The name of a company is an important component of its success and image. The need to choose it appears along with the formation of a new business. Anyone who wants to create their own business faces the question: ? But even after solving it, many important tasks remain. One of them is choice beautiful name LLC, which will bring him success and prosperity. It should evoke positive emotions, be easy to remember and have the resources to become a brand. Having come up with a successful name for a company (construction, legal, furniture or any other), the owner will create an intangible asset, which over time will begin to work for its creator and generate income for him.

How to come up with a brand name?

A brand (from the Old Norse “brandr”, that is, “burn”, “fire”) is a successful trade or service mark that enjoys a high reputation, widespread popularity among consumers, and also creates a holistic image of a product or service in the mass consciousness. This term can denote a name, sign, design, product, service to identify them from competitors' offerings. It has a unique name and its own symbol.

Enormous amounts of money are spent on creating, improving and distributing brands, and the rights to use them become a source of large financial income, because almost every business creator is confident that a catchy logo and a successful name are one of the most reliable guarantees against failure in competition. To a large extent, this is true, so choosing a beautiful company name is a very important mission. When creating options, you need to take into account that it is formed as commercial offer based on a clearly expressed positive image of the product, offering unique opportunities to satisfy consumer needs.

By coming up with a successful LLC name, it will be possible to save time at the stage of transforming a small business into a large one. But if it is planned, for example, without prospects for development throughout the country, then the requirements for the name can be slightly reduced and be guided by general rules. It would be useful to organize a survey among potential clients and hear their opinion about the names on the owner's list of suggestions.

Advice: A brand is not a product. The name should not describe its essence or characteristics, but only reveal and show its differences from similar offerings from competitors.

The company needs to be named in a way that represents its value and creates a strong connection between the buyer and the product or service. To create successful brand Almost any name can be used as long as constant effort is made to give it a unique meaning. For example, Coca-Cola reflects the composition of the drink, Marlboro - the area. The name must have a connection with the specifics of the product or service, be focused on the prospects for their development and not depend on the product situation at the time of creation. What are the principles for choosing the right brand? Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. It is necessary that it does not directly describe a product or service, because such a name should distinguish, and not describe them (the latter function can be successfully performed by advertising and marketing; there is no need to duplicate this information in the name). In addition, a descriptive name limits the possibilities of its promotion, especially if competitors begin to copy the product. Over time, this will lead to the transformation of the true trade name into an unbranded product (as was the case with the first penicillin-based antibiotics - Vibramycine, Terramycine). But modern drugs for treating, for example, ulcers are already produced under different brands protected by a patent: Zantac, Tagamet.
  2. A successful company name may not be related to the characteristics of the product (as is the case with Apple). This approach will only emphasize its long-term uniqueness.
  3. When choosing a name, it is important to consider the time factor. The name should remain relevant over time. List of examples of unsuccessful names: Radiola (from Latin the root of the word translates as “heat”, and the product sold is associated with household appliances that do not rely on heating), EuropAssitance (indicates a close connection with a certain region and interferes with distribution throughout the world), Sport 2000 (linked to the year creates the impression of an old-fashioned product), Silhouette (translated as “silhouette”, the idea of ​​​​drinking yogurt for health benefits, rather than weight loss, is now being promoted). This rule is especially relevant when choosing a name for LLCs selling equipment related products.
  4. The name should not interfere with development in an international format. For example, Nike cannot be registered in some Arab countries; consumers sometimes confuse the products of the American company CGE with the offerings of its competitor, GE (General Electric).

Nowadays, individual approaches to creating a brand name are especially popular: syllables from surnames, names of founders, combining the creator’s surname with the prefix K°, off, displaying the subject of the product in the name without direct mention - let’s compare nasal rinsing drops based on sea ​​water Dolphin and many other names that emphasized the aqua root, the theme of the sea and merged together - Aquamaris, Aqualor, Morenasal.

Advice: in order to direct your thoughts in the right direction or see examples of beautiful brand names, you can use special sites with free “generators” of proposals, which provide a whole list of proposals. Another way out is to contact special agencies (they deal with naming, that is, they select good names), which will help name the company correctly and beautifully, and offer creative ideas.

How to choose a name for a company that brings good luck?

When choosing a beautiful name for your company (for example, construction, legal, furniture), you must first of all focus on the consumer and his reaction and emotions. It’s worth coming up with ones that will be understandable target audience. To confirm the success of a potential name, you can conduct a short consumer survey.

When choosing a successful name for an LLC, first of all you need to focus on the general principles of choice:

  1. The company names in the proposed list should not evoke unpleasant, ambiguous, confusing associations (Vityaz flower shop, Elena the Beautiful cafe).
  2. It does not necessarily contain information about the type of service or product. But it is imperative that the name be easy to pronounce and evoke positive emotions in the consumer.
  3. It is better to name the company so that it does not feel tied to a geographical point. This will allow you to expand development prospects at any time without renaming.
  4. If the name is a foreign word or includes their roots, it is important to know exactly the meaning and possible interpretation of the name (the Chevy Nova was not sold on the market South America due to the translation “does not go”, the name of the model sold in this region was subsequently renamed).

What not to do:

  • call the enterprise (construction, furniture, legal) by name, surname. Problems with a possible sale may arise, personal negative associations of clients may form;
  • come up with a name that is complex or contains a negative meaning;
  • The name of the LLC should not be formulaic, based on hackneyed phrases;
  • in accordance with Art. 1473 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the name of a company cannot contain even abbreviated names of states or official names of Russian federal bodies state power, local government bodies, public associations, contradict public interests, principles of morality, humanity.

Unlike the brand name, the name of a company that does not pretend to develop on a very large scale can reflect the type of activity (for example, “Breeze” is a company engaged in the production and repair of air conditioners). But here it is important to feel the line. Names that are difficult to pronounce and remember will not bring good luck to the owner (Stroypromconsult, Moskavtotransservice). But, for example, in the title you can safely use words that directly indicate the characteristics of the product.

Advice: You can include words in the name of the organization Russian Federation, Russia and derivatives from them, but only after receiving special permission. For this you will need to pay an additional state fee.

Transport company name - examples

The name of a successful transport company must correspond to general principles choosing a beautiful name and differing from the names of competing companies. You can play on an English word, for example, arrive (arrive), artway (art, road), combine initials or parts of surnames, names of co-owners. It is also important that it is easy to pronounce and sound beautiful (AvtoTrans, AvtoGruz, VestOl, Rota Leasing, TransLogistics, TRUST, Zodiac Avtotrans, Azimuth, TransAlyans, Inteltrans). To create an original LLC name, you can focus on the following list of directions:

  • connecting parts of names and prefixes auto, trans - RusAl, AlRosa;
  • play with associations with the road, speed – Traektoria, Smart transportation;
  • use a metaphor (use in a figurative sense based on comparison, similarity) or play on a word, for example, Avis, that is, bird;
  • come up with derivatives of “transport, express, speed”;
  • use an abbreviation, for example, MTL (Management Transportation Logistics);
  • come up with a new word (neologism).

In any case, you need to name a company (construction, legal, furniture, etc.) in such a way that the name is easy to pronounce, euphonious, not interpreted ambiguously, and also does not have a floating accent or negative associations in sound and sense, and evokes pleasant visual comparisons.

Construction company name - examples

The name of a successful construction company should form associations in the consumer’s mind with reliability, comfort, and be easy to understand. Examples: Cozy House, ReMake, Domostroy, StroyServis. It is necessary to avoid names that are similar to the names of competing companies and abbreviations. But the name of the LLC can display the profile of the work or service. Sample list: RegionStroy, StroyMaster, Reliable House, StreamHouse, MegaStroy, GarantElite, ComfortTown. Another option is to play with the word (StroyMigom, Stroy-ka, PoStroy), add a prefix (Derwold&Co). lately More and more company creators are opening their own businesses online, but the importance of a correct and beautiful name does not change. building materials possible through advertisements, including online, on special websites.

Law firm name - examples

Name law firm must necessarily inspire trust, confidence in competence, and a sense of reliability. It is advisable that it is not long and is well remembered, for example, “Right”. Often owners decide to combine parts of surnames or names, including foreign ones. Here is a list for example: SayenkoKharenko, White&Case, Yukov, Khrenov and Partners, Spencer and Kaufmann. You can also use a foreign base, which will be revealed in the slogan (the name Avellum, combining the first letter of the Greek alphabet and vellum, denoting parchment for legislative acts).

List of useful tips:

  • the name of the LLC should be sonorous, easy to understand and pronounce;
  • It is advisable that the name of the law firm does not contain more than 3 words;
  • for work in your homeland, it is best to come up with a name in Russian, or in Latin, and only after that should you consider options in English;
  • when using neologisms (new words), it is advisable to include a decoding, for example, in the company’s slogan, in order to form positive associations and outline the scope of the company’s activities;
  • if the name consists of several words, their abbreviation must be harmonious;
  • It’s better not to use legal terms, they sound banal and almost all hackneyed;
  • If you use a common name, there may be problems with trademark registration.

The name of a law firm should be a mirror reflection of the professionalism and personal values ​​of its owner and employees. It is also worth paying attention to the graphic design of the logo and color scheme.

Furniture company name - examples

When choosing a name for a successful furniture company, it is worth focusing on certain aspects: style, luxury, leadership, comfort, all of them should evoke positive associations. You can also focus on geography (Eden). If the profile allows, you can play with the English glass (mirror, glass) - Sunglass, Glass Tower. The basis for the name “furniture” is always suitable - Mebelink, MebelLux, MebelStyle or an emphasis on the type of activity of the enterprise, positive associations, for example, Interior, Empire, Formula of Comfort, Triumph, Residence, Soft Line, Formula of Furniture. Another way out: add the prefix K°, use symbols (Furnish & Ka, Glebov and Co., Prima-M). You can also play on the word a little: MebelYa, MyagkiyZnak, Mebelius, Mebelion or use English basis– MebelStyle, IC-Studio. Sometimes the name of the LLC includes a surname or name (Furniture from Petrov).

Accounting firm names - examples

The name of such a company must be perceived positively, inspire confidence and indicate the reputability of the company. You cannot play on humorous names (for example, BUKA - Accounting, Consulting Audit). The company must be named so that the name indicates the type of activity and creates a positive image (ExpertPlus, Garant, AuditService, Your Accountant, Azhur, Chief Accountant, Referent, Accountant, Balance, Accounting and audit with a guarantee of results). You can beat english words, prefixes, for example, Account, TaxOff.

Recently, the abbreviations often used are BOND ( Accounting Reports Tax Declarations), connect parts of the surname or names of the owners, of course, if the name turns out to be euphonious. By creating your own business, you can do it without any problems. Need to register for state portal, fill out the form using step-by-step instructions. Then you will receive a letter in the mail with the date when you can pick up the certificate from the tax office.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let's look at the most common questions from users.

Is it possible to name a store after a cartoon (for example, Barboskins)?

A good name is the basis for building successful business. Its creation can be entrusted to a specialized company, but you can actually do it yourself, of course, having studied the theory and some practical aspects. The choice of name must be approached responsibly, because if you make a mistake, it will negatively affect the image of the organization and the volume of profits.

Many retail outlets are named after cartoon characters, but there is not always a legal basis. When choosing a name, it is important to first clarify whether copyright applies to it (according to Article 1259 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). It is worth considering that such objects also include adaptations of another work, its components (names of characters, geographical places invented by the author), if they are the result of a creative process. But at the same time, copyright does not extend to ideas, concepts and implementation principles.

Important: if an entrepreneur decides to name a store after a cartoon or a character, it will be illegal, even if the copyright is not registered. But if the owner uses the cartoon plot and creates his own character based on it, there should be no complaints against him. But you cannot use the name of a character or cartoon (for example, Barboskins, Fixies, etc.) in its original form for the name of a store.

Where can I read about copyrights? What is possible and what is not?

Detailed explanations regarding copyright objects, protected results of intellectual activity and means of individualization can be found in Art. 1259, 1225 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, clarification of various points - in other articles of Chapter 70 of this Code. Many useful information, practical advice is posted on legal forums, websites where questions are asked to lawyers.

If an entrepreneur works as a legal entity and plans to seriously engage in his business, experts recommend registering the exclusive right to use the business name. The procedure and practical nuances are described in Art. 1474 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. An individual entrepreneur cannot have a company name; in documents he is listed as an “individual entrepreneur”. But if desired, a person has the right to register exclusive rights to a service mark or designation to individualize the services provided. You cannot use names that are identical to an already registered one, confusingly similar to it, if entrepreneurs work in the same field.

To avoid unpleasant situations and losses, you should starting stage clarify the availability of the name in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, agree on the granting of rights to use the name of the cartoon character with its author. If this is not done and you rush to start activities without preliminary agreements, the owner of an already registered name, literary, cartoon character or his heirs have the right to demand not only a change in the name, but also compensation and compensation for losses incurred.

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It won’t even be able to fully function without a beautiful name. Choosing it is not an easy task, because you need to take into account large number nuances that will largely ensure the success of the business. The name of any company (construction, legal, furniture) should be euphonious, easy to pronounce and evoke positive associations. To get professional help in creating a successful company name, you can contact special naming agencies, use name generators on special websites that will show sample list proposals.

Anyone who has worked in transport and logistics knows that the names of transport companies are their mascot, and either it is there or it is not.

Naming experts say that the name transport enterprise It should be short, but succinct, and even in an abbreviated version it should sound grandiose. Therefore, when creating a name, you need to use the recommendations below.

Logistics is people and means of transport working around the clock and connecting cargo in the territories of all countries of the world, at all latitudes and in all zones. And people work there of all nationalities, negotiate in all languages ​​of the world. Based on this, when coming up with a name for a company engaged in transporting people or goods, be sure to look at its translation into English. Please note that it should be easy to read in English and have a clear meaning. And certainly in translation it should not be an obscene expression.

To avoid excesses or inconsistencies, special terminology has been introduced in the cargo transportation system, which includes abbreviations in the area of ​​cargo weight and volume, path difficulties, fastenings, responsibility for cargo, warehouse complexes, delivery conditions and, of course, the names of carriers.

This is what you need to rely on when choosing a name for your transport company. This is the most best option, since these terms are understandable and easy for transport workers to remember.

It is true that logisticians never sleep, because they constantly monitor the cargo, and your name should be bright and expressive so that it is not distorted by the blurred gaze of a tired operator. Imagine how logisticians will abbreviate the name of your transport company when corresponding on WhatsApp or Viber, Skype or ICQ. Make sure that your company name will be correctly interpreted in the telex sent to customs.

Having gone through the previously selected names and their abbreviated versions, try to compose a telegram stating that cargo is arriving at the enterprise with the selected name. In the text, the meaning of words must be clear and undistorted.

  • felt trust;
  • felt attractive;
  • safety of this name;
  • I wanted to contact such a company.

Whether he will become a client depends on the professionalism of the employees.

The best option for the name of a transport company can be considered “Eurocargo”, “AsiaTransGruz”, “Continent-logistic”, “RusBaltTrans”, “MortransGroup”, “Association of Business Transportation”.

Another factor to consider when choosing a title is how it will be written and read on English. After all, the dream of any director is to be famous and compare with such transport companies as Maersk, China Shipping, PEC, Autotrading, TrasOcean, NYKline and others.

It is necessary that the chosen name is easy to read and easily perceived.

With a future perspective, be bolder in using words related to something global. For example, transcontinental, European, Eurasian, regional, 21st century. The result will be a completely modern creative name, like “Tyumen-logistics-21st century”.

Imagine that your business and you personally have become known in your own country and abroad. Imagine your shipping company's name in English on board a ship, container or boxcar.

If at the same time you feel pleasure and pride that your dream has come true, then this is the right name for your business.

As for the carriage of passengers, in this case the name should:

  • evoke a feeling of confidence (“Commander”, “Authority”, “Victory”, “Leader”);
  • give a feeling of special comfort (“Business lady”, “Chocolate”, “Halva”, “VIP person”);
  • be original (“Kucher”, “Dream”, “Flight”, “Special Forces”, “Red Price”);
  • associated with speed (“Express”, “Strela”, “Vitesse”, “Temp”, “Flight”);
  • promise maximum services (“Optima”, “Maximum”, “Ideal”);
  • guarantee security (“Angel”, “Security”, “Bodyguard”);
  • reflect the special qualities of the service (“Women’s taxi “Chill”, “Children’s taxi “Karapuz”, “Taxi “Mute Driver”).

Follow these instructions and you will be able to choose the best name for your moving company.

Copyright "All-Russian Business Club"

The name of any organization or company is its calling card.
Without even knowing the specifications of the enterprise, just by its name, a potential client can form quite stable associations and impressions. The name of the LLC should be sonorous, memorable and at least partly hint at the profile of the organization.

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Assigning a company name upon registration

You need to think about how to correctly name your company at the stage of its registration, and this process itself is regulated by fundamental regulations.

Regulatory acts

The main documents that should be followed when choosing a name for an organization are:

  1. Federal Law No. 14-FZ dated 08.02. 98 “On limited liability companies”;
  2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The basic rules for determining the name of an LLC can be determined by the following list of requirements:

  • the name must indicate the legal form of the company;
  • it is possible to use foreign language borrowings indicated in Russian transcription in the company name;
  • it is possible to use in the name indications that the enterprise belongs to the Russian Federation or its constituent entities;
  • inclusion in the name of the words “Russian Federation” or “Russia” itself is allowed only with special permission;
  • cannot be used brand names, identical to other names legal entities, or confusingly similar to them;
  • It is unacceptable to use designations that contradict the principles of humanity, morality and public interests.

What can you name the company?

There is a whole branch of knowledge, techniques and methods aimed at optimal choice brand names - naming. Based on many years of development and practice of specialists in this field, a number of points have been identified that can be followed when choosing a name for a company.

So, naming suggests:

  • Choosing a company name based on the name of its owner. This is the simplest method that does not require special ingenuity. The company can be named by your first name, last name, or even initials, or using the names of relatives. Let's say the Mercedes concern got its name in honor of the daughter of its owner.
  • Inclusion of the name of the main product in the title. If the company is going to produce windows, then maybe it’s worth starting from this word, adding to it a consonant addition, something like “Windows-Grad”.
  • Definition in the name of the company of its main concept. For example, Taxilet will very accurately express the idea of ​​its owner - a taxi with fast transportation of clients;
  • Using a regional approach. Allows you to express its geographical location in the name of the organization: “Astrakhan Windows”.
  • The use of abbreviations for better memorability and convenient perception of the name. By shortening long and boring names, you can get more sonorous names, for example, PiD - “Ceilings and Doors”.
  • Introduction of foreign words into the name. Originality and adherence to Western traditions can be brought to the name by such words as “Promotion”, “Corporation”, “Food” and other sonorous words in English.
  • Turning on fantasy. If the owners do not lack it, then the choice of names for an LLC can be simply inexhaustible.

Prohibited names

In fact, all techniques and phrases prohibited in naming are reflected in the relevant articles of the Civil Code:

  1. It is impossible to use the names of states in the names of companies, including abbreviated ones;
  2. It is unacceptable to use the names of any government structures of the Russian Federation and their subjects;
  3. The use of names of other international, intergovernmental and public organizations is prohibited;
  4. The use of obscene, obscene, immoral words and expressions in the name of the LLC is excluded;

It is unacceptable to create names that are too closely reminiscent of existing brand names (protected by copyright law).

If you do not adhere to these rules, then the owner of the organization may be subject to serious lawsuits and claims, which will ultimately result in large financial losses and prohibitions for further use of the chosen name, and therefore the loss of an already promoted brand.

Choosing a name for an LLC (examples)

When choosing a name for your company, you should proceed from its specifications. Of course, the name of a food retail company may be very different from the name of a construction or law firm. Therefore, here too, naming experts presented a number of recommendations to entrepreneurs.

Video about choosing a name for an LLC

There are several main styles of company names and trends:

  • standard– cases when everyday, simple word forms are used in the company name;
  • different– when the company name uses rare or infrequently used words or expressions that have a special meaning;
  • obvious– cases in which general naming of objects is used in the crosshairs, making it possible to easily determine its line of activity by the name of the LLC;
  • fashionable- more used in tech companies, following all fashionable technologies and choosing their name by their name.

Below we will offer options for how to name an LLC company in accordance with its main focus.

Construction company

When choosing a name for a construction company, it is best to focus on its reliability and emphasize its competitiveness. Clients’ requirements for developers are quite simple: quality and deadlines. construction work must comply with all necessary standards.

There are quite a lot of examples: Domostroitel, StroyDomServis, StroyKo, Vash Dom, Megapolis. But you shouldn’t overdo it in trying to emphasize your own uniqueness.

A name such as MigDomStroy may be associated among clients with the low quality of construction work due to the emphasis on the speed of their production.


Lack of retail outlets today, probably not anywhere. That’s why the name of the store, whether it sells food, clothing or equipment, needs to be accurate, attractive and memorable.

When choosing a name for a company, you can proceed from various factors:

  • by product range: Shoes, Clothes, Wardrobe, Down Jackets, Trousers, Stockings, Products, Food, etc.;
  • according to the scale of assortment display: Giant, Shop, Bazaar, Floor, Enfilade, Island, etc.;
  • on the quality of the goods offered: Premium, Extra, Elite, Glamor, Queen, Budget, Economy, etc.;
  • according to the relevance of product groups: Fashion Squeak, Second Hand, Fake, Season, Boom, Fashion;
  • by gender and age of the audience: Miss, Madame, Fashionista, Children, Baby, Drive, Cavalier, Macho, etc.

These groups of names do not exhaust the possible options.

Names can be mixed and combined to create sounding names that match the profile of the LLC.

Even simple grocery store there is an opportunity to name it in such a way that remembering it among many similar companies will not cause difficulties for any passing client.

Transport, taxi and cargo transportation

It is better to give companies with such a profile an easy, memorable name. To all consumers transport services It is the quality of speed and safety of the delivered cargo that is important, be it the transportation of people or construction materials.

For a taxi service, the following name options can be very resonant and quite meaningful: Derby, Fast and Furious, Drive, Mustang.

For companies involved in cargo transportation, the prefix “Trans” will give an obvious meaning: TransService, Auto Trans, BystroTrans, Regional Transport Company (RTK).

The prefix, suffix or ending “Auto” is often used in the names of such companies: AutoForward, FavoritAvto, MoscowAvtoRulevoy (MAR), etc.

Catering enterprises

When opening a catering enterprise, when choosing a name, they usually focus on its concept and catchiness of the name. Some names will suit a coffee shop, others – for a bar, and others – for an elite restaurant. In addition, it makes sense to take into account the main menu offered in a given establishment.

Thus, companies that offer their customers a large selection of sushi dishes should give a name that includes this word: C Ushi bar, Sushi restaurant, Delicious sushi.

The coffee shop will attract its client with such names as: Cup, Mocha, Cappuccino. The cafe with an oriental twist can be named after the fairy tale of the same name. "1001 nights".

The sports bar will become memorable with sonorous names Bet, Favorite, classic dining establishment – ​​meaningful Tavern, Break or, for example, by the owner’s name - At Uncle Kolya's.

LLC for the development of oil and gas wells

Such companies often have their own industry prefixes, like:

  • "oil"
  • "gas",
  • "those",
  • "oil".

The names of such companies do not shine with particular variety, but here you can also use your imagination by naming your brainchild more original: GasOilResource, DiscoverOil, Storms and Pump, Discoverer, etc.

Medical organization

In order to evoke the right associations among consumers of services, it is customary to give two-syllable combinations to various private medical offices or centers: the first part of the name usually indicates the company’s field of activity, and the second its specialization. For example, Clinic Dentist or Medical center Pediatrician.

Such companies are usually aimed at an audience that is, to one degree or another, dissatisfied with the quality of free healthcare and has sufficient funds to provide themselves with top-class medical services.

Examples: NeBoleika Clinic, Hippocrates Treatment and Diagnostic Center, Health Center.

Law and consulting firms

Law firms usually position themselves as centers with highly qualified specialists in the field of jurisprudence, capable of solving any problem both in the field of servicing legal and individuals. The name of such companies must be strong and unshakable: Advisor, Themis, Standard, Partner, Navigator.

For consulting and recruitment agencies Emphasis is also placed on the professionalism of the staff.

It is also allowed to use word forms that reveal the focus of the work of such companies: StopKadr, Guverner, ConsultPlus, Guide.

Travel companies

It all depends on the specialization of the agency. If this is mainly a beach holiday, then the name of such a company should be associated with the sea, sun and sand - Sunny Beach, Paradise, Sea Breeze or laconic Sun, Beach.

If a travel agency is more focused on organizing excursion trips, then in this case it is more convenient to use word forms associated with geographical discoveries or the characteristics of different countries - Columbus, Almanac, Traveler, Oasis.

The most common prefixes for complex names: T ur-, Travel- Cruise-, Line-, etc.

Car service

Almost any company engaged in the distribution of spare parts or the provision of car service, car wash, tire service, etc., cannot do without a weighty and meaningful “car”.

But even here you can experiment and offer harmonious naming options: Autoleague, Inter-Auto, Autonomy, Authority. Names such as Pilot, Phaeton, Engine, Helmsman, TuningClass.

Furniture production

An active start of a furniture manufacturing company will give an idea of ​​its target audience. If a company specializes in creating luxury furniture, then this gives every reason to use prefixes such as “elite”, “vip”, “exclusive” in its name: EliteStyle, ExclusiveFurniture, VipStyle.

For a company whose specialization is the production of furniture of certain styles, names such as: Rococo House, Baroque Style, Empire House, Renaissance Classic.

Such names as 12 chairs, Wooden, Papa Carlo, Stool.

Neutral names for versatile businesses

If you plan to create a versatile company covering several areas, then it would be more successful to choose a neutral name that does not cling to one narrow profile.

Curiosities associated with the name

Not all naming creations have been successfully used on the world market.

For example, the well-known General company Motors at one time could not promote Chevy Nova cars to the South American markets. But it turned out that in Spanish “no va” means “will not go.” Sales began to move forward only after this car model was renamed Caribe specifically for the Spanish-speaking market.

You can approach it with humor (Donkey, Eh, I'll give you a ride) or designate the contingent of passengers (Elite).

  • For the name of a company engaged in cargo delivery, it is important to emphasize reliability and a guarantee of cargo delivery safe and sound. In addition, the name with the prefix “Trans” (Trans Aero, Auto Trans Service) becomes obvious.
  • If a company is engaged in delivering passengers over long distances, then it makes sense to indicate its affiliation with the region (Zabaikalsky Forsazh, Krasnodar Auto).

Choosing a name for trade organization

  • When choosing a name, think about how and where the company will operate ( retail, wholesale, what products will be sold).

Examples of company names

Business in Russia from scratch! Materials Examples of company names Contents:

  • A good name is the key to success v
  • Types of organization names v
  • A few “no!” v
  • Legislative rules for choosing company names v
  • Interesting ideas and recommendations for choosing a name v
  • Choosing a name for a construction company - 5 steps to success v
  • How to name the transport company v
  • Choosing a name for the trade organization v
  • Travel companies - how to choose original title v
  • Example good name, and where to get inspiration? v
  • Ask a lawyer a question free consultation v

A good name is the key to success After deciding to open your own business, choosing a name for it can be called the most crucial moment.

Names of transport companies: original examples, tips

Your success largely depends on how appropriate, vivid and memorable it is, and how accurately it reflects the essence of your activity. Types of names of organizations Professionally develops names and logos of companies and naming organizations. The namer’s task is not to “invent” a name, but to create it by analyzing the market in which the company intends to operate.


The relationship between name and market is reflected in the following classification:

  • Subject indicative names
  • Subject functional
  • Associative rational
  • Associative emotional

Subject index names are names based on the name of the founder, location or other precise characteristics (Bank of Moscow, Ford). Subject functional ones include, for example, Sberbank, Xerox. This group of names is determined by their function. The third group is Yandex, Lexus, Master Bank.

Companies, short list (names only)


Possible options– Potrebtorg, KomplektOpt, Supply Kit, Kom-Trading.

  • This is where it is important not to overdo it with originality, so that service providers and consumers know what to expect from your company and whether they should contact you. Sweet-sounding, beautiful, and meaningless names are usually not popular in the trade.
  • More often than others, the names of trading companies include “Torg”, “Wholesale”, “Trading”, “Commerz”, “Market”, “Sales”.

Travel companies - how to choose an original name On the market tourism services standing out is especially difficult. In this industry, it is very important to choose a name that is euphonious, attractive and speaks to the profile of your company.

Most often in polysyllabic names travel companies used - Travel, Tourist, Tour, etc.

How to come up with a successful business name?

To you. Check to what extent they are repeated in your industry, whether they are consonant with any “unpleasant” words: - A1 (neolog.) - first-class - Ability - dexterity, ability, solvency, competence (legal) - Abreast - nearby, side- side by side - Absolut - complete, unconditional, unlimited - Accuracy, accurate - accuracy, punctuality, exact, correct - Active - active, living, acting - Adjasent, adjacency - neighboring, neighborhood, nearby countries, places (looks cumbersome, but transcription easy) - Assist, assistance - to help, facilitate, assistance, assistance - Auriga - constellation Auriga (you need to check whether the same meaning is intended, or the constellation is the same, but the meanings are different) - Avail - to help, to be useful, benefit, benefit Of course, words it is not necessary to use it “as is”, you can change the endings, make an abbreviation out of 2 words (like FedEx), etc.

Transport company name. logistics. forwarding

    First of all, proceed from the profile - excursions, relaxation on the beach, extreme trips to exotic countries, elite vacations (Traveller, Sunny Beach, Extreme Tourist, Elite Tour)

  • Be sure to think about making the name easy to pronounce in foreign languages, since this is especially important in the tourism sector (Aurora Travel, Cruise Tour, Nomad)
  • Try to ensure that the priority travel destination is associated with the name of the company (Columbus Tourist, French Tour)

An example of a successful name, and where to get inspiration? Taxi “90” operates successfully in one of the cities of Russia. Their slogan is that our number is easy to remember - 90-90-90. It’s difficult for competitors; in fact, this number and the name are very well remembered. In the regions, names that reflect the national flavor and appeal to the primordial culture of the area have recently become very popular.

Examples of beautiful, creative and successful LLC company names in alphabetical list

It is important to note here that the name does not speak about itself directly, but through associations. However, it “rationally states” its advantages. And the last group is names that carry practically no information about the brand, but are nevertheless bright and recognizable.


Apple, Pobeda, Avangard, Infinity. A few “no!”

  • Use long titles consisting of three or more words.

Polysyllabic names are difficult to remember and pronounce and are less attractive to customers. Translating such names into a foreign language is also difficult.

  • Ignore the original meaning of words

It happens that the name seems sonorous and beautiful, and no one knows the meaning of the word. This is how offices like “Styx” (River of the Dead in Greek mythology) and the airline “Icarus” (again, Greek mythology, a man who flew on wings and burned them in the sun) appear.

Examples of names of transport companies

Instruction 1 It’s even hard to imagine how many companies have unoriginal, unpronounceable and difficult to remember names. Cafe “Alina”, furniture sales company “Omega-S”... A client of cafe “Alina”, unless he is amazed by some exotic cuisine there, in a week will not remember that he went to cafe “Alina”, but not "Maria" or "Elvira".

The name of the company "Omega-S" is meaningless and is not associated with the sale of furniture or any other goods. It is important that the name of your company is easy to remember, easy to pronounce and has no analogues. 2 What will cause positive associations among clients mature age, will seem boring to young people. Therefore, a cafe-bar designed for young people should have a different name than a cafe-bar for older and respectable people.
Good way— come up with several names and show them to representatives of the target audience.

Examples of names of transport companies

Legislative norms for choosing company names According to the legislation of the Russian Federation

  • The name of the company must be in Russian (usually in the form of “IP Ivanov”, “LLC Association”).
  • The brand name can be written in any language.
  • It is not allowed to use the names of states when choosing a name for your enterprise (“Kitai-Stroy” will not be registered).
  • Use of any names government agencies and organizations is prohibited.
  • Registration of names of an immoral nature is prohibited.
  • If you decide to change the name of the company, this can be done, according to the procedure defined by law, at any time.
  • Before registration, you need to check the name according to FIPS, this is a database of registered trademarks.
  • Registration with the Rospatent Chamber is highly desirable.

Then the audience will make the choice themselves. Or even come up with an alternative name. 3 You should not name the company by your name or the name of a friend, girlfriend, relative, etc. What if something doesn't work out and you want to sell your business? Selling the Tsvetkova company is more difficult than selling the 100 Roses company. In addition, the names are usually not original. 4 If you want to give your company a name in a foreign language, be sure to find out what the name means.
There are often cases when business owners simply chose a “beautiful” foreign word, but in reality it meant something completely unrelated to their business or even unpleasant and absurd. 5 Good name- original name. Only individuality will help differentiate a company in a competitive environment.
Story Market, CityStroy, ZhilStroy, StroyServis, Remake, Trowel, etc.).

  • Assess the level of wealth of the target audience, try to attract exactly those clients you are targeting (Elite Stroy, Babylon, Noble Estate, Economy Stroy, Svoy Dom, Stroy Leader).
  • Do not use your last name in the title, unless it is consistent with the type of activity (Masters, Installers).
  • If you work with foreign colleagues, it makes sense to name the company simply with a beautiful and euphonious word, because they will not appreciate the semantic meaning of your name (Akira, Aurora).

How to name a transport company

  • First of all, proceed from the profile of the organization - taxi (Three Sevens, Perevozkin), cargo transportation (Autotransservice) or passenger transportation(Favorite).
  • For a taxi service, the main thing is a memorable name.

After deciding to open your own business, choosing a name for it can be called the most crucial moment.

Your success largely depends on how appropriate, vivid and memorable it is, and how accurately it reflects the essence of your activity.

Types of organization names

Professionally develops names and logos of companies and naming organizations. The namer’s task is not to “come up with” a name, but to create it by analyzing the market in which the company intends to operate.

The relationship between name and market is reflected in the following classification:

  • Subject indicative names
  • Subject functional
  • Associative rational
  • Associative emotional

Subject indicative names- these are names based on the name of the founder, location or other precise characteristics (Bank of Moscow, Ford).

TO subject functional include, for example, Sberbank, Xerox. This group of names is determined by their function.

The third group is Yandex, Lexus, Master Bank. It is important to note here that the name does not speak about itself directly, but through associations. Nevertheless, " states rationally» about its advantages.

And the last group - names, practically nothing not carrying information about the brand, nevertheless bright and recognizable. Apple, Pobeda, Avangard, Infinity.

A few “no!”

  • Use long titles consisting of three or more words.

Polysyllabic names are difficult to remember and pronounce and are less attractive to customers. Translating such names into a foreign language is also difficult.

  • Ignore the original meaning of words

It happens that the name seems sonorous and beautiful, and no one knows the meaning of the word. This is how offices like “Styx” (River of the Dead in Greek mythology) and the airline “Icarus” (again, Greek mythology, a man who flew on wings and burned them in the sun) appear.

  • Until recently, the law restricted non-unique names, but today this ban has been lifted

Legal requirements for choosing company names

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation

  • The company name must be in Russian(usually in the form of “IP Ivanov”, “Association LLC”).
  • Brand name is acceptable write in any language.
  • State names are not allowed when choosing a name for your enterprise (“Kitai-Stroy” will not be registered).
  • Use of names of any government agencies and organizations is prohibited.
  • Registration of names is prohibited of an immoral nature.
  • If you decide to change your business name, this can be done, according to the procedure defined by law, at any time.
  • Before registering, you must check the name according to FIPS, this is a database of registered trademarks.
  • Registration with the Rospatent Chamber is highly desirable. In this case, you can be sure that no one will be able to challenge your name in court.

When choosing a name, consider the following points:

  • How short is your title?, succinctly describes the scope of your activity.
  • If the title is non-functional, then whether it evokes associations with your activities.
  • Is your name easy to remember?
  • What target audience is your work intended for?, if it is connected with foreign contacts, will it be easy to pronounce it in the partners' language.
  • Is the name original?
  • Brevity is the sister of talent. Don't overload your title with information.

Choosing a name for a construction company - 5 steps to success

  • Determine whether you want to reflect your field of activity in the name(options: Storey Market, CityStroy, ZhilStroy, StroyServis, Remake, Trowel, etc.).
  • Assess the level of income of the target audience, try to attract exactly those clients you are targeting (Elite Stroy, Babylon, Noble Estate, Economy Stroy, Svoy Dom, Stroy Leader).
  • Do not use your last name in the title, unless it is consistent with the type of activity (Masters, Installers).
  • If you work with foreign colleagues, it makes sense to call the company simply a beautiful and euphonious word, because they will not appreciate the semantic load of your name (Akira, Aurora).

How to name a transport company

  • First of all, proceed from the organization’s profile- taxi (Three Sevens, Perevozkin), cargo transportation (Avtotransservice) or passenger transportation (Favorite).
  • For a taxi service, the main thing is a memorable name. You can approach it with humor (Donkey, Eh, I'll give you a ride) or designate the contingent of passengers (Elite).
  • For the name of the company engaged in cargo delivery, it is important to emphasize reliability, guarantee of cargo delivery safe and sound. In addition, the name with the prefix “Trans” (Trans Aero, Auto Trans Service) becomes obvious.
  • If the company is engaged in delivering passengers over long distances, then it makes sense to indicate belonging to the region (Zabaikalsky Forsazh, Krasnodar Auto).

Choosing a name for a trading organization

  • When choosing a name, think about, how and where the company will operate(retail, wholesale, what products will be sold). Possible options are Potrebtorg, KomplektOpt, Snabkomplektatsiya, Kom-Trading.
  • It is in this area that it is important not to overdo it with originality. so that service providers and consumers know what to expect from your firm and whether they should contact you. Sweet-sounding, beautiful, and meaningless names are usually not popular in the trade.
  • More often than others, the names of trading companies include“Torg”, “Wholesale”, “Trading”, “Commerce”, “Market”, “Sales”.

Travel companies - how to choose an original name

It is especially difficult to stand out in the tourism services market. In this industry, it is very important to choose a name that is euphonious, attractive and speaks to the profile of your company.

Most often, polysyllabic names of travel companies use Travel, Tourist, Tour, etc.

  • First of all, start from the profile– excursions, relaxing on the beach, extreme trips to exotic countries, luxury holidays (Traveller, Sunny Beach, Extreme Tourist, Elite Tour)
  • Be sure to consider making the name easy to pronounce in foreign languages, because it is especially important in the tourism sector (Aurora Travel, Cruise Tour, Nomad)
  • Try to ensure that the priority travel destination is associated with the name of the company(Columbus Tourist, French Tour)

An example of a successful name, and where to get inspiration?

Taxi “90” operates successfully in one of the cities of Russia. Their slogan is that our number is easy to remember - 90-90-90. It’s difficult for competitors; in fact, this number and the name are very well remembered.

In the regions, names that reflect the national flavor and appeal to the primordial culture of the area have recently become very popular.

If you are going to open a cafe or restaurant, you might consider ensuring that the cuisine and culinary traditions are reflected in its name (for Russian national cuisine, for example, Zhili-Byli).

How to find your own, interesting and memorable version of the name, where do the necessary ideas come from?

It turns out that there is such a direction in marketing - benchmarkmarketing, comparison of products, services, names of experience of those companies that are successful in your chosen field of work.

After analyzing several dozen names, you can identify what helps them succeed, what attracts customers.