It is difficult to imagine that 30 years ago the plants in the garden grew on their own, practically without fertilizers, and the work of the gardener consisted more in the correct garter, pruning and timely watering of the garden.

Today, with the advent and conquest of the market for seeds of plants with increased fruiting, we have received a type of gardening that is not possible without constantly improving the nutritional qualities of the soil and treating plants against diseases. Knowledge of the requirements for storing fertilizers has become mandatory for every gardener.

The main condition for storage mineral fertilizers is a well-ventilated, draft-free room, dry and preferably separate from living quarters. At storage of mineral fertilizers It is unacceptable to get them wet with water. As a result, they lose their quality and nutritional value.

All types of nitrate (ammonium, potassium, calcium) must be stored with extreme caution, as it is explosive and can detonate from physical impact. Potassium nitrate is especially dangerous. It is unacceptable for fabric or cellulose inclusions to get into ammonium or potassium nitrate, as they become very explosive over time.

Modern fertilizers, which are produced in the form of granules for ease of use, have very high hygroscopicity. They draw moisture from the air, get wet, and the quality and type of fertilizer changes. They become inconvenient and often useless to use.

At fertilizer storage they should not be allowed to mix. With such interaction with each other, they can form toxic or useless substances.

The caking of mineral fertilizers also causes a lot of trouble during their storage. Even with normal humidity, they can compact over the winter to the state of a monolith. Then you can dry them well, grind them and sift them through a sieve, adding up to 10% chalk or 5% ash. Then the fertilizer can be used again for its intended purpose.

How to store organic fertilizers

Storage of organic fertilizers has its own characteristics. Among them one can distinguish manure, compost and humate-based fertilizers.

When ripened (which is about a year) and further stored, manure and compost have a very specific smell. Therefore, they must be kept as far as possible from living quarters, possibly in the open air. During the autumn-winter season, excessive flooding by precipitation should not be allowed; water washes out useful substances. And in the summer, if the ripening period of compost or manure is not completed, they should not be allowed to dry out.

Humate is sold in tightly closed containers and bags and is no different from mineral fertilizers in terms of storage method.

Fertilizer shelf life

The guaranteed shelf life of mineral fertilizers is indicated on the packaging and, depending on the manufacturer, it is from 1 to 3 years. But many people use old saltpeter from 5-10 years ago and believe that it works the same as new one. But, nevertheless, I do not recommend using complex compositions of fertilizers in granules after the expiration of the shelf life.

Shelf life of organic fertilizers in raw form no more than 9 months. Specially dried and packaged manure, compost or peat can last for any number of years and retain its properties. Factory packaging on organic fertilizers has holes for ventilation.

Document title:
Document number: 12.3.037-84
Document type: GOST
Receiving authority: State Standard of the USSR
Status: Active
Published: official publication
Acceptance date: December 18, 1984
Start date: 01 January 1986
Revision date: 01 March 2001

GOST 12.3.037-84 System of occupational safety standards (SSBT). Application of mineral fertilizers in agriculture and forestry. General requirements security

GOST 12.3.037-84

Group T58


Occupational Safety Standards System


General safety requirements

Occupational safety standards system.
Use of fertilizers in agriculture and forestry.
General safety requirements

OKSTU 0012

Date of introduction 1986-01-01

ENTERED INTO EFFECT by resolution State Committee USSR according to standards of December 18, 1984 N 4511.

The validity period was removed by Gosstandart Resolution No. 564 dated June 22, 1992.

REISSUE. March 2001

This standard applies to the use of mineral fertilizers in agriculture and forestry and establishes general safety requirements for the preparation and performance of these works.

The standard does not apply to the use of mineral fertilizers in protected soil.



1.1. Mineral fertilizers should be used in agriculture and forestry in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.3.002-75, this standard, as well as in accordance with the sanitary rules for the storage, transportation and use of mineral fertilizers approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

1.2. When using mineral fertilizers, measures must be taken to protect workers from the possible effects of dangerous and harmful factors specified in the mandatory application.

1.3. The levels of dangerous and harmful factors when using mineral fertilizers should not exceed the maximum permissible values ​​​​established by the standards, as well as sanitary and hygienic norms of the USSR Ministry of Health.


2.1. Warehouses for storing mineral fertilizers must be built according to standard projects.

2.2. Production premises and sites for storing ammonia and liquid complex fertilizers must meet the requirements building codes and design rules industrial enterprises, approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.

2.3. The location of production premises must be agreed upon with the sanitary-epidemiological service and fire inspection authorities.

2.4. IN production premises natural, mechanical or mixed system ventilation in accordance with GOST 12.4.021-75.

The air exchange organization scheme and the amount of supply air to maintain optimal air conditions must comply with the requirements of building codes and regulations for heating, ventilation and air conditioning approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.

2.5. Natural, artificial and emergency lighting must comply with the requirements of building codes and regulations for natural and artificial lighting approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.

2.6. Premises for storing mineral fertilizers must be equipped with mechanisms for loading and unloading and transport works, as well as fire fighting equipment.

2.7. Temporary sites for storing daily supplies of mineral fertilizers should be located on leveled and compacted areas of the terrain.


3.1. Solid mineral fertilizers must be stored in warehouses, and liquid fertilizers in tanks (on sites).

3.2. Daily reserves of mineral fertilizers may be stored at temporary sites, subject to compliance with security requirements environment and the preservation of physical, mechanical and chemical properties by fertilizers.

3.3. Temporary storage for the period of applying mineral fertilizers to the soil is allowed in adapted premises, subject to the requirements for storage conditions various types fertilizers, and in agreement with the sanitary-epidemiological service and fire supervision authorities.

3.4. The technology for storing mineral fertilizers in warehouses must comply with the requirements of sanitary rules for their storage, transportation and use, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

3.5. Tanks for storing ammonia and liquid complex mineral fertilizers must comply with the rules for the design and operation of vessels approved by the USSR State Mining and Technical Supervision.

3.6. Mineral fertilizers should be stored in isolated warehouses separately from pesticides, mineral additives, preservatives, fodder and food products.


4.1. The technical condition of machines and equipment for transporting mineral fertilizers must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.2.003-91, loading and unloading operations - with the requirements of GOST 12.3.009-76.

4.2. Vehicles must be equipped with fire extinguishers and personal protection.


5.1. The technical condition of machines and equipment for applying mineral fertilizers must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents.

5.2. Work on preparing mineral fertilizers for application to the soil must be carried out using mechanisms equipped with devices to reduce dust formation.

5.3. When using mineral fertilizers together with pesticides, it is necessary to comply with the safety measures established by the rules for storage, transportation and use of pesticides approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

5.4. To prevent intoxication by volatile compounds of nitrogen and liquid complex fertilizers, as well as gaseous products of their interaction with pesticides, in areas where mineral fertilizers are applied, the following is not allowed:

conduct handmade(weeding, loosening, etc.) while feeding plants;

apply fertilizers to the soil immediately after applying organochlorine pesticides; the interval must be at least 72 hours;

carry out work on fields treated with fertilizers, chlorine and organophosphorus pesticides during hours of maximum solar radiation with soil moisture above 60% of the total field moisture capacity.

5.5. When applying fertilizers simultaneously with several units, the distance between them should be at least 50 m.

5.6. Fertilizer application by agricultural aviation should be carried out at a wind speed of no more than 4 m/s at a distance of at least 500 m from settlements, water supply sources, livestock farms.

5.7. Every year, after completing the transportation and application of solid mineral fertilizers, all working parts and bodies of vehicles and spreaders must be cleaned of fertilizer residues and washed with water.

After completing the transportation and application of liquid fertilizers, tanks, tanks and working parts of machines must be washed hot water or ferry.

Cleaning and washing of machines and equipment should be carried out in specially designated washing areas.


6.1. Persons allowed to work with mineral fertilizers must meet the requirements established by GOST 12.3.002-75.

6.2. Organization of occupational safety training for workers - in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-90.


7.1. Workers must use personal protective equipment in accordance with GOST 12.4.011-75, issued to them in accordance with standards approved in the prescribed manner.

7.2. The use of special clothing and footwear and other personal protective equipment, their care and storage - in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation for these protective equipment.


8.1. Sanitary and hygienic parameters of working conditions are in accordance with GOST 12.2.002-81.

8.2. Monitoring the content of harmful substances in the air of the working area - in accordance with GOST 12.1.005-88.



When using mineral fertilizers, the following dangerous and harmful factors, specific to agriculture and forestry:

physical (increased dust content in the air of the working area, increased air temperature, increased noise and vibration levels, moving parts of production equipment, explosive mixtures);

chemical (gaseous substances of general toxicity and other harmful effects: ammonia during all types of work with ammonia fertilizers; vapors of phosphoric acids, sulfuric anhydride and fluoride gases - when working with phosphorus fertilizers);

biological (microorganisms, including pathogenic ones - bacteria, fungi, protozoa);

psychophysiological (dynamic physical overload).

The text of the document is verified according to:
official publication
System of occupational safety standards: Sat. GOST. -
M.: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2001

GOST 12.3.037-84 System of occupational safety standards (SSBT). Application of mineral fertilizers in agriculture and forestry. General safety requirements

Document title:
Document number: 12.3.037-84
Document type: GOST
Receiving authority: State Standard of the USSR
Status: Active
Published: official publication

System of occupational safety standards: Sat. GOST. - M.: IPC Publishing House of Standards, 2001

Acceptance date: December 18, 1984
Start date: 01 January 1986
Revision date: 01 March 2001

GOST 12.3.037-84 System of occupational safety standards (SSBT). Application of mineral fertilizers in agriculture and forestry. General safety requirements

Storage, transportation and application of mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers must be stored in special warehouses, which are built according to standard designs: near rail and near railways, as well as on farms. Storing mineral fertilizers in improper conditions leads to their losses and deterioration in quality. On a specially prepared site, from which drainage of melt, rain and groundwater is ensured, only fertilizers packed in plastic bags (with the exception of ammonium nitrate) are allowed to be stored in piles. In this case, the stack must be placed on wooden pallets and covered on top with a tarpaulin or plastic film.

There are different types and sizes of warehouses. Station and rail warehouses (Fig. 6) have a large single capacity, they are built from reinforced concrete and lightweight wooden structures, as well as from brick and other building materials.

Uncontained fertilizers are stored in a mound 2–3 m high. Fertilizers scattered on the floor are immediately removed.

Ammonium nitrate is flammable, so it must be stored in specially equipped insulated sections. Packages of ammonium nitrate are best stored on shelves.

Rice. 6. Rail warehouse: 1 – storage bunker; 2 – inclined conveyor; 3 – railside bunker; 4 – railway car

Phosphorite flour and dusty lime fertilizers are stored in special rail silo-type warehouses.

Transport mineral fertilizers from the plant to railside warehouses by rail and from railside warehouses to farm warehouses - by motor transport. Contained fertilizers must be transported in covered railway cars, mainly in packages; for batch transportation of fertilizers from the cars, they must have wide doorways. Unpackaged granular fertilizers must be transported in specialized wagons.

Phosphorite flour and lime are transported in railway cement tanks. It is completely unacceptable to unload fertilizers from wagons into open areas and mix them with each other and with other materials. Unloading of wagons is carried out according to the “wagon – warehouse” scheme. In this case they use receiver warehouse, and in its absence - a rolling conveyor. When transporting fertilizers by road, special vehicles with a closed body must be used. After unloading fertilizer, the car body must be thoroughly cleaned.

The preparation of mineral fertilizers for application, as well as their transportation to the field and application must be carried out without loss.

Preparation of fertilizers for application, their crushing and mixing are carried out directly in the warehouse using crushers (Fig. 7) and fertilizer mixing machines, and in their absence and the work is performed manually - always on an asphalt or concrete site.

Rice. 7. Fertilizer chopper: 1 – frame; 2 – unloading scrapers; 3 – window for the release of impurities; 4 – cutter; 5 – bunker; 6 – rotor; 7 – drive shaft

To avoid loss of fertilizers before transportation, it is necessary to seal all the cracks in the car bodies.

Fertilizers should not be used in the autumn-winter and early spring periods on excessively moist soils. This will reduce fertilizer losses. It is necessary to achieve maximum uniformity of distribution of fertilizers over the area using centrifugal spreaders (Fig. 8) by adjusting them correctly.

Rice. 8. Spreader for surface application of solid mineral fertilizers

The increased costs of using fertilizers are compensated by the additional increase in yield resulting from compliance with the optimal timing of work.

From the book Fertilizers and fertilizing author Petrosyan Oksana Ashotovna

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From the book Composts, soils, fertilizers author Vozna Lyubov Ivanovna

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9. HISTORY OF THE APPEARANCE AND APPLICATION OF MINERAL FERTILIZERS More than 150 years ago, the German chemist Justus Liebig made the discovery that plants can be grown on neutral soil, devoid of humus and organic matter, feeding them with solutions chemical elements, totality

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Composition of mineral fertilizers In books and reference books, the content of phosphorus and potassium is usually given in the form of oxides P2O5 and K2O. Since you and I are not interested in the content of oxides in fertilizers, but pure elements, for the convenience of readers, in the table below

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Fertilizer application If the soil is poor in humus, then organic fertilizer - manure - is applied under the planting at the rate of 4 - 6 kg per 1 m2. Acidic soils are limed. Heavy, dense, clayey soils with poor water and air permeability, poor in nutrients, need

From the author's book

Application of mineral fertilizers The effectiveness of mineral fertilizers can only be achieved under conditions of land irrigation and high technology cultivation of crops. In crop rotation, mineral fertilizers should be applied according to a specific fertilization system. This

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Application of lime fertilizers The effectiveness of lime fertilizers applied to the soil is determined by the fineness of their grinding. Very finely ground (dusty) lime materials quickly react after being applied to the soil. Therefore, the process of neutralizing acidity and

From the author's book

Fertilizer application in greenhouses Since plants extract various types from the soil for their growth and development chemicals, annually with each harvest of garden crops, from 5 to 35 g of nitrogen, 2–12 g of phosphorus and 8–50 g of potassium are removed from 1 m2 of garden area. In greenhouses, where

It is difficult to imagine that 30 years ago the plants in the garden grew on their own, practically without fertilizers, and the work of the gardener consisted more in the correct garter, pruning and timely watering of the garden.

Today, with the advent and conquest of the market for seeds of plants with increased fruiting, we have received a type of gardening that is not possible without constantly improving the nutritional qualities of the soil and treating plants against diseases. Knowledge fertilizer storage requirements has become a must for every gardener.

The main condition for storage of mineral fertilizers is a well-ventilated, draft-free room, dry and preferably separate from living quarters. At storage of mineral fertilizers It is unacceptable to get them wet with water. As a result, they lose their quality and nutritional value.

All types of nitrate (ammonium, potassium, calcium) must be stored with extreme caution, as it is explosive and can detonate from physical impact. Potassium nitrate is especially dangerous. It is unacceptable for fabric or cellulose inclusions to get into ammonium or potassium nitrate, as they become very explosive over time.

Modern fertilizers, which are produced in the form of granules for ease of use, have very high hygroscopicity. They draw moisture from the air, get wet, and the quality and type of fertilizer changes. They become inconvenient and often useless to use.

At fertilizer storage they must not be mixed. With such interaction with each other, they can form toxic or useless substances.

The caking of mineral fertilizers also causes a lot of trouble during their storage. Even with normal humidity, they can compact over the winter to the state of a monolith. Then you can dry them well, grind them and sift through a sieve, adding up to 10% chalk or 5% chalk to them. Then the fertilizer can be used again for its intended purpose.

How to store organic fertilizers

Storage of organic fertilizers has its own characteristics. Among them one can distinguish fertilizers based on humate.

When ripened (which is about a year) and further stored, manure and compost have a very specific smell. Therefore, they must be kept as far as possible from living quarters, possibly in the open air. During the autumn-winter season, excessive flooding by precipitation should not be allowed; water washes out useful substances. And in the summer, if the ripening period of compost or manure is not completed, they should not be allowed to dry out.

Humate is sold in tightly closed containers and bags and is no different from mineral fertilizers in terms of storage method.

Fertilizer shelf life

The guaranteed shelf life of mineral fertilizers is indicated on the packaging and, depending on the manufacturer, it is from 1 to 3 years. But many people use old saltpeter from 5-10 years ago and believe that it works the same as new one. But, nevertheless, I do not recommend using complex compositions of fertilizers in granules after the expiration of the shelf life.

Shelf life of organic fertilizers in raw form no more than 9 months. Specially dried and packaged manure, compost or peat can last for any number of years and retain its properties. The factory packaging of organic fertilizers has holes for ventilation.

Igor Serba, member of the editorial board, correspondent of the online publication "AtmAgro. Agro-Industrial Bulletin"

Fertilizer storage is one of the most important stages of agricultural activity. A good and high-quality harvest depends not only on the composition of the fertilizer, but also on its storage. There are certain requirements for the storage of fertilizers, by observing which you can ensure the continuation of their shelf life and quality.

There are two types of fertilizers: mineral and organic. Organic matter includes manure, compost, ash, etc. Their storage is not as complicated as that of mineral ones; for example, ash is stored in a well-closed container in a cool and dry place, compost in a compost pit, and manure in a heap outside or on the site. But the storage of mineral fertilizers requires special conditions. If these rules are not followed, a number of undesirable reactions occur in fertilizers:

  • caking - the fertilizer clumps into one heap, which is then difficult to crush;
  • loss of potency - the fertilizer loses its nutritional properties and beneficial elements;
  • hygroscopicity - absorption of moisture from the room by fertilizers.

The rules for storing mineral fertilizers are simple. First of all, they must be stored in a non-residential area, it must be dry and have good ventilation. The building must have compartments and shelving separated from each other. Fertilizers can be stored in sealed metal containers that do not rust. The floor of the room must be covered with some kind of flooring, or a special platform must be made for the fertilizers that will stand on the floor. To avoid fertilizer sticking or getting wet, the humidity of the fertilizer storage room should not exceed 40%. Wetting a substance such as ammonium nitrate leads to detonation of the product. Therefore, ventilation or a device for dehumidifying the air in the room is simply necessary.

There are also complex fertilizers (which contain several elements - copper, zinc, boron, etc.), for such fertilizers a separate shelf is important.

Sodium and ammonium nitrate are flammable and explosive, so they are stored separately and in a cool, dry place. Also, do not contaminate them with fabric or paper from the packaging to prevent a fire.

Nitrogen fertilizers are the most picky about moisture, so you need to try to ensure that there is always an acceptable level of humidity in the room, otherwise, by absorbing moisture, nitrogen fertilizers lose their beneficial properties.

The most unpretentious are superphosphates. They can be stored even in excess humidity.

The shelf life of fertilizers is practically unlimited, but in order to prevent them from caking and deteriorating from moisture, they should be stored at home for 2-3 years.

Let's summarize how to properly store fertilizers. Firstly, this is a separate room. Secondly - separate shelves and racks for different types fertilizers Thirdly - ventilation. Fourthly, the air humidity is not higher than 40% and the room temperature is +25 +27 degrees.