1. Organization project enterprises By production of kits bed linen on example undertaking

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    Economic justification for sections business-plan By organizations enterprises By tailoring sets bed linen on example enterprises. To achieve... section developed business-plan to open an LLC By tailoring bed linen. To determine...

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    ... business" COURSE WORK By discipline " Theoretical foundations restructuring" On topic: Development business-plan strategic restructuring enterprises (on example ... bed linen, ... By tailoring clothes; 2. Monitoring the operation of equipment and product quality on ...

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    Tailoring of workwear, bed linen, mittens Organizational structure enterprises- This... on enterprise Centralized 2. List of developments plans indicating time orientation Managerial business-plan 3. Development sequence plans ...

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    ... (example 7)9. Enterprises, selling semi-finished products on side, ... – small enterprise Nizhny Tagil By tailoring bed linen and textiles... founded on restructuring business. The main... on enterprise carried out using plan invoices and instructions By ...

  5. Clothing repair By orders of the population in rural areas

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    ... on clothing repair, especially in rural areas, developer business-plan plans to open a workshop By ... By residual value on sewing enterprises...children's linen, men's shirts, bed linen. Since... years. Example calculation... work experience By tailoring And...

It is known that people who know how to master a sewing needle have enjoyed universal respect since ancient times.

Handicrafts (such as sewing and embroidery) have always been important, since clothing is a basic necessity for humans, no less necessary than food or water.

Hence, it is not surprising that many entrepreneurs have chosen tailoring as a niche for doing business. Currently known huge amount trademarks and brands offering their products to consumers. But it is very difficult to take your place in this area.

How to choose a profitable niche for business?

Today, the service market offers tailoring for both the general public and exclusive individual models for wealthy clients. In addition, we manufacture accessories and much more. There are millions of new and old ideas for entrepreneurs.

But if you rely not only on fashion trends, it becomes clear that in everyday life Each person has one more very important place - this is his personal space for relaxation. Everyone knows the feeling of joy and peace experienced after a day of work on beautiful linens in your favorite bed. If you think about it, every person, regardless of gender and age, has several sets of bed linen. Therefore, clothing and food are not the only things people need in everyday life. Then it is logical to consider sewing bed linen as a business. Where to start?

To organize any business, including sewing bed linen at home, a business plan is essential. But don’t rush to spend all your available funds. Before compiling it and detailed calculation of all expenses and income, you need to find out whether the production of bed linen is a quickly paying off business with high profits.

Profitability assessment

According to statistics, more than 50 million Russian families use up to seven sets of bed linen. Sales growth is growing year by year, averaging 25%. The absolute market leader is Russian manufacturers. Almost 75% of consumers use their products. Türkiye and China are less popular among Russians. Expensive bed linen from Italian brands is purchased much less frequently, and even then most often as a gift.

It becomes clear that sewing bed linen for sale is very profitable. With high demand, this type of activity has little competition, which means that sewing bed linen as a business will bring good profits to the entrepreneur and will quickly pay for itself. Another advantage is that its organization requires a minimum of equipment.

Stages of organizing the production of bed linen at home

Producing bed linen at home does not require specific cutter skills. But when organizing larger-scale production, such specialists are needed. Sewing bed linen is a fairly simple type of manual labor.

All sets are made according to patterns established by European standards, which is why it compares favorably with tailoring, which is famous for its variety of models and sizes. The technology of sewing bed linen itself is simple. It can be divided into several stages: laying out patterns on the fabric, cutting, sewing with processing of the edges of the product and wet-heat treatment of the finished sleeping set.

For entrepreneurs who decide to start sewing bed linen at home, a business plan is calculated faster and much easier if you seek the help of specialists. But here you need to decide in what volume you are going to produce the selected products. Please note that the costs sewing production production of bed linen on a factory scale differ significantly in the amount of financial investments.

Fabric selection

According to marketing research, Russian consumers, when purchasing bed linen, give the greatest preference to fabrics made from natural raw materials. These include cotton (calico), linen, silk and satin. Calico linen occupies a leading place in sales in Russian market. As you know, calico is a cotton fabric characterized by a very dense weave of threads.

This material is practical to use, since it is not subject to deformation during repeated washing, and the pattern applied to the fabric does not fade or fade during ironing and other wet-heat treatment. Calico, unlike other natural fabrics, practically does not wrinkle.

Bed linen made of cotton fabric is hypoallergenic and comfortable to use, and if you take into account its low market price, it becomes clear that this is the undisputed leader in sales, and the demand for it is unlikely to decrease.

What determines whether your business will be highly profitable?

From social survey data it follows that more than half of Russian residents, when buying bed linen for personal use, give preference to domestic manufacturers. High demand and relatively little competition in this market segment allow us to confidently say that the production of bed linen is a business with quite big profit obtained in a short period of time. So where to start this highly profitable activity? How to sew bed linen for sale?

Required Documentation

First you need to register with the nearest tax office as individual entrepreneur by filling out the appropriate documents and selecting the necessary system taxation. It should be remembered that sewing bed linen as a business must be legal. After receiving a certificate of registration by the tax authority, you can begin purchasing necessary equipment.

To sew bed linen at home, you must have household equipment - a sewing machine, an overcasting unit (overlock) and an ironing iron.

To establish a business with high profitability, on sewing equipment It's not worth saving.

But that's not all. It must be remembered that sewing bed linen as a business at home and within a large enterprise has significant differences both in the preparation of documents in all required authorities, and in material costs for equipment and rental of premises.

Sewing bed linen with subsequent sale is an affordable opportunity to open own enterprise from scratch. You can organize sewing of bed linen at home. The advantage of the idea is minimum investment: purchasing a sewing machine, fabrics and accessories. Good option: rent a small room, purchase a set of equipment and open a mini-workshop. The scale of production directly depends on the desires and capabilities of the owner.

Market analysis

Market monitoring is the first thing you need to do if you want to organize a business. Only a thorough study of the market environment will help an entrepreneur collect accurate information about the relationship between supply and demand for a specific type of product, as well as the level of competition. Based on the data obtained, a businessman can determine target audience, find free niche, coordinate prices and the range of services offered to clients.

Our business assessment:

Starting investment – ​​from 10,000 rubles (if you have a sewing machine at home).

Market saturation is high.

The difficulty of starting a business is 1/10.

All of the above parameters should be considered in detail in the business plan of the enterprise. A competent business plan for sewing bed linen will allow you to calculate the amount of start-up investments and monthly expenses, determine the profitability and profitability of the business.

Formation of assortment

Sewing and selling bed linen as a business requires careful elaboration of the assortment.
A beginner should know that bed linen is divided into the following categories:

  1. The single set consists of a sheet measuring 1.1 x 2 m, a duvet cover – 1.35 x 2 m, a pillowcase – 0.5 x 0.7 m or 0.7 x 0.7 m, and is designed for use by one adult.
  2. The one-and-a-half set is slightly larger than the single set: sheet – 1.5 x 2.2 m, duvet cover – 1.45 x 2.15 m, 2 pillowcases – 0.5 x 0.7 m or 0.7 x 0.7 m.
  3. The double set has a sheet - 1.85 x 2.2 m, a duvet cover - 1.75 x 2.15 m, 2 pillowcases - 0.5 x 0.7 m or 0.7 x 0.7 m. The set can Used by two adults.
  4. The family set includes a sheet - 2 x 2.2 m, two duvet covers - 1.5 x 2.2 m, two pillowcases 0.5 x 0.7 m or 0.7 x 0.7 m. Designed for two adults.
  5. Euro - standard is a set designed for use by two adults. It consists of a sheet - 2.2 x 2.2 m, a duvet cover - 2 x 2.2 m, two pillowcases - 0.5 x 0.7 m or 0.7 x 0.7 m.
  6. Children's bedding is designed for a teenage bed: sheet – 1.1 x 1.9 m, duvet cover – 1.1 x 1.8 m, pillowcase – 0.5 x 0.7 m or 0.7 x 0.7 m.
  7. Sets for babies (in cribs) consist of a sheet - 1.4 x 1.1 m, duvet cover - 1.45 x 1.1 m, pillowcase - 0.4 x 0.6 m.

Assortment of production of bed linen sets

If the listed parameters change, the exact dimensions must be indicated on the packaging. But it should be remembered that kits with non-standard sizes will be more difficult to implement.

Individually tailored bed linen is cut out according to the client’s measurements, taken before contacting the master. The customer can also provide pre-purchased fabric, threads and accessories.

You can expand the range of services by offering clients sewing bedding sets not only for everyday use, but also gift sets. When making a gift version, more expensive fabric, accessories and packaging are used, so the cost of production will be significantly higher than the price of regular sets. How?

Organizing a home business

First, you need to decide what type of underwear will be produced at the enterprise. If you plan to work on sewing bed linen at home, then more profit They will bring exclusive sets made to order from the client. As well as underwear of non-standard sizes, unique shapes with original finishes. You can provide for the production of bedding sets complete with curtains, or offer a selection of elements that are in harmony with the overall interior of the bedroom.

The technology for producing bed linen is quite simple and requires a minimum set of equipment: a sewing machine, an overlocker, an iron and an ironing board.

A beginner needs to register his activities as an individual entrepreneur and choose a form of taxation, preferably UTII.

Opening of a mini-workshop

A mini workshop for sewing bed linen can produce standard products for everyday use. This will allow certain batches of goods to be released daily. The main thing is to find wholesale buyers. You can cooperate with stores, offering products for sale. Hospitals, children's camps, sanatoriums and other institutions can also become regular clients of such an enterprise.

An entrepreneur needs to register as an LLC, rent premises, select personnel, buy supplies and equipment.

We are developing a business - a mini workshop for sewing bed linen

Material for making linen

It is very important to choose the right fabric for sewing bed linen, since the quality of the material depends on the quality of the bed linen. finished products.

By cost, linen can be divided into several categories:

  • low quality sets - from 600 rubles;
  • sets of average quality - from 800 rubles. up to 1,500 rubles;
  • low-premium – from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles;
  • premium – from 5,000 rub.

Market analysis shows that the most popular underwear is low and medium category, which is purchased for personal use. Demand for expensive sets, which are usually bought as gifts, is much lower.

Almost all buyers prefer to purchase sets made from natural materials. Synthetics are not in demand. This aspect should be taken into account before choosing and buying fabric for sewing bed linen. Calico is the undisputed leader due to its properties. 55% of buyers try to purchase sets made from calico. Linen is in demand among 25% of the population, and 10% pay attention to satin sets. Expensive silk linen and terry sets are usually bought as gifts.

Choosing fabric for everyday underwear

Which fabric is best for sewing bed linen?

The production of bedding sets for everyday use requires the purchase of the following types of materials:

  • satin (gloss-stain, mako-satin) – a fabric made of cotton with the addition of chemical fibers, having a smooth surface, withstanding (in good quality) up to 300 washes;
  • calico is an environmentally friendly, practical, wrinkle-resistant, dense cotton material that retains its rich color for a long time and has an affordable price;
  • calico is called ranfors high quality, soft and delicate, consisting of 100% cotton and having an amazing property: such underwear is warm in winter, cool in summer;
  • polycotton consists of cotton and synthetic thread, which determines the strength and wear resistance of the fabric, which does not shrink when washed, retains color for a long time and does not wrinkle;
  • chintz is a durable fabric that does not require special care and has an optimal price-quality ratio;
  • linen is a durable, tough fabric that perfectly absorbs moisture, has a high level of breathability and heat transfer, but when washed it wrinkles and shrinks;
  • soft, pleasant to the touch, brushed cotton material is called flannel;
  • terry cloth.

Material for sewing exclusive sets

If you need to sew bedding of high quality to order, or a gift set, then the master can offer the client the following fabrics:

  • silk;
  • atlas;
  • batiste.

Sometimes they order bedding sets made of jacquard, velor, and tapestry. This type of underwear belongs to the luxury category and is very expensive.

Financial plan

To determine the profitability of an enterprise, it is necessary to calculate costs and expected profits.

Equipment prices are as follows:

  • a semi-professional sewing machine costs about 5,000 rubles;
  • overlock "Singer" - from 1,200 rubles;
  • iron - from 700 rubles;
  • Ironing board – from 600 rub.

The total cost of equipment for sewing linen at home varies within 7,500 rubles.

According to experts, a small enterprise can sew about 200 sheets for 100 rubles per month. per piece, 200 duvet covers for 150 rubles. per piece, and 200 pillowcases for 50 rubles. per piece. The price of the product includes the cost of tailoring and consumables.

Judging by the prices above, the cost of a set of bed linen will be 350 rubles. The product is sold at a price of 700 rubles. The profit from the sale of one set reaches 100% or 350 rubles. By selling only 200 standard sets, the owner will be able to earn 70,000 rubles. All costs will be recouped within 1 month of operation.

If you add to this custom-made bed linen, no standard quality then the profit can increase by 1.5 - 2 times. Since, despite the relatively low cost, the price for such kits is quite high.

You can reduce the cost of finished linen by purchasing consumables in bulk. Additional income will bring sewing of children's bed linen and diapers. The latter can be made from fabric scraps. Craftswomen do not throw away small pieces of fabric and excess accessories, making from them:

  • caps, baby vests;
  • headscarves;
  • handkerchiefs;
  • clothes and linen for dolls;
  • handbags and phone cases;
  • aprons and potholders.

You can cut the remaining fabric into narrow strips, tie them together and crochet a rug or chair seat.

In this material:

Beginning businessmen are wondering whether it is worth organizing such a business as sewing bed linen; the business plan presented below will help you find the answer. Small garment factory- an excellent option for novice businessmen counting on quick payback. It all depends on the type of product you are going to produce. For example, organizing a clothing sewing enterprise will require significant financial costs. And the competition in this area is quite high, so you risk being left with nothing. Sewing bed linen is considered a more profitable direction. There are more than 50 million families in our country, each of which needs 4-5 sets of bed linen. Demand exceeds the quantity of products produced in our country, so people have to buy expensive kits brought from Turkey and Italy.

Bed linen is sewn according to standard sizes, so you don't have to develop complex patterns. Sewing itself is not considered a complex process, so the productivity of the enterprise reaches high values. Most often, sets are purchased from natural fabrics: cotton, silk, linen. The standard bed linen set includes: a sheet, 2 pillowcases and a duvet cover. Many manufacturers sell these items separately, so the buyer can build their own kit based on their needs. The most popular are sheets with elastic bands; they are securely fixed to the mattress and do not bunch up during sleep.

Where to start opening a sewing workshop at home?

First of all, the enterprise should be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The last option is suitable for those who are going to take out a loan to run a business. In addition, wholesale organizations cooperate more actively with LLCs than with individual entrepreneurs. If you are planning to open a small business at home, you can register it as an individual entrepreneur. To open a home atelier for the production of bed linen, you will have to purchase a sewing machine, overlocker, and iron. Such products are usually packaged manually. Sew bed linen for wholesale in this case it won’t work, you won’t be able to withstand the competition of leading manufacturers of similar products. Wholesale companies rarely enter into contracts with small studios, and stores will refuse your products due to the high cost.

However, there is a way out in this case too. You can sew bedding sets to order. You won't be able to compete with large companies, but you will find regular customers who can't find required product in stores. Tailoring services to order are in demand in any locality. It is almost impossible to find ready-made linen for beds of unusual sizes and shapes. It is also difficult to choose a set of colors that match the interior of the bedroom. When organizing a sewing business at home, you will be involved in selecting suitable fabrics and sizes for bed linen.

The profitability of such a project exceeds 50%, starting capital, required to start work is 100 thousand. The main expenses are aimed at purchasing equipment, fabrics, consumables, submission advertisements. If the business is successful, in the future you can expand your enterprise - develop your own line of bed linen, register a trademark and open a factory in a separate premises.

How to open your own sewing factory?

Opening such an enterprise requires significant financial costs. First of all, you should decide on the volume of products produced. This determines the number of sewing machines and employees, the area production premises. It is better to organize an enterprise in a rural area or town. The area of ​​the room must be at least 40 m². 5-6 people will work in one shift. The business plan for the production of bed linen includes the stage of purchasing equipment: sewing machines, cutting tables, ironing units, cabinets for storing materials, seamstresses’ work stations. Must be purchased industrial equipment, which costs several times more than household ones.

The layout of the workspace should take into account the need for bright lighting and free space between workstations. Proper placement of equipment can improve workshop productivity. In addition to seamstresses, it is necessary to hire cutters, packers and ironers.

At first, one employee can handle these responsibilities. No special skills are required to cut bed linen. Fabrics for making bed linen are purchased from wholesale suppliers, choose natural, high-quality materials, otherwise the linen will quickly lose its appearance.

The factory will receive its main income from the sale of products large companies. Small businesses can cooperate with government agencies.

The search for distribution channels must be started even before the opening of the enterprise.

Sales are carried out via the Internet, so you need to take care of developing and maintaining an attractive website. The simplest option costs 30-40 thousand rubles. Current expenses aimed at maintaining the work and promoting the site.

The next step will be setting prices for products. On average, one set of single bed linen costs 400-500 rubles, and one set of double bed linen costs 600-800 rubles. Buyers are willing to pay up to 3,000 rubles for original gift sets.

Opening your own bed linen production plant will require at least 3 million rubles. This includes renting premises, purchasing materials and equipment, and paying employees. Part of the funds will be spent on finding distribution channels and suppliers of quality materials. Do not forget that such enterprises often have to hire and train new workers.

Order a business plan

Investments: from RUB 1,000,000.

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Investments: 900,000 - 1,320,000 rubles.

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Investments: 300,000 - 700,000 rubles.

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ELISIR is an Italian brand of designer fashion accessories decorated with Swarovski crystals. Designer leathers from leading Italian ateliers and limited collections of Swarovski crystal elements, made exclusively for ELISIR, are used for the products. The company has 2 formats trade assortment: - For shopping centers"medium +" and "premium" class - for shopping centers of "medium" and "economy" class. Both formats have proven themselves successfully...

Investments: from RUB 169,000.

"Master of Speedies" is federal network an atelier that offers minor repairs and clothing fitting services. Such services are in constant demand at any time, but now, when the population is trying to save money and limit consumption, they are becoming especially relevant. Atelier "Master Speedy" provides the following services: - repair of textiles, - knitted, leather and fur products; - shortening skirts,...

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Attention to detail, reasonable pedantry, emphasis on comfort and quality of clothing - German tailor Albert Ritter knew what his customers valued most. Italian fabrics, unique patterns and German technologies turned a small atelier into a small factory, which by the middle of the last century turned into a company producing men's clothing. Years have passed. Today, like 120 years ago...

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The post has been changed:

Bed linen production as a business

No matter what difficult stages the economy of any country goes through, there are several business ideas that do not lose their relevance at any time. One of these niches is the clothing business, which is the best option for those entrepreneurs who are trying to find a business with high profitability and relatively small investments to start. A business plan for sewing bed linen will allow beginning businessmen to go through the stage of organization and development without those annoying mistakes that they usually make when starting their own business.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business:350 – 400 thousand rubles
Relevant for cities with the population:from 200 thousand people
Industry situation:high competition
Difficulty of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: 1 month

Business relevance

Even 20-30 years ago, sewing was taught in secondary schools during labor training classes for girls. The seamstress profession was one of the most popular in the Soviet Union, despite the fact that only 20-30% of sewing school graduates worked in the profession.

Today, graduates of those years have a fairly significant head start in the quality of knowledge and experience gained compared to today's graduates. Nowadays, opening a sewing studio, your own clothing design studio, or simply providing sewing services at home is not very difficult. Thanks to the recently adopted law on self-employed citizens, seamstresses engaged in clothing repairs do not even need to register an individual entrepreneur.

Of course, all these benefits caused a surge of interest in the clothing business, and at the same time considerable competition in the clothing trade market - from clothes to bed linen. The latter, by the way, is one of the most popular positions in the clothing business today.

Benefits of sewing bed linen

The bed linen sewing business has several significant advantages over other sectors of the clothing business. Firstly, the production of bed linen does not require special knowledge and skills; even a person who has not previously been familiar with a sewing machine can cope with this work after a short introductory lesson.

Secondly, finding supply channels for consumables for bed linen, as well as distribution channels for finished products, is not difficult. Thirdly, bed linen domestic production Today it is a leader in the sales market, significantly ahead of imported products.

And finally, organizing this business requires very minor costs, which even an ordinary person can do. Moreover, most women familiar with sewing already have most of the necessary equipment and tools.

Drawing up a business plan

Business registration

The recently adopted law on self-employed citizens, unfortunately, only applies to seamstresses who repair clothes. Sewing bed linen as a business does not fall into this category. Therefore, the optimal design format option is entrepreneurial activity for seamstresses it remains an individual entrepreneur.

For people previously unfamiliar with maintaining documentation for an individual entrepreneur and choosing a tax regime, these articles will help:

There is no requirement to obtain any special license to sew bed linen. Obtaining a work permit from the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor may cause minor difficulties. But these issues are completely solvable without outside participation in a legal manner.

An aspiring entrepreneur can also count on some assistance from the state when organizing his business, as within the limits of benefits from the center social protection of the population (you can find out how to properly draw up a business plan for a central employment center here -), or within the framework of regional assistance programs for young entrepreneurs.

Product range

It would seem that the range of bed linen is very limited. However, product options, both in the budget sector and in the production of luxury bed linen, are so diverse that you can inevitably get confused if you do not decide on the format of the products in advance.

Firstly, it can be classified by size:

  • bedding sets for single beds;
  • for single beds;
  • for double rooms;
  • “king-size” sizes – for the so-called triple bed;
  • sets of children's bedding.

In addition, Russian sizes differ from the Euro standard.

In addition to size, bed linen also differs in material of manufacture:

  • satin;
  • cotton;
  • chintz;
  • calico;
  • poplin;
  • silk;
  • batiste.

IN lately Sets of underwear made from bamboo material made in China have also become widespread.

And finally, another significant difference is the theme of bed linen. Exclusively white underwear sets are no longer popular. Thematic designs and prints on linen are of interest. These can be fantasy paintings, beautiful flowers, animals, scenes from computer games– in general, everything that the designer’s imagination is capable of.

In addition to traditional bed linen, you can also consider making pillowcases for sofa cushions, mattress covers, blankets and bedspreads.

Market analysis

Raw material supply channels

China is one of the richest suppliers of all types of fabric. Almost 40% of all materials on the Russian market are made in China. You can contact suppliers from the Middle Kingdom both through specialized websites and through platforms such as Aliexpress. Jum, etc.

Purchasing fabrics in China, even taking into account customs clearance, is sometimes much cheaper than purchasing fabric of the same quality from domestic producers. This factor is partly responsible for the decline of the textile industry in the country.

It would also be a good idea to personally visit Russian weaving factories, most of which are concentrated in the central part of the country. Bryansk, Morshansk, Ivanovo, Kineshma, Krasnodar, St. Petersburg - this is only a small part of the list of cities in which the largest textile enterprises are located.

There are no special requirements for the premises for the sewing workshop, with the possible exception of a powerful ventilation system, since textile dust is considered a particularly fire hazard. The location of the mini-workshop relative to urban geography does not matter, so you can pay attention to premises located on the outskirts, the rent of which will be much cheaper than in the center of the village.

The calculation of the area should be based on the definition of 20 square meters. meters for two employees + another 5 sq. meters for each additional person. Each work table must have an electrical line connected to a sewing machine and a powerful lamp. Good lighting means a lot to a seamstress.

The workshop premises must be divided into several zones or separate rooms:

  • cutting area;
  • sewing area;
  • ironing area;
  • packaging area;
  • storage area for consumables and accessories;
  • finished product storage area.

In addition, the premises must be equipped with a sanitary room and a recreation area.

Business at home

If you want to start a bed linen sewing business, you can do it at home - in an ordinary two-room apartment with an area of ​​45-55 square meters. meters, where up to 4-5 people can work. Many successfully operating sewing shops generally “grew” from one-room apartments with one single employee, who also happens to be the owner of the enterprise. But such “semi-underground” workshops have long been a thing of the past.

Can a bed linen business be started by one person? Yes, but you’ll have to do a fair bit of “twirling”, because in addition to main work- sewing, there are also other responsibilities - searching for supply channels for raw materials and sales of finished products, the need for paperwork etc. Therefore, you need to start with at least two people.

Required Equipment

In order to start your sewing business at home, you will need 1-2 sewing machines, an overlocker, an iron, an ironing board and a regular sewing kit - needles, scissors, thimbles, etc. The productivity of such a workshop with two employees can be up to 100 sets linen per day.

Organizing a mini sewing workshop will require more professional equipment and tools. For an organization employing up to 10 employees, you will need:

Equipment and toolsNumber of piecesCost, rub.
Industrial sewing machine8 15000-20000
Overlock1 10000-12000
Steam irons3 5000-8000
Ironing boards3 2500-4000
Cutting tables2 20000
Desktops8 3500-4500
Scissors, needles, accessories, etc.as needed15000--20000
Total 71000-88500


As already noted, the enterprise will only need one or two experienced seamstresses; the rest of the staff can be trained on the job. However, having at least basic sewing skills is still desirable. In addition, you will need one equipment repairman. Depending on the number of sewing machines (more than 5 pieces), he may be on staff or work on call if necessary.

You can find employees through websites free ads, or by visiting sewing colleges. It is advisable to set the salary amount either in the format of “piecework payment”, depending on productivity, or “salary + bonus” based on performance results established plan production.

Sales of finished products

Sales channels for finished products can be retail stores, wholesale buyers. You can open your own point of sale of bed linen. Special attention You need to pay attention to the option of creating an online store. Recently, bed linen has been selling very well through sales sites.

You can also work according to the dropshipping scheme, when completely strangers will sell your products. You can find out more about this.

According to experts, the price categories for bed linen sets are now distributed as follows:

  • budget segment – ​​up to 800 rubles per set;
  • middle price segment – ​​from 800 to 2500 rubles;
  • "low" category - from 2500 to 6000 rubles"
  • “premium” category – over 6,000 rubles.

The most significant share of sales falls on the middle price segment; it is this category that you need to focus on when determining the range of products. Budget options, as a rule, come to Russia from China, and expensive bed linen is purchased abroad.

By the way, production costs can be reduced by using scraps of fabric, from which you can sew handkerchiefs, clothes for babies (bonnets and undershirts), scarves and aprons, etc.

Advertising and Marketing

The dream of almost every entrepreneur is to create their own brand. The clothing business is no exception. The service life of good bed linen is from 1.5 to 3 years. As a rule, a family of three (two adults, one child) needs 5-6 sets of bed linen. Based on this, we can conclude that the creation and promotion own brand bed linen to create sustainable client base, more than appropriate.

You can advertise your products using “traditional” methods - advertisements in the media, the Internet, etc. The main advertising audience is wholesale buyers. To attract their attention, you can set the selling price for the product depending on the volume of the purchased batch.

Calculation of business payback

Based on the experience of successfully operating sewing shops producing bed linen, the cost of one set in the middle price category now ranges from 300 to 350 rubles. Thus, with a selling price of 550-600 rubles, the profit from one set of linen will be 200-300 rubles.

With the cost of organizing a workshop with 10 employees at 350-400 thousand rubles (90,000 - equipment and tools, 50-60 thousand - rent of premises, 200,000 - wages in the first month of work) in order to recoup the business, you need to sell at least 2 thousand sets of linen. When calculating the sewing of up to 50 sets by one experienced seamstress in one shift, the business will fully pay for itself in just one month.