So how do you find your target audience Instagram is not too easy, so many services and programs have been developed that simplify this task. How much does this service cost, how to organize free search Target audience on Instagram and what you should pay attention to - details in the article.

How to work with the target audience (CA) on Instagram?

Offering your service or product to everyone is an outdated and ineffective strategy. Much better results can be achieved if you work with users who are obviously interested in the proposed product.

Before you find your audience on Instagram, you should decide on their characteristics, i.e. introduce portrait of the "ideal" subscriber:

  • marital status;
  • age;
  • Work ( social status, source of income);
  • region of residence;
  • interests.

A well-composed portrait will help you find the “necessary” subscribers through special services, attract their attention with the help of likes and comments. And in order to keep your followers, you need to publish material that is interesting to the target audience.

By the way, we talked about that in one of our articles.

How to prepare publications for your target audience on Instagram?

After the portrait of the “ideal subscriber” is drawn up, you can start searching for the target audience on Instagram (more on how to do this later). However, finding and inviting the right subscriber is not enough. It is necessary that the user becomes interested and subscribes to the account.

Today, subscribers are spoiled by the attention of commercial accounts, so a feed filled with only “selling” posts will scare away followers. The feed should contain useful information. Even better if there are a lot of useful information, diluted with entertaining and selling posts.

Therefore, entertaining and informational material should be prepared based on the interests of your target audience. For example, a blog of a photographer who sells his services can be filled with publications on how to better process phone photos, tricks, how to work with light and exposure, posts with life hacks about working with a phone camera will look good.

This approach to working with publications will achieve several effects at once:

  • new users who look at the account will subscribe more often so as not to lose useful content;
  • active subscribers will be able to verify the professionalism of the blogger (seller), they will trust him more, which means that selling posts will become more effective;
  • followers will like and comment on posts more often, which will allow the smart feed to rank posts higher.

Services for collecting a base of subscribers on Instagram

The subscriber base is a text document that contains lists of users selected according to some criteria. Such databases are collected with the help of special sites and programs - parsers. As a rule, Instagram parsers simultaneously support mass liking and mass following - tools for attracting the attention of users from the collected database.

Popular sites with which you can find your target audience:

  • DoInsta. The service does not collect the list of users into a text document, but immediately starts commenting, liking and/or following users from the target audience. The target audience is set by parameters: hashtags, competitors' subscribers. The cost of the service is 1000 rubles / month, 3 days - a free trial period.

  • There is also no way to save databases with your target audience, but there are a lot of subtle settings by which you can find your users: location (specific places and / or region), competitor accounts and / or hashtags. The cost is $ 20 for 1 month of working with the service (you can try three days for free).

  • The service has interesting tools for parsing - “who is my client” and “search for Instagram VKontakte”. “Who is my client” collects a database by keywords and / or competitor accounts. And it will also be able to analyze a list of 100 accounts (for example, customers or followers) to identify common features and find users according to these criteria. Price complete package services 490 rubles / month.

If you have a lot of scraping to do or you need to promote many accounts (usually 5 or more), then the program becomes a more profitable option.

Programs that can help you find your target audience on Instagram:

  • Tooligram Pro. The program has been on the market for a long time, collects the target audience by competitors, hashtags, geolocations, you can find active subscribers and filter the databases.

  • socialkit. The program offers one of the most detailed filters for collecting the target audience base.

How to find your target audience on Instagram without the help of services?

You can also solve the problem of how to find your target audience on Instagram manually, without handing over account passwords to third-party services or programs. The algorithm is simple and will require only time and patience:

  • By geotags - in order to find your target audience through the Instagram search, you will need to select the “tags” or “places” item and set the places that will be interesting and curious to the target audience.
  • By hashtags - in the same search, enter hashtags that are relevant to the target audience.
  • Go to the accounts of competitors and blogs with similar topics - you can use the list of subscribers, or you can search only for active users - those who comment on competitors' posts.

Having found another “ideal” user, you can use the main promotion methods: likes, comments, subscriptions. Just do not forget about the restrictions of Instagram.

A normal shooter will not shoot at targets without aiming, and an experienced marketer will not take up brand promotion without identifying the target audience.

What is a target audience and why is it important

If you run New Product and you think that it is suitable for absolutely everyone, you are making a fatal marketing mistake - incorrectly identifying the target audience.

Marketers call a target audience a group of people with common characteristics and qualities, for whom a particular product or service is designed. In fact, this term is important not only in marketing - it has to do with any situation in which someone is going to offer a product to others. It could be anyone: a writer working on a zombie novel, a startup looking for an investor, or an HR hiring new employees.

Each of us has faced the process of finding a target audience in one form or another. Look at the children: the child will not take risks and ask for money for a movie from a strict father, but will immediately go to his mother or grandmother, who are used to pampering him. In marketing, everything works the same way.

Trying to please everyone is pointless. You will put your time, money and energy to better use if you invest it in an engaged audience.

How to create a portrait of the target audience

To better understand the customer, marketers draw up their demographic profile. The process is a bit like creating a Sims character: at the beginning you have a digital person with zero background, but gradually they have a house, job, hobbies and friends. It is important to make the portrait as detailed as possible so that the abstract “client” turns into an old acquaintance.

Here is what you need to know first of all in order to draw up a portrait of the target audience:

  • What gender is your potential client?
  • how old is he;
  • Where does he live;
  • what kind of education did you get;
  • who works;
  • how much does he earn;
  • what is involved;
  • what he wants to get from your product;
  • what is he afraid of.

For clarity, you can find photos of suitable people on the Internet and even come up with names for them. The more details you include in the portrait, the easier it will be to tune in to the consumer and be on the same wavelength with him.

Let's say you need to create a group on VKontakte to promote vitamins and nutritional supplements. You found out that the main target audience of the product is women 25-30 years old. The girl who buys your vitamins lives in a big city, works in the office from morning until late at night, occasionally devotes a little time to sports or walks. She tries to keep track of nutrition and health, but does not always have time to cook. Our heroine is afraid that lack of sleep and sedentary work will affect her figure and face, she wants to stay in shape and have more time and energy to take care of herself and her family.

Such data is enough to determine the content. Surely a potential buyer will be interested to read simple recipes and quick workout tips. In the product description, it is worth emphasizing that taking vitamins is the most fast way improve her health, because from the portrait we know that she does not have much free time.

Where to get customer data

To create a similar portrait, surveys of existing or potential customers are conducted. To do this, you can contact a market research agency, or collect data yourself. For example, you can offer customers to take a survey on the site in exchange for some kind of bonus.

Try asking clients some of these questions, but don't overload the questionnaire and only ask about things you can use in the future:

  • Who you are? In the B2C segment, demographic data is important, and in the B2B segment, information about the industry and the position of the respondent - this is how you find out who makes the decision in the company.
  • What are you using our product for?
  • How has your life or work changed because of our product?
  • What do you like most about our product?
  • Have you considered any alternatives to our product? (If yes, which ones?)
  • Why did you choose us?
  • Were there any difficulties with the purchase and use of our product?
  • What else would you like to buy from us?

More useful customer data can be obtained through social networks, in which it is easy to track which groups potential buyers are subscribed to, which posts they like and which discussions they participate in.

How to segment your target audience

The same product can be targeted at several categories of customers. Each potential buyer has own problem that your product should solve. One goes to the fitness club to pump up and please the girls, and the other - to strengthen the muscles and relieve back pain.

In this case, you need to divide customers into groups and form offers, focusing on each target segment. Multiple campaigns with different messages or designs will be more effective than one ad that appeals to everyone.

The most famous way to segment the audience is the 5W method (or the five questions method), which was developed by Mark Sherrington. To better understand the client, he suggests answering the following questions.

You need to determine what exactly you offer the consumer.

Why (Why)?

What problems and needs does the customer have, and how does your product solve them?

When (When)?

In what situation will the customer purchase your product?

Target audience segmentation.

Draw a table and write down the answers to the questions for each segment. After that, you can work with individual groups.

Where to look for the target audience

We figured out the portrait of the target audience and the formation of proposals. Now you need to figure out exactly where to look for potential customers. Here, the Internet marketer has several options.

Social networks

If you have direct competitors, then it would be logical to look for the target audience among their subscribers on social networks. Thematic communities are also suitable for searching.

Select groups that may include representatives of your target audience, filter their subscribers according to the desired characteristics (city, age, gender, marital status, and so on) and start working. You can add potential customers as friends and invite them to your group, write private messages, or set up targeted advertising for them.

Usually, the target audience is searched for with the help of special services, these can be Pepper.Ninja, Cerebro Target, Flashlight or Base Collection Service from Ilya Barkov The last two are free.


The newsletter should be voluntary, so don't randomly buy someone's databases. Use special forms to collect addresses on the website, blogs or social networks, ask partners to announce your mailing list or try to collect the database offline.

Popular email marketing services: Unisender, eSputnik, GetResponse, Sendpulse, MailChimp.

search engines

Search engines can also help in working with the target audience. If you optimize the content of the site for search queries, the client will find your resource. To determine popular queries, use the WordStat service from Yandex or AdWords for Google.

Blogs and forums

To find your target audience, you can use thematic forums and blogs. The main thing is not to take them as free sites for unwinding. To get your company or product interested, you need lively and meaningful comments, not promotional messages that look like spam.

It is important for an Internet marketer and entrepreneur to understand their audience well and apply this knowledge in practice. An interested customer should come to your site and find exactly the product that meets their expectations.

Let's admit it: if you start offering your product or service to everyone without exception, then nothing good will come of it. Defining the target audience is the most important part of the marketing strategy of any company, whether it be a huge corporation with hundreds of employees or a small family firm. Yes, it will take time to collect data and research, but you will learn who your customers are and what they need to be happy. And having such data at hand, you can safely count on success and prosperity.

Bonus: Once you understand your audience, you will understand where they are most often, and focus on the most effective channels and venues without wasting time and effort. Do you agree but don't know where to start? Start with this article - it will help you understand the issue and find out who they are - your customers.

Analyze your existing audience

Let's start with a simpler problem. Think of your real customers and try to collect as much information about them as possible. You need to find out everything: age, gender, interests, what they do, where they live, what social networks they use and how they found you.

Use tools to collect statistics If you have no idea about your target audience, use or Google Analytics - they will show and tell who visits your site. Large sites like Facebook, Contact and YouTube have their own statistics - study them if you want to know who visits your company pages. As a result, you should have a more or less clear understanding of who your audience is currently.

Create a database and collect information Create a client database and enter all important information. Don't be afraid to contact users directly and ask them for the information you need. It is convenient to do this with the help of a survey on social networks, a group meeting, or even a face-to-face conversation. Remember that an attentive and careful attitude to "old" customers is the most The best way find new ones.

By the way, long-term clients can be great brand ambassadors - they will surely have something to tell their friends, relatives and acquaintances about you. Think about how best to do it, and be sure to try it.

Rate your product

Before moving on to work with the audience, take a close look at your product again. Think about its pros and how it differs from similar offerings on the market. Imagine how the buyer will use it and how it will affect his life. Try to imagine a situation in which a person might be interested in your product or service.

Once you've finished listing the benefits and use cases, start building a list of people who need your product or service. Try to focus on what your product gives a person - this way you will quickly understand who needs it, and this is your potential client.

Start your search

We hope that by now you have a good idea of ​​your customers. Now you have to understand what social networks they use. It's no secret that people different ages prefer different platforms, so it is important not to miss here. To help - our article about and their typical users.

Next important step- monitoring of social networks. This is necessary in order to collect more information about the audience, and at the same time find out what people think about your company. This is where services like IQbuzz or YouScan come in handy. They are mostly paid, but some provide free trial period. Article with details - at the link.

Don't be shy, this is normal practice. Follow the accounts of rival companies, visit their websites from time to time, analyze branding, marketing activities and social media policies - this will help you understand who they consider their audience and who they do not. Why You Need It? Then, that you can find an empty niche and start working with it.

Work on the design

Now that you understand who your target audience is, make sure you speak the same language with them. Before you start writing texts, think about how users find you, and be sure to include them in headings, subheadings, or descriptions.

Of course, you will need a website, and you can easily make it yourself in . Try to find a style that your customers will definitely like and choose the right images, fonts and colors. Tip: The site and marketing materials should be stylistically consistent - it looks more professional.

To bookmarks

myTarget is the advertising platform of Mail.Ru Group, which unites all the largest social networks in Russia and the CIS (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki) and services. The myTarget audience includes more than 140 million users, who can be turned into customers with proper use of advertising tools.

In this article, beginners in targeted advertising and business owners who want to promote their product will learn how to use social media advertising to reach potential buyers as quickly and efficiently as possible. We will talk about technologies for finding the target audience in myTarget.

About the target audience

myTarget reaches 96% of the desktop audience and 90% of the audience mobile devices. Thus, you have the opportunity to attract most potential clients.

Sometimes the target audience is not obvious. For example, a seller of World of Tanks t-shirts set up ads for a male audience, but forgot to exclude women from targeting. Sales of women's sizes suddenly increased. It turned out that women wanted to draw attention to themselves with the help of T-shirts, demonstrating their interest in the online game. As a result, they have become one of the main segments of the target audience.

Types of targeting

More than 400 targetings are available in the advertising platform. Advertising campaigns can be created for various types audiences. For example, for travelers who fly abroad (interest group - "travelers abroad"), or for those who like to drink a cup of coffee (interest group - "coffee consumption").

1. Socio-demographic characteristics

Gender, age, geography are long-term characteristics of the target audience, which, unlike interests, do not change so often.

Available targeting by gender (male and female) and age (from 12 to 75 years). Ages outside the specified range are considered unknown - this category includes users who do not indicate their age on social networks. This segment uses a small number of advertisers, so it is believed that the auction for users "without age" is not so "warmed up". It is worth trying to run ads on it.

2. Geotargeting

Geotargeting is determined by:

  • by user IP (you can target by country or region);
  • according to personal data from social networks (you can target cities). To do this, go to the "Audiences" section.

If you are targeting big cities, for example, St. Petersburg or Moscow, keep in mind that not all users who indicated megacities in the questionnaire actually live in them. Often large cities are indicated by users from nearby, small cities.

3. Local advertising

Local advertising is shown to users who are within a radius of 500 m to 10 km from the specified point on the map. This type of advertising is especially effective when promoting shops, cafes and restaurants that are close to the audience.

Local advertising case: There are often traffic jams near the Gagarinsky shopping center in Moscow at the 3rd exit from the Garden Ring. Nearby coffee shop marketers are targeting advertising campaigns weekends to this location. People in traffic jams go to social networks, see ads and decide to pass the time with coffee:

3. Targeting by interests, behavioral and social characteristics

Each interest can be specified and a narrower category of goods or services can be selected. Interests are divided by consumer characteristics: Appliances, cinema, sports goods, etc. Choose categories similar topics. For example, if you sell dresses and you list “business” in your interests (because you need people with high income) advertising may not bring good results. People in the “business” preference group are really interested in business, not clothes.

By clarifying interests and socio-behavioral characteristics, you can select a narrower audience. Example: qualifying interest “Parents of schoolchildren primary school» for the category «Family and children». Inside the targeting, you can specify an individual income or family income level.

Analyzing the top 10 interests of myTarget visitors, you can see that the category "Leisure and entertainment" is popular for all types of devices. At the same time, the “Health” category is more relevant for mobile phones, since it is more convenient for people to sign up for a clinic or choose medicines. There is a growing interest in tourism both on desktop and mobile. At the same time, they begin to get interested in traveling on a smartphone, and place orders on a computer, because it is easier to fill out the application form there. Therefore, it is important to show ads on different devices in order to increase conversions.

4. Mobile targeting

There are several targeting options for mobile applications, you can find them in the "Campaigns" section:

  • Mobile devices (types, platforms and brands);
  • Internet access channel.

With their help, you can target an audience that is potentially interested in your application. Ads will be shown to users who have installed a program similar to yours.

In myTarget, you can choose the degree of interest in the mobile application. The higher it is, the narrower the audience segment:

5. Android Category Targeting

On Android, you can target mobile app categories:

6. Targeting by customer databases

Target customer bases or exclude their audience from targeting. In the "Lists of users" in the "Audiences" section, the use of email addresses and phone numbers is available.