You don’t know what to do so that your letter does not remain banally blank, but is original and memorable, unlike any other? You want the recipient of your letter to pick it up and re-read it again and again. For this to happen, not only the internal content of the letter is important, but also the external one. Yes, the way the letter is formatted may determine the recipient’s disposition towards you. Let's talk about it.

How to make an old letter?

We will need old (preferably yellow) paper. To give it an “antique” look, the paper can be wrinkled and crumpled in your hands. The main thing is not to overdo it, because the text of the letter should remain on the paper, which it is also advisable to write in the spirit of antiquity and in the language of antiquity. Next, unfold the paper and lower it into a bath of strong tea leaves for a few minutes. Then we dry it. We burn the edges of our letter over a candle or lighter, thereby giving them even more ancient look. For the same purpose, you can dip the paper in oil or drip it with wax. The result will be a mysterious pirate-adventure letter. Go for it, and your friends will appreciate your efforts.

As decorations you can use dry leaves, various and multi-colored threads, shells, small pebbles; coffee beans glued to dark paper look very good! In general, use whatever you have on hand or feet! These elements are easily glued with hot glue or some other adhesive!

Effective ways to age paper?

Method No. 1. Paper crumpling and dampening


  1. Crumple the paper. Take a piece of paper in your hands and crumple it into a ball. The tighter the ball you crumple, the more the paper wrinkles.
  2. Flatten the paper and spray it with water, tea or coffee. After you unroll the paper again, fill the spray bottle with your chosen liquid. Then spray from the spray bottle those areas of the paper that you want to tint or that you are going to further give the desired shape. Please note that the chosen liquid affects appearance paper. Water does not tint the paper, but simply allows you to perform further manipulations with it. Tea gives the paper a light brown tint, while coffee gives it a darker color.
  3. Simulate various types damage on paper. Now that the paper is damp, it will be easier for you to shape it into the desired shape. Try to tear the edges in places, tear out small semicircles along the edges with your fingernail, or simply create additional folds. Such damage will simulate the passage of time. The older the paper needs to be made, the more damage it should suffer. If you want to create darker and deeper folds in the paper, crumple it again when wet. Be careful not to accidentally tear the page in half.
  4. Flatten the paper to let it dry. Lay the paper out on a flat surface, such as a table or kitchen counter. The sheet should dry completely within a few hours. As alternative method You can use a hair dryer to dry the paper to speed up the process.

Method No. 2. Toning and baking paper


  1. Select and brew a toning liquid. To age the paper, you can use coffee to create a darker shade or tea to create a lighter shade. The strength of the brew also affects the color. When using coffee, a darker or lighter shade can be obtained by changing up or down the amount of ground coffee from which you will brew the toning liquid. With tea, the final color of the sheet of paper will depend on the length of time the tea is steeped in water. The more time passes, the darker the tea leaves will turn out, and briefly immersing the tea in water will create a very light shade of the tea leaves. Allow the liquid to cool before moving on to the next step.
  2. Place a sheet of paper on a baking sheet or baking tray. Make sure that the paper fits comfortably in the pan and does not protrude beyond its edges.
  3. Preheat oven to 90ºC. Preheating the oven to the specified level allows you to ensure a temperature suitable for baking the paper.
  4. Pour the toning liquid into the pan. Start pouring the liquid from the corner of the baking sheet, not onto the paper itself. Pour only enough liquid to cover the paper with a thin film. Don't worry about the liquid that gets under the sheet of paper, it will simply be absorbed into it from below.
  5. Use a foam brush to spread the coffee or tea over the sheet. Here you can use your creativity and create a special pattern on paper. If you want to tint the paper uniformly, simply spread the liquid evenly over it. If you want to achieve a certain pattern in tinting, distribute the liquid unevenly. To create more pronounced stains on the paper, you can sprinkle it with coffee particles, leaving them to stain the paper for a few minutes.
  6. Blot excess liquid with a paper towel. Make sure there is no excess liquid left on the paper or in the pan itself after this step. There is no need to wipe the paper dry, you just need to make sure that there are no wet puddles left on it.
  7. Make changes to the appearance of the paper. Before putting the baking sheet with paper in the oven, with a few touches you can make it look even older while it is still damp and easy to handle. Tear a thin, curved strip from the edge of the sheet. You can make holes in the paper with your fingernail, and stick the lumps that come off in other places on the sheet to create an imitation of the texture of parchment. Additionally, the paper can be pressed here and there with something like a fork to leave pressed impressions.
  8. Place the pan in the oven for 4-7 minutes. Ideally, you should place the baking sheet on the central racks of the oven. Keep an eye on the paper while baking. As soon as the edges of the paper begin to curl, the baking process can be considered complete. The time at which this happens depends on the specific oven.
  9. Remove the paper from the baking sheet and let it cool. Use oven mitts to remove pan from oven. Give the paper 10-15 minutes to cool before writing anything on it.

Method No. 3. Application of flame and heat


  1. Bring a piece of paper to the sink and hold it over it. This is important to do in case the paper catches fire. Then you can simply drop it into the sink and fill it with water. When using this method To age the paper, you can write the necessary information on it only after processing, so as not to accidentally lose some of the inscriptions due to severe scorching.
  2. Find a candle or lighter. There is no difference in the effectiveness of these fire sources. Just take what is more accessible to you. Avoid using butane lighters as their flame is too intense to get the job done.
  3. Bring the flame along the edges of the paper. At the same time, hold the paper itself 1-2.5 cm above the tip of the flame. Move the flame back and forth along the perimeter of the sheet borders. This will cause the paper to darken, as if it is many years old and has suffered from the effects of time and circumstances. Don't hold the flame in one place for too long. Do not hold the flame in one place for a long time, as this may cause the sheet of paper to catch fire. When you flame the perimeter of the sheet, do not bring the fire too close to your hands to avoid burns.
  4. Burn small spots on individual sections of the paper. If you want to damage the sheet more, you can even burn holes in it. Again, keep the paper about an inch above the flame, but this time stay in one spot. Monitor the stain as it turns brown and black. As soon as the stain reaches the desired color, remove the flame. If you want to burn holes in a piece of paper, leave it over the flame a little longer. The heat coming from the flame will eventually ignite and burn through the paper. Be prepared to quickly extinguish any fire that arises. If the leaf starts to burn faster than you can blow out the fire, drop it in the sink and fill it with water.

Method No. 4. Creating an aging effect using soil


  1. Dig a hole in your garden. The hole should be only as deep as the diameter of a tennis ball. There is no need to destroy your garden with unnecessary digging.
  2. Crumple the paper into a ball and place it in the hole. Lightly spray the paper with water, using no more than 60 ml of water. Before doing this, you can lightly rub the paper ball with soil. The soil will stain and smear the paper.
  3. Fill the hole with soil. Make sure that the wad of paper is completely hidden under the soil. Over time, the soil will damage and age the paper, so it should be buried with a fairly dense layer of soil.
  4. After 3-14 days, dig the paper out of the soil. The waiting time depends on how much the paper needs to be aged.

How to decorate a letter of recognition for loved ones?

Romance and sentimentality in to a greater extent woman's destiny. Whatever they can come up with to express their feelings. Here are some tips:

Paint your lips with your favorite lipstick, take a piece of paper on which you will write your letter of recognition, think about who it is intended for and... draw, in the sense of kiss, as you want. It can be around the perimeter, it can be diagonally, it can be in the shape of a heart, in general, as your imagination will tell you. Or you can first “kiss” line by line, and then enter the text of the letter into each kiss. Well, shall we try?

Using all your cosmetic gadgets (hair and nail polish, mascara wand, pencils, eyeliners), you can create a unique masterpiece. Paint the letter sheet with varnish, spray with colored hairspray or glitter. Draw flowers, hearts and everything else that girls like to draw. Letters or paper can have a pleasant smell if you lightly perfume them with eau de toilette. This will give the letter additional romance.

Letter of declaration of love from a guy to a girl

To be honest, guys are more restrained in their emotions, although there are romantic natures among them. It is for them that our following tips (but all guys should read this, because what kind of girl wouldn’t be pleased to receive something original and romantic from her beloved):

Take a sheet of paper and in the background, dimly write affectionate words (or the name of your girlfriend or whatever you like), preferably in color and in large letters. This is the background on which you will then write the main text with a pen. This way you will end up with a double letter.

If you have serious intentions, then you can convey them not entirely in a serious manner, namely, trace your palm on a sheet of paper, or smear it with paint and make an imprint on the sheet. Now the hand is ready, all that remains is to add the heart. You can draw it on the palm of your hand and you will have a visual, wordless marriage proposal. Of course, to make it more specific, you can add written text, but we think everything will be clear without it.

Letter to a friend

What will you need?

  • White sheet of paper (or envelope);
  • gray pencil;
  • pen with ink;
  • acrylic paints;
  • metallic paints.

Sequence of actions

Step 1: Print the Template

If you want, but don’t know, how to beautifully design a letter on a non-standard size envelope, our advice is to enlarge or reduce the template accordingly in one of the graphic editors.

Step 2: Transfer the template onto paper or envelope

Place the template in the envelope with the front side facing the front of the envelope. If you have a light box, or better yet a clear glass table, place the envelope on them. You can also hold it in a sunny window, or maybe your envelope is so thin that you can see the template design without any tools. It all depends on the paper! Next, using a gray pencil, carefully transfer the design from the template to the front side of the envelope. To do this, carefully trace all the lines over the envelope with a pencil. If you feel confident enough, you can skip this step and draw directly on top of the template with a pen and ink. But if this is your first time, it is better to use a pencil first, otherwise you will have to redo your work many times.

Step 3: Make the necessary inscriptions

Step 4: Ink

Once you are done with the gray pencil, take an ink pen and start tracing the text. Remember, you don't really need a calligraphy pen. Use any old pen with nice ink, a simple rollerball, etc. Next, simply draw lines along the contour. Once you trace the design, you will see that the pattern elements can be extended to the end of the envelope by extending the lines. A beautiful DIY letter design is ready!

  • The most common way to decorate a letter is to color it. Draw a beautiful frame, for example, in the form of roses growing along the edges of the letter. Make drawings to illustrate your text. Or paint over the entire sheet and make an unusual background.
  • Instead of pens, you can buy pen and ink in stores. They are not expensive, but they convey the atmosphere perfectly. Or maybe you still have ink fountain pens from your grandmothers? Or are there real goose feathers that can be sharpened for such a thing? Even just with a gel pen, but with beautiful, elegant handwriting, laconic vignettes and curls, you can perfectly convey the atmosphere.
  • To decorate your letter, try spritzing it with glitter hairspray. After this, it will have an unusual but attractive shiny appearance. The main thing is that it is appropriate.
  • Collage will make your letter unforgettable. Attach photo reports about the latest events in your life or just photos together with the recipient. The photos don't have to be taken by you, it might just be beautiful pictures on topic.
  • You can include a herbarium in the letter. Place dried leaves or flowers that you like.
  • Give the letter unusual shape. Cut out patterns, inside or along the edges. Make it triangular or round. Or let the letter be folded and the text unfold gradually. You can search interesting solutions for letter form among various options folding origami.

Original do-it-yourself envelopes

Envelopes can be simple, gift, vary in shape and size, may not have decorations or be intricately decorated. In order to make a paper envelope, you and your child will need a little time, materials for work and imagination.

Beautiful square envelope with rounded edges


  • Take a sheet of paper with equal sides
  • leave a square in the middle
  • Using a compass and scissors, we form four rounded labels from the side parts
  • bend all the labels towards the center
  • It will make a very beautiful envelope.

Heart envelope

This is a very simple way. You don’t need to glue such an envelope, but simply carefully smooth its folds so that it does not open. But when the recipient opens the envelope, he will see a heart. You don’t even have to put anything inside such an envelope, but simply write nice words inside your heart.


  • So, you will need to cut out a heart from paper.
  • To make it even and symmetrical, you need to fold the sheet in half and cut along the contour of one half.
  • When you open the sheet, you will get a neat heart.
  • This is important. Turn the heart face towards the table.
  • Bend its sides.
  • Fold the top and bottom remaining sides towards the middle.
  • The envelope is ready.

Envelope for money and how to decorate it

Naturally, the envelope in which you are supposed to invest money should look very beautiful. You can create such a masterpiece at home. It will take a minimum of materials and time, but the result of the work will be amazing.


  1. Draw a template for the future envelope on paper and cut it out.
  2. Small rectangular elements are slightly beveled towards the center.
  3. Mark all fold lines and assemble the structure.
  4. Mark the places where you need to make holes for the tape and pierce them with a hole punch.
  5. Decorate the workpiece with silk ribbons and rhinestones.
  6. Pass satin ribbon through the holes.

Today we will tell you how to beautifully design a letter to your loved one with your own hands. Creating such a letter is a rather delicate and painstaking task, so we advise you to be patient! Step-by-step master class with photo and free template will tell you how to beautifully design a letter envelope.

Tools and materials Time: 30 minutes Difficulty: 7/10

  • a regular white envelope or any other light envelope of your choice;
  • gray pencil;
  • pen with ink;
  • acrylic paints;
  • metallic paints.

Step-by-step instructions with photos

Despite the growing popularity of minimalism, vintage typography is still in fashion. Try picking up an old book with delicate handwritten text - you can look at it for hours! So why not apply the art of typography to modern letter design? Undoubtedly, it will be fresh and very original! We won’t lie to you: creating a beautiful letter will require you to invest a certain amount of time, and it won’t take 5 or 10 minutes. It will take you at least 30 minutes to complete each individual envelope. Sure, it's a hassle, but just think about the look on the recipient's face when they open their mailbox. He definitely won’t hold back his positive emotions! So, as you already understand, in this master class we will tell you how to beautifully design a letter with your own hands.

Materials and tools:

To make making an envelope not such a difficult process for you, we have prepared a template for you, which you can see below in the text. Just download it to your computer and print it in the size you want. You will also need a regular pencil and a pen with ink. You don't have to know how to use a calligraphy pen, and we only used it because we were more comfortable that way.

Step 1: Print the Template

We printed the template on a sheet of A7 paper measuring 13x18 cm. If you want, but don’t know, how to beautifully design a letter on a non-standard size envelope, our advice is to enlarge or reduce the template accordingly in one of the graphic editors.

Beautiful letter design - template

Step 2: Transfer the template to the envelope

Place the template in the envelope with the front side facing the front of the envelope.

We know you can barely make anything out in this photo, but " real life"you'll see enough through the envelope to be able to trace the pattern.

If you have a light box, or better yet a clear glass table, place the envelope on them. You can also hold it in a sunny window, or maybe your envelope is so thin that you can see the template design without any tools. It all depends on the envelope!

Next, using a gray pencil, carefully transfer the design from the template to the front side of the envelope. To do this, carefully trace all the lines over the envelope with a pencil. If you feel confident enough, you can skip this step and draw directly on top of the template with a pen and ink. But if this is your first time, it is better to use a pencil first, otherwise you will have to redo your work many times.

Step 3: Label

First, write your address in the top left corner. You will see a place on the template to write the return address, which is indicated by dotted lines.

Now, you need to write the recipient's name. Add it in a vintage style by writing the initials and then the last name, just like in the nineteenth century. But it's your envelope and you can do whatever you want with it! We can't fully help you with the text of the letter, but you can write in any style you like. Calligraphy will look too cool here.

Finally, write the recipient's address in the three lines shown in the lower right corner. If the apartment number is present, include it on the first line.

Step 4: Ink

Once you are done with the gray pencil, take an ink pen and start tracing the text. Remember, you don't really need a calligraphy pen. Use any old pen with nice ink, a simple rollerball, etc.

You can also fill the envelope with the floral baubles we've included in the template. If desired, add color by filling the elements with gold and blue shades. This envelope has a gorgeous shine!

A beautiful DIY letter design is ready!

Below you can see the envelope we inked in walnut ink.

Our template will give you a good basis for your design, but you have creative freedom to decide how to design your letter beautifully, filling it with any color you like, plus adding some of your own elements. We'd love to see what you come up with!

I hope you liked our master class and template, and now you know how to beautifully design a letter with your own hands for your family and friends on the eve of the holidays.

You will find another option on how to beautifully design a letter in the video with a master class, which we selected especially for our regular readers.

Updated material 02/21/2019

Email design is undoubtedly a part of web design. But despite this, the process of developing an email is significantly different from developing a website or web page. That is why even experienced web designers, when faced with email design development for the first time, make mistakes that do not allow them to accurately bring the idea to life and make layout designers regret their choice of profession.

In this article I will try to warn novice designers against some mistakes and talk about things to remember when working on by email. The fundamental difference is that the layout of letters is based on tables, and not on blocks, like most modern sites. Scripts and most CSS properties are also not supported. Don't forget about this and study it if possible.

Letter size

Most email clients and web interfaces of email providers provide limited space for displaying emails. So don't make your layouts too wide.

Excessive width can cause a horizontal scrollbar to appear because some of the content will not be visible to the user.

The optimal width of the content part in the email design is no more than 600 pixels. It is advisable to include possible shadows from the main container in them. However, the general background “under the letter” can be of any size and can be filled with any pattern or color.

Width of the content area of ​​the letter and the general background “under the letter”

Letter structure

Use a modular grid of four or three columns as the basis for the email design layout. It is optimal for solving most problems in the design of adaptive emails. Develop several standard templates in advance for different types letters. This will save time when creating a new design.

An example of a four-column modular grid for an email design layout

An example of a three-column modular grid for an email design layout

Adaptation for mobile devices

There are two adaptation methods:

  1. Adaptation using media queries.
  2. Adaptation of “rubber” layouts.

Adaptation based on media queries is used when developing web pages, but it is not for email design. best solution. For example, Yandex, one of the largest email providers in Russia, still does not support this approach to adaptation. Therefore, when developing an email design that involves adaptation using media queries, you need to be sure that the email is being created for a specific segment of recipients that does not have Yandex addresses.

Adaptation based on media queries

For up-to-date information about which major email clients support media queries, you can always look at our style properties support guide.

The main solution for adapting electronic messages is to create “rubber” layouts with block-based rearrangement of internal elements. When the width of the letter is specified relative (in percentage) and is limited only by the maximum and minimum sizes, the design of the letter will adjust to the width of the device on which it was opened, and the text and blocks inside will be rearranged to fit on the screen.
Elements of letter design in the “rubber” approach are adapted in three main ways. Let's call them conventionally: scaling, clipping and rebuilding.


With this type of adaptation, the element is compressed to fit the width of the content. It will not be possible to adapt regular text in this way; accordingly, only graphic content - creatives and banners - will be compressed. Make sure that the inscriptions, details and buttons in your email design are large enough and will remain readable (buttons are clickable) when they are halved.

Scaling letter design elements

Throne Rush Company Letter Example


This type of adaptation also applies to graphic content in email design. When using it, part of the element that does not fit in width is cut off and becomes invisible to the user. During layout, it is possible to specify which side the cutting will take place on. Make it all about creativity important information and graphics were located on one of its halves. Also, you should not leave any minor elements protruding from the cut-off half to the “important” half.

Clipping letter design elements

Example of a letter from the company "Techport"


This type of adaptation is suitable for any email content that is located in two adjacent cells of the same table row. In this case, if there is not enough width to display both cells, one of the cells is rebuilt to fit the other.

In the layout, it is possible to specify which cell (right or left) will be rearranged down. Rebuilding can occur in several steps - if there are not two cells in a row, but, say, three or four. If there is not enough width, the outermost cell is rebuilt first, then the next one on the same side, and so on.

When using three columns as the basis for the structure of a letter, you should not leave large gaps between elements. Instead, they should be minimized to avoid wide empty margins to the left and right of these elements on a mobile device. If the design of the letter provides a block that consists of some text and a picture illustrating it and located on the side of this text, then it is quite logical to rearrange the text to fit the image.

Thus, on a mobile device we will see a logical and familiar presentation of an article or product. Optimal solution in this situation, make adjacent blocks the same in width and equal to half the width of the letter. This type of adaptation is variable and allows you to create non-trivial letter structures.

Rearranging letter design elements

Example of a letter from Raiffeisenbank

Sometimes in blocks with a background image, within which the reconstruction takes place, it is necessary to leave a certain “reserve” of the background image. The example below clearly shows the use of an additional background:

If there were no “reserve” here, then the text “Travel with us!” would partially fall on the white background of the body of the letter and would become unreadable.

Don't cross the lines

When laying out using the tabular principle, cells and rows are separated by straight lines. Make sure that the contents of one line do not go beyond its boundaries and do not cross the horizontal dividing line. This is not a problem for non-adaptive letter design, but it will make layout designers who work on adaptation suffer.

The lines in the letter design intersect

The lines in the email design do not intersect

This letter design limitation is valid for cases when:

  • — the first line consists entirely of a text block, as in the example above;
  • — the first and second lines consist of two cells. The top row is adapted by strictly direct rearrangement (the right column goes under the left), and the common element is in the left (first) cells of both rows;
  • — the first and second lines consist of two cells. The top row is adapted by reverse rearrangement, and the common element is in the right (second) cells.

For greater clarity, look at schemes of feasible solutions, where 1 and 2 are cells of the first row, 3 and 4 are cells of the second row.

Direct reconstruction of the cells of the first row and reverse reconstruction of the cells of the second row. General object on the right

Reverse rebuilding of cells in the first row and forward rebuilding of cells in the second row. Common object on the left


Fonts used in the design of letters and not present in the user's system will be replaced by the browser with one of the standard ones, which will lead to distortion in the display of the letter. Use only safe web fonts that are guaranteed to display on the user's screen as intended by the designer:

  • Arial,
  • Comic Sans MS,
  • Courier New,
  • Georgia,
  • Impact
  • Times New Roman,
  • Trebuchet MS,
  • Verdana.

Use standard fonts for the main content, as well as elements such as promotional codes and phone numbers, so that the user can easily copy them to the clipboard.
In mobile email applications, fonts are often replaced with standard ones. operating system. Android and iOS system fonts may differ in width from the one you provided in the email design. Therefore, do not fill blocks with text adjacent to their border. This is fraught with the appearance of extra lines on the mobile device.

All alternative fonts are inserted into the layout as images, so a letter made from pictures without a text part may be perceived by the provider as spam. The use of non-standard fonts is acceptable in creatives and when overlaid on other images. If you use them in body text, consider the following points:

— when adapted for mobile devices, non-standard fonts in the layout behave like regular pictures;

— these texts can be scaled or rearranged according to general principles adaptation of the letter. If you are using a non-standard font, for example as a heading, then make sure that:


Whenever possible, use vector objects to create letter designs. Usually these are icons and logos. Vector avoids the blur that occurs when using raster images on retina screens and displays with resolutions greater than 1800 pixels.

A vector image weighs significantly less than a raster image, which means the email will load faster and consume less traffic.

In other graphics, use images that are twice the final resolution. For example, if in the design of an email you use a picture that occupies 300x300 pixels, then it must be based on an image of at least 600x600 pixels. When working in Photoshop, this can be done by turning a large image into a smart object and then reducing it to the required size.

It is worth remembering that images that will be used as background-image in the layout do not have to be made larger than the actual size, since you can set the background size using the code in at the moment not possible. It may turn out that in the final letter the cell background will be twice as large as needed.


If you are going to use gradients in blocks that will be rebuilt during adaptation, remember the following:


Since email clients and providers do not yet support JavaScript and most of CSS properties and dynamics are introduced into the email design through GIF animation. There are also some nuances here.
Few people know, but the Outlook client simply does not play the animation, but only shows its first frame. Therefore, if your animation is looped, make sure that it starts from the desired, most informative frame. For cases when the animation is played only once, which deprives us of the opportunity to start it from the “right” moment, it is possible to replace it in the layout with another (pre-prepared) image.

But due to weak CSS support, only a small percentage of users will see them. The above-mentioned menu, compared to the “classic” one, showed worse results in terms of the number of clicks. Therefore, until providers expand the list of supported properties, introducing such experiments to the masses is impractical.


The uneven vertical frames around the adaptable blocks also have their own characteristics. Since when rebuilding, the height of the block increases, and the “artistic” frame is laid out using the method of repeating it multiple times vertically, make sure that this frame in the letter design is seamless. Draw it so that its end (bottom) meets the beginning (top) of the copy of this frame, located directly below the original, without visible joints.

So that you always have examples of correct emails before your eyes, look at us at. There we publish letter designs that we have developed for clients, and the work of Western colleagues.

Moreover, this can be done both in the traditional way using pen and paper, and with the help of modern gadgets, mobile devices. But it’s not so easy to find the right words and use them to attract your lover’s attention to your person. We will tell you how to write such letters correctly, the manner of writing and much more in this article.

When should you write letters to your loved one?

Let's consider a specific case. Your loved one was forced to leave you and his home due to duty. You are too attached to him and are having a hard time with your separation, even if it is temporary. And in order to smooth out the endless hours of loneliness, you decide to write a letter to your spouse or friend.

Second case. You are madly in love with one person who does not pay attention to you. Previously, you did not dare to write to him and tell him about your feelings, but now his birthday has arrived. You have chosen a suitable envelope and postcard, written a couple beautiful phrases and sent a letter to your beloved man.

Third case. You have been communicating with a married man for a long time. He swears his feelings, but does not plan to leave his family. You decided to express all your conclusions to him in writing and, finally, put an end to such a hopeless relationship.

Simply put, with the help of a letter you can convey to your loved one information that you cannot convey with words.

Do you need a reason to write a love letter?

In order to write love letters, it is absolutely not necessary to look for a reason. Write a couple of nice words on paper or even in personal messages on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or any other social network possible at any time. If you wish, you can create similar messages for your loved one’s birthday or for Valentine’s Day. Spouses often write love letters to each other, for example, on New Year or for the anniversary of marriage.

In what form should you write letters to your loved one?

A letter to a loved one is not job application, which can be written using a standard pattern. It should be written in any form and reveal the essence of the message as much as possible.

Most often they write a letter to a loved one in prose. Messages written in verse are much less common. Basically, such letters can be created by gifted individuals who know how to express their feelings using rhyme. Sometimes letters to loved ones can have erotic overtones.

Who can write a message for a loved one?

Anyone can write a few pleasant lines to someone you like. A man, a woman, a teenager, and an elderly person can cope with this perfectly. In nature, there are no restrictions or specific requirements for future letter writers.

What are the main elements of a letter?

A love note, like any other letter, consists of the following parts:

  • introductions;
  • main part;
  • endings with possible conclusions.

The introductory part usually begins with a greeting and a brief background. The main part reveals the essence of the appeal and expresses the main idea. At the end, the outcome of the appeal is summed up and, ideally, conclusions are drawn. At the end, a romantic letter to your loved one is signed in a standard or non-standard way, for example, instead of a signature, you can decorate the paper with a kiss.

What should be the content of the letter?

The most important thing in any letter is its content. In this case, we are talking about the meaning that each author of a note is obliged to put into it. For example, this could be a declaration of love from a girl or woman to a male representative; a letter written for moral support of the subscriber, a letter of request, a plea for help, a note of accusation, etc.

It could also be good letter to a loved one or, conversely, a message filled with anger and notes of despair. One in a word, words the note should fully reflect the mood of the author and convey the meaning that was originally intended by him.

How to write letters for loved ones?

Formatting letters addressed to different people, will differ depending on the effect you want to achieve. For example, for a love letter, a letter painted pink or reddish, covered with hearts and kisses, is suitable. You can put a photo of the addressee in an envelope with such a message, beautiful postcard, Valentine's card in the shape of a heart, and also sprinkle with a drop of your favorite perfume.

A tender letter to your loved one can be designed in the form of a collage, using photographs of you together, clippings from magazines and newspapers, and sparkles. In addition, the leaf itself can be designed in the form of two cooing doves, flower bouquet, hearts.

The anger sheet may contain dark colors, images of thunder and lightning, skulls, and the request letter may contain hands folded in prayer.

What makes writing a letter difficult?

The difficulty in creating such messages lies in the correct choice of words. At the same time, this should be done in such a way that your recipient immediately understands what is going on. And, of course, finding the right words is not always easy. That is why many authors try to find similar letters that were previously written.

Are there any sample letters to your loved one?

As such, there are no samples of such letters. However, there will always be people who managed to create real handwritten masterpieces dedicated to such a subtle and serene feeling as love. “I’m writing to you - what more?” - do you recognize it? This is the famous “Letter of Tatiana to Onegin”, created by the wonderful poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. It is a shining example of beautiful and open love letters. And although this work was written a long time ago, today it has not lost its popularity.

Of course, you can find a ready-made text, make some modifications to it, change the name and correct other details, and then write your letter to your beloved guy about your feelings. However, do not forget that such a message will not express your real feelings. On the contrary, it will resemble some kind of remix of other people's experiences and your conclusions.

In addition, if the text of your modified letter is widely publicized, you may well be accused of copyright infringement and plagiarism. Therefore, it is best to make such messages yourself.

A couple of examples for writing love letters

Suppose you decide to write beautiful letter to a loved one who is away. Start expressing your thoughts by saying that you really miss you. Write about how you spend a lot of time thinking about him. You come home from work, turn on the kettle, stand by the window and succumb to your memories.

Remind yourself of those moments when you felt good together. Tell us what associations you have when thinking about those times. For example, listening to one of the tunes on the radio, you remember how you danced to it, how you hid from the rain, how you saved a homeless wet puppy, etc.

If, for example, you decide to break up, you can write an effective written statement indicating the reason. In this case, it is also worth remembering positive aspects in your life. If you plan to write a note in the form of a request for something, it is also recommended to first make a short introduction, indicate the reason and the request itself.

For example, if you decide to write a touching message to your friend who is in the army, tell him how you really feel about him.

How to write a letter correctly?

If you decide to write a letter to your loved one in prose, first make an action plan. Write down in detail all the points that you plan to cover in your letter. Create a layout for your future letter, indicating the specific location for the text and possible images. Consider the manner of writing the note, the text of the message, and the length of the letter. Decide for yourself how long your letter will be, for example, whether you will create a 10-page poem or whether you can highlight the most important things and describe everything in three sentences.

In order to relax and tune in to the right wave, it makes sense to turn on romantic music and light scented sticks with a drop of lavender oil. And then, pick up a pen, mouse or keyboard and let your hand express all your experiences and feelings on paper or electronic media.

What should and should not be written to your loved one?

Let's say you decide to write a letter to your beloved man. What should and what should not be said at all in your message to your beloved? So, first of all, you should talk about your feelings, about your first date (if you had one), about pleasant romantic encounters, remember your vacation together, say positive and romantic things.

You cannot insult the subscriber in a letter or say obscene phrases or humiliate him. Also, you should not mention your partner’s mistakes, which can lead to a decrease in his self-esteem and the appearance of complexes. There is no need to say phrases such as “you must”, “I am obliged”, “I demand”. It is better to choose an easy and even humorous form of communication, which will make it possible to gain the favor of your loved one.

What to write in a romantic letter?

Do you want to write a letter to your beloved man? Are you planning to do it in a romantic style? Then we offer you one of these options:

“Hello stranger! We have known you for three years and five months now, and for me you still remain a real mystery that I can’t solve. Everything about you is perfect: a pleasant voice with a slight hoarseness, strong and strong hands that so tenderly squeezed my palm during our last meeting. Your eyes are two blue lights, alluring and all-consuming. If you look into your eyes for too long, you can drown in them and plunge into the abyss.

When we first met, I didn’t even suspect that in my 20s I could fall in love like that...”

As can be seen from letters, girl confesses her love to her chosen one, using beautiful phrases.

"Hello! For a long time I didn’t dare to write to you, but I can’t remain silent any longer. Your eyes, your figure, your walk - drive me crazy. From the very first time we met, you became the mistress of my heart. Your voice excites the imagination and fascinates. My attention belongs only to you. I think only about you and I’m ready to live the rest of my life only with you!”

In this example, the young man talks about his feelings and does marriage proposal to his chosen one.

"Darling! It's been a couple of weeks now and I haven't heard from you! Do you remember our last meeting? Like schoolchildren, we walked through the park hand in hand, ate ice cream and kissed non-stop in a booth on the Ferris wheel. And then they danced for a long time in the rain and basked in each other’s hot embrace. Now you are silent. Answer me. Have you forgotten me? Don't you remember our last evening together? I really miss you."

IN in this example the girl confesses her love, but also reproaches her chosen one for his lack of attention. Note that she does this very correctly and beautifully.

"Darling! I love! I miss! I can't live without you! I’m already running to visit.” A very laconic message, which is not lacking in its own kind of charisma.

"Expensive! I feel so lonely in our cozy love nest today! Drop everything and come to me. The most wonderful romantic evening awaits you."

As you can see from the examples, writing a beautiful letter to your loved one is not very difficult. The main thing is to put the right meaning into it.