According to statistics, people quit their jobs most often in January. They can be understood: New Year - new life. If you are also thinking about freeing yourself from a boring and unloved job and finally starting your own business, which you have long dreamed of, these tips are just for you.

If you find yourself trapped in your job, then it's time to make a change. We tell you how to get off the beaten path and do great things. And just how to decide on important changes in life.

The path of mediocrity

How easy it is to live just like everyone else, right? Billions of people have walked along the road of “ordinariness”, and their flow does not dry out; Every year the road becomes wider and more compacted. It’s easy to walk along it, the grass is even green under your feet; after a slight ascent, a safe gentle descent begins, along which you can move by inertia. Sounds good and doesn't require any effort.

But by traveling this broad road you do not achieve extraordinaryness. You will only get to old age. This path is called mediocrity.

The mediocre path is easier than the other; it is convenient, but this is the danger - .

If, by inertia, you are moving along the path of mediocrity, not daring to believe that you are capable of learning, editing your life and achieving originality, then the harvest you reap is life experience- will not bring joy to you or those around you.

Yes, you will be able to share your experience, but you will not become a spotlight illuminating the path to excellence for others - you will become a signal light marking the rocks on which you crashed your life.

Why do most people decide to take the mediocre path? They don't actually make that decision. The only thing required of a person on the mediocre path is not to die.

When you graduate from high school or college, you are said to be in neutral. Of course, the speed is low, but you use little gasoline and at the very least you make progress, if you can call it progress. You're definitely getting older, and that means something, right? With age comes wisdom? Not necessarily. Especially if you are moving by inertia. You end up heading straight to your grave.

Stop being an ordinary person!

And the path to originality? He is also dangerous, but it is the right danger. Without such dangers great achievements are impossible. Along this path there are mountains, stone walls and the occasional dragon. You will be injured, your dreams will be doubted a thousand times, and your choice of direction will be seriously tested. But you will achieve extraordinaryness!

And here’s the best part: you will achieve excellence not “someday,” but right now. Otherwise, why bother with all this? -

Believe in yourself! Originality can now be achieved easier and faster than before. A combination of three specific factors led to this. In terms of uniqueness, this phenomenon even surpasses the once-in-a-hundred-year storm that Patrick Swayze's character, an avid surfer, experienced at the end of the movie Point Break.

1. Pensions are over

The economic situation is now very, very unstable. Many are fired before retirement age. One “fine” day you may suddenly be faced with the need to solve a nightmare task - to build a career anew. You will find yourself in the position of twenty-year-olds. And it’s good if you are 30-35 years old, and not 50 - at this age it is especially difficult to find a job.

The state, the employer, the house - do not count on them to help you retire at 55-60 years old with confidence in your future. Considering that retirement age they are going to raise it, and this is reality. Those who are now between 30 and 50 years old need to tune in to a completely different finish. Pensions are over.

2. Hope rules the roost

Here are some questions whose answers will help explain the kind of life you want:

  • How many hours a week do you want to do your business?
  • How many hours a week can you realistically work on your business?
  • Where are you going to do all this?
  • How much money do you need to get your business off the ground?
  • What ideas do you already have for success?
  • When you imagine your life as a businessman, what inspires you most?
  • Do you have professional and personal support - people you can turn to for help or advice?
  • If your business fails, how will you feel?
  • Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, how will you feel if you don't even try?

Ideas for business: from theory to practice

Dreaming is, of course, great, but you still need to clearly know what you want from life, yourself and your own business. It's time to move on to specifics. First, remember all your aspirations, hobbies, talents, even if it seems to you that you don’t have them. Daria Bikbaeva, author of the book “Turn on your heart and brain,” advises making separate lists for each question. Answers will not come immediately: add, update, change.

Think, write down, analyze - this is the key to success.

1. Masterpiece: what are you proud of?

Think about at least three times in your life when you felt like you did something special. It doesn’t matter when it was - at school or at work, whether you received money for it or it was a gift for your mother. It doesn't have to be brilliant! The main thing is that you received satisfaction from having achieved what you wanted, and you can safely say that it really was done cool!

2. Childhood: what were your hobbies?

Remember yourself in your youth. What did you dream of becoming and why? Which circles did you run to with particular zeal? What activity made time fly by? Don’t be shy: often it is a child’s hobby that becomes the work of life.

3. Attention: What piques your interest?

What do you pay attention to? Perhaps you are interested in events: concerts, exhibitions, opening days, master classes. Perhaps you are paying special attention for beautiful, unusual, rare things. Or you admire how well - down to the smallest detail - various events are organized. Observe your reaction, pay attention to what causes you greater emotions. Add at least three of these items to your list.

4. Education: What do you like to study?

List your favorite books, magazines, newspapers. Find what unites them. Understand why you are reading them, what conclusions you are drawing. If you had to pick ten top books, what would they be about? About creativity, self-development, scientific discoveries or something completely special? If there are books that have already changed your life, feel free to write them down: they will come in handy more than once.

5. Hobbies: what do you do in free time?

Do you like to draw, fish, ride horses, meet friends? Write down your five favorite activities. Think about what they have in common with the previous answers.

6. Motivation: what makes you do something?

Perhaps it is the desire to create unique thing, or help a friend, or just a coincidence. It is motivation that will help you clarify the direction in which to look for your calling. The worst thing for a person is not to want anything. Therefore, come up with motivation for yourself, and not artificial, but internal, personal. What can make you get out of bed early in the morning and start doing something, even if you are a night owl? Think about it!

7. Compliments: What kind of praise do you receive most often?

Are you praised for delicious dishes, for extraordinary gifts, for the art of explaining, for the inspiration that you give? Or are you called “holiday man”, “fairy”, “doctor of human hearts”? Ask your loved ones and acquaintances - often what we do best is noticed much earlier by the people around us.

Find yourself before you look for a business. Don't think that enough money and time will change your life.

Ask yourself: what would you spend this money or free time on? Very often, the answer to this question lies in your life purpose.

Subtleties of business in Russian

Business in Russia is a special matter. He's different by virtue various reasons: mentality, living conditions, government attitude towards business, not always predictable economy. There are many factors, and each (or a combination of them) can lead to both failure and success. The managers of the large domestic chain of stores "Mosigra" in the book "Business as a Game" share their experience in building successful business in our country. Here are some tips.

About taxes

When we just opened, we read a lot and for a long time about how to properly optimize taxation: what schemes, how to take what into account, where to show what, etc. But we quickly realized that our business is after all games,

not tax calculation. And that they realized that trying to deceive the state was the wrong way to go. You can choose more profitable option with about the same risk. That's why we decided to be "white". Naturally, this does not mean that we do not analyze which system is more profitable to use and how.

What to choose: individual entrepreneur or something else

If you are not starting alone, individual entrepreneurship (IP) is definitely not an option. Because it does not imply any type of partnership at all. If, on the contrary, you are completely, completely alone, then being an individual entrepreneur is easier for money. When I earned money, I put it on my card and bought bread and a car. The individual entrepreneur does not pay himself money through salary or dividends, which is generally more unprofitable. But if suddenly he owes someone, you personally as a person will owe it. And you won’t have to answer authorized capital out of 10 thousand rubles, but with your own car. And bread.

Business plan and financial model

A financial model is precisely known income and expenses. At the same time, much more detailed information is needed about income than about expenses. For example, when evaluating a new project, you suspect that 1000 people will visit the site of the future store per day, the conversion will be 2%, average bill will be 1000 rubles. These are orders for 2000 rubles per day. It will be 60 thousand rubles per month. Schedule the next year in exactly the same way. Everything is easy with expenses - just go through the items, they are standard: rent, telephony, courier salary (if you have one), taxes, website support, office. We subtract expenses from income every month to obtain a subtotal. It is important that the income estimate is not optimistic. Three scenarios are drawn up: normal, pessimistic and realistic.

Client price

When a hairdresser opens in a residential building, the owners for some reason do not really realize that they have a very limited circle of clients. And there’s simply nowhere for new ones to come from. Every mistake means less profit in the future. Suppose one person brings 3,000 rubles a year. If today our tired hairdresser, having quarreled with her husband, is rude to a client, you will lose not 500–1000 rubles, but all 15 thousand (over five years). Because he won't come back. And if the client is satisfied with everything, he will come again and again. Make sure that upon first contact the client immediately understands: it’s cool here.

Promotion for the ruble, or fraudulent discounts

In grocery:

They threw off a ruble - and it’s already a promotion! Ugly people!

You can't fool pensioners. Promotions with phenomenal discounts of 1 ruble, 5 rubles, 10 rubles cannot be arranged. If there is a discount and a promotion, then it should be clear: here is a promotion, here is a discount. There should be a lot of savings.

About hard work

Richard St. John spent many years interviewing the world's most successful and wealthy people and outlined his findings in his book The G8. It turned out that everyone came to success through hard, intense work. Don't think that when you have your own business, you will put your feet up on the sofa (or better yet, on a lounge chair by the pool) and sip freshly squeezed juice. Labor is the price of entry into your own business.

And by the way: successful people- these are “hard workers”, not “workaholics”. As they say, feel the difference -

Labor has become the key to Google's success, as noted by co-founder of the global search service Larry Page. "We started working on this search engine eight or nine years ago, and always worked very hard on it, 24 hours a day. Inspiration alone is not enough for success. It’s probably 10 percent inspiration, and 90 percent working up a sweat.”

Sweat? Hard work is hard and doesn't always smell good. But don't think about it. Think of it as the sweet scent of success.

Two steps forward, one step back, or how to deal with doubts

Of course, the most common fear of everyone who wants change is that nothing will work out. It won't work. No luck. Wrong time and wrong place. Confucius thought about it centuries before you: “It doesn’t matter how slowly you walk, as long as you don’t stop.” And this means one thing - continue, despite doubts. Yes, they make us stop and think about important little questions. But it happens that doubts suppress, incapacitate, destroy confidence and deprive one of strength. How to deal with them? For example, what should you do if it seems like you are in reverse?

You need to monitor progress, but not get carried away - .

Have you noticed that progress is very rarely linear? If you've ever tried to lose weight, you've probably noticed that the scales are guided by some of their own considerations. They just don't understand that you have a specific goal and you need to keep the needle moving in the right direction. You follow a diet, don’t eat cakes and chips, and play sports. But the harmful arrow stands still (or worse, it has moved to the right). Unfortunately, physiological processes do not occur in an orderly and linear manner.

We forget that the arrow does not show our diligence. She doesn't know about our hard efforts and desire to achieve the goal. The little arrow simply shows our weight and nothing else. The problem for many people is that the number on the scale is a reason for them to either congratulate themselves or scold themselves. Yes, measuring progress makes sense. We need to know whether we are moving, whether we have deviated from the course. However, if we judge “success” or “failure” based on these results, then when we do not find the expected progress, we become despondent.

So doubts arise: is the goal achievable?

The main thing is to remember that it is temporary.

In fact, the progression graphs have common features. First - serious success: and although we make little effort, the result is pleasing. Then we achieve less, but spend more energy. And then the worst thing is the plateau. You plow like a horse to no avail. That is why there is no need to get hung up on constantly measuring the result. From a macro perspective, achievements are seen very differently. For example, if we weighed ourselves once every six months instead of once a week, we would eliminate small fluctuations and see sustainable progress.

Our achievements develop through ups and downs. And if you step back and look at the big picture, you can see movement in the right direction.

Here they are life advice, Friends. If you have decided to make a change, if you have been wanting to start your own business for a long time, that’s great. Just be sure to think it through very carefully, consider everything possible options, describe every little thing, and then... gather a little courage - and forward to your dream!

Rostislav from the Academy of Business and Marketing / 05.25.2018

If you are not satisfied with your job and you want to start your own business, but you still can’t demonstratively leave, shouting about freedom and loudly slamming the door, then watch this video to the end and I will give you 5 tips on how to open a business without leaving your job.

You must understand that starting a business while at work is very difficult and you will face certain problems. And the most basic problem is lack of time.

At work you will not have time to implement your project. And as soon as you start thinking about the product business, you start looking for product ideas, where to buy it, where to sell it, what advertising to choose - how you will immediately be forced to make some kind of report, document, and so on. But, friends, don’t panic - there is always a way out.

Tip 1: if you want to know what kind of business to open, study!

Look for materials, videos, learn more about what kind of business to open and what business you want to do! Better yet, sign up for a training course, because you can go through this path on your own, but provided that you have a lot of free time and energy, and with a good mentor, you will go through this path much faster, and you will start making a profit faster. And you can easily return your investment in training!
I recommend that you sign up for ours. Among our students there are people who started their own business without leaving work, I believe that you can do it too. To sign up for the upcoming online marathon, follow the link in the description!

Here you will have to organize yourself. You should set aside at least 2-3 hours before or after work to implement your business, but in these 2-3 hours you must be alert and efficient, you may have to sacrifice time spent watching TV after a hard day at work, going to bed later or earlier get up, but A) I didn't say it would be easy and B) it's worth it.

Sign up for a 5-day marathon on doing business with China

You will be more effective by executing a small part of the plan than if you, without clear direction, frantically grab at everything in sight. If there is no action plan, then often there are no actions either.

There is Pareto's law, named after an Italian economist, which says “20% of effort gives 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of effort gives only 20% of the result” and according to this law, find those 20% of your efforts that give 80% of the result, and no one is stopping you, you can repeat this 20% and get 160% of the result, but give those 80% that bring only 20% of the result to those people who will do this routine work, that is, what I said in previous videos, By the way, if you haven’t looked, there is a lot of useful information there.

While at work you are unlikely to have time to do simple but necessary processes if we are talking about commodity business, then this is placement advertising posts, calling clients, sending orders, etc. you won’t have time to do this, so delegate, transfer these processes to employees or. Well, friends, if you want to take action, then I advise you to sign up for the upcoming free online marathon, where the leaders of our company will talk about products that are worth dealing with right now and how to step by step start your own business selling goods via the Internet.
The link or subscription form will be located under this video. Subscribe to the upcoming marathon right now. It's absolutely free, but it can be very, very useful for you.

Among other things, Vasily, one of the company’s managers, prepared for you a small instruction with recommendations for purchasing from China, prepared 2 contacts of trusted suppliers in China from whom we purchased, and also recorded a video in which he talks about one very interesting segment of goods, which is constantly in demand and is sold at a high premium. You can find out how to get these extra bonuses right after you sign up for the 5-Day Challenge. Look below the video. There should be a link or subscription form. Subscribe right now and receive the promised bonuses.

Rostislav from the Academy of Business and Marketing was in touch with you.
I wish you success and good luck!
Well friends, see you again.

“I have a day job. Therefore, I create an online business slowly and hard. I just don’t have enough time for him.”

This is perhaps the most common reason for the slow progress of novice Internet businessmen.
Having a main job.
How to build a successful Internet business in parallel with your main job?

Step 0. Don’t even think about quitting your job right away.

Don't listen to people who advise you to give up on everything, quit and start your own business.
Only quit if you have a financial safety net.
The most repulsive Internet businessman is an Internet businessman who urgently needs money.
A needy businessman unknowingly alienates readers, clients and partners.
Build your first online business in parallel with your main job.
You will always have time to quit when you start earning the equivalent of your salary via the Internet.

Step 1: Be specific about your online business model.

When a person clearly knows which model he has decided to build his business on, he stops being tossed from side to side.
He switches from a “reacting to everything new” mode to a creative mode.
There are many models of online business for selling information.
You can sell your products directly through contextual advertising.
You can sell other people's products using an affiliate link.
You can first create an audience around yourself and only then start monetizing it.
Personally, at first I chose the “mailing model”.
That is, forming an audience around yourself and only then offering paid products within your topic.

Accordingly, 3 main tasks crystallized in my head:
1. Attract new newsletter readers.
2. Create new good content for readers.
3. Make paid offers to readers.

The result has already reached the 1000 reader mark.
Each model contains several key tasks.
The main thing is to clearly define the business model, and everything will immediately become easier.

Step 2. Create for yourself a list of 5 immediate priorities.

Having chosen an Internet business model you like, proceed with your “plan to take over the world.”
Ask yourself: what is the logical chain that will make this model a reality?
Write down the 5 immediate steps you need to take.

For example...
1. Create free course on your topic.
2. Create a subscription page with a course offer.
3. Set up and launch advertising in Yandex Direct.
4. Prepare and announce the first high-quality newsletter issue.
5. Record a paid training course and announce it to readers.

Now, the logical chain of immediate actions is extremely clear.
Priorities have been determined.
The time has come to begin systematic work.

Step 3. Cut off unnecessary information flow from yourself.

Once an Internet business model has been selected and a list of immediate priority actions has been determined, it is necessary to minimize distractions.
The main distraction on the Internet is the Internet.
Therefore, at this stage, try to protect yourself from the flow of mailings and materials in social networks who shout about new ingenious methods of making money online.
There are no brilliant new methods.
Everything ingenious is simple.

You form a thematic audience around yourself.
Share good material with your audience for free.
At the same time, making exclusive commercial offers.
It worked, works and will work.
Therefore, don’t be afraid to “miss out on something new.”
Everything new is well forgotten old.
We chose a business model, decided on 5 immediate priorities - good.
Now abstract from unnecessary flows of information and concentrate on the steps that you have planned.
Trust yourself and put the steps into practice.

Step 4: Block out a daily 2-hour concentration window.

When I decided to get serious about online business, I was in my first year of university.
At that time I attended all classes.
I went to the first couple and returned home only in the evening.
For myself, I have determined that the most convenient period of time for me, during which I can calmly sit at the computer in silence, is the period from midnight to 2 am.
At this time the whole family went to bed.

I took the laptop and went to the kitchen.
There was no Internet in the kitchen.
I was lucky, by the way, that there was no Wi-Fi in those days.
When I turned on my laptop, the first thing I opened was not my VKontakte page.
I opened microsoft word to write the next page of advertising text.
Little by little, I managed to finish work on the entire text within 7-10 days.
I am 100 percent convinced, no matter how busy and tired a person is, if he has a goal to create his own Internet business, if he has his own dream, then he will in any case find 2 hours a day for focused work on the computer.

Step 5: Fill the “empty time” with planning and training.

To be honest, in classes at the university I wrote down not lectures, but my plans...
New paid product plans
Advertising text plans.
Plans for articles and multimedia materials.
Lists of those to contact for advertising.
Lists keywords for advertising.
My brainstorming took place not only in pairs, but also in the dining room, on routes, etc.

I do not encourage you to be irresponsible about your main job, actively thinking about things related to the Internet business during it.
I'm talking about moments throughout the day when, for example, you are riding a bus, waiting for transport, or standing in line.
Use this time to study: Listen to podcasts on the topic of your current priority.
It is the current priority, not the next one.
Use this time to plan your articles, website pages, and promotional materials.
So that the moment you turn on the computer, you clearly know what you will be working on now.
What exactly will you create now?

Step 6. Report to yourself on what you have done every day before going to bed.

I have always used my planner NOT to plan my day.
You need to plan your daily tasks on a simple sheet of paper.
The purpose of the daily planner is to report to yourself at the end of the day on what specific step you took today.
Do you know what the trick of this approach is?
Once you fill one day with DONE, you'll feel bad if you don't get anything done at the end of the next day.
By reporting to yourself every day, you accustom yourself to the necessity of doing something every day.
At least small.
You train yourself to be responsible and productive.
And how pleasant the process is when you flip through your diary in the opposite direction and see the mountains of things that you have done - I won’t even talk about it.

Step 7: Always remember the power of the snowball.

From the outside it may seem that 2 hours a day to create your own Internet business is not enough.
Things may seem to be moving very slowly.
However, this is an illusion.
There is actually an invisible snowball effect at work.
2 concentrated working hours a day without distraction is 60 hours a month.
Or 730 hours per year.
Working in my first year of university on this schedule, I managed to build a reader base of several thousand people, create and publish 1 high-quality newsletter every month, and also announce 1 new paid product every 2-3 months.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 4 minutes


The dreams of many young (and not so young) people about business are often dashed by the reality called “working from 9 to 6”. Especially if this job pays well and exceeds average salary around the country. Every third dreamer decides to quit, which sometimes, if the business start is unsuccessful, deprives him of any income at all. Should I quit?

As practice shows, it is completely optional! You can open a business while staying at work.

  1. The first and most important thing is an idea for your business. Decide what exactly you want to do. Work through the idea carefully, taking into account whether you have the relevant experience/knowledge to get started. Remember that the business should bring you joy, only in this case the chances of success increase.
  2. There is an idea, but no experience. In this case, it is recommended to start training first. Look for evening courses, trainings - whatever you may need. Connect with experienced entrepreneurs.
  3. Look for the information you need online. And study, study, study. Self-education is a great power.
  4. Financial airbag. Considering that you will still need money for business, you need to feed your family, and by the time you are ready to quit, you should already have a tidy sum lying “under the mattress”, we begin to save and put money aside. Preferably for 6-12 months of comfortable life. So that it doesn’t work out later, “as always” - I quit, started a business, made a mistake in my plans about “ quick start", started looking for work again because there was nothing to eat. To “increase your financial fat,” put your money directly into banks—not just one, but different ones! And only those whose license will definitely not be taken away.
  5. Decide how much time you are willing to spend per day on business without compromising your main job and your family. Create a clear schedule and strictly follow it. Forget about “hanging out on the couch after work.” Set a goal and move towards it, despite everything.
  6. Business plan. Already have an idea? We draw up a business plan. We don’t just count income/expenses on a piece of paper, but analyze, develop a strategy, create a calendar and marketing plan, take into account possible errors and pitfalls, study the market, etc.
  7. While working on your future business, get rid of all distractions. For example, from 8 to 11 pm you are unavailable for contact. Turn off your phones, close unnecessary tabs in your browser, mail, etc. You should devote a designated period of time per day only to your business.
  8. Set realistic, adequate goals - for the week and day, for the month and year. No need to jump over your head. Each goal specified in the plan must be achieved without fail.
  9. Get 2 diaries. One is for a list of tasks that you will cross off as you complete them. The second is for taking notes on what you have already done (list of victories).
  10. Plan B You should definitely have it in case your business suddenly stops. Well, it happens - it doesn’t work, that’s all. Decide right away whether you will return to your previous job (if, of course, they hire you back) or start another project in parallel.
  11. Constantly measure your progress. That is, keep a report - how much time you spent on work, how much you spent (expenses) and how much net profit you received (income). Write reports daily - then you will have the real picture before your eyes, and not your feelings and hopes.
  12. Organizational issues. Many people are perplexed by the idea of ​​formalizing a business. But there is no need to be afraid of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs today. Registration occurs very quickly and using the “one window” system, and you can contact specialists to submit an annual report to the tax office. Even if the business suddenly stalls, you simply submit zero reports. But sleep peacefully.
  13. Uniqueness. To interest clients, you must be creative, modern, and open. To begin with, we are acquiring our own website, on which your proposals are presented in an original but accessible way. Of course, with coordinates. The website should become your business card, by which the client immediately determines that your services are “reliable, high-quality and affordable.” Don’t forget to duplicate your website with groups on social networks.
  14. Advertising. Here we use all possible methods: advertisements in newspapers and on the Internet, advertising on popular websites, flyers, bulletin boards, word of mouth - everything you can handle.

And most importantly, be optimistic! The first difficulties are not a reason to stop.

Creation own business– it’s an incredibly exciting matter. Perhaps you are finally about to realize your childhood dream, or have come up with something innovative that is destined to become a new bestseller. Or maybe you have sufficiently developed your professional skills in corporate service and are ready to become a freelancer, or have achieved such mastery in your hobby that you feel simply obliged to do it.

Whatever prompts you to start your own business, you cannot do without risks in business. It is generally accepted that starting your own business is impossible until you quit your main job. After all, in order to fully devote yourself to your company, you will have to leave the “safe zone” that gives you a stable monthly income. Under such circumstances, it is worth considering whether you are really ready to take this serious step.

We want to make you happy: in fact, you don’t have to quit your day job to start your own business. Contrary to what is commonly believed, these two things are not mutually exclusive.

Starting your own business as a side project alongside your main job has its advantages. At the very least, it minimizes risk, forces you to take on only what you know will bring profit, and allows you to understand where the hobby ends and the real work begins.

It's better than lying in front of the TV

It is clear that if you work at least 40 hours a week in the office, it is difficult to find time for your own project - but it is there! It's just a matter of goals and priorities. Do you find 3 hours to sit in front of the TV in the evening? Do you spend 2 hours preparing a perfect dinner every Sunday? These little joys are important to your lifestyle, but what if you spent that time (or even some of it) working on own project? There is a good chance that investing in your business will bring you no less, but even more satisfaction and joy.

No pressure

If you start running your own business in parallel with your main job, you can afford to take much more risks. A constant source of income will strengthen confidence in the future and help you enjoy the opportunity for self-realization.

According to traditional business practice, it is worth investing large sums of money into your business only when the income generated justifies the investment. But if you continue to earn your usual salary, you don't have to "go big" by opening your own office and hiring a secretary before your store even opens. You will be able to afford more expensive items when your business begins to generate sufficient income. Increasing your expenses over time is a luxury you wouldn't be able to afford if your project were your main source of income.

I have contact

No matter how well you part with your boss at work, you will likely lose your best business contacts if you quit. But if you manage to run your business alongside your day job, you can use your connections to benefit your own project.

However, be careful when talking about your business: not everyone will be happy about your freelance work, especially if it poses a conflict of interest. At the same time, your employer and partners in the future can help you establish connections, find necessary equipment or hire already proven contractors.

Slowly but surely

Create a business plan and establish specific goals. Can you get 3 regular customers who pay $60 a month for a subscription or are willing to pay 6 months up front? Once you reach this goal, how much of the proceeds will you be willing to spend on advertising? What type of advertising and when can you use on social networks?

Highlight the secondary goals that you consider achievable, determine what is needed to achieve them and what consequences will result from meeting (or not meeting) the given criteria. This way, you will constantly feel progress in your work, even while moving in small steps; This will also allow you to keep everything under control and set your priorities correctly. At the same time, it will not let you forget about your main task, being deeply immersed in routine work, and will not allow you to give up because of the “all or nothing” principle.

If you're creating a website for your new business using , you can start working with a one-page design, adding other sections as needed. There's nothing wrong with adding additional pages after a few months. Launch a website with a minimum necessary information– this will be enough to start working. The editor's tools allow you to do this simply by dragging and dropping elements, so you can easily handle this task yourself without paying anyone to write the code or develop the design.