And here is a quote from Edgar Allan Poe, which is given accordingly. Wikipedia article: We have work before us that requires speedy completion. We know that delaying it is disastrous. We hear a trumpet call: the most important, turning point event of our entire life calls us to immediate, energetic activity. We are burning, consumed with impatience, we are eager to get down to work - the anticipation of its glorious outcome inflames our soul. The work must be, will be done today, and yet we put it off until tomorrow; why? There is no answer, except that we feel the desire to act contrary, without understanding why. Tomorrow comes, and with it an even more impatient desire to fulfill one’s duty, but as impatience grows, there also comes a nameless, downright terrifying - because incomprehensible - desire to procrastinate. This desire intensifies as the moments fly by. Close last hour. We shudder from the violence of the struggle taking place within us, the struggle between the definite and the indefinite, between matter and shadow. But if combat has gone this far, then the shadow wins, and we fight in vain. The clock is striking and this is the death knell for our well-being. At the same time, this is the crow of a cock for the ghost that has taken possession of us. He disappears - he is gone - we are free. Now we are ready to work. Alas, it's too late!

Procrastination is putting it off “for later” unpleasant business But here it’s completely different, it’s necessary and interesting he can’t do anything for him.. You know how a child suddenly refuses to eat his favorite porridge. Maybe he got carried away with something else, maybe he’s just full, maybe he’s a little unwell or it’s uncomfortable to sit. Or he simply ate too much of this porridge and outgrew it and wants herring and onions. Another mother goes crazy, “for mom, for dad, for grandma,” she thinks that the child is capricious. Now imagine that an adult is capricious - and not with food, but with business. And not for my mother, but for myself.

Working under a contract without obtaining a work book: disadvantages and some nuances

Sometimes a person gets a job, but at the same time he does not need to register in work book. True, this rarely happens on the initiative of the person himself. In most cases, such an offer comes from the direct employer. And here a lot of questions arise, what is the difference between such employment, what are the pros and cons.

  1. Unpaid vacation. None civil contract no vacation pay clause
  2. The employer makes contributions only to pension fund and to the compulsory health insurance fund
  3. The contract is concluded for a certain period, that is, after its expiration, the employer has the right to terminate the relationship
  4. It is possible to terminate the contract ahead of schedule, while the employer is not obliged to notify the person two months in advance, as would be the case if there was an entry in the work book
  5. There are no additional payments, such as the thirteenth salary, quarterly bonus, monthly incentives, etc.
  6. No sick leave payment
  7. In the event that a woman becomes pregnant and goes into maternity leave, then the employer is not obliged to pay her benefits. A woman will have to go to the social welfare departments and receive a minimum amount
  8. The employer has no liability to the employee in the event that work injury. He is not required to pay sick leave
  9. If an employee violates the deadline for completing the work entrusted to him or does not perform it as well as the employer required, then the company administration may impose a fine on him.

How to find a good job - a detailed guide for those who want to get their dream job

The most relevant method today. There are dozens of sites on the Internet that daily update lists of hundreds of vacancies in all possible areas of work activity. Proper use of online portals will allow you to find a job quickly and for free.

  • is a popular portal for job seekers and employers. The site’s very simple interface will allow you to easily post your resume and just wait for employers to call you. Registration and writing a resume on the site will take no more than 20 minutes.
  • Headhunter( - this convenient, functional and up-to-date site operates in every city, has hundreds of thousands of vacancies listed (depending, of course, on the population) and several million resumes from applicants from all over Russia;
  • Indeed( is an equally popular portal designed for an audience of job seekers of all ages and specialties. Its convenience is that it collects data on a given vacancy from various Internet portals. The developers have also made a convenient mobile application.
  • Avito( – all-Russian website free ads, where, among others, there are sections for searching for work in the city of your residence: “vacancies” and “service offers”;
  • "Yandex Work"( A special job search service from Yandex, the most popular search engine in RuNet.
  • a well-known specialized site.

How to get a job at school

  1. Monitoring the availability of notebooks for students.
  2. Checking notebooks.
  3. Monitoring compliance with order.
  4. Submitting grades to the class journal.
  5. Teaching a subject in your specialty (lesson teaching).
  6. The ability to find an individual approach to each student.
  7. Drawing up calendar plans.
  8. Drawing up reports.
  9. Preparing a visual aid for the lesson.
  10. Participation in a meeting of the pedagogical council.
  11. Conducting parent meetings.
  12. Conducting educational work.
  13. Organization of extracurricular activities.
  1. Small salary.
  2. The profession is associated with nervous tension. Because of this, teachers often have health problems.
  3. Strict dress code. The teacher is an example for students to follow. Therefore, the teacher is forced to dress strictly and in a business style for work.

Is it possible to work and be an individual entrepreneur at the same time?

According to the law, an individual entrepreneur is obliged to pay for himself insurance premiums throughout the entire time he is an entrepreneur, with the exception of grace periods of non-payment. Such periods include time periods when a person is unable to carry on commercial activities, because he serves in the army, takes care of a child under one and a half years old, a person over 80 years old, or a disabled person. Also, beneficiaries may be individual entrepreneurs' spouses of diplomatic workers or contract military personnel who are unable to get a job for five years. In other situations, insurance premiums are required to be paid; even individual entrepreneurs do this. If payments to funds seriously complicate financial situation It probably makes sense to initiate the procedure for deregistering individual entrepreneurs from tax registration.

In 2019, an individual entrepreneur pays 32,385 rubles for himself. minimum insurance premiums. If income is above 300,000 rubles, then an additional 1% is charged above this limit (for example, with an income of 500,000 rubles per year, an additional 2,000 rubles in contributions must be paid). If an individual entrepreneur has employees, he also pays into the funds for them - in general, the amounts are calculated at 30% of payments for employment contracts(with some exceptions).

A person who gets a job is called

The name of the profession comes from the Old Russian word tamga (seal, tax, duty), which in turn has Turkic roots. Note that in Ancient Rus' the customs was called mytney (from the word myt - the name of the payment collected by local princes). Story customs officer profession originates in ancient times, when the first foreign economic relations between states arose. It was then that the need arose to control goods and people crossing borders. This is what the very first customs officers did, and their activities have remained virtually unchanged since that time.

Undoubtedly advantage of being a customs officer can also be called demand. As customs continues to expand as a result of increased trade volumes and the number of people crossing the border, young professionals will find it easy to find employment.

A person who is looking for a job is called

Yesterday my treasure turned 2 years old. Well, let's sum it up! Weight: 14 kg, height 90 cm. 16 teeth included. Guests came to us to congratulate Nikitushka on the holiday, give gifts, and he was sincerely surprised by the gifts and rejoiced at the guests. Very often his enthusiastic words were heard: “Children! Children!” To Nikita Over the last month, the kids on the playground have begun to show interest. Until this time, he was indifferent to the children, but now when we approach the playground, he shouts: “Children!” While playing on the playground, he looks into the children's faces and sometimes tries to hug them. In general, he wants to.

Now we are receiving calls from parents and heads of kindergartens - everyone is preparing for New Year's matinees, decide - photography or videography? How much does it cost and what will happen. I’ll tell you a little about how to choose a good videographer for any (in principle) children's event Photographing or videotaping is up to the parents to decide. It’s more common to order a photo. It costs more, but the result is beautiful pictures as a keepsake. It’s hard to disagree with the value of this. Video recording conveys more emotions - preparation for a performance, excitement, joy, emotions. The film reflects the atmosphere of celebration and movement.

What are people called who hate people?

Every day we meet dozens of people with different characters, problems, phobias and lifestyles. Among them, there is at least one percent with a serious personality disorder and forms of individualism. People who hate people are of the greatest interest. Today this issue is especially relevant, because any such deviation from the accepted norm can be harmless and dangerous. Each of these disorders in science is given specific definitions, signs of manifestation and causes are described. So what are people called who don't like people? Let's try to figure it out.

“The more I get to know people, the more I like dogs,” the famous misanthrope Schopenhauer once wrote. But not all misanthropes love animals. What do you call people who don't like people but love animals? The definition of “animal lover” is usually used here. Such people have a dozen cats, dogs or other pets at home. These are dedicated volunteers who protect the rights and lives of animals. But no matter how strong their love for the animal world is, they try to avoid the company of people. Moreover, they feel hostility.

Everything about working in Ukraine

There are often cases when applicants try to present themselves as better light, talk about non-existent achievements and merits, embellish their professional level, your knowledge and experience. Why does this happen? For example, a person really needs a job due to current circumstances, or he has simply dreamed of such a position for a long time. It seems to him that a little “embellishment” will not hurt, but will only increase the chances of successfully passing the interview. Under no circumstances take such a step! The deception will definitely be revealed. You will lose the employer’s trust forever, and with it the opportunity to fill the desired vacancy.

Lack of punctuality is one of the most unpleasant qualities of a job seeker, causing antipathy in the recruiter (as well as in any punctual person). It’s bad to be late for a meeting, but even worse is not even calling back and not notifying you of your lateness. Moreover, there are often cases when applicants not only do not show up at the appointed time and do not call back, but they also do not answer calls.

What is the name of a person who raises cows?

A19. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Russia is a legal state. Which of the following factors does not correspond to this definition: 1. the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation to recognize as unconstitutional the resolution of the head of the administration of a constituent entity of the federation and its repeal 2. the initiation of a criminal case for non-payment of taxes against the Minister of Economy 3. registration to participate in the parliamentary elections of the 22nd political parties 4. arrest of a public figure who criticized the economic policy of the state

A14. A self-organizing system of naturally developing social relations between individuals, where everyone acts not as a subject of the state, but as a private person with his own special life goals, is called: 1. civil society 2. rule of law 3. political system 4. political institutions

25 Jul 2018 823

Such an unnoticed but fundamental position for every organization - what is the name of a recruiter? What are his responsibilities and how is the profession developing in modern realities? What is the name of the person who looks for employees for the company and is it always one person? Interesting nuances and moments of working in this industry.

The profession of a person who selects staff and looks for new employees when dismissing old ones is called - recruiter . Previously, the position had a different name - personnel officer, HR administrator .

By the way, there is another name applied to a person performing such duties - HR specialist (human resources). human resources). However, this position includes not only the responsibility of searching for new personnel. More on this below.

What are the responsibilities of a recruiter and HR specialist?

The job responsibilities of a recruiter working for one company “five days a week” are limited to a small set of:

  • searching for new candidates according to the necessary criteria for the vacant position;
  • maintaining documentation: registration/dismissal of personnel, maintaining work books;
  • drawing up and monitoring employee vacation plans, interchangeability;
  • collecting data about employees and their specialized education.

Young organizations with a small staff rarely hire a full-time recruiter or HR person. To reduce costs, turn to a recruiting agency to find specialists.

By the way, such a personnel selection policy not only saves the organization money, but also significantly improves the quality of personnel selection. The recruitment agency has well-functioning, proven over the years, mechanisms for finding the “right person”.

Money relationships develop in a simple way: the agency selects a personnel, who, after a final interview with the director, is employed by the company. After working out probationary period, the agency receives a fee.

HR specialist – search for personnel selection and...

Fortunately, modern companies, inspired by the successful development strategies of their Western colleagues, are increasingly abandoning the “flat” HR manager or typical recruiter. They are being replaced by HR (human resources) managers, who combine several positions: personnel officer, psychologist, coach, motivator.

Unlike the usual “search-employment” strategy, HR specialists lead permanent job with personnel, conducting various trainings, motivational courses and seminars on personal growth and development within the company.

By the way, such a specialist takes a much broader view of applicants. They are judged not only by points earned: education received, work experience recorded, etc. And above all, in terms of communication and knowledge “here and now”.

Such a policy, strategy for recruiting and developing personnel in companies leads to lightning success. Each employee is motivated, has a chance to develop within the company, and constantly works with a coach, preventing their potential from fading away.

Do you know what the recruiter in your company is called? Pay attention to this person, because if not everything, then a lot depends on him.

During daylight hours, do you constantly want to sleep, does intense brain activity occur only after dusk? What do you call a person who likes to work at night? What do you call an individual who is awake at night and sleeps during the day? Why does this happen and what are the consequences for the body? All the subtleties of the phenomenon: the reasons for its occurrence, the pros and cons of such a habit.

A person who is most active at night and sleeps during the day is called a nyctophile. This noun was formed from the name of the phenomenon itself. Nyctophilia is a conscious desire to stay awake at night, based on some psychological reason or illness. Moreover, the nycphile will be sure that it is in dark time day, his brain works more productively, his performance increases.

It is worth noting that the popular belief that a person who likes to stay awake at night is called a “night owl” does not work here. The thing is that “night owl” is just a person’s chronotype, indicating that a person prefers to go to bed late and wake up a few hours before noon. We are talking about situations where the daily routine is changed by 180 degrees. Day is night, night is day.

I like to work at night - is it harmful?

There is no clear answer to this question.

On the one hand, for a person whose brain activity begins at night and gives good results, it will bring only advantages. On the other hand, with constant nyctophilia syndrome, many metabolic processes naturally inherent in the body are disrupted.

We have noticed that people who work exclusively at night at will(not to mention shift work, etc.), somewhat weaker and more emotional than those same “white collar” workers who leave for work at 7 in the morning? The thing is that long working hours reduce the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep.

Systemic disruption of necessary night sleep breaks the balance of natural regeneration of all internal organs, increasing the chances of their rapid deterioration. Subsequently, the nervous system comes into play, emotional excitability increases, and inexplicable outbursts of aggression appear.

Causes of performance at night

There are several reasons for the desire to reverse day and night. After reading, you will understand for yourself how harmful night work is for you. Just ask yourself the question, why don’t I sleep at night?

  • Own choice, habit, inability to control oneself

The most common occurrence: you stayed up late, woke up around lunchtime - you can’t fall asleep that day. Having “scrolled” around this circle several times, day and night change places. It is possible to get out of this closed chain through an effort of will - go to bed earlier, get up early, despite the desire to sleep.

  • Disturbance from a physical point of view, insufficient production of the “sleep hormone” melatonin

This problem can be solved with the help of harmless tablets - melatonin - the sleep hormone. Of course, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.

  • Psychological disorder – fear of people, large crowds of people

The most terrible and neglected form of “confusing” day and night. Caused by a dislike of being in a crowd, and as a consequence - being among people in general. Nyctophiles at this stage are extremely successful in their night work, however, they lose their communication skills with people. With such disorders, the help of specialists is necessary.

More than current question especially for people living in the post-Soviet space: free medicine, free education... People were accustomed to freebies, it became part of the national mentality.

Remember once and for all: what is free is always bad. There are no exceptions to this rule. Free healthcare = no medicine. This rule works for any sphere, any field of activity.

  1. Freebie lovers. There is no need to look for such people - they are everywhere, waiting for the stupid and naive, ready to waste their time and energy.
  2. People who like to work for free. This applies primarily to young/inexperienced specialists who do not value their work at all.

The first are incorrigible in their stupidity. Whether it's free or cheap, they expect a quality product. This happens extremely rarely. The latter simply have not yet come to the realization that work that does not imply adequate payment will not only bring no benefit to anyone, but can only bring negativity.

And yet, what will be discussed below is written more for performers than for consumers of services, at the same time, for a certain category of specialties. This applies to the greatest extent to freelancers (remote workers: designers, programmers, webmasters, etc.). After all, a taxi driver is unlikely to let you into his car after offering to give you a ride, but many take a request to draw a logo “for free” or create a website addressed to a friend as something taken for granted.

In addition to freelancers, the article will also be useful to other private traders, for example, hairdressers or manicurists working from home. Surely, if you don’t know how to say “no,” among your regular clients there are many girlfriends whom you cut their hair for free, right?

So, why you can’t work for free:

1. Zero value

The more you have to pay for something, the more you will value it. Studying at a university, the money for which was not given to you by your parents, but you earned it yourself - you will get the most out of your studies, believe me. A pirated video course downloaded onto a ball from the Internet... quite possibly you won’t even open it.

What you get for free is not valued! You have created a website for charitable foundation, of course, without taking money for it. But now he is ready, and it turns out that no one needs him. Its new owner does not want to deal with it. A year passes, the domain is not renewed - your work disappears into oblivion. Was there any point in wasting your resources on this?

2. Result that did not live up to expectations

Where does work on a commercial project begin? That's right, with terms of referencedetailed description what is expected to be the output. The result of the work is predictable. But has anyone ever bothered with drawing up a brief for a project for which there is no need to pay, for which the performer will not receive money? As a rule, the customer (a lover of freebies values ​​his time, unlike you) prefers not to even think about it, but to put everything on the shoulders of the performer.

Due to the lack of technical specifications, there is a very high probability that end result will not coincide with the expectations of the “client”, as a result: you will either have to redo everything, which is an additional waste of personal time, or the work will suffer the fate of the one that was written about in the previous paragraph - it will sink into oblivion.

3. No deadlines and low priority

Characteristic for free projects. Hardly anyone, along with a request to do something for free, will insist on any deadlines. Rather, the request will sound like this: “Do it when you have time.” But besides this task, there are others that bring money, but you need to live for something. Such projects will always be a priority, while a “free order” will clutter up the already confusing and stuffed to the brim “To Do List”, pursue until it is done, or, having gained courage, the performer will decide from it refuse. Fulfilling a promise would mean wasting time, which can be exchanged for money, and not for some illusion of benefit. Not keeping a promise is a minus in your relationship, resentment, because they were counting on you.

4. Low quality

Has everyone seen this picture?

There is no quality for free. Quality requires incentive. Money is a good incentive. Quality takes time, but no one wants to spend a lot of time on something that will not be paid for, as a result - the output is the intersection of “free” and “fast”, which gives a “trash” result. No customer needs this. The performer doesn’t need one, because he won’t get absolutely anything for trash: he won’t be able to put it in his portfolio, he won’t become famous throughout the world for this project, and he won’t even receive gratitude.

5. Nerves and self-flagellation

From the moment you make a promise to do something for someone for free, nothing good can be expected. Here, in essence, there are 2 options for the development of events:

  1. You will begin to avoid meetings, calls, conversations, correspondence with the one you promised, because you still have not done what you signed up for. You will feel awkward because you have to “freeze”;
  2. You intend to keep your promise. But if this job isn't 30 minutes long, but at least takes up a day of your time, you'll hate yourself for taking it on, constantly wondering, “Why am I doing this? Why do I need this?

It's all about harmony, balance, the law of conservation of energy. When you give something, it is customary to receive something. Giving something, but not receiving anything in return, thereby disturbs the balance in the universe - all this results in your already frayed nerves.

6. Broken relationship

Remember folk wisdom“If you want to lose a friend, borrow money.” Fair. You can't argue with that. But another thing is equally true: “if you want to ruin your relationship with a person, do something for him for free.”

Do you think that since you don't charge money for your work, you will be treated differently? You will be asked no less than in the case of a commercial project. At the same time, if you are lucky enough to come across an eternally dissatisfied person, know that his dissatisfaction extends to everything, your work is no exception, even though it is free. You will either do the project well, which, firstly, is unlikely, and secondly, will take up your time and will bring absolutely nothing in return, or you will do the job poorly or not do it at all (which is likely) - in which case, you will simply ruin your relationship.

7. The risk of getting bogged down in unpaid work

As a rule, novice specialists agree to work “for free” in the hope of expanding their portfolio (or because of the inability to say “no”) in order to take money for all the next ones.

This is a mistake. The likelihood is that for your next project you will not take money to strive for the absolute value. You are at great risk of getting bogged down in work generously provided to you by freeloaders of all stripes. It’s not easy to get out of this - it’s better not to even get involved.

But since you don’t already have a portfolio, you can supplement it by doing something of your own. Moreover, it is unlikely that you will be able to create something truly worthwhile working for free.

8. Lack of progress

A person develops in his skills only when he takes on something new for himself, something that he does not know how to do, taking on complex and big projects. A project for which you are not paid money is, as a rule, not difficult, does not take too much time (otherwise you simply will not take on it), and at the same time, you do not set too much for yourself high requirements in terms of quality. You will not learn anything new, there can be no talk of any development.

9. Market and colleagues

Rest assured, your colleagues hate you, because you are doing the worst thing you can think of for the market. By doing work for free you:

  1. Firstly, you discredit all specialists in your field of activity. This has a worse effect on the market than dumping.
  2. You litter the Internet with slag, making a low-quality product, thereby polluting the brains of potential customers.

How to avoid falling into the trap of working for free?

The tips below will help you make the only right decision at the moment when the thought “shouldn’t I do something for free?” creeps into your bright head?

  1. Never promise anything to anyone while in a good mood. IN good mood It’s very easy to do something stupid - you are kind and generous and easily throw promises left and right. The maximum you can promise is “I’ll think about it,” wait until someone ruins your mood - say “no.”
  2. In the previous paragraph, the main thing is not to make the mistake of saying “I’ll do/try when I have time.” free time" Your opponent will take this as an agreement/promise.
  3. You should definitely learn to say “no.” This is a very useful skill that will help you out more than once in life. Take every opportunity to practice saying “no.” It is better to refuse immediately than to regret the promise later or, even worse, not to fulfill it.
  4. You should not hope that you will “arrive” from the work that you agreed to do for free. Nobody will pay you later. Even if your friend earns a million from his startup thanks to your work, he will not remember you, rest assured.
  5. Forget about test assignments when applying for a job. There was a case when a certain smart lover of freebies made a good business on gullible performers. In response to a job vacancy with a good wages, followed by a request to fulfill test task(design). The jobs sent by applicants were sent to the company's clients, for which the latter paid money.

Who are self-employed citizens?

A self-employed person is a person who does not employ anyone and is not employed by anyone. As a rule, this is episodic, seasonal, situational employment. There are not many such people. Those freelancers who work more often remotely are still employed, since they have a contract with some company. The classic self-employed person is a tutor, a nanny for a child, that is, specialists who provide services to individuals.

How to count such people? Can people who provide their livelihood only in this way be called self-employed? And if a person works, earns a little, and in the evening works as a taxi driver, is he considered self-employed?

The self-employed are those to whom the state simply left no choice in registration. Today, entrepreneurship exists in only two forms: you register as a legal entity or as an individual entrepreneur. The latter means that you must have a cash register and pay the appropriate tax. People who do entrepreneurial activity fragmentary and in small volumes, not stupid enough to register themselves as an individual entrepreneur. There are no other alternative forms of legalization in Russia.

Legal status as self-employed is not possible for us. There are discussions going on. It is proposed, for example, to distinguish the self-employed as a subtype within individual entrepreneurs and make some concessions for them. For example, tax holidays for a certain time, lack of a cash register. Another alternative view is that self-employed people should have a separate legal status. There are individual entrepreneurs, there are legal entities, and there will also be self-employed people who work under acquired patents or licenses. But this is just talk. True, from January 1 it is proposed to introduce a rule according to which three categories of self-employed people - governesses, nannies and tutors - will be allowed to come to the tax authority and register themselves as self-employed and register. They are promised full tax benefits and holidays for two years; they will not pay anything. The state offered to simply register in this capacity.

Do you know how many people came? Two. Because people understand perfectly well: okay, well, they’ll register, but what will it give? Will they have additional channels for obtaining loans? Or will the state provide them with legal assistance? No, they will register, and the state promises that it will not bite them for this for two years. What will happen in the third year? Why is this necessary? For example, if a person is engaged in tutoring, he will live perfectly well without it. And the state now says: “You are a criminal.” In other words, any tutor, taxi driver, or nanny in our country is formally engaged in illegal business activities. And now deputies propose to punish for this. At the same time, note that these people provide for their families. They then use this money to educate their children in conditions of reduced budget places in universities and receive treatment with this money in conditions of the collapse of state medicine.

Why are they not registered as individual entrepreneurs? It is assumed that an individual entrepreneur has the right to hire people, which a self-employed person does not have the right to do. It turns out that the nature of income is different. The individual entrepreneur lives, roughly speaking, in the Marxian scheme - on the exploitation of hired labor. Two people sewing bathrobes under supervision individual entrepreneur, he will pay them money and take the surplus value for himself. The self-employed exploits himself. Why haven’t they introduced the category of self-employed yet? It seems to me that deputies understand that if they introduce this category, then, on the one hand, some people will be legalized in this status, but on the other hand, some individual entrepreneurs will begin to mimic self-employment. I hire two people, but no one will control this, and I will say that I sew all the dressing gowns myself. This will give me the opportunity not to pay taxes as a businessman, but to pay as a person who lives by his own labor. I have a different form of taxation. I shouldn't have cash registers. I am not subject to the checks that the state imposes on businesses. Small businesses will begin to mimic self-employment. Therefore, deputies are very cautious and do not know what to do about it. On the one hand, they will receive legalization for one category of the population. On the other hand, there is a counter wave of shadowization of other forms of entrepreneurship.

How many self-employed people are there in Russia?

There are surveys called “Population Surveys on Employment Problems” (EPS). They are conducted by Rosstat. There is a question “Where do you work?” with the following answer options: at enterprises, in organizations, at farming, on on an individual basis. The author of the initiative, Valery Ryazansky, says that there are 14 million self-employed people in Russia, but this is not true.

In the 90s there was a situation of general collapse, when all businesses stopped, and virtually everyone was self-employed in one form or another. For example, who is a racketeer? A person “grasses” a kiosk and in this sense is considered self-employed. All shuttle workers were self-employed. If we take the 2000s already during the period of growth of the Russian economy, then experts say that one of the biggest mysteries Russian market labor is that despite the obvious economic growth in the 2000s, employment in the informal sector did not decline. And this is nonsense from the point of view of global trends: when the economy grows, it is the formal sector of the economy that begins to swell. People who work in enterprises and organizations begin to dominate numerically. Our economy was growing, but at the same time the informal employment sector was growing. It's not just the self-employed. These are people employed, including in employment by entrepreneurs without the formation of legal entities, working on farms, and in employment by individuals. This is all called “employment in the informal sector of the economy.” There are around 10 million of them, only a portion of them are self-employed.

Why is the state concerned with the problem of self-employment?

The budget now has clear requests for fiscal replenishment. At the same time, the deputies do not have the courage to bite those at the top, they understand that they will not share the money with them. It is impossible to cut any wool from the poor, who are starving and dying. What remains is this group of people who are doing something else, standing on their feet, and they still have some money. Let's try to milk them! Moreover, there is an excellent legal opportunity - this is illegal work activity. But it is illegal because these people have no options: they do not want to pay taxes on their very modest income. Moreover, if they are offered the legal status of self-employed, they will have to take out a license for a certain period, for example, a year. What if they don’t study for a year? What if a self-employed person tutors only during the holidays?

They hope to get at least something from these people, and they are simply imitating activities to restore order in the country. There will definitely be no fiscal benefit here, because to obtain it, you need to establish a system of control, accounting for these people, monitoring the activities of controllers. The administrative costs associated with implementing this law will cost big money, it is not a fact that they will be less than the resulting benefit for the state.

You see, this is all muddled up at the top - by the feds, deputies of the State Duma. They do not understand well what is happening in the country. They understand that statistics lie, but they do not understand in which direction. When Golodets says that she doesn’t know where 7 million Russians work and what they live on, I believe her. She doesn't know for sure. But the point is that at the level municipalities local authorities know very well how the population lives. And these are the resources operational management territory, and they do not share this knowledge with higher management. They know for sure that there are no unemployed in their region. That all the women sit in their houses and knit scarves from goat fluff. Where does the fluff come from, where do the scarves go? This shadow economy. But people live off of this. And they don’t share this knowledge. If you want, consider them unemployed, or if you want, consider them self-employed.

These deputies do not understand that due to such shadowing of the employment structure we get another major advantage - a very adaptable and sustainable economic system. We were actually cut off from the world financial market. Another economy would have already been torn to shreds. Ours didn’t even move; it was organized completely differently. And I think a monument should be erected to these people: they do not harm anyone and, gritting their teeth, provide for their families, save for the education of their children, and support their elderly. Let's make them pay taxes! But then let’s pay their parents normal pensions too! After all, instead of paying taxes, they give this money to their own parents, compensating for the insignificance of pensions. You can collect taxes from everything that moves, even tax cockroaches. But taxes are payment for services provided by the government. What services does it provide now? Half of our State Duma deputies are people for whom no one has ever voted. They were not on the party lists that were offered to voters. Party lists are always headed by popular people, the so-called “locomotives”. For some reason, Vladimir Mashkov topped the United Russia list in the Kemerovo region. People voted for a wonderful actor. As a result, he refused to take the mandate. Who took the mandate? Some Khlyupin, for whom people did not vote. And now he sits as a deputy and rules Russia. Let them donate their salaries to the budget and try to patch it up.

It is obvious that these are people with very low incomes who simply provide for their families. And the nature of this income is not an investment, not a rental component, it is simply the labor of these people. And now they say that they will not be released abroad. You might think they only vacation in the Seychelles. The maximum will reach Turkey or Bulgaria.

Licenses are not issued without an individual entrepreneur, they just fundamentally need people to pay taxes, so they came up with not leaving as a punishment. As an individual entrepreneur, you also don’t have to hire anyone, depending on the specialty, but you are required to pay taxes, in any case, if there is movement on the account. It’s just a principle of our state to introduce its watchful eye everywhere. Otherwise, suddenly the slaves will go to other countries.)


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Yura, in the USA, for example, each person pays his taxes himself. By a certain date each year, you must submit a tax return, where you indicate your income, benefits, tax deductions etc., on the basis of which the amount of taxes is calculated.

If you work for a company, the accounting department can (optionally) automatically pay taxes on your salary for you. Then, when filing a declaration, you indicate how much taxes have already been paid, and you only pay the difference (or vice versa, you receive a tax refund).

Declarations and related documents are checked by the tax office (IRS), suspicious and just some random ones are audited by inspectors in more detail. If the inspector discovers that you cheated, you go to court.



Self-employed (from English self-employed) is a person who works for himself. In the West, this self-employed person almost always pays taxes to the state.

In Russia, a substitution of concepts has occurred. Only those who work for themselves but do not pay taxes are called self-employed. Those who report to the state are considered individual entrepreneurs without employees and holders of patents for different types activities. For many activities, such as tutoring or performing repair work, Now not needed cash register. Cash can be accepted by receipt or receipt order. For many activities even no stamp needed.

Now they are afraid that these self-employed people, those who do not share with the state, will no longer be allowed to go abroad. The self-employed tremble and curse the Motherland.

In the beautiful west, where we look closely from the bottom up, if you provide services and are engaged in small-scale production, and do not pay taxes, they will come to you and impose a fine. For starters. If you don't pay the fine, then they will come for you. In return, the state provides the population with medical care, good pensions, and benefits. In the countries we drool over, where they provide unemployment benefits and subsidies for rent, the state will charge you for every euro you receive. In France, income tax is about 30%, in Scandinavia 30-35%.

Our state is not going to do this, even if all Russian self-employed people pay taxes according to the law. But by paying taxes, we will gain the right to demand social benefits from the state. Now we won't do this anymore. A closed, vicious circle. To break it, more than one generation must be born and die.

In fact, the situation of self-employed Russians today is more favorable than in democratic countries. You cannot bake cakes and pies in your home in Israel and post them on Instagram. Having smelled the smell, the neighbors will tell you where to go, and you will find out how much it will cost you. In addition to taxes, you also have to pay for a license issued by an analogue of the sanitary station service. For many jobs, for example, teacher, guide, sports instructor, you still need to obtain a license. And before that, study for your own money. In Germany, up to a certain income, you do not have to declare this to the state, but you are required to pay health insurance - and this is 150-200 euros per month. Only officially registered unemployed people on the stock exchange do not pay. And state pensions there are not that big. Those German pensioners whom we see on Red Square have been saving money for these trips for themselves all their lives. If you rent an apartment from our brothers in Belarus, your neighbors will immediately inform the authorities. Pay the tax or don't. In this country, you can’t just hold some master class on clay modeling if you’re not an individual entrepreneur. The reasons must be provided to the state. All these measures, however, turned this country into a sleepy kingdom.