, the income from resale of which will be higher. On average, income from the resale of a foreign car is thirty thousand rubles per car.

Here are some tips for those who decide to get into this difficult type of business. They will help you not to make a mistake when buying a used car and not to overpay for it, not to undercut when selling a ready-made version. We immediately warn you that it is best to check the car before purchasing at a car service center, but if this is not possible, listen to the advice below.

Always inspect the car you buy. Don't trust the seller's words, even if he seems respectable to you. It's better to check than to lose money, so don't forget anything.

The inspection should be carried out in the light, always pay attention to the engine compartment, which should not smell of gasoline. Check even such small parts as turn signals, light bulbs, buttons, otherwise you will have to spend money on repairing them. Inspect the car's tires and note their condition. The doors should close smoothly, and without any effort or extraneous noise. Shock absorbers should operate without knocking or noise.

The car must pass inspection; check all the papers confirming its good condition, compare the engine numbers with what is written. Don’t forget to pick up the keys and alarm remote control, as well as all documents, from the seller.

By the way, you can buy used cars not only from private sellers - there are also commission companies that sell similar cars for the same money, and sometimes even cheaper. In addition, these companies undertake to sell you the car in the condition in which it arrived to them, the possibility of fraud on the part of the companies is lower.

The car resale business can be either the main source of income or an additional one; if you do it not very intensively, it will not take much time. For some, this will not even be a business, but a profit-generating hobby.

All you need to do this business is just free time and a place to fix cars, which could be your own garage. You will also need paint, tools and additional materials, depending on the breakdowns of the purchased car. But all this is easy to find at any market or specialty store, so reselling cars is not so difficult. The main thing is not to give up if you come across a car with a breakdown that is difficult to repair. Don’t give up, because any breakdown can be repaired, and if the outcome is successful, you will be able to sell the car twice as expensive and make a good profit. And if these are foreign cars, then there is no doubt about the success of this enterprise.