No matter how promising your business idea is, sponsors will never come running. They need to be found, interested, and convinced of the need to work with you. It turns out that almost anyone who knows about the rules of communication with investors can do this.

First of all, the owner of a start-up company must analyze the specific needs of his brainchild. Do we need money or services, advertising or equipment?.. Depending on the answer, we determine the search area for the investor. Often the sponsor is found in our field of activity or a related field. For example, searching for premises to rent for a store may well lead us to an owner who sees prospects in this business and wants to invest in it.

There are specialized sites on the Internet that help investors and applicants meet. On such web sites you can create a profile for your project, as well as receive ready-made support offers.

We are looking closely at a financial backer. Is he 100% passionate about the idea and willing to do his best for us? Do we have a personal relationship and can we interact productively? Incorrect cooperation can have a negative impact on our business.

It is important to understand that sponsorship is not free. By accepting support, we undertake to fulfill certain conditions of the investor. This could be free advertising for his organization, payment of dividends on investments, and so on.

When presenting your company, indicate goals, opportunities and prospects. Separately indicate the benefits that the investor will receive from cooperation. Specific motivation is the path to concluding an agreement.

Look for an investor in advance even before the need arises. Even if investments are needed at a later stage of development, it is worth taking care of connections today.

Don't involve too many sponsors in your project. A board of directors consisting of 5-6 people is much less likely to quickly reach a compromise than a group of 3-4 investors.

The described steps for finding an investor are almost universal. The main thing is an interesting idea and a willingness not only to take, but also to give in return. These whales maintain favorable relations with any sponsor.

Coming up with an idea for a business is one thing. But putting it into practice is a completely different matter. Many business ideas remain unrealized for one simple reason - lack of money. One category of people, let’s call them failed businessmen, leave their idea until better times or completely forget about it. The other is looking for all possible ways to bring the project to life. They empty their nest eggs, take out loans, or think about how to find sponsors.

How to find sponsors for a business: 5 search options + 3 steps to receiving funds

Before asking yourself the question of how to find sponsors for a business, you need to understand for yourself what we imagine these very sponsors to be like, and what you yourself can offer them. No one will just give you money. The sponsor must always be confident in the profitability of the project, so it is necessary to provide him with complete information about the business idea.

Therefore, we will divide our story into two blocks: first, we will find out where to find sponsors, as well as who can become them. Second, we will determine the main steps on how to find sponsors for the project.

Where to find sponsors: 5 options where you can get money for business development

So who can sponsor? Who can I ask for money? As they say, who to start with, where to run? Let's start with the simplest thing - with our relatives and friends.

Relatives and friends

You need to contact friends or relatives - entrepreneurs, who are involved in a business close to your idea. Sponsors give money for a reason; firstly, they must be sure that your project will be profitable. And secondly, you will need to advertise the sponsor’s services. This can be done both at the presentation of your project and after it.

For example, you are going to open a beauty salon, and your relative is engaged in the production of cosmetics. Consider that you have found each other - he gives you money for promotion, and you not only advertise his products, but also use them in your activities, i.e. here the sponsor also acts as a supplier.

Large entrepreneurs

If you don’t find anyone suitable among your relatives or friends, contact the entrepreneurs in your city. Collect the necessary information about the companies that interest you and make a proposal to their leader. In our example, we are looking for organizations related to cosmetology: cosmetic products, specialized equipment, etc.

By the way, entrepreneurs themselves are often not averse to sponsoring profitable projects. If they have free funds, they would rather invest them in a profitable business than just keep them. The main thing is to prove to them that “the game is worth the candle.” For more information on how to convince sponsors that the project will be successful, read the chapter “how to find sponsors for a project.”

Regional government structures

If you think that your innovation will help for the development of the region, or perhaps it is connected with some scientific discoveries, then feel free to contact the city administration with a request to provide you with a grant.

A grant is a kind of gratuitous amount for starting a business. It is clear that many aspiring entrepreneurs apply for a grant, but not everyone who wishes receives this grant. The main thing here is to prove that your project will not only bring you profit, but, first of all, it will be useful to society.

For example, if you want to open a car rental company, then you don’t even have to think about a grant. But the idea of ​​opening a mini-bakery, especially one specializing in so-called “healthy” bread: dietary, whole grain, organic or “live”, may well qualify for help from the region.

Technopark and business incubator

Structures such as business incubators and technology parks that help young entrepreneurs have become widespread. Sponsorship here is about creating favorable conditions for starting business development.

New businessmen are offered training in the basics of entrepreneurship, accounting and other important sciences. A fully equipped office with furniture, office equipment, etc. is also provided on favorable terms. Assistance is provided both in writing business plans and in finding sponsors.

Banks and credit organizations

If you don’t seriously think about the question “how to find sponsors” and you are confident in your creditworthiness, then you can simply contact the bank to get a loan. But then you will need to find guarantors, you must have a good credit history, you will need to find property as collateral. As a rule, the amount for business development is not small, but whether this business will be profitable is still unknown.

A pitfall when contacting a bank is high interest rates on the loan. Therefore, this option for receiving funds for business development is very risky.

How to find sponsors for a project: 3 main steps to sponsorship money

So, we’ve decided where to look for sponsors, now we’ll describe the steps that will help us “reach out” to them.

Step 1. Decide on the amount, develop a business plan

Before wondering how to find sponsors, we ourselves must have a clear idea of ​​our future project. We need to clearly know how much money we will need, list all the costs, and plan the profit. Of course, for a sponsor, a project that involves a larger planned profit will be more attractive. The payback period of the project is no less important.

The inclusion in the business plan of a section on possible risks and their assessment, as well as a development plan for this type of activity with all calculations, can increase the attractiveness of the project to the sponsor. Also, don’t be lazy to draw up your business plan beautifully and efficiently – you still have to present it. The paper for printing must be of different quality. Accompany the material with graphic data.

A well-designed business development strategy is the first step to successfully finding sponsors!

Step 2. Attract sponsors

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In the article, we revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

Sponsors won't know about you until you announce yourself. How? Now we'll find out.

  1. Post information

Entrepreneurs or business associations have been created in almost every city. Apply there. Maybe there will be someone who wants to invest their money there.

Have you settled on borrowed funds? Submit applications to banks and credit organizations. You can place advertisements seeking sponsors through some business publications. Moreover, these can be both electronic and printed sources.

  1. Visit the “right” places

What do we include here? Business forums, meetings aimed at helping new entrepreneurs. You can learn about such events through the Internet or online forums.

Step 3. Project presentation

So, a sponsor has been found, and the stage of persuasion begins. The business plan has been drawn up, now you need to present it correctly. That's right, this means leaving no doubt in the mind of the sponsor about the profitability of your proposal. It is necessary to inform him both about your goals and plans for the future, and about the benefits that the sponsor will receive by investing in your project.

Plan your speech to fit within 5-7 minutes. Don't forget about visual material. Slides are best. Prepare answers to possible questions that you will undoubtedly be asked. For your part, also prepare a number of questions that interest you. Any person likes it when people are interested in him. By asking questions, you will make it clear that you have made inquiries about the sponsor and its activities and are interested in mutually beneficial cooperation.

How to find sponsors for an event: 3 steps to what you want

Another question that I would like to cover in this article is how to find sponsors for an event. Let's say you open the same beauty salon and in honor of its opening you decide to hold a local beauty contest. The competition is a competition, but you also need money for it. How to find them?

Again, we are looking for sponsors, especially with an event interconnected with the main activity, you can kill two birds with one stone: find sponsors both for the planned event and for further cooperation.

Preparatory work

First, before looking for sponsors, you need to provide all the information about the event. Describe both the purpose and duration of the event, describe in detail the program and participants of the event.

Don't forget to mention sponsors in your advertising. For example, place advertisements for sponsors' products on invitation flyers. Their products can also be used as prizes in the competition. Even if other prizes are used, they may be placed in bags with the sponsors' logo.

Working with sponsors

The next step in finding sponsors for an event will be to directly call potential patrons. Feel free to write letters to them or make calls. And do this regularly. Keep informed about how preparations for the event are going, which authorities supported your event, where advertising is given.

Don't forget about direct meetings with sponsors. Show them advertising products with their logo, listen to both comments and wishes. Show sincere interest in their activities, make inquiries about them, and monitor their achievements.

Many sponsors are not satisfied with just advertising about them during the event. They need direct access to customers. Try to make this way out! And the first step, of course, will be the distribution of prizes from sponsors. If people are satisfied with the products or services, then in the future they will contact the right address.

After the event

At the end of the event, do not forget to thank the sponsors in writing, as well as provide some statistics characterizing the event. For example, state how many people were present, reflect the number of products both donated and purchased, and give them a copy of the promotional item. By the way, don’t forget to include your contact information on the last one.

If the sponsor is satisfied with the advertising campaign carried out as part of your event, then next time he will contact you.


So, if you decide to start your own project, but don’t have the finances at all, don’t hesitate to turn to third-party resources. We hope that our tips on how to find sponsors will be useful to you.

Every day young companies and entrepreneurs offer more and more interesting projects, many of which are quite promising. The main problem that new businessmen face is the lack of funds for implementation. One way to get financial assistance for business development is to find a sponsor. How to do this?

Main goals of sponsorship relationships

It is clear that for a businessman the main goal of this cooperation is to obtain start-up capital for business development. But what makes the sponsor himself engage in such charity?

Not everyone knows that along with the start-up capital, the entrepreneur receives certain obligations, which, of course, he must fulfill. In most cases, sponsoring companies expect a return, usually in the form of a percentage of the profits. In the case of an existing business, the sponsor may ask for a portion of the shares in exchange for funds. That is why they are so selective when choosing a business project.

Where to look for investors?

The sponsor can be either an individual or a company. The first problem that beginners face is the lack of information about who can be an investor and where to find a sponsor for a business. One of the common ways is to seek help from organizations that search for investors for small and medium-sized businesses on a professional level. These are investment funds, technology parks or business incubators.

Today, various business events dedicated to certain industries are constantly held. These could be exhibitions, lectures or seminars. This is where potential investors often gather.

It is easy to find many business-related websites and social networks on the Internet. There you can introduce your audience to your commercial offers, select a sponsor or, conversely, offer sponsorship services, and also find business partners. To work together, you need to select from the entire list of investors those who are engaged in a specific profile, and thoroughly study the portfolio of each.

It happens that sponsorship for opening or developing a business is provided by relatives or friends. But in most cases this is possible if the amount involved is small.

What is required to receive sponsorship?

It is clear that desire alone is not enough to receive funds. If you need a sponsor for your business, you need to get him interested. That is why a competent business plan is important, in which a potential sponsor can see not only the idea, but the numbers, as well as development prospects.

As a rule, sponsors are already successful entrepreneurs who are well versed in business. Therefore, prospects should not be exorbitant. It is necessary to use real numbers for estimates and financial plans. To have a clear understanding of this issue, you can study the work of several similar enterprises or seek help from a professional economist.

A business plan is half the battle. Now you need a potential sponsor to agree to take a look at it. To do this, you need to draw up a commercial proposal that can be of interest. A concise letter should reflect the main points of the business plan. It’s good if it takes up no more than one sheet of printed text.

Investors are not always sought to open a new company. How to find a sponsor for a business if support is needed for the development or expansion of an existing enterprise? Here you need to focus on all the strengths of the company.

  • The successes that the company has achieved during its existence;
  • place occupied in the market;
  • a well-known brand;
  • customer base and customer reviews;
  • clear prospects: graphs of profit increases, sales growth, successful transactions and the number of clients.

Technology has advanced so much that most activities can be done via the Internet. But it’s still better to meet a potential sponsor in person. Before the meeting, you need to prepare a competent and interesting presentation. Business owners better take with them all the documents proving that this is the kind of business in which it is worth investing. The outcome of the entire process often depends on a personal meeting.

The development of any business can be hampered by a lack of financial resources. If you manage to organize your own enterprise, the problem of financing it becomes a priority. In such a situation, sponsors can come to the rescue and help build your business the way you planned. Sponsorship is a win-win mechanism for both parties. Sponsors provide you with finances, and they themselves receive a wide advertising campaign or advertising for their brand.

Have you also had to face the problem of attracting sponsors for your own enterprise? You may not be taking the best approach to potential sponsors. After putting a lot of effort into planning and building your business, you may end up with the real disappointment of having to cut major expenses because you can't attract investors to finance your business. If you want to be an entrepreneur and at the same time cut costs, or your funds are not enough to start your own business, financial support is simply necessary. Yes, attracting investors is not that easy, and you have probably already encountered difficulties related to this issue. The market competition is high, the economic recession is a clear confirmation of this. When companies try to cut costs, they all want one thing: the optimal balance of price and quality. If your business is sponsored, then sponsors will expect decent advertising that is worth their cost.

First of all, you must interest sponsors. Tell them how their financial involvement in your business will help them expand their customer base, inform a new segment of consumers about their services and products.

Provide sponsors with a clear picture of your partnership with them. Highlight every detail related to business development, expected results, and emphasize the prospects that your sponsors will receive as a result of the investment. This way you will be able to outline the reputation of your company and inspire greater confidence among investors.

If you are raising funds from sponsors to make or sell something in the future, something that you have not yet come into contact with, you need to convince potential sponsors that their participation in the business is a win-win, and financing it will be a very smart investment, and long-term the benefits of the deal are undeniable. First of all, you need to have excellent presentation skills to win the trust of sponsors. Advice: do not lose faith in the success of the enterprise for a second and constantly radiate confidence.

When offering sponsorship to an investor, do not rush to run to him with documents regarding the deal and expect that the investor will immediately agree to your offer. You may be given many reasons why your proposal should be rejected. Good speaking skills are needed, and good negotiation skills are also needed. You need to foresee possible changes, be flexible, you need to anticipate investors' questions, assess what they might be interested in in your business project.

So how can you make sure that a potential sponsor has considered your proposal without seeming a bit aggressive? One rule that professionals know is that they need to “lead” sponsors to ensure they are aware of their intentions for the project, but this should not be done by email or phone, but through face-to-face meetings.

Remember the main thing: never lose hope that negotiations with potential sponsors will be successful, even if there is one week left before the event or investment date. Know that any sponsorship is good in itself, any sponsorship has a beneficial effect on your finances. When you're negotiating with potential sponsors about their terms of financial support for your business, make sure you have the opportunity to approach your principal, if you have one, before the deal closes. Above all else, you must have legal proof that the sponsor agrees to fund your event or venture. It is also advisable to receive half of the sponsorship funds before the sponsored event takes place. This provides a certain guarantee. But there is another approach to business, when only reliable business partners, skills and dexterity of a manager are required. This case requires a separate discussion. Good luck in finding sponsors and growing your business!

Prepared by editors: "Business GiD"

Decide what you are looking for. Before you start looking for a rich man, you must know what you are looking for. This will help you narrow your search and determine your requirements from the very beginning. You can make a list of the qualities that you would like to see in your man, and a second list in which you indicate what he should pay. There is no shame in this - after all, he is a “sponsor”.

  • Decide what kind of “sponsor” you are looking for. Someone under forty or over fifty? Should he be divorced, dating many girls, or married? Do you want to be with someone who will spend a lot of time with you, or just a man who will take you somewhere for the weekend?
  • Decide what you want from your daddy. Some girls only want rent - a few hundred dollars a week in exchange for their company, fun and lovemaking. Or do you want to be taken to expensive restaurants, taken on vacation to exotic countries and invited to fashionable and exclusive events?
  • Browse websites to find “sponsors.” Don't be shy - if you are looking for a "sponsor", you will need to register on the site for daddies. The most popular English-language sites for finding a “sponsor” are,,, and Such sites will help you communicate your expectations and easily find men who are looking for similar relationships. You can also use the services of marriage agencies.

    • Be clear about your intentions. Let men know what kind of relationship you are looking for.
    • Post photos that will attract attention without being too provocative. Men should find you sexy, but take you seriously.
    • Talk about what you have to offer. Don't focus on what you need, but let men know that you are fun, interesting, mysterious, or like to have a good time.
  • Browse regular dating sites. If you're hesitant to sign up on traditional dating sites to look for a "sponsor" or don't want to be explicit about your goals, you can browse a few sites to find a man who will give you money and send you gifts.

    • You can use filters to find the right man, for example, by asking for his salary or profession.
    • You can also research a man's profile to see if he is right for you - if he talks about expensive hobbies, for example, yachts or travel, is well and expensively dressed, has excellent taste, he can become your “sponsor”.
    • You also need to know what a man is looking for - whether he sees a woman as his equal or whether he wants to give her gifts in exchange for her company.
  • Ask your friends. Don't be afraid to ask your friends if they have anyone in mind who is rich. You can ask this in other words so it won't be so awkward. It is quite possible that at least one of your friends will know a rich person who wants to take care of someone. If you let them know who you are looking for, the perfect man will soon be found.

    • Ask your friends to set you up on a date and be honest about your requirements. You don't need to date someone who is looking for a soul mate if you are looking for a sponsor.
  • Visit places where you can find rich men. If you are embarrassed to look for a man online or ask your friends for a date with a sponsor, you can go out and hunt for him. Take your friends to a bar or restaurant in an upscale area and attract the attention of an older, rich man.

    • You can go to places where rich men gather alone. You can go with the girls to one of those resorts where rich men spend their holidays, and take a closer look at them there.
    • When you're looking for a man, dress nicely, but not too provocatively. You want men to take you seriously and not just see you as a one-night stand. Your relationship with your sugar daddy should last much longer - long enough for you to get everything you want.
    • Visit cultural places that rich men frequent, such as museums, the opera, or art galleries. If a gallery or museum is hosting a special event, such as a cocktail party, go there and don't go unnoticed.